Monkeygod |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I’ve been playing D&D since 3.0 was released in 2000, and PF since the Alpha playtest. Over those many years, I’ve come up with all sorts of game ideas, as well as countless characters(I’m sure most everybody has too, lol).
Sadly, despite my best efforts to try and find GMs to run games for me, they’ve all fallen through for one reason or another. Thus, I’ve decided to make this post, in an effort to try and find some dedicated, reliable GMs, and offer to help co-GM or even cooperatively play as a group. The second post will be all of my ideas. This will one will serve to explain what I’m offering:
First and foremost, I am not suggesting to be the main GM. I’ve tried, and while I do okay, it’s not my strongest suit. What I am good at, and what I can bring to any prospective GM, are the rules, mechanics, and more crunchy bits. I can help with rules discussions, build rules/recruitment, and most importantly, encounter design. A lot(maybe even most) of my concepts can be mid to high(or possibly epic!) level, and that’s often where the game breaks down. It’s also tough to challenge players, especially if they are well optimized with potentially crazy build rules.
I have access to a ton of books that contain monsters for higher level play, including a pair of divine rule books and the super *awesome* Talented Bestiary(I even have an example monster I helped create in there!) which allows you to design your own monsters. Also, as I’ve stated many times, GMs can cheat, while players can’t. I don’t mean actual rules breaking cheating, but rather, GMs have access to, and can do, things PCs don’t/can’t.
Several of these ideas can also be more of cooperative style game, where there isn’t really a GM, and instead players work together to tell a story. This sort of game would likely have a lot less combat, save for some important, key encounters.
Another thing I will offer, and basically require for both GM(s) and all players, is the use of my personal Discord server. Or the creation of one specific to any game.
I have found that by making use of Discord, it really helps build a stronger bond between everyone by helping to more quickly handle rules questions, foster and encourage friendships, resolve any delays, and just generally makes for far better communication among all involved.
Also, I have several groups of gamer frendos from various games here on the boards, along with a couple Discords we share. Hopefully that means we’ll have an easy time helping generate interest!(Not suggesting only my friends are accepted. Just that hopefully they can help fill out rosters)
Finally, while specific character creation rules can be decided upon once we pick a concept(s), I do have some preferences, though these are by no means things required or dealbreakers:
1) The use of 3pp material. I own a heck ton, and there’s a bunch that’s available online as well. I’m also friends with a lot of 3pp folk, and I love supporting them. Should we decide to make use of them, I’m going to request, and strongly suggest, the Legendary Classes from Legendary Games in place of the standard Paizo ones. They are just so much better, and so much more fun!
2) Starting above level 1(except maybe in the case of APs, though I know some GMs have started them at later levels, even book one!). I generally prefer mid(6-8) to high(12+) games, but honestly, if the consensus is lower, I would be okay with whatever is agreed upon.
3) Gestalt/Tristalt/Morestalt. I know some folks very much dislike(or even hate) gestalt, and its variations, but I heckin loves em! Gimme two, three, four, even five+(okay, *maybe* not that many. Maybe? lol) classes all at once!
Seriously though, if most people don’t want gestalt+, I would be fine with single classes.
Last, but certainly not least: Everyone, players and GMs alike(myself included) should be having fun! If you make what you think is a really cool PC, only to find out it kinda sucks in play, say something, and you can change it as much as you’d like, including a full and total remake.
If the game itself isn’t fun for a player(for whatever reason), please speak up, so we(all of us) can try and help fix that.
Conversely, if a GM is not having fun, or is overwhelmed by the game, or real life, let us know! I would vastly prefer to be told the GM needs a break(for however long), needs more help, or even wants to drop the game in favor of something else, than have them ghost.
I realize it’s not always possible to let us know what’s going on(be it players or GMs), all that I ask is that if it is possible, I will harbor no hard feelings, and will do all I can to help ‘make things right’ if able.
Now then, onto some wild n crazy game concepts!!

