Advanced Player's Guide : Potential Errata and Error Thread

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Liberty's Edge

I recognize that it's a bit early since it hasn't hit the street date for the product yet as of the creation of this thread, but I'm not seeing any other threads on the topic yet so if this is inappropriate, or I somehow missed another thread with this intent in mind please just remove, moderate, hide, or lock the thread as needed until such a time that the Paizo team would deem it appropriate.

Onto the error I found:

Quick Contacts references two Feats in an either/or manner as pre-requisites to take it: Connections & Underworld Connections.
The problem is that neither of these Feats exist. I have a feeling that this was simply missed at some point in that Criminal Connections & Underground Network were originally named as Connections & Underworld Connections but the Pre-Reqs for Quick Contacts were never updated.

Themetricsystem wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Onto the error I found:

Quick Contacts references two Feats in an either/or manner as pre-requisites to take it: Connections & Underworld Connections.
The problem is that neither of these Feats exist. I have a feeling that this was simply missed at some point in that Criminal Connections & Underground Network were originally named as Connections & Underworld Connections but the Pre-Reqs for Quick Contacts were never updated.

There's also an error in the Witch multiclass, where the Master Witch Spellcasting was labeled as "Master Wizard Spellcasting". But that's already been posted on Reddit, and Jason Bulmahn already saw and notated it for the errata.

I don't know about Underworld Connections, but Connections is a skill feat in the core rulebook. Is that not what it refers to? I don't have the apg yet.

The Blessed One Archetype grants access to Lay On Hands, but it's missing the language for you to actually cast it. Specifically it is missing this language

"You gain the Cast a Spell activity. You’re trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs. Your key spellcasting ability for spells is ____________."

It does say that you use the Divine tradition, and really the only real problem is determining your spellcasting.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Dragon disciple has the same problem with the sorcerer dragon breath focus feat, I have heard.

Liberty's Edge

JackieLane wrote:
I don't know about Underworld Connections, but Connections is a skill feat in the core rulebook. Is that not what it refers to? I don't have the apg yet.

Nice catch, I missed that for sure. That said I'm still not seeing anything that matches the Underworld Connections Feat/Feature/Ability in the existing products.

The sample build with the Flame Augur says to take Burning Hands for your level 1 spell. But there's no way to grab the spell at level 1 (there's a feat at a level later on that could grant you access, but it's not available at level 1).

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ezekieru wrote:
The sample build with the Flame Augur says to take Burning Hands for your level 1 spell. But there's no way to grab the spell at level 1 (there's a feat at a level later on that could grant you access, but it's not available at level 1).

I think you can get the spell at level 1 from the Fire domain. Under "Reading a Mystery Entry" and the Related Domains section:

APG Says wrote:
You select one initial domain spell from one of these domains at 1st level, which you can cast as a revelation spell with the cursebound trait.

Cintra Bristol wrote:
Ezekieru wrote:
The sample build with the Flame Augur says to take Burning Hands for your level 1 spell. But there's no way to grab the spell at level 1 (there's a feat at a level later on that could grant you access, but it's not available at level 1).

I think you can get the spell at level 1 from the Fire domain. Under "Reading a Mystery Entry" and the Related Domains section:

APG Says wrote:
You select one initial domain spell from one of these domains at 1st level, which you can cast as a revelation spell with the cursebound trait.

Domain spells are the Cleric (or Champion) Focus spells. That's different from the Cleric's granted spells from the god they're worshipping.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ezekieru wrote:
Domain spells are the Cleric (or Champion) Focus spells. That's different from the Cleric's granted spells from the god they're worshipping.

Huh. You're absolutely right. Thanks for the explanation! :)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The four subsequent Bounty Hunter archetype feats (i.e. after the initial dedication feat) don't list Prerequisite Bounty Hunter Dedication.

Ezekieru wrote:
The sample build with the Flame Augur says to take Burning Hands for your level 1 spell. But there's no way to grab the spell at level 1 (there's a feat at a level later on that could grant you access, but it's not available at level 1).

