Use Rope went where?

Skills & Feats

Just curious because I sometimes give my rangers access to this skill. Mainly bounty hunter and sailor types who would know about knots as part of their profession or is that where it went?

How do you oppose Escape Artist checks now? Is it just impossible to tie up Houdini?

I like Use Rope because it is a creative skill and rewards imagination. Maybe it could be subsumed by Climb, a skill useful to climbers and sailors, but it is weird that it requires Str instead of Dex. Perhaps it could be an exception?

FenrysStar wrote:
Just curious because I sometimes give my rangers access to this skill.

I hope so, since it is a class skill for them.

William Finger wrote:

How do you oppose Escape Artist checks now? Is it just impossible to tie up Houdini?

It's not an opposed roll anymore.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Tying a knot is no longer something you need to make a check for. Climbing a wall already has a check associated with it, adding in a check to see if the knot holds is getting a little to far into the realm of micromanaging to me. We don't make you check to see if your armor buckles hold either. Not to be snarky, I am just trying to get across the point that there is some levels of detail that we can safely ignore.

As for using rope to tie someone up. This is something I am going to need to address. It will probably go into the grapple rules.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Sovereign Court Contributor

There's already been discussion of putting Open Locks and Disable Device into one skill. How about "Artifice" or "Jury Rig," and use it to tie ropes and make minor repairs to broken items as well (but not to craft entirely new ones).

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I would suggest that the ability to tie specific kinds of knots (like a slip-knot, or attempting to tie a knot that looks secure, but will give under certain conditions, etc.) be folded into Profession(Sailor), since that is the only group I can think of where you need more than one kind of knot. Climbers use the same knot over and over, and most any other idiot can at least tie a square knot and expect it to hold.

Sailors and Bounty Hunters both use ropes, albeit for different purposes. A bounty hunter uses rope to tie people up or make a lasso. Sailors need a variety of knots to do their jobs. If it gets folded into certain Profession skills, fine, I just want to know where and choose my skills in accordance.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Tying a knot is no longer something you need to make a check for. Climbing a wall already has a check associated with it, adding in a check to see if the knot holds is getting a little to far into the realm of micromanaging to me. We don't make you check to see if your armor buckles hold either. Not to be snarky, I am just trying to get across the point that there is some levels of detail that we can safely ignore.

As for using rope to tie someone up. This is something I am going to need to address. It will probably go into the grapple rules.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

And for the most part it is the part of the skill that involves tying someone up that I am most interest in. Turning a coil of rope into a lasso is part of that so when the general aspect is answered the specific will be answered as well.

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