Wings of Liberty: A PF1 Campaign Setting in Andoran - Recruitment


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After centuries as a vassal state of foreign monarchies, Andoran has risen to become the Inner Sea's first democratically governed sovereign republic. With its booming lumber industry and numerous economic resources, the young nation now stands as a significant and influential world power. Still, Andoran's greatest export remains its message of freedom.

The Andoren people founded their nation upon the fundamental principles of equality and liberty. Andoren justice holds equality according to number, not worth. Together, all citizens act as sovereign, and thus hold the decisions of the majority as the sole and final determination of justice. Through governing in this fashion, the poor become more powerful than the wealthy because they compose the majority. The dream of Andoran's founders was to erase all distinction between the government and the governed, which in a true democracy are the same individuals. These same founders sought to protect and guarantee these liberties through a formal constitution founded upon two principles: First, Andorens must possess liberty. Without liberty one's life becomes that of a slave. Second, democracy rises from both equality and liberty.

While Andorens desire not to be governed, they hold that an individual must accept that her personal liberties are of equal importance as the liberties of others. Standing resolute in their belief in equality, they assign citizens the responsibility to govern and be governed in turn, and establish that a shared government provides their nation the sole way to attain equalitarian liberty.

Still, some argument continues between those who favor the forthright law upheld by a strong centralized authority and those who seek to further diversify the realms of power to all people. The latter group warns that the polarizing effect of an increasingly centralized government risks inciting the kind of anarchic rebellion in Andoran that characterizes the bloody nation of Galt. Still, the majority of citizens continue to favor a strong centralized government and rely on the strength of elected officials and extensive welfare and social programs to maintain the country's current social and financial stability.

Campaign Background

Codwin I of Augustana, the Supreme Elect of Andoran, has won his second reelection as the Supreme Elect, winning the popular vote in 4012, though his continued reelection has raised concern that the Supreme Elect has acquired the stink of a monarchy. While it is true that he still wishes to hold onto the position a while longer, it is not due to wanting to attain more powers. As the paladin of Iomedae, Codwin I wishes to uphold justice and do good for as long as he can for the betterment of the still-growing republic as well as to spread the messages of liberty to neighboring nations.

In order to spread the ideals of freedom and equality, Codwin I starts funding some adventuring parties, knowing that he cannot rely solely on the Eagle Knights alone. He considers the members of these adventuring parties as his personal agents, who are ready to put their lives on the line for the sake of Andoran. They must be ready to face all enemies of Andoran, whether from outside their republic or from within. The Supreme Elect considers this his duty to expand the wings of liberty beyond the borders of Andoran, hoping that one day, all will become free and equal.

DM's Notes

I'll be running a campaign that isn't a module or an adventure path. I'll make use of Andoran as the campaign setting, though everything else that happens in this campaign will be decided by me. So, I'll be looking for anyone interested in joining the game, and if there are enough interests, I make take more than one table. I'll be taking 5 players per table, and the party must be balanced in terms of composition.

Open the spoiler below to learn more about character creation.

Character Creation:
Level: We are starting at Level 5.
Alignment: You are to become the personal agent of the ruler of Andoran, a NG nation. Which means you must be Good or at least Neutral. Evil will have a much harder time to be accepted, and if you insist on getting an Evil character, make a long essay to justify it, because a single paragraph won't cut it.
Stat Generation: 30 point buy. We're gonna do some epic stuff, hence the much higher stat generation.
Race: Core races will be given priority here (with human receiving the upmost priority). Tiefling and aasimar may still apply, but I will give more priority to core races.
Class: Core and base classes will be given priority, though hybrid classes can still apply. Unchained classes are also acceptable. However, occult classes and classes like gunslinger, samurai and ninja will get a hard no from me. Archetypes are allowed.
Traits: You can take two traits.
Background: Write up your character's background and history. There's no need to write something long, just something that tells about your character's history. If possible, explain your character's personality as well.
Starting Wealth: 11,000 gp. You are sponsored by the President of the United States of America Supreme Elect of Andoran himself, hence explaining why you're loaded.
Background Skills: Sure, why not?
Experience Progression: Experience points.