Monkeygod |

These are by no means all the ideas, as I encourage others to make suggestions as well! Also, please feel to come up with your concepts for any of the below! Again, the goal here is for everybody to have an awesome heckin time!
Lords of Creation: While LoC is its own system, this wouldn’t necessarily use those rules, but it would be some sort of ‘PCs play gods’ game. Aside from LoC, there’s also Ascension and Godbound(and possibly a few others) to make divine characters.
There’s a few different possible concepts, like standard LoC(even if that ruleset isn’t used) where we’re the gods at the beginning of a universe, and need to create and populate a new world, gaining power from our followers. Another idea would be newer deities or maybe even demigods, who are looking to climb the ranks of the divine ladder. Or maybe we’re all powerful, established gods playing at godly politics, working through avatars, proxies and high priests/Chosen. We could even have to band together to defeat some cosmic threat that only the gods can fight.
Out-side-ers: This game would be about playing various outsiders. Maybe everybody is a celestial/good outsider, taking the fight to the lower planes, defending the heavens from an invasion or battling the forces of darkness on the material. Or perhaps we’re all fiends, taking part in the Blood War, on one side or the other. We could also invade a world and try to take it over. Another idea could be the PCs are all elemental outsiders, taking part in the various wars or alliances of the Inner Planes.
Which Witch is Which? I have been on a *huge* witch kick lately. It started with a lore dive into Morgan La Fey/Morgana, but has since included Baba Yaga, Iggwilv, and Hekate, along with Nico Minoru, Magick, Scarlet Witch, and Raven from comics, as well as the Nightsisters from Star Wars. Plus some others I’m sure I’m forgetting at almost 4am, lol.
This game the PCs would all be members of a coven. They could be witches, hags, hedgewitches, shamans, sorcerers or oracles(Maybe a few other thematic classes). I’ve recently picked up a bunch of 3pp books that expand on options for witches, and covens, and it would be awesome to be able to make use of them.
One thing that would really cool would be to work with the players on making their patrons into actual entities that grant more than just a few spells and a familiar. One of the 3pp books I picked up does this, but only offers a handful of patrons, so it’s kinda limiting.
Some Kind of Monster PCs would be monsters of some sort. Maybe we’re all dragons/dragon adjacent races, or all lycanthropes/skinwalkers/shifters, or all goblinoids, or all giants. A mix of monsters could work too, but we would need to likely limit options to an extent, so we don’t have one PC who wants to play a goblin while another wants to play an ancient red dragon, lol.
Inner Sea Intrigue This idea wouldn’t actually be set in the Inner Sea, necessarily, but I couldn’t resist using that as the ‘title’, lol.
Anyways, this would be an intrigue heavy game. Maybe we’re all members of the same guild, looking to climb in rank. Perhaps instead, we each belong to a different guild, but we’re forced to work together for some reason, while still trying to advance our guilds’ goals(This would be fun to play in Magic the Gathering’s Ravnica setting). Or we could be looking to found our guild, and maybe eliminate the competition.
First World of Wild Dreaming Fae are one of my all time favorite creature types. This concept would see us either playing as the Fair Folk themselves, or fae-blooded mortals. Definitely want to explore the ‘Plane of Faerie’(whichever version, lol) and get into some Courtly politics.
Myths and Legends This game would either see the PCs as playing actual legendary NPCs(Iomedae(pre-ascension), Elminster, Mordenkainen, etc) with perhaps slight variations to their builds for PF, *or* they are the reincarnated souls of such legends who still possess the same overall power(ie levels/HD/MR) but due to the wonky nature of reincarnation(and perhaps a magickal accident or meddling), manifests differently(ie, no longer the same classes, though maybe still roughly similar.)
One version maybe all the PCs are the ‘good guys’, while another we could all be the villains. Course, it’s also possible to mix both to stop some uber mega threat.
Up, up, and away! Superheroes. Supervillains. We all know em, we all love em. This would be a game that should probably be at least a bit over the top. Possibly a lot over the top. We’re heckin supers after all!
