Feats You Think Are Awesome!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Also companions with only one attack get a second one in place of multiattack at 9th level, though at a -5.

You can also share spells to your animal companion, meaning a sylvan sorcerer can beast shape their companion to a giant octopus, deathsnatcher, euryale, greenman, or whatever based on how little you want your allies to enjoy playing with you.

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So then, back to level 9 and your AC is qualified for Final Embrace/FEH. Your constrictor snake has a single bite +13/+8 (1d4+8) as their nat attack, having spent 2 of their 4 feats on FE/FEH, however the Grab special ability DOES give the snake +4 to start and maintain a grapple and do so w/out provoking.

Looking at the monster creation chart, the average AC for monsters at CR 9 is a 23, so you hit 55% of the time with your first attack, less on the iterative. If you hit, you've got roughly a +19 to Grapple vs an average CMD 29 for CR 9 foes, and you can only use the Grab ability on up to Large sized foes.

Now, you DO have 2 feats left, so I suppose one of those would be Weapon Focus: Bite to increase your primary attack accuracy. If you're not hitting you're not grappling and this whole deal is kind of wasted. With the other feat, though, you can make one of two choices: either take Improved Unarmed to ready the snake to take Improved Grapple next level, or maybe count on always getting Haste spells cast on you or other buffs and use a very minor trick to slightly improve your Grapple check:

Additional Traits: Exemplar Trait/Artist of Battle in All Forms. Normally you get 2 traits with this feat, but a single Examplar Trait counts as 2 traits. This particular one gives you +1 to a single Combat Maneuver; you'd of course pick Grappling.

So, with a constrictor snake AC built like this, you want to full attack as often as possible, with a Full Attack round being Bite +14 (1d4+8 plus Grab, Constrict 1d4+8), grapple +20, Free action release grapple, Bite +9 (1d4+8 plus Grab, Constrict 1d4+8), grapple +20, barring the Haste spell buff that may be affecting this AC. Do I have this all right?

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ErichAD wrote:

Also companions with only one attack get a second one in place of multiattack at 9th level, though at a -5.

You can also share spells to your animal companion, meaning a sylvan sorcerer can beast shape their companion to a giant octopus, deathsnatcher, euryale, greenman, or whatever based on how little you want your allies to enjoy playing with you.

Honestly if I were going to go this route for a grappling AC, I'd pick a hunter, no archetype, and by level 9 have the following bonus feats shared between us: Coordinated Maneuvers, Outflank, Pack Flanking, Precise Strike. Essentially my snake and I would tag team on one foe Size Large or smaller, both of us in melee, and when either of us attacks we're at +4 to hit and +1d6 Precision damage regardless of position. Also, so long as I'm adjacent to the snake when it makes it's Grapple checks, it's got an extra +2 on those checks.

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Intrepid Rescuer... because it is a neat way to help your homeboy.

Curse of Vengeance... because it is hilarious to curse who kills you.

Bravery in Action/Unbound Bravery/Undaunted Bravery... because making Bravery better is cool.

Disciple of the Sword... because it counts as Weapon Specialization [with the benefits], and allows Clerics/Inquisitors to get Greater Weapon Focus/Greater Weapon Specialization.

Strike True... because it's another use for a move action, and a +4 to your next attack is no joke.

Savior's Arrow... because even at 1/day it is incredibly cool. It's like Ranged Spellstrike, but it heals.

Breaker of Barriers... because Stunning Irruption and Shrapnel Strike were meantioned. Screw knocking, kick the door like the Kool-Aid Man. OH YEAH!

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^Some eye-openers here:

Intrepid Rescuer does sound pretty good for a guardian type, although I'm surprised that this is restricted to followers of Kurgess and not other relevantly aligned deities like Iomedae.

Likewise, a bit surprising that Bravery in Action/Unbound Bravery/Undaunted Bravery is restricted to worshippers of Cayden Cailean (I would have thought at least Undaunted Bravery would also fit worshippers of Iomedae), but while looking these up I stumbled upon Improved Bravery -- "Add your bravery bonus against all mind-affecting effects instead of just against fear" -- how did I miss THIS feat? And it's not deity-restricted. A MUST-HAVE for Fighters who can't squeeze in Advanced Weapon Training (Armed Bravery) -- the latter is actually somewhat more powerful since it effectively doubles your Bravery bonus against actual fear effects, but you can only get an Advanced Weapon Training every few levels, and might need to use your limited Advanced Weapon Training for something else; also, Improved Bravery keeps working even if you aren't holding your favored weapons. (Also, this apparently supercedes Schooled Resolve, which is specific against the mind-affecting abilities of Vampires.) And then I found Inspiring Bravery -- inspire Bravery in others, and since it isn't technically a Morale Bonus, it stacks with Inspire Courage!(*) If you are a Fighter who has to get into social situations, you also need Social Bravery. On a tangential note but still keying off Bravery, I found Quick Study -- gain a flex feat from somebody else, and keep it until you get another one this way. Not bad, if you can find a willing and capable teacher.

