DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

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Who, me?

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Quarantine? What quarantine?!

The biggest change in my life is switching to online game sessions instead of face-to-face and not going for walks (which is not that different from some past winters). I get groceries not as often as usually (1-2 per week now, as opposed to 3-4 times), but not terribly so. Otherwise, I live as I lived.

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Treppa wrote:
Who, me?

yes, you! I know you from that thing at the place.

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Before the move I didn't really change much about my daily routine as I was considered an essential worker. The only real change was my 5e group moving from in person games to online play via Discord and roll20.

Now that I'm here, I'm going to be hunkering down inside like most people while trying to find some kind of work.

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Scintillae wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:


How’s everybody hanging in there?

I have acquired an Orthos.

Don't feed him after midnight, avoid contact with water, etc, etc, etc...

Vanykrye wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:


How’s everybody hanging in there?

I have acquired an Orthos.
Don't feed him after midnight, avoid contact with water, etc, etc, etc...

I think your confusing Orthos with Gremlins,...

or wait, IS an Ortho a TYPE of Gremlin!?!?!?

Don't feed it after midnight, DON'T FEED IT AFTER MIDNIGHT!!!!

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Pfft. You're not the boss-wizard of me. I'll feed whatever I want whenever.

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Ragadolf wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:


How’s everybody hanging in there?

I have acquired an Orthos.
Don't feed him after midnight, avoid contact with water, etc, etc, etc...

I think your confusing Orthos with Gremlins,...

or wait, IS an Ortho a TYPE of Gremlin!?!?!?

Don't feed it after midnight, DON'T FEED IT AFTER MIDNIGHT!!!!

But night is where I do my best scheming... I mean, my best cooking!

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For the past two years, my vehicle has sat in my carport. It died on me and living on the very small fixed income that I do I knew I would never be able to fix it, much less ever own another vehicle. A friend of mine who used to game with us before she married and moved away called me and told me that she had just bought a new car and wanted to give her old one to me. Not sell, give. I couldn't even speak for at least half a minute. I'm not sure what I did to ever deserve the friends I have. I'm just grateful beyond expression that whatever that thing is I did it.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
For the past two years, my vehicle has sat in my carport. It died on me and living on the very small fixed income that I do I knew I would never be able to fix it, much less ever own another vehicle. A friend of mine who used to game with us before she married and moved away called me and told me that she had just bought a new car and wanted to give her old one to me. Not sell, give. I couldn't even speak for at least half a minute. I'm not sure what I did to ever deserve the friends I have. I'm just grateful beyond expression that whatever that thing is I did it.

Just for sake of financial safety, make sure such gift doesn't interfere with your right to the income (do I remember correctly it's some sort of a disability/pension?), if there are no catches related to substantial gains like that, especially if the used car could still be deemed a particularly valuable property. Gifts probably won't count against your income and should be fine, but better safe than sorry.

Thanks, Drejk. That hadn't occurred to me. I'm pretty sure I'm ok where that is concerned, but I'll look into it.

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She sounds like a damned good friend. Good luck to her and I hope the car works out for you Cal.

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Orthos wrote:
She sounds like a damned good friend. Good luck to her and I hope the car works out for you Cal.

I've been extraordinarily blessed with a lot of good friends over the years. I don't know why, but they're always there for me without my ever asking. It's a good feeling.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Pay her a dollar for it. That should solve any "gift" problems. Might depend on how the rules are written - if there are any.

Yeah, we talked it over and that's likely something we'll do.

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heheh, I've heard of that before.
I guess it depends upon where you are, and which rules your trying to be careful of.

It sounds like it should be fine for what you need. Just to be safe.

I have heard of Young & Dumb people talking about doing the same thing to avoid paying out what they should during a divorce, it never ends well. :P

Congrats on the car! :)

Yeah I have good family myself, (and friends) My family have given us three cars over the last few years. (My mom says thats probably over now, she wants to retire soon) ;)

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Contract law often specifies that the contract is based on an exchange which includes [money]+[other valuable considerations] given in exchange for [advice, an item].

I sometimes give my lawyer friends a dollar so that we have a valid lawyer/client relationship in which communications are protected by attorney/client privilege laws if I'm asking them questions that I might now want other people to know about.

You might want to check your title transfer laws in your state: sometimes the transfer tax or sales tax is based on the amount you list on the sales receipt. Too small, and it flags the transaction for tax avoidance.

Listing it as a gift might be better than paying $1.00

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CrystalSeas wrote:

Contract law often specifies that the contract is based on an exchange which includes [money]+[other valuable considerations] given in exchange for [advice, an item].

I sometimes give my lawyer friends a dollar so that we have a valid lawyer/client relationship in which communications are protected by attorney/client privilege laws if I'm asking them questions that I might now want other people to know about.