I will be looking for five players, and if there are enough interests, I may do more than one table.

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I’m interested. In the point buy, you say things are going to get epic. Is there a possibility we might get Mythic tiers? If that’s on the table, it’ll effect my build.

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Consider me interested. :) Wizard, likely. More details to come.

Ouachitonian wrote:
I’m interested. In the point buy, you say things are going to get epic. Is there a possibility we might get Mythic tiers? If that’s on the table, it’ll effect my build.

Well, I'm not planning to use Mythic tiers. Way too complicated. Unless if I can do some adjustment on how Mythic tiers work, then I'll consider it.


definitely interested in this! I'm hopeful that there might be a espionage/intrigue aspect!

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Character options that spring to mind:

--Human Galtean Bardess, started as refugee to Andoran, model minority in a way, worked her way up, and more pro Andoran then actual Andorans, because Galt like, effed up. Very Neutral Good.
Could also be Urban Skald because thats in some ways a more interesting class, up to you.

Mechanical roles, skill monkey, reconnaissance, party buff bot, relatively high AC, not much damage. Mandatory singing of "Wings of Liberty" attack on Titan opening theme as a battle theme.

--Chaotic good Human Oracle of Shadows, originally from Cheliax, ferociously anti Thrune and anti Devil, has a Devil nemesis.
Espionage flavored, face, supportive spell casting, shoots people at range.

Mechanical roles, healing, reconnaissance, semi competent face.

--Chaotic Good Mercenary Inquisitor or warpriest of Cayden Caylean. Very pro party, will constantly try to get people looze up and funnily sloshed, normal inquisitor otherwise. Great at Public relations.

Mechanical roles: Switch hitter, frontline, cover weaknesses in the parties lineup.

--Lawfull good Paladin of Arqueros. Bodyguard the character. Very sturdy frontline, very optimistic and upbeat, no dark secrets whatsorever.

Well, I'm planning to include normal adventuring, espionage, intrigue, social and all other related stuff for this game, so please look forward to it.

OK yeah I was going to ask about the type of game/quests so that's already answered. Nice.

If you're looking at ways to be epic, Gestalt is another nice optional ruleset. Doesn't really require learning much that's new but it is complicated in that everyone has more options. Something simpler would be to grant bonus feats or what not.

1. What are you thinking for battle maps? Theater of the mind, Google slides, roll20, etc?
2. How often do you expect players to post? It's always good for me to know if it's a 2x per day, 1x per day, 5x per week, or whatever kind of game.
3. Given the game feel, I'm guessing your ok with relatively strong character builds?

Interested. Must research!

Character Concept: Willim Goldfield, third son to Lusha Goldfield, Head of House Goldfield. Instead of going into banking like his father and two older brothers, Willim decided to follow Shelyn, Goddess of Beauty and Art, first as a bard, then as a cleric.

Willim would provide healing, buffs and diplomacy checks as a multiclass bard/cleric, and experience dealing with the upper classes of Andoran.

Dark Archive

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I have a character concept for a sword binder wizard lying around that would fit nicely for such a campaign.


The son of a Kyonin diplomat to Taldor, Kian was trained by some of the nation's few remaining sword binders. He is old enough to recall the Chelish Civil War, and she still nurses a hatred for those who brought a formerly great kingdom to ruin. His greatest ire however is reserved for his enemies in the Goblinblood Wars. Dispatched by the elven queen as part of a team to ensure the conflict remained in the Chitterwood, his small force fought a guerrilla campaign against the creatures. When the confict was over, the queen's refusal to help liberate Isger from ithe diabolic power of Cheliax sat uneasily with Usiel, and he retired to Andoran.

Kian is a stern and aloof companion, nostalgic for the time before Age of Lost Omens. He still remains unwaveringly committed to people's right to self-determination, and is more ready to return to the fight than he's willing to admit to himself.

Dotting for interest


Any idea when you'll be looking to close applications GM?

