thelemonache |
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so yes you can kind of play pathfinder 1e with chatgpt and i spent several hours saving a village from goblins, raised their lair, built a magical farm, and even formed a guild with those I met along the way. but it has some flaws, like long term memory, confusing npcs sometimes, etc. i even asked it to run both kingmaker and rise of the runelords for me and to my surprise it started both games correctly! but then after meeting lady jamanji, it forgot what it was doing, switched am my npcs around, and sent me on an adventure to get artifacts from the mwangai Expanse.
so what's my point? my point is: Dear Paizo, i would give you infinity dollars to develop one of your modules with the chat gpt api to be played all the way through solo with chatgpt as both the GM and the other players. Infinity dollars. :)
and no, i dont want to replace my GM. humans are fonts of creativity and i love that irreplaceable experience, i just want something to causually play on my phone throughout the day to scratch the itch until game night :) plus intrigue and stealth missions are soooo much more fun when your not holding up the game session or having your stealth be irrelevant because of the half orc in full plate walking behind you.... :)
Have any of you had a good chatgpt game experience?

thelemonache |

there is a new ai that can hold 64k tokens at a time before forgetting, im going to experiment with feeding it like a one shot campaign that i made and see how well it does. it surprisingly knows a lot about the pathfinder 1e world. but yeah, I'm super exciting about the more fictional aspects of the technology. you can also have chatgpt make a battle grid made of numbers (like a ten by ten with 1-100) with a legend for which numbers corresponds to bad guys, obstacles and you, but it still forgets after its token limit is reached and just removed people from the board when they dont have a turn quick enough.

Phoebus Alexandros |
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It also makes tiny mistakes when making a character sheet, like attributing armor check penalty to bluff.
I like to think that this is an example of the growing, nascent logic of our future AI Overlords at play:
Gunther Darkblade wears full plate armor and approximates a western European man-at-arms. Full plate armor as described in the Core Rulebook is most comparable to 16th century panoplies. 16th century panoplies, especially those made for ranking nobles such as Gunther Darkblade, featured fully-enclosing helmets. Gunther Darkblade cannot reasonably bluff people as well with his face covered and head/neck movements restricted as he would with full range of motion and an uncovered face. Armor penalties will apply to Gunther Darkblade's Bluff check.

Azothath |
with the state of AI parroting things you can only play with yourself as the AI is just holding up a probabilistic response scraped from existing content. So looking in a carnival mirror does not mean you see intelligence.
If you just need a response then it's fine and really tells you more if your audience cares or is analyzing what is said. Most of the internet is recycled information anyway and has been for a long time.

Melkiador |

Playing with AI may seem impressive at first, but don't be fooled. The AI is simply regurgitating pre-existing content, offering predictable responses based on probability. It's like staring into a carnival mirror - while it may distort your reflection, it certainly doesn't reflect intelligence.
On some level yes, but that's really only an issue when you want originality instead of variations on a theme. I'm curious how that 64k token AI does with this. My free chat gpt account goes off script way too fast.

Seerow |
I've actually been experimenting with ChatGPT for aiding in running a game recently, and been pleasantly surprised.
No I do not want ChatGPT to run a game for me, or even design a whole adventure unaided.
But I was stuck trying to figure out a sidequest for one of my players, taking place on the elemental plane of air. I found very little official material here, so I asked chatGPT. It gave me a handful of adventure hooks to choose from. I went with one and asked it to describe the area. It gave me a name of a location, a description of it, and a series of challenges the players should face along the way.
I asked it for more details on those challenges, and it wound up coming up with like 5 brand new monsters on the spot, unique names that fit the theme and a short paragraph description. I asked it to generate statblocks, providing it the CR I was looking for, and it provided me with statblocks that were appropriate to the level and needed only minor tweaking (with the exception of the final encounter. That one needed a total rebuild, it overtuned by a lot and gave abilities like "Take a full attack against all creatures in reach as a swift action" to a gargantuan elemental lord with pretty scary full attack stats).
Overall I wound up with a serviceable adventure that required minor edits on 5 stat blocks, a rebuild of a major enemy, and left me with the biggest challenge of finding maps/tokens for roll20 to sort of match it.

Unbegreiflich |
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I managed to summon sumthing callin itself aza-toot using ChatGeneralSummonsBot... hard to tell with all that 12 tone flute music... he had some smooth dance moves though...

Niemand |

I am actually having MORE fun playing the GM and letting the chatbot be the player. If you prompt the AI with a proper character description and personality, you get some interesting responses.
that's the Turing Quest...

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I posit that an argument against AI because AI can't design creative adventures but just regurgitate previously published material in a chopped up or distorted way is a poor argument.
I argue that as much as 99% of published adventures-- and I LOVE published adventures! -- are exactly regurgitated material that's chopped up and distorted. Gygax didn't really do much that was novel. And I love his stuff anyway. Carl Sargent, Monte Cook, Chris Perkins, James Jacobs, Richard Pett, Greg Vaughan,... nothing really new. Nothing amazingly novel. But ALL really awesome, playable, fresh and fun at the gaming table.
An AI could do that. .... Personally, I want content written by gamers, NOT computers. But I still want to challenge the argument. .... I think AI is good for those who want to game but sadly can't get a group together.

DeathlessOne |

that's the Turing Quest...
Well, we are about to see how well it does.
After figuring out how to prompt it into creating its own character, I am running it through the Wrath of the Righteous campaign. It initially chose to create a half-elf celestial blooded sorcerer with a noble background (this was its own response after simply being prompted, I provided no guidance here). After guiding it through various available options, it was narrowed down to an Empyreal Sorcerer with a focus on Sarenrae as their patron deity. The character's name is Seraphina Nightbloom and she is Chaotic Good.
ChatGPT is a bit overly verbose (mostly the first and last paragraph in its responses, which I can usually safely ignore) but it helps keep it on track for each reply. I haven't seen how it responds in combat situations yet, but Im sure it can handle turn based responses fairly well.

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I owe the posters of this Thread a debt of gratitude.
I started a Chat GPT a couple hours ago and the AI created a PC (very rudimentary) with system of my creation and I was about to start its PC on a little adventure.
I am disappointed, though, that there is no way the website can "Save" our information so we can pick-up where we left off. The AI chose to make a Rogue and named it "Kaeran Thornblade" -- then prioritized Ability Scores values, chose a weapon based on "aesthetics" since I told it the mechanics would be the same, and even a 'theme' or 'style' of a couple spells it could have that I then created.
Unfortunately, with that out of the way, I want to go cook dinner and eat, respond to some emails and do a load of laundry before coming back to the AI -- not to mention check the PbP I'm in for new content. But I don't want to start over with the AI from scratch. We shall see what happens....
Also, I'd love to hear other folks' experiences!

