What do you want from a Lost Omens: Old Cheliax?

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SOLDIER-1st wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Is Hell well known for its love of innovation then ?
It is. Phlegethon is an entire layer that is focused on the production of weapons, including R&D of new ones.

Deimavigga are also constantly innovating new arguments to sway mortals away from worship of goodly deities and make their souls easier to grab.

Hell doesn't lack for innovation. It's just all bent toward being the most efficiently evil they can be.

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I don't think alignment is really all that useful as a shorthand for politics given how different any given individual interpretation of such vague terms as "good" "evil" "lawful" etc are going to be be. At least for character alignments it's only addressing one person; trying to fit entire societies into 9 easy categories of morality is even more unreliable. Not that it isn't attempted in the real world (side-eyes political compass tests) but it tends to be very subjective in practice.

For my part, I don't think authoritarians are necessarily opposed to innovation. They can be, but just as often they instead want it to be fully controlled by whatever power they support.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Alignment isn't really good shorthand for politics yeah, its more useful shorthand for "is this random stranger likely to help you, ignore you or mock you" or "is this place hostile place to live?"

What are people from ravounel called they aren't chelish anymore but I don't remember them being called something new

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Beckett99 wrote:
What are people from ravounel called they aren't chelish anymore but I don't remember them being called something new

My guess for the demonym would be Ravouneli, but I haven't seen the demonym in print.

Ethnically, they're Taldan like the people of Cheliax.

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The people of cheliax are ethnic chelaxian

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Beckett99 wrote:
The people of cheliax are ethnic chelaxian

You won't find Chelaxian ethnicity in 2e. It's been Taldan since the 2e core.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Beckett99 wrote:
What are people from ravounel called they aren't chelish anymore but I don't remember them being called something new

My guess for the demonym would be Ravouneli, but I haven't seen the demonym in print.

Ethnically, they're Taldan like the people of Cheliax.

I would have thought Ravounellian, similar to Chelaxian, though I've never been clear on the difference between Chelaxian and Chellish or why there is one. Like Osirian and Osiriani - it doesn't really seem like something that needs two words for.

keftiu wrote:
Beckett99 wrote:
The people of cheliax are ethnic chelaxian
You won't find Chelaxian ethnicity in 2e. It's been Taldan since the 2e core.

That so many taldans that means old cheliax, the shining lands the southern river kingdoms and the southern part of the eye of dread and southern varisia are all majority taldan

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Yeah, most people in Avistan are ethnically Taldan. The Kellid, Shoanti, Varisians, Nidaelese, Ulfen, Jadwiga, and Varki are the other Avistani ethnicities.

It's not really that different from how most people in Nex and Geb are Osiriani. Big empires that fall apart tend to leave their people in territories they used to hold.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

Yeah, most people in Avistan are ethnically Taldan. The Kellid, Shoanti, Varisians, Nidaelese, Ulfen, Jadwiga, and Varki are the other Avistani ethnicities.

It's not really that different from how most people in Nex and Geb are Osiriani. Big empires that fall apart tend to leave their people in territories they used to hold.

1E had Iobarians in Mendev and Brevoy but they seem to have vanished consumed by the unending tide of taldens

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Beckett99 wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:

Yeah, most people in Avistan are ethnically Taldan. The Kellid, Shoanti, Varisians, Nidaelese, Ulfen, Jadwiga, and Varki are the other Avistani ethnicities.

It's not really that different from how most people in Nex and Geb are Osiriani. Big empires that fall apart tend to leave their people in territories they used to hold.

1E had Iobarians in Mendev and Brevoy but they seem to have vanished consumed by the unending tide of taldens

Iobarians are in the Lost Omens Character Guide, as is a Iobarian Halfling ethnicity called the Mahrini.

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Iobarans are a Casmaron ethnicity, because Iobaria is in Casmaron. It's like how there are Keleshites and Vudrani in the Inner Sea region, large populations of them even, but Kelesh and Vudra are in Casmaron next door.

Shadow Lodge

Beckett99 wrote:
What are people from ravounel called they aren't chelish anymore but I don't remember them being called something new

I think "Ravounel" gets repurposed as the demonym, it fits well enough. "I am a Ravounel citizen," "my nationality is Ravounel," and so on.

