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Kydrick wrote:
I haven't seen a specific reason, but usually it's because the particular item has sold out from the warehouse and reprints have not yet arrived. Since this is part of the remaster I'm sure there will be a new shipment in the near future, but sadly with the god of prophecy dead, hard to say when they'll arrive more specifically. (as to frequency, I haven't seen it before on this particular product, but it's a thing that occurs sometimes.) Welcome! ![]()
I'm one of those old-fashioned players who needs the analog version for use; I don't think I've even downloaded most of the digital copies which came with my previous sub orders, though it's nice to have some of them for quick reference one-off questions. I also wasn't too fussed by getting the book a week or two after street date, I rarely play anymore so there's no rush to having it right away. I'd dropped my subscriptions because I just wasn't interested in the latest offerings, but if their next big meta-push is Azlant or the Golden Road regions, or maybe even Arcadia, I would happily re-up. Here's hoping! ![]()
I would love to have the fruits of such an agreement, I just can't imagine it happening anytime soon. Agreed that Savage Pathfinder is an excellent proof of concept; it's apparently done well enough to continue the line with additional adventure and supplements, but I think it's somewhat telling that when Paizo made a conversion of their Abomination Vaults, they didn't target a Savage license (or even a partnership project) but instead made a 5e version. Collaboration isn't a hurdle; Kobold Press, and likely others, for years put out products under multiple systems. That we've not seen many others doing the same at scale, suggests that they aren't terribly lucrative compared to the efforts involved. I'm one of those strange folks who bought Secrets of Magic for the in-world lore, not the specific 2e rules elements. Same with most of the Lost Omens books, actually. I don't need multiple copies for each discrete system I happen to run games in, and I suspect that many folks like myself can easily take the lore and work within their systems of choice. And this isn't even looking at the adventures; which to my understanding sell way fewer copies than splatbooks of rules elements. Converting Runelords and Crimson Throne on the publisher side sounded less like plug-and-play stat blocks for the new system, but rather a retooling from the ground up because SW makes completely different assumptions about playstyle, game balance, etc. So unfortunately it's not quite as easy as changing out one set of plates to work seamlessly with some or all of the other potential partners to this agreement. Overall I don't think it's an unworkable idea to establish such cooperation, and hopefully with the new ORC license kicking around we'll see companies take different steps towards producing their materials for various systems. With that said, though, I just don't see it being the replacement for D&D. I think that the blue avian social site is an apt analogy - after making some significantly and self-inflicted unpopular changes, they've certainly lost people to competing platforms. However, different groups moved to various platforms that suited their particular needs; all these other sites saw an increase in their membership and traffic, but even together they're not challenging its dominance - and it's still operating despite the naysaying. I think Ben hit the nail on the head that the only thing which could really challenge D&D is a game so good and easy to get into that players flock to on their own. ![]()
Iellonis wrote:
Someone more authoritative would be better to say for certain - generally a bonus PDF is included if you receive a product via subscription, so if you subscribe to the PF Adventures line with this product, it should include the PDF. ![]()
gsarton wrote:
They're just an occasional random bonus - sometimes I'll get cards from the adventure game, too. Not something that comes with every order though. ![]()
If February was that light a release month, and their CS backlog is that bad, it seems entirely reasonable for them to slide those couple items forwards into March. Hopefully we'll at least get a heads up this coming week - either with the March order post/ news or even just one of the Paizo folks chiming in here with a ballpark when we'll hear. ![]()
Eeh, the sales advantage is probably a factor, but doesn't seem a nefarious one to me. The people who were only going to buy a pocket edition still get to buy it; and the company's been completely transparent about this change, so customers can make their own decision about whether to buy the hardcover or wait. If other companies in the industry do the same with their versions (I'm not well traveled, but I'll trust Aaron's word) then normalizing to that convention seems fine. ![]()
Zwordsman wrote:
Biohacker has one new field of study, and 25 new theorems across the level bands. Witchwarper has a more significant Enhancement - in addition to 16 new paradigm shifts across the levels, it also increases the uses pool for Infinite Worlds pretty significantly, and gets some new abilities over time (freebie extra class skill, 1/day do both a spell and infinite worlds simultaneously, some built-in retraining points, and a bonus roll of alternate outcome). Doesn't look like it'll change how the class plays, just give it more tools to lean into its abilities or use 'em more often, I'm more excited to play with it.![]()
I believe I saw a member of their marketing team recently say something to the effect of, 'Most of the leadership team is new, and decisions previously made may be revisited.' So I'll keep checking on this, and if it ever does come up I'll gladly buy it (and the flip-mat if we get that also). And if it never comes to pass, so be it. ![]()
Thank you for this clear and transparent information post. I especially like the advance notice before it goes into effect; I now can make the choice to pick up any last 'maybe' selections at the current prices. No buyer is ever truly *happy* with rate increases, but these are - as far as I've experienced with the products impacted - reasonable and fair. ![]()
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The bonus PDFs is a wonderful and very appreciated treat. Thank you for all your hard work! So glad to finally get these <3 ![]()
Well there should be PDFs too, as far as I can remember. I don't usually see those in my downloads until the shipping is finalized though - and that email I haven't gotten yet. (And yeah, the email notif is probably automatic as they load the batches of pledges into the system, so those are likely coming either by series or by chunk depending how they did it.) I couldn't find a product page on the website for any of the things in my 'order' though, and clicking the product link just took me to a constantly reloading page. ![]()
I'd backed the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary project, and this evening received an email that the order for those products was pending - might be impacting the warehouse, order, and email volumes. (They'd been projecting a September shipping/ receipt timeframe.) Hopefully that also bodes well for them getting through the backlog. Thanks for the hard work folks, it's appreciated! |