The Vagrant Talespinner |
So years ago I made a conversion of rules for PF to work in the Discworld and a campaign to go with it. I never got to use them.
To summarize things briefly, there's little mechanical changes, except that we'd be using E7, and a few story rules for certain classes and races. Like obviously nobody can play an elf, clerics get custom small gods they must spread the word of to get more powerful (or choose a well known pantheon like Offler or Io, but follow rules), wizards need to murder higher ranked wizards to get ranked up (not mechanically but in world) and other fun Pratchett-isms.
Rules? Thinking 25 point buy, races by approval only (trolls will use full orc stats for simplicity sake. Long ago I had a custom race but it was too complicated) and must be cited to exist somewhere in at least one book. Classes are any, including gunslinger, but know some are illegal, some are unheard of, and more. Societal reactions may occur. Two traits. Max GP per class.
The story? You're a group of fresh recruits to the Ankh-Morpork City Guard. It's semi-sandbox but I have an overall plot to work with. You'll run into known NPCs, and the timeline will be roughly ten years after the last published novel. You don't have to be lawful, but you do need a reason to have joined the Watch, even if it's just for the pay and benefits.
No PVP. 1/day minimum posts. You know the usual.
Not sure how long I'll recruit yet. Depends on how popular this idea is.
The Vagrant Talespinner |
I'm interested in playing a tourist.
The story? You're a group of fresh recruits to the Ankh-Morpork City Guard.
Foreigner? Sure. New to town and an easy to get well paying job. Agatean like Twoflower even, sure. But not a tourist, implying that you will be returning home.
I'll point out all classes are still available, but a wizard would for example be a recent graduate of OU picking up some seed money to eventually open his own business reading futures in some dink town, and the Watch is a simple path to that...or something like that.
The Vagrant Talespinner |
This is an awesome idea. I think I'd have to throw my hat in the ring as a Witch of some kind. How close interactions would one be allowed/preferred to have with book characters?
"Possible reoccurring guest spot" is about the highest level I would say. So former mentor, sure, but secret bestie or future hubby, no.
I so plan on the intro being a sort of "Police Academy of the Disc" shenanigans, whereupon your characters are being Fred and Nobby.
I might have to figure out a were-dog using a reskinned Weretouched Wolf Shifter. Kind of like how trolls with skins of brick and cobblestone are showing up in the city, were-dogs are starting to crop up.
Alternately, the Constable Archetype for Cavalier is stupidly appropriate.
Sounds like it follows Disc logic to me.
BelacRLJ |
BelacRLJ wrote:This is an awesome idea. I think I'd have to throw my hat in the ring as a Witch of some kind. How close interactions would one be allowed/preferred to have with book characters?"Possible reoccurring guest spot" is about the highest level I would say. So former mentor, sure, but secret bestie or future hubby, no.
I so plan on the intro being a sort of "Police Academy of the Disc" shenanigans, whereupon your characters are being Fred and Nobby.
No problem. As a witch, I’d need a reason why I came to Ankh-Morpork instead of staying in the Ramtops, and what interactions if any to have with any named witches in Ankh-Morpork.
The Vagrant Talespinner |
This sounds like a lot of fun. I adore Discworld so this looks great.
I'd love to play an Igor or possibly a Feegle/Gnome. The former would, obviously, be a Vivisectionist Alchemist while I'd look at something like a Hunter or, possibly even better, Wild Child Brawler for the latter.
There being no races close in size to a true Feegle besides the OP-as-PC sprite monster, the Igor is a better choice. You could reflavor any medium sized humanoid for it, but I would recommend hobgoblin, as the con and dex bonus fit them.
No problem. As a witch, I’d need a reason why I came to Ankh-Morpork instead of staying in the Ramtops, and what interactions if any to have with any named witches in Ankh-Morpork.
Since the events of Equal Rites, UU has guest witch lecturers and takes female students, and sends the Ramtops male witches, and so on. It was the big societal change. Either your character could've been in the circle of a witch who came to speak and liked the city enough to stay, or you are a solo witch who can't find a mentor that works the watch to afford to pay to see those guest lectures and learn magic on your own terms, or a witch discovered by the UU sent to apprentice in the Ramtops and recently returning home (Arch chancellor did say to Granny that if they found any students who know her type of magic he would send them that way IIRC) or ...all sorts of stuff.
BelacRLJ |
I'm thinking being a Dwarf. I'd be the 8th child of a family who isn't quite familiar with all the intricacies of wizardry, but knows that 8 is a significant number, so they sent me to Ankh-Morpork. There it was discovered that I had the wrong sort of magic, and am too stubborn to return home having failed.
I'd keep my actual gender between myself and the GM, unless there were other Dwarf PCs who could tell.
The Vagrant Talespinner |
Seems I have enough people interested to settle on some more details.
Ok, I'm gonna go with a max of 6 players. That's always my max, and it allows a decent ensemble cast for the story. Further it allows for drop outs without the need to replace.
Let's call recruitment until June 1st. I usually don't do a long recruitment, but I could use some time to hammer a few details out.