You might want to check your title transfer laws in your state: sometimes the transfer tax or sales tax is based on the amount you list on the sales receipt. Too small, and it flags the transaction for tax avoidance.

Listing it as a gift might be better than paying $1.00

It's not so much that (yes, a big tax payment would be a problem for Cal, not diminishing that) but more of a question around the rules of "what will screw up his state disability checks?" My stepdaughter is on state disability. If we give her money for Christmas she can't put it in her account because it will get flagged as "additional income". If she explains where it came from the state employees say "Oh, so you get additional help from your parents? Excellent. We'll just deduct that amount from your checks from here on out."

So someone gifting Cal a car, depending on the state, could be seen as additional income and therefore decide he doesn't need as much financial assistance from the program. Even if it's a one-time gift, the assumption is frequently that it will be an ongoing "income source". And then Cal has to both fight that decision, which will likely take 6-18 months to get reversed if it does get reversed at all, and live on an even more reduced income at the same time.

It's utter b!&@&+~&, but that's the system that has to be navigated.

Thanks, everyone! I'll try to look at the options you guys have offered.

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As someone who has never been within 5 miles of a law nor accountancy school, I'd recommend Cal declare the new car is an Autobot he's adopted. That makes it a dependent, and thus should increase Cal's eligibility for aid, tax breaks, and stimulus checks.

I have no useful advice on how to actually thread this governmental needle, but I hope you manage to do so safely.

I think that's the one I'm going to go with!

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If we're all residents of the House of Respite, are we all your dependents?

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

As someone who has never been within 5 miles of a law nor accountancy school, I'd recommend Cal declare the new car is an Autobot he's adopted. That makes it a dependent, and thus should increase Cal's eligibility for aid, tax breaks, and stimulus checks.

I have no useful advice on how to actually thread this governmental needle, but I hope you manage to do so safely.

Aren't Autobots and Decepticons considered illegal aliens in the USA?

Oh, dang. That's true!

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I think I figured out a way to fib on the purchase of the vehicle. The stimulus check isn't supposed to affect my disability amount or anything bad. So I can just say I used money from it and I think I can skate by.

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
I'd recommend Cal declare the new car is an Autobot he's adopted.

Och! Do you want Michael Bays? Because this is how you get Michael Bays... *grumble* always blowing your s+!& up... *mutter*

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I believe that's Michaels Bay.

SAMPLE SENTENCE: How many Michaels Bay does it take to assemble into Voltron?

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You should fer sure go with the adopted Autobot story.
Illegal aliens schmaliens.

Adopting kids from other countries is big right now. :P

You MIGHT want to look into additional home/renters insurance though.
Quibble is right about that at least. It WOULD tend to make you ground zero for the next invasion/Micheal Bay flick! :)

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Just had something super nice happen. An old friend from Norway, who I haven't seen in something like 10 years, somehow found my book and gave it a nice review on Goodreads. I don't even know how he knew I had a book out, but it was a really pleasant way to end a week. I'd go to Norway and tackle the old Viking, but I suppose that would be irresponsible what with the plague.

No, *you* have something in your eye, dammit! *manfully chokes up*

Damned if I don't have some great friends, even if we wander the Earth and only check in every decade or so.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I think I figured out a way to fib on the purchase of the vehicle. The stimulus check isn't supposed to affect my disability amount or anything bad. So I can just say I used money from it and I think I can skate by.


However...just to be safe...watch where you put that stimulus money for real then. If they start asking questions and you say "I bought a car with my stimulus money, go away," and they do a cursory audit...if there's a big deposit with no corresponding big withdrawal of the amount you claim you bought the car for...well...they might get cranky.

But on the other claw...

Right now they're more likely to not bother looking.

Ragadolf wrote:

You MIGHT want to look into additional home/renters insurance though.

Quibble is right about that at least. It WOULD tend to make you ground zero for the next invasion/Micheal Bay flick! :)

The duplex I live in was built in 1952 and still has the same wiring that came with it. None of the wall sockets have a place for a ground plug so I have to use adaptors for anything that has a three-pronged plug. The original bathtub fixtures are finally going to be replaced this weekend as the faucet has, after all these years, finally rusted through and it constantly dribbles water all the time now. Because of its age and the wiring issues, along with a couple of other things that met code then but don't now, I can't get renter's insurance. I don't even want fire or disaster, just enough to cover the loss of any property that might get stolen or something. But no go. I tried several different insurance companies and everyone slammed the virtual door in my face.

But if I COULD get insurance having it blow up Michael Bay style would be AWESOME.

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I'm sure I can have Miss Beasley draw up some Michael Bay insurance for you. Let me just find my tie, so you know I'm an important businessmonkey...

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Fantasy Monster: Garden Hag.

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Next monster: neck killer... killer neck... whatever, something that deals with extended neck pains...

