Shifter workshop

Homebrew and House Rules

Grand Lodge

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Shifter notes

I think most will agree that the shifter is perhaps a touch underwhelming, so I've decided to try my hand at sprucing it up a bit. Lemme know what you think these changes and feel to leave your own suggestions here.

My thoughts on each feature and some possible ways I might tweak them.

1.Shifter Aspect: Don't have any specific grievances with the aspects themselves other than the enhancement bonus stacking issue, so I'd make them untyped bonuses instead. Don't know how to feel about some of the individual aspects yet, though I can recognize that some are clearly more useful than others.

2.Shifter Claws: First, its criminal that a full bab character starts with a friggin d4 on their primary weapon and doesn't get a die increase until 7th level. So just start with a d6, then continue to increase the die with each claw improvement, still capping at d10. I'd probably also add the crit multiplyer and DR adamantine at earlier levels too, though I'm not certain where just yet.

Second, why does it have to be claws? Why not two tail slams that do bludgeoning or some other equivalent based on the animal?

Third, you shouldn't be penalized for having an aspect that doesn't normally have claws, so as long as the animal is one of your aspects, it gets the full claw bonuses.

3.Wild Empathy: Only thing I'd add is a wisdom bonus on checks made against your aspect animals.

4.Defensive Instinct/Track/Woodland Stride/Trackless Step: These all seem fine to me overall.

5.Wild Shape: I like that this functions as beast shape II immediately, but I really don't get why you're limited to only your aspects. I suggest letting it function exactly like the druid version (possibly including the beast shape III improvement at 8th level), but saving the additional aspect goodies for the chosen animals.

6.Chimeric Aspect: In the case of mixing aspects that would have different natural attacks, I'd add the ability to choose which two you'd want (like two claws or a slam and a claw).

7.Bonus Feats: I doubt it would hurt to throw a few feats in every two or three levels, but I'm undecided on whether to make these from a specific feat list or just make them combat only feats. Thoughts?

Almost exactly what I said on the other thread :P

I have seen it suggested to have the wildshape work like the animal shaman wildshape. To me that probably works better.
Wildshape as a druid of your level +2 for purposes of animals with your aspect, or -2 if not aspect.

Make the aspects an always on bonus, or a longer duration perhaps?

I would allow them to shift from one of their aspect forms to another without consuming an additional use of wild shape.

Maybe have chimeric aspect allow them to literally pick bits of their main wildshape animals to combine into a chimera, like the name, and have that perhaps consume a wildshape use.

I would be careful making changes. If you go in and do the math on the class as it currently stands, its actually very powerful, particularly between 4th and 6th level. Its average damage per round (DPR) exceeds almost all other martial classes while also granting pounce at these early levels. So... keep that in mind.

Some other comments:

sentaiexpress wrote:
1.Shifter Aspect: Don't have any specific grievances with the aspects themselves other than the enhancement bonus stacking issue, so I'd make them untyped bonuses instead. Don't know how to feel about some of the individual aspects yet, though I can recognize that some are clearly more useful than others.

As mentioned above, the damage output of the Shifter is already very high from level 4 to 6. Adding potentially more accuracy, better defenses, or other numeric benefits could be a problem. Rather than the minor aspects adding stats, I would have redesigned them to all add utility abilities.

sentaiexpress wrote:
Second, why does it have to be claws? Why not two tail slams that do bludgeoning or some other equivalent based on the animal?

Because the devs are smartly limiting the types of natural attacks available at low levels. Stacking 5+ primary natural attacks below 10th level is possible in Pathfinder right now, but it probably shouldn't be. Having so many natural attacks puts you WAY above the damage a manufactured weapon user could pull off. Allowing slams, tail slams, gore, etc (the rarer natural attacks) makes it too easy to get more attacks than is balanced at low and mid levels.

sentaiexpress wrote:
5.Wild Shape: (...) I suggest letting it function exactly like the druid version (possibly including the beast shape III improvement at 8th level), but saving the additional aspect goodies for the chosen animals.

Not sufficiently improving at higher levels is a big issue for the class, so I'm on board with this change.

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Cellion wrote:
I would be careful making changes. If you go in and do the math on the class as it currently stands, its actually very powerful, particularly between 4th and 6th level. Its average damage per round (DPR) exceeds almost all other martial classes while also granting pounce at these early levels. So... keep that in mind.

Also, from what I've heard (I don't have the book yet, so I may be wrong), it sounds like levels 4-5 are the only levels where the Shifter pulls ahead. At level 6, the druid also gets pounce and the Shifter goes back to being outclassed.

For a thought experiment:

Let's say you're playing a Skinwalker (or a catfolk, tiefling, or even evil aasimar that gets claws) Druid.

At level 1, what does the shifter get that the druid doesn't (other than an extra BAB, which doesn't matter as much with natural attacks)? Does it get anything to counter the fact the druid has the same claws, an animal companion and spells to boot? Sure, the minor aspects (they come in at 1st level, right?) help, but the druid has an extra combatant and the ability to buff themself.

At level 4, they both get Wild Shape. At this point, the Shifter can turn into any one animal chosen from a small list. The druid doesn't get pounce, though, so the Shifter comes in ahead, despite the druid having way more animal forms to choose from and 2nd level spells (plus the animal companion) on top of that.
However, two levels later, the Druid also gets Pounce. And the ability to become an elemental. And can spend half the day wildshaped into any one of dozens of forms. Meanwhile? The shifter gets to play around with two forms, which may well be weaker than the exact same ones the Druid is transforming into.
At 7th level, the shifter's claws (primary class ability!) is finally doing better than the all-but-free claws the druid got from their race. Meanwhile, the druid is enjoying 4th level spells, and gets to look forward to turning into plants, bigger and smaller animals, and more.

At what point (other than levels 4-5) does the Shifter get something better than the druid, may I ask? Because so far, I'm not aware of anything.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I would argue that the Shifter should be nerfed from levels 4 to 6 and buffed elsewhere to smooth out the power curve. One way to accomplish this is to totally copy and paste the Druid wildshape and give them bonus combat feats.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

That would be the fastest and dirtiest solution.

My thought (and one that I hope would gain some traction) is that Wild Shape is Wild Shape is Wild Shape, and that the Aspect is just 'additional gravy' that allows a more boosted Wild Shape in that Aspect.

If someone tries to use an Aspect while in a Wild Shape that is not that Aspect, have them be Fatigued when they are done with the Wild Shape form for twice as long as they were using both the Aspect and the Wild Shape (until Chimeric stuff kicks in) to reflect the strain of trying to reconcile different animal types.

Make their Shifter Aspect minor bonuses permanent and allow them to use the other minor aspects with their pool, like a hybrid of Hunter Animal Focus and Transmutation Occultist?

My take at the shifter:

Same BAB, Saves, HD and Skills.

