glass |
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I happened across this list a couple of days ago, and while you could certainly argue that “necessary is overstating the case, items in all these categories are certainly nice to have. Anyway, it got me thinking; with a few tweaks (like how death effects work), PF1 enemies are going to have a lot of the same abilities and PF1 characters are going to have a lot of the same vulnerabilities. So once they have bought the “big six” they are going to be looking so shore up a lot of the same things. Obviously in a “3.P” game they can just use the same list, but in a pure Pathfinder game that is not going to be an option (and even in 3.P there might be better options). So, I thought it might be useful to come up with a similar list for PF1.
So to get things started, these are the categories from the list, and the PF1 item that come to mind. I am sure there are many more, so if anyone wants to suggest additional items please shout.
Winged Boots. Foot slot. 16000 gp.
Headband of Aerial Agility (+4 and +6 versions) Also takes care of enhancement to Int for characters who need that in the headband. Headband slot. 42000 gp or 81000 gp.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Bronze Griffon or Obsidian Steed. Give you a flying mount, so only usable where your mount fits. Slotless. 10000 gp or 28500 gp.
Stun & Daze Negation
Steel Mind Cap. Converts to confused, which may not be much of an improvement. Head slot. 33600 gp.
Fear Immunity
Torc of Lionheart Fury. High-level Barbarians only (anyone else just gets a save bonus). Neck slot. 8000 gp.
True Seeing
Truesight Goggles. Eye slot. 184800 gp.
Miss Chance
Minor Cloak of Displacement. 20% miss chance, but competing with Cloak of Resistance. Shoulder slot. 24000 gp.
Cloak of Displacement. 50% miss chance, but competing with Cloak of Resistance. Shoulder slot. 50000 gp.
Boots of Teleportation. Foot slot. 49000 gp.
Helm of Teleportation. Head slot. 73500 gp.
Cloak of the Mountebank. Dimension door but competing with Cloak of Resistance. Shoulder slot. 10800 gp.
Death Effect/Energy Drain/Negative Energy Immunity
(cannot think of any right now)
Freedom of Movement
Ring of Freedom of Movement. Ring slot. 40000 gp.
Extradimensional Storage
Handy Haversack. Move action recovery and no AoO is nice. Slotless (backpack). 2000 gp.
Bag of Holding. Carries more than a haversack, but does not have the other advantages, so better for bulk treasure than equipment. Slotless. 2500 - 10000 gp.
Polymorphic Pouch. Small capacity, but sticks around if you charge your shape. 5000 gp.
Portable Hole. Not useful in combat, but massive storage capacity and no weight of its own. 20000 gp.
Spell Countering/Dispelling
(cannot think of any right now)
Special Senses
Arachnid Goggles. All-round vision. Eye slot. 12000 gp.
Darklands Goggles. 120 ft darkvision (plus some skill bonuses). Eye slot. 20000 gp.
Goggles of Night. Normal darkvision. Eye slot. 16000 gp.
Circlet of Mindsight. Sense thinking creatures. Head slot. 22000 gp.
Cat’s Eye Crown. +60 ft to darkvision, and can detach the gem and use it for clairaudience/clairvoyance 1/day. Head slot. 18000 gp.
And that’s it for now. I am sure there are many many items I have missed in my quick survey, but that is where you guys come in. I also left out the Mind Blank section that the original list had, because PF1 Mind Blank is considerably less impressive than 3.5 Mind Blank, but I could be persuaded to add it back in!
EDIT: I was not sure if this fit better in General or Advice. So I stuck it in one but flagged it myself, so the powers that be can move it if the like.
avr |
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Boots of speed, four-leafed clover and eyes of the eagle are hugely cost-efficient even if they aren't in the big six. Spellguard bracers and an orange prism ioun stone are valuable to spellcasters.
If you're looking at not necessarily cost-efficient items which can handle serious vulnerabilities then a padma blossom works against some mental effects when you can spare a hand, a ring of delayed doom and truesight goggles are useful for 20th level one-shots, and a necklace of adaptation is useful when breathing is an issue.
glass |
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Just realised that I forgot to include the link to the original list, and it is too late to edit now: gic-Items
Boots of speed, four-leafed clover and eyes of the eagle are hugely cost-efficient even if they aren't in the big six. Spellguard bracers and an orange prism ioun stone are valuable to spellcasters.
If you're looking at not necessarily cost-efficient items which can handle serious vulnerabilities then a padma blossom works against some mental effects when you can spare a hand, a ring of delayed doom and truesight goggles are useful for 20th level one-shots, and a necklace of adaptation is useful when breathing is an issue.
D'oh. I knew about padma blossom, because there was a thread about it here about two weeks ago, but I forgot.
