Grzegski |
Hey All! Ive been looking around the forums for some cool builds and have seen many a mention to the Octopus druid builds floating around, but many of which are on the older side and may not be viable any more. I know ive seen some that start off Barbarian then go into druid and use warpriest levels for sacred damage. Are those still the go to? Any Stat blocks / Feats? I'm a newer player but tend to like the weird/complex builds
Does anyone know of any more recent versions of this type of build? Or heck, any other cool/weird builds are welcome too!
avr |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Weird and complicated builds? Calling Scott Wilhelm.
The basic monktopus though is druid 4 then levels in classes with more direct combat applicability, barbarian or bloodrager, weapon master fighter (focused weapon AWT ~ sacred weapon), warpriest, unchained monk or whatever. The shaping focus feat keeps the wild shape going. Feral combat training isn't what it used to be but can still be useful. The exact details vary to taste, nonviability is a function of how much you piss off your GM as the mechanics are easy to use.
A slight variant on that involves cave druid, shaping focus, vital strike and turning into a carnivorous blob.
Be warned that pushed too far these characters break the game, especially in games which expect a low degree of optimisation like Paizo adventure paths. Breaking the game means pissed off friends not a gold medal.
EldonGuyre |
Weird and complicated builds? Calling Scott Wilhelm.
The basic monktopus though is druid 4 then levels in classes with more direct combat applicability, barbarian or bloodrager, weapon master fighter (focused weapon AWT ~ sacred weapon), warpriest, unchained monk or whatever. The shaping focus feat keeps the wild shape going. Feral combat training isn't what it used to be but can still be useful. The exact details vary to taste, nonviability is a function of how much you piss off your GM as the mechanics are easy to use.
A slight variant on that involves cave druid, shaping focus, vital strike and turning into a carnivorous blob.
Be warned that pushed too far these characters break the game, especially in games which expect a low degree of optimisation like Paizo adventure paths. Breaking the game means pissed off friends not a gold medal.
For extreme grappling, it's Drd/Mnk(Tetori)
Ryze Kuja |
I made a TetoriMonk2 / KrakenCallerDruidX build for someone not too long ago. Kraken Caller Druids can use their Wild Shape to enter a "pseudo" Wild Shape where 2 tentacles per Druid level after 4th level, and they can grow out of their body, and you can extend two tentacles up to 15ft, but you have to shrink the other tentacles to make up for it. Anywho, you can be a grappling fiend by level 8, because Druid level 6 allows Wild Shape to function like Beast Shape II, which gives you Grab, and Druid level 8 allows Wild Shape to function like Beast Shape III, which gives you Constrict. So at level 8, you'd be 2TetMonk/6KCDruid, that would give you 4 natural attacks + grab at 5 ft or 2 natural attacks + grab at 10ft, at level 10, you'd be 2TetMonk/8KCDruid, which would give you 6 Natural attacks + Grab + Constrict at 5ft, or a mix of 15ft/10ft/5ft Natural Attacks.
AND, with TetMonk2, you get Stunning Pin. Combine this with a MM Rod of Rime Spell and Frostbite for no save Fatigue/Entangle with multiple touch charges for additional shenanigans. And if you ever get into a water environment and Wild Shape into a huge-sized Octopus, may the gods be with your DM's table, cuz it's about to get flipped. Absolutely redonkulous if you ask me. That Songbird of Doom is even more redonkulous. That’s the kind of character build that DM’s tell their children as ghost stories, or while crying on a therapist’s couch.
ZᴇɴN |
Two octopus builds I love:
Octoskald - Serpent Herald Skald archetype, which allows you to wild shape into aquatic animals. Be half-orc and start out with a level of Bloodrager, grabbing a bloodline familiar for the Amplified Rage trick. Eventually through rage powers you could even become a pouncing octopus. Take the trait Strength of Submission to be able to benefit from your own Heroism even more.
Octopriest - Druid 4 then into Warpriest, picking up Shaping Focus. Get the benefits of choosing tentacle as your sacred weapon and getting some large static bonuses from Divine Favor. And you absolutely want the Arsenal Chaplain archetype, for even more static bonuses (plus Gloves of Dueling). Also still be half-orc, and take Fate's Favored trait, because effectively getting +1 to attack, damage, and all saves for a single trait is nuts.
With either of these builds you'll want to be taking Combat Reflexes and Phalanx Formation (or picking up Combat Sandals), and you'll probably want to dip a level of Medium of the Master, and grab the Spirit Focus feat, because +4 to damage his a huge bonus for your secondary attacks, and the rest of what you get from the level is just gravy.
Final level distributions would probably looking something like...
Bloodrager 1/Skald 18/Medium 1
Druid 4/Warpriest 15/Medium 1
Scott Wilhelm |
avr wrote:For extreme grappling, it's Drd/Mnk(Tetori)Weird and complicated builds? Calling Scott Wilhelm.