This could be set any time, any place. Golarion, Earth, Earth 2099, Earth 1602, Faerun, Eberron, etc.
Maybe we’re a version of the Avengers, Justice League or X-Men. Or perhaps we’re the Masters of Evil, Brother of Evil, or the Legion of Supervillains. We could also just be our own original creations. The skye’s the limit!
Forsaken Horde Undead are another one of my favorite creature types, so here we would play as one of the various and sundry members of that ‘race’. Perhaps we’re all the same type(vampires, liches, graveknights, etc would be best, I think), or maybe we’re each a different ‘unique’ undead badass. We could all hail from Geb, Karrnath, Barovia, etc. We could be lieutenants to Tar-Baphon, looking to retake Ustalav, and free him from Gallowspire.
Another idea is we’re all worshipers/high priests of the same(or possibly) different undead gods from across the multiverse, coming together in an alliance to wipe out the living. This concept could still see us actual undead, but we could also be mortals looking to obtain immortality via undeath.
The planes boss! The planes! Planar adventures, ho! I’ve always wanted to play a planes hopping game, so this could be my chance. Perhaps we start out in Sigil/Axis/Union, but soon bounce around to the outer and inner planes, on some mission or another. We could be something akin to Planar Pathfinders, or maybe we’re just mercenaries, hired out for whatever job pays us the most.
Game World This is a pretty broad idea, as it would be set in a pre-established game world: Maybe Azeroth, one or more of the MtG planes, one of the FF worlds, etc. Beyond that, I don’t really have any specific concepts, as it would really depend on the setting chosen.
Put out an A.P… I have been playin Pathfinder since the alpha playtest, and have sadly never completed an Adventure Path. The closest I came was I believe part way through book 3 of Rise.
I would dearly love to play, and actually finish at least *one* AP. I don’t even care if the game was core rulebook only(though obviously would prefer it not to be, lol), I just really, really wanna get through an entire AP.
As there’s a ton of PF1 APs, I ordered them into primary, secondary and tertiary tiers, though they aren’t in any order within each tier:
RotRL, CoT, CC, Wrath, II.
CotCT, SD, LoF, JR, SS.
KM, RoW, MM, GS, HR, HV, War, RotR, TG.
Yo, yo, yo, Its Cryme Time!! They say crime doesn’t pay, but they’re clearly wrong. This would be a criminal/thieves guild style game, perhaps modeled on the show Leverage, where each PC is a specialist(‘hacker’, hitter, grifter, thief, mastermind). Lots of heists, cons, infiltrations, etc. Perhaps we’re even just like the Leverage crew: Sometimes the best bad guys, make the best good guys.
Please Lore Hold Much like the above ‘game world’, this is a pretty broad idea. In fact, this could easily be combined with one or more of the above, as the main concept is to play in a lore *heavy* game in one of the various established settings: Forgotten Realms/Faerun, Golarion, Eberron, or Ravenloft would be my primary choices. Followed by Sigil/Planescape(if chosen, this doesn’t *have* to involve planes hopping like the actual planar game), Greyhawk/Oreth or Dark Sun/Athas.
I want to be able to dive deep into the lore and history of the setting, interact with famous(though not necessarily powerful) NPCs, quest in legendary locations, etc.
Drow, wow, wow Dark elves are my second favorite non monstrous race, only just barely behind their surface cousins.
This would be an all Drow game, with maybe a couple PCs as ‘slaves’ to the Dark Elves. Should definitely involve the Houses, though how is open for discussion. Maybe we’re a low ranking House looking to move up, or a high one eliminating competition and/or solidifying power. Perhaps we’re waging a war of conquest vs some of the other Underdark/Darklands races while allying with others. Of course, there's gotta be some surface raids/conquests as well!
Awaken my Power! I’ve seen a few games over the years about playing awakened animals, and always wanted to get in on one. Maybe we’re all former familiars/companions, our masters dead, imprisoned or who have otherwise released us. We could be powerful, near(or actual!) legendary animal guardians, who are fighting back against some evil forces looking to despoil and destroy our natural homes. Perhaps we’ve just randomly come into our awakening, due to some magickal or divine ‘mishap’, and now seek to explore and understand a much wider world than we ever knew existed.