(*)Now I'm thinking of a Chelish Diva Bard VMC Fighter who can SIMULTANEOUSLY Inspire Courage and Inspire Bravery, AND benefit from the Armor Training that this gives. Sure wind up short on feats, though.

Strike True sounds cool but hampered by no way to get Vital Strike on it . . . and then suddenly I realized: What if you have Sneak Attack? And unlike the True Strike spell, you can do it all day. Shame it requires Combat Expertise (and unfortunately Dirty Fighting, which is itself a noteworthy feat, and usually the better substitute for Combat Expertise, doesn't substitute for Combat Expertise in this case).

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You could also use the Arcane Duelist Bard VMC Fighter to Inspire both Bravery and Courage at the same time. Arcane Duelist also gets scaling medium/heavy proficiency to make use of Armor Training. And the Arcane Duelist gets a bunch of combat-focused bonus feats to cover the feats lost to VMC.

On a slightly separate note, I really like the Mercy feats and Resolve feats... despite being specific to Cayden Cailean, I was very happy to find similar feats for the Bravery class feature. Plus, Undaunted Bravery is one of the few ways to increase the DC to Intimidate you.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
Intrepid Rescuer does sound pretty good for a guardian type, although I'm surprised that this is restricted to followers of Kurgess and not other relevantly aligned deities like Iomedae.

Single-deity options are a bit weird like that. In Kurgess' defense, he did sacrifice himself to save innocent contestants from a deadly trap laid for him. And sure, Iomedae wouldn't be fine with anyone attacking innocents. But did she die while preventing it?

Didn't think so.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
I stumbled upon Improved Bravery -- "Add your bravery bonus against all mind-affecting effects instead of just against fear" -- how did I miss THIS feat? And it's not deity-restricted. A MUST-HAVE for Fighters who can't squeeze in Advanced Weapon Training (Armed Bravery)

The downside is the charisma 13 requirement. The difference between a dumped Cha 7 and Cha 13 is seven PB. And for the original stat array you'd sacrifice your 13 and have to place the 8 in one of the other ability scores which has an immediate mechanical effect.

Aaaand without further investment into Bravery it's worse than Iron Will for the first 9 levels as Iron Will is more broad and would stack with Bravery vs fear.

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Wonderstell wrote:
Aaaand without further investment into Bravery it's worse than Iron Will for the first 9 levels as Iron Will is more broad and would stack with Bravery vs fear.

Forget Iron Will, it's worse than a mere trait until 10th level. Make that 14th level if you (as likely the case) need to decrease wisdom for the PB.

It's certainly interesting with Inspiring Bravery, but it's the latter feat that makes the combination great. I used the pair of feats in a theorycraft to add even more "roles" to my Tank/DD/Healer/Party Face/Skillmonkey switch-hitter Fighter (Child of Acavna and Amaznen with Divine Fighting Technique: Desna's Shooting Star, half-orc with the Skilled and Fey Thoughts (Bluff+Dimplmacy) racial traits, and the Dangerously Curious trait for UMD. Maxed out attack stat, proficiency with heavy armor and shields, 5+Int skill ranks per level (without Cunning), high Charisma and Bluff/Intimidate/Diplomacy/UMD as class skills, and can use wands of Infernal Healing without UMD. Can still get Sacred Tattoo+Fate's Favored.) that I came up with in response to the misbelieve that classes have predetermined roles.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Strike True sounds cool but hampered by no way to get Vital Strike on it . . .

Er, what? If works fine with Vital Strike. The issue with Strike True is that in virtually any circumstance when you can use it, you could full attack as well, and baring corner cases, a full attack will do more damage.

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Like a lot of feats mentioned recently, Strike True is quite cool but way too situational. Because you're almost certainly losing a full attack, the only time this seems really worthwhile is for ensuring that some special attack like an Arrow of Slaying hits. It might be numerically viable in a fight against an enemy with really high AC, but it's not worth a feat.

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I would say strike true is when an enemy just needs one more hit, you hit it on a 15 on your primary, and trying to hit once on 11 is better then trying to hit on 15 and 20.

