Poll: Are you Switching to 2e?

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Jon Brazer Enterprises

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Tell us if you are switching from Pathfinder 1e to 2e (or anticipate doing so). Curious publishers want to know (what to support).

Vote in our poll at JonBrazer.com

Scarab Sages

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Probably. My group has needed some fresh air into PF for a while, and 2E looks like a welcome change in most places.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

archmagi1 wrote:
Probably. My group has needed some fresh air into PF for a while, and 2E looks like a welcome change in most places.

Did you vote in the poll?

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Not quite one of the poll answers, but I will definitely not be buying PF2 when it comes out. I'll wait and read some reviews, and at the very least wait for the second printing and the inevitable errata before deciding whether or not to jump on board.

Voted. Though my "wait and see" strategy has a tinge of "I'd be pretty surprised if the final result was something I wanted to play/run."

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Tamago wrote:
Not quite one of the poll answers, but I will definitely not be buying PF2 when it comes out. I'll wait and read some reviews, and at the very least wait for the second printing and the inevitable errata before deciding whether or not to jump on board.

Might I recommend the "It will take years for all the classes/archetypes/feats/spells/etc we enjoy in 1e are in 2e, and we plan to keep with 1e until that happens." Or the "Our group is ignoring the playtest, and we will see what the final version is before we decide." Go with the one you feel is closer. The former means you most likely will not be picking up any books/PDFs until you eventually decide. The latter is means it could go either way for you, but you will probably have an idea by the time the new system comes out, even if you don't pick it up right away.

Scarab Sages

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
archmagi1 wrote:
Probably. My group has needed some fresh air into PF for a while, and 2E looks like a welcome change in most places.
Did you vote in the poll?

Yes. I voted the still P1, moving to P2 after publish. I'm planning on running Tyrant's Grasp as our swan song to P1 in the spring.

OP: I am stupid or blind: Can't find a poll in any of your links, it's like a vicious circle.

Scarab Sages

Have the playtest, still need to play it, but will play 2e or not at all.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Turgan wrote:
OP: I am stupid or blind: Can't find a poll in any of your links, it's like a vicious circle.

Follow the link in the initial post (its the one labeled JonBrazer.com I'd repost the link, but I'm on my phone now) and scroll down to a black box with skulls in the background. That's the poll.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Turgan wrote:
OP: I am stupid or blind: Can't find a poll in any of your links, it's like a vicious circle.
Follow the link in the initial post (its the one labeled JonBrazer.com I'd repost the link, but I'm on my phone now) and scroll down to a black box with skulls in the background. That's the poll.

There is no black box for me. Using Firefox 62.0.3, Add-Ons: UBlock Origin, HTTPS Everywhere.

I can see your page, the text ends with: "(...) show your support to those that support the game." Then Social Media Icons (Share this/Like this), then comments. That's it.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Turgan wrote:

There is no black box for me. Using Firefox 62.0.3, Add-Ons: UBlock Origin, HTTPS Everywhere.

I can see your page, the text ends with: "(...) show your support to those that support the game." Then Social Media Icons (Share this/Like this), then comments. That's it.

Odd. That's where it should be. Try a different browser? I use chrome. But frankly, it should work.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I really don't need another system. I have too many systems and I've barely used any. I don't need Pathfinder 2e, I need more Pathfinder Unchained so I can keep more compatibility.

Interesting results so far...

Well, will also add on the "not exactly on the pool answer" people.

Tecnically based on the CURRENT playtest, i wouldnt pick PF2 over PF1 in a million years, thus there is no chance i would jump over, but to paizos credit, they are changing things.

So i can only trully decide when i see the final PF2 book and where the issues stand at that point.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Voted. I'll probably play both.

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Too much back logged PF stuff to play to switch to 2e {6 unplayed APs}, but I intend on buying the CRB to see the finalized product. Goes right on the shelf next to my 5thEd Players Handbook.

Right now, about the only appealing feature of PF2 to me is the likely just temporary unavailability of weird monsters as PC-playable races (that being a frequent verisimilitude-wrecking situation in many "anything goes" campaigns at present). Paizo will bloat out their new system same as they did the old one, and WOTC before them with 3E, because they gotta keep selling.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

No, I will not.

Especially if it's similar to the play test.

My response isn't show amongst the poll choices. I don't plan on switching to PF2e, except perhaps for some Pathfinder Society play. However, I don't think PF1e is "perfect." Right now, I'm seriously reconsidering D&D5e as an option.

I will not be switching to 2E, although I will continue to play 1E. I have already started playing D&D 5e and Hero Games.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Considering that PF1 was based on an audience that wasn't ready to say goodbye to 3.x, then it's not surprising that the current audience also isn't in a hurry to jump to a new version.