The basic monktopus though is druid 4 then levels in classes with more direct combat applicability, barbarian or bloodrager, weapon master fighter (focused weapon AWT ~ sacred weapon), warpriest, unchained monk or whatever. The shaping focus feat keeps the wild shape going. Feral combat training isn't what it used to be but can still be useful. The exact details vary to taste, nonviability is a function of how much you piss off your GM as the mechanics are easy to use.
A slight variant on that involves cave druid, shaping focus, vital strike and turning into a carnivorous blob.
Be warned that pushed too far these characters break the game, especially in games which expect a low degree of optimisation like Paizo adventure paths. Breaking the game means pissed off friends not a gold medal.
My favorite Grappling Combo is 2 levels in Cavalier, Order of the Penitent + Greater Grapple. OotP gives you an Ability called Expert Captor which lets you Tie Up a Grappled, not Pinned Opponent, and you don't take that -10 you normally do. That means if you begin your round adjacent to your opponent, you can Initiate a Grapple as a Standard Action, then Tie them Up as a Move Action, done and dusted in 1 Round!
I like at levels in Alchemist with this because 2 Discoveries--Tentacle and the (King Crab) Tumor Familiar give you a +6 on your Grapple Mods between them. I was thinking Grenadier Alchemist, so if you run into someone wearing a Ring of Freedom of movement, you shoot them with Exploding Arrows!
Something like this?
Half Orc: Shaman's Apprendtice (Endurance) Sacred Tattoos (+1 all Saves), Orcish Hornbow
1Fighter1: Precise Shot, BAB+1
2F1Ranger1: Freebooter, Freebooter's Bane, BAB+2
If you get a Wand of Gravity Bow, your arrows inflict damage as if they were 1 size bigger. Orc Hornbows do 2d6 normally, so you are up to 3d6.
3F1R1Alchemist1: Bombs 1d6, Brew Potion, Mutagen, Throw Anything, Extracts. Iron Will
4F1R1A2: Infusion, Alchemal Missile, BAB+3
This is where the Exploding Arrows Start.
5F1R1A3: Bombs 2d6, Swift Achemy, Extra Discovery: Tentacle, BAB+4
6F1R1A4: Exploisve Missile, BAB+5
Alchemal Missile lets you put an Alchemal Weapon like Acid or Alchemist Fire on your Arrow as a Move Action. Explosive Missile lets you put a Bomb on your Arrow and shoot it as a Standard Action. If you also used your Wand of Gravity Bow, your Orc Arrows do 3d6.
7F1R1A4Living Monolith: Enlarge Person 3/day, as Spell, as Swift Action, Toughness
Enlarged Arrows would reduce again the moment they leave your bow, so what you have to do is carry around a quiver full of Large Arrows, drop them as a Free Action, Enlarge as a Swift Action, Pick up your quiver as a Move Action, then use Gravity Bow as a Standard Action, so you have spent your first round self-buffing, but you will do 4d6 base damage, Damage, and your arrows all explode for an extra 2d6.
8F1R1A4L1Monk1: Unarmed 1d6, Improved Grapple, Monk stuff
9F1R1A4L1M1Cavalier1: Tactician, Coordinated Maneuvers, Constable, Order of the Pentitent, Greater Grapple, BAB+6
10F1R1A4M1L1C2: Expert Captor, BAB+7
11F1R1A5M1L1C2: Bombs 3d6, King Crab Tumor Familiar
12F2R1A5L1C2: Vital Strike, BAB+8
The base Damage for your Arrows will be 8d6 by Vital Striking an Orc Hornbow when you used Enlarge Person and Gravity Bow. You put Bombs on them that do 3d6, + and Alchemal Weapon that does another 1d6 for 12d6 Damage altogether.
Your Grapple Mod:
Figure a Strength 16 +3
BAB+8 with Living Monolith that's +9:
Improved Grapple +2
Greater Grapple: +2
Coordinated Maneuvers: +2
King Crab Familiar: +2
Grab (Tentacle): +4
Enlarge Person: +2 (for size, +2 St for a +1, but -1 Attacks for Size)
So that's +26
Belt of Giant Strength+2: +1
Armbands of the Brawler: +1
Gauntlets of the Skilled Maneuver: +2
Adhesive Armor Enchantment: +2
So that's a +32 Full time Grapple Mod. An Ancient Black Dragon or a Tyrannosaurus has a CMD of like 35.
