August 2022 New Releases and Subscription Shipping


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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Dancing Wind wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Apparently I'm not permitted to say "no shipping email yet" and nothing else. Or maybe it was too soon after my previous post.

There is an anti-spam bot process that won't let you make sequential identical posts.

Or maybe even any identical posts.

I made a post. I then made a second, not identical post. It didn't post. I then made a third post identical to the second post. That one didn't fly either. Then I waited a bit, and posted the post to which you responded. <shrug> No big, I just don't understand how this software works. Not sure *anyone* does. :-)

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Steve Geddes wrote:

The big advantage I found from subscribing is completeness. I never missed out on anything.

It isnt quick or cheap though.

I've never had any problems getting the stuff that I wanted without subscriptions, but maybe we are buying different things.

Dancing Wind wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Apparently I'm not permitted to say "no shipping email yet" and nothing else. Or maybe it was too soon after my previous post.

There is an anti-spam bot process that won't let you make sequential identical posts.

Or maybe even any identical posts.

There is? Maybe that's new, because I've accidentally double-posted before.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I've been a subscriber since 2014. I am not yet so annoyed at Paizo that I would cancel my subs. Not yet.

I'm sure many folks view a lot of my posts here as "complaining". If I have a complaint I will make it to Paizo directly.

Gisher wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Apparently I'm not permitted to say "no shipping email yet" and nothing else. Or maybe it was too soon after my previous post.

There is an anti-spam bot process that won't let you make sequential identical posts.

Or maybe even any identical posts.

There is? Maybe that's new, because I've accidentally double-posted before.

Huh. There is a block. I tried to duplicate a post and the system wouldn't let me. That's neat.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ed Reppert wrote:

I've been a subscriber since 2014. I am not yet so annoyed at Paizo that I would cancel my subs. Not yet.

I'm sure many folks view a lot of my posts here as "complaining". If I have a complaint I will make it to Paizo directly.

Sorry. I didn't mean to convey any negative connotations with my use of the word 'complaint.' I grew up in an era where companies routinely had complaint departments, and this forum seems like the modern equivalent.

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Gisher wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

The big advantage I found from subscribing is completeness. I never missed out on anything.

It isnt quick or cheap though.

I've never had any problems getting the stuff that I wanted without subscriptions, but maybe we are buying different things.

Its more that I was worried Id forget to order something.

I could have just manually ordered everything, but my subs meant I didnt need to think about it.

It was never cheap nor fast for me. As an international purchaser other options would have been better for both of those factors. But occasionally I'd have missed something.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

GEN CON was not a surprise, not answering emails or requests to know when shipping has ended is a choice.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Gisher wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Apparently I'm not permitted to say "no shipping email yet" and nothing else. Or maybe it was too soon after my previous post.

There is an anti-spam bot process that won't let you make sequential identical posts.

Or maybe even any identical posts.

There is? Maybe that's new, because I've accidentally double-posted before.
Huh. There is a block. I tried to duplicate a post and the system wouldn't let me. That's neat.

Pretty sure I am responsible for that one. I found the trick for FAWTL posting blitzes years ago.

It also let you avoid the smurf feature.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Just got my shipping notice for August. July is still pending. :-(

So I now have Graveclaw, Bloodlords 2 of 6, but I don't have the first one yet, because that's in the July shipment. Good thing I wasn't planning to start this AP anytime soon. :-(

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:

Just got my shipping notice for August. July is still pending. :-(

So I now have Graveclaw, Bloodlords 2 of 6, but I don't have the first one yet, because that's in the July shipment. Good thing I wasn't planning to start this AP anytime soon. :-(

Did you order anything different with your July order, or just subscriptions? I got my authorization e-mail for August, but I ordered that damn plushy Goblin(which is back-ordered), I've got my fingers crossed it doesn't FUBAR this month's shipping. LOL

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

There were several different things going on. No plushies, but different adventures, etc. Then like 2 days after they ran the July authorizations they announced two new subs, for which I promptly signed up. That messed things up, to the point that I had four pending orders, all stuck (one was the July subs). I put in tickets, but some things came unstuck and went into my August subs order (without, I think, manual intervention from Paizo).

I just got the shipping email for the July stuff. I still have two pending orders, both of which are stuck on "backordered" while the one item in each order hasn't been released yet - they're future products. I've asked for both to be put in my sidecart because they're not subscription items (Alien Archive 2 Pocket Edition and Crown of the Kobold King Special Edition) but that hasn't happened yet.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And now my watch has ended.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I should have known adding a Pathfinder Tales novel to my subscription order was a bad idea. My watch continues!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ugh...cannot believe I'm back to refreshing my orders page every half hour again. I learned nothing after last month. :P

Introducing a new player to Golarion in a couple weeks and really hoped to have Travel Guide in hand...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If it’s in acouple of weeks, you should be ok.