Silver Crusade

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Morhek wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Beckett99 wrote:
What are people from ravounel called they aren't chelish anymore but I don't remember them being called something new

My guess for the demonym would be Ravouneli, but I haven't seen the demonym in print.

Ethnically, they're Taldan like the people of Cheliax.

I would have thought Ravounellian, similar to Chelaxian, though I've never been clear on the difference between Chelaxian and Chellish or why there is one. Like Osirian and Osiriani - it doesn't really seem like something that needs two words for.

I believe, and I could be 100% wrong on how this process works, that Chelaxian specifically refers to the people while Chelish refers to something from there (Chelish Wine). Language being language they get mished and mashed, just like every other language. Again, probably wrong though.

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Similarly, I'm pretty sure Osiriani is the language and Osirian is everything else. The ethnicity is called Garundi, not Osiriani.

Nothing has changed the prevalence of Iobarians in Mendev and Brevoy, I think they're still mentioned as the original populace of the former in LOCG but I'll have to check. In any case 1e was the first to establish that there was a Taldan presence in that area. Ethnic Chelaxians haven't been retconned away so much as redefined as a subgroup.

Shadow Lodge

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Darth Game Master wrote:
Ethnic Chelaxians haven't been retconned away so much as redefined as a subgroup.

Chelaxian is not an ethnicity, but a nationality.

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That doesn't contradict my point, which is that the concept of "being Chelaxian" hasn't gone away, just that they are now classified as ethnically Taldan due to shared history, language, etc with the Taldans of eastern Avistan.

Besides, arguments can and have been made that the previous Chelaxian ethnic category can be understood as an in-universe attempt to build a nationalistic identity to distinguish themselves from Taldor despite those obvious similarities . That sort of constructed identity is the basis of plenty of modern European ethnic groups, so it's not unbelievable as a concept, but since Golarion's ethnicities tend to refer to broader groups it's best left as a perception (probably largely by Chelaxian elites who are the most likely to put stock in the concept of Cheliax as a nation to begin with) rather than something referred to in the main rulebooks, hence the change to chelaxian=taldan.
As LOCG points out, ideas of ethnicity are subjective with varying degrees of specificity as in the real world; if Sargavans are sometimes viewed as a group in their own right as LOME implies, a similar attitude towards Cheliax among some people makes sense after 640 years of independence. I'm well aware that sort of ethno-nationalism has often had very unfortunate results in the real world, but this is also a country that's designed to be antagonistic within the setting (even before the Hell stuff, they had a colonial empire and allied with Nidal).

TL;DR yes the ethnicity is Taldan and the nationality is Chelaxian, I was just noting that "Taldans of southwestern Avistan sometimes differentiate themselves from the rest" still works as an idea in 2e lore

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I also find that Ravounel's national identity isn't quite solidified. I think you're more likely to hear someone say, "I'm a Kintargan" or "I'm Vyran" than anything else.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What is the Taldane ethnicity and language. What is the Chilaxian Language, [I believe their Language to be Italian based]. I believe the Andoran language to be 17th century Middle English. I agree with Kasoh people from city-states tend to see themselves from their city-states rather than from the wider country. As Genoese see themselves as from Genoa apart from Italian.

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They speak Taldane in Cheliax; they also speak Taldane in Andoran. They speak Taldane pretty much everywhere on the north coast of the inner sea and further inland.

What "Common" is, depends on where you are. Some places it's Taldane, some places it's Tien, some places it's Mwangi, some places it's Osiriani, etc.

Shadow Lodge

Kasoh wrote:
I also find that Ravounel's national identity isn't quite solidified. I think you're more likely to hear someone say, "I'm a Kintargan" or "I'm Vyran" than anything else.

On the one hand, more's the pity, parochialism sucks. On the other hand, it might be for the best that no one's adopting a national identity defined primarily by selling out.

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
I also find that Ravounel's national identity isn't quite solidified. I think you're more likely to hear someone say, "I'm a Kintargan" or "I'm Vyran" than anything else.
On the one hand, more's the pity, parochialism sucks. On the other hand, it might be for the best that no one's adopting a national identity defined primarily by selling out.