No pets. 6 people are enough to track, so if you have a pet class, take a pet-less variant.
GM_Panic |
DISCWORLD YES PLEASE, I would love to play a Vampire, but they are too powerful so how about the son of one. A Dhampir for race and for class, an Investigator.
Victor Van-Silnick "Vic' [The half undead]
Dad was a full-on vamper in the "Undead Yes Unperson no" Movement who meet and fell in love with a living Alchemist, they set up home and had 3 kids 2 girls and a son 'Vik' my PC. His sisters help mum on the family apothecary, while dad sleeps below. But Vic took after dad and loved the night and the things lurking there on the city streets.
He uses his Alchemy to make a blood-drinking suppressant.
And his skills to join the Guard.
TIm Mill |
O Yes please,
Could I play a Goblin, Bard
"Screaming Musak" [Tis a stage name init!]
Is his name, playing music is his game.
He was arrested for 'damaging the peace' and give the choice of stocks or joining the guard.
3 meals a day, and a bed, the guards it was.
Green Swigy adorable and loud when a tune hits him.
NOTE: Whatever you do DO NOT let him get his hands on a musical instrument because it's not so much as a tune hits him, more like he hits a tune until it's bloody in shock and crawling to get out the door.
BelacRLJ |
Wiley Strongnoggen
Wiley is the 8th child of a very provincial Dwarf family from high under the ramtops. The Strongnoggens believe their name refers to their intelligence, but in fact it was an insulting term given by other dwarves, meaning that they could use their heads as mining tools with no detriment to their brains. In fact, they were kicked out of their clan some generations ago and moved even farther into the mountains.
Wiley, however, is in fact quite cunning, prone to observing and experimenting rather than steadily working. As the youngest of 8, Wiley (naturally shy and prone to being overlooked) learned how to apply wits to become popular. Wiley's parents, noticing their child's oddness, recalled stories they had heard of the significance of eight children, and figured they'd birthed a wizard. Equipped with their hardest piece of bread, Wiley set off toward Ankh-Morpork. After some naivete-caused, and affability-survived, misadventures, Wiley made it, only to find the gates of Unseen University barred. Wiley's skills ran more to common sense and Cripple Mr. Onion, and as the wizards explained, not all of the older Strongnoggen siblings were boys (and being unfamiliar with both Dwarves and women, they weren't sure what Wiley was). Besides, Wiley was a generation too soon, and should stop bothering them and go off to have 8 children.
At loose ends, Wiley became a regular at Boffo's Joke Shop, and traded training in basic witchery in exchange for Cripple Mr. Onion lessons. This didn't pay the bills, however, and so when the City Watch advertised openings, Mrs. Proust suggested Wiley apply - "After all, they've got a giant dwarf already, and a girl one, why not you?"
Wiley Strongnoggen, Dwarf Witch (Cartomancer)
5 Str 14
5 Dex 14
3 Con 13 +2 = 15
10 Int 16
0 Wis 10 +2 = 12
2 Cha 12
HP: 9 (6(Class) + 2(Con) + 1 (Favored Class))
Fort: 2 (+0 (Class) +2 (Con))
Ref: 2 (+0 (Class) +2 (Dex))
Will: 3 (+2 (Class) +1 (Wis))
BAB: +0
CMB: 2 (0 (BAB) + 2 (Str))
CMD: 14 (10 + 0 (BAB) + 2 (Str) +2 (Dex))
Init 2: +2 (Dex)
AC 12: 10 + 2 (Dex)
Atk: (TBD)
Gear: (TBD)
Student of Philosophy (Int to Diplomacy to persuade/Bluff to lie)
Affable (+2 Diplomacy to gather information, Diplomacy and Knowledge(Local) class skills
1 Extra Hex
Class Features:
Hex: Fortune
Hex: Cackle
Patron: Trickery
Spells: 5/4/2 per day
Cantrips: (All)
6 1st level: Mage armor. Cure light wounds. Touch of blindness. Aphasia. Ear piercing scream. Comprehend languages.
Skills: (5) - Class + Ranks + Stat
spellcraft 3+1+3
umd 3+1+1
Knowledge (arcana) 3+1+3
diplomacy 3+1+3
knowledge(local) 3+1+3
Helaman |
Wong Wei
Agatean Monk and student of 'Upsidazi' who BELIEVES in law and goodness... the poor bastard.
"Happy to serve and spread much good benefits karma... you say this is called Sawsage onna stick? Is good to eat, yes?"
-Wong wei
Human unchained monk 1 (Pathfinder Unchained 14)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +7
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 Wis)
hp 12(1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4/+4 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), stunning fist (1/day, DC 13)
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2 (+3 dirty trick); CMD 19
Feats Additional Traits, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse
Traits affable, dirty trickster, omen, quain martial artist
Skills Acrobatics +7, Diplomacy +0 (+2 to gather information.), Escape Artist +7, Intimidate +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +7
Languages Common
Special Abilities
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-rd action, gain extra attacks with unarmed strike/monk weapons.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Stunning Fist (1/day, DC 13) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
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