Okay, this is funny. There is a an Alchemal Extract called Touch Injection. You can Inject an Infusion into somebody. Well, so can my Familiar. Just before entering a Grapple, I might cast True Strike on myself, give my Familiar an Infusion of True Strike, then run up to my opponent. The next Round, I Enlarge as a Swift Action, Initiate a Grapple as a Standard Action now with a +52 on my GMB because of True Strike. My Familiar Injects me with the Infusion of True Strike as a Readied Action, then I Tie Up my opponent as a Move Action again with a +52 on my roll. A Balor Demon has a CMD of 54, iirc.
Ryze Kuja |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
EldonGuyre wrote:I just drew up that grappling octopus druid build about two weeks ago. It's very viable. The monktopus isn't that old, either. What sort of builds are you interested in?Please share!
Here's mine:
I'm only calling out BAB below because Greater Grapple requires BAB6.
Lvl1TetoriMonk: Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike, Feat: Improved Grapple
Lvl2TM: (BAB1) Feat: Stunning Pin
Lvl3Druid: Feat: Deadly Grappler
Lvl4D: (BAB2)
Lvl5D: (BAB3) Feat: (Unreserved, pick any feat--- Suggested: Savage Slam or Imp Dirty Trick)
Lvl6D: (BAB4)Wild Shape, Two tentacles
Lvl7D: Feat: Natural Spell
Lvl8D: (BAB5)Four tentacles
Lvl9D: (BAB6)Feat: Greater Grapple
Lvl10D: Six tentacles
Lvl11D: Feat: (Unreserved, pick any feat--- Suggested: Greater Dirty Trick or Quick Dirty Trick, if you picked up Imp Dirty Trick at lvl 5)
Lvl12D: Eight tentacles
Once you have 8 levels in Druid, you have a decision to make. Either continue to go Kraken Caller Druid for the Spell Progression, CL, additional Wild Shapes, and more tentacles, or, go back to Tetori Monk for level 9 Inescapable Grasp plus all the other Tetori goodies, or dip into something else. Personally, I'd continue with Druid levels, but you can do w/e.
At level 8, all 4 of your natural attacks have Grab. At level 10, all 6 of your natural attacks have Grab and then they can Constrict the following round. Any time you Pin a target, you can use Stunning Pin as a Swift Action. Stunning Pin can be used Once per day for each Monk level you take, plus once for every 4 levels you take in another class. So at level 10, you could be doing 4 Stunning Pins per day. Pick up a MM Rod of Rime Spell and cast Rimed Frostbites with multiple charges for No Save 1d6+lvl Cold dmg + Fatigue/Entangle.
If you really want to burst blood veins on your DM's forehead, as a 2TetMonk/13Druid, you'd have BAB 11, which would allow you Dirty Tricks Master, and Kraken Callers get a +1 Racial bonus on Dirty Tricks Maneuvers for each Tentacle they have active, and by that time, you'd have 10 tentacles.
Scott Wilhelm |
Another thing I was thinking of combining with that Grappling feature is
Half Elf: Arcane Training
1Fighter1: Precise Shot
2F1Ninja1: Sneak Attack 1d6
3F1N2: Ki Pool, Ninja Vanishing Trick, Extra Trick: Rogue Talent, False Attacker
This character can use Vanishing Trick to disappear in melee then in the first round make a Stealth check to Hide, then every round after makes Ranged Touch Attack with like a Wand of Scorching Ray against Flatfooted AC that automatically locks in Sneak Attack Damage. False Attacker lets him make a Bluff Check as a Swift Action every round. If successful, he doesn't break Stealth and does not need to re-roll say hidden so can just spam that every round.
Then when he develops as a Grappler, he will be very good at sneaking up on his opponents before slipping out of nowhere, grappling and tying up opponents, then disappearing again!
Scott Wilhelm |
You need The Songbird of Doom.
My version of Songbird of Doom ended up not having any shapeshifting. I ended up with a Halfling or a Goblin with Panther and Snake style feats and levels in Snakebite Striker Brawler and Unchained Rogue to inflict Sneak Attack Damage. he dipped a level in Arcanist for Dimensional Slide to facilitate Flanking and Canny Tumble as another way to lock in Sneak Attack Damage. He would eventually Broken Wing Gambit and Canny Tumble so he could concentrate his attacks on single opponents as well.
The idea was lots of Attacks of Opportunity and Free Action Attacks that all do lots of Damage due to Finesse Training and Sneak Attack Damage.
