Danse Macabre

Niemand's page

135 posts. Alias of Azothath.


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No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. - H.L.Mencken circa 1926

undeath works wonders to overcome most penalties

the can (do) optics to urn your way through adventures isn't as jarring a pickle as mummies mutter...

Age Resistance:T4

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you just need ranks in profession (plumber)...

there's the eponymous metagaming 'pun' damage... like from the little candy dispenser, n'est Pez?

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Dragon78 wrote:
A powerful elemental(CR20+) comprised of air, earth, fire, and water. Might have to be native to prime material plane or the First World.

aren't humans composed of the 4 elements... mix in too much negative energy and you get undead, too much positive and you get martyrs, too much void and you get social media influencers...

what about Ondatra Cat-tail flute or Glass harmonica or harp for Caydelyn *hic* Kaleian folks or the Hardart...

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Lord of Conflict wrote:
A Horror Movie series that makes use of that kind of idea is called the Wishmaster. Something else that could help you out is Book 6 of Legacy of Fire: the Final Wish, which has a chapter on Wish-crafting

watch some Hallmark movies...

of course you could just read some classics about wishes like The Monkey's Paw or Castle Roogna

the biggest problem will be your own party, not the magic items

absolutely - if you break it into pieces and eat it you can cart it about pretty much anywhere.

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
An 11th level Warrior with no specific feat investment is mathematically favored to wrestle a rhinoceros into submission.

so a high level druid has a shot with a succubus...

bbangerter wrote:
AwesomenessDog wrote:
I'm gunna start a tally of the number of incorrect necros in a row before we get a genuine new question or an actually new rules interaction discovery.

Define what you mean by genuine new question. Like a new post that is an actual question that has never been asked on these forums before? That might be difficult to prove as it may have been asked in the past using obtuse wording.

I can't make bets on how high the necro count gets without a clear understanding.

What is the sound of two hounds jumping?

If a lone kobold falls in a 10ft pit (after failing the jump check) and dies does it make a percieved sound?

just wait for the Bose-einstein Gibbering mouther and the thrum of Euler's String Kaminari... it makes the self-evident looping Allip of Gödel-Escher-Bach and Boundary Value Elementals seem trivial...

the bill from a quantum duck is full of quarks

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Valandil Ancalime wrote:
Dumbwizard wrote:
I'm in a difficult situation as I mistakenly used Polymorph Any Object on my fighter companion, causing them to transform into a mouse permanently. We must find a way to reverse this, as we need our fighter. Can anyone assist me in finding a solution? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm curious, why did you turn your fighter into a mouse in the first place?

Was it a mouse-take?

you could Sleight of Hand some (ghost touch) scottish attire on it thus creatures handily Kilt the Ghost.

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I'd just wait until it's monshoon season... {pun ad homonym}

DeathlessOne wrote:
I am actually having MORE fun playing the GM and letting the chatbot be the player. If you prompt the AI with a proper character description and personality, you get some interesting responses.

that's the Turing Quest...

Did you hear about the pirate who taught his parrot dirty jokes? The parrot was "Naughty Cal".

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
You're a better man than I, it only took me a decade or so to burn out.
I have to admit that sometimes I feel like they think I'm a trained monkey that they show up to watch throw dice and hoot at them.


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Our heroes, "there he is!"
Main antagonist, "ahhh, the heroes" <EXITS THROUGH DOOR>

Ryze Kuja wrote:
My party was helping our Lionfolk Paladin complete the 3rd leg of his 4-part quest...

IDK, sounds like a blind finish of a quadrupedal quest and I'm not lion... (I skipped the paws at the end as that was just padding)

like tha t-shirt sez, "Never believe atoms, they make up everything"

PZOen on the DL
Bewildering Koan
 Gnome-body gnaws Soto like
Roidira's hollaw.

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A spell isn't required... just bring up Paladins and Alignment variations/infractions... sit back and watch the magic happen!

Grumpus wrote:

Anyone have any creative or out of the box uses for all the "hands" spells.

I will be running a boss fight soon where one of the enemy casters has all those spells.

I think it's gonna be a hands down win for the Party!