Turgan wrote:
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Turgan wrote:
OP: I am stupid or blind: Can't find a poll in any of your links, it's like a vicious circle.
Follow the link in the initial post (its the one labeled JonBrazer.com I'd repost the link, but I'm on my phone now) and scroll down to a black box with skulls in the background. That's the poll.

There is no black box for me. Using Firefox 62.0.3, Add-Ons: UBlock Origin, HTTPS Everywhere.

I can see your page, the text ends with: "(...) show your support to those that support the game." Then Social Media Icons (Share this/Like this), then comments. That's it.

Best guess? Disable uBlock or add an exception for the site.

blahpers wrote:
Best guess? Disable uBlock or add an exception for the site.

I voted on my mobile phone (also Firefox) there I could see the box, so you are right I guess, it must have been the blocker.

I hope we will still be playing Pathfinder at all when second edition comes out, but then it will not be for me to decide if we switch. I suppose we will give it a try but not switch in the end. Or only after a some time (if we're still at it then).

Some things look interesting, some things look a little bit too streamlined/genericized and still somewhat bare-boned (if that word exists). Hard to say now, I will at least buy the Core Rules, that's for sure (although my Pathfinder collection already needs a lot of space).

5 people marked this as a favorite.

My group will not be switching.

I do not like the direction PF2 is going, so I recently stocked up on 3rd party PF1 content that was on clearance.

I have enough new campaign material to last another ten years.

I wonder if Pathfinder 2 fails, Paizo will start marketing a “Pathfinder Classic”.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I chose:

We're not switching (tried the playtest and don't like the direction, feel 1e is the perfect game, etc).

There are things I like about PF 2.0 like the action economy and some of the way that characters are built with more than average hit points. But there are some things that I don't particularly care for (almost everything else). I noticed that the combat was actually a little faster during what parts of the playtest we used but it just failed to excite our group.

I've said all of this over and over again but I'll repeat it here. I have enough Pathfinder 1E (*PASTFINDER as one of my players calls it) materials to run games until my death bed. If I can tweak things to include the 2.0 action economy and things like Legendary actions from 5E? Then I'd be close to having a game I'd be even more interested in playing and running.

I forgot I also like the way monsters are built in PF 2.0. I've been playing fast and loose with monster modification since 3.5 so I have a pretty good handle on modifying monsters (changing abilities, slapping PC Class abilities on them, spells, etc).

Unless PF 2.0 changes SIGNIFICANTLY I really wont be switching over.

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I chose that I wouldn't switch to PF2, that's because I own so much PF1 content (mostly 3PP) that I am even relieved that it will end: At some point I'll be able to say that I own everything I want (which is not yet the case...)

But I love some ideas from PF2. I'll certainly houserule some parts of our PF1 campaigns to add PF2 elements in.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:

Tell us if you are switching from Pathfinder 1e to 2e (or anticipate doing so). Curious publishers want to know (what to support).

Vote in our poll at JonBrazer.com

Have voted.

We will stick with Pathfinder1, as the new version is too far removed from the 3.5 roots we like (though PF1 could need some finetuning.)

Dark Archive

We're perfectly happy with 1st ed for now. We'll probably take a look at 2nd when it comes out, but we're not concerned with the playtest at the moment.

EDIT: Though I haven't been super impressed with what I've seen of the playtest material so far. But it's not bad enough to make me pass on 2nd ed when it's released in a final, playable form.

I'm curious OP, have you posted this poll elsewhere?

I voted for the wait and see option, but honestly?

My group has switched to starfinder, and I don't think we'll be looking back.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Green Smashomancer wrote:
I'm curious OP, have you posted this poll elsewhere?

Facebook, Google+, Twitter, MeWe, my own company's mailing list. I've seen it shard on Reddit and the GiantITP forums.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll never switch and I voted accordingly.

Pathfinder was a game for 3.5 lovers. This is a radical change that was implemented without polling or meaningful input from the community. Yes, I realize there's a playtest and they're reading feedback, but that feedback pertains to your responses Paizo's ideas, which is grossly different from asking us "what should 2E be like?" in a more open ended way.

12 people marked this as a favorite.

"Pathfinder" is D&D 3.5, with some very tiny edits.

"Pathfinder 2 Playtest" has some interesting and fun aspects, but beyond some shared names of things like classes and spells and feats, doesn't resemble Pathfinder at all. It's really just some other system: Otherfinder.