1st level: Alternate form (one at will form from beast shape I or alter self, once chosen cannot be changed); Natural attack (chose from claws, gore, tail slap or bite), wild empathy.
2nd level: Natural defense (con bonus as natural armor, same progression as instinct), Minor Aspects (1/2 level + con/day, unlimited duration).
3rd level: Natural weapon increase, Natural weapon training (choose one: add full str bonus on secondary natural attacks or add dex in place of str on natural weapon damage).
4th level: Wildshape (as druid, unlimited duration, can get in and out of the chosen form at will, 1/day), Fury of the Wilderness (add 1/4 level to attack and damage with natural weapons, count as magic), Pounce.
5th level: Shifting trick (may spend a minor aspect use to shift as a immediate action, gain an additional attack, +4 dodge bonus to AC, +20ft to speed for one round, or gain evasion for one round); Poison and disease resistance +4.
6th level: Ferocity (gains an additional attack with main natural weapon at -5, as iterative, add 1/5 level on saves against fear), Wildshape 2/day.
7th level: Increased natural weapon damage, Wild growth (add +2 size bonus to a physical attribute, stacks with wildshape. At 11th level it becomes +4 and +2 to a secondary attribute, at 16th level it becomes +6/+4/+2)
8th level: Wildshape 3/day, Stalwart (no secondary effects on fortitude saves).
9th level: Chimeric form (can spend 2 wildshape uses to apply the bonus of two different forms. Use the best speed, natural weapon damages, adjustments and natural armor of the two forms. Gain all abilities of both forms within the normal limits of wildshape).
10th level: Wildshape 4/day, Natural attack (choose another natural attack from the 1st level list).
11th level: Increased natural weapon damage, Ferocity (additional natural attack at -10).
12th level: Poison and disease immunity; Feral Vigor (can spend 1 aspect use to gain fast healing 5 for lvl rounds or recover 2 points of ability damage/drain or negative level.), Wildshape 5/day.
13th level: Increased natural weapon damage; A thousand faces.
14th level: Wildshape 6/day
15th level: Immunity to fatigue
16th level: Wildshape 7/day, Ferocity (additional natural attack at -15)
17th level: Increased natural weapon damage
18th level: Wildshape 8/day
19th level: Immunity to paralisis
20th level: Wildshape at will

All natural weapons start at 1d6, all increases follow monk table.

You can probably do everything in one if you want, but at minimum I think there could be archetype-type variations for a free shifter (Full Druid Wildshape but less specific buffs from the aspects), a Chimeric shifter (allows combining major forms and/or using animal or other traits while still in human form), and probably something else I'm forgetting?

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I've been workshopping on this since I first laid eyes on the class. I came up with this monster of a thing. It has the silhouette of what I kinda expected out of the class when I first heard about it but I have a poor understanding of restraint so I think I got a monster on my hands. That's okay, you can always trim.

PainfulBugger's Shifter revision

Generally I did this:

Shifter Revision notes:

-Gave them the Intimidate skill.
-Aspects: First, they last all day now. Re-did the aspects so that there's no minor or major form, instead as you level you gain more abilities and bonuses from the aspect you take on. Also allowed you to exchange out aspects on the fly, though I think that might be a bit too much. Maybe allow for changing aspects to be limited to a number of times per day?
-Because aspects were changed that means Chimeric Aspect abilities are changed. I changed them to where you can take on multiple aspects by expending a use of wild shape. You can take on more aspects as you level, up to four aspects at level 15. Maybe too powerful now? Make it three aspects at most?
-Renamed Shifter's Claws to Nature's Fury (didn't like the original name) and gave you the option of choosing from multiple natural attack types. Adjusted the scaling of the natural attacks to be more in line with other classes that offer a scaling attack damange. I thought about adding damage scaling for different sizes but I noticed that huge creature's damage rarely exceeds 2d8 so I capped it out at that. This way with the right aspect a smaller form can be formidable.
-Opened up wild shape. Can wild shape into different forms like the druid including vermin and magical beasts. At 20th level they get wild shape at will. I originally included huge and dimunitive magical beasts and then shuddered at the thought of hydra shenanigans.
-Ditched Defensive Instinct and replaced it with Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge. I don't like the idea of making a new martial class MAD for just one ability.
-Gave them bonus feats to be more in line with other martial classes
-Gave them an accuracy booster as most of the shapes you take will have the bonuses to hit partially negated by penalties to size.
-Gave the thousand faces ability useable at 2nd level. Alter self at will isn't exactly gamebreaking, besides it firmly establishes you as a shapeshifter at lower levels.
-Venom Immunity and Timeless Body are just honestly there to fill in dead levels but I'm pleased by their placement.
-Gave them a way to attack creatures that harm creatures attacking them with natural weapons.

Ideas for archetypes I have
Titan Shifter(I know...): A shifter that wild shapes into Giants and maybe Monstrous Humanoids.
Draconic Shifter: Form of the Dragon I-III as your wild shape option. Get draconic features like the sorcerer and dragon disciple. Aspects are different dragon colors and improve dragon forms as you level such as adding additional breath attacks a day or elemental bites.
Necromorph(I know...): A shifter focused on turning into undead creatures. Gain undead traits as you level and become undead at 20th level. Maybe have aspects be for specific types of undead.

1st level -- Shifter's Aspect: you no longer get "minutes per day" for this ability. You can have one aspect active at a time at will.

4th level -- Wild shape: There are no longer "uses per day" for this ability. You can change into the major form of any of your aspects at will.

In addition, you can use wild shape as a druid to assume forms that don't match one of your aspects (using the abilities available at an equal level -- e.g., beast shape I at 4th level, etc.). However, you can only use this ability for a number of minutes/day equal to your class level + your Wisdom modifier.

6th, 12th and 18th levels -- Bonus Feats

9th, 14th levels -- Chimeric Aspect and Greater Chimeric Aspect: using multiple aspects consumes daily minutes of your wild shape ability.

Skills- I would add disguise and intimidate as a class skill and also maybe knowledge(geography), knowledge(local), and sense motive.

Weapon Prof.- I would add a few more weapons like bolas, boomarang, great club, long spear, net, short bow, etc.

Minor morph(1st)- You can change the color of your eyes, hair, and skin(feathers, fur, scales, etc.) at will. May also grant a +2 bonus on disguise or stealth.

Shifter Aspect- I would completely change this one. Start with a few choices of abilities that you can do at will with only one active at a time.

Examples would be: +10 speed, climb 20ft, darkvision 60ft, gills(breathing water), low-light vision, scent, swim 30ft at level 1.

The list would increase as you level so you you would also gain blinsense 30ft, constrict, burrow, grab, natural armor bonus, trip, wings(flight and wing buffet), etc.

You start with only one ability active at a time and can get up to 3-5 such abilities active at a time. These abilities are active regardless what form you can are in and can be changed as a move action and maybe swift action at later levels.

Shifter claws- I would change this one were can gain different natural attacks and more attacks as you level. So at level one you would be limited to two claw/slam attacks or one bite/gore and as you level you can get more natural attacks maybe maxing out at 6-7.The damage dice, DR types, etc. would be the same as the standard shifter claws but 1d4 base damage(claws, slam, wing buffet, tentacles) would max at 2d6 and 1d6 base damage(bite, gore, tail) would max out at 2d8. Also at 4th they would count as magic weapons.

Keen senses(2nd)- Add 1/2 your shifter level to perception checks.

Wild shape(4th)- As the druids but animals only. Can used at will at level 20 as well.