Four leafed clover, eyes of the eagle, spellguard bracers, and orange-prism ioun stones are nice items for certain characters, but do not really fit the theme of the list. Ring of Delayed Death is technically a stupendously expensive consumable, so that does not fit either. Truesight goggles are already on the list.
Boots of speed, might fit, in the sense that Pathfinder haste is so good that it might warrant being a category in the list. I will ponder adding that to the next iteration of the list, and definitely add padma blossom (because the edit windows are so short here, I am going to have to keep posting updated lists in new posts).
Wonderstell |
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Seconding (thirding?) the Padma Blossom (slotless/in hand). 8,000 gp.
Even with its restrictions it's a very powerful item for those lucky few that can spare a hand. Like mounted lancers, monks/brawlers, natural attack builds, swashbucklers (without Slashing Grace), psychic spellcasters, or alchemists.
"While grasped, the blossom grants its holder a +3 competence bonus on concentration checks and suppresses the following on its holder: morale bonuses, fear effects, and the confused, dazed, or stunned conditions."
Band of the Stalwart Warrior (headband). 14,000 GP.
It competes with the Headband slot which is unfortunate, but in a game where immunity doesn't always mean immunity it's something to keep in mind when the Antipaladin comes knocking. Do note that it technically would save you from Phantasmal Killer and reduce the original effect to just shaken.
"This plain iron band protects its wearer from fear effects. Whenever the wearer suffers a fear effect, she is merely shaken (even if the effect would normally make the target frightened or panicked). Furthermore, the subject gains a +2 competence bonus on all Will saves against fear. If the wearer has the bravery class feature, she is considered four levels higher when determining that class feature’s effect."
I'd also add Swarmbane Clasp and maybe Bead of Newt Prevention.
avr |
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OK, I think I know what you're after now, though I think a +5 to avoid being snuck up on (eyes of the eagle) is pretty universably applicable.
Warrior-types who hate being scared might like the headband of unshakeable resolve. 3/day immediate action to reduce a fear effect on you, and the item also carries a +2 Wis bonus so it doesn't interfere with the big six too badly.
A ring of evasion does what it says on the tin.
The bastion crown helps with death effects and tricky rogues.
Funky Badger |
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OK, I think I know what you're after now, though I think a +5 to avoid being snuck up on (eyes of the eagle) is pretty universably applicable.
Warrior-types who hate being scared might like the headband of unshakeable resolve. 3/day immediate action to reduce a fear effect on you, and the item also carries a +2 Wis bonus so it doesn't interfere with the big six too badly.
A ring of evasion does what it says on the tin.
The bastion crown helps with death effects and tricky rogues.
Ring of Evasion is a trap: "Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor."
avr |
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avr wrote:Ring of Evasion is a trap: "Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor."OK, I think I know what you're after now, though I think a +5 to avoid being snuck up on (eyes of the eagle) is pretty universably applicable.
Warrior-types who hate being scared might like the headband of unshakeable resolve. 3/day immediate action to reduce a fear effect on you, and the item also carries a +2 Wis bonus so it doesn't interfere with the big six too badly.
A ring of evasion does what it says on the tin.
The bastion crown helps with death effects and tricky rogues.
Which is fine for most spellcasters, gunslingers, and some others. Most characters I've played don't wear medium or heavy armour.
gnoams |
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"Evasion" is not a singular defined game term. Ranger, rogue, and monk all get a class feature called evasion, and all define it to mean a similar thing but with different restrictions.
The ring of evasion defines it without any restrictions. Note how the ring does not reference any class, the evasion does what it defines it does on the ring. So yes, you can evade in full plate.
Cevah |
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Here are some things that my PF1 chars have used:
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ebony Fly, 10000 gp, 3/week @ 12 hours).
Fear Immunity
Carouser's Retort 3,060 gp. Once per day, the wielder can use remove fear; if the wielder ever becomes frightened or panicked and this ability has not already been expended for the day, the weapon automatically activates this ability on the wielder’s next turn.
Ring of the Sublime 2,000 gp. When worn, the ring of the sublime protects its wearer from fear effects as if constantly under the effects of remove fear.
Death Effect/Energy Drain/Negative Energy Immunity
Deathless armor +1 bonus. The armor absorbs the first 10 points of positive or negative energy damage per attack that the wearer would normally take. The wearer has a 25% chance to ignore negative levels from any attack.
Bead of Newt Prevention 1,000 gp. If the bearer fails a saving throw against a hostile polymorph effect such as baleful polymorph, the bead is destroyed and the effect does not affect the bearer.
Karyukai Tea Set 38,160 gp. Can boost saves, neutralize poison, remove disease, and grant [greater] heroism depending on diplomacy check.
Tourmaline Sphere (Cracked) Ioun Stone 800 gp. This stone grants a +1 insight bonus on saving throws against death effects.