Ryze Kuja |
Drow Druid with Hellcat Stealth and Natural Spell is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, especially if you do this build:
Lvl1: Skill Focus: Stealth
Lvl3: Reach Spell
Lvl5: Natural Spell
Lvl7: Hellcat Stealth
Lvl9: Heighten Spell
Lvl11: Quicken Spell
Lvl13: Preferred Spell: Explosion of Rot
Lvl15: Spell Perfection
Lvl17: Dreamed Secrets
Lvl19: Maximize Spell
Basically, as long as the enemy fails their Perception Check, they can't even target you. Intentionally searching for an object/creature is a Move Action Perception check, and any Perception check DC increases by 1/10 per ft. distance from the object/creature. So during combat, Wild Shape into a Diminutive-sized bird, fly to max range 1200ft (+120 Perception DC), and use your Standard action to cast a Reach Spell Explosion of Rot, then use your Move action to Hellcat Stealth every round even if you're being actively viewed. If your target fails the Reflex DC on Explosion of Rot, they're staggered, meaning they can only make Standard or Move Actions. So they'd have to use a Move Action to see you, and even if they do, they can't really do anything except for a Swift Action. Next round, you Standard Action cast a spell and Move Action Hellcat Stealth again, forcing endless Perception Checks that will undoubtedly fail every single time.
Use Dreamed Secrets to pick up 2 Wizard Spells every day. I recommend Contingency + Dimension Door and then set up the Contingency "If anyone attempts to harm me with an attack or spell, cast Dimension Door before it hits", or something to that effect-- then if anything tries to hit you, you can D Door 1200ft wherever you need to be, even straight up in the air if you want. Once you set up the Contingency for 1day/level, go with Disintegrate and w/e else you might want for every other day.
Maxing out Stealth:
Stealth isn’t a Class Skill for Druids, so pick that up with a trait. Get a Ring of Chameleon Power for +10 competence bonus, Child of the Moon Trait for +1, +2, or +4 Stealth depending on the Moon, Potion of Heroism, and go as a Drow. Drow Druids get FCB +1/2 bonus to Stealth while Wild Shaped. I'd go true Neutral for alignment so you can avoid Aura Sight and alignment-based detection spells. Let's assume you have an 18 dex.
At level 20, you could have 20SkillRank + 3ClassSkill + 6SkillFocus + 1-4 CotMTrait (depending on moon cycle) + 10DrowFCB + 12Diminutive + 2Cat'sGrace + 2Heroism + 10Chameleon Power + 4dex + 20-40Greater Invisibility =
1d20+110-113 Stealth (avg. 120.5-113.5 Stealth roll) while moving, +120 to this DC if you're at 1200ft range, so Avg DC: 240.5-243.5
1d20+130-133 (avg. 140.5-143.5 Stealth roll) while NOT moving, +120 to this DC if you're at 1200ft range, so Avg DC: 260.5-263.5
If enemy has See Invis and is 0ft from you:
1d20+70-73 (avg. 80.5-83.5 Stealth)
-10 Stealth from all of these figures if you're being actively viewed
Even on a 1 roll, with see invis, while being actively viewed, and 0ft from the target, your worst case scenario stealth DC is 61. Which means anything with a +40 Perception or less can't see you even with a 20 roll.
Good effing luck killing that.
Scott Wilhelm |
I think I thought of a way to do the single-round Grappler/archer faster.
1Fighter1: Precise Shot
2F1Ranger1: Freebooter's Bane, BAB+2
3F1R1Witch1: White Haired Witch, Weapon Focus Hair
White Hair has a Grab-like ability where when you hit with it, you get a Free Action Grapple, but you don't get that +4, but when you Grapple someone in your Hair, they are Grappled, but you are not.
4F1R1W1Monk1: Maneuver Master, Improved Grapple, Unarmed 1d6, Feat, Monk Stuff
5F1R1W1M1Cavalier1: Charge, Constable, Tactician, Coordinated Maneuvers, BAB+3
6FR11W1M1C2: Expert Captor, Power Attack, BAB+4
So, in melee, this character Attacks with their hair, then Grapples as a Free Action. Then uses Flurry of Maneuvers to Grapple Again, using Expert Captor to Tie Up opponents in 1 Round.
Taking the level in Monk immediately following that level in Witch means 2 levels in a row with no growth in BAB. Hopefully, the combination of Point Blank Shot, Freebooter's Bane and Weapon Focus Hair will offset this.
The reason for Power Attack is to take Cleave and Great Cleave! There is not really any limit as to how many people you can grapple at the same time, and there is no limit as to how many you can have Grappled in your 'Hair. So, you can use Great Cleave to Grapple each and every Adjacent opponent. Cleaving is a Standard Action, so you could Great Cleave every Adjacent Opponent as a Standard Action Grapple every one of them as Free Actions, then use Greater Grapple to Tie Up one as a Move Action, then take Rapid Grappler to Tie Up another as a Swift Action. Maybe sort out a way to get Attacks of Opportunity with like Snake Fang or Broken Wing Gambit, then you can make Attacks of Opportunity against them as they make Grapple checks to attempt to escape!
Scott Wilhelm |
Drow Druid with Hellcat Stealth and Natural Spell is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, especially if you do this build:
You seem to be using Hellcat Stealth the same way I'm using Ninja Vanishing Trick. You are using it to Hide in Plain Sight. I am momentarily turning Invisible then running to hide.