Mystic tooth and fang- Your natural attacks(in any form) gain a +1 enhancement bonus wich increases by +1 every 4 levels after 4th maxing out at +5 at level 20th. These bonuses do not count as additional DR types like a standard +3 or better weapon.

Favored terrain(5th)- As the ranger's but maybe only one terrain.

Purity of Body(6th)- As the monk's.

Venom immunity(10th)- As the druid's.

Timeless Body(15th)- As the druid's.

I would also like an option to use charisma instead of wisdom for AC. Though using your constitution mod as a natural armor or armor bonus would be interesting as well.

Revised after talking to a couple of others in my group. We’re going to wait and see how it plays before we adjust it further.

1st level -- Shifter's Aspect: you no longer get "minutes per day" for this ability. You can have one aspect active at a time at will. When you gain Chimeric Aspect, you get any 2 at once. (And so on.)
**Fixes what felt like an essential but underpowered part of the class.

3rd level — Shifter’s Claws: add DR/magic.
**Necessary fix!

4th level -- Wild shape: There are no longer "uses per day" for this ability. You can change into the major form of any of your aspects at will.
**At-will wildshaping, albeit to a limited number of forms, gives this class a unique take on shapeshifting.

In addition, you can use wild shape to assume forms that don't match one of your aspects. However, you can only use this ability in this way for a number of minutes per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. (Use language from Druid wild shape ability except as follows: Functions as beast shape I. At 7th level, functions as beast shape II. At 10th, as beast shape III or elemental body I. At 13th, as elemental body II or plant shape I. At 16th, as elemental body III or plant shape II. At 19th, as elemental body IV or plant shape III.)
**And now the shifter is no longer “worse” at shifting than everyone else. She’s still locked into her primary forms except for a few minutes a day, but if she needs to be a penguin for a minute (or eventually an earth elemental or a treant), then she has that flexibility as well.

6th, 12th and 18th levels -- Bonus Feats
**Fills “empty level” gaps and gives some combat versatility.

Liberty's Edge

Hey everyone! You might want to check out the Skin-Changer in the New Paths Compendium, which releases in the next week or so.

I think the Skin-Changer might be a lot closer to what many folks were hoping for in a full BAB shifting class...

You can check out a preview of the Skin-Changer and New Paths Compendium here!:


I don't think I've seen much of this new Shifter Base Class. But what I've heard so far makes it seem worse than a Beastkin Berserker Barbarian. I'd probably just play that or a Druid if I wanted to transform. Alternatively, there's always Spheres of Power, which has an actually decent Shifter class.

Liberty's Edge

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My own Shifter fix can be found here.

It's predicated on taking the core assumption of Shifter that 'you turn into a few specific animals but do it really well' and running with it, rather than trying to make the Shifter's shapeshifting work like a Druid's (the latter is also a valid goal, mind you, just not what I was aiming for). It also does the 'chimera' thing a lot of people seemed interested in.

I suppose I might as well post it here as well:

Shifter: The Shifter gains Intimidate and Knowledge (Dungeoneering) as Class Skills and gains or modifies the following Class Features:

Shifter Aspect (Su): All duration references in Shifter Aspect change ‘minutes’ to ‘hours’. The Shifter may spend a swift action while this Class Feature is in use to switch between the Aspects she has available. A Shifter receives two Aspects at 1th level, though they still only gain one additional one at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels.
Shifter Claws (Su): All Shifters count their claws as magic weapons starting at 3rd level. If the Shifter already has claws due to race or some other factor, her claws are considered one size category higher for damage purposes. This stacks with all other such enhancements. You may manifest these claws in any form that has the spare limbs to benefit from them (which deinonychus explicitly does not), or replace the damage of existing attacks with their damage if the form lacks such limbs. You may choose to manifest slam attacks rather than claw attacks if you wish, though damage remains unchanged and attack specific Feats such as Weapon Focus (Claws) do not transfer between the two.
Wild Shape (Su): While in a Major Form and with a Minor Form active, as a standard action, the Shifter may shift into any Major Form that matches a Minor Form she currently has active. This does not change the duration of the Wild Shape or use an additional use of that ability.
Shifter Bite (Su): When you manifest shifter claws (or slams) you may also manifest a bite or gore attack, though not both. This attack does the same damage as your claw attacks, but is considered a separate type of attack for Feat purposes. You may add this attack regardless of form, allowing you to add a gore attack to any form without that attack, and a bite attack to any form without that form of attack.
Easy Shifting (Su): At 6th level, a Shifter can assume Wild Shape (or switch Major Forms within Wild Shape via Minor Forms) as a Move action whenever she wishes.
Improved Shifter Aspect (Su): At 9th level, when using a Minor Shifter Form the Shifter gains additional effects from the following list based on the Aspect in question:

Bat: You gain Blindsense (20 foot range), and a Fly Speed of 20 feet (Average Maneuverability).
Bear: You gain the Grab Ability on your Claw attacks.
Bull: You gain the Trample Universal Monster Rule (damage based on the Shifter’s Claw Damage).
Deinonychus: You gain Pounce.
Falcon: You gain a Fly Speed 40 feet (Good Maneuverability).
Frog: You gain a Swim Speed of 40 feet.
Lizard: You gain a Base Speed 60 feet.
Monkey: You gain a Climb Speed of 40 feet.
Mouse: You gain a Climb Speed of 20 feet, and a Swim Speed of 20 feet.
Owl: You gain Darkvision 60 feet (or +30 feet if it's already this high), and a Fly Speed of 20 feet (Average Maneuverability).
Snake: You gain Combat Reflexes (minimum one bonus attack of opportunity regardless of Dex).
Stag: You gain a Base Speed of 50 feet, and Scent 20 feet.
Tiger: You gain Pounce.
Wolf: You gain a free Trip on your bite attack.
Wolverine: You gain the Fast Healer Feat.

All these benefits are accompanied by physical changes and signs, though most are subtle. Flight is an exception since it comes with wings.

Effortless Shifting (Su): At 11th level, a Shifter can assume Wild Shape (or switch Major Forms within Wild Shape via Minor Forms) as a Swift action whenever she wishes.
Greater Shifter Aspect: At 15th level, in addition to the benefits received from Improved Shifter Aspect, when using a Minor Form you receive the following benefit based on their Aspect:

Bat: You gain a Fly Speed of 60 feet (Good Maneuverability)
Bear: The critical multiplier of your claws increases by 1, to a maximum of x4.
Bull: You gain Powerful Charge (+2d8) on your bite or gore attack.
Deinonychus: You gain the Spring Attack Feat.
Falcon: You gain a Fly Speed of 90 feet (Perfect Maneuverability).
Frog: You gain a Tongue Attack with 30 foot reach, as listed under Major Form.
Lizard: You gain the Grab Ability on your bite attack.
Monkey: You gain a Rend Attack as listed under Major Form.
Mouse: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while moving through or out of a creature’s threatened area or moving into its space, but you do when you leave its space.
Owl: You gain a Fly Speed of 60 feet (Good Maneuverability)
Snake: You gain poison as listed in Major Form on your bite attack.
Stag: You gain the Awesome Blow Feat and may use it on creatures your size or smaller.
Tiger: You gain a Rend Attack as listed under Major Form.
Wolf: You gain Improved Natural Attack (Bite), and a +4 racial bonus to Survival when attempting to track by scent.
Wolverine: You gain the Deathless Initiate Feat, ignoring Prerequisites.

