Stuff That You Wish Paizo Had Done For Pathfinder 1E?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Ventnor wrote:
JiCi wrote:

Summoner archetypes that replace the Summon Monster spell-like abilities with... something else, like combat feats, sneak attack, rogue talents, extra Sorcerer/Cleric spells added to the list, etc.

It's already annoying that you cannot summon if your Eidolon is out, so it would have been nice to get specializations that get rid for the summon abilities and be able to create your partner-in-crime.

There are actually a few archetypes that do this! At least, for the Unchained Summoner.

The Devil Binder replaces Summon Monster SLAs with a bunch of SLAs that the eidolon can use. Of course, your eidolon needs to be a devil, so limited character concepts.

The Storm Caller doesn't lose its Summon Monster SLAs, but can spend them to electrify enemies instead of summoning other creatures. But there's a definite tempest theme here, so again we have the limited character concepts that this archetype can be used for.

Finally, there's the Soulbound Summoner. Essentially, it lets you trade out your Summon Monster SLAs for extra evolution points. I can see this archetype work for a whole range of characters.

I know that there are a few archetypes that trade the SLAs, but come on, given that both the Summon Monsters SLAs and the Eidolon cannot properly work together, these should have been replaced by something else.

Since Monster Hunter Rise is all the craze these days, kinda wished we had one or 2 templates that make regular monsters much bigger, menacing and more primitive WITHOUT overblowing their CR.

Yeah, the Giant template can work, but... I'm talking growing 2 sizes, giving it Ferocity and increasing natural weapon damage by one more step, but just with +2 to +4 CR increase.

Dark Archive

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

Speaking of Summoners, I wish they had done a Scholastic Summoner archetype with prepared spellcasting, with 1 sub-archetype for an otherwise normal Summoner, and 1 sub-archetype for a Master Summoner, that would replace the Eidolon with an Evolving Familiar.

Something that could have applied to all spellcasting classes that I would have liked was the option to be a prepared spellcaster, or a spontaneous spellcaster.

The prepared caster would have a spellbook (prayer book, recipe book, songbook, etc.) and be able to potentially learn and acquire all sorts of spells as the game goes on, but only be able to use the ones they'd prepared / practiced in the morning.

The spontaneous caster would have a tiny sorcerer-like list of spells known, and only be able to swap them out upon level up (unlocking new powers, abandoning old ones), but be able to cast from that list of spells flexibly, like a sorcerer, and have slightly more castings per day than the prepared caster.

Spontaneous paladins. Prepared bards. Spontaneous clerics. (And yes, this would drastically cut down on the number of spells clerics and druids had access to, since they'd either have a 'prayer book' of rotes and rituals sorta like a wizard, or a small spontaneous list of 'miracles known' like a sorcerer, not the current setup where every cleric automagically knows every cleric spell that will ever be invented in any future product.)

That would have been neat, and kind of eliminated the need for wizard and sorcerer as separate classes, since they'd just be the spontaneous and prepared variants of the same base class.

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A book that has all the official rules including both the original and updated versions. Maybe also alternate rules as well.

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The alchemist's bombs being treated like any alchemical weapon... because I think I lost count of how many times I saw in the rule stat "alchemist's bombs cannot benefit from this [item/feat/skill]".

Speaking of the Alchemist, I would have loved built in class feature(s) or at least discoveries that greatly enhanced alchemical items both the ones he can use and ones that he can create.

Dragon78 wrote:
Speaking of the Alchemist, I would have loved built in class feature(s) or at least discoveries that greatly enhanced alchemical items both the ones he can use and ones that he can create.

Well the P2E version does this, but in P1E, the bombs can be customized to be even greater than current alchemical weapons.

My gripe is that if you crack open the Ranged Tactics Toolbox, several rules don't apply to the alchemist's bombs, like the Concentrated Splash feat. Imagine if you could use a Battle Aspergium or Lantern Staff to store a bomb to hit to explode in your target's face if you hit.

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Bombs don't count as alchemical weapons because all those little things that improve alchemical weapons are designed/balanced around the otherwise rather low power of alchemical weapons.
Making a thunderstone, acid flask or alchemist's fire better isn't going to cause any issues, those items need a lot of help to stay relevant past the lowest levels.

But alchemists' bombs are already a pretty strong class feature, capable of doing a lot of reliable nova damage (fast bombs rapid shot TWF for 16d6+4*int mod against touch AC with 16+4*int mod splash) and/or spreading a number of useful debuffs (those fast bombs could be entangling, blinding, staggering and knocking prone).