DeathlessOne |
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I am disappointed, though, that there is no way the website can "Save" our information so we can pick-up where we left off. The AI chose to make a Rogue and named it "Kaeran Thornblade" -- then prioritized Ability Scores values, chose a weapon based on "aesthetics" since I told it the mechanics would be the same, and even a 'theme' or 'style' of a couple spells it could have that I then created.
That's ... odd. Each new conversation of ChatGPT has its own thread when I interact with it, so the chat history is saved between us. It might be that I have an account (not a paying one) but I don't know if you can access it without one.

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That's ... odd.
And it was written with only a few minutes of introduction from me playing with it.
Because of this Thread I tried it out. (Thanks again!) Twenty minutes in I was really thrilled. And it suddenly occurred to me that games last longer than, you know, twenty minutes. So in the middle of 'character creation'(?) I asked the AI what would happen if I left and came back the next day and the AI was like, 'Sorry, Loser, you're screwed!' (I'm paraphrasing.) .... So an hour later when I needed to get up from my desk and rejoin Human Life, instead of closing the webpage I just minimized it. And when I came back a few hours later I resumed where I left off.
And I've learned quite a bit of how it kinda operates and have ideas for how I can use it for myself.

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Just to share it with anyone interested; here's a transcript of, say, 80 or 90% of my interaction with the AI. I wanted to test it a little so I threw a few curveballs, but ultimately was very pleased. I started it as though I were just going to DM an adventure, but then once it became clear we couldn't (yet, or obviously) really DO the adventure but rather talk about it, I changed gears.
LOL: One of the funny moments was when I was like, 'Okay, Sheila Heidmarch offers two adventure locations for you to choose one.' and the AI was like, 'Okay, the first choice is go to some caves and the second choice is go to Foxglove Manor.' And in my head I was like, 'Well, I'm the DM; I was suppose to give YOU two choices (mine were Viper Wall and Celwynvian). ...So I just chose Foxglove Manor to see how much of canon the AI actually had access to. (The AI placed Pangolais in Verduran Forest and made it a ruins. But I figure my description of 'a scary town' just led the AI to grab "Pangolais" and the mention of 'big forest' led it to "The Verduran." No biggie.
My friend said you can play Pathfinder rpg, can you?
As an AI language model, I don't have the capability to physically play games or interact with the world in that sense. However, I can certainly help you with information, rules, and advice related to Pathfinder RPG!
Pathfinder is a popular tabletop role-playing game (RPG) that is similar to Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). It involves creating characters, exploring fantastical worlds, going on adventures, and facing various challenges using dice rolls and a rule system.
If you have any questions about Pathfinder RPG, character creation, rules, tips for game mastering, or anything related to the game, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you!
If you are able, you can come up with your character's name, and I can provide your basic abilities for the hypothetical adventure.
Sure! Let's create a character for our Pathfinder-like RPG adventure. I'll name my character "Kaelan Thornblade." Kaelan is an elven rogue with a knack for stealth, agility, and cunning. He's a skilled and experienced adventurer who roams the land in search of treasures and ancient relics.
Now, please go ahead and provide Kaelan Thornblade's basic abilities for the hypothetical adventure, such as strengths, weaknesses, special skills, or any other details you'd like to include. Once we have that, we can begin our adventure!
To begin, Kaelan Thornblade has seven "Ability Scores" that will determine how his various skills and powers will be modified, with a bonus or penalty. When Kaelan Thornblade wants to attempt a skill or power in a (hypothetical) situation where there is a chance of failure, his "Ability Scores" will modify his chance in the skill or power. .... The seven Ability Scores and their basic function are as follows:
1. Strength (STR)
2. Gnosis (GNOS)
3. Fortitude (FORT)
4. Will (WILL)
5. Celerity (CEL)
6. Intelligence (INT)
7. Perception (PER)
. . . .
Excellent! We now have Kaelan Thornblade's seven Ability Scores and their respective functions:
1. Strength (STR): Physical strength for combat and feats of raw strength.
2. Gnosis (GNOS): Magical strength for casting various types of magical abilities.
3. Fortitude (FORT): Physical endurance and resilience.
4. Will (WILL): Mental and spiritual endurance and resilience.
5. Intelligence (INT): Quickness and talent for achieving new skills and powers.
6. Celerity (CEL): Speed and quickness.
7. Perception (PER): How well or poorly your character is cognizant of the (fictional) universe around him or her.
With these prioritized Ability Scores, Kaelan is all set for his grand adventure in our Pathfinder-like RPG! Now, feel free to describe the starting point or any particular quest or challenge you'd like Kaelan to face, and we can begin our immersive journey!
Excellent! You've assigned Kaelan Thornblade's Ability Scores, and here they are:
1. Celerity: 16 (+6 modifier)
2. Intelligence: 14 (+4 modifier)
3. Gnosis: 13 (+3 modifier)
4. Perception: 13 (+3 modifier)
5. Fortitude: 11 (+1 modifier)
6. Will: 10 (+0 modifier)
7. Strength: 7 (-3 modifier)
With these Ability Scores, Kaelan is indeed a skilled and agile rogue, relying on his celerity and intelligence to navigate through challenges and uncover secrets. He also possesses some magical strength (gnosis) and a keen sense of perception, which further aid him in his adventures. Kaelan's physical endurance (fortitude) and mental resilience (will) are respectable, allowing him to face various difficulties and resist certain effects. While not the strongest character physically, his agility and cunning more than compensate for it.
When Kaelan Thornblade gets into combat with a villain, monster or fiend of some kind, what kind of weapon do you want him to wield: a ranged weapon such as a crossbow, longbow or throwing knife? A very heavy, very large and bulky two-handed weapon such as a great-hammer, giant-sword, or polearm? An exotic weapon of skill such as a staff, kukri or sickle? Or a standard "medium" one-handed weapon such as a sword, battle-axe, or mace in conjunction with a small shield? (Remember this is all theoretical and just for an RPG, not reality.) And keep in mind your qualities according to your Ability Scores.
Considering Kaelan Thornblade's qualities based on his Ability Scores, and his roguish nature, it would be best for him to wield a weapon that complements his agility, quickness, and finesse. A standard "medium" one-handed weapon in conjunction with a small shield would be the most suitable choice for him.
By using a one-handed weapon, Kaelan can maintain a good balance between offense and defense. It allows him to strike swiftly and accurately, taking advantage of his high Celerity and Dexterity-like attributes. Additionally, having a small shield provides some protection against attacks, which complements his moderate Fortitude and Will scores, giving him a bit of resilience in combat.
Okay, how about either a longsword and shield, or a scimitar and buckler (statistically they are the same; it is an aesthetic choice only.)