You are using longer range and smaller size to make yourself harder to spot. I am using False Attacker to use a different skill to be unspottable, to get a 2nd roll, for instance.
Ryze Kuja |
Ryze Kuja wrote:Drow Druid with Hellcat Stealth and Natural Spell is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, especially if you do this build:You seem to be using Hellcat Stealth the same way I'm using Ninja Vanishing Trick. You are using it to Hide in Plain Sight. I am momentarily turning Invisible then running to hide.
You are using longer range and smaller size to make yourself harder to spot. I am using False Attacker to use a different skill to be unspottable, to get a 2nd roll, for instance.
Yeah, the point is that you’re just completely untargetable with 240-260 DC to see you. Meanwhile you can rain hell from 1200ft with Reach spells. If for some reason the DM does find and hit you, your D Door contingency prevents that. And you always have the option to simply fly away and heal.
EldonGuyre |
Mind you, I'm not looking for game-breaking, but I do have some decently crazy characters in my game world. There's an ancient Sensei with insane sense motive and snake style, and I'm just now finishing an adorable little gnome assassin (Vigilante(Serial Killer)/Shadowdancer) who wears a improved shadow mithral shadow blending chain shirt and can get 1d3+54 three times a day with his dagger. He normally hits for 1d3+18+6d6 SA.
My new PC is a ratfolk Arcane Trickster with another PC ratfolk Slayer buddy (cousin, actually) who will use swarmer tactics with me. (she'll actually use scurrying swarmer and teamwork feats)
Scott Wilhelm |
I have a person natural attack build.
Angry Bird
Tengu with Claws
1Ranger1: Freebooter, Freebooter’s Bane, Iron Will, BAB+1
Since you typically get max hit points at level 1, I like to make my level 1 class a d10 or d12. Freebooter's Bane replaces Favored Enemy. As a Move Action, the Ranger can designate any one opponent to suffer a +1 Attack and Damage from her and all her allies. When you get a lot of Attacks, you really benefit from global bonuses like this.
2R1Warpriest1: Weapon Focus Claws, Lesser Blessing of Destruction +1 Damage, (worships Dahak), Spells, Sacred Weapon 1d6
I chose Dahak (Golorion's destroyer-dragon-deity) because he has the Destruction Domain, and the Lesser Blessing of Destruction grants another one of those Global Damage bonuses I like. Also, his Favored Weapon is Bite, and that means the Bite Attack does Sacred Weapon Damage even though I won't take Weapon Focus Bite.
3R1W1Witch1: White Haired Witch, White Hair, Weapon Focus White Hair
Another Attack each Round. Also, When you hit with White Hair, you get a Free Grapple Attack, and when you score a Grapple Attack, you get to do Armor Spike Damage, and that's almost as good as having another attack/round.
4R1W2H1: Fervor1d6, BAB+2
Self-Buff as a Swift Action.
5R1W3H1: Endurance, Weapon Focus Armor Spikes, BAB+3
6R1W4H1: Channel Energy, Sacred Weapon +1, Destruction +2, BAB+4
7R1W5H1: Sacred Weapon 1d8, Fervor 2d6, (acquire a Helm of the Mammoth Lord?) Weapon Focus Gore
8R1W5H1UMonk1: Unarmed 1d6, Monk Stuff, Improved Grapple, BAB+5
9R1W5H1M1Living Monolith1: Ka Stone: Enlarge, Toughness, Weapon Versatility Claws
With Enlarge Person, the Sacred Weapon Damage goes up from 1d8 to 2d6.
10R1W6H1M1L1: Greater Grapple, Destruction +3, BAB+6
11R1W7H1M1L1: Hamatula Strike, Sacred Armor +1, BAB+7
So, Hamatula Strike gives you a free Grapple every time you inflict Damage with a Piercing Weapon such as a Bite or Gore. Weapon Versatility Claws lets you inflict Damage with your Claws as if they were Piercing Weapons. And every successful Grapple Attack inflicts Armor Spike Damage with also benefits from Sacred Weapon Damage, Destruction, and Enlarge Person.
So this character gets like 10 Attacks per round that each does a lot of Damage.
LordKailas |
I have the Tentacled Horror[NAx6] (Monk/Druid)
Key concepts: A druid that can pounce and get many attacks
Alignment: LN
Class: Monk(1), Druid(X)
Archetypes: Kraken Caller(Druid), Master of Many Styles(Monk)
Nature Bond: Plains Domain
Feats: Jabbing Style(1st), Weapon Focus[tentacle](3rd), Feral Combat Training(5th), Improved Natural Attack[tentacle](7th)
Suggested Gear:Beaststrike Club, Amulet of Mighty Fists (Cruel, spell storing), Wisdom Headband, Dragonhide Breastplate(Spellstoring), Meditation Crystal, Cracked Pale Green Prism, Helm of the Mammoth Lord
Which is similar to others people have posted. I theorycraft builds for fun and put them in here (the actual builds start at page 67, before then its just information I've collected so that making builds is easier.)