That weapon focus was for weapon groups.

That weapon specialization increased weapon dice damage(Ex: dagger 1d4 to 2d4, long sword 1d8 to 2d8, great sword 2d6 to 3d6, etc.).

That save or suck spells/effects had a negative effect even on a passed save. Ex: failed sleep effect would cause a drowsy effect(-4 initiative/perception) for 1 round, failed confusion effect would cause dazzle or "dizzy" effect for 1 round, etc.

That dazzle caused a 20% miss chance.

Shadow Lodge

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Popping on the Alchemist train for a bit, there is at least one or two archetypes for it that replace mutagen... and then go out of their way to say you can't pick up any of hte discoveries that are explicitely for getting MUtagen or its counterparts back.

That was the entire point of the discoveries, and the archetypes made that way just felt like cruddy design.

As much as I like bombs I would have liked more options to replace them with archetypes...and I mean good replace abilities.

Was never a fan of mutagens though more variety of mutagens would have been cool.

Yeah, how many discoveries would you pay to have an animal companion(or aberration, construct, ooze, vermin, etc.)?

Also if creature companions were an option having an option to add a template(aberrant, mutant, toxic, etc.) with a discovery would have been cool.

A Kineticist infusion that allows it to channel a Blast through a weapon, like the conductive weapon quality. I understand that the Kinetic Blade is a better option, but... come on, sometimes, you have a better manufactured weapon.

A Strength-based option for Kineticists, especially for Physical Blasts.

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That all casters got 3 extra 1st level spell slots.

That the rogue never quite got the ‘striker’ role down in a way that was satisfying; that seemed to go to the slayer. But it would have been helpful, I think, to give the rogue the chance to do bigger damage in certain situations - IE sneak attack. Other systems, including PF2, have managed this.

I have a bunch of stuff I'd like to say, but it's another one of those weeks where I have to get up early and get out of work late, so for now I'll just say I wish they did a 2nd generation hybrid backcross between Magus and Fighter that would have d10, full BAB, both Armor and Weapon Training (at slower progression), and 4/9 prepared casting with Spellstrike and Spell Combat. (And no, Child of Acavna and Amaznen Fighter doesn't count -- that archetype is just BAD; even Myrmidarch Magus comes closer to this than Child of Acavna and Amaznen.)

JiCi wrote:

A Kineticist infusion that allows it to channel a Blast through a weapon, like the conductive weapon quality. I understand that the Kinetic Blade is a better option, but... come on, sometimes, you have a better manufactured weapon.

A Strength-based option for Kineticists, especially for Physical Blasts.

There's the energize weapon infusion for the first, and the blighted defiler archetype for the second. You could go further for either but they do work.

avr wrote:
JiCi wrote:

A Kineticist infusion that allows it to channel a Blast through a weapon, like the conductive weapon quality. I understand that the Kinetic Blade is a better option, but... come on, sometimes, you have a better manufactured weapon.

A Strength-based option for Kineticists, especially for Physical Blasts.

There's the energize weapon infusion for the first, and the blighted defiler archetype for the second. You could go further for either but they do work.

The infusion doesn't apply to all elements and the damage is laughable; a hammer should cause bursts of rock with used by a Geokineticist.

A conductive weapon with Kinetic Blade could work, but nothing is stated about expanding more use. You need to expand more uses for other features, like Lay of Hands, but for infusions... we have nothing, not even a Burn point cost.

As far as energize weapon being too little - any more and a kineticist archer with a bow would outpace a kineticist merely using their blast. Details here.

Making it work with other elements would be a simple fix and harmless enough.

Dunno what you mean by expanding more use? I can't parse what that paragraph means.

avr wrote:
Dunno what you mean by expanding more use? I can't parse what that paragraph means.
Conductive wrote:
A conductive weapon is able to channel the energy of a spelllike or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or ranged touch attack to hit its target (such as from a cleric’s domain granted power, sorcerer’s bloodline power, oracle’s mystery revelation, or wizard’s arcane school power). When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type, he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent, which suffers the effects of both the weapon attack and the special ability. (If the wielder has unlimited uses of a special ability, she may channel through the weapon every round.) For example, a paladin who strikes an undead opponent with her conductive greatsword can expend two uses of her lay on hands ability (a supernatural melee touch attack) to deal both greatsword damage and damage from one use of lay on hands. A given character can use this weapon special ability only once per round (even if she has several conductive weapons), and the power works only with magical abilities of the same type as the weapon (melee or ranged).