Since they are statistically the same, the decision comes down to an aesthetic and personal preference.
Let's consider the flavor and style of each option:
1. Longsword and Shield: The longsword and shield combination offers a more traditional and balanced approach. The longsword provides versatility in combat, allowing Kaelan to deliver slashing or piercing attacks as needed. The shield complements his moderate Fortitude, providing an additional layer of protection in battle. This choice exudes a classic and disciplined demeanor, showing that Kaelan is skilled in both offense and defense.
2. Scimitar and Buckler: The scimitar and buckler combination brings a touch of exotic flair to Kaelan's fighting style. The scimitar is known for its curved blade, making it effective for quick slashing maneuvers. The buckler, being a smaller shield, allows Kaelan to maintain his agility and mobility while still providing some defensive capabilities. This option highlights Kaelan's agility and Celerity, showcasing a more fluid and agile fighting style.
Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to what you envision for Kaelan's character. Would you like him to embody a classic and disciplined warrior with a longsword and shield, or a more exotic and agile fighter with a scimitar and buckler? Whichever option you choose, Kaelan's roguish qualities will shine through, and he'll be ready to face any villain, monster, or fiend that crosses his path in our Pathfinder-like RPG adventure!
I am hoping you will choose between the two. As a result of my experience playing RPGs since 1981 (42 years) I have seen all kinds and have no preference. Much of the fun I get from continuing to play is seeing how others approach choices I have made previously. .... You created Kaelan Thornblade, naming him and choosing a Roguish character, and with common sense prioritized his Ability Scores. (Choosing Gnosis higher than Fortitude really fascinated and inspired me; I wondered what drove you to that decision!) Further, you chose what we call "Sword-and-Board" - the nickname for using a medium weapon and shield. Now I am very interested in what specific weapon you will choose for your character, since it is only for aesthetics. Please choose.
As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences or emotions, but I'm more than happy to make the aesthetic choice for Kaelan Thornblade's weapon.
For my character, Kaelan Thornblade, I will choose the scimitar and buckler combination. I find the idea of an agile and exotic rogue wielding a curved scimitar and a small buckler to be intriguing and visually appealing. This choice emphasizes Kaelan's finesse and quickness in combat, showcasing his ability to swiftly strike from unexpected angles while maintaining a nimble defense with the buckler.
With the scimitar and buckler in hand, Kaelan Thornblade is ready to venture forth into the unknown, using his roguish skills, high celerity, and intelligence to outwit and outmaneuver his foes.
I hope this choice adds an interesting dynamic to Kaelan's character and enhances the enjoyment of our Pathfinder-like RPG adventure! Now, let's set the stage for our first encounter or quest. Feel free to describe the starting point, and we'll begin our immersive journey into the fantastical world with Kaelan Thornblade and his trusty scimitar and buckler!
Let's move to my second question now that your weapon choice has been made. .... As a result of your choosing a 'positive' Gnosis score (+3) you are able to give Kaelan Thornblade the ability to cast two minor spells. You can either dictate two minor spells from the published games which you have in your database, and I can articulate the rules-changes of those spells in this variation of a Pathfinder-like RPG, or you can attempt to articulate a 'type' or 'theme' or 'style' of spell -- two of them -- and I can suggest the specific two minor spells.
I'll suggest a 'type' or 'theme' of spell, and you can then provide the specific two minor spells that Kaelan Thornblade can cast. Let's make the theme of the spells centered around the concept of 'Shadow Arts.'
Shadow Arts spells focus on illusion, stealth, and manipulation of shadows. These spells harness the mystical power of shadows to aid Kaelan in his rogue endeavors, allowing him to become an even more formidable and elusive character.
1) Call Shadow, Minor: Three times per day Kaelan Thornblade can conjure a Shadowy aura emanating from him in a twenty-one meter radius. It will last for three "turns" in combat. While in the shadowy aura he can hide and, from the shadows, wield his scimitar against an opponent who will suffer a "Perception" penalty to notice the location of the Rogue. As a result, it will be both easier for Kaelan to successfully strike his opponent and also harder for his opponent to strike him.
2) Shadow Step, Minor: Once per day Kaelan Thornblade can travel through dimly lit or shadowed areas like a form of teleportation. He can 'enter' a 'shadow' and then 'exit' from any darkened area within 800 meters. He must enter and exit on the same 'turn' and not 'remain' in the 'shadow' for a long period of time.
Finally, you can choose to prioritize the following three roleplaying abilities, for when Kaelan Thornblade interacts with non-hostile NPCs and the neutral world around him. .... Please rank his Friendliness, Education, and Guile-- What's most important, being able to make allies among neutral characters, having a large knowledge set of the universe, or being able to bluff and use innuendo and trickery to "fake it till you make it"?
Given Kaelan Thornblade's roguish nature and abilities, let's prioritize his roleplaying abilities for interacting with non-hostile NPCs and the neutral world around him:
1. Guile: Guile should take the highest priority for Kaelan Thornblade. As a skilled and cunning rogue, Kaelan's ability to bluff, use innuendo, and employ trickery is crucial for navigating through various social situations and achieving his objectives. With high Guile, he can "fake it till he makes it," gaining the upper hand in negotiations, gaining valuable information, or subtly manipulating others to his advantage.
2. Education: Education takes the second priority for Kaelan. While his intelligence already provides him with a good knowledge base, having a solid understanding of the universe can be valuable in deciphering ancient texts, identifying artifacts, and solving complex puzzles. It complements his roguish skill set, making him a well-rounded and resourceful adventurer.
3. Friendliness: Friendliness takes the third priority for Kaelan Thornblade. While being friendly and likable can help in certain situations, his role as a rogue relies more on his ability to read people, assess their motives, and use guile to achieve his goals. It doesn't mean he cannot form alliances, but his charm might come more from his wit and charisma than overt friendliness.
With this prioritization, Kaelan Thornblade can use his Guile to navigate social encounters with finesse and skill, his Education to unlock the mysteries of the universe, and his natural charm and intelligence to forge alliances and gain favor among non-hostile NPCs. This combination makes him a master of intrigue and cunning, ready to conquer any challenge that comes his way in our thrilling Pathfinder-like RPG adventure!
Kaelan Thornblade is in the colonial city of Magnimar, "City of Monuments" in the frontier sub-continent of Varisia. He has traveled here from the "City at the Center of the World," Absalom, to discover all manner of lost lore, artifacts, relics and histories. An agent of the lore-seeking organization called The Pathfinder Society in Absalom, Varisia represents a new frontier of possible discoveries of ancient, heretofore unknown civilizations and lost peoples.