Scarab Sages

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Drejk wrote:
Next monster: neck killer... killer neck... whatever, something that deals with extended neck pains...
Healthline wrote:
This process is known as either boiling or cavitation, and it usually isn't harmful. In the case of your neck, you have several sets of joints called facet joints. These joints are located on each side of your neck. When you crack your neck, the facet joints stretch, which lets fluid spread out in the joint capsule.

Perhaps that'll give you some ideas.

Google, Demon Queen of Spiders wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Next monster: neck killer... killer neck... whatever, something that deals with extended neck pains...
Healthline wrote:
This process is known as either boiling or cavitation, and it usually isn't harmful. In the case of your neck, you have several sets of joints called facet joints. These joints are located on each side of your neck. When you crack your neck, the facet joints stretch, which lets fluid spread out in the joint capsule.
Perhaps that'll give you some ideas.


(Just reading that short description made me all cringe-y) ;P

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Google, Demon Queen of Spiders wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Next monster: neck killer... killer neck... whatever, something that deals with extended neck pains...
Healthline wrote:
This process is known as either boiling or cavitation, and it usually isn't harmful. In the case of your neck, you have several sets of joints called facet joints. These joints are located on each side of your neck. When you crack your neck, the facet joints stretch, which lets fluid spread out in the joint capsule.
Perhaps that'll give you some ideas.

This sounds like a particularly weird remake of the The Hunt for Red October.

But I like the idea of a creepy hag that has a form of tremorsense/blindsight that works by hearing the sounds of other creatures' joints. Maybe an calcivore/marrowvore* hag?

* Contains Farscape spoilers

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Google, Demon Queen of Spiders wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Next monster: neck killer... killer neck... whatever, something that deals with extended neck pains...
Healthline wrote:
This process is known as either boiling or cavitation, and it usually isn't harmful. In the case of your neck, you have several sets of joints called facet joints. These joints are located on each side of your neck. When you crack your neck, the facet joints stretch, which lets fluid spread out in the joint capsule.
Perhaps that'll give you some ideas.

This sounds like a particularly weird remake of the The Hunt for Red October.

But I like the idea of a creepy hag that has a form of tremorsense/blindsight that works by hearing the sounds of other creatures' joints. Maybe an calcivore/marrowvore* hag?

* Contains Farscape spoilers

And she, among other characters, was played by Ben Browder's wife. Love me some Farscape.

I liked Farscape.
Never got to see enough of it to really get deep into the history/lore of the series. But I liked it. Right combo of serious and funny, classy and campy. :)

I've never seen a single episode.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Try to find it on stream somewhere. it's well worth it.

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I paid $$ to get all 11 remaining trees in my backyard cut down, (mostly because wife was always afraid they would fall over and take out our or our neighbors house. To be fair, it IS an early start to hurricane season, but anyway)

Not 10 minutes after the guys drove off, I had squirrels on the back fence looking at the stumps and they were all like,
"WhatTheF@#$ did you DO?!?!"
"Well, THERE goes the neighborhood!"

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I have this vision of squirrels skipping across the yard carrying tiny protest signs calling for an end to the gentrification of their neighborhoods.

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Welcome to the New Squirreled Order.

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quibblemuch wrote:
Welcome to the New Squirreled Order.

I'm not sure, but I may have emitted a short "Squee!" at that. That's the best thing I've seen on the internet all day.

Scarab Sages

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I’ve spent far too much time in Hero Forge making new characters. I backed the Kickstarter and coloring my characters is just way too much fun.

Sovereign Court

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I have this vision of squirrels skipping across the yard carrying tiny protest signs calling for an end to the gentrification of their neighborhoods.

If that's all that happens, Rags will have gotten off lucky.

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IDEA FOR TV SHOW: An Andy Griffith Show reboot populated entirely by the undead.
TITLE: Maybury R.I.P.


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Richard "Hamster" Hammond wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I have this vision of squirrels skipping across the yard carrying tiny protest signs calling for an end to the gentrification of their neighborhoods.
If that's all that happens, Rags will have gotten off lucky.

That is the absolute first time I have ever watched any Rick and Morty at all. I want a whole series about the squirrels.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Richard "Hamster" Hammond wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I have this vision of squirrels skipping across the yard carrying tiny protest signs calling for an end to the gentrification of their neighborhoods.
If that's all that happens, Rags will have gotten off lucky.
That is the absolute first time I have ever watched any Rick and Morty at all. I want a whole series about the squirrels.

Oh my.

<Starts researching anti-squirrel spells. Quickly.>

Yeah, Not a big R&M fan. LIke at all. (Just constantly turned off by so much that is in it.) But then I see things like this, and I want to give it a try. :)

FYI- the comic 'Rick & Morty vs D&D' is actually a lot of fun to read. Especially for old-wizards, erm, timers like me, who actually recall ALL of the versions of D&D that they go through. :)

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