![]() I allways limit my players in game options along the lines of the campaign setting's in game starting location. If the players don't like the options in one location they can start somewhere else in the setting, create a nonredicolus backstory or we can have a conversation about how an uber out of place race/class combo ended up in that locale. ![]()
![]() The Mythic ability "Divine Source (Su)" allows a PC to be such a source. Divine Source (Su)
![]() This should do the trick
************** [choose a color and shape] Ioun Stone
Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation at base of skull (have greator restoration cast on you before implantation) 92,400 Truesight goggles (True Sight)
278,650 ******************************** 360,000 (Scrimshaw [yes etching into the skull bone]), Headband of Mental Superiority and Physical Perfection +6 all stats (know: engineering, diplomacy, sense motive) Combined item
360,000 ******************************* 12,150 (Tattoo) Anklet of [Greater, Hat of Disguise], Enlarge Person, Reduce Person, and Sleeves of many garments Combined item
12,150 ******************************** ![]()
![]() The pathfinder item creation rules allow for combining the effects of multiple items into a single item. The competition for item slots is almost meaningless. Crafting your own combined effect items is the way to go. For example the Make up your own color and shape Ioun Stone
Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation [Good implant sites are, under sternum, base of skull] (be sure to have greator restoration cast on you before you use this) 45,000 Ring of Regeneration (regen 1 hp per round, immune bleed)
90,250 ![]()
![]() Have you ever managed to make the proverbial "all bard group" we always talk about? And if so, how did you manage to herd those cats and pull it off? In the initial game/campaign de/re/pre brief inform the players that this will be an all [insert class here] game/campaign, and depending on the results from this run an alternate class's will be considered. Be prepared for much wailing and gnashing of teeth. They will sort out the rest. ![]()
![]() Two week reminders via email. Once a month GM strat meeting via group chat. Two weeks out I send a leadup from where we left off. The guys have their [expletive] together and plenty of time to plan. The prebrief and set rules are explicit and the players well aware of time sucks and plan accordingly. No AP's can be used as they allow to much pre prep. I run a very sandboxy game and coGM's allow for party splits and active subplots. As to the balance question. Don't bite off more than you can chew and running is a required tactical/survival choice. ![]()
![]() I've found that any more than 8 pc's requires coGM's usually in charge of one aspect of the game eg combat, enviroment/weather, magic, plot/npc's etc... ATM I'm running a group of 12 with one coGM for combat that meets for two days about once every 3 months that so far works well. Communication is key! ![]()
![]() Dubiously Legal Shenanigans The humble mount spell used in a dungeon setting and intentionally spooked towards the oncoming monsters is outright chaos in a hallway. The casting of Grease and the application of a torch will earn you a stern glare and require a humble promise to the GM to never do that again. ![]()
![]() This thing alters and warps reality like a deck of many things, rod of wonder, or harrow deck. This is Wild Magic aka. "DM deus ex machina" at it's finest your simply using a handy crib sheet with numbers for the die roll's. Everything used in "whatever way you choose" is reversible. That said DM responsibly, and don't DM and drive. ![]()
![]() Shock value is just that a shock. Warn the PC's that this thing alters and warps reality like a deck of many things, rod of wonder, or harrow deck, and not all results are beneficial and they are putting their character in the hands of the fickle dice gods. Please make sure that the players are making an informed choice with their PC! Lay it on THICK! In the case of a egregious roll 1. Have them slowly revert back.