Ah, expending more uses, right. The burn points from two uses of the blast would make sense and were what I'd assumed. Which practically limits it to those blasts for which you've reduced the cost to zero via infusion specialization.

avr wrote:
JiCi wrote:

A Kineticist infusion that allows it to channel a Blast through a weapon, like the conductive weapon quality. I understand that the Kinetic Blade is a better option, but... come on, sometimes, you have a better manufactured weapon.

A Strength-based option for Kineticists, especially for Physical Blasts.

There's the energize weapon infusion for the first, and the blighted defiler archetype for the second. You could go further for either but they do work.

As we all know, the Strength attribute is inherently evil. At least, when it comes to kineticists.

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Would have liked the kineticist using the com mod for ether attack rolls(kinetic blast/blade/whip) or as a monk-like bonus to AC. Having both would have been too powerful.

Oops, meant to say "Con mod", not "com mod";)

Along the lines of what I posted about this in the other thread, but thinking more after-the-fact, I wish they had come out with d6, 1/2 BAB divine full casters that have more class features in exchange for the weaker chassis (and no, Cardinal Cleric doesn't cut it). For starters, a divine equivalent of the Arcanist.

A metal shaping spell would have been nice.

^Polymorph Any Object should be able to do that, although granted that's awfully high level.

Fabricate would be better. Warp metal works if all you want to do is unshape a piece of metal.

Spells that boost CMB/CMD for allies and ones that lower CMB/CMD for enemies.

Dark Archive

avr wrote:
Fabricate would be better. Warp metal works if all you want to do is unshape a piece of metal.

[tangent] A spell that 'uncreates' a metal item (or a diamond!), releasing all the heat and force that went into it's creation, would be brutal. "Yes, over a thousand hammer blows beat that breastplate of yours into shape, and it was red hot the entire time. Experience that now compressed into a single round, while your breastplate reverts back into raw ore..." [/tangent]

^That's a thought for a high-level anti-martial single-target nuke. Although it seems reasonable to suppose that many villain guides (as well as PC guides) would rate this Red on account of it destroying your loot . . . .

(Speaking of which, now I'd like to see an actual villain guide, for GMs interested in challenging their PCs.)

Set wrote:
avr wrote:
Fabricate would be better. Warp metal works if all you want to do is unshape a piece of metal.

[tangent] A spell that 'uncreates' a metal item (or a diamond!), releasing all the heat and force that went into it's creation, would be brutal. "Yes, over a thousand hammer blows beat that breastplate of yours into shape, and it was red hot the entire time. Experience that now compressed into a single round, while your breastplate reverts back into raw ore..." [/tangent]

That spell is terrifying. It's more powerful than the 9th-level Mage's Disjunction (though less versatile.)

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That they would still make new 1st ed stuff, one hardcover or a couple of softcover books once each year or so.

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Some compilation books(hardcover and pocket versions) of APs, player companions, modules, spells, feats, ultimate equipment 2, etc. would have been nice.

A feat that lets you add a few spells to a class's spell list.

There of course won’t be any more books, but if there were, I’d like a ‘Rules Compendium.’ Like the 3.5 version, that contains all the rules minus skills, feats, etc. Could do a great job at clarifying those niggling rules (Do you still flank when you’re grappling? If you’ve got a BAB of +1 or higher can you draw a potion? Etc...).

Dragon78 wrote:
A feat that lets you add a few spells to a class's spell list.

Pathfinder 1st Edition had a little bit of that: most obviously, class talents such as Wizard Arcane Discovery Faith Magic, Oracle Lore Mystery Arcane Archivist, and Magus Arcana Spell Blending; and some non-feat/talent class or archetype abilities that did this such as Skald Spell Kenning, Spell Sage Wizard Spell Study, and Magaambyan Initiate Arcanist and Magaambyan Arcanist prestige class. But an awful lot of classes have no way to do this.

The predecessor of PF sorcerer bloodlines in D&D 3.5 was the feats which added one spell per spell level to your spell list, following some theme. Maybe Paizo didn't want to infringe on the bloodlines' design space and that's why they never included the same? I never heard that those feats were considered overpowered.

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I wish they would create more powerful magic than those shown in the manual; Yes it is true that spells like wish, earthquake, tsunami, dominate monster and others look great but is that all?There is not a Genkidama, Kamehameha, or the spell that create the Earthfall(or similar).

I'd would have liked to see a truckton of items based on what you could hunt. Rangers, druids and shifters should be able to skin any beast they find, preserve its content and make use of it all.