Chell Raighn wrote:
I’ve got it! Have a bard cast Unnatural Lust on the enemies and declare you the subject of their desire… they will now swarm you… granted they might be attacking your gear more than you at first…

lends new meaning to the "Paw Patrol"

it's not mything anymore... you may need an R.L.Aspi rin after that pun...

77. A copy of Physical Geology and other books of interest.

when you see a musical lobster you know you've gone too far 'under da sea'...

oh, and Aquatic Adventures on AoN, sadly no Rules or Skill notes.

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yeah it's great and some games seem to last that long...

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You curd invest in cheese, people tell me it's the whey to go.

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Loren Pechtel wrote:
{some statements}

it is a pun...

I appreciate the technical response even though it seems off.

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Boomerang Nebula wrote:
Niemand wrote:
the Paladin should give her a nice diamond and check her for "spirits" using a geiger counter. Then he'll be carbon dating an ancient dragon which also answers the thread title.

I assume you mean radiocarbon dating, which is used to estimate how long ago a creature died.

Although perhaps dragons are inherently radioactive at birth and it diminishes over time in a predictable way, therefore radiocarbon dating can predict how long they have been alive. That would be cool. I bet that is a piece of dragon lore that is often overlooked.

don't forget diamonds are tightly bound rather pure carbon and people like it better than graphite or anthracite, just added to the pun.

Sunspot activity also slows overall radioactive decay which should be added to the estimate to improve the accuracy. I believe it may add long distance tunneled mass potentials as that probability condenses into stable matter.

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the Paladin should give her a nice diamond and check her for "spirits" using a geiger counter. Then he'll be carbon dating an ancient dragon which also answers the thread title.

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so if you cast transmutations you're a Mighty Morphin Power Reaper?

life brings me the puns, I just have to say them...

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Detect Magic is basically just the tricorder from Star Trek. Useful for pointing players in the right direction and easy to misdirect.

"He's dead Jim."

"Quick, you get his Detect Magic and I'll get his wallet."

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they move on to write award winning TTRPG content.

Favored Enemy Stacking... somehow I'm reminded of the Dead Pile of Bards... ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶   (x_x)(x_x)(x_x)

Scintillae wrote:
After a short string of puns while covering for another class, a student was just filled with dread as they realized they have to deal with me for the next two years.

what did you angst them during the casino card table training class? dealing scintillaeting puns...

Braininthejar wrote:

"Planar adaptation has no effect when cast upon your native plane".

But can you cast it there? Say, I intend to go to the plane of fire. Can I cast adaptation before casting plane shift, or do I need to wait until I'm already there and literally on fire before I start adapting?

Planar Adaptation T5, that's the burning question... it's only Rst Fire 20.

A creature might want to research the Plane of Fire before popping into any location (like an active volcano, chasm of fire, etc). They might want other mundane and magical protections for unforeseen accidents... I'd leave wooden armor at home.

30) Hey - those two are grappling(pointing at the sexy lady with the small bat wings and the guy with the moss & twigs in his hair)! Could you step in and help, phweeease...   {yes, a touch attack is okay but don't get your finger caught in an inappropriate grapple...}

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OOOoooh! You should have seen the one that got away!

Quote "...it was fourfold in da crypts of fate", The Great Qua D'Ruple

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they're were ever the GM wants...

failing the save for several death spells can permently prevent future stunning.

61 Psychepore's Fungal Delight
62 Mustache Panache
63 Chilly Willy
64 Pickled Dun Creeper
65 Xulgath’s Dernier Halète
66 Baiser de Succube
67 Gravy Train
68 Bhut Jolokia's Sweet Chorizo Watermelon
69 Hecuva Musk
70 Alum's Tongue Twister

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going green with thread necromacy yeilds reintarnation.
Funny, doesn't look druish to me...

we do have magical undergarments and something oft kilt-ar...

basically it's about 'die-ing twice' *dodges spare old stone discuses thrown by pun haters as I rolled 007*

well that *stinks*

Heather 540 wrote:
Odo Hillborne wrote:
Niemand wrote:
at first I thought this was a grappling succubus thread...
Only if you ride your Succubus Companion into combat...
Think anyone has ever tried that?

I can't think of a fiendish contract that didn't have a rider... and these mounts will invariably teach them a few new tricks

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