Could possibly be worth it, but how often do you know it is one more hit?

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Mightypion wrote:
I would say strike true is when an enemy just needs one more hit, you hit it on a 15 on your primary, and trying to hit once on 11 is better then trying to hit on 15 and 20.

Well, if your full BAB attack only hits on a 15, the feat increases your DPR anyway (so you don't need to guess the opponent's HP). But only you don't have Haste (or are fighting somethign with a high DR). And you really shouldn't have such a low attack roll in the first place, as the attack roll bonus of a martial character rises faster than enemy AC values unless you totally screw up the character.

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Mightypion wrote:

I would say strike true is when an enemy just needs one more hit, you hit it on a 15 on your primary, and trying to hit once on 11 is better then trying to hit on 15 and 20.

Could possibly be worth it, but how often do you know it is one more hit?

Seems like strike true would pair well with Vital Strike on Warpriests wouldn't it? Or am I missing something?

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Strike True should be able to be used with Vital Strike... I know of and see nothing that would disallow such a combination. Strike True and Vital Stike should work just fine together... it's Strike True and Rhino Charge where things get weird. Lol.

Using Strike True requires a move action, otherwise be able to full attack... the BAB +6 prerequisite guarantees that you will have a second attack available. And if you had to close with the enemy, you don't have a move action available to use Strike True.

So I see the argument against combining Strike True and Vital Strike. It does seem unlikely that you would be in such a situation that doing so would be beneficial. Maybe to get rid of a Power Attack penalty? There's Furious Focus for that... although associated with a very different deity.

Honestly, I just think it's a neat feat... which has nothing to do with how good that feat actually is. I like finding alternative uses for actions to best capitalize on my action economy... this feat does that by allowing me to use a move action that I might otherwise waste by not moving. It literally doesn't matter [to me] if that same situation meant I possibly could have just attacked more than once.

Iomedae isn't a deity I use much for my characters, anyways, so the chances of me ever taking/using Strike True are slim-to-none. Just think it is a fun alternative use for a move action. I am far more likely to take/use Combat Advice to help my homeboys with that otherwise "wasted" move action.

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VoodistMonk wrote:

You could also use the Arcane Duelist Bard VMC Fighter to Inspire both Bravery and Courage at the same time. Arcane Duelist also gets scaling medium/heavy proficiency to make use of Armor Training. And the Arcane Duelist gets a bunch of combat-focused bonus feats to cover the feats lost to VMC.

{. . .}

Arcane Duelist is indeed better for the bonus feats, although does take a bit of a hit for having much slower armor progression (still better overall), although I have to admit that I love the idea of enemies getting beaten down by a party inspired by someone they dismissed as an operatic fop.

Derklord wrote:
Wonderstell wrote:
Aaaand without further investment into Bravery it's worse than Iron Will for the first 9 levels as Iron Will is more broad and would stack with Bravery vs fear.
Forget Iron Will, it's worse than a mere trait until 10th level. Make that 14th level if you (as likely the case) need to decrease wisdom for the PB.

Now that's a REALLY GOOD trait. Thanks for the pointer.

Derklord wrote:

{. . .}

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Strike True sounds cool but hampered by no way to get Vital Strike on it . . .
Er, what? If works fine with Vital Strike. The issue with Strike True is that in virtually any circumstance when you can use it, you could full attack as well, and baring corner cases, a full attack will do more damage.

You're right on the combination -- I had somehow got into my head last night that Vital Strike was Full Round Action -- Vital Strike is Attack Action (Standard Action), not Full Attack Action (Full Round Action). Given that correction, Strike True gets significantly better -- even though Vital Strike (and its successors) don't let you multiply most damage bonuses, at least you have a better chance to hit, which is good if you are up against something that is insanely hard to hit, and if it also has Damage Reduction that you don't have the right type of weapon to bypass, having one big attack instead of a lot of little ones is better for punching through it with brute force.

The real problem with Vital Strike and its successors is that -- like Power Attack -- it is a feat tax (eventually a triple feat tax) for something that martials should be able to just do, the way casters can do more damage per spell as they get higher caster level and level spells.

Warpriest (or Fighter with Focused Weapon) would be able to make good use of Vital Strike and Strike True, although Fighter gets the benefit of the iterative attacks of full BAB whereas Warpriest only gets the benefits of the iterative attacks of 3/4 BAB but potentially gets the Vital Strike feat chain with the benefits of full BAB after all, which is what makes Vital Strike more attractive to Warpriests.