Natural weapons turned into actual weapons would have made sense. I'm sorry, but chopping a deer's antlers and wrapping it to a handle (short or long) would result into a cruel weapon.

Oh, yeah! I remember I had a player who wanted to harvest some wood from a scythe tree. I remember looking and not finding any guidance or inspiration for cool things to do with that sort of harvesting. I came up with an idea on my own, of course, but I would have been interested in something official.

I could see how such a product could get too grisly, however.

JiCi, have you been playing any of the Monster Hunter games?

Dragon78 wrote:
JiCi, have you been playing any of the Monster Hunter games?

I tried it, but couldn't get into the slow gameplay ^^; I did check out monsters, armors, weapons and whatnot.

One good example of getting rules for animal trophies is a pelt. Selling pelts with prices depending on HD and damage taken would have been nice.

The Mauler familiar archetype... should have replaced "Scry on Familiar", with the ability for the Battle Form to grow to Large.

The description for the Mauler is this:

While most familiars are scouts and assistants, the mauler familiar cares only for the thrill of battle. A mauler often serves a bloodthirsty or martial-minded master.

What are the chances that the master will scry on such a creature again?

The Fighter creature template... should have given weapon and armor proficiencies. Yeah, that template gives Weapon and Armor Training, not that's kinda of worthless if the creature isn't proficient with any gear.

Silver Crusade

JiCi wrote:
The Fighter creature template... should have given weapon and armor proficiencies. Yeah, that template gives Weapon and Armor Training, not that's kinda of worthless if the creature isn't proficient with any gear.

Creatures are proficient with the equipment in their stat block. No change needed.

Rysky wrote:
JiCi wrote:
The Fighter creature template... should have given weapon and armor proficiencies. Yeah, that template gives Weapon and Armor Training, not that's kinda of worthless if the creature isn't proficient with any gear.
Creatures are proficient with the equipment in their stat block. No change needed.

Not to speak for JiCi, but I think the implication was that a Fighter template creature be proficient with all the weapons a fighter is proficient with, not just what the Bestiary says it can use.

But also, I feel like this is a really easy "fix," and I don't think there would have been a lot of value in Paizo creating content to clarify this. If a GM wants a troll that can fight with a glaive-guisarme, just say the troll knows how to wield a glaive-guisarme. Mabye a GM in PFS can't do that; I don't know.

But also also, I guess the same argument could be made about most of the items brought up in this thread, including the thing(s) I brought up.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

PFS has the problem of creatures using weapons without anything obviously giving them proficiency but not having it reflect in their stats. 'Run As Written' being the general rule, I don't quibble over it. All the numbers are made up anyway, be it via some formula or the authors just putting it there.

Andostre wrote:
Rysky wrote:
JiCi wrote:
The Fighter creature template... should have given weapon and armor proficiencies. Yeah, that template gives Weapon and Armor Training, not that's kinda of worthless if the creature isn't proficient with any gear.
Creatures are proficient with the equipment in their stat block. No change needed.
Not to speak for JiCi, but I think the implication was that a Fighter template creature be proficient with all the weapons a fighter is proficient with, not just what the Bestiary says it can use.

Yeah, because proficiencies with monsters are selective, like with ONE weapon or ONE suit of armor. Giving proficiency with all simple and martial weapons as well as all armors and shields with the template would be far easier.

But also, I feel like this is a really easy "fix," and I don't think there would have been a lot of value in Paizo creating content to clarify this. If a GM wants a troll that can fight with a glaive-guisarme, just say the troll knows how to wield a glaive-guisarme. Mabye a GM in PFS can't do that; I don't know.

The thing is that it doesn't feel natural for them to wield a specific weapon. There's also the weird rule that creature types have very specific proficiencies, and even those got players mixed up.

But also also, I guess the same argument could be made about most of the items brought up in this thread, including the thing(s) I brought up.

Actually, of all the classes, the fighter is the only one relying on weapons and armor, while the other classes can do just fine with the class features and their natural weapons.

You can now use the Advanced Weapon/Armor Training with the fighter template, but with the natural weapon group, it doesn't do much...

Silver Crusade

JiCi wrote:
Yeah, because proficiencies with monsters are selective, like with ONE weapon or ONE suit of armor.

They’re not though, they say “any weapons mentioned in its entry”, so if they have it they’re proficient with it unless the GM decides otherwise.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
All the numbers are made up anyway, be it via some formula or the authors just putting it there.

Nothing matters.

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