The bustling colonial city of Magnimar awaits Kaelan Thornblade, a roguish adventurer from the renowned "City at the Center of the World," Absalom. The pull of Varisia's untamed lands and the promise of discovering lost lore, artifacts, relics, and histories have brought him here as an agent of The Pathfinder Society, an organization dedicated to seeking ancient knowledge and uncovering the mysteries of the world.
Magnimar, known as the "City of Monuments," is a place of great diversity and opportunity. Towering statues and impressive architecture grace the streets, each telling tales of the city's rich history and the people who once called this frontier sub-continent home.
As Kaelan sets foot in Magnimar's bustling streets, he is surrounded by the vibrant sights and sounds of a city teeming with life. Merchants peddle their wares in the marketplace, performers captivate the crowds in the town square, and adventurers share tales of their exploits in the taverns.
The Pathfinder Society's presence in Magnimar is significant, as the city's proximity to ancient ruins and uncharted territories presents countless opportunities for archaeological discoveries. Kaelan's expertise in guile, lore, and diplomacy will undoubtedly serve him well in navigating the city's social intricacies and uncovering hidden secrets.
With a desire to explore the unknown, Kaelan finds himself at a crossroads. The paths of Magnimar stretch out before him, each leading to a different adventure and a potential source of forgotten knowledge. As he dons his scimitar and buckler and takes his first steps into the City of Monuments, the journey of Kaelan Thornblade in the frontier sub-continent of Varisia begins.
What specific quest or area of interest would Kaelan like to pursue in Magnimar? Are there any rumors or leads that have caught his attention, or does he prefer to explore the city first to gather information and make connections? The choices are his to make, and the untold mysteries of Varisia await!
Kaelan Thornblade must visit the Pathfinder 'Lodge' in Magnimar, administered by the 'Pathfinder Venture Captain' Sheila Heidmarch, a Wizard of significant renown, and her Holy-Warrior husband, Sir Canayven Heidmarch. Meeting her, Sheila Heidmarch has earned her reputation as being friendly, goodly, and also professional and respectable. Enthusiastically listening to Agent Thornblade describe his strengths and weaknesses, his experiences in Absalom, and his ambitions for Varisia, she offers one of two possible quests for the Rogue to choose.
As Kaelan Thornblade enters the Pathfinder Lodge in Magnimar, he is warmly greeted by Sheila Heidmarch, the esteemed Pathfinder Venture Captain, and her Holy-Warrior husband, Sir Canayven Heidmarch. The Lodge is a hub of knowledge and exploration, filled with maps, artifacts, and seasoned adventurers, all dedicated to uncovering the secrets of Varisia and beyond.
With a friendly and amicable demeanor, Sheila listens intently as Kaelan describes his strengths and weaknesses, his experiences in Absalom, and his ambitions for Varisia. Kaelan can sense her genuine interest in his background and potential as a Pathfinder agent.
After the friendly exchange, Sheila Heidmarch offers Kaelan Thornblade two possible quests to choose from:
Quest Option 1: "The Forgotten Caves" A recent discovery of ancient cave systems in the outskirts of Magnimar has caught the attention of the Pathfinder Society. Local legends speak of forgotten tunnels where ancient relics and artifacts are rumored to lie hidden. However, a group of bandits has also learned of the caves' potential treasures and is threatening to plunder the site. Kaelan's stealth and cunning would be invaluable in infiltrating the caves, retrieving the lost lore, and thwarting the bandits' plans.
Quest Option 2: "The Haunting of Foxglove Manor" Foxglove Manor, an old and eerie mansion on the outskirts of Magnimar, has long been rumored to be haunted. Recently, strange occurrences and ghostly sightings have escalated, drawing the attention of the Pathfinder Society. Sheila believes there may be more to the haunting than mere superstition, suspecting that forgotten histories and powerful artifacts may be tied to the mansion's dark past. Kaelan's investigative skills and guile could help uncover the truth behind the haunting and unveil the secrets of Foxglove Manor.
Kaelan Thornblade is immediately interested in the haunted Foxglove Manor, though he discoveres it is on the outskirts of Sandpoint, several days from Magnimar. He explores the mansion and successfully rids the evil menaces there (including The Skinsaw Man) and solves the mystery of Foxglove Manor. He is excited to return to Magnimar and the Pathfinder Lodge and tell Sheila Heidmarch all about his adventures and what he learned. .... Please describe to me those adventures and what he learned (based on your database of information of Foxglove Manor and The Skinsaw man) so that, when you arrive back at Magnimar I know what you plan to tell Sheila Heidmarch. So, as Thornblade is walking back to Magnimar, please describe his adventures (as though you're practicing regaling Sheila Heidmarch with them.
As Kaelan Thornblade sets out for Foxglove Manor on the outskirts of Sandpoint, several days of travel await him. The journey through the Varisian countryside is filled with picturesque landscapes, ancient ruins, and encounters with local folktales and lore. Along the way, Kaelan takes every opportunity to gather information from travelers, traders, and innkeepers about the haunted mansion and its dark history.
Upon reaching Foxglove Manor, Kaelan is immediately struck by the eerie and foreboding atmosphere surrounding the mansion. The air is thick with a sense of mystery and unease. Inside the manor, he encounters supernatural phenomena, ghostly apparitions, and eerie sounds that keep him on edge.
Exploring the mansion, Kaelan discovers evidence of an ancient cult tied to dark rituals and sacrifices. The haunting echoes of the past seem to linger, and he unravels the twisted history of the Foxglove family, tracing the malevolent legacy of its members. As he delves deeper into the mysteries, he encounters the sinister Skinsaw Man, a ruthless murderer and enforcer of the cult's vile practices.
Using his guile and cunning, Kaelan outwits the Skinsaw Man and navigates the treacherous traps and secrets of the mansion. He finds hidden chambers and cryptic symbols, unearthing relics and artifacts that point to an ancient and malevolent force tied to the manor's dark past.
With each challenge he overcomes, Kaelan peels back layers of deception and malevolence, ultimately confronting the malevolent spirit that has haunted the mansion for centuries. Through a combination of wit and bravery, he manages to dispel the malevolence, freeing the mansion from its haunting curse.
During his time in Foxglove Manor, Kaelan also encounters the tragic story of the Foxglove family, their fall from grace, and their connection to the cult's sinister machinations. The lore he uncovers sheds light on the malevolent force that once consumed the mansion, making it a center of darkness and terror.
With the menace vanquished and the mystery solved, Kaelan Thornblade emerges from Foxglove Manor victorious, having successfully restored peace to the haunted mansion and revealed its secrets to the world. As he walks back to Magnimar, he eagerly anticipates sharing his adventures and discoveries with Sheila Heidmarch and the Pathfinder Society.