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Derklord wrote:
Mightypion wrote:
I would say strike true is when an enemy just needs one more hit, you hit it on a 15 on your primary, and trying to hit once on 11 is better then trying to hit on 15 and 20.
Well, if your full BAB attack only hits on a 15, the feat increases your DPR anyway (so you don't need to guess the opponent's HP). But only you don't have Haste (or are fighting somethign with a high DR). And you really shouldn't have such a low attack roll in the first place, as the attack roll bonus of a martial character rises faster than enemy AC values unless you totally screw up the character.

My GM likes throwing around curses, debuffs and other such things like Candy, and his opponents do like to fight defensively and/or with combat exerptize, as is imho reasonable if you are on your last legs and not a Berserker type thing.

If you would normally hit on an 8, the guy in question going for combat expertize + fighting defensively already moves it to 13, if he gets aid another from someone trying to improve his AC its the 15 right there.

Imho, combat gets a lot more fun if opponents act as if they were the heroes, we are playing way of the wicked so they kind of are :).

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Gilfalas wrote:
Seems like strike true would pair well with Vital Strike on Warpriests wouldn't it? Or am I missing something?

In theory, yes. In practise, True Strike is pretty much redundant with Greater Weapon of the Chosen, which I'd expect every VS Warpriest to use.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Now that's a REALLY GOOD trait. Thanks for the pointer.

It's my go-to option for every character with a weakish will save. Not all will saves forcing spells are mind-affecting (only around half of them, actually), but most of the worst ones are.

Mightypion wrote:
My GM likes throwing around curses, debuffs and other such things like Candy

That would only make me more hesitant to take Strike True, as I'd prioritize fixing that (e.g. by taking Iron Will).

Mightypion wrote:
If you would normally hit on an 8, the guy in question going for combat expertize + fighting defensively already moves it to 13, if he gets aid another from someone trying to improve his AC its the 15 right there.

How many opponents with Combat Expertise do you fight? It's not exactly a common feat among published monsters or NPCs. And in any case, if the opponents remove their offensive cabability by fighting defensively plus CE, that should only make the fight easier. Also, unless supported by feats, Aid Another is only against a single attack - and requires the aider to have the attacker (i.e. you) in melee range, so you could just attack them instead of their def'ed up ally.

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We play with a lot of Elephant in the room houserules active, so basically everyone has it.
Bodyguard feats on henchmen are also quite frequent. Yes, the big bads bodyguards indeed have the bodyguard feat, A simple level 3ish mook with bodyguard can use his standard to aid his boss on attack (typically negating the malus his boss takes from using combat expertize) and use boyguard reactively on the heroes turn to boost the AC of his boss.

The heroes could of course kill the mooks, but that requires actions.

Generally speaking a mook who consitently gives a +2 -2 bonus to his boss is often far more annoying then if he were to actually attack.

Pathfinder combat gets a lot more interesting if you sprinkle additional combat options around.

How much offensive power a combat expertize boss loses also depends on what your frontline is. How much AC is a level 4 Bloodrager/Barb with a 2 hander going to have? 2 Dex, +1 Breastplate, +1 ring of deflection, +1 nat armor amulet? 21ish? 19 if he rages? 17 if also enlarged? Most bosses worth their salt will pretty easily hit this, unless the Bloodrager also uses combat expertize and fighting defensively.

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Derklord wrote:
Gilfalas wrote:
Seems like strike true would pair well with Vital Strike on Warpriests wouldn't it? Or am I missing something?

In theory, yes. In practise, True Strike is pretty much redundant with Greater Weapon of the Chosen, which I'd expect every VS Warpriest to use.

{. . .}

Good finds, but you could stack Greater Weapon of the Chosen with Strike True for even better ability to hit. Also, non-divine characters can't get the Weapon of the Chosen feat chain, but can still get Strike True.

* * * * * * * *

And now for a feat that has a concept that I like, but whose execution falls flat: Elven Battle Focus -- using your brains instead of your brawn to improve your damage is a cool idea, but this actual implementation just has too many feat taxes, and the fact that it is the second (in practice, third or more) feat in a Style Feat chain makes it unfriendly to your action economy.

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For the life of me I can't figure out who Elven Battle style feats are for. Feat 1/Elven Battle Training means you've got +2 CMD if your finesse weapon is targeted and you get an extra AoO that stacks with Combat Reflexes. So far you want someone that prioritizes Dex, is melee focused and will build around CMD, Combat Reflexes or both.

Elven Battle Style, the second feat, says you can use maneuvers on AoOs with a qualifying weapon without provoking. Cool. This ability, without any other feat or trait to improve your CMB, is likely to be irrelevant in like, 2-4 levels, so this is a feat that heavily implies you're GOING to take other feats. If 2 of those feats happen to give you a maneuver that doesn't provoke and a bonus to CMB... what is the point of EBS?

