Shaman SAD or MAD?


I can go with a 20 point buy or a rolled stats of: 15, 15, 14, 13, 13, 12

How important is it to get my wisdom to 19 or 20 ?

I guess dex and con are second most important stats and I need enough STR for wearing armor. I can dump my cha i believe and also my int to a certain extent. Wouldn't want to lose out on skills though.

Is the Shaman SAD or MAD? How would you recommend I put my points if I take the 20 pt buy?

thanks fine gentlemen and ladies

Silver Crusade

It depends on what sort of build you're going for. A high score mainly boosts spell and hex DCs. I have a melee focused shaman with 14 Wisdom, and a caster focused one with 18 Wisdom. Both seem to work well.

Liberty's Edge

Utilizing the Arcane Enlightenment Lore Hex requires good amounts of Int, Dex, and Wis. So, for that build specifically, several good stats is really nice. Wis 17 (15+2) isn't ideal for that build, but I'd say it's a price worth paying to have Int 15, Cha 14, and decent physical stats.

Likewise, a Melee Shaman with Wis 14 is, as noted, totally a valid option.

If going for a focused caster and not making use of Arcane Enlightenment, a more Wis focused approach might be warranted.

Grand Lodge

I have an effective arcane enlightenment shaman on a 20 point buy with and 18 after racials. Your physical stats do take a hit, but it is possible.

Grandlounge wrote:

I have an effective arcane enlightenment shaman on a 20 point buy with and 18 after racials. Your physical stats do take a hit, but it is possible.

Do Shamans need a high WIS for there hexes like Witches do for their Intelligence? Or is it less important on a Shaman?

Grand Lodge

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If you want to use ones with saves than yes. But there are hexes that don't have saves for your melee oriented shamans.

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Shamans use hexes much the same way as witches, yes. Though they have a lot of fairly pointless offensive hexes which you skip over, some buffs or utility hexes which don't need Wis (e.g. arcane enlightenment) and a very few good offensive hexes.

Many shamans are likely to spend more time buffing themselves or others than a witch is simply because they have better options there. The class is extremely flexible though and you can make it into a reasonable offensive spellcaster (blasting or save-or-suck), or a melee type.

avr wrote:

Shamans use hexes much the same way as witches, yes. Though they have a lot of fairly pointless offensive hexes which you skip over, some buffs or utility hexes which don't need Wis (e.g. arcane enlightenment) and a very few good offensive hexes.

Many shamans are likely to spend more time buffing themselves or others than a witch is simply because they have better options there. The class is extremely flexible though and you can make it into a reasonable offensive spellcaster (blasting or save-or-suck), or a melee type.

You actually need all 3 Mental stats to power Arcane enlightenment so it's a bit of a problem. I should know, I'm trying to do just that.

CHA lets you store the spells learned
INT is needed to learn the spells
WIS is your mod to the spell DC

So unless there's an Errata, you need to pump up those along with grabbing a headband. Looking over the Spirits, WIS and CHA seem to be the two main Stats with INT following.

That said there are abilities that just have a flat effect or are just nice to have about 3 uses of. So you can build a Shaman without having to really math everything out.

Could I get some clarification for arcane enlightenment. It looks like I'll have a 12-13 for charisma and a 12-13 for int.

Does that +1 mod for cha mean I can take 1 spell (either level 1 or 2 for 12 int and level 3 if i have 13 int?) and when I gain a level I can decide to get another spell?

With +1 mod on cha I can only have 1 spell from wizard/sorcerer at any one time? Changing the level of the spell if I have the int for it?

Arcane Enlightenment (Su): The shaman’s native intelligence grants her the ability to tap into arcane lore. The shaman can add a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) to the list of shaman spells she can prepare. To cast these spells she must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level, but the saving throw DCs of these spells are based on her Wisdom rather than Intelligence. When she casts these spells, they are treated as divine rather than arcane. Each time the shaman gains a level after taking this hex, she can choose to replace one of these spells for a new spell on the wizard/sorcerer spell list.