Like Improved Shifter Aspect, all of these changes come with physical changes, which are usually fairly subtle, with the exception of flight granting wings.

Instant Shifting (Su): At 17th level, a Shifter may change forms or activate their Shifter Aspect as an immediate action. They may do this even in the surprise round or when otherwise normally incapable of acting.
Spirit Shifting (Su): At 18th level, while in a Major Form the shifter is considered to be a mundane member of that animal species for purposes of divination magic, which means that Detect Magic will reveal nothing odd about the creature in question, any alignment detection effects will reveal her Alignment as Neutral, and scrying or similar magic targeting the shifter’s humanoid identity will not reveal her while she is in such a form.
Shifting Mastery (Su): At 20th level, the Shifter has achieved complete mastery of her own form. No polymorph effect can affect her except those she chooses. She is considered immune to polymorph effects unless she chooses to be affected with them, and making such a choice is not an action of any sort.

As listed in my House Rules it also has the following two features:

Primal Connection (Su): At 2nd level the Shifter gains her Wisdom as an additional bonus on one non-Wisdom based Class Skill of her choice. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter they may apply this bonus to an additional Class Skill. Additionally, from this level on, a Shifter is considered to have the Signature Skill Feat for every skill they gain a Competence bonus in from Shifter Aspect for as long as they receive that competence bonus.
Shifting Mobility (Ex): At 7th level, a Shifter gains a +10 foot bonus to movement speed (which applies in all forms), and may make 10 foot steps instead of 5 foot steps whenever a 5 foot step would ordinarily be allowed. She may also make 5 foot (though not 10 foot) steps in difficult terrain. At 13th and again at 19th level, this movement bonus increases by +10 feet (to a maximum of +30 feet at 19th level), though their 10 foot-step never improves further. This applies to all forms of movement and applies on top of listed movement amounts for various forms.

But those are predicated on me giving skill and mobility options to all martial classes, and would be unbalancing if applied to the Shifter in isolation. The Class Skills are also for balance in my games but adding them to the Shifter is also valid.

Not adding these does leave a few dead levels, and you could add something else, but I'm honestly not sure precisely what.

That's a pretty solid array of buffs, though I'm less sure what the benefit of taking major forms is after a while. I guess the divination protection?

Liberty's Edge

The Golux wrote:
That's a pretty solid array of buffs, though I'm less sure what the benefit of taking major forms is after a while. I guess the divination protection?

Ah, but that's the cool bit. You can have two minor and one major form active at a time starting at 9th (and three minor and one major from 14th)...and all can be different. So, at that level you can have, say, a Bear Major Form with Tiger and Owl Minor Forms going. Thus creating a pouncing, flying, Bear. Which is neat.

You also get size bonuses to Str, NA bonus to AC, and assorted other benefits, but being able to stack a Major Form with divergent Minor Forms is probably the biggest advantage. And quite a large advantage at that. Additionally, you can usually manage 4 natural attacks with the above class and an animal form, and sometimes more, while a humanoid form is usually gonna be restricted to 3.

Remaining in 'human' form isn't a huge downgrade, but animal forms remain a distinct advantage. What it disincentivizes is using the same Minor Form as the Major Form you're in, but I consider that interesting and potentially neat.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm tinkering with an idea where a player could potentially play an animal that can briefly turn into a humanoid. A sort of "reverse shifter", a mix of the lycanthrope and oozeform archetypes.

The Reverse Shifter

True Form (Ex): You are an animal, choose a shifter aspect at level 1. This is the only aspect you may choose. Your natural form is that of your chosen animal aspect, your race changes to animal as well as your own creature type and you are treated as an animal or your own type. While in your true form you have abilities as Beast Shape I, this increases every 3 levels beyond first (Beast Shape II at level 4, Beast Shape III at level 7, Beast Shape IV at level 10). You gain Wild Speech as a bonus feat even if they don't otherwise qualify, and use this feat to speak in their true form. This ability alters shifter aspect and all of its improvements.

Humanoid Form (Su): You may shift into the race you chose at character creation as if using Alter Self, except the spell functions for 10 Minutes per level, plus an additional 10 minutes per point of Wisdom bonus. So a level 1 Reverse Shifter with 14 Wisdom may assume a humanoid form for 30 minutes (10 minutes for first level, 20 minutes for Wisdom bonus). This is a polymorph effect. This ability replaces Claws and all of its improvements.

Hybrid Form (Su): At 4th level, when a reverse shifter uses wild shape, instead of assuming a major form, she can assume a hybrid form that mixes the traits of her natural form and the major form of her aspect.
While in a hybrid form, she gain a +2 size bonus to her Strength score, a +2 natural armor bonus to her AC, and all of the natural attacks and abilities listed by her major form. A reverse shifter’s hybrid form is roughly the same size and shape as her natural form, albeit with bestial qualities such as digitigrade legs or shaggy fur, so her equipment does not merge into her new form when she shifts between her natural form and hybrid form. In addition, the size of a reverse shifter’s hybrid form is the same as the size of her true form. This otherwise counts as assuming a major
form using wild shape.
This alters wild shape.

Liberty's Edge

Slight revision on Wild Shape for my version:

Wild Shape (Su): Instead of receiving a limited number of Wild Shape usages per day, a Shifter receives Level + 3 hours of Wild Shape which need not be spent consecutively, but must be spent in one hour increments. This duration is separate from that of Shifter Aspect. Additionally, while in a Major Form and with a Minor Form active, as a standard action, the Shifter may shift into any Major Form that matches a Minor Form she currently has active. This does not change the duration of the Wild Shape or use any additional uses or duration of that ability.

Also, the following Feat revision:

Extended Aspects: This Feat extends the duration per day of Aspects by Wisdom in hours. If the Shifter has Wild Shape it also extends the number of hours provided by that ability by her Wisdom.

Where can you check the class? It is not in the SRD yet, is it?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Aeric Blackberry wrote:
Where can you check the class? It is not in the SRD yet, is it?

PDF and Hardcover are both on sale.

Shadow Lodge

I just finished my 1st pass on changes to the shifter. They can be found here

Please feel free to drop me any comments you might have, I'm interested to get feedback from others before I go through with some more editing passes and push some bigger changes and potentially some archetypes.

doc the grey wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:

Or displacement from one of the purple tentacle kittys!

your right that would be awesome. The concept of the class really deserves its own book.

They legally can't do displacer beasts because WotC owns them but now you're getting the idea! I've waited decades for more magical beast choices in this game and 3.5 and this would be a great place to stick it. It feels foolish that it's 2017 and it's still basically impossible or just not worth it to get a freakin magical beast companion or...

Holy s$+%,

Why isn't their a Shifter that can turn into dragons?


*heavy breathing*

I have something I'm going to have to work on...