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Sounds like an interesting campaign. Do you have any issue with the Druidic Herbalism Natue’s Bond Variant?

Thinking of a human fighter 3/magus X.

Are you OK with non-gunslingers that use guns?

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I’m thinking a Magus, or maybe a Warpriest. Something gish-y.

caster4life wrote:

OK yeah I was going to ask about the type of game/quests so that's already answered. Nice.

If you're looking at ways to be epic, Gestalt is another nice optional ruleset. Doesn't really require learning much that's new but it is complicated in that everyone has more options. Something simpler would be to grant bonus feats or what not.

1. What are you thinking for battle maps? Theater of the mind, Google slides, roll20, etc?
2. How often do you expect players to post? It's always good for me to know if it's a 2x per day, 1x per day, 5x per week, or whatever kind of game.
3. Given the game feel, I'm guessing your ok with relatively strong character builds?

Well, when I said epic, it's more like the scope of the story itself, not the mechanics. And I don't plan to use third-party materials for this campaign.

Answering questions.

1. I'm going with theater of the mind, though I'll probably use maps once in a while to help with the story.
2. Ideally, I prefer once per day or more.
3. Yeah, I'm okay with that, as long as you follow the rules and not too egregious about it.

TheWaskally wrote:

Interested. Must research!

Character Concept: Willim Goldfield, third son to Lusha Goldfield, Head of House Goldfield. Instead of going into banking like his father and two older brothers, Willim decided to follow Shelyn, Goddess of Beauty and Art, first as a bard, then as a cleric.

Willim would provide healing, buffs and diplomacy checks as a multiclass bard/cleric, and experience dealing with the upper classes of Andoran.

Just so you know, nobility has been abolished in Andoran. While there are certainly still separation of classes in Andoran, on paper everyone is equeal.

Louxman wrote:


Any idea when you'll be looking to close applications GM?

Maybe around 15th of July, maybe earlier if there are many who apply and show interest.

Ruin Explorer wrote:
Sounds like an interesting campaign. Do you have any issue with the Druidic Herbalism Natue’s Bond Variant?

Sure, go for it. Whether you get chosen depends on what I will see among the applicants.

caster4life wrote:

Thinking of a human fighter 3/magus X.

Are you OK with non-gunslingers that use guns?

Sorry. No guns.

Sorry GM, all the questions!

Would you consider a character that uses the VMC rules? (I'm not much of a min-maxer, it would be mainly for fun and flavour)

Louxman wrote:

Sorry GM, all the questions!

Would you consider a character that uses the VMC rules? (I'm not much of a min-maxer, it would be mainly for fun and flavour)

Not familiar with the system, sorry.

Arjuna332 wrote:
Not familiar with the system, sorry.

Not sure if that's a no or a request for clarification, I'm not trying to be pushy.

Variant Multiclassing

You basically swap out some bonus feats for limited access to some alternative class features, instead of taking levels in that class.

Hmm... I'd go with a no. Sorry about that.

Also, I'd appreciate it if not everyone's pursuing multiclass. Gotta keep the party balanced with single-classed party members as well.

Silver Crusade

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Interesting premise. Would you allow shaman as a class for applications? They're a hybrid class, but have some spiritual lore what with their powers coming from their familiar which I guess can be seen as occult. In a high point buy game like this, I'd use it to try making a single classed oradin and roleplay him as such. In combat it would be as a decently tanky frontliner who is a great healer and contributes a lot to his allies with a plethora of buffing spells and support hexes.

The background of which I would have to think about a bit more. A relatively straightforward concept would be something like a local farmer who used his innate life-magic abilities to aid the harvesting proces growing up. A slaving raid on his community, which he survived only because of said healing ability, forced him abandon his former life and enlist with the eagle knights, where he made a career for himself until he was considered for this special position.

Alternatively, it's been a very long time since I played a bard and I'm kind of curious to see what they could do with a 30 pt buy, too!

Also, are there any rules for item crafting and crafting items prior to the start of the game?

I'd say no crafting items prior to the start of the game. Make use of the starting wealth to get items that you want.

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Ideas twirling about in my head, trying to find something that feels right.