DeJoker |

Hi Monkeygod I have actually currently picked up a Marvel Superheroes game if you would care to join you would be accepted the guidelines are fairly easy to follow and can be learned fairly quickly.
As for an adventure path... hmmm... would you maybe be interested in "We are Goblins" I have that full set mind you it would not be an official PFS game as I would put my own spin on it but I could run that game. Note I would prefer PF1 over PF2 as I am much more familiar with PF1 and you did not state which version of Pathfinder you were looking for.
However, I would much prefer single classed characters, although I do help players make classes, that do not exist, to match what they are trying to achieve while maintaining interplayer balance -- the concept of game balance is a farce as a GM can bring just about anything they want to the board including a group that mirrors the party if they so wanted to or so many monsters that they simply overwhelm the party -- neither of those are my style mind you just making a simple point.
Oh and I have started an ole DnD5e dungeon crawl like campaign if that system would interest you at all.
So let me know if any of that trips your trigger.
P.S. Oh and btw I have, as a GM and a player, usually out lasted nearly everyone in any of the games I have run in PbP for about the last 30 years. So I am quite experienced both with PbP and with GMing which I have done for even longer. Also I do not discriminate I accept all players on a FIFO basis and I have spun up extra games in the past if I have gotten more interest than a single game could hold.

eriktd |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It's pretty crazy, but for a while I've had the thought that it might be fun to play through all three of the Runelords adventure paths AT THE SAME TIME, with three different versions of the same character that may or may not be aware of the others. Combine that with the idea that the characters are much higher power level than suggested for each book, so that it goes quickly. You probably don't even have to play out most combats and skill checks and so on, handwaving them except for certain more epic encounters. Lots of opportunities for temporal shenanigans and weird house rules where characters are tristalt and mythic but also aren't somehow? I dunno, it's the tip of the iceberg and it seems like ramming it might be fun. ;)

Monkeygod |

It's pretty crazy, but for a while I've had the thought that it might be fun to play through all three of the Runelords adventure paths AT THE SAME TIME, with three different versions of the same character that may or may not be aware of the others. Combine that with the idea that the characters are much higher power level than suggested for each book, so that it goes quickly. You probably don't even have to play out most combats and skill checks and so on, handwaving them except for certain more epic encounters. Lots of opportunities for temporal shenanigans and weird house rules where characters are tristalt and mythic but also aren't somehow? I dunno, it's the tip of the iceberg and it seems like ramming it might be fun. ;)
I absolutely love this idea!! The Runelords/Sin Magic stuff is some of my all time favorite lore from any setting.
Just unsure how feasible it is, lol

eriktd |

It's more feasible in play-by-post than tabletop, because players are used to running different scenes with different characters at the same time. But it should be a blast to design the characters so that they all feel like different versions of the same person, just with a different focus for each campaign. It's also particularly wacky because for Return of the Runelords, the characters are supposed to know more about the heroes that have come before them, and in fact most of the Campaign Traits reference these kind of weird shenanigans.

Sebecloki |

Monkey and are tossing around some ideas for Please Lore Hold
My suggestion was super powerful characters from a previous age of forgotten realms -- about 183 DR during the time when Elminster was a young man (basically making of a mage time line). Characters would participate in some of his battles against evil shadow shape shifters and attempts by future time traveling agents of the drow and zhentaurim to dispatch the most famous mage of shadowdale.