Pay your money and take your chances! ![]()
![]() 33: A parchment playing card flutters into the bin it appears to be blank on one side. When the card is thrown to the ground, a creature is gated to the cards location. The creature cannot move more than 30 feet away from the cards user. At all times it obeys the desires of the character who used the card. If the card is picked up, the creature is gated away. Use a random pull from the Deck of Illusions each time the card is used. (Thie's are real npc's/monsters and for good or ill may come looking for the user) 34: A piece of vellum flutters into the bin. Oops! is printed in common on one side. Appon reading the player drops to the ground and reincarnates as a monster with HD equal to His/her/It's level, an opposing alignment, and 0 class levels. 35: An Unholy symbol of Doloras drops into the bin. The Pc has gained the attention of Doloras for good or ill. The feat Believer’s Boon (Caina’s Cold Logic (Sp) forbid action 3/day, owl’s wisdom 2/day, or dispel magic 1/day) is granted as long as the unholy symbol is worn openly. If the symbol is rejected otherworldly chains forged in the infernal morass of Hell itself latch on to your feet, rooting you in place for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. You cannot damage the hellish chains nor magically escape them; if you attempt to use teleportation magic or a similar ability to circumvent the chains, the spell or ability fails and is wasted. While you are rooted, you take 2d6 points of piercing damage and 4d6 points of fire damage per round as blazing, hellish needles stab into the exposed portions of your body (you begin taking damage as soon as you are under this ability’s effects). If you succeed at a Reflex saving throw you are only held in place for half the number of rounds and take the listed damage only once. 36: A roughly carved wooden figurine of an indeterminate animal drops into the bin. While carried the pc gains the trait Fate's Favored. ![]()
![]() 29: A random Ioun stone drops into the bin. When used for more than 1d6 hours the stone embeds itself, fusing to the users skull. 30: A piece of vellum flutters into the bin. I.O.U. is printed in common on one side and 36,000 gp and (signature of local baron) is written on the other. The voucher is legitimate. 31: A worn looking tin ring drops into the bin. The ring functions as a ring of Ring of Djinni Calling which instead calls A succubus, erinyes, Rakshasa-Amanusya, Daemon-Erodaemon, and A Div-Pairaka once each for one hour per day. The ring requires a DC 30 caster level check remove curse to remove it. 32: A tiny bag of seeds drops into the bin. The bag contains 3d10 seeds. When planted a Wyrwood tree grows to full size in 1d3 hours. Three days after full growth a Wyrwood NPC steps forth from the tree ready to serve the planter. ![]()
![]() Is this a wand? Hi'lan blade AC 7, HP 5, hardness 5, Break DC 16
DESCRIPTION This wooden item is shaped like a short sword and may be used as a club. "It is dangerous to go alone. Take this." is scribed in elven along the blade. EFFECT Range medium 110 ft.
A short sword blade shaped missile of magical energy darts forth from the wand and strikes its target, dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage.
![]() The core rulebook wrote: If item is continuous or unlimited, not charged, determine cost as if it had 100 charges. If it has some daily limit, determine as if it had 50 charges. I thought that this was pretty clear as well. How are wands new? Comparable magic items price was their bid to reign in the shenanigans and rightfully so as it is impossible to see all of the legal exploits and DM "caus I sed so" ends up sounding like a broken record after a while. Excelente exercise Tacticslion! +2 ![]()
![]() the Staff of Eldritch Sovereignty is an (artifact) because it is a combo staff, wondrous magic item. Wands cast a specific spell. Set it and forget it. A staff on the other hand stores the [for lack of a better word "formula"] for multiple generic spells usually in the same school and in a few instances allowing the staff to absorb spell energy recharging the staff, also allowing the activator of the staff to apply his/her/it's own personal spell casting ability's. The Stone Mark I:
Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation [Good implant sites are, under sternum, base of skull]
Mark I 13,500 Periapt of Proof against Poison (immune poison)
46,625 The Stone Mark II:
Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation [Good implant sites are, under sternum, base of skull]
Mark II 13,500 Periapt of Proof against Poison (immune poison)
56,625 The Stone Mark III:
Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation [Good implant sites are, under sternum, base of skull]
Mark III 13,500 Periapt of Proof against Poison (immune poison)
57,125 The Stone Mark IV: Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation [Good implant sites are, under sternum, base of skull]
Mark IV (be sure to use greator restoration before you use this) 45,000 Ring of Regeneration (regen 1 hp per round, immune bleed)
88,750 ![]()
![]() The Stone: Combined Item effects on single Ioun stone for implantation [Good implant sites are, under sternum, base of skull]
Mark I 13,500 Periapt of Proof against Poison (immune poison)
46,625 ![]()
![]() If item is continuous or unlimited, not charged, determine cost as if it had 100 charges. If it has some daily limit, determine as if it had 50 charges.
Unlimited cantrip wands If they are just the plain vanilla cantrips they are hardly game breaking and quite handy. Pathfinder changed the rules a bit for magic item creation in that many more things are now permissible. Multiple item ability's stacked on a single item for example, just add half the cost of the lower priced item as a tax and poof a stacked doodad.
Tacticslion wrote: b) even if they don’t they will opine that you should look really hard at the “comparable magic items price” guide range for determining the cost of making a given magic item rather than the standard formula (find an item that reliably does 30-80 damage fifty times total, or a near equivalent, and price your thingy off of that); this is a rule noted in the actual crafting rules section and often paired with the true strike spell as a constant spell effect to (incorrectly) suggest that such a thing would be equal in value to a +20 weapon - just so you have a vague idea of the value-judgements used to clarify what you’re working with Comparable magic items price was their bid to reign in the shenanigans and rightfully so as it is impossible to see all of the legal exploits and DM "caus I sed so" ends up sounding like a broken record after a while.