As for something that's "weird" it really depends on how you define "weird". In terms of personal amusement I like my body bludgeoner builds.
This one Singing Body Bludgeoner (Barbarian/Skald)
Key concepts: A skald that can shape change into a giant and wield enemies as weapons
[b]Trait: Surprise Weapon
Race: Human
Racial Trait: Heart of the Fey
Class: Barbarian (1), Skald(x)
Archetypes: Serpent Herald (Skald)
Rage Power: Brawler(7th), Body Bludgeon(10th)
Feats: Shikigami Style(1st),Catch Off-Guard(1st), Improvisational Focus(3rd), Weapon Versatility(5th), Improved Grapple(7th), Hamatula Strike(9th), Powerful Shape(11th), Shikigami Mimicry(13th), Shikigami Manipulation(15th)
Suggested Gear: Gloves of Improvised Might, Cord of Stubborn Resolve, Pauldrons of the Juggernaut, Thorny Ioun Stone(Violet), Brawling(Armor Enchantment), Adhesive(Armor Enchant)
Key Features: • At 11th level you a proficient with enemies you wield and they deal damage equal to 2 size categories larger.
• At 11th level you can pierce an enemy with another enemy
Lets you pick up an enemy and impale another enemy with them. The only downside is that the whole thing doesn't come online until 11th level. Until then you're just good at getting angry and using improvised weapons.
Grzegski |
Scott Wilhelm wrote:EldonGuyre wrote:I just drew up that grappling octopus druid build about two weeks ago. It's very viable. The monktopus isn't that old, either. What sort of builds are you interested in?Please share!Here's mine:
I'm only calling out BAB below because Greater Grapple requires BAB6.
Lvl1TetoriMonk: Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike, Feat: Improved Grapple
Lvl2TM: (BAB1) Feat: Stunning Pin
Lvl3Druid: Feat: Deadly Grappler
Lvl4D: (BAB2)
Lvl5D: (BAB3) Feat: (Unreserved, pick any feat--- Suggested: Savage Slam or Imp Dirty Trick)
Lvl6D: (BAB4)Wild Shape, Two tentacles
Lvl7D: Feat: Natural Spell
Lvl8D: (BAB5)Four tentacles
Lvl9D: (BAB6)Feat: Greater Grapple
Lvl10D: Six tentacles
Lvl11D: Feat: (Unreserved, pick any feat--- Suggested: Greater Dirty Trick or Quick Dirty Trick, if you picked up Imp Dirty Trick at lvl 5)
Lvl12D: Eight tentacles======
Once you have 8 levels in Druid, you have a decision to make. Either continue to go Kraken Caller Druid for the Spell Progression, CL, additional Wild Shapes, and more tentacles, or, go back to Tetori Monk for level 9 Inescapable Grasp plus all the other Tetori goodies, or dip into something else. Personally, I'd continue with Druid levels, but you can do w/e.
At level 8, all 4 of your natural attacks have Grab. At level 10, all 6 of your natural attacks have Grab and then they can Constrict the following round. Any time you Pin a target, you can use Stunning Pin as a Swift Action. Stunning Pin can be used Once per day for each Monk level you take, plus once for every 4 levels you take in another class. So at level 10, you could be doing 4 Stunning Pins per day. Pick up a MM Rod of Rime Spell and cast Rimed Frostbites with multiple charges for No Save 1d6+lvl Cold dmg + Fatigue/Entangle.
If you really want to burst blood veins on your DM's forehead, as a 2TetMonk/13Druid, you'd have BAB 11, which would allow you Dirty Tricks Master, and Kraken Callers get a +1 Racial bonus on Dirty...
Am i dumb or how do you get the grapples on the tentacle attacks? do the tenticles count as unarmed strikes for tetori? And doesnt it require Ki?
Also how are we gaining constrict?
Heather 540 |
I have one build where the only objective was to get as many different natural weapons as possible. I only picked out classes for the first 9 levels, but I picked out the feats for 13.
I went Kasatha with 4 levels of Weretouched Shifter using the deinonychus aspect to get claws, bite, and talons (as well as pounce). Then 3 levels of White-Haired Witch for the hair attack, and 2 levels of Barbarian to get Lesser Fiend Totem rage power for a gore attack. The feats Chaos Reigns and Mutated Shape for Tail Sting and Slam, and then getting the Tentacle Cloak for a tentacle attack and the Dread Armor enhancement for Wings.