And, like you, my watch continues.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My watch has ended!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My watch, too, has ended.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Books arrived in Cologne, Germany today, no tax.

Customer Service Representative

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Shipping update- all domestic sub labels are printed and should ship today 8/22

International orders will print next and go out.

300-400 combo orders with subs/sidecart to ship and should be done by the end of the week.

Austin Phillips wrote:

Shipping update- all domestic sub labels are printed and should ship today 8/22

International orders will print next and go out.

300-400 combo orders with subs/sidecart to ship and should be done by the end of the week.

What about those with backorder issues?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I have a lot of Pathfinder Tales novels in paperback that I bought years ago. If I buy any more, it'll be from the kindle store.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Austin Phillips wrote:

Shipping update- all domestic sub labels are printed and should ship today 8/22

International orders will print next and go out.

300-400 combo orders with subs/sidecart to ship and should be done by the end of the week.

As Mr. Burns would say, "Excellent!"

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My watch ended before I even knew it began. Godspeed to those still waiting on orders and backorders!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Austin Phillips wrote:

Shipping update- all domestic sub labels are printed and should ship today 8/22

International orders will print next and go out.

300-400 combo orders with subs/sidecart to ship and should be done by the end of the week.

Got my shipment notification! Thanks Austin! Question: Does this update include outstanding July subscriptions as well? Just want to make sure those are still in the queue.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Austin Phillips wrote:

Shipping update- all domestic sub labels are printed and should ship today 8/22

International orders will print next and go out.

300-400 combo orders with subs/sidecart to ship and should be done by the end of the week.

Thanks Austin, these updates are really helpful

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My wait has ended! Even with the sidecart item! I was just telling my group that I likely wouldn't see it until Friday :D

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Here's hoping CS get all the resources they need and can finally make progress in dealing with the backlog before the next storm hits and puts everything back one year. Again.

I feel for all the people with subs problems and I am relieved that I cancelled them all when the bigots storm hit and money was too tight.

Good luck to all, especially CS.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My watch has ended

Customer Service Representative

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Our warehouse team has informed us that August Subs have been completed. If you have not received shipping confirmation for your august order please send a support ticket to with the Subject EX: August subscription issue along with your order # and associated email for your Paizo account. We are currently working through a larger than normal backlog so please allow some time for us to resolve these issues. Thank you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Austin Phillips wrote:
Our warehouse team has informed us that August Subs have been completed. If you have not received shipping confirmation for your august order please send a support ticket to with the Subject EX: August subscription issue along with your order # and associated email for your Paizo account. We are currently working through a larger than normal backlog so please allow some time for us to resolve these issues. Thank you.

Email sent, hopefully the wait isn't as long as the forums here are implying.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Austin Phillips wrote:
Our warehouse team has informed us that August Subs have been completed. If you have not received shipping confirmation for your august order please send a support ticket to with the Subject EX: August subscription issue along with your order # and associated email for your Paizo account. We are currently working through a larger than normal backlog so please allow some time for us to resolve these issues. Thank you.

Excellent post.

explicitly telling us what subject line to use and what info to include is great.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Austin Phillips wrote:
Our warehouse team has informed us that August Subs have been completed. If you have not received shipping confirmation for your august order please send a support ticket to with the Subject EX: August subscription issue along with your order # and associated email for your Paizo account. We are currently working through a larger than normal backlog so please allow some time for us to resolve these issues. Thank you.

Thanks for the heads-up Austin!

Thank you Austin for taking care of the issue! I dont want to congest
CS email with a thank you, so, thank you again.

Austin Phillips wrote:
Our warehouse team has informed us that August Subs have been completed. If you have not received shipping confirmation for your august order please send a support ticket to with the Subject EX: August subscription issue along with your order # and associated email for your Paizo account. We are currently working through a larger than normal backlog so please allow some time for us to resolve these issues. Thank you.

If we have already sent email in response to our original authorization notification (mine had the red Back Ordered notice as did my July sub which at the time was still stuck, plus I had items in the side cart I was hoping to ship with) do you still want another one with the correct subject line?

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I'd backed the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary project, and this evening received an email that the order for those products was pending - might be impacting the warehouse, order, and email volumes. (They'd been projecting a September shipping/ receipt timeframe.) Hopefully that also bodes well for them getting through the backlog.

Thanks for the hard work folks, it's appreciated!

Evanfardreamer wrote:

I'd backed the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary project, and this evening received an email that the order for those products was pending - might be impacting the warehouse, order, and email volumes. (They'd been projecting a September shipping/ receipt timeframe.) Hopefully that also bodes well for them getting through the backlog.

Thanks for the hard work folks, it's appreciated!