I've got a Paladin build I've tried to use before, but never got very far with. Sacred Shield/Warrior of the Holy Light combined archetypes.

Very defensive/protective build. Focused more on helping those who need it than on punishing those who deserve it.

Will keep thinking.

Oh, almost forgot. I'll only allow one archetype per class, so no two archetypes at the same time.

Thanks for the answers, GM! I will bow out as I really like tactical combat and that tends to be much less doable with theater of the mind. Looks like you have plenty of interest anyway. Fun gaming all!

Arjuna332 wrote:
TheWaskally wrote:

Character Concept: Willim Goldfield, third son to Lusha Goldfield, Head of House Goldfield. Instead of going into banking like his father and two older brothers, Willim decided to follow Shelyn, Goddess of Beauty and Art, first as a bard, then as a cleric.

Willim would provide healing, buffs and diplomacy checks as a multiclass bard/cleric, and experience dealing with the upper classes of Andoran.

Just so you know, nobility has been abolished in Andoran. While there are certainly still separation of classes in Andoran, on paper everyone is equal.

Yes, the nobility was abolished, but the powerful banking families still remain. Willim Goldfield was born into such privilege, being a member of Andoran's upper class.

Please tell me what you think.

Alright, looks good to me.

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Dotting for interest; might do a straight fighter of Taldor descent, carries his family's ancestral falcata despite getting dirty looks and words at every turn.

Silver Crusade

Arjuna332 wrote:
I'd say no crafting items prior to the start of the game. Make use of the starting wealth to get items that you want.

All right, thanks for answering! I'll assume that means shamans are allowed as a submission? And that we are required to spend almost all of our starting gold? As otherwise he or she could leave some of it unspent and then craft something immediately in the first day of the campaign. Or is that all right depending on how much was left in reserve? A rules variant I once read recommended that at most 25% of starting gold could be used for crafting or left in reserve if someone had those feats.

Second, are we using the Elephant in the Room rules to remove the most common feat taxes from the game? As in, everyone would have inmate access to power attack and weapon finesse, precise shot could be taken without point blank shot, combat maneuvers are consolidated into two groups etc.

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Mightypions completely submission here,
going with a red haired Galtese Bard after this little lovely cover:
Epica Wings of Liberty attack on Titan cover

Questions: HP are rolled how?

Is it ok to keep some spell selections and one feat unspent pending the actual party make up?

Trevor86 wrote:

All right, thanks for answering! I'll assume that means shamans are allowed as a submission? And that we are required to spend almost all of our starting gold? As otherwise he or she could leave some of it unspent and then craft something immediately in the first day of the campaign. Or is that all right depending on how much was left in reserve? A rules variant I once read recommended that at most 25% of starting gold could be used for crafting or left in reserve if someone had those feats.

Second, are we using the Elephant in the Room rules to remove the most common feat taxes from the game? As in, everyone would have inmate access to power attack and weapon finesse, precise shot could be taken without point blank shot, combat maneuvers are consolidated into two groups etc.

You're free to do whatever you want with your wealth, whether to spend it to buy your character some blings and stuff or leave it unspent for later use, it is up to you. And yes, shaman's allowed because it's not occult class.

About Elephant in the Room, I'd rather not use third-party stuff, so no Elephant in the room.

Aurelie de Simone-Simmons wrote:

Mightypions completely submission here,

going with a red haired Galtese Bard after this little lovely cover:
Epica Wings of Liberty attack on Titan cover

Questions: HP are rolled how?

Is it ok to keep some spell selections and one feat unspent pending the actual party make up?

About HP, determine your character's average HP at level 5.

As for spell selections and feat, we're gonna do some session 0 anyway to do some adjustment, so you should decide on spells and feat on your character first, and then adjust them accordingly if your character ends up being chosen.

Also, that avatar's kind of distracting. Is that a hole on her back?

How does a wasp knight/rider of Calistria sound?

A halfling cleric or huntsmaster inquisitor riding a wasp.

Chyrone wrote:

How does a wasp knight/rider of Calistria sound?