So Crexis you seem to be understanding it right. However you don' get another spell, you can replace them.

What makes this good is using it through Wandering Hex. As each other day you swap away from it and the next day pick it up again, Relearning new spells as you want.

2 other points is that the DC is based off your Wisdom, AND, this is a smaller thing that might be important based on your game; counts as Divine when cast.

I believe I know how it works but I'm a lil confused about what you wrote here:

"What makes this good is using it through Wandering Hex. As each other day you swap away from it and the next day pick it up again, Relearning new spells as you want."

If I have cha mod of only +1 I could only max know 1 spell at the start of a new level? How would I be able to change that 1 spell I know on a basis where its not just at gaining a new level but as you said 'next day pick it up again' ?

I was planning on taking the battle spirit as my wandering hex and lore spirit as the main. I planned on using the battle ward.

Crexis wrote:

I believe I know how it works but I'm a lil confused about what you wrote here:

"What makes this good is using it through Wandering Hex. As each other day you swap away from it and the next day pick it up again, Relearning new spells as you want."

If I have cha mod of only +1 I could only max know 1 spell at the start of a new level? How would I be able to change that 1 spell I know on a basis where its not just at gaining a new level but as you said 'next day pick it up again' ?

I was planning on taking the battle spirit as my wandering hex and lore spirit as the main. I planned on using the battle ward.

Okay so this is how it was explained to me, someone might have a better understanding.

You pick up Arcane Enlightenment. You have low CHA or +1 so you get 1 spell. You pick up your spell and add to your spell book. The next time you prepare spells, you can use Wandering Hex at the same time. Losing Arcane Enlightenment will at least by sense, make you lose the spell you learned.

The following day, you use Wandering Hex again, to pick up Arcane Enlightenment again; this counts as picking the hex again, and thus you can pick a totally different spell now.

MerlinCross wrote:
Crexis wrote:

I believe I know how it works but I'm a lil confused about what you wrote here:

"What makes this good is using it through Wandering Hex. As each other day you swap away from it and the next day pick it up again, Relearning new spells as you want."

If I have cha mod of only +1 I could only max know 1 spell at the start of a new level? How would I be able to change that 1 spell I know on a basis where its not just at gaining a new level but as you said 'next day pick it up again' ?

I was planning on taking the battle spirit as my wandering hex and lore spirit as the main. I planned on using the battle ward.

Okay so this is how it was explained to me, someone might have a better understanding.

You pick up Arcane Enlightenment. You have low CHA or +1 so you get 1 spell. You pick up your spell and add to your spell book. The next time you prepare spells, you can use Wandering Hex at the same time. Losing Arcane Enlightenment will at least by sense, make you lose the spell you learned.

The following day, you use Wandering Hex again, to pick up Arcane Enlightenment again; this counts as picking the hex again, and thus you can pick a totally different spell now.

This is correct, though I should note that this trick requires that you do not actually take the Arcane Enlightenment as a normal hex. You instead take it with your Wandering Hex (which can be from your main spirit). Since Arcane Enlightenment is your wandering hex, you can pick a new Arcane Enlightenment as your wandering hex each day. Each time you pick it, you follow the directions provided and pick a set number of spells to add to your list. Therefore you can pick different spells each time you take a new instance of Arcane Enlightenment ie. every day. That being said I highly recommend you take the Fetish Hex and craft your own Headband of Mental Superiority as soon as possible since it makes using Arcane Enlightenment much easier.

I was going to go lore spirit at my main spirit and battle spirit for my wandering hex - mainly for the battle ward hex. I couldn't find many hexes that were any good.

I didnt know that if you made your wandering hex the lore spirit that you can change your 1 wizard/sorcerer spell (or spells) everyday.

Any recommendations on my main spirit if I decide to go lore spirit for my wandering hex to be able to use arcane enlightenment everyday?