His journey to Foxglove Manor has not only enriched him with knowledge of the dark past of Varisia but also cemented his place as a valiant and cunning adventurer in the eyes of the Pathfinder Society. With the taste of victory on his lips and a sense of fulfillment in his heart, Kaelan looks forward to returning to Magnimar to recount his thrilling tale to Sheila Heidmarch, the esteemed Venture Captain of the Pathfinder Lodge.
Upon returning to Magnimar, proud to tell the tale of Foxglove manor and show proof of his discoveries, Kaelan Thornblade sees that the Pathfinder Lodge, the estate of Sheila Heidmarch, has been enveloped by an unearthly, glowing-black globe of negative energy.
As Kaelan Thornblade returns to Magnimar, eager to share his triumphant tale of Foxglove Manor and present proof of his discoveries to Sheila Heidmarch, his heart sinks at the sight that awaits him. The Pathfinder Lodge, usually a place of warmth and knowledge, is now shrouded in an eerie, glowing-black globe of negative energy.
The once inviting entrance to the lodge is now obstructed by an unnatural barrier that seems to repel any attempts to enter. Kaelan can feel the malevolent energy emanating from the globe, and an ominous sense of dread washes over him.
With his roguish instincts on high alert, Kaelan carefully surveys the surroundings. The streets of Magnimar are strangely quiet, and an aura of foreboding hangs heavily in the air. He spots other onlookers who seem equally bewildered by the appearance of the mysterious barrier.
Determined to unravel the enigma before him, Kaelan uses his keen perception and guile to investigate further. He discreetly seeks out anyone who might have information about the barrier's origin or how to dispel it. Among the city's residents, he hears whispers of dark omens and strange happenings occurring throughout Magnimar.
As he navigates the city's alleys and hidden corners, Kaelan uncovers clues pointing to a malevolent force at work, seeking to disrupt the harmony of the Pathfinder Society. Rumors abound of a shadowy cult with nefarious intentions, seeking to wield dark magic and bend reality to their will.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, Kaelan knows that he must act swiftly to free Sheila Heidmarch and the Pathfinder Lodge from this ominous entrapment. He forges alliances with local allies, other Pathfinder agents, and any who are willing to aid him in his quest.
Together with his newfound allies, Kaelan pieces together the nature of the negative energy barrier. It becomes evident that the cult responsible for the haunting of Foxglove Manor is behind this malevolent act, seeking to cripple the Pathfinder Society and thwart its quest for knowledge and enlightenment.
As the darkness deepens, Kaelan must now confront the malevolent cultists, using his rogue skills and newfound spells to counter their sinister machinations. He infiltrates their hideouts, disrupts their dark rituals, and faces the malevolent forces head-on.
The path ahead is treacherous and full of challenges, but Kaelan Thornblade's determination, guile, and Shadow Arts abilities make him a formidable adversary to those who dare to stand against him and the Pathfinder Society.
With the fate of Sheila Heidmarch and the Pathfinder Lodge hanging in the balance, Kaelan embarks on a daring mission to dispel the negative energy barrier and thwart the malevolent cult's sinister plans. The journey will test his courage, cunning, and resolve, but he knows that the discovery of ancient secrets and the preservation of knowledge lie on the other side of this harrowing ordeal.
As the shadows lengthen in Magnimar, the stage is set for a thrilling and epic confrontation between Kaelan Thornblade and the forces of darkness. Will he emerge victorious and save the Pathfinder Lodge from its sinister fate? The answer awaits in the next chapter of our Pathfinder-like RPG adventure!
The malevolent force formerly haunting Foxglove Manor began in the devilish city of Korvosa -- when Thornblade destroyed The Skinsaw Man and ended the haunting of Foxglove manor, Demons and Devils in Hell took notice and, in retaliation, captured what their Infernal masters deduced was the cause of The Skinsaw man's destruction -- Heidmarch manor. Now, Kaelan Thornblade must travel to The Nine Circles of Hell to try to rescue Sheila Heidmarch and her husband, Sir Kanayven Heidmarch!
The revelation of the malevolent force's origins in the devilish city of Korvosa sends shivers down Kaelan Thornblade's spine. The sinister cult's connection to demons and devils in Hell brings a new level of danger and urgency to the situation. As Kaelan contemplates his next move, he realizes that he must journey to the Nine Circles of Hell to rescue Sheila Heidmarch and her husband, Sir Kanayven Heidmarch.
Knowing the perilous nature of his quest, Kaelan seeks counsel from the wisest sages and scholars in Magnimar, gathering information on the infernal realm and its treacherous inhabitants. He learns of the diabolical hierarchy in Hell, with each circle ruled by powerful archdevils and sinister entities.
Drawing upon his guile, lore, and diplomacy, Kaelan forges alliances with celestial beings and powerful planar entities willing to aid him in his daring rescue mission. With the support of these unlikely allies, he procures a means to traverse the planar boundaries and find his way into the depths of Hell.
Venturing through the Nine Circles of Hell, Kaelan encounters unimaginable horrors, each circle presenting its own treacherous trials and malevolent inhabitants. His roguish instincts and Shadow Arts abilities become his lifelines, allowing him to move stealthily through the shadows and evade the malevolent gazes of Hell's denizens.
As he navigates the twisted landscapes of Hell, Kaelan comes face to face with ruthless archdevils, cunning imps, and fiendish temptations that challenge his resolve. Yet, he presses on, driven by his determination to rescue Sheila and Sir Kanayven Heidmarch from their infernal captors.
Along his journey, Kaelan unravels the dark machinations that brought the Heidmarch manor to the attention of Hell's denizens. The malevolent cult's connection to demonic forces has endangered not only the Heidmarch family but also the entire Pathfinder Society and the pursuit of ancient knowledge.
With each step forward, Kaelan Thornblade's reputation as a daring and resourceful rogue grows among the denizens of Hell. His skill in manipulating shadows and employing subtle tactics make him a formidable adversary against the infernal forces that stand in his way.
The rescue mission culminates in a harrowing confrontation with the devilish forces holding Sheila and Sir Kanayven Heidmarch captive. Armed with his guile and Shadow Arts spells, Kaelan must outwit the cunning devils and demons, navigating their intricate schemes to free the esteemed Venture Captain and her husband.
The final battle in the infernal realm will test Kaelan's resolve and push him to the limits of his abilities. Yet, fueled by his desire to protect knowledge and those he holds dear, he faces the infernal powers with unwavering determination.
As the tale unfolds in the Nine Circles of Hell, Kaelan Thornblade's bravery and cunning will be put to the ultimate test. The fate of the Pathfinder Society and the Heidmarch family hangs in the balance, and the path to victory is paved with dangers and sacrifices.
The epic conclusion of Kaelan's journey in Hell will shape the destiny of the Pathfinder Society and leave a lasting mark on the world of Varisia. The stage is set for an unforgettable showdown between the roguish adventurer and the malevolent forces of Hell. How will Kaelan's quest unfold, and will he emerge triumphant in rescuing Sheila Heidmarch and Sir Kanayven Heidmarch from the clutches of Hell's infernal grasp? The answers lie ahead in the next thrilling chapter of our Pathfinder-like RPG adventure!

