Some Kind of Chymist |

I'm trying to make fun new characters in PF2 but at the moment I'm stuck in a rut and am always making the same basic sort of character; and they're always human.
So; Here goes out the call for any and all non-human characters you've made. To see if they can't serve as inspiration to me and others.
I want to see what weird and wonderful Goblins; Gnomes; Halflings; Dwarves; and Elves are out there; whether there playing to or against type; big or small; rare or well-done.
And if anyones got a Dwarven Bard stashed up their sleeve I would be extra happy to see it. [Also; how do you deal damage with a bard with the instrument and all]

baahk36 |

As a player who actively avoids playing humans I have so many. I'm a human in real life, why would I want to be one in my fantasy game? I get their mechanics are strong but I'll take being a halfling over a human any day.
Anyway, my first character is an elf bard-maestro muse-whose muse is the sea. He's spent so long staring into its fathomless depths and seen so many fellow sailors lost to its pull he's become a bit obsessed with it. He sings lamenting dirges and is very morose.
STR 10
DEX 16
CON 10
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 18
Spell selection is mostly anything I can flavor to be sea themed. For example, grim tendrils I describe as being long strands of seaweed with bits of jagged coral tied into them.

Paradozen |

Wellspring Gnome Hermit Enigma Bard. Spends all their time pre-adventure sequestered away in a library corner reading from the rare book room and whispering to their pet bookworm until the bookworm whispers back.
Sensate Gnome Gladiator Fighter with a flickmace ball decorated like a demonic jester head and a shield with a jack in the box emblazoned on the front.

Corvo Spiritwind |

I ended up going half-elf twice for the first time since I got into Pathfinder. Aesthetically neat, and good feat selection. I was considering going versatile human but general feats don't attract me as much in PF2 since the Rogue I'm building has millions of them, and the Wizard doesn't have enough skills to benefit from skill feats that general can downgrade into.
Plus at level 9, you can grab any multiclass dedication without putting 2 feats into a former dedication and as a half elf you can ignore stat reqs.
Ruffian rogue with a breastplate and the ability to wildshape into animals for scouting and exploration was interesting to me.

Faenor |

I'm having a hard time myself finding reasons not to play a gnome for any class. I love their ancestry feats which can give pretty much any class the little push it needs to make it awesome or special. And their ability score boosts fall out well for most classes.
Ah? I found halfling and gnome strength flaw makes them really subpar for all martial classes but rogue. Even alchemist is hard due to bulk.

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baahk36 wrote:I'm having a hard time myself finding reasons not to play a gnome for any class. I love their ancestry feats which can give pretty much any class the little push it needs to make it awesome or special. And their ability score boosts fall out well for most classes.Ah? I found halfling and gnome strength flaw makes them really subpar for all martial classes but rogue. Even alchemist is hard due to bulk.
Not quite so, they can make great ranged fighters/rangers and occasionally champions (if you take the right feat and are specifically LG)

Arachnofiend |

baahk36 wrote:I'm having a hard time myself finding reasons not to play a gnome for any class. I love their ancestry feats which can give pretty much any class the little push it needs to make it awesome or special. And their ability score boosts fall out well for most classes.Ah? I found halfling and gnome strength flaw makes them really subpar for all martial classes but rogue. Even alchemist is hard due to bulk.
Gnomes and Halflings can take two flaws to compensate and get that strength score up to 18 anyways. If that's too much to ask then boosting strength up to 16 and using half plate instead of full plate is still perfectly acceptable.

whew |
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I made an elf thief-racket rogue who can cast the Shield cantrip. At level 5, it will have 40' speed.
I also made an elf paladin. He has Ancestral Longevity which gives him a floating trained skill. I am hoping this will reduce the pain of not having a lot of skills. EDIT: At level 1, he has speed 30 in medium armor.

Saedar |
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I make characters to learn the rules of games. One of my attempts was to make a goblin character for each of the classes.
Disclaimer: I made very little attempt to optimize. These should be considered functional. They may not be entirely complete and haven't been updated to account for the clarifications from last week's stream.
Had a lot of fun with most of them but bard and alchemist were...ehhhh....