Magic Circle Against Evil


It lists the duration of 10 min/level but the description says the bonuses only work in that circle so you can't really use it 'pre-fight' unless you are standing where you are going to fight. The duration doesn't make sense to me.

Am I wrong here? Can you use it before a fight and move out of the circle or will it only work in that circle and you have to be there to get the bonuses?

Also its a 10 foot radius. Does that mean 1 square he's in. 1 to the left, one to the right, one above and below or does it mean just 4 squares?

thanks in advance!

Sovereign Court

Are you confusing that the spell has two versions?

You cast the spell, everything in a 10 ft radius from the target touched get the benefits of protection from evil...that's all there is to it.

If you are talking the alternate version, the circle , circle, it's literally just there for wizards to use Planar Binding...which is another story.

Hey, I remember this thread!

TL;DR: The aura moves with the creature. Stay close. Ask your GM about house rules allowing simultaneous movement; otherwise it's pretty much impossible to move more than twenty feet per turn without resorting to hijinks like doing drag maneuvers on your allies.

Grand Lodge

Doesn't the circle move with the creature since it's an emanation from them?

If you are talking about the protective version, then effects apply only in the area of the spell, but the area is emanation from a creature - that means it moves when the creature moves.

It's 10 foot radius, not diameter. In case of an emanation from a creature, it means that every creature no more than 10 feet from it is affected.

In the trap version of the spell the effect is immovable (it wouldn't be much of a trap if it moved with the creature inside).

Great, Thanks for the help !

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