Possible Dragonshifter? I haven't gotten to read the base class yet, so I have no idea how this is compared to the base class (likely way better), but here goes:



[b]Draconic Tendencies:
A Shifter speaks Draconic instead of Druidic, is proficient with all Simple an Martial weapons, may wear metal armor, and gains a bonus on Diplomacy or Intimidate (Shifter's choice) checks against Dragons equal to 1/2 the Shifter's level.
This replaces the Shifter's normal proficiencies, code of conduct, bonus languages, and wilderness empathy

Dragon Heritage:[/b]
A Dragonshifter chooses one type of dragon from the following list.

Dragon Type Energy Type Breath Shape
Black Acid line
Blue Electricity line
Green Acid cone
Red Fire cone
White Cold cone
Brass Fire line
Bronze Electricity line
Copper Acid line
Gold Fire cone
Silver Cold Cone

At 1st level, a Dragonshifter gains Resist 5 to the type of energy their dragon is associated with. This increases to Resist 10 at 5th level, 20 at 10th level, and immunity at level 15. This ability replaces Defensive Instinct.

Breath Weapon: (Su)
At 1st level, a Dragonshifter gets a breath weapon that is usable at will, and allows a reflex save (DC 10+1/2 the Shifter's level + the Shifter's Con modifier) for half damage. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of damage for every 3/4 levels of Shifter you have (minimum 1d6). The area of the breath weapon is either a 30-foot line or a 15-foot cone, as determined by the Breath Shape of your draconic heritage. At level 6, the area increases to a 40-foot line or a 20-foot cone. At level 11, this increases to a 60-foot line or 30-foot cone. At level 16, this becomes an 80-foot line or a 40-foot cone and the damage dice improve to d8s. At level 20, this becomes a 120-foot line or a 60-foot cone. This ability replaces Shifter's Claws

Draconic Aspect: (Su and Ex)
At 2nd level, you learn to channel the power of dragons into your person. Whenever you use this ability, choose one of the following:
2 Claw attacks that deal 1d4 (1d3 if you are small) points of damage. At 12th level, you also gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage +1 1/2 times your strength modifier
Low-light vision. At 5th level, this also grants Darkvision 60 feet
DR 2/Magic. This increases to DR 5/magic at 10th level and DR 10/magic at 20th
At 7th level, you can also choose to grow wings that grant a fly speed of 60 (average maneuverability). This improves to a fly speed of 90 feet at 17th level
At 10th level, you can also choose to gain blindsense 30 feet. This increases to blindsense 60 feet at 16th level
You may use Draconic Aspect for one minute per Shifter level you possess. These minutes need not be consecutive, and is a swift action to activate. This is treated as a Su ability when activating, and as an Ex ability thereafter (being in an antimagic field will prevent a new Aspect from starting, but does not end an Aspect prematurely or prevent a Shifter from maintaining the duration)
At 17th level, a Draconic Aspect stays active until another one is chosen. At 19th level, you may have a second Aspect active at the same time as the first for a number of minutes per day equal to your Shifter level (as above)
This replaces Track, Woodland Stride, and Trackless Step, and alters Shifter Aspect

Dragon Shape: (Su)
At 10th level, a Dragonshifter can take the form of a Medium dragon. This functions as form of the dragon I, except the breath weapon deals damage as the Shifter's breath weapon. At 12th level, you may take the shape of a Large dragon (as form of the dragon II). At 14th level, you may assume the shape of a Huge dragon, and it functions as form of the dragon III. This ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity and may be used at will. At 18th level, this becomes a move action to activate, and a swift action at 20th. This ability alters Wild Shape and replaces Chimeric Aspect, Greater Chimeric Aspect, and Final Aspect.

I used an amalgamation of kineticists, oracles, and sorcerers/dragon disciples, along with my own intuition (and the dragon bestiary entry) to figure out when different abilities should come online. I also tried to make sure it would actually be better than simply using Form of the Dragon. That would bug me to no end, if a spell could outdo an entire class in both concept and power, with virtually no investment.

....Wait a minute...

Yeah, it's absolutely better than the base Shifter.

Shadow Lodge

Dαedαlus wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:

Or displacement from one of the purple tentacle kittys!

your right that would be awesome. The concept of the class really deserves its own book.

They legally can't do displacer beasts because WotC owns them but now you're getting the idea! I've waited decades for more magical beast choices in this game and 3.5 and this would be a great place to stick it. It feels foolish that it's 2017 and it's still basically impossible or just not worth it to get a freakin magical beast companion or...

Holy s$+%,

Why isn't their a Shifter that can turn into dragons?


*heavy breathing*

I have something I'm going to have to work on...

Possible Dragonshifter? I haven't gotten to read the base class yet, so I have no idea how this is compared to the base class (likely way better), but here goes:

** spoiler omitted **...

Yeah, Dragonshifter is next on the list. She's a thing for fiddling with AFTER I get this version into a more finalized form. That said, I know I'm probably going to...

1.) Likely use form of the dragon as a base for my first draft and just do what they did with Beast Shape II for the shifter, move shit around to give you what you want earlier or more than you thought you would.

2.) The breath weapon will get better as the shifter advances in level so you get more uses of it rather than less.

3.) The phrase, "must sleep on a bed of your loot" will likely be used as some part of the build.

But, do you have any thoughts on what I've written so far?

All this talk about what one would change about the Shifter to bring it more into what one would have expected reminds me. Pack in the day I actually tried building a Shapeshifter class. This was for 3.5, back in 2012, and required some 3.5 books such as the Player's Handbook II to make use of but was a better Shifter than what we got.

Now it was made for 3.5, and if I was to remake it for Pathfinder I would probably make some changes such as increasing the Hit Die and skills. But the base was the Shapeshifting variant of the Druid from Player's Handbook II. The bonuses from the forms would probably become Size bonuses like the Polymorph effects in Pathfinder, allowing magic items Enhancement bonus to actually stack.

I won't say it isn't derivative and uninspired. It was based off the Shapeshift variant of the Druid in the PHII of D&D 3.5, merged with things from the Warshaper PrC and Nature's Warrior PrC both from Complete Warrior also in 3.5 D&D.



A Master of the Shifting Forms


Much like a barbarian or fighter the Shapeshifter finds having someone to buff their abilities quite useful.

Abilities: Unlike many who take on the form of other beings The Shapeshifter relies upon their own physical ability, as such all three Physical stats are important. Strength to improved accuracy and damage, Dexterity to improve their likely low AC, and Constitution of course for Hit Points. Which should be primary is largely dependent upon what the individual chooses to focus upon. Beyond the physical stats a good Wisdom helps make them perceptive as an animal, a good Intelligence of course gives them more skill points, and a good Charisma would help with any subterfuge the Shapeshifter may wish to engage in.

Races: The Shapeshifter is common to any physically capable race, though primarily those who may choose to live with nature. In particular Humans, who excel at whatever they try, and Shifters who have an edge in the realm of changing forms, make excellent Shapeshifters.

Alignment: Shapeshifters may be of any alignment, and don't favor any particular alignment.
Starting Gold: Shapeshifters start with 2d4x10 GP.

Starting Age: As Barbarian; Shapeshifters do not spend a great deal of time in starting their trade.