Finally, you get to EBF. You need to hit BAB +4, be somewhat Dex focused AND have a high Int to take advantage of this feat. Only... if you were a Dex focused elf this whole time and used melee attacks, why not deal d8 instead of d10 damage this whole time, used an Elven Branched Spear, given up all your maneuver/CMD shenanigans and your extra AoO and just taken Slashing Grace to add Dex to damage from one feat?

Even better: elf u-rogue (scout) - L1 Dodge, L1 Bonus Weapon Finesse, L2 Combat Trick: Improved Unarmed Strike; at this level add Dex to damage with Elven Branched Spear, L3 Mobility, L4 Ninja Trick/Style Focus: Charging Stag Style

Now at level 4 you can Charge through Difficult Terrain or allies, make 1 turn up to 90 degrees when charging, and at the end of your charge make one attack with a finesseable weapon adding Dex to damage and deliver SA damage as well. If someone targets your spear and takes it away too bad; you still have IUD for lethal attacks. You have to wait until L5 for Combat Reflexes and lose one extra AoO per round but them's the breaks.

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Bodyguard feat, not familiar with that one, what does it do and what book is it in?

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Bodyguard feat is APG I think.

You trade AoOs, which you probably have 3ish per turns, for +2AC for neighbouring allies. As you rarely get to attack with all your AoOs, its actually pretty good and compares quite well with, for example dodge.

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Bodyguard (working link). Otherwise what he said.

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
For the life of me I can't figure out who Elven Battle style feats are for. {. . .}

Elven Battle Training -- mainly a feat tax, although getting an extra Attack of Opportunity is a bit useful, as is a bit of a buff on your CMD against Disarm and Sunder -- but while this would be pretty good (if not outstanding) as a trait, it's rather lackluster as a feat.

Weapon Finesse -- unlike the above feat tax, this is a prerequisite that actually makes sense for Elven Battle Focus -- if you are going to use your brains to figure out how to do more damage, you need to have the rapid fine motor coordination to pull it off.

Elven Battle Style -- a BOGO discount Improved Combat Maneuver feat isn't bad, but why does this have to be a prerequisite to Elven Battle Focus? If you were going to put them together in a chain, the other way would make more sense. Also, this being a Style Feat means that you have to use a Swift Action to start using it, which is a bit of an action economy tax -- potentially a serious action economy tax if you are trying to use it on something like a Magus (or Warpriest, but Warpriest itself isn't the best career choice for an Elf, as it stands now).

Elven Battle Focus -- this is where you actually use your brains to figure out how to do more damage. This lets Elves make use of their ability score bonuses to be decent Fighters . . . except that it has too many feat taxes and a bit of action economy tax. Also, the requirement for BAB +4 means that you can't get it online at the early levels even if you go all-in with plain Fighter for maximum combat feats.

(For completeness) ]Elven Battle Torrent -- not terrible as a way to get an extra Attack of Opportunity, except that it has way too many prerequisites for what it gives you, even if a couple of them are decent on their own merits.

Now, if we didn't already have Dexterity-to-Damage feats, I wouldn't be so keen on the concept of Elven Battle Focus, even though the latter requires more MADness to make good use of (while also having harsher prerequisites)).

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IMO an awesome feat doesn't have to be super-powerful or even competitive. It just has to be unique, meaning it opens up new options you find interesting.

And IMO Elven Battle Focus delivers - it helps to realize the fantasy of an agile elven sword fighter who uses their brain. CRB offered little support for melee elves (just the curve blade, maybe you could count the +2 vs. enchantment), so I appreciated any book who added at least one piece: The content UnArcaneElection mentioned plus leafblade / thornblade, the Vigilance alternate racial trait and Warrior of Old.

There might be more powerful melee builds out there, but I don't care since I am pretty sure I'd kick *** with this elf.

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Me-thinks a Slayer with a Curveblade could do god's work with Elven Battle Focus and Assassinate.

Or a Free-Style Fighter mixing Elven Battle Focus and Kirin Strike.

Or a Kensai Magus... they heavily rely on their Intelligence modifier for their AC and their number of AoO... as well as the other obvious Magus stuff like Arcane Pool and spellcasting.

Elven Battle Focus even works with a Rapier, so Inspired Blade Swashbucklers could also use Elven Battle Focus instead of Fencing Grace.