GM PaleDim |

It's more feasible in play-by-post than tabletop, because players are used to running different scenes with different characters at the same time. But it should be a blast to design the characters so that they all feel like different versions of the same person, just with a different focus for each campaign. It's also particularly wacky because for Return of the Runelords, the characters are supposed to know more about the heroes that have come before them, and in fact most of the Campaign Traits reference these kind of weird shenanigans.
I really like this idea too, and I feel like there should be some sort of mechanic where each future version has some unexplained modification that has to be resolved in the "earlier" timelines (similar to an oracles curse, but more general).

eriktd |

I really like this idea too, and I feel like there should be some sort of mechanic where each future version has some unexplained modification that has to be resolved in the "earlier" timelines (similar to an oracles curse, but more general).
Oh, that's a great idea! That sounds really fun for the GM and player to collaborate upon, at least by planting seeds that might bear fruit at some point during play.
There could also be something with hero points, or something like them, where they represent previous/future life memories. Perhaps a player can use a hero point in one timeline in exchange for a setback in another? A voluntary failure at one task to ensure a critical success elsewhere?

Sebecloki |

OK -- this is my pitch for the Please Lore Hold proposal: Forgotten Realms: Age of Athalantar. The campaign will be set during the days of the realm of Athalantar, when Elminster was a young man. The heroes are among the greatest heroes of the age, and are in an unusual position from what you would expect in an FR campaign -- they are Elminster's teachers, guards, and chaperones. The time of Athalantar is contemporary with Myth Drannor and the Empire of Shoon. I'm still working on a plot, but it would involve machinations by the malaugryms, among other opponents. The campaign would involve a significant amount of time in the old capital of Athalantar and nearby lands.
For build rules, this would be bananas -- 18th level quadralt (4 classes), but no mythic. Some kind of template and/or Rp allowance for races, artesia, abp and/or oaths, stamina and combat tricks, skill unlocks, and some of the rogue genius overpowered feats, extra feats per level. We'd use the suggestion above to replace the core classes with the Legendary Games version. Basically any 3pp. would be allowed. Since this is not only FR, but FR in a previous age with the idea that it's exploring stuff that's legendary -- like the founding of the harpers and the golden age of Myth Drannor, this will be very lore heavy. I'd be open to those who want to teach themselves about the setting while applying but if the response is "sounds cool, but I know nothing about the setting" -- that'd be something that had to be remedied a bit before beginning; honestly, I'm going to be more likely to pick those who are heavy into realms lore to make it an immersive experience.

Monkeygod |

I'm going to reply to these in order. I had meant to do so earlier this week, but kept getting distracted or straight up forgot, lol:
Hi Monkeygod I have actually currently picked up a Marvel Superheroes game if you would care to join you would be accepted the guidelines are fairly easy to follow and can be learned fairly quickly.
As for an adventure path... hmmm... would you maybe be interested in "We are Goblins" I have that full set mind you it would not be an official PFS game as I would put my own spin on it but I could run that game. Note I would prefer PF1 over PF2 as I am much more familiar with PF1 and you did not state which version of Pathfinder you were looking for.
However, I would much prefer single classed characters, although I do help players make classes, that do not exist, to match what they are trying to achieve while maintaining interplayer balance -- the concept of game balance is a farce as a GM can bring just about anything they want to the board including a group that mirrors the party if they so wanted to or so many monsters that they simply overwhelm the party -- neither of those are my style mind you just making a simple point.
Oh and I have started an ole DnD5e dungeon crawl like campaign if that system would interest you at all.
So let me know if any of that trips your trigger.
P.S. Oh and btw I have, as a GM and a player, usually out lasted nearly everyone in any of the games I have run in PbP for about the last 30 years. So I am quite experienced both with PbP and with GMing which I have done for even longer. Also I do not discriminate I accept all players on a FIFO basis and I have spun up extra games in the past if I have gotten more interest than a single game could hold.
The 'We be Goblins' modules have always sort of intrigued me, but if I'm being honest, I'm not sure I can keep up the weird, crazed, semi maniacal mindset Paizo goblins possess. At least not over the course of the entire 'AP'.
That said, if there were some way around that, I could definitely be interested!