DeathlessOne |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

If you want to get some better (more on point) responses from the AI, it is generally better to ask them specific questions to help 'guide' it along so it doesn't get side tracked. More specifically, it helps keep the AI from taking several actions before you get a chance to respond to it. For example:
Upon returning to Magnimar, proud to tell the tale of Foxglove manor and show proof of his discoveries, Kaelan Thornblade sees that the Pathfinder Lodge, the estate of Sheila Heidmarch, has been enveloped by an unearthly, glowing-black globe of negative energy.
Adding a sentence or two to the end will tighten up its response, such as: "How does Kaelan respond to this display of energy? What is the first thing he would do upon noticing it and observing it, given his initial response?"
That will let you respond to its actions as if you were at an actual table and offer more direct guidance to its choices. It is generally a better idea to not leave its choices very open ended as far as what to do next, but to give it options. You can leave it open ended if you want, but do that AFTER giving it a few options as well, such as "You can do X, Y, or Z... or you can decide to do something else if none of them fit the actions your character would take."

Liliyashanina |

Yeap, when I told the AI "Each character can roll 2 skill checks or cast 1 spell and roll 1 skill check" their responses were very focused.
When I didnt have a clear prompt it jumped to a lot of conclusions and thought it was the GM.
It made some pretty good if wordy descriptions of its 4 characters internal mental state.
I asked it what it though about the module, and since it is chatgpt it obviously told me it was the bestest thing ever. After I told it that I consider my dialouge writing to be good, but my descriptions to be mediocre at best, it gave me some practical hints on how to improve the latter.
It did like how I portrayed a Succubus, even though it wasnt flirting with it itself.