A halfling cleric or huntsmaster inquisitor riding a wasp.

Well, if the character seems interesting I may consider getting your character on board.

Aurelie de Simone-Simmons wrote:

Mightypions completely submission here,

going with a red haired Galtese Bard after this little lovely cover:
Epica Wings of Liberty attack on Titan cover

Wonderful! Another Shelyn bard! Surely Aurelie and Willim must have heard of each other. Possibly even met. Any ideas?

This looks like a blast. My first thought is a human Vigilante, sort of vibing off of the Marvel 1602 line of comics to be a nascent (potentially but not necessarily) masked hero, with a social identity that could either be critical of certain government elements or staying far away from it.

I imagine a philosopher or lawyer who fights for peoples' rights in the courts during the day and then suits up to go wreck races at night.

Is this viable, distracting, or unworkable?

polyfrequencies wrote:

This looks like a blast. My first thought is a human Vigilante, sort of vibing off of the Marvel 1602 line of comics to be a nascent (potentially but not necessarily) masked hero, with a social identity that could either be critical of certain government elements or staying far away from it.

I imagine a philosopher or lawyer who fights for peoples' rights in the courts during the day and then suits up to go wreck races at night.

Is this viable, distracting, or unworkable?

Well, feels like a one-trick pony to me (because there's also normal adventuring and other stuff, not just things related to politics and intrigue), though if you want to test your luck, go ahead.

TheWaskally wrote:
Aurelie de Simone-Simmons wrote:

Mightypions completely submission here,

going with a red haired Galtese Bard after this little lovely cover:
Epica Wings of Liberty attack on Titan cover
Wonderful! Another Shelyn bard! Surely Aurelie and Willim must have heard of each other. Possibly even met. Any ideas?

Aurelie could very much be turned into an Urban Skald, which fully stacks with a Bards inspire courage mechanically. Urban Skalds tend more towards reach attack builds as they have martial weapon proficiency, and have less feat slots because they typically invest feats into boosting their inspired rage further.

Her background was beign a downtrodden probably orphaned refugee from Galt, singing and begging initially to not starve, but got discovered as a genuine Musical talent, becoming a Soprano singer in one of Andoran opera houses, she still doesnt full believe it, and is occassionally hold up as the "model refugee".

She had doubts if she wasnt just a political prop, but genuinely decided that she would show that Andoran actually lives up to its ideals, and probably beleives in these ideals more then many actual Andorans.

Interesting premise Arjuna332! Welcome to the 'boards' and thank you for running the game.

I've been reading along for the last day and have a barbarian whose seen his fair share of failed games who wouldn't be difficult to imagine fighting for the cause of freedom in Andoran.

What's your opinion on drawbacks and Human Alternate Racial Traits like:

PFSRD wrote:
Military Tradition: Several human cultures raise all children (or all children of a certain social class) to serve in the military or defend themselves with force of arms. They gain proficiency with up to two martial or exotic weapons appropriate to their culture. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.

it's from the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races It would allow my northern barbarian to use the 'Butchers axe' and 'Broken-back seax'

I'll start working on getting Ivar to fifth level, let me know your opinion on the alternate race trait, and anything else that comes to mind.


Description at first level
Ivar was born on the Ironbound islands, the second son of a second son. When White Estrid King of the Ironbound Islands sailed to raid the Nidalese port of Nisroch Ivar's father and brother sailed with the fleet. When she returned from Absolam they did not. Theodin "the red", like many of the Ulfen raiders who would not inherit, could not resist the draw of the easy gold that the "soft southerners" would offer a man with his skill set. With his booty Theodin, and his oldest son Ingvar, purchased farmland near port, and other like minded Ulfens, so they could continue farming and raiding like their fore fathers. Shortly thereafter, Theodin sent for his wife and children and Ivar experienced his first sea voyage, but certainly not his last.

