Any way to get my character to wield a Large nodachi?


I've got a lvl 1 barbarian who right now who is wielding a nodachi. He has a +2 to hit with it (aside from strength, BAB, etc) because it's masterwork (+1) and cold iron (+1), which he gets due to the Ancestral Weapon trait (People of the River). I'd like to find a way to step it up to being Large, so the dmg dice goes from 1d10 to 2d8, but I'm not sure if it's possible. Can anyone think of a way, and would it be worth it?


I didn't know you can get a +1 from Cold Iron? Though isn't Cold Iron Waster Work already? I've seen posts about Tiefling with Over-Sized Arms for wielding larger weapons, though I'm wondering if Titan Mauler(?) archetype (if I have name correct) might be a possibility as well?

buy potions of enlarge person? that easy.

Grand Lodge

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Titan fighter archtype dip.
Remember to get Irongrip Gauntlets to reduce the oversized weapon penalty by 2.

Dark Archive

The trait giant blooded will help

*Khan* wrote:

Titan fighter archtype dip.

Remember to get Irongrip Gauntlets to reduce the oversized weapon penalty by 2.

I like the idea of the Titan Fighter, but my barb is already taking a dip of Unbreakable because I like the idea of Diehard. Hmm, could be worth considering switching...


1. Enlarge person; works as a 50 gp potion, a spell cast by someone else, a spell cast by you if you multiclass, or a domain power (plant/growth subdomain).

2. Lead blades. Probably requires a hunter dip.

3. Effortless lace. You couldn't use it with a nodachi, but you could with an estoc or something.

4. Anything which gives +1d6 damage has the same effect on non-critical damage. There are too many of these to count.

Sovereign Court

Scrapper wrote:
I didn't know you can get a +1 from Cold Iron? Though isn't Cold Iron Waster Work already?

The Ancestral Weapon trait gives a +1 trait bonus with weapons made with the selected material (choose cold iron or silver), in addition to free masterwork melee weapon of that material (you must be proficient in the weapon, and the total cost must be 500 gp or less).

Cold Iron is not automatically masterwork. Considering the cost of a cold iron weapon is only double the normal price of the weapon, it would be really underpriced in most cases.

You could also just have one made for you as a large sized weapon and take -2 to all attacks. Then add Impact as and magical weapon enhancement and Enlarge person.


Sovereign Court

Soulgear wrote:

You could also just have one made for you as a large sized weapon and take -2 to all attacks. Then add Impact as and magical weapon enhancement and Enlarge person.


The next paragraph in the inappropriately sized weapon section begs to differ.

Inappropriately Sized Weapons wrote:
The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder’s size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. For example, a Small creature would wield a Medium one-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon. If a weapon’s designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can’t wield the weapon at all.

You cannot wield a two-handed weapon made for a creature larger than yourself without additional support (Titan Mauler/Titan Fighter, etc).

I'm deciding I don't really think it's worth it. For an avg of 3.5 extra dpr (5.5 to 9), which may help at lvl 1-5, but after that it won't make much of a difference.


JDawg75 wrote:

I'm deciding I don't really think it's worth it. For an avg of 3.5 extra dpr (5.5 to 9), which may help at lvl 1-5, but after that it won't make much of a difference.


To be fair, after that, it'll be an average of 7 extra "dpr", followed by 10.5 and 14. That's nothing to sneeze at. Grab some potions for when you really need to chop something up.

Firebug wrote:
Soulgear wrote:

You could also just have one made for you as a large sized weapon and take -2 to all attacks. Then add Impact as and magical weapon enhancement and Enlarge person.


The next paragraph in the inappropriately sized weapon section begs to differ.

Inappropriately Sized Weapons wrote:
The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder’s size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. For example, a Small creature would wield a Medium one-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon. If a weapon’s designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can’t wield the weapon at all.
You cannot wield a two-handed weapon made for a creature larger than yourself without additional support (Titan Mauler/Titan Fighter, etc).

Oh, dang! I guess my GM house-ruled that one. One dropped as treasure and he told me the rule was just a -2 to all attacks with it. Thanks for the heads up!

you could take levels in bloodrager with the shapechanger bloodline, at 4th level you can cast enlarge person on yourself as a swift action when you rage.

blahpers wrote:
JDawg75 wrote:

I'm deciding I don't really think it's worth it. For an avg of 3.5 extra dpr (5.5 to 9), which may help at lvl 1-5, but after that it won't make much of a difference.


To be fair, after that, it'll be an average of 7 extra "dpr", followed by 10.5 and 14. That's nothing to sneeze at. Grab some potions for when you really need to chop something up.

Maybe I miscalculated. I took the difference between a d10(5.5) and 2d8(9), which is 3.5. How are you getting 7?


JDawg75 wrote:
blahpers wrote:
JDawg75 wrote:

I'm deciding I don't really think it's worth it. For an avg of 3.5 extra dpr (5.5 to 9), which may help at lvl 1-5, but after that it won't make much of a difference.


To be fair, after that, it'll be an average of 7 extra "dpr", followed by 10.5 and 14. That's nothing to sneeze at. Grab some potions for when you really need to chop something up.

Maybe I miscalculated. I took the difference between a d10(5.5) and 2d8(9), which is 3.5. How are you getting 7?


At level 6, you get a second iterative attack each round. 3.5 + 3.5 = 7. (Assuming you hit, anyway.)

Half-Giants have a racial ability that allows them to wield an inappropriately sized weapon that is one size category higher with no negatives. They're 3rd party though :(

In first party, a variant tiefling can do the same thing, though it requires using the optional rules for variant tieflings. I assume this is for an established character, though.

Maybe you could ask your GM if you could custom create your race with Race Points (RP) to allow for wielding a large weapon as a medium creature with no negatives?

Yeah, it's probably too late for race changes, because I've played him in a PFS module already. It's probably even too late to change his weapon from a regular Nodachi to a large one, but our regular DM plays PFS with us so I'll see if I can sneak it in. I had planned on taking the Unbreakable archetype for the fighter at lvl 2, so I could still change that to Titan Fighter if I chose, and use the irongrip gauntlets to offset the -2.


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