There used to be a 1st level feat that gave them access to that spell (and I think Fireball?). So remnants from a previous incarnation.

Themetricsystem wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Onto the error I found:

Quick Contacts references two Feats in an either/or manner as pre-requisites to take it: Connections & Underworld Connections.
The problem is that neither of these Feats exist. I have a feeling that this was simply missed at some point in that Criminal Connections & Underground Network were originally named as Connections & Underworld Connections but the Pre-Reqs for Quick Contacts were never updated.

Might be Underworld Network (APG)?

I don’t think the highest Tempest curse has any drawback.

keftiu wrote:
I don’t think the highest Tempest curse has any drawback.

That's not errata, that's opinion.

The Path of Iron feat for the Martial Artist archetype doesn't specify the kind of Strikes you can make with it, meaning you could use ranged or weapon attacks with it as currently written.

A visual one; the "Rare" Backgrounds' tag is not colored properly as cobalt blue (...right?) as for the Rare rarity.

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Bard Focus spell feats don't appear to have the boilerplate "Adds 1 focus point to your pool if you have less than three" language bard focus spell feats had in the CRB. Unsure if this is an oversight or intentional design.

keftiu wrote:
I don’t think the highest Tempest curse has any drawback.

It hurts allies who touch you with a buff or heal, and it inflicts difficult terrain on allies within 15' of you, which is going to make you very unpopular in many circumstances.

Silver Crusade

One of the biggest errors I noticed is with Dragon Disciple's Shape of Dragon Feat. There is no 7th level Dragon Form nor is there a 9th Level Dragon form spell.

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Palehorse6 wrote:
One of the biggest errors I noticed is with Dragon Disciple's Shape of Dragon Feat. There is no 7th level Dragon Form nor is there a 9th Level Dragon form spell.

You can heighten a spell to another level without written benefits for the purposes of counteracting. It'll make it harder for enemies to dispel your transformation.

Valet familiar ability doesnt require Manual dexterity?

The Dragon Disciple doesn't provide a refocus option the way other archetypes that grant focus spells do. For the time being, I'm assuming it's the same as the way a sorcerer refocuses, but some clarification would be nice.

The Ranger's Warden spells grant initial trained primal spellcasting proficiency, but no means for ever advancing it. Based on how other martial classes with focus spells work, this seems likely to be in error.

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The Daikyu has "Reload --", instead of "Reload 0" as other bows do.

It also has no weapon traits, which, while not necessarily an error, does seem highly unusual for an Advanced weapon.

Forcible Energy, pg 143:

If your next action is to Cast a Spell that deals acid, electricity, fire, or sonic damage, you can select one target that was damaged to gain weakness 5 to that damage type until the end of your next turn.

It appears to be missing cold energy as an option for no good reason.

(I know it's 12th level, but I'm still laughing at the people who are going to spam Electric Arc with this and add 10 points of average damage per 2+ castings.)

Liberty's Edge

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Brew Bird wrote:

The Daikyu has "Reload --", instead of "Reload 0" as other bows do.

It also has no weapon traits, which, while not necessarily an error, does seem highly unusual for an Advanced weapon.

In particular, logically it should probably have Propulsive. Whether it does is, of course, up to Paizo, but it's really just kind of a bad Advanced Weapon if it doesn't

Liberty's Edge

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Brew Bird wrote:

The Daikyu has "Reload --", instead of "Reload 0" as other bows do.

It also has no weapon traits, which, while not necessarily an error, does seem highly unusual for an Advanced weapon.

In particular, logically it should probably have Propulsive. Whether it does is, of course, up to Paizo, but it's really just kind of a bad Advanced Weapon if it doesn't

Yeah, it seems like it's missing at LEAST one or two Weapon Traits in the very least, for an Advanced Weapon it's just an uncommon, more expensive, advanced, inferior version of the longbow. My bet is that it was supposed to have Deadly d10 and Propulsive Traits but those somehow were just left off the table for some reason.