Class Skills
The class skills for Shapeshifter (and the key ability for each skill) are: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skills at 1st Level : (4 + int)x4
Skills at Each Additional Level : 4 + int

Hit Dice: d8

BAB: Good
Defenses: Good For and Ref, poor Will

1 Speak With Animals, Shape shift (Predator), Meld with Equipment
2 Morphic Immunity (25%), Manipulate Nature (least)
3 Bonus Feat, Morphic Weapons (Minor)
4 Shape shift (Predator - Mobility), Nature's Armament
5 Shape shift (Aerial), 1000 Faces (Disguise +5)
6 Manipulate Nature (lesser), Bonus Feat, Wild's Fury, Morphic Healing (2)
7 Shape shift (Aerial - Flyby Attack), Speak with Plants
8 Shape shift (Ferocious Slayer), Nature's Armament
9 Morphic Body, Morphic Immunity (50%), Bonus Feat
10 Shape shift (Ferocious Slayer - Improved Critical (Bite, Claw)), Morphic Weapons (Major), 1000 Faces (Disguise +10), Morphic Healing (Regen)
11 Morphic Reach, Manipulate Nature (Greater)
12 Shape shift (Forest Avenger), Nature's Armament
13 Bonus Feat, Morphic Immunity (75%)
14 Shape shift (Forest Avenger - Improved Overrun)
15 Bonus Feat, Dual Form, 1000 Faces (Disguise +15)
16 Shape shift (Elemental Fury), Nature's Armament
17 Manipulate Nature Mastery, Morphic Immunity (100%)
18 Shape shift (Elemental Fury - Great Cleave), Bonus Feat
20 Nature's Armament, Chimeric Form, 1000 Faces (+20 Disguise)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Shapeshifters are proficient with Simple Weapons and Light Armor.

Speak with Animals: As the spell, at will. At 7th level can also speak with plants.

Shape shift: As the Variant ability for Druid in Player's Handbook II.

Meld with Equipment: At first level the Shape shifter can allow the magical properties of one piece of equipment to carry over into their shape shifted form. They gain the enhancement bonus or special ability of the item. At third level, and every three levels after that, they may designate one more item to meld into their form.

Morphic Immunity: The shapeshifter is nearly immune to stunning and critical hits, having a 25% chance to negate such. At 9th it improves to 50%, to 75% at 13th and finally 100% immunity at 17th.

Manipulate Nature: Early on the Shapeshifter's connection to the natural world allows them to bestow life giving energy upon small plants. This allows him to return health to flowers, grass, planted fruits and vegetables and such. The shapeshifter could cause a flower to bloom, speed or improve a harvest, or similar simple things at 2nd level. At 6th level a simple moments concentration could allow a Shapeshifter to ask a tree to release a simple tool or construct of wood, without harming the tree. The largest would be a small two person canoe. Or ask a tree limb to move out of the way a little bit. The shapeshifter could pull free as much vine rope as they need, again without causing any harm. At 11th level a Shapeshifter can stand at a ravine and place their hands upon the ground and near instantaneously call forth a vine bridge to cross the gap. They can place their hands upon a significantly large tree and open a knothole door leading to a space that acts like leomund's tiny hut(maybe a different spell would be better?). Or they could place their hands upon the ground and call forth a small crystal clear pool of water. By 17th level large changes are available, more limited by imagination than power. Such feats as moving trees in a forest or creating a permanent oasis in a desert are all possible. Upon first gaining Manipulate Nature the Shapeshifter selects an environment that Manipulate
Nature affects, every time the ability improves they may select one more environment to affect.

Morphic Healing: At 6th level the shape shifter gains fast healing 1. This fast healing improves by 1 point every
four levels. Thus at 6th level they actually have fast healing 2. At tenth level Morphic Healing improves further. In addition to the fast healing already provided Morphic Healing now also provides Regeneration equal to the Shapeshifters levels in Shapeshifter. The Regeneration can be bypassed by Fire and Acid, making all other damage subdual. The Shapeshifter still keeps the fast healing, so they can recover more slowly from Fire and Acid damage.

Bonus Feat: At third level, and every 3 levels there after, the Shapeshifter gains a bonus feat from the following list, ignoring racial restrictions. Great Flyby Attack, Improved Flight, Improved Flyby Attack, Improved Natural Attack (when taken it improves all attacks granted by Shapeshift or Nature's Armament), Improved Multiattack, Improved Rapidstrike, Large and In Charge, Multiattack, Thick Skin, Rapid Strike. Shifter feats.

Morphic Weapon: At third level upon taking your shape shifted form you can create one set of natural weapons such as a pair of horns, a bite, or a pair of claws. You can change your choice as a swift action once per round. At 10th level upon shape shifting you may form up to two sets of natural weapons, and again you may change one or both sets of natural weapons once per round with a swift action. The Natural Weapons formed from this feature count in all ways as Shapeshifter natural attacks for the Improved Natural Attack feat.

Nature's Armament: At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter the shape shifter can select a Nature's Armament from the following selection.
Armor of the Crocodile: Natural Armor improves by 2, plus 1/3 levels (including 3rd, so 3 if taken at 4th, and 8 by 18th, when it's at maximum).
Blaze of Power: While shifted into a fire elemental form, the shapeshifter is covered in a blaze of power that functions as a warm fire shield at a caster level equal to his shapeshifter level.
Claws of the Grizzly: While shifted the shape shifter gains a +3 bonus on damage when using her natural weapons.
Earth Glide: While shifted into the form of an Earth Elemental the Shapeshifter gains the Earth Elemental's Earth Glide ability. This functions identically to the Earth Elemental's ability.
Earth’s Resilience: While shifted the shape shifter gains damage reduction 3/-
Robe of Clouds: While shifted into an air elemental form, the shape shifter may as a free action wreathes his body in mist and clouds giving him concealment, though it does not affect his ability to see or act at all.
Senses of the Bat: While shifted gain Blindsense 30ft, this Blindsense improves to 60ft at 10th level.
Venomous Bite: While shifted any bite attack, or stinger attack, the Shapeshifter's form grants it or that it shaped with Morphic Weapons gains a minor poison. This poison deals 1d3 Strength damage, with a save (DC 10+1/2 HD +Con mod) to negate.
Water’s Flow: While shifted into a water elemental form, the shape shifter’s movement is a flowing rush of water. She may move at her base land speed while in this form but does not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving.
Wild Growth: 50% increase in healing rate from any fast healing and/or regeneration.
Wings of the Hurricane: While shifted in the Aerial or Air Elemental form the shape shifter’s base fly speed becomes 80 feet, with perfect maneuverability.

1000 Faces: Begins as the Disguise Self ability of the Changeling. At 10th level it improves to Alter Self at will. At 15th level the bonus to disguise improves to +15, and again at 20th to +20.

Morphic Body: At ninth level when ever the shape shifter takes a form other than their own using their abilities they gain a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution.

Morphic Reach: At eleventh level the Shape shifter's reach with all natural attacks increases by five feet. Unlike usual increases in reach this extra reach is not immediately visible, only becoming apparent when they make use of it. As such a foe may be surprised by just how far the shape shifter can reach.