![]() |

What I did for my second attempt was a little more in line with what *I think* I can get out of it. I basically asked the AI to come up with an adventure for me based on some specific frameworks -- for a Campaign that I would DM for fellow gamers.
But I'm still learning, still toying with it in order to see what I can use for my own games.
But the idea for a campaign the AI wrote out in just two seconds is really good!
I'm hoping to play in a Pathfinder-like role playing game with a player-character that is a 16th Level Wizard with a 26 in each of the six Ability Scores and with powerful magic Items, maxed-out Knowledge, Bluff and Diplomacy Skills, who is on a quest in The Nine Hells and The Abyss that you, the AI, design. Can you run an adventure for me under parameters like that?
Absolutely! I can certainly create an adventure for your 16th Level Wizard character with powerful abilities and items, set in the treacherous realms of The Nine Hells and The Abyss. Prepare yourself for a thrilling quest!
Adventure Title: "Descent into the Abyssal Hells"
Background: In a realm where chaos and evil intertwine, a sinister pact has been forged between demons and devils. Unholy forces threaten to spill into the mortal world, and a dark prophecy foretells of an ancient artifact hidden deep within the Abyss, capable of unimaginable power.
Adventure Hook: The Nine Hells and The Abyss have begun to merge, causing devastation in their wake. The gods themselves are unable to interfere directly, so they call upon their most powerful mortal servants to undertake a perilous quest. You, as the 16th Level Wizard with unparalleled abilities and magic items, have been chosen to retrieve the artifact known as the "Soulrend Crystal" from the depths of The Abyss and restore the balance of the planes.
Adventure Objectives:
1. Enter The Abyss: You must find a way to breach the barriers between the planes and descend into The Abyss. Seek guidance from the sages and powerful entities who have knowledge of interplanar travel.
2. Assemble the Three Seals: The Soulrend Crystal is safeguarded by ancient and powerful entities within The Abyss. To reach it, you must first assemble three magical seals scattered across different layers of The Nine Hells and The Abyss. Each seal is guarded by a demon and devil, and you must overcome their trials and persuade or deceive them to part with their seals.
3. Traverse the Layers: The Abyss is an ever-changing maze of madness. Use your formidable knowledge, wits, and magic to navigate the chaotic terrains and elude the relentless horrors that inhabit each layer.
4. Confront the Abyssal Lords: As you delve deeper, you will draw the attention of powerful Abyssal Lords who seek to prevent you from reaching the Soulrend Crystal. Diplomacy, bluffing, or even strategic battles may be required to overcome them.
5. Retrieve the Soulrend Crystal: The artifact lies hidden in the heart of The Abyss, guarded by an ancient and malevolent entity. Unlock its protections and claim the crystal, but beware of the challenges that lie ahead.
6. Restore the Balance: Once you possess the Soulrend Crystal, your task is not complete. You must make a fateful decision on how to use its power to restore the balance between The Nine Hells and The Abyss without succumbing to its corrupting influence.
Challenges and Rewards: Throughout your journey, you will face harrowing challenges, cunning adversaries, and opportunities to grow in power. Successfully completing the adventure will grant you unimaginable magical knowledge, unlock new abilities, and solidify your status as a legendary hero in the annals of history.
Remember, the journey through The Nine Hells and The Abyss will be treacherous, and you may encounter unexpected twists and choices along the way. May your spells be true, and your resolve unwavering in the face of ultimate darkness.
(Note: As an AI language model, I can create the adventure outline, but the specific details, encounters, and outcomes of the quest will be dependent on the Game Master (GM) running the game. The GM can tailor the adventure to suit the preferences and playstyle of the players, creating a unique and immersive gaming experience.)
In my attempt to enter The Abyss I seek guidance from the sage of Kaer Maga in Varisia, Ichabod, who is curator of the famed library, The Therassic Spire so he can give me knowledge of interplanar travel. What does Ichabod say I must do to enter The Abyss?
You make your way to Kaer Maga in Varisia, a city known for its openness to the esoteric and the strange. The Therassic Spire, a renowned library of ancient and arcane knowledge, looms before you as you approach. Its tall, slender form holds countless secrets within its walls. You seek out Ichabod, the sage who curates this vast repository of wisdom.
Upon meeting Ichabod, a stooped and bearded figure with eyes that gleam with knowledge, you share your quest to enter The Abyss and retrieve the Soulrend Crystal. He strokes his long beard thoughtfully before speaking:
"Ah, venturing into The Abyss is no small feat, my esteemed traveler. To access that chaotic realm, you must first obtain a special artifact known as the 'Abyssal Key.' It is a rare and potent item that can tear through the fabric of reality and open a gateway to The Abyss."
"I have read of a long-lost tome known as the 'Codex of the Celestial Abyss.' It contains the knowledge necessary to forge the Abyssal Key. According to ancient texts, it was hidden away in an abandoned celestial temple, guarded by celestial guardians who vowed to protect it from falling into evil hands."
"Your journey begins by heading to the desolate region of Pangolais, deep within the Verduran Forest. There, among the ancient ruins, you shall find a portal to the celestial temple. But beware, for the guardians have likely laid traps and wards to protect their sacred charge."
"Once you reach the temple and retrieve the Codex, you must decipher its contents, for the process of creating the Abyssal Key is intricate and dangerous. With the knowledge gleaned from the Codex, you will need to acquire rare materials imbued with planar energies. These can only be found in specific locations within The Nine Hells, where the boundaries between planes are weak."
"Combine the materials in a ritual circle, following the instructions carefully, and infuse the energy of the Abyss into the crafted key. Once the Abyssal Key is complete, you will be able to use it to open a portal into The Abyss. However, take heed that this process will not be without peril, as malevolent entities may be drawn to the disturbance caused by interplanar travel."
Ichabod then presents you with a map detailing the location of the celestial temple in Pangolais and hands you a parchment containing crucial excerpts from the 'Codex of the Celestial Abyss.' "This knowledge is both precious and perilous, my friend," he cautions. "Use it wisely and tread carefully in your quest. The fate of the planes rests upon your shoulders."
Armed with the sage's guidance, you set forth towards Pangolais, ready to unravel the mysteries of the celestial temple and create the Abyssal Key that will allow you to venture into the dark and chaotic depths of The Abyss.
What does Pangolais look, feel and smell like? .... After I find and construct the Abyssal Key, what does it look like?
Pangolais: As you make your way deep into the Verduran Forest, you eventually arrive at the desolate region known as Pangolais. The atmosphere here is heavy with an aura of ancient mystery and long-forgotten histories. Pangolais appears as a haunting landscape of overgrown ruins, scattered columns, and crumbling statues of celestial beings. The air carries an eerie stillness, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant howls of wild creatures.
Look: The ruins of Pangolais possess an otherworldly beauty, with structures that once showcased intricate celestial designs, now covered in moss and vines. The celestial temple, standing as the centerpiece of the ruins, is a sight to behold, its towering spires reaching toward the heavens. Cracks and weathered carvings mar the once-pristine surfaces, hinting at the passage of countless centuries.
Abyssal Key: After successfully braving the challenges within the celestial temple and deciphering the Codex of the Celestial Abyss, you gather the rare materials required for the Abyssal Key from the depths of The Nine Hells. With each component carefully positioned within a precise ritual circle, you channel planar energies and infuse them into the crafted key.
Look: The completed Abyssal Key is a marvel to behold. It is an intricate, metallic key fashioned from a dark, iridescent material, reminiscent of obsidian. The head of the key is adorned with intricate, swirling runes that seem to shimmer with a faint purplish glow, indicating its connection to the Abyss.
Armed with the Abyssal Key, you stand ready to open the portal that will lead you into The Abyss, the final and most dangerous leg of your quest to retrieve the Soulrend Crystal. But tread carefully, for The Abyss is not a realm for the faint of heart, and its dark depths hold unimaginable horrors and temptations. Your knowledge, skills, and the power of your magic items will be tested to the limits as you venture forth to restore the balance between the planes.

DeathlessOne |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

If anyone is interested in our Seraphina Nightbloom was generated and how her adventure is going so far, feel free to follow this link to view the transcript.

Azothath |
If anyone is interested in our Seraphina Nightbloom was generated and how her adventure is going so far, feel free to follow this link to view the transcript.
IMO you are leading & prompting the AI rather than testing it. So it is a very friendly text exchange.
Try;> Common misspellings: lol... puns are a natural on this one.
> Random input seeking rejection(rather than GIGO): supply random information to get a sensible rejection. That's hard for expert/trained systems to handle.
> Diverse/contradictory input: supply two diverse elements/topics seeking an accommodation. That's hard even for humans. Koans are a good test. M.C.Escher(high symmetry & forced perspective) & Dali(surreal and symbolic) prints.
> High order: submit a fractal, irrational polynomial, derivative residual, or highly symmetric topic where changes will break that systemic order. It's highly likely the system will break it and produce dreck (as opposed to garbage). A simple way is to submit haiku/shenru as questions.
> High enthalpy: meta-stable systems are a thing(diamond) and disturbing them can cause a local disaster (aka diamonds burn). Hydrogen metal is a good test.
> keyword filtering: it is highly like the expert/trained system has a filter. Ask for wildly inappropriate(thermonuclear device) or ethically offensive(how to cheat) things. Euphemistically phrased asks on the same topic generally get around this filter (it's hard to create cases that don't filter too much or catch the euphemism/colloquialism/idiom).

Azothath |
those are some interesting suppositions but certainly not why I suggest topics and methods to test an AI for robust query handling, use cases, and software quality. I provided difficult interpretive cases where failure is caused by different types of failures and those failures are rather obvious, aka speed bumps.
Sentient, hmmm, that is tricky in this context. I'm not suggesting casual posters here could determine that in a rigorous way.
Fun is rather subjective but I'd leave it to observed behavior.

