![]() roquepo wrote:
That's incorrect, read the text you just quoted: "if you are holding anything in either hand other than a single one-handed weapon". You cannot hold more than a single one-handed weapon. Otherwise you could do two-weapon fighting, double slice, etc. which is against the design of the class to only be able to use a one single one-handed weapon and would be insane DPS with double slice + implement's empowerment + triggering weakness and you'd see everyone rocking these builds. It doesn't matter if your implement is a weapon or an amulet, you can only wield one weapon. ![]()
![]() Plane wrote: Relevant text: "...to use an action from the implement you're switching to. To do so, you can Interact as a free action immediately before executing the implement's action." Attacking with a weapon seems like a viable action. Where is their language that suggests this isn't viable? I acknowledge your restriction, however. I still think this is an example of breaking mechanics. Implements and 1 handed weapons aren't actually a drawback if you can use those hands for desired tasks anyway, and this doesn't even require feats like skirmish strike or quick draw. I see how you can interpret it like this RAW but I'm not sure that's the intent. It seems pretty clear that "...to use an action from the implement you're switching to" refers to specific implement actions like the wand's Fling Magic etc. not striking with your weapon, though I'd love to be wrong on that one. ![]()
![]() Ezekieru wrote:
I don't think that's correct, a shield bash is explicitly not a weapon and double slice requires a weapon in each hand: Shield Bash wrote: A shield bash is not actually a weapon, but a maneuver in which you thrust or swing your shield to hit your foe with an impromptu attack. Double Slice wrote:
![]() Sanityfaerie wrote:
I've been thinking that you could make an Improvised Weapon build, using the Regalia (sceptre) as an Improvised Weapon. You should be able to benefit from Implement's Empowerment as it says you can hold an implement in one of the hands and a weapon in the other. So you could potentially dual wield or even Double Slice with your Weapon implement and your Regalia, and get runes to power your Regalia via a Doubling Ring (improvised weapons are considered Simple Weapons). It synergises well with weaknesses and the status damage that you get from the Thaumaturge but you obviously wouldn't want to use some of the feats of the weapon improviser that breaks your improvised weapon on a crit. Not sure this is completely RAW, pretty sure it's not RAI. ![]()
![]() As a slayer you can uniquely qualify for Killing Flourish and Gruesome Slaughter (demoralise + sickened 30 ft. radius). You will also meet prerequisites for Dastardly Finish and Merciless Butchery which allows to Coup de Grace as a Standard action cowering creatures (which you'll inflict with Signature Skill). I'd go with something like that for the remaining levels: L7 Violent Display or Killing Flourish
Cornugon Smash seems like a must as it looks like your build lacks demoralising as a free action which is a must for Intimidate builds. ![]()
![]() Malik Gyan Daumantas wrote:
Heroism is 10 minutes per level so it isn't a good candidate for combine extracts imho which is something to use for short duration extracts for the action economy benefits. I use it on things like Shield+Monstrous Physique or Channel Vigor+Mirror Image, etc. ![]()
![]() Indeed, compare with Pummeling charge: Quote: Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Pummeling Style; base attack bonus +12, brawler level 8th, or monk level 8th. There is a semicolon after Improved Unarmed Strike and Pummeling Style which means you need both these feats and one of base attack bonus +12, brawler level 8th, or monk level 8th. ![]()
![]() Diego Rossi wrote: If the summoned creatures are present you are using the Summon Monster (SP) ability. If it was an SLA your idea would work as the summons would work exactly as the spell, only with a longer duration, but it is an SP ability, and the ability is in use for the whole duration. Summon Monster is actually an SLA, (Sp) stands for spell-like ability. So I guess you are saying it works. Diego Rossi wrote:
The second part is why I was asking the question indeed. I can definitely see where you're coming from but summoning his eidolon is a ritual, not a summon monster or gate as Agénor pointed out, so I guess using RAW it's legal. Not sure it is intended though but it takes one minute to summon the eidolon (unless reduced via the elf FCB) so I guess it isn't game breaking if the summoner wastes one minute of his SM spell to summon his eidolon or spends 9 levels of FCB to reduce that to one full round instead of spending the FCB on something else e.g. 2 evolution points (half-elf), hit points, etc. ![]()
![]() Belafon wrote:
It isn't about playing a linguistic game, it's about the order in which the operations happen. My point is about using the SLA when the eidolon is not summoned which fits with the part that you've highlighted. ![]()