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Elven Battle Focus delivers in concept -- it's just that the feat taxes (and to a lesser extent action economy tax) really hamstring it.

Dark Archive

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Mightypion wrote:

Bodyguard feat is APG I think.

You trade AoOs, which you probably have 3ish per turns, for +2AC for neighbouring allies. As you rarely get to attack with all your AoOs, its actually pretty good and compares quite well with, for example dodge.

With traits/items/class abilities that 2 can become 10 real easy. And if multiple characters use it, it stacks.

I once ran a cav/bard/battle herald who bodyguarded for 11 ac, and his mount bodyguarded for 10. That's an added 21 ac vs an attack.

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VoodistMonk wrote:
Intrepid Rescuer... because it is a neat way to help your homeboy.

Oh that's pretty good.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Curse of Vengeance... because it is hilarious to curse who kills you.

Hmm gives me an idea for a character using some ideas I had for another character idea. :)

That was a horrible sentence. I'm not ashamed.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
I found Quick Study -- gain a flex feat from somebody else, and keep it until you get another one this way. Not bad, if you can find a willing and capable teacher.

This would be dirty if another PC played an Inquisitor.

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combat rhythm + finishing cascade this 2 combination feat are so powerfull that can oblitarate any figth

when the 2 feat are together you can reduce all the penalty from your actions (like using two weapon figthing) or feats (like power attack) by 2 for each succefull attack you made that round until yourr next round

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
Elven Battle Focus delivers in concept -- it's just that the feat taxes (and to a lesser extent action economy tax) really hamstring it.

In my opinion the biggest issue with Elven battle Focus is that it has nothing going for it except vague flavor. It doesn't let your character do anything new, it just describes what you get a bit differently. Although "describe" is probably too strong, as it doesn't give any explanation how it works.

The saddest part about the feat is that PFS made an explicit change to limit it to melee only. Anyone else would say that if someone wants to waste four feats on the already most feat hungry playstyle in the game for some mediocre amount of bonus damage you should let them - but not PFS devs!

Zepheri wrote:
when the 2 feat are together you can reduce all the penalty from your actions (like using two weapon figthing) or feats (like power attack) by 2 for each succefull attack you made that round until yourr next round

I think you need to re-read the feats. Combat Rhythm first has an effect on at the earliest the third attack, and Finishing Cascade only works "The first time in a round you use a combination feat" (making it a mere +1 to attack rolls on only some of your attacks). Combat Rhythm needs quite a lot of attacks per round to be mathematically sound (at least five), making it only really suited for Monk and some natural attack builds.

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Well-Prepared/Shared Ownership... because it is not even a magical effect, "you just conveniently happen to remember that you had borrowed that item earlier".

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Derklord wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Elven Battle Focus delivers in concept -- it's just that the feat taxes (and to a lesser extent action economy tax) really hamstring it.

In my opinion the biggest issue with Elven battle Focus is that it has nothing going for it except vague flavor. It doesn't let your character do anything new, it just describes what you get a bit differently. Although "describe" is probably too strong, as it doesn't give any explanation how it works.

{. . .}

I wouldn't call Int-to-damage nothing going for it. And it wasn't hard for me to figure out what that means. Yes, if it were up to me, AND I was doing non-Str-to-damage feats at all(*), I would have written more explicit flavor text(**).

(*)My inclination for non-Str-to-damage feats is that such things should be class features/talents, not feats; however, if they are going to be feats, then by all means have Int-to-damage as well as Dex-to-damage, and if not, then have somebody (weird archetype or something) get a class feature that gives Int-to-damage.

(**)One thing I would have liked for both 1st Edition and 2nd Edition (and of course Starfinder) would be a bit of though given to how each class feature, feat, spell, etc. would look cinematically.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
Finally, you get to EBF. You need to hit BAB +4, be somewhat Dex focused AND have a high Int to take advantage of this feat. Only... if you were a Dex focused elf this whole time and used melee attacks, why not deal d8 instead of d10 damage this whole time, used an Elven Branched Spear, given up all your maneuver/CMD shenanigans and your extra AoO and just taken Slashing Grace to add Dex to damage from one feat?

Indeed. Having dex to hit and int to damage is just not very impressive, and certainly not worth three feats and a swift action. It doesn't help that the two prerequisite feats are rather lacklustre. EBF should have added int to damage in addition to your other damage stat - then it would be still not great, but it would at least deliver on its concept.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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VoodistMonk wrote:
Well-Prepared/Shared Ownership... because it is not even a magical effect, "you just conveniently happen to remember that you had borrowed that item earlier".