Liberty's Edge

Treat Condition (from the Medic Archetype) appears to be a victim of its own cleverness, involving the counteract rules to no purpose (or, weirdly, potentially suggesting that a critical success both increases the level being affected and the amount of condition reduced). It should just be a Medicine check against the relevant DC, with results as per the success table below it.

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The description of the Familiar Master archetype mentions homunculus familiars, and the poison reservoir familiar ability only works with homunculus familiars. It seems odd that there isn't an option to get a homunculus familiar. I don't know if something was accidentally left out or if those parts were accidentally included.

In the Investigator class saps keep getting needlessly mentioned.

APG, p. 57 wrote:

Devise a Strategem

When you make this substitution, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it’s a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap.

The sap is an agile weapon so listing it separately isn't necessary.

APG, p. 60 wrote:

Takedown Expert

You can use your Intelligence modifier on attack rolls when you Devise a Stratagem if you’re using a weapon of the club group in one hand (like a club, staff, or sap), in addition to the usual weapons, and those Strikes qualify for your strategic strike.

Since the sap is one of the usual weapons, listing it as an addition to the usual weapons is odd.

In the playtest the Investigator was proficient with a specific list of martial weapons which included the sap, but now they are proficient with all martial weapons. Perhaps these mentions of sap are accidental leftovers from the previous formatting.

Liberty's Edge

The Goblin 5th level feat 'Kneecap' doesn't seem to have a duration.

APG - Kneecap - PG 45:

You deliver a punishing blow to an enemy’s knee, shin, or other vulnerable anatomy within your reach. Make a Strike with one of your melee weapons or melee unarmed attacks. This attack doesn’t deal damage. On a hit, the target takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speed or a –15-foot status penalty on a critical hit. This penalty applies only if the target has a land Speed and depends on legs or other targetable appendages to use its land Speed. As with all penalties to Speed, this can’t reduce a creature’s Speed below 5 feet.

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There's something weird about the Kobold ancestry feat "snare setter", page 14.


Prerequisite: trained in Crafting

You are adept at the time-honored kobold art of trap making. You gain the trained proficiency in Crafting. If you were already trained in Crafting, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.....

Either the prerequisite should be removed, or that second sentence needs rewriting.

Liberty's Edge

Command Attention from the Celebrity archetype is also missing a duration.

Tarlane wrote:

The Goblin 5th level feat 'Kneecap' doesn't seem to have a duration.

** spoiler omitted **

There is a clarification in the PFS additional resources for APG that makes it 1 round.

Should the Changeling feat "Hag's Sight" have some language about "you have to take this at level 1" or "you can't retrain into or out of this" as is the norm for sense-based feats?

I know changeling claws have the language about how you can take them whenever, but can't retrain out of them. Should Hag's Sight be similar?

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Hello, hope everyone is doing well. I believe this is the right place to post, but please let me know if it is not.

On page 186 of the Advanced Player's Guide, Under the "Poisoner" Section, Additional Feats subsection reads: "10th Improved Poison Weapon (Core Rulebook 187), Pinpoint Poisoner (page 107); 12th Improved Poison Weapon (Core Rulebook 187)."

Improved Poison Weapon is listed twice and at two different levels.

Using "Assassin" on page 158 as a guide, it states "10th Improved Poison Weapon (Core Rulebook 187), suggesting that the 10th level feat is appropriate. My best guess is that the "12th Improved Poison Weapon" listed under "Poisoner" on page 186, could actually reference "Deadly Poison Weapon" Source: Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 79.


Dark Archive

Themetricsystem wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Brew Bird wrote:

The Daikyu has "Reload --", instead of "Reload 0" as other bows do.

It also has no weapon traits, which, while not necessarily an error, does seem highly unusual for an Advanced weapon.