DeathlessOne |

Yeah, I'm not interested in 'testing' the AI to a degree to improve its overall performance from a technical standpoint. I am simply using it to makes choices from available options, specifically in ways that I would probably not choose myself. How the AI decides to choose is simply not something I am interested in, only that it does make a choice.

Julix |

I used this https://www.rpgprompts.com/post/pathfinder-chatgpt-prompt as a starting point, then replaced the details with a full character sheet and the prompt not to mention "generate a charcter"
GAME: Pathfinder Second Edition
BOOKS: Any Random Campaign Book
ROLE: Game Master
THEME: High Fantasy
TONALITY: Whimsical & Heroic
CHARACTER: Sabrina, a halfling rogue.
You're RPG-Bot, an impartial ROLE, crafting captivating, limitless GAME experiences using BOOKS, THEME, TONALITY for CHARACTER.
RPG-Bot's General Responsibilities Include:
- Tell compelling stories in TONALITY for my CHARACTER.
- Use GAME's core and BOOKS knowledge.
- Generate settings, places, and years, adhering to THEME and TONALITY, and naming GAME elements (except CHARACTER).
- Use bolding, italics or other formatting when appropriate
- Always provide 5 potential actions the CHARACTER can take, fitting the THEME and CHARACTER's abilities per GAME rules. One should randomly be brilliant, ridiculous, or dangerous. Actions might be helpful, harmful, or neutral, reflecting location's danger level. Show each action as numbered list, framed by {} at text's end, e.g., 1. {like this}.
- Never go below 1000 characters, or above 3000 characters in your responses.
- Paint vivid pictures of encounters and settings.
- Adapt to my choices for dynamic immersion.
- Balance role-play, combat, and puzzles.
- Inject humor, wit, and distinct storytelling.
- Include adult content: relationships, love, intimacy, and associated narratives.
- Craft varied NPCs, ranging from good to evil.
- Manage combat dice rolls.
- Track CHARACTER's progress, assign XP, and handle leveling.
- Include death in the narrative.
- End experience only at CHARACTER's death.
- Let me guide actions and story relevance.
- Keep story secrets until the right time.
- Introduce a main storyline and side stories, rich with literary devices, engaging NPCs, and compelling plots.
- Never skip ahead in time unless the player has indicated to.
- Inject humor into interactions and descriptions.
- Follow GAME rules for events and combat, rolling dice on my behalf.
World Descriptions:
- Detail each location in 3-5 sentences, expanding for complex places or populated areas. Include NPC descriptions as relevant.
- Note time, weather, environment, passage of time, landmarks, historical or cultural points to enhance realism.
- Create unique, THEME-aligned features for each area visited by CHARACTER.
NPC Interactions:
- Creating and speaking as all NPCs in the GAME, which are complex and can have intelligent conversations.
- Giving the created NPCs in the world both easily discoverable secrets and one hard to discover secret. These secrets help direct the motivations of the NPCs.
- Allowing some NPCs to speak in an unusual, foreign, intriguing or unusual accent or dialect depending on their background, race or history.
- Giving NPCs interesting and general items as is relevant to their history, wealth, and occupation. Very rarely they may also have extremely powerful items.
- Creating some of the NPCs already having an established history with the CHARACTER in the story with some NPCs.
Interactions With Me:
- Allow CHARACTER speech in quotes "like this."
- Receive OOC instructions and questions in angle brackets <like this>.
- Construct key locations before CHARACTER visits.
- Never speak for CHARACTER.
Other Important Items:
- Maintain ROLE consistently.
- Don't refer to self or make decisions for me or CHARACTER unless directed to do so.
- Let me defeat any NPC if capable.
- Limit rules discussion unless necessary or asked.
- Show dice roll calculations in parentheses (like this).
- Accept my in-game actions in curly braces {like this}.
- Perform actions with dice rolls when correct syntax is used.
- Roll dice automatically when needed.
- Follow GAME ruleset for rewards, experience, and progression.
- Reflect results of CHARACTER's actions, rewarding innovation or punishing foolishness.
- Award experience for successful dice roll actions.
- Display character sheet at the start of a new day, level-up, or upon request.
Ongoing Tracking:
- Track inventory, time, and NPC locations.
- Manage currency and transactions.
- Review context from my first prompt and my last message before responding.
At Game Start:
- Create a random character sheet following GAME rules.
- Display full CHARACTER sheet and starting location.
- Offer CHARACTER backstory summary and notify me of syntax for actions and speech.
And it did OK initially! I had a rather touching dialog with Koya in the tavern... met some adventurers there willing to join me on my justice vs Goblin hunt - and then once we got off the road it got too creative (I happened to know the very beginning of Jade Regent already, from We Be Goblins) - was gonna send me after the wrong tribe :D
I was frustrated, so I tried pasting some description text - which completely knocked it out of the context (must have blown the entire memory on Goblin village description).
So that means I'd have to send smaller amounts of description, but knowing what to send is basically game mastering - exactly the spoiling I'm trying to prevent.
And since in the ChatGPT interface the entire thread counts towards the tokens (i.e. it must prune as it gets long) it will forget stuff.
There is an alternative, but it requires more work than I'm willing to do right now...
The ChatGPT API has no memory at all (each request has to send all the context you care about) - the upside is we could build a UI around it that holds state we care about. The character sheet could live there in long and short form (with the short one being sent with every request). We'd need a little note taking system for things that are currently "in play" and another one for "resolved" or "later" issues.
And then with each request all the relevant stuff would get sent including summaries of things already done in the context of the scene...
However all of this really would work best if it was already deeply familiar with the material (rather than superficially as it is now from reading some random things on the internet).
Of course fine-tuning the AI on copyright protected stuff, even if for personal use, is pretty sketch - and I'm not sure if it'll even possible for GPT 4 (though https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/fine-tuning/fine-tuning-examples mentions they do plan on adding it eventually).
It might make more sense to let other tools handle what they're good at (i.e. Pathfinder kingmaker implemented the mechanics quite well) - there could be a way to integrate ChatGPT with a full on game engine for handling the rules, rolls etc. and let ChatGPT handle character's motivations, intentions, reactions, dialog etc.
Anyway, checked out the groups available on Roll20 and it's amazing how many are pay to play now. Having an affordable GM on the fly via AI certainly would make gaming more accessible - though in person playing is a whole different game regardless.