Their national independence is based on selling out but I'm pretty sure ravounel's national identity is based on pretending the last hundred years of cheliax culture shift never happened with the parts of that culture they don't like being quietly ignored

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
I also find that Ravounel's national identity isn't quite solidified. I think you're more likely to hear someone say, "I'm a Kintargan" or "I'm Vyran" than anything else.
On the one hand, more's the pity, parochialism sucks. On the other hand, it might be for the best that no one's adopting a national identity defined primarily by selling out.

The nation itself isn't that old and its existence was born out of "Barzillai Thrune is a monster" more than "We're Ravounel." The founding of Ravounel was really a lucky break for the lives of the people in the area, as they didn't have to have a large fight for liberation, even though that would have helped solidify their national identity.

As the nation gets older and has something to offer besides Kintargo and Vyre, I think it will have some kind of national identity.

Shadow Lodge

Kasoh wrote:
As the nation gets older and has something to offer besides Kintargo and Vyre, I think it will have some kind of national identity.

If anything the reverse. Kintargo and Vyre are getting poorer, and nowhere else in particular is growing.

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
As the nation gets older and has something to offer besides Kintargo and Vyre, I think it will have some kind of national identity.
If anything the reverse. Kintargo and Vyre are getting poorer, and nowhere else in particular is growing.

I'll trust your reading on the subject. My table's corner of the world has veered drastically off from the currently published norm so I don't have any incentive to keep up with it.

Shadow Lodge

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Kasoh wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
As the nation gets older and has something to offer besides Kintargo and Vyre, I think it will have some kind of national identity.
If anything the reverse. Kintargo and Vyre are getting poorer, and nowhere else in particular is growing.
I'll trust your reading on the subject. My table's corner of the world has veered drastically off from the currently published norm so I don't have any incentive to keep up with it.

Description comes from the World Guide. As paraphrased on the wiki:

"After the departure of those who remained loyal to Cheliax, most of Ravounel's citizens are optimistic that they can build their country into a fair and kind place, even if independent Ravounel is less rich and grandiose than when it used to be an archduchy of Cheliax."

That's capital flight.

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
As the nation gets older and has something to offer besides Kintargo and Vyre, I think it will have some kind of national identity.
If anything the reverse. Kintargo and Vyre are getting poorer, and nowhere else in particular is growing.
I'll trust your reading on the subject. My table's corner of the world has veered drastically off from the currently published norm so I don't have any incentive to keep up with it.

Description comes from the World Guide. As paraphrased on the wiki:

"After the departure of those who remained loyal to Cheliax, most of Ravounel's citizens are optimistic that they can build their country into a fair and kind place, even if independent Ravounel is less rich and grandiose than when it used to be an archduchy of Cheliax."

That's capital flight.

How does capital fight work In a pre industrial economy?

Shadow Lodge

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Beckett99 wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
As the nation gets older and has something to offer besides Kintargo and Vyre, I think it will have some kind of national identity.
If anything the reverse. Kintargo and Vyre are getting poorer, and nowhere else in particular is growing.
I'll trust your reading on the subject. My table's corner of the world has veered drastically off from the currently published norm so I don't have any incentive to keep up with it.

Description comes from the World Guide. As paraphrased on the wiki:

"After the departure of those who remained loyal to Cheliax, most of Ravounel's citizens are optimistic that they can build their country into a fair and kind place, even if independent Ravounel is less rich and grandiose than when it used to be an archduchy of Cheliax."

That's capital flight.

How does capital fight work In a pre industrial economy?

Liquidate assets, flee the country with specie?

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Beckett99 wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
As the nation gets older and has something to offer besides Kintargo and Vyre, I think it will have some kind of national identity.
If anything the reverse. Kintargo and Vyre are getting poorer, and nowhere else in particular is growing.
I'll trust your reading on the subject. My table's corner of the world has veered drastically off from the currently published norm so I don't have any incentive to keep up with it.

Description comes from the World Guide. As paraphrased on the wiki:

"After the departure of those who remained loyal to Cheliax, most of Ravounel's citizens are optimistic that they can build their country into a fair and kind place, even if independent Ravounel is less rich and grandiose than when it used to be an archduchy of Cheliax."

That's capital flight.

How does capital fight work In a pre industrial economy?
Liquidate assets, flee the country with specie?

Is Ravounel developed enough to stop it's most valuable assets from being tied to land and landownership?