Monkeygod |

It's pretty crazy, but for a while I've had the thought that it might be fun to play through all three of the Runelords adventure paths AT THE SAME TIME, with three different versions of the same character that may or may not be aware of the others. Combine that with the idea that the characters are much higher power level than suggested for each book, so that it goes quickly. You probably don't even have to play out most combats and skill checks and so on, handwaving them except for certain more epic encounters. Lots of opportunities for temporal shenanigans and weird house rules where characters are tristalt and mythic but also aren't somehow? I dunno, it's the tip of the iceberg and it seems like ramming it might be fun. ;)
I asked about the feasibility of this the other day in the PF group on FB, and there's somebody who is actually running some form of mashup of all 3 Runelord APs + CotCT, SD and the start of JR, along with several years worth of PFS scenarios.
Thus, it is in fact possible! Now I just need to find somebody crazy enough to attempt to run this for me, lol

Monkeygod |

OK -- this is my pitch for the Please Lore Hold proposal: Forgotten Realms: Age of Athalantar. The campaign will be set during the days of the realm of Athalantar, when Elminster was a young man. The heroes are among the greatest heroes of the age, and are in an unusual position from what you would expect in an FR campaign -- they are Elminster's teachers, guards, and chaperones. The time of Athalantar is contemporary with Myth Drannor and the Empire of Shoon. I'm still working on a plot, but it would involve machinations by the malaugryms, among other opponents. The campaign would involve a significant amount of time in the old capital of Athalantar and nearby lands.
100% interested in this!! Faerun is actually my first choice for a lore rich game, so this concept is absolutely perfect.

Kazmanaught |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dotting in, and seriously considering throwing my hat in as DM as well. I am quite new to the forums version of DMing though, so some patience might be required...
Personally, I'm pro-high power, but pretty anti 3rd party, mostly because I don't feel able to learn pathfinder again 3 times over, and I haven't felt like I've exhausted PF's available options already! So respectfully, I'd have to say that I'm not super interested in Sebeloki's hat throw. I don't want to step on anyone's toes though!
Lemme see what I can whip up.

Phoenixstriker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What if someone took the idea for 'Myths and Legends' and really went wild with it? I'm aware that's vague at best, so let me expand on that a little.
The characters would not be reincarnations of legendary figures from Golarion, they would be those actual individuals. Of course, they would not be from the canon Golarion timeline but, rather, would be akin to drifting phantasms from alternate Golarions that never were. That would let players make alterations as minor or as major as they want without requiring too much messing around with the canon timeline and setting.
While we're on the topic of timelines though, that would be a big part of the campaign and would provide the plothook that drives the narrative. To keep things as simple and spoiler-free as possible, something has caused time itself to begin collapsing and large swathes of Golarion's landscape have been overwritten by locales from alternate timelines that are vastly different than those found in 'Golarion Prime'.
Feel free to offer whatever constructive criticism you have since this is just an idea I'm throwing out there. I believe that it's got enough potential where someone could really run with it.

Edelsmirge |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey Monkey! I want to finish a AP as well and I don't care which one. I don't care if we insert a second idea into the AP.
I have been gaming since the white books came out pre 1st ed and being a GM in every edition since.
I don't know 3rd party at all.
I am willing to GM and also play but I want players who will finish because it's so rare.
Way if the wicked with monsters would be cool. Either way I will do this!

Monkeygod |

Hey Monkey! I want to finish a AP as well and I don't care which one. I don't care if we insert a second idea into the AP.
I have been gaming since the white books came out pre 1st ed and being a GM in every edition since.
I don't know 3rd party at all.
I am willing to GM and also play but I want players who will finish because it's so rare.
Way if the wicked with monsters would be cool. Either way I will do this!
If you're not okay with 3pp, that's totally fine. If you open to the possibility, there's several online wikis that exist that could help ya. Otherwise, Paizo only is fine :)
WotW is another AP I would love to finish, I've started it several times, and sorta far in one attempt, but I also joined mid game, so I missed a decent amount.