Dual Form: At 15th level the shape shifter can combine two forms into one hybrid form melding the features as usual enhancement bonuses do not stack, so choose the best for each category. At 20th level this ability improves into Chimeric Form, at this point the shape shifter can meld three forms into one.

For those unfamiliar with the Shapeshift variant of the Druid in the 3.5 PHII that this homebrew class uses for its shapeshifting feature the variant loses animal companion for an at will shapeshifting that is well not as good as the Druid's Wild Shape. It is at will with a limited pool of forms. But you don't get to pick forms out of the pool, instead what you have available is based off your level. It doesn't list specific animals instead listing "Predator" form, or "Aerial" form that could be flavored as any number of animals. Each form gives a specific natural attack, or more, with damage listed for a small or medium sized version. Each gives a specific speed. Each gets a feat or two automatically applied while in that form at a later level, such as the Predator form getting Mobility at 4th level. Each form gives an Enhancement bonus to Str and a bonus to Natural Armor. Some forms increase your size.

The forms available are: Predator (basically a wolf or similar) at 1st, Aerial (some form of flying animal like a bird), Ferocious Slayer (a larger predator like a tiger or bear), Forest Avenger (some plant like creature like a treant), Elemental Fury (an elemental). The enhancement bonuses could get quite large for the larger forms like Forest Avenger and Elemental Fury.

Of course this was for 3.5, and made a simpler version of Shapeshifting compared to the standard Druid. Pathfinder's polymorph effects and Wild Shape are simpler and a bit more like the Shapeshift variant in that they add on to the character instead of replacing.

The above class is not perfect, and can't pull off a lot of utility forms like tiny spying forms or anything but is still better than the Shifter since it has at will Shifting, gets larger bonuses, has a few things it can pick to enhance its forms, can merge some magic items without spending a fortune on Wild items, and has a flavorful nature manipulation ability.

If I would update it to Pathfinder I would probably take some of the Aspect options and convert them into Nature's Armaments. I would probably give the class something like Shifter's Claws and have them effect the natural weapons of the various forms. I would possibly add more forms for more utility. Or scrap the forms and instead have it Shift at will as Wild Shape/X Form spells. Possibly I would give a Monk AC like bonus, though probably not Wis based. But then again maybe not as the class as is could potentially get a lot of Natural Armor.

If I had to rework the Shifter, I'd start from the capstone and basically work backwards. The ideal capstone for a class called the Shifter, is a constant (Ex) Shapechange ability. Though I can definitely settle for (Su).

Working backwards from there, would probably just to give it the Druid's Wild Shape, only expanding past level 12 with access to Giant Form and Form of the Dragon. By level 20, you get a constant Shapechange. I could also rescale the leveling so that they start from level 1.

Instead of shifter claws, I'd give the Shifter access to a list of natural weapons they can choose to always have active, regardless of form. It would start at 1, and then increase at levels 6, 11, and 16, to replicate the attacks gained by BAB. It would likely have to replace attacks they gain when they shapeshift, but ce la vie.

On odd levels, we can give the class access to Universal Monster abilities. The type of Universal Monster ability will be limited to those possessed by creatures they could otherwise transform into with their current level of Wild Shape. So no abilities from Elemental Form when all you can do is Beast Shape, basically.

That's about all, but I think it accomplishes the goal of making an effective martial class focused on Shapeshifting without being too difficult to learn or use.

Personally, I would like it if the Shifter had a Shapechange-like capstone, except that it also allowed the other polymorph spells that have been released since the CRB. Montstrous Physique, Vermin Shape, the alternate Forms of the Dragon, Undead Anatomy, Naga Shape, Geniekind, Fey Form, and the Ooze polymorphs. And, hopefully the abberation, fiend/celestial/neutral outsiders, and construct polymorphs (when we get them) as well.

So I decided to update my 2012 Shapeshifter class to Pathfinder. I changed a few things to fit with how they typically changed to Pathfinder, I switched from the static specific forms the Shapeshift Druid had to using the Pathfinder Polymorph rules. Giving the Shapeshifter a Wild Shape like ability usable at will at 1st level, scaling to Beast Shape II at 4th level when the Shifter gets it. Then scaling like the Druid, but moving everything down to represent having Beast Shape II at 4th level. Then adding Form of the Dragon and Ooze Shape forms into the mix, determining where to add them by looking at spell level for the various Form/Body/Shape spells so that anything that required Spell Level 5 was on the same level.

I did not add in Aspects from Shifter, but did change when my Chimeric abilities came online to when the Shifter got them for its Aspects.

I did add in the Defensive Insight and Shifters Claws abilities. Modified to better fit the class and reduce MAD.

AC may potentially get too high with the right Nature's Armament, and I do kind of want to add more Nature's Armament options and bonus feats.

It might also be worthwhile to search for the Montstrous Physique, Vermin Shape, Undead Anatomy, Naga Shape, Geniekind, and Fey Form options and add them in. Unless leaving them for Archetypes.

But for now this is what I have:


A Master of the Shifting Forms

Role: The Shapeshifter is so attuned to nature and myriad beasts within that he can call upon them to fortify his being. Fluid in form the Shapeshifter can take on many forms, and even manipulate the natural world around him.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Dice: d10

Starting Wealth: Shapeshifters start with 3d6x10 GP.

Starting Age: As Barbarian; Shapeshifters do not spend a great deal of time in starting their trade.

Class Skills
The class skills for Shapeshifter (and the key ability for each skill) are: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession(Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).
Skills Ranks Per Level: (6 + int)

Class Features

BAB: Good
Defenses: Good Fort and Ref, poor Will

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Shapeshifters are proficient with Simple Weapons and Light Armor.

Unlesss specified otherwise all abilities are EX.

Speak with Animals: At first level the Shapeshifter can speak with animals, ss the spell, at will. At 7th level this improves so they can also speak with plants.
Shapeshift: At 1st level, a shapeshifter gains the ability to turn himself into any Small or Medium animal and back again at will. His options for new forms include all creatures with the animal type. This ability functions like the beast shape I spell, except as noted here. The effect lasts for as long as the shapeshifter wishes, or until he changes back. Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. At 5th level changing form becomes a move action, at 10th level a swift action, and at 15th level a free action. Changing form can still only be done once per turn. The form chosen must be that of an animal the shapeshifter is familiar with.

A shapeshifter loses his ability to speak while in animal form because he is limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal can make, but he can communicate normally with other animals of the same general grouping as her new form. (The normal sound a wild parrot makes is a squawk, so changing to this form does not permit speech.) At 5th level this restriction goes away for all forms, though the shapeshifter still cannot cast spells while in form normally incapable of it.

As a shapeshifter gains in levels, this ability allows the shapeshifter to take on the form of larger and smaller animals, elementals, plants, oozes and dragons.

At 4th level, a shapeshifter can use wild shape to change into a Large or Tiny animal or a Small elemental. When taking the form of an animal, a shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as beast shape II. When taking the form of an elemental, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift functions as elemental body I.

At 6th level, a shapeshifter can use shapeshift to change into a Huge or Diminutive animal, a Medium elemental, a Small or Medium plant creature, a Small or Medium magical beast, or a Small or Medium Ooze. When taking the form of animals or magical beasts, a shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as beast shape III. When taking the form of an elemental, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as elemental body II. When taking the form of a plant creature, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift functions as plant shape I. When taking the form of an ooze, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift functions as Ooze Shape I.