So. Where my groups are at:
We don't particularly need or want another system to play. -- This we could "get over" if Otherfinder was sufficiently attractive (to us) or even equivalent, but it's not. The math sensibilities are dramatically different.

If Otherfinder had been a refinement of Pathfinder, we'd shift because who doesn't like better versions of things they like? But instead of better, we mostly see different, which we don't care for.

Really, if we're changing systems, why would anyone assume we'd pick Pathfinder 2 just because it's got the same name? Sorry, "new, improved flavor" just means "this product is no longer what you like... time to taste-test the competition again."

It's not impossible the final product will pull back enough of what we don't like, but so far the scale of what Paizo has been very carefully, very cautiously tweaking tells us we're orders of magnitude off from what we want to play.

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No, thank you. There's enough PF material to last until PF2 gets retrohauled back.

If they would remove the plus level stuff and make some minor tweaks it would be an enthusiastic yes. As it’s stands it’s a grudging yes. I truly don’t understand this fixation on plus level to everything.

Honestly, I don't know yet. The playtest has me leaning towards sticking with first edition. There's stuff in it that I like, but there's a lot that I don't. But it is a playtest. And a lot of the changes they've been making are good. It's honestly going to depend on what the final product looks like.

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Green Smashomancer wrote:
I'm curious OP, have you posted this poll elsewhere?
Facebook, Google+, Twitter, MeWe, my own company's mailing list. I've seen it shard on Reddit and the GiantITP forums.

Interesting. Cause it's one thing if the poll was only posted here where the diehard 1e fans hang around, but that makes the numbers sound more and more like 2e is heading for a rocky start. Its gonna take a lot of revising and PR magic to get me on board at least.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Green Smashomancer wrote:
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Green Smashomancer wrote:
I'm curious OP, have you posted this poll elsewhere?
Facebook, Google+, Twitter, MeWe, my own company's mailing list. I've seen it shard on Reddit and the GiantITP forums.
Interesting. That makes the numbers sound more and more like 2e is heading for a rocky start. Its gonna take a lot of revising and PR magic to get me on board at least.

It's looking like a major rift is opening, with less than 50% making the switch.

A fair number may well choose a new system under a different publisher, while many others may decide to just stick with the materials they have already invested hundreds to thousands of dollars in.

I don't know what Paizo was thinking, but they've created another scenario just like the one Pathfinder was originally developed to resolve.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You forgot to put "Went to Pathfinder because D&D 4e was a train wreck, and when 5e came out, was interested enough to check it out, but stayed with 1e PF in the end due to story/loyalty/inertial reasons. However, now that 2e PF is a thing, we will be moving over to 5e D&D." What would you say is the closet poll answer to that? ;-)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Anguish wrote:

"Pathfinder" is D&D 3.5, with some very tiny edits.

"Pathfinder 2 Playtest" has some interesting and fun aspects, but beyond some shared names of things like classes and spells and feats, doesn't resemble Pathfinder at all. It's really just some other system: Otherfinder.

So. Where my groups are at:
We don't particularly need or want another system to play. -- This we could "get over" if Otherfinder was sufficiently attractive (to us) or even equivalent, but it's not. The math sensibilities are dramatically different.

If Otherfinder had been a refinement of Pathfinder, we'd shift because who doesn't like better versions of things they like? But instead of better, we mostly see different, which we don't care for.

Really, if we're changing systems, why would anyone assume we'd pick Pathfinder 2 just because it's got the same name? Sorry, "new, improved flavor" just means "this product is no longer what you like... time to taste-test the competition again."

It's not impossible the final product will pull back enough of what we don't like, but so far the scale of what Paizo has been very carefully, very cautiously tweaking tells us we're orders of magnitude off from what we want to play.

This is basically my opinion too.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Entirely this. I want D&D 3.8, or PF 1.5. These games are an extremely complex interaction of systems for which it is impossible to predict outcomes without years of play. They only get better iteratively, with experience. My read of the PF2 play test is some great ideas that aren’t going to get sorted out in a few months. I’m curious and interested, but I’ll probably wait for PF2.5 so it can really be worked out...

Anguish wrote:

"Pathfinder" is D&D 3.5, with some very tiny edits.

"Pathfinder 2 Playtest" has some interesting and fun aspects, but beyond some shared names of things like classes and spells and feats, doesn't resemble Pathfinder at all. It's really just some other system: Otherfinder.

So. Where my groups are at:
We don't particularly need or want another system to play. -- This we could "get over" if Otherfinder was sufficiently attractive (to us) or even equivalent, but it's not. The math sensibilities are dramatically different.

If Otherfinder had been a refinement of Pathfinder, we'd shift because who doesn't like better versions of things they like? But instead of better, we mostly see different, which we don't care for.

