i want to get caught up on second edition if its possable i am coming from first eidtion my issue is i havent touched the 2nd ed new book is there much diffrecne between that odd book that pathfinder wanted fans feeback before became offical? how does one get ahold of the books since the begining do they still do the pawns or have they stopped that or do they only do the minatures? has much lore happened since i know it used to crawl to a small pace i thought id ask i want to know so i can figure out how to approach it i tried the discord they were unable to help so id love to get some help from you guys
it shows two orders for the rune lord 6 o 6 and items for January but items to be unknown ship date for jan and February but nothing for December? is this the monthly system generation? i got my return o the runelord 4 of 6 and the construct and the matrial asrt and flip book for this month but nothing showing for deceember?
ohokwy. wrote:
like me i wanted the collectors version of the book
Jib916 wrote:
really ugh i bought the play test expecting it to be exlusive like alot of other companys do you buy the playtest you get it it others have to wait till release
Vic Wertz wrote:
when is the last date americans can expsect their package when will the 15 be put into our accounts?
Vic Wertz wrote:
i was wondering vic what is the final date when americans hsould recive their order before asking for a refund? will the books be in a amazon box? i live in the middle of no where wondering when ill get my item , another question when will the 15 be posted to our accounts? i was hoping to use it for augest books?