Ivar loved the sea and hated farm work, he determined he would part with tradition and live a life of adventure. When Ivar came of an age he sailed with his father on the longship 'The Linnorm's Claw' under captain Tavar "the Lame" While on a raid, during fierce fighting, he anchored the right flank of the shield wall and surviving; earned a name. In the fight he was struck a vicious blow from an axe to his helmet and survived. When the battle was over and the captain was congratulating his victorious crew, he saw Ivar. His face disfigured and bloodied. Having lost his helmet from the vicious blow, his long blond curly hair hanging about his face like a lion’s mane. Blood pouring from the scar on his face, dripping from his sparse beard. The captain blurted out with a laugh "well Goldilocks I see your none worse for wear! Just not as pretty any more."

Ivar became a named man, "Goldilocks." It was a name, that's all that matter, there were worse names to be had and he'd have words with anyone who said otherwise. When 'The Linnorms Claw' returned to port He asked father to kiss mother and sisters for him and he took a job on the first ship he could find leaving port.

Ivar Is average height for an Ulfen, just under six and a half feet tall, and light on his feet. He wears his long blond hair in braids now, apparently, despite best intentions, your helmet may come off in a fight and your hair can get in your eyes. His beard is still sparse while his light skin is tanned and weathered from exposure. A scar runs from his forehead over his left eye down onto his left cheek where it joins the beard His eyes are as blue as the cold waters of the Ironbound islands. His light skin is tanned and weathered from exposure.

When time and comfort permits he prefers to be shirtless so he may display his tattoo: an abstracted representation of his people’s totem, the Sea Wolf. This monster looks like a combination of: Wolf, Orca and Linnorm Dragon. The tattoo of blue wode begins with its wolf-like head on his left breast and snakes over his left shoulder onto his shoulder blades, under his right arm, wrapping around across his abdomen, past his left kidney and ending above his right hip.

He wears the traditional doeskin leather breaches, ankle wraps and boots of his people under his armor; but prefers the southerners breastplate to scale or chain armor. He wears his sea-bag high on both shoulders with his round wooden shield and helm tied to it. Carrying his hefty 'butcher's axe' resting on his shoulder, close in to his body so as to not injure anyone unintentionally.

Ivar is a competent seaman, he enjoys being on ship, but when sailing prefers to ship out with the Grey Corsairs, due to his hatred of slavers. If he signs on to a ship he is loyal to the captain and his crewmates, though he expects everyone to pull their own weight. He is not intimidated by woman leadership and he idolizes White Estrid and her cousin Runewulf the Unbeliever. He has a great sense of humor, but its not wise to laugh too long or too loud about his earned name, the history of axes or the "ignorance of northern barbarians". He does enjoy discussing: weather, weapons, religion, politics and ships and may well give you his opinion about those topics or many others free of charge, usually in a good natured fashion...usually. He is a man of his word and gives it sparingly.

A rough idea to get him from creation to Andoran
Ivar would have spent some time on different ships, until he began to sail with an Andorian captain, who convinced him of the quality of the Andorian democracy. He would have soon sailed with the 'Gray Corsairs' and earned a reputation as a 'freedom fighter' and come to the attention of the Supreme Elect of Andoran.

Aurelie de Simone-Simmons wrote:
TheWaskally wrote:
Aurelie de Simone-Simmons wrote:

Mightypions completely submission here,

going with a red haired Galtese Bard after this little lovely cover:
Epica Wings of Liberty attack on Titan cover
Wonderful! Another Shelyn bard! Surely Aurelie and Willim must have heard of each other. Possibly even met. Any ideas?
Aurelie could very much be turned into an Urban Skald, which fully stacks with a Bards inspire courage mechanically.

Please don't take my post as a request to not submit your bard! Who knows! We may both be picked! The polarizing difference between Willim's privileged upbringing and Aurelie's fight for survival would be very interesting to explore and RP.

The vigilante can absolutely shine in regular adventuring-type stuff as well, as I read through the class (I haven't played it before). It seems to me like the perfect sort of campaign for the class, but if you think it's too narrow then I can look into something else.

Alright--interest is piqued.

How often do you want your players to post?