Charm of Fate 5,000 gp. The first time each day that the wearer fails a saving throw, the charm of fate causes the wearer to instead successfully save if the roll was missed by 5 or less. Saved my bacon quite a few times.
Four Leaf Clover 3,750 gp. A creature with a four-leaf clover in her possession can call upon an extra boost of luck before attempting a single ability check, saving throw, or skill check. She gains a +2 luck bonus on that check. This ability functions three times per day, and requires a free action that the owner can perform even when it’s not her turn.
Azlant Pendant 3,100 gp. If Aroden is your patron, the pendant counts as a holy symbol. Once per day as a free action, you may add a +10 insight bonus on a single skill check you are about to roll. Can modify for other patron.
Ioun Stone (Scarlet and Blue Sphere) 8,000 gp. Late game cheap way to max a skill.
Boots of the Cat 1,000 gp. The boot’s wearer always takes the minimum possible damage from falls (as if the GM had rolled a 1 on each die of damage incurred by the fall) and at the end of a fall always lands on his feet.
Rerolls/d20 rolls
Charm of the Thriceborn 2,400 gp. At the start of each day, the charm’s owner rolls 3d20 and keeps their results as her charmed dice. Once during that day, instead of rolling a d20, the charm’s owner can instead use the result of one of the three charmed dice, randomly selected (roll 1d3 to choose). You get to know what the d20 might roll, and can be used when the min of 3 is low but enough to beat a save, or to get a better chance of a crit.
Fate-Woven Braid Of The Norns 9,000 gp. Up to three times per day, the wearer of a fate-woven braid of the norns can potentially negate a disastrous turn of fortune. Upon rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw or after failing a saving throw against a death effect, the wearer can activate the braid as a free action to reroll the saving throw.
Guiding Vellum 500 gp/l/l. Each day, when the owner prepares spells in the presence of the guiding vellum, the name of one specific divine spell which the owner already has the ability to cast appears on its surface. This represents a spell which should prove useful for the tasks in the next 24 hours. While limited to divine prepared casters, can be of great benefit to prepare for the day.
Extra AC
Sanctified Shield +100 gp. When activated, a sacred shield adds a +1 sacred (if positive energy) or profane (if negative energy) bonus to the wearer’s Armor Class. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the wearer is struck in combat, whichever comes first.
False Flag Tabbard 5,500 gp. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can cause a false flag tabard to flare with protective energy. All worshipers of the wearer’s deity within a 60-foot-radius burst (including the wearer) gain a +2 sacred bonus to AC and CMD for 5 minutes.
Dusty Rose Prism (Normal) Ioun Stone 5,000 gp. +1 insight bonus to AC.
Dusty Rose Prism (Cracked) Ioun Stone 500 gp. This stone grants a +1 competence bonus on initiative checks.
Zotpox |
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The pathfinder item creation rules allow for combining the effects of multiple items into a single item.
The competition for item slots is almost meaningless.
Crafting your own combined effect items is the way to go.
For example the
Make up your own color and shape Ioun Stone
Aura strong varied
CL 15th
Slot —
Price varies
Weight —
Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation [Good implant sites are, under sternum, base of skull] (be sure to have greator restoration cast on you before you use this)
45,000 Ring of Regeneration (regen 1 hp per round, immune bleed)
13,500 Periapt of Proof against Poison (immune poison) + 6,625 = 14,125
9,000 Iridescent Spindle (without air) + 4,500 = 13,500
5,000 Nacreous Gray Sphere (wont age) + 2,500 = 7,500
3,750 Periapt of Health (immune/cured of all diseases) + 1,875 = 5,625
2,000 Clear Spindle (without food or water) + 1,000 = 3,000
1,000 Endure Elements + 500 = 1,500
OmniMage |
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Ioun stones are slotless, so you have to double the cost of every effect it has. Need proof? A headband of +2 wisdom is 4000 gp, while an ioun stone with the same effect is 8000 gp.
Fortunately, you don't have to mix it with the +50% cost for having multiple different abilities. Or at least I don't think it mixes. If it did, you could get around that by making multiple slotless items instead of making a single powerful item.
Scott Wilhelm |
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Utility: Traveller's Anytool, Sleeves of Many Garments, Robe of Infinite Twine, Iron Rope: all under 1000gp each. Decanter of Endless Water 9000gp, Sustaining Spoon 5400gp,
carrying things: Stretcher, not a magic item, costs 1gp, lets you drag 300 pounds. The Handy Haversack has been mentioned. Muleback Cords, 1000gp, +8 strength when determining carrying capacity, Bags of Holding: 2500-10,000gp, 250-1500#, Portable Hole: no weight limit, 10'cube. Oddly enough, when it comes to magic storage, the more expensive, the cheaper in terms of gp/pound.