In particular, logically it should probably have Propulsive. Whether it does is, of course, up to Paizo, but it's really just kind of a bad Advanced Weapon if it doesn't
Yeah, it seems like it's missing at LEAST one or two Weapon Traits in the very least, for an Advanced Weapon it's just an uncommon, more expensive, advanced, inferior version of the longbow. My bet is that it was supposed to have Deadly d10 and Propulsive Traits but those somehow were just left off the table for some reason.

It does have ONE thing on the Longbow.

Longbows cannot be used while mounted.
Daikyu can but are (for some bizarre reason) limited to only shooting to the left.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Medusa's Scream (shield, pages 261-262). The base version at Level 13 doesn't list a DC for the spell effect. (The greater version at Level 16 does have a DC of 35.)

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TiwazBlackhand wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Brew Bird wrote:

The Daikyu has "Reload --", instead of "Reload 0" as other bows do.

It also has no weapon traits, which, while not necessarily an error, does seem highly unusual for an Advanced weapon.

In particular, logically it should probably have Propulsive. Whether it does is, of course, up to Paizo, but it's really just kind of a bad Advanced Weapon if it doesn't
Yeah, it seems like it's missing at LEAST one or two Weapon Traits in the very least, for an Advanced Weapon it's just an uncommon, more expensive, advanced, inferior version of the longbow. My bet is that it was supposed to have Deadly d10 and Propulsive Traits but those somehow were just left off the table for some reason.

It does have ONE thing on the Longbow.

Longbows cannot be used while mounted.
Daikyu can but are (for some bizarre reason) limited to only shooting to the left.

It's weird that the game is suddenly assuming that everyone has the same dominant hand.

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This is a weird reason to introduce facing into the a game which otherwise has zero rules that interact with it, to boot.

Ice storm and lightning storm have to be errors, I don't know what their radius was supposed to be, but there's no way it's supposed to be 5'.

citricking wrote:
Ice storm and lightning storm have to be errors, I don't know what their radius was supposed to be, but there's no way it's supposed to be 5'.

it might not be an error. rock to mud is only 10 feet base. it's possible it's just part of an overall nerf. terrain control spells were some of the most overpowered spells in PF1, so i could understand the nerf.

Silver Crusade

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5ft burst, so 4 squares.

The description for Olfactory Obfuscator (p. 254) has a couple of errors.

The level 3 version has the type "olfactory obfuscator" but should probably just be "lesser."

The level 10 version has the type "greater olfactory obfuscator" but should probably just be "greater."

LextanSamsonov wrote:
Using "Assassin" on page 158 as a guide, it states "10th Improved Poison Weapon (Core Rulebook 187), suggesting that the 10th level feat is appropriate. My best guess is that the "12th Improved Poison Weapon" listed under "Poisoner" on page 186, could actually reference "Deadly Poison Weapon" Source: Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 79.

I would say it's just a typo. Generally, rulebooks never directly reference adventures.

Grand Lodge

PossibleCabbage wrote:

There's something weird about the Kobold ancestry feat "snare setter", page 14.

** spoiler omitted **

Either the prerequisite should be removed, or that second sentence needs rewriting.

Also as far as i can find, there are no snares listed with Kobold?

Watch Your Back doesn't work with Demoralize or Coerce which makes me think both of those actions should have the fear tag. This action would only help Rogues with the You're Next reaction or the new Disturbing Knowledge Occultism skill feat, up until Scare to Death at 15.

A creature immune to fear effects shouldn't be able to be Demoralized and gain the Frightened condition. Seems weird.

casiphin wrote:
Also as far as i can find, there are no snares listed with Kobold?

I assume that's just future proofing. Like there are no simple or martial bows with the monk trait, but monastic archery gives you them in case they add some later.

Silver Crusade

Djinn71 wrote:

Watch Your Back doesn't work with Demoralize or Coerce which makes me think both of those actions should have the fear tag. This action would only help Rogues with the You're Next reaction or the new Disturbing Knowledge Occultism skill feat, up until Scare to Death at 15.

A creature immune to fear effects shouldn't be able to be Demoralized and gain the Frightened condition. Seems weird.

The -2 is for all Fear effects, not just yours.

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