Searching for a GM for a Skulls & Shackles campaign


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Since Ming is still with us, I assume we don't need extra trapfinding, right? Anyway, if still needed, I just need to know if variant multiclassing is allowed, and I can adjust Katara to cover for it. Otherwise she should be good to go ;)

I just need to know if variant multiclassing is allowed

That would be fine!

Running tally of characters:

Locked in from original game:
Seadreamer Stonebeard Dwarf Ranger
Madame Ming Kitsune Rogue
Terry of Quent Half-Elf Rogue
Destinie Nicholae Human Oracle

New Applicants:
Randall McNally Human Bard OR Kragor Bloodskull Half Orc Ranger
Cassandra Tyche Elven Witch
Katara Akshay Human Aquakineticist
Joran Bravestone Human Barbarian
WIP by Feyrial (utility?)
WIP by KingHotTrash (frontline type?)

Let me know if I missed anyone, I'll update the list as things change.

@DM Fern - What are your thoughts on Combat Stamina and the idea that fighters can get it for free? I'm thinking of going Fighter (Corsair) and multiclassing into Unchained Rogue at Level 7 onwards. Won't be going into trapfinding and stuff, going for the sneak attack goodness and other stuff.

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I dig it, adds fun options for combat -- let's add that to the list of feats that are free to folks who meet the prereqs, to keep it fair.

Combat Expertise (Int prereq)
Deadly Aim (BAB & Dex prereq)
Power Attack (BAB & Str prereq)
Scribe Scroll (Caster level prereq; If already free, take your choice of Skill/Spell Focus)
Combat Stamina (BAB prereq)

If you meet the prereq for the feat, it is free.

Actually Madame Ming does not have trapfinding, she traded it away for some other awesome abilities. Like a swim speed.

Elephant in the room rules would sure help me with what i want to do with this character^^
Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus and Two-Weapon Fighting are all very nice feats, but also a steep feat cost in front of other feats.

@DM Fern, is variant multiclassing acceptable? I'm willing to go this route and lose some of my feats and skill points to help the party cover trapfinding.

Lapyd wrote:
@DM Fern, is variant multiclassing acceptable? I'm willing to go this route and lose some of my feats and skill points to help the party cover trapfinding.

Yep, if you scroll up I said it would be fine ^_^

Ming, I think we're going to stick with the free feats the last GM offered plus the combat stamina I added, and not do the whole EitC thing this time, sorry.

DM Fern wrote:
Lapyd wrote:
@DM Fern, is variant multiclassing acceptable? I'm willing to go this route and lose some of my feats and skill points to help the party cover trapfinding.

Yep, if you scroll up I said it would be fine ^_^

Ming, I think we're going to stick with the free feats the last GM offered plus the combat stamina I added, and not do the whole EitC thing this time, sorry.

Yeah no problem. Was just looking at this character again after quite some time^^

I somehow want her to fight sword and pistol style, which is quite feat intensive.

I am working on finishing my character (Pathfinder creation is SO INVOLVED), but right now I am looking at a conjuration wizard.

DM Fern wrote:
Lapyd wrote:
@DM Fern, is variant multiclassing acceptable? I'm willing to go this route and lose some of my feats and skill points to help the party cover trapfinding.
Yep, if you scroll up I said it would be fine ^_^

Thanks GM! Katara is now updated and have VMC rogue, which by level 3 should give her trapfinding. Plus, I'm now investing points in Disable Device and changed one of the traits to help with it as well.

She also packs craft carpentry which I believe we can use later on to help with repairs on the ship.

While I adore Skulls & Shackles, there just isn't an idea that I'm really sinking my teeth into. I'm going to pull out of this one. Thank you for the opportunity!

So many books. where is Combat Stamina ?

Combat Stamina from Pathfinder Unchained, looks like.

Alright, after Paizo went down yesterday, I had to spend a decent amount of time today RETYPING everything for this character. Here's Atia, my naive little conjuration wizard, excited to be a pirate, just like in the stories.

please let me know if there are any inconsistencies or anything with my build - I shifted things around a few times & I might have missed something.