I love effects like this, and would like to add Conjuration(Creation) specialist wizard, who can pull pretty much any mundane item out of his hat, several times per day. And it looks like he can actually conjure "the specific key that fits this door", with a Craft check.

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Wand Dancer... because Spring Attack with magic items is fun.

Vaporous Potion... it's like Bombs, but silly.

I like feats that invent new ways to use or do things... like use wands/potions.

Expanded Studies... because it allows Hunters/Warpriests to use magic items with 7th-level spells of their parent spell lists.

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Holy Water Assault... another fun way to expand the utility of certain items.

I know Step Up has been brought up, so has Dimensional Savant... but howa'bout Dimensional Step Up? You don't even know where you are going, or have any means of return... just POOF away with them, and arrive next to them at the target of their teleport. It's hilarious.

Team Up... it's a teamwork feat that requires you and at least two of your allies to be adjacent to an opponent, but you can use Aid Another as a move action. I like Aid Another, and I like ways to break out of the normal action economy routine.

Painful Collision... smash people into people for extra damages, what's not to like? Goes well with Rhino Charge to break action economy.

Xenoglossy... where did you learn our language? I listened. (That quote is from the Eaters of the Dead/13th Warrior movie)

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VoodistMonk wrote:
Holy Water Assault... another fun way to expand the utility of certain items.

Holy Water Assault -- seems sort of like Weapon Trick or Equipment Trick (hey, why isn't it another Equipment Trick option anyway? -- Sunrod's in there), but for Holy Water. It's also weird because meeting the prerequisite of Knowledge (Religion) 3 ranks guarantees that you will meet the prerequisite of BAB +1. Blinding Water looks pretty good. Concentrate Holy Water is worse for the direct hits but better for the splash damage (same total amount of splash damage as the original Holy Water Doses, but applied with better action economy). Healing Glyph lets you save some money on an anti-Undead Glyph of Warding. Healing Water is a reasonable buff to skill-based healing. For Holy Circle, since Magic Circle Against Evil doesn't say how much the powdered silver costs, I can't say if you save any money, break even, or come out a bit behind, but it does buff the spell. The only stinker is Holy Water Splash (doesn't stack with Concentrate Holy Water -- it would be of some use at low levels when you can't afford to use Concentrate Holy Water, but it doesn't scale, so it quickly becomes obsolete).

VoodistMonk wrote:
I know Step Up has been brought up, so has Dimensional Savant... but howa'bout Dimensional Step Up? You don't even know where you are going, or have any means of return... just POOF away with them, and arrive next to them at the target of their teleport. It's hilarious.

Dimensional Step Up -- the once per day limit on usage kills this for what it does (and doesn't do).

VoodistMonk wrote:
Team Up... it's a teamwork feat that requires you and at least two of your allies to be adjacent to an opponent, but you can use Aid Another as a move action. I like Aid Another, and I like ways to break out of the normal action economy routine.

Team Up -- Aid Another as a Move Action -- Nice. Gets even much better if you can use Stamina (and doesn't even cost a ridiculous amount).

VoodistMonk wrote:
Painful Collision... smash people into people for extra damages, what's not to like? Goes well with Rhino Charge to break action economy.

Painful Collision -- cinematically cool, and gets a lot better if you have a Bull Rush action economy booster like Shield Slam.

VoodistMonk wrote:
Xenoglossy... where did you learn our language? I listened. (That quote is from the Eaters of the Dead/13th Warrior movie)

Xenoglossy -- has the weird effect that as you use it, you effectively burn it out for each particular recipient until you level up, unless you are already at extremely high level.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:
I know Step Up has been brought up, so has Dimensional Savant... but howa'bout Dimensional Step Up? You don't even know where you are going, or have any means of return... just POOF away with them, and arrive next to them at the target of their teleport. It's hilarious.
Dimensional Step Up -- the once per day limit on usage kills this for what it does (and doesn't do).

I think the BAB of +12 is the real bummer. :(

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Lemartes wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:
I know Step Up has been brought up, so has Dimensional Savant... but howa'bout Dimensional Step Up? You don't even know where you are going, or have any means of return... just POOF away with them, and arrive next to them at the target of their teleport. It's hilarious.
Dimensional Step Up -- the once per day limit on usage kills this for what it does (and doesn't do).
I think the BAB of +12 is the real bummer. :(

That and the fact it's got a significant probability of it being a suicide run:

Oh! My opponent is using a teleport effect to escape, I will use this 1/day effect to follow him! This is a great idea! My friends don't know where I (and my opponent) have teleported to, so they have trouble following... and I need a separate way of coming back... Do you think my enemy might teleport to somewhere where he has lots of friends and backup? What a silly idea that would be for an opponent who's trying to escape...