Wow, I didn’t get anything.

It’s surprising to me that those aren’t automated, batch emails.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
Evanfardreamer wrote:

I'd backed the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary project, and this evening received an email that the order for those products was pending - might be impacting the warehouse, order, and email volumes. (They'd been projecting a September shipping/ receipt timeframe.) Hopefully that also bodes well for them getting through the backlog.

Thanks for the hard work folks, it's appreciated!

Wow, I didn’t get anything.

It’s surprising to me that those aren’t automated, batch emails.

I got the email but don’t see it on my Paizo Account so that is a bit worrisome.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Austin, I really want to thank you for the prompt notifications of what's happening.

Tamping down anxiety by giving us actionable information (ie, 'no, you don't need to send that email, because you can see that they haven't gotten to your batch of orders yet') is not only good customer service, it's changing behavior so fewer people send emails. With your current backlog, not getting further behind has to be a good outcome for all the CS staff.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Justin Franklin wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Evanfardreamer wrote:

I'd backed the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary project, and this evening received an email that the order for those products was pending - might be impacting the warehouse, order, and email volumes. (They'd been projecting a September shipping/ receipt timeframe.) Hopefully that also bodes well for them getting through the backlog.

Thanks for the hard work folks, it's appreciated!

Wow, I didn’t get anything.

It’s surprising to me that those aren’t automated, batch emails.

I got the email but don’t see it on my Paizo Account so that is a bit worrisome.

It should be in your order history but not in your downloads. This order does not include any PDFs.

Well there should be PDFs too, as far as I can remember. I don't usually see those in my downloads until the shipping is finalized though - and that email I haven't gotten yet. (And yeah, the email notif is probably automatic as they load the batches of pledges into the system, so those are likely coming either by series or by chunk depending how they did it.) I couldn't find a product page on the website for any of the things in my 'order' though, and clicking the product link just took me to a constantly reloading page.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Austin Phillips wrote:
Our warehouse team has informed us that August Subs have been completed. If you have not received shipping confirmation for your august order please send a support ticket to with the Subject EX: August subscription issue along with your order # and associated email for your Paizo account. We are currently working through a larger than normal backlog so please allow some time for us to resolve these issues. Thank you.

Thanks for the heads-up!

My order with the Travel Guide and plushies is still pending. Email sent.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Evanfardreamer wrote:

I'd backed the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary project, and this evening received an email that the order for those products was pending - might be impacting the warehouse, order, and email volumes. (They'd been projecting a September shipping/ receipt timeframe.) Hopefully that also bodes well for them getting through the backlog.

Thanks for the hard work folks, it's appreciated!

Wow, I didn’t get anything.

It’s surprising to me that those aren’t automated, batch emails.

I got the email but don’t see it on my Paizo Account so that is a bit worrisome.

It should be in your order history but not in your downloads. This order does not include any PDFs.

Right it should be but isn’t.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Justin Franklin wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Evanfardreamer wrote:

I'd backed the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary project, and this evening received an email that the order for those products was pending - might be impacting the warehouse, order, and email volumes. (They'd been projecting a September shipping/ receipt timeframe.) Hopefully that also bodes well for them getting through the backlog.

Thanks for the hard work folks, it's appreciated!

Wow, I didn’t get anything.

It’s surprising to me that those aren’t automated, batch emails.

I got the email but don’t see it on my Paizo Account so that is a bit worrisome.

It should be in your order history but not in your downloads. This order does not include any PDFs.

Right it should be but isn’t.

I was reviewing and the digital is going to be delivered by code so it won't show up in the order history of your Paizo account so we should be all good there.

Paizo Employee Software Architect

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Hi! We processed orders for physical products last night. PDFs will be handled differently, so no need to worry about missing PDFs at this time.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If we didn't get a notice should we be worried?

Paizo Employee Software Architect

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Cori Marie wrote:
If we didn't get a notice should we be worried?

It depends on what items you're expecting and where you live. We processed only orders for physical products that we're handling shipping for directly. We have partners handling distribution for the following countries:

Spiral Galaxy Games: UK
Aetherworks: AU, NZ
Lion Rampant Imports: CA
Ulisses Spiele: AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK

If you are expecting physical products and live in a country other than the ones listed above, you should have received a notification. If you did not, please email Customer Service. If you're expecting only virtual products, or live in one of the countries listed above, there is no cause for concern at this time.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Okay so I'm waiting on Lion Rampant here in Canada then. Good to know.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Are there any updates/delays on the orders?
I'm just asking cause my order keeps changing from Pending to Declined.

I've checked with my bank and they said everything was clear on their end, showed that the order was pending. And then it never charged.

I did email Pazio CS last week but have not heard back. Just wanted to see if there was any insight.

Luvz & Hugz

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