Anzyr wrote:

This is correct, though I should note that this trick requires that you do not actually take the Arcane Enlightenment as a normal hex. You instead take it with your Wandering Hex (which can be from your main spirit). Since Arcane Enlightenment is your wandering hex, you can pick a new Arcane Enlightenment as your wandering hex each day. Each time you pick it, you follow the directions provided and pick a set number of spells to add to your list. Therefore you can pick different spells each time you take a new instance of Arcane Enlightenment ie. every day. That being said I highly recommend you take the Fetish Hex and craft your own Headband of Mental Superiority as soon as possible since it makes using Arcane Enlightenment much easier.

I forget you can use Wandering Hex to pick up Hexes from your main Spirit. But yes the point is not to take Arcane Enlightenment(Could have gone for a shorter name Paizo) as an actual Hex but to keep splicing into it through Wandering.

Also I'm not sure the wording on Wandering right now(Or DM fiat) so was unsure if you could use Wandering Hex to pick one, that you currently have. Hence the "Every other day" idea.

MerlinCross wrote:
Anzyr wrote:

This is correct, though I should note that this trick requires that you do not actually take the Arcane Enlightenment as a normal hex. You instead take it with your Wandering Hex (which can be from your main spirit). Since Arcane Enlightenment is your wandering hex, you can pick a new Arcane Enlightenment as your wandering hex each day. Each time you pick it, you follow the directions provided and pick a set number of spells to add to your list. Therefore you can pick different spells each time you take a new instance of Arcane Enlightenment ie. every day. That being said I highly recommend you take the Fetish Hex and craft your own Headband of Mental Superiority as soon as possible since it makes using Arcane Enlightenment much easier.

I forget you can use Wandering Hex to pick up Hexes from your main Spirit. But yes the point is not to take Arcane Enlightenment(Could have gone for a shorter name Paizo) as an actual Hex but to keep splicing into it through Wandering.

Also I'm not sure the wording on Wandering right now(Or DM fiat) so was unsure if you could use Wandering Hex to pick one, that you currently have. Hence the "Every other day" idea.

Wandering Hex wrote:
At 6th level, a shaman can temporarily gain the use of one of the hexes possessed by either one of her spirits. She must make this selection each day when she prepares her spells. For the purposes of this ability, she can select any hex possessed by her spirit or wandering spirit.

For reference.

Just have to get Glad.

Silver Crusade

I have yet to see a good Shaman build using the Arcane Enlightenment hex. I suspect that it requires a generous stat method to be a good option. Perhaps I'll be proven wrong, but at 20 point buy or lower, it seems to me to be a trap option.

Instead of going for Arcane Enlightenment, you can just take the Speaker for the Past archetype, get Heroism on your spell list, and get Haste from the Speed or Slow Time revelation.

Anzyr wrote:

Wandering Hex wrote:
At 6th level, a shaman can temporarily gain the use of one of the hexes possessed by either one of her spirits. She must make this selection each day when she prepares her spells. For the purposes of this ability, she can select any hex possessed by her spirit or wandering spirit.
For reference.

I mean those are the rules but how does that sound worded out by a player?

"Okay so I change my Wandering hex from A...., Back to A."

There's nothing in the rules against it but depending on the DM that might not fly.

PCScipio wrote:

I have yet to see a good Shaman build using the Arcane Enlightenment hex. I suspect that it requires a generous stat method to be a good option. Perhaps I'll be proven wrong, but at 20 point buy or lower, it seems to me to be a trap option.

Instead of going for Arcane Enlightenment, you can just take the Speaker for the Past archetype, get Heroism on your spell list, and get Haste from the Speed or Slow Time revelation.

I first picked it up to try and cover all the bases, but a new PC Sorcerer blew that up in my face.

Still I see it as being a useful "Pick what you don't have" Hex or good for crafting at times. I mean Invisibility is always nice to have especially since depending on what you're up against you can cast it, then just go through your buff/debuff/chant loop in the corner.

There is a solution.
Main spirit = life.
#2 is battle or even archtype like speaker of the dead.
Take guided hand feat and max wisdom.
You can melee well, and still be main caster with hexesm

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