Waives at Dragoncat

Arjuna332 wrote:
caster4life wrote:


1. What are you thinking for battle maps? Theater of the mind, Google slides, roll20, etc?
2. How often do you expect players to post? It's always good for me to know if it's a 2x per day, 1x per day, 5x per week, or whatever kind of game.
3. Given the game feel, I'm guessing your ok with relatively strong character builds?

Answering questions.

1. I'm going with theater of the mind, though I'll probably use maps once in a while to help with the story.
2. Ideally, I prefer once per day or more.
3. Yeah, I'm okay with that, as long as you follow the rules and not too egregious about it.

This was one of three answers the GM gave earlier.

Arjuna332, did you perchance mean "Codwin I of Augustana, the Supreme Elect of Andoran, has won his second reelection as the Supreme Elect, winning the popular vote in 4712," instead of "4012"?

Ah. Missed that. Neat.

Tribim wrote:

Waives at Dragoncat

Arjuna332 wrote:
caster4life wrote:


1. What are you thinking for battle maps? Theater of the mind, Google slides, roll20, etc?
2. How often do you expect players to post? It's always good for me to know if it's a 2x per day, 1x per day, 5x per week, or whatever kind of game.
3. Given the game feel, I'm guessing your ok with relatively strong character builds?

Answering questions.

1. I'm going with theater of the mind, though I'll probably use maps once in a while to help with the story.
2. Ideally, I prefer once per day or more.
3. Yeah, I'm okay with that, as long as you follow the rules and not too egregious about it.

This was one of three answers the GM gave earlier.

Arjuna332, did you perchance mean "Codwin I of Augustana, the Supreme Elect of Andoran, has won his second reelection as the Supreme Elect, winning the popular vote in 4712," instead of "4012"?

Oh right. It's 4712, not 4012. Though in my defense, the source I'm using (Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom) wrote 4012 instead of 3712, which is a typo.

Arjuna332 wrote:
Oh right. It's 4712, not 4012. Though in my defense, the source I'm using (Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom) wrote 4012 instead of 3712, which is a typo.

It's cool, I cheated and looked on the Wiki page for the year.

Any response on Alt human traits or drawbacks? I've about got Ivar ready for inspection.

Robert Henry wrote:
Arjuna332 wrote:
Oh right. It's 4712, not 4012. Though in my defense, the source I'm using (Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom) wrote 4012 instead of 3712, which is a typo.

It's cool, I cheated and looked on the Wiki page for the year.

Any response on Alt human traits or drawbacks? I've about got Ivar ready for inspection.

Ah, right. Sure, go for it.

Arjuna332 wrote:
Tribim wrote:

Waives at Dragoncat

Arjuna332 wrote:
caster4life wrote:


1. What are you thinking for battle maps? Theater of the mind, Google slides, roll20, etc?
2. How often do you expect players to post? It's always good for me to know if it's a 2x per day, 1x per day, 5x per week, or whatever kind of game.
3. Given the game feel, I'm guessing your ok with relatively strong character builds?

Answering questions.

1. I'm going with theater of the mind, though I'll probably use maps once in a while to help with the story.
2. Ideally, I prefer once per day or more.
3. Yeah, I'm okay with that, as long as you follow the rules and not too egregious about it.

This was one of three answers the GM gave earlier.

Arjuna332, did you perchance mean "Codwin I of Augustana, the Supreme Elect of Andoran, has won his second reelection as the Supreme Elect, winning the popular vote in 4712," instead of "4012"?

Oh right. It's 4712, not 4012. Though in my defense, the source I'm using (Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom) wrote 4012 instead of 3712, which is a typo.

Whoops, I mean 4712, not 3712.

Arjuna332 wrote:
Ah, right. Sure, go for it.

Excellent, let me present RH's Ulfen Invulnerable Rager Barbarian. I'll continue the background to get him to level five in the service of the 'Grey Corsairs.'

He has his own code that he lives by, but puts little expectation on others, outside of recognized authority. ie. "You do what the captain says because that's the job you signed up for." I have his alignment as neutral, though, depending on your definition of the alignments, he might be considered chaotic good. Either way, he's very much 'live and let live.'

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