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pad300 wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:
I know Step Up has been brought up, so has Dimensional Savant... but howa'bout Dimensional Step Up? You don't even know where you are going, or have any means of return... just POOF away with them, and arrive next to them at the target of their teleport. It's hilarious.
Dimensional Step Up -- the once per day limit on usage kills this for what it does (and doesn't do).
I think the BAB of +12 is the real bummer. :(

That and the fact it's got a significant probability of it being a suicide run:

Oh! My opponent is using a teleport effect to escape, I will use this 1/day effect to follow him! This is a great idea! My friends don't know where I (and my opponent) have teleported to, so they have trouble following... and I need a separate way of coming back... Do you think my enemy might teleport to somewhere where he has lots of friends and backup? What a silly idea that would be for an opponent who's trying to escape...

That is what makes the feat so awesome!

You have literally no idea where you are going, and have no guaranteed way to return. It is baller, AF. The dedication... the obsession... that manic pursuit... total reckless abandon... I love it.

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Yeah, I know a certain bardbarian in one of my campaigns that would DEFINITELY use this feat the way you're meaning VM. Seriously, thanks to her RELENTLESS pursuit of BBEGs in combat, no important villain is EVER a recurring one in my games, UNLESS they manage to teleport.

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^. . . No Liches yet?

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^... no, that's my megadungeon campaign XD

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Scarlet Rose Devotion/Fanged Crown Massacre... because I most likely am already taking Combat Reflexes/Bodyguard if I am putting ranks in Perform:Oratory... it's a Bard thing.

Speaking of Bards... Battle Singer is pretty cool. Gotta be a Goblin, and your allies have to either also be Goblins, or at least understand their language... but expanding the gloriousness of Inspire Courage is, well, glorious!

Marcher-Lord of the Cerulean Abyss combined with Signature Strike Triumph just seems appropriate. Feat intensive and ultimately useless, but hilariously stylish.

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VoodistMonk wrote:
pad300 wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:
I know Step Up has been brought up, so has Dimensional Savant... but howa'bout Dimensional Step Up? You don't even know where you are going, or have any means of return... just POOF away with them, and arrive next to them at the target of their teleport. It's hilarious.
Dimensional Step Up -- the once per day limit on usage kills this for what it does (and doesn't do).
I think the BAB of +12 is the real bummer. :(

That and the fact it's got a significant probability of it being a suicide run:

Oh! My opponent is using a teleport effect to escape, I will use this 1/day effect to follow him! This is a great idea! My friends don't know where I (and my opponent) have teleported to, so they have trouble following... and I need a separate way of coming back... Do you think my enemy might teleport to somewhere where he has lots of friends and backup? What a silly idea that would be for an opponent who's trying to escape...

That is what makes the feat so awesome!

You have literally no idea where you are going, and have no guaranteed way to return. It is baller, AF. The dedication... the obsession... that manic pursuit... total reckless abandon... I love it.

The live action version of this feat!!!


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VoodistMonk wrote:
{. . .} Marcher-Lord of the Cerulean Abyss combined with Signature Strike Triumph just seems appropriate. Feat intensive and ultimately useless, but hilariously stylish.

Not only feat-intensive, but requires a ranged combat feat even though the Signature Strike feat chain would often be used with a melee weapon, and THAT ranged combat feat has another ranged combat feat as its prerequisite.

Dark Archive

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I'm shocked no one's mentioned Brilliant Planner. One of my favorite feats.

It's so much fun being able to just say "yeah i kinda figured someone was going to steal all our food and camping supplies tonight, so back when we were in town I paid a guy to go buy some supplies and deliver them to us in a wagon at, coincidentally, this exact spot. He should be arriving in about 10 minutes or so."

It's a feat that gets more powerful and useful the more creative you get.

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Signature Strike Style could be used to qualify for that Marcher-Lord feat. Lol.

Prerequisites: Fey creature type or Fey Obedience (Ragadahn), you must have carved your name and Ragadahn’s holy symbol on the hide of a living dragon or outsider with either the aquatic or water subtype and a CR at least 2 higher than your level when you took the feat.

I just thought they were silly together... all that Zorro $#!+ isn't actually very useful, though.

On a completely separate note, Emissary's Emboldening is a pretty cool feat in that your little friend helps you not be afraid, eventually even giving you conditional immunity to fear.

As far as feats for Familiars go, I also like Victory Through Unity... it has both flavor and utility.

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Does anyone use story feats?

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