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Okay folks, tomorrow night is the deadline I set for recruitment, so I have an important question for you. Is nine people too many for a party, when they are the crew of a ship? >.>

Seems to me like this is the perfect campaign for a larger party, and I like everyone's characters. With KingHotTrash bowing out, 5 new folks have asked to join the original 4 so far, and I doubt anyone else is sneaking in last minute, since all the folks who have expressed any interest are accounted for.

Sure, some combats will need to be adjusted. Maybe sometimes you'll put ashore and form two parties with different goals, since splitting the party is less annoying in PBP. Point is, this game has like 20 NPCs on your ship already, so what's a couple more faces?

You guys okay with a big ol' party? Because if so I think we have our crew! I'm really excited to start =D If there -is- anyone lurking who just hasn't posted yet speak up, but the thread's been real quiet for a few days.

Hey, no complaints here. :)

Also, with having such a large party, it does help cover for any type of attrition.

I have a question for Vanulf: Which character are you going to run?

And, dude, I've seen Randall "The Map" McNally ;) on these boards forever. It feels like you've submitted him to a million games over the years, bud. :)

I'm good with whatever you think is handleable. I figured it'd help with attrition, too. Many shenanigans to be bad :D

Sounds great to me!

My primary concern about party size and makeup is always the same:

If the GM finds himself working instead of enjoying the game, then the game will end. Badly, normally.

If you are confident you can handle the larger group, and you can remain positive about doing so, then there's little reason to argue with you. Just as some combat may need modifying, some rewards may as well, or individual characters will start to fall behind their expected power level within the system.

But I'm not going to tell you "you can't handle it." I'm just going to ask if you are sure you want to try. Then we'll run with what you choose.

Terry of Quent wrote:

My primary concern about party size and makeup is always the same:

If the GM finds himself working instead of enjoying the game, then the game will end. Badly, normally.

If you are confident you can handle the larger group, and you can remain positive about doing so, then there's little reason to argue with you. Just as some combat may need modifying, some rewards may as well, or individual characters will start to fall behind their expected power level within the system.

But I'm not going to tell you "you can't handle it." I'm just going to ask if you are sure you want to try. Then we'll run with what you choose.

I can tell you that I'm in a PF2 game that Fern is running with 7 players(started with 8) and it runs quite smooth. I myself was a bit concerned with having 8 but I have been pleasantly surprised with how well the game runs. It doesn't even "feel" like that many, you know what I mean? Really well done.


If Fern feels that it can be done, I'm all for trying! It might also make easier for the game to last longer if people leave. All in all I leave the decision to Fern and the previous players, as I don't want to disturb whatever they feel is the best for their game (they already suffered enough!) - but hey, excited to try if you're all up for it. Pumped to play Katara and make many, many pirate friends!

I'm okay with it if the DM can do it seamlessly with little delay.

Sorry everyone, I've been busy this past week and haven't been following too closely.

If DM Fern is good with running a game of that size then I'm good with playing in it. If any format is good with that many people PbP would be it. Delay is hard baked into the format.

Javell, I honestly don't know yet. Randall is, of course, my favorite as I've played him up to 6th level before the game died and he's a great support character especially in the beginning with his ability to remove fatigue with Sea Shanty and influence NPC's with Diplomacy and his Barroom Talespinner trait. Kragor on the other hand is an unknown quantity as he only made it to 2nd level before the game folded. As I said I haven't really looked over the other pressgangees to see which one would be a better fit.

I also agree. If the DM feels that they can handle it, all the more power to them. I know I couldn't.

Here is a link to the discussion thread for the campaign, and feel free to dot into the gameplay thread there as well! I'm looking forward to playing with all of you. I run a d&d club at my school and I'm used to juggling big groups of teenagers in person, so big groups of presumable adults in PBP should be no issue ^_^

Recruitment is closed, I know it's not midnight, but like I said, I think we've got our crew!

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