Really, if we're changing systems, why would anyone assume we'd pick Pathfinder 2 just because it's got the same name? Sorry, "new, improved flavor" just means "this product is no longer what you like... time to taste-test the competition again."

It's not impossible the final product will pull back enough of what we don't like, but so far the scale of what Paizo has been very carefully, very cautiously tweaking tells us we're orders of magnitude off from what we want to play.

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My groups and I don't see any reason to change and the few things we like can be converted backwards. We've also homebrewed and use alternate options that we don't want to have to redo again for PF2.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Volkard Abendroth wrote:
Green Smashomancer wrote:
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Green Smashomancer wrote:
I'm curious OP, have you posted this poll elsewhere?
Facebook, Google+, Twitter, MeWe, my own company's mailing list. I've seen it shard on Reddit and the GiantITP forums.
Interesting. That makes the numbers sound more and more like 2e is heading for a rocky start. Its gonna take a lot of revising and PR magic to get me on board at least.

It's looking like a major rift is opening, with less than 50% making the switch.

A fair number may well choose a new system under a different publisher, while many others may decide to just stick with the materials they have already invested hundreds to thousands of dollars in.

I don't know what Paizo was thinking, but they've created another scenario just like the one Pathfinder was originally developed to resolve.

I dont think we disagree here. I have a new player who's going through her first game, and updating to this completely different system would just remove all the effort we went to to learn 1e. I'm not interested in 2e. I came to paizo for chocolate, and now they're replacing my favorite flavor with peanut butter without so much as a fudge swirl.

Sorry. Lunch break. Hungry.

Voted. My group has expressed no interest (in that they've said they have no interest, not a lack of communication) in 2E.

I have the playtest materials, follow the forums, and I am not impressed personally with 2E.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm quite surprised by the statistics.

Realistically, only three of the options matter for market analysis. The options for "both", "neither" don't provide information specific to projecting the market demand and "ignoring for now" is the equivalent of "cannot answer this poll", while "it'll take years" is a similar on-the-fence situation.

That leaves "we switched" and "shortly after" boiling down to "we are in the market for PF2" and "we're not switching" to represent "we are not in the market for PF2".

That's 262 votes versus 421 votes, currently.

That is to say, of the 683 people who actually can answer the question, 61% are planning to not switch.

Even if we discount say half of those as grognards or elderly get-off-my-damned-lawn types, those who voted that way to try to influence Paizo's direction but will actually switch, or simply those who can be worn down over time, that would still mean roughly a third of the voting populace are in the "no" camp.

Now, maybe Paizo expects to draw in so many fresh players long-term that it'll more than offset losing a third of their current players.

I'm just really surprised that the "no" group is so large. It'd be fascinating to know how many of the "no" group would have switched to a refined, 3.5-compatible system, and how many of the "yes" group would also have switched to that.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Definitely not switching...see reasons above! Invested 10 years in learning and adapting PF to our gaming style and needs.

I, and my 14yr old son, are still using, not only the PF resources, but also 3.0 and 3.5 stuff (with a little work) - especially Forgotten Realms!

As has been written above, we have no interest in learning another system. If we had, we would have already switched. Have you seen how many options for fantasy rpg there is out there? It's not just about a choice between DnD or PF, there are still Rolemaster, Warhammer and the other editions of DnD and many others...

...now, if P2 was just an update, then it would be a different matter. If Paizo had looked at what I.C.E. have done with Rolemaster over the years. They kept the system, but have codified what they have. You now have the choice between RM Classic (the 'basic' game) or RMFRP (where you have all the options, like where even your culture has an impact on your character). They have a playtest on too, for what they are calling Unified RM. Apparently this is doing what it says - updating and bringing together all the rule sets into one.

That's what I wanted, an update that tightened and clarified things, with the changing of a bit of rules...
Hey ho...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Anguish wrote:
I'm just really surprised that the "no" group is so large. It'd be fascinating to know how many of the "no" group would have switched to a refined, 3.5-compatible system, and how many of the "yes" group would also have switched to that.

This is the approach I have long advocated, and would have gladly followed along with.

Anguish wrote:
I'm just really surprised that the "no" group is so large. It'd be fascinating to know how many of the "no" group would have switched to a refined, 3.5-compatible system, and how many of the "yes" group would also have switched to that.

Even if you don't ignore the other responses "No" still has twice as many votes as the next highest.

It might be interesting if Paizo sticks with 2e as that means 1e becomes a game made by an aggregate of 3rd parties. Many of whom seem more willing to experiment than Paizo has been.

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