![]() The Summon Monster (sp) ability of the Summoner says they can't use it when their eidolon is already summoned. Summon Monster I (Sp) wrote: Drawing upon this ability uses up the same power as the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can only use this ability when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). However can they use the Summon Monster SLA then summon their eidolon? I know they can do it using the Summon Eidolon spell, I'm asking if they can do it via their normal ritual that takes one minute. The ability only says they can't use it when the eidolon is summoned, but once it is used the creatures remain for 1 minute per level so what I'm thinking is that the summoner can use SM (standard action) then start the ritual (one minute) to summon their eidolon and once summoned, for the remaining duration of the SM, the summoned monsters and eidolon will overlap. Is that correct? ![]()
![]() I find skavens a great inspiration for ratfolks characters ;) In addition to all the great advises for the build e.g. grenadier, etc. I would add that I would get the cognatogen discovery asap as this will really boost your damage, DC of your bpombs, your number of spells and you don't need dex so much given you hit touch AC. ![]()
![]() Trick Magic Item wrote: The relevant skills are Arcana for arcane, Nature for primal, Occultism for occult, Religion for divine, or any of the four for an item that has the magical trait and not a tradition trait. The GM determines the DC based on the item’s level (possibly adjusted depending on the item or situation). Sorry if that's obvious but what's the DC to cast a spell from a scroll or from a wand? ![]()
![]() As a Tiefling with the prehensile tail trait, when I use Alter Self to take the form of a humanoid e.g. Troglodyte, can I decide to keep my prehensile tail feature? Otherwise, if I assume a form with a prehensile tail e.g. Vanara, can I get the usage of the tail given I already possess the "prehensile tail" ability myself? ![]()
![]() I'm playing a beastmorph alchemist in PFS (vivisectionist is not PFS legal) and I'm having a lot of fun. Natural Attacks build with Feral Mutagen, buy a helm of mammoth lord for a 4th natural attack (at your max bab), get pounce at level 10. Thinking of taking Master Chymist prestige class from 11th. ![]()
![]() Lisa Stevens wrote:
Glad to hear that it will be PF1! ![]()
![]() It's kind of crazy that the majority of the community agreed that Mutagenist alchemists were clearly underpowered and when Paizo had one chance to at least fix it a bit with the errata, they added such an underwhelming and situational ability as Mutagenic Flashback. Looking at the reactions on the forum, it's already one of the most discussed and disliked changes. So disappointing. ![]()
![]() Arachnofiend wrote:
Celestial armor, potion of fly, winged boots are all pretty much mandatory options for mid level martials in PF1. With UMD and wands that work more than once per day it is also pretty easy to be versatile, obviously not as much as a full caster. ![]()
![]() Temperans wrote:
Not at all, most of my characters except wizard, sorcerer, etc. do at least 150-200 DPR by level 11 and a few martial do 250+/300/400. And I play mostly PFS so I'm not even taking about vivisectionist shenanigans. ![]()
![]() Quain Martial Artist is a trait that gives +1 damage to unarmed attacks.
Note that Improved Natural Attack feats are monster feats that are not normally allowed for players. Only a few options give this e.g. Ranger Natural Combat Style. Obviously if you are the GM, it's your call. ![]()
![]() You can start with this thread where prototype00 analysed and compared the different stances. ![]()
![]() Captain Morgan wrote: So this is sort of off topic, but I poked my nose in the 1e forum about a week or two ago and they are still having the "why won't Paizo let martials have nice things" conversation and I didn't have the heart to tell them. With all the material, martials can be really OP in PF1 now though. Like easy 300-400 DPR at level 11 kind of OP. Makes PF2 fighters and rogues feel like amateurs ;) ![]()
![]() After my question on interaction between Morph and Polymorph effects, similar question now but between Dragon Claws and Monk Stances. Dragon Claws is a morph effect that gives claws dealing 1d4 damage plus 1d6 energy damage (that scales up to 3d6 at 9th). Monk stances e.g. Tiger stance allows you to make claws attack that deal 1d8 slashing damage; are in the brawling group; and have the agile, finesse, nonlethal, and unarmed traits. Let's imagine you used you focus spell to cast dragon claws, then with your next action you enter the Tiger stance, then strike. How much damage do you do? 1. 1d8 slashing (dragon claws has no effect)
The last one seems reasonable to me and I don't see anything in the rules that says one way or the other. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Joey Cote wrote:
That would be pretty cool, I really hope you're right! Joey Cote wrote:
All the problems I listed for "natural attacks" are not specific to the sorcerer. Sure I understand they are not meant to be a primary attack form for the Sorcerer, but the issue is that they are sub-par choices on pretty much every front because of the limitation that feats and other abilities only apply to weapons you are wielding. So it's the same problem for Druids with Wild Morph, Alchemists with Bestial Mutagen, Barbarians with Animal instinct, etc. The only ability that works with unarmed attacks is the Monk's Flurry which you can only take for non-monks as a dedication at 10th level which is really late. For Draconic sorcerers, it's even worst because their initial focus spell doesn't even synergise with their feats and spells i.e. Bespell Weapon, Magic Weapon making Draconic a pretty poor bloodline choice. ![]()
![]() Thanks, that's what I feared. The issue is that Natural Attacks cannot receive any boost like normal weapons can. For example you cannot use Bespell Weapon, Magic Weapon, use poison or Poison Weapon, Energy Mutagen, Twin Takedown, etc. They all apply only to weapons you are wielding making unarmed attacks a trap option in general. Even more so for a Draconic bloodline Sorcerer who can never enhance his Dragon Claws afaict (Bespell Weapon doesn't work and Magic Fang is on the Primal spells list). ![]()
![]() After reading the archetypes from Last Omens on the AON site, my only request is that the next archetypes are less situational, none of them seem even remotely passable. ![]()
![]() Dragon Claws have the Morph trait and gives you finesse claws that deal 1d4 damage plus 1d6 energy that scales. Bestial Mutagen has the Polymorph trait gives you a jaw and claws attacks, an item bonus, and scaling damage dice. morph wrote:
You can both be affected by Dragon Claws and Bestial Mutagen, but what happens to the claws? What do you get?
![]() shroudb wrote:
What does minimum damage mean exactly? Loading the +4 DC seems pretty hard you make unless poison DC always user the Alchemist DC?Other than that, I mostly like it. Seems really needed to make the Alchemists class viable at all. ![]()
![]() Castilliano wrote:
Nope, that if you take the barbarian dedication and the animal instinct you get nothing. But sure if you're saying that spending a feat to get nothing is good game design and not worth pointing out, I'm sure you will love the mutagenists' first ability and PF2 is obviously the perfect game for you /s ![]()
![]() Arachnofiend wrote:
That'd be a pretty lame excuse tbh, maybe more not enough review and testing. ![]()
![]() baahk36 wrote: I'm having a hard time myself finding reasons not to play a gnome for any class. I love their ancestry feats which can give pretty much any class the little push it needs to make it awesome or special. And their ability score boosts fall out well for most classes. Ah? I found halfling and gnome strength flaw makes them really subpar for all martial classes but rogue. Even alchemist is hard due to bulk. ![]()
![]() Blackest Sheep wrote:
Yeah not going to be legal in PFS. Makes no sense, you get access to only one oversized weapon, feels like a pretty lame way to limit the build... ![]()
![]() Zwordsman wrote:
The problem with this is that the DC doesn't really scale up. With the Potent Poisoner feat, you add +4 to the poison DC. The best injury poison you can create is the Purple Worm Venom (item 13): Purple Worm Venom wrote: Saving Throw DC 32 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 5d6 poison damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round); Stage 2 6d6 poison damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round); Stage 3 8d6 poison and enfeebled 2 (1 round) So the DC with Potent Poisoner is 36. An Adult Bronze Dragon (CR 13) Fortitude save is +24 so saves on a 12+ (40%) which is ok but not great. An Ancient Brass Dragon Fort save is +30 so saves on a 6+ (70%) which is pretty crappy. An Ancient Gold Dragon Fort save is +37 so is only poisoned on a 1 (95%). With Powerful Alchemy, it would use your alchemy DC so at level 20, the DC would be 10 + 20 (level) + 6 (Int) + 6 (Master) + 4 (Potent Poisoner) = 46 instead of 36 but it took you one more action to do it. The Ancient Gold Dragon would save on a 9+ (55%). Given the poison damage doesn't scale either, it's probably not worth spending 2 actions to use poison. So basically, if you build a character to use poison, you will fall behind at higher levels as you will have spent several feats and take dedications for suboptimal results i.e. it's a trap, and poor game design. ![]()
![]() Syries wrote:
Most of the contact poisons (all?) have a pretty long onset time (1-10 minutes) so that's pretty useless. Quote: I'm pretty sure the point is to allow you to apply poison for one action rather than three. If you aren't an alchemist, poison is pretty expensive and DCs don't scale with level. Even if you are an alchemist, powerful alchemy only works with quick alchemy which costs another action in addition to the action to poison the weapon if you multiclass rogue to take this feat. So 2 actions to have a DC that has any chance to succeed 50% of the time and does nothing if the opponent saves. Pretty underwhelming. If you only take the rogue feat, one action to add 1d4 damage is extremely weak.