Shadow Lodge

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Beckett99 wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Beckett99 wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
As the nation gets older and has something to offer besides Kintargo and Vyre, I think it will have some kind of national identity.
If anything the reverse. Kintargo and Vyre are getting poorer, and nowhere else in particular is growing.
I'll trust your reading on the subject. My table's corner of the world has veered drastically off from the currently published norm so I don't have any incentive to keep up with it.

Description comes from the World Guide. As paraphrased on the wiki:

"After the departure of those who remained loyal to Cheliax, most of Ravounel's citizens are optimistic that they can build their country into a fair and kind place, even if independent Ravounel is less rich and grandiose than when it used to be an archduchy of Cheliax."

That's capital flight.

How does capital fight work In a pre industrial economy?
Liquidate assets, flee the country with specie?
Is Ravounel developed enough to stop it's most valuable assets from being tied to land and landownership?

In a word, yes. It hasn't been a wholly natural economy since the Chelish Civil War - none of the old empire has.

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I mean the most valuable things that Kintargo specifically could sell to Cheliax at large were silver and culture. Since Ravounel has set itself against Cheliax in a sense, Cheliax is much less interested in buying their culture.

Silver is still valuable, but the rest of the economy is now salt, timber, and fish.

I think they also sell fancy marble

Shadow Lodge

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

I mean the most valuable things that Kintargo specifically could sell to Cheliax at large were silver and culture. Since Ravounel has set itself against Cheliax in a sense, Cheliax is much less interested in buying their culture.

Silver is still valuable, but the rest of the economy is now salt, timber, and fish.

I assume you mean the "export economy," since Ravounel also has shipbuilding and allied industries (textile, potash), probably has developed glassmaking using the salt it is not obliged to export for soda ash, produces energy in the form of charcoal and whale oil, and probably finds zinc, lead, and copper coincident with silver (they are usually found coincident in nature)? Also agriculture (grain, cash crops for textile production, and livestock).

It's just that these industries primarily produce for the domestic market.

Liberty's Edge

I guess Cheliax just stopped putting their government's money in Ravounel.

Which do you think is more important for ravounel's development capital for investment or a larger labour pool for more labour intensive industries? Cause there is a whole bunch of stuff ravounel can't do due to it's tiny population.

Shadow Lodge

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Beckett99 wrote:
Which do you think is more important for ravounel's development capital for investment or a larger labour pool for more labour intensive industries? Cause there is a whole bunch of stuff ravounel can't do due to it's tiny population.

Ordinarily, yes - but Magnimar and Korvosa have industrial economies despite having even smaller populations. Paizo's worldbuilding is just weird.

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Korvosa and magnimar are both bigger cities then kintargo

Shadow Lodge

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Beckett99 wrote:
Korvosa is bigger then kintargo

Barely. And a bit more than half the population of Kintargo and Vyre combined.

I wonder if the way forward for Ravounel economically is to leverage their shipbuilding and try to extend trade to Arcadia.

Like unlike Andoran Ravounel can get into the Arcadian ocean without having to go through the Arch of Aroden. The question is can they produce anything that somebody in Arcadia wants.

Shadow Lodge

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
The question is can they produce anything that somebody in Arcadia wants.

Highly doubtful, other than silver specie and maybe those crystals that could be found on Deepmar if extraction is ever started up again. Arcadia is generally more developed economically and technologically, and richer-resourced, than anywhere in Avistan.

Ravounel is in a position to dominate the Varisian Run trade as middlemen and should have willing trade partners in Magnimar, Korvosa, and especially Vidrian (each a peer power one of which is a military and political ally), but isn't noted to be trading with any of them.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One wonders at just how much Cheliax is quietly turning the screws on them. A bit of gold in the right palms can cause so many problems, and Cheliax knows exactly how to get that gold to the exact right palms while still holding to the letter of their forced arrangement with Ravounel.

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Evan Tarlton wrote:
One wonders at just how much Cheliax is quietly turning the screws on them. A bit of gold in the right palms can cause so many problems, and Cheliax knows exactly how to get that gold to the exact right palms while still holding to the letter of their forced arrangement with Ravounel.

Cheliax is obsessed with law so I think they will favor the tactic of bureaucratic dregery to make life as inconvenient as possible with lots and lots of filing fees of course.