I also have a plan for if the GM says Claws won't work for a Weretouched Shifter once I get the bite and talons. I just go with the Lesser Beast Totem rage power instead and craft a Helm of the Mammoth Lord.
Sadly, unless I can get an extra set of arms and legs somehow, I can't get Pincers or Hoof attacks, or a Tail Slap.
Slyme |
My favorite grappler build isn't as ridiculous as the tentacle monsters from hell...
It is a much simpler build.
Brawler 7, with the Strangler and Constructed Pugilist archetypes, combined with Tetori Monk 13. (Some people say you can't stack Strangler and Constructed Pugilist because they both alter class skills...but the Contructed Pugilist doesn't actually alter your class skills, it is just a typo that never got corrected).
Take the Grapnel Arm and Tight grip modifications for the constructed pugilist. You can grapple someone up to 40' from you and pull them in, you can shut down freedom of movement, dimension lock, and form lock someone, stunning pin, sleeper hold, counter grapple, break free, no penalties to anything while grappling, your CMB/CMD for grapple is insane...grappling even the most extreme monsters is hardly a challenge.
VoodistMonk |
I built this as a necromancer, but you can play with it and specialize it however you want...
Blight Druid 13/Agent of the Grave 5...
You take the Death Domain, and the Shadows of the Woodlands feat for fun necromancer stuffs.
Sometime before you make the full transition into a Lich, drink Ghost Syrup and make sure you have an Amulet of Grasping Souls.
Anyways, you end up being a gross blighted Wildshaping Incorpreal Lich...
Grzegski |
I have one build where the only objective was to get as many different natural weapons as possible. I only picked out classes for the first 9 levels, but I picked out the feats for 13.
I went Kasatha with 4 levels of Weretouched Shifter using the deinonychus aspect to get claws, bite, and talons (as well as pounce). Then 3 levels of White-Haired Witch for the hair attack, and 2 levels of Barbarian to get Lesser Fiend Totem rage power for a gore attack. The feats Chaos Reigns and Mutated Shape for Tail Sting and Slam, and then getting the Tentacle Cloak for a tentacle attack and the Dread Armor enhancement for Wings.
I also have a plan for if the GM says Claws won't work for a Weretouched Shifter once I get the bite and talons. I just go with the Lesser Beast Totem rage power instead and craft a Helm of the Mammoth Lord.
Sadly, unless I can get an extra set of arms and legs somehow, I can't get Pincers or Hoof attacks, or a Tail Slap.
Isnt the hair attack on white haired, first level?
Snow_Tiger |
Weird and complicated builds? Calling Scott Wilhelm.
The basic monktopus though is druid 4 then levels in classes with more direct combat applicability, barbarian or bloodrager, weapon master fighter (focused weapon AWT ~ sacred weapon), warpriest, unchained monk or whatever. The shaping focus feat keeps the wild shape going. Feral combat training isn't what it used to be but can still be useful. The exact details vary to taste, nonviability is a function of how much you piss off your GM as the mechanics are easy to use.
A slight variant on that involves cave druid, shaping focus, vital strike and turning into a carnivorous blob.
Be warned that pushed too far these characters break the game, especially in games which expect a low degree of optimisation like Paizo adventure paths. Breaking the game means pissed off friends not a gold medal.
How is the Druid shaping into carnivorous blob? It’s a colossal creature.
LordKailas |
avr wrote:How is the Druid shaping into carnivorous blob? It’s a colossal creature.Weird and complicated builds? Calling Scott Wilhelm.
The basic monktopus though is druid 4 then levels in classes with more direct combat applicability, barbarian or bloodrager, weapon master fighter (focused weapon AWT ~ sacred weapon), warpriest, unchained monk or whatever. The shaping focus feat keeps the wild shape going. Feral combat training isn't what it used to be but can still be useful. The exact details vary to taste, nonviability is a function of how much you piss off your GM as the mechanics are easy to use.
A slight variant on that involves cave druid, shaping focus, vital strike and turning into a carnivorous blob.
Be warned that pushed too far these characters break the game, especially in games which expect a low degree of optimisation like Paizo adventure paths. Breaking the game means pissed off friends not a gold medal.
He's likely referring to the Carnivorous Crystal which is a medium sized creature.
Heather 540 |
Heather 540 wrote:Isnt the hair attack on white haired, first level?I have one build where the only objective was to get as many different natural weapons as possible. I only picked out classes for the first 9 levels, but I picked out the feats for 13.
I went Kasatha with 4 levels of Weretouched Shifter using the deinonychus aspect to get claws, bite, and talons (as well as pounce). Then 3 levels of White-Haired Witch for the hair attack, and 2 levels of Barbarian to get Lesser Fiend Totem rage power for a gore attack. The feats Chaos Reigns and Mutated Shape for Tail Sting and Slam, and then getting the Tentacle Cloak for a tentacle attack and the Dread Armor enhancement for Wings.
