do you feel their will be a converson between pf1 and 2?

Prerelease Discussion

i know dnd and did it between2 and 3 i belive but i could be wrong

PF2 is looking to be a nearly completely different beast than PF1. At the beginning, PF2 probably won't even half a third of the classes available as PF1 and some PF1 classes wouldn't make any sense in PF2. Feats are drastically different. Equipment is treated in a new and unique way. From the blogs there isn't any way to tell how many levels are available in PF2.

So my gut instinct is no, there won't be any conversion charts. If you want to recreate your character it shouldn't be difficult, but you'll make a lot of choices based on PF2 rules that you'd never consider in a PF1 character. And from my general thoughts, PF2 characters are going to be more specialized in what they do, generalists are going to wallow in mediocre abilities while specialists will literally be in a different level of power.

chris settlemoir wrote:
i know dnd and did it between2 and 3 i belive but i could be wrong

There was a conversion from 2nd edition to 3.0, I remember going through it with some of my characters. So I'm sure there will be one for PF1 to PF2. Now, if it will be an official conversion I don't know, but I'm sure someone will do one.

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Will there be a conversion? Yes. Probably several.
Will it be any more useful than just reconstructing material yourself? Probably not. The games are too different.

I expect some sort of guidelines to how to adjust your 1st edition 10 level barbarian to a 2nd edition version that will maintain the theme. Probably not anything that is any more helpful than just how to create a character, possibly less.

I also wouldn't be surprised at some sort of official rules on how that change a PFS character over.

A don't think a set of conversion rules would be able to cover making an existing adventure path into a 2nd edition path. Obviously you could use the plot and all that, but you would have to completely rebuild the encounters.

Characters will have to be completely redesigned. Monsters will simply be replaced by the new Bestiary versions. It's the PCs that are lost in the shuffle for now and possibly forever in the case of classes like Magus or even the ACG hybrid classes.

blahpers wrote:

Will there be a conversion? Yes. Probably several.

Will it be any more useful than just reconstructing material yourself? Probably not. The games are too different.

Someone supposedly was converting stuff while on a Stream and was doing it without too much work.

I have yet to see this Stream and even if it is possible, I'm not converting. My groups won't have the Archetypes to swap over I feel and even then the group I DM for I have a Warpriest and Slayer. Classes that won't see conversion rules till later.

I'm not going to just tell them to swap to Paladin/Cleric or Rogue/Ranger.

The current party I'm Gamemastering for are a Skald, a Hunter, a Gunslinger, a Slayer, and a Oracle.

Seeing as how none of those Classes are going to be available at the beginning of Pathfinder 2nd Edition, we've decided to finish the campaign in 1st Edition, and get a feel for 2nd Edition as our "Side" game.

All in all, I expect that like most new editions, 2nd Edition will be heavily houseruled at it's start due to the lack of themes and options from it's predecessor.

On the GM side of things, it seems simple to convert. Monsters become far more simple, have less abilities, but the addition of the Critical Success/Failure state will require the GM to pay attention to how high/low the saves are instead of the binary "Pass/Fail" mechanics we have now.

Mechanically the system are too different for a real conversion.

The best you'll be able to do is convert the "theme" of the character. You can still play a 10th level barbarian who focuses on smashing things with their two-handed weapon, but the finer specific (mechanical) points of your character will get lost in translation.

Brother Fen wrote:
Characters will have to be completely redesigned. Monsters will simply be replaced by the new Bestiary versions. It's the PCs that are lost in the shuffle for now and possibly forever in the case of classes like Magus or even the ACG hybrid classes.

Loot will be especially complicated given the vastly different philosophies between the two systems. It'll probably be like redoing APs for ABP, only more so.

Claxon wrote:

Mechanically the system are too different for a real conversion.

The best you'll be able to do is convert the "theme" of the character. You can still play a 10th level barbarian who focuses on smashing things with their two-handed weapon, but the finer specific (mechanical) points of your character will get lost in translation.

It seems more similar than going from 2nd to 3rd to me. Though it’s hard to be sure without the whole rules.

But I think being very similar is part of why we won’t get a guide. The 2nd to 3rd guide had to get us used to things like AC going up instead of down. And learning how feats and skills work.

P2 seems to just be making things more reliant on feat systems and adding a new way to look at proficiencies.

This is a question for the Playtest forums.

Gulthor wrote:
This is a question for the Playtest forums.

I wouldn’t think so. A conversion guide shouldn’t have anything to do with play testing. And it’s as much about 1st edition as it is about 2nd.

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