Liberty's Edge

Evan Tarlton wrote:
One wonders at just how much Cheliax is quietly turning the screws on them. A bit of gold in the right palms can cause so many problems, and Cheliax knows exactly how to get that gold to the exact right palms while still holding to the letter of their forced arrangement with Ravounel.

Andoran, Taldor and other interested parties likely use similar hidden means to help Ravounel / weaken Cheliax.

And not necessarily out of the goodness of their heart.

Liberty's Edge

PossibleCabbage wrote:

I wonder if the way forward for Ravounel economically is to leverage their shipbuilding and try to extend trade to Arcadia.

Like unlike Andoran Ravounel can get into the Arcadian ocean without having to go through the Arch of Aroden. The question is can they produce anything that somebody in Arcadia wants.

More like a trading empire I think, similar to the Netherlands in their golden age.

If they built a mercantile empire like they would also build a navy to protect it. Ravounel having a navy will help them with all of their vulnerability in relation to cheliax.

Shadow Lodge

Beckett99 wrote:
If they built a mercantile empire like they would also build a navy to protect it. Ravounel having a navy will help them with all of their vulnerability in relation to cheliax.

Unless there's a navy in the background that no book has mentioned, Ravounel's policy appears to be delegating its coastal defense to the elves of Irim and Mirivenn and the defense of its ships on the high seas to Vidrian, and not to maintain a navy itself. If this is in fact the case, this parasitism may be either compelled (for instance, by having a budget too small to maintain a navy) or voluntaristic (for instance, by wanting to spend its budget on other things, though what those things might be is undefined).

My guess is that they're deprioritizing the navy in large part because "who they would need to defend themselves from by sea" is currently unclear. Like they're unlikely to be attacked by sea by Nidal or Cheliax. Anybody in the Inner Sea would have to content with the Arch of Aroden to get there (and likely has someone else they'd rather attack in between here and there). The Whispering Tyrant does not have a Navy. They're too far south for the Vikings to the north and too far north for the Pirates to the south. The only obvious potential threats are Varisia and New Thassilon, who have their own struggles that preclude naval adventurism.

Like the question of "How does Ravounel become powerful" the answer is "ships and trade" be Portugal or the Netherlands. It just seems that their priorities currently are more about stability and public good than "our nation should become powerful." They were, after all, a Chaotic Good nation.

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People are giving too much credit to Ravounel. They managed to get independence because Cheliax was at a particularly bad spot and that area is not important enough to contest it. Ravounel is also no way near comparable to any of the Varisian ports. Nor does it have the military to actually protect itself if a stronger country actively tried to take it over. Its not wealthy enough to really hire mercenaries, and its effectively flanked by the two most evil countries in the region.

Trying to expand into Nidal will 100% cause it more issues than its worth. Trying to expand into Cheliax will definetly bring down the Chelish forces for breaking the deal. Cheliax also has all the capabilities to make their lives miserable along that coast, forcing Ravounel into a tight rope just to survive.

While Ravounel is barely surviving, Cheliax just needs to lie in wait while seeding their operatives. When Ravounel becomes weak enough or enough of the leadership is replaced by cheliax poppets, it then becomes trivial to just accept the country back with interest.


Rovounel's win condition is for Cheliax to fall without losing independence. Which is easier said than done because any country that would help would likely ask ravounel for fealty or enough concessions that it would effectively be no better than fealty.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

My guess is that they're deprioritizing the navy in large part because "who they would need to defend themselves from by sea" is currently unclear. Like they're unlikely to be attacked by sea by Nidal or Cheliax. Anybody in the Inner Sea would have to content with the Arch of Aroden to get there (and likely has someone else they'd rather attack in between here and there). The Whispering Tyrant does not have a Navy. They're too far south for the Vikings to the north and too far north for the Pirates to the south. The only obvious potential threats are Varisia and New Thassilon, who have their own struggles that preclude naval adventurism.

Like the question of "How does Ravounel become powerful" the answer is "ships and trade" be Portugal or the Netherlands. It just seems that their priorities currently are more about stability and public good than "our nation should become powerful." They were, after all, a Chaotic Good nation.

They are also extremely disorganized as a nation, because all of their direct allies are also chaotic.

Chaotic, freedom, and revolution are good and all, but they are no substitute for a well organized government. Just ask Galt.

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