I also have a plan for if the GM says Claws won't work for a Weretouched Shifter once I get the bite and talons. I just go with the Lesser Beast Totem rage power instead and craft a Helm of the Mammoth Lord.
Sadly, unless I can get an extra set of arms and legs somehow, I can't get Pincers or Hoof attacks, or a Tail Slap.
Yes. I miscounted on the levels, supposed to be 2 levels of witch. That way I get the free constrict with White-Haired. Or get the hex for a hair attack if the GM says I can't use the White-Haired Witch's hair attack but DOES allow the regular hex.
If I do use the regular witch, I'll probably add a couple more levels later to get another hex and some second level spells.
avr |
Snow_Tiger wrote:avr wrote:How is the Druid shaping into carnivorous blob? It’s a colossal creature.Weird and complicated builds? Calling Scott Wilhelm.
The basic monktopus though is druid 4 then levels in classes with more direct combat applicability, barbarian or bloodrager, weapon master fighter (focused weapon AWT ~ sacred weapon), warpriest, unchained monk or whatever. The shaping focus feat keeps the wild shape going. Feral combat training isn't what it used to be but can still be useful. The exact details vary to taste, nonviability is a function of how much you piss off your GM as the mechanics are easy to use.
A slight variant on that involves cave druid, shaping focus, vital strike and turning into a carnivorous blob.
Be warned that pushed too far these characters break the game, especially in games which expect a low degree of optimisation like Paizo adventure paths. Breaking the game means pissed off friends not a gold medal.
He's likely referring to the Carnivorous Crystal which is a medium sized creature.
Yes, I misspoke sorry.
Darigaaz the Igniter |
LordKailas wrote:Yes, I misspoke sorry.Snow_Tiger wrote:avr wrote:How is the Druid shaping into carnivorous blob? It’s a colossal creature.Weird and complicated builds? Calling Scott Wilhelm.
The basic monktopus though is druid 4 then levels in classes with more direct combat applicability, barbarian or bloodrager, weapon master fighter (focused weapon AWT ~ sacred weapon), warpriest, unchained monk or whatever. The shaping focus feat keeps the wild shape going. Feral combat training isn't what it used to be but can still be useful. The exact details vary to taste, nonviability is a function of how much you piss off your GM as the mechanics are easy to use.
A slight variant on that involves cave druid, shaping focus, vital strike and turning into a carnivorous blob.
Be warned that pushed too far these characters break the game, especially in games which expect a low degree of optimisation like Paizo adventure paths. Breaking the game means pissed off friends not a gold medal.
He's likely referring to the Carnivorous Crystal which is a medium sized creature.
One of my favorite combos I've yet to play. Throw in shaping focus and 1-4 levels of barbarian. Vital strike+furious finish+strong jaw means you're doing 192+str damage as a standard action, at the cost of forcibly ending your rage and becoming fatigued even if you wouldn't be otherwise.
FaerieGodfather |
My favorite ranged weapon is always going to be unarmed strike.
Unchained Monk 4/Deadly Fist Soulknife 4 gives you the prerequisites for Monastic Legacy, Fighter's Blade, and the Psychic Fist PrC-- plus the Improved Psychokinetic Discharge, Focused Offense, Psychokinetic Armor, and Improved Armor blade skills. Your DM might even allow to to apply Enhanced Range to PK Discharge... even though it technically doesn't.
Improved PK Discharge improves the range increment of your unarmed strike to 30 feet and allows you to Flurry with it.
Psychokinetic Armor does what you think it does... but Improved Armor means that your light armor form (+4 AC base) grants all of its bonuses... and doesn't count as wearing armor.
If you've got feats to burn, Soulknife has some amazing options in Blade Skills.
Ryze Kuja |
Am i dumb or how do you get the grapples on the tentacle attacks? do the tenticles count as unarmed strikes for tetori? And doesnt it require Ki?
Also how are we gaining constrict?
No you're not dumb lol :P Wild Shape functions like Beast Shape II and III at 6th and 8th level respectively. Grab is gained from Beast Shape II, and Constrict is gained from Beast Shape III.
Grzegski |
Grzegski wrote:No you're not dumb lol :P Wild Shape functions like Beast Shape II and III at 6th and 8th level respectively. Grab is gained from Beast Shape II, and Constrict is gained from Beast Shape III.Am i dumb or how do you get the grapples on the tentacle attacks? do the tenticles count as unarmed strikes for tetori? And doesnt it require Ki?
Also how are we gaining constrict?
Ah, Ok, I was reading the ability for kraken caller that when you use the ability to grow tenticles, you werent using the actual wildshape ability. That makes a lot more sense. Thanks! Now to figure out how to adjust this in hero lab correctly =)