At 8th level, a shapeshifter can use shapeshifter to change into a Large elemental, a Large plant creature, a tiny or Huge Magical Beast,a Large Ooze, or a Medium dragon. When taking the form of an elemental, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as elemental body III. When taking the form of a plant, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as plant shape II. When taking the form of a magical beast, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as Beast Shape IV. When taking the form of an ooze, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as Ooze Shape II. When taking the form of a dragon, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as Form of the Dragon I.

At 10th level, a shapeshifter can use shapeshift to change into a Huge elemental, a Huge plant creature, a Huge Ooze, or a Large dragon. When taking the form of an elemental, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as elemental body IV. When taking the form of a plant, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as plant shape III. When taking the form of an ooze, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as Ooze Shape III. When taking the form of a dragon, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as Form of the Dragon II.

At 12th level, a shapeshifter can use shapeshift to change into a Huge dragon. When taking the form of a dragon, the shapeshifter’s shapeshift now functions as Form of the Dragon III.
Meld with Equipment: At first level the Shapeshifter can allow the magical properties of one piece of equipment to carry over while shapeshifted. They gain the enhancement bonus or special ability of the item. At third level, and every three levels after that, they may designate one more item to meld into their form.
Shapeshift Claws: At will, a Shapeshifter in his natural form can extend his claws as a swift action to use as a weapon. This magical transformation is fueled as much by the shifter’s faith in the natural world as it is by inborn talent. The claws on each hand can be used as a primary natural attack, dealing 1d6 points of piercing and slashing damage (1d4 if he is Small). If he uses one of his claw attacks in concert with a weapon held in the other hand, the claw acts as a secondary natural attack instead. These claws count as magical for overcoming DR.

As the shapeshifter gains levels, the power of his claws increases. At 3rd level, his claws ignore DR/cold iron and DR/silver. At 7th level, his claw damage increases to 1d8 (1d6 if Small). At 11th level, his claw damage increases to 1d10 (1d8 if Small). At 13th level, his claw damage increases to 2d6 (1d10 if Small). At 17th level, the damage die does not increase, but the critical multiplier becomes ×3. Lastly, at 19th level, the claws ignore DR/adamantine and DR/—.

While a shapeshifter uses shapeshift to assume an alternate form, his natural attacks gain the same benefits granted by his shapeshifter claws ability. For each natural attack the form has he can use either his shapeshifter claws damage or the base damage of the natural attack, whichever is better.
Morphic Immunity: At 2nd level the shapeshifter is nearly immune to stunning and critical hits, having a 25% chance to negate such. It improves at 9th level to 50%, again at 13th level to 75% and becomes full 100% immunity at 17th level.
Manipulate Nature (SU): At 2nd level the Shapeshifter's connection to the natural world allows them to bestow life giving energy upon small plants. This allows him to return health to flowers, grass, planted fruits and vegetables and such. The shapeshifter can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as briars, natural thorns, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. This works even for magically animated or enchanted plants. The shapeshifter could cause a flower to bloom, speed or improve a harvest, or similar simple things at 2nd level. At 6th level a simple moments concentration could allow a Shapeshifter to ask a tree to release a simple tool or construct of wood, without harming the tree. The largest would be a small two person canoe. Or ask a tree limb to move out of the way a little bit. The shapeshifter could pull free as much vine rope as they need, again without causing any harm. At 11th level a Shapeshifter can stand at a ravine and place their hands upon the ground and near instantaneously call forth a vine bridge to cross the gap. They can place their hands upon a significantly large tree and open a knothole door leading to a space that acts like Mage’s Magnificent Mansion. Or they could place their hands upon the ground and call forth a small crystal clear pool of water. By 17th level large changes are available, more limited by imagination than power. Such feats as moving trees in a forest or creating a permanent oasis in a desert are all possible. Upon first gaining Manipulate Nature the Shapeshifter selects an environment that Manipulate Nature affects, every time the ability improves they may select one more environment to affect.
Defensive Instinct: At 2nd level, when unarmored, not using a shield, unencumbered, and conscious, the shapeshifter adds his Constitution bonus (if any) to his AC and CMD. This bonus applies in all forms he may take with Shapeshift or 1000 Faces.

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks and when the shapeshifter is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless. These bonuses do not stack with the monk AC bonus class feature, or any other class feature that adds Wisdom or Constitution to AC.
Morphic Healing: At 6th level the shapeshifter’s body can heal small wounds quicker. He gains fast healing 2. This improves to fast healing 3 at 8th level, and by 1 more point every four levels thereafter. At tenth level the Shapeshifter’s body becomes even more resistant. His Morphic Healing improves further. In addition to the fast healing already provided by Morphic Healing he now also gains Regeneration equal to his level. This Regeneration can be bypassed by Fire and Acid, all other damage types are dealt as subdual. He still retains his fast healing, allowing him to heal from Fire and Acid damage at the slower rate of his fast healing.
Bonus Feat: At third level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the Shapeshifter gains a bonus feat from the following list, ignoring racial restrictions. Hover, Impaling Charge, Improved Flight,Improved Natural Attack (taking this for Shapeshift Claws improves all natural weapons benefiting from Shapeshift Claws), Improved Natural Armor, Multiattack, Nightstalker. Shifter feats. And possibly other Monster feats at DM discretion.
Morphic Weapon: At 3rd level upon taking your shapeshifted form you can create one set of natural weapons such as a pair of horns, a bite, or a pair of claws. You can change your choice as a swift action once per round. At 10th level upon shape shifting you may form up to two sets of natural weapons, and again you may change one or both sets of natural weapons once per round with a swift action. The Natural Weapons formed from this feature count in all ways as Shapeshift Claws.
Nature's Armament: At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter the shapeshifter can select a Nature's Armament from the following selection.
Armor of the Crocodile: The Shapeshifters Natural Armor improves by 2, plus 1/3 total Shapeshifter levels. This works even in his base form.
Blaze of Power: The Shapeshifter may take in the power of a fire elemental infusing all of his Shapeshift forms with a blaze of power. While shapeshifted he is under the effect of a warm fire shield with a caster level equal to his shapeshifter level. He can choose to suppress or resume this ability as a free action at will.
Claws of the Grizzly: While shapeshifted the shapeshifter gains an enhancement bonus to their natural attacks equal to +1/3rd their shapeshifter level.
Earth Glide: The shapeshifter may take in the power of an earth elemental infusing all of his Shapeshift forms with the ability to glide through earth. While shapeshifted into any form Shapeshifter gains the Earth Elemental's Earth Glide ability.
Earth’s Resilience: While shapeshifted the shape shifter gains damage reduction 2+1/3rd shapeshifter level/- stacking with any other DR/- from form.
Robe of Clouds: The Shapeshifter may take in the power of an air elemental infusing all of his Shapeshift forms with a robe of clouds. While shapeshifted into any form, the shapeshifter may as a free action wreathe his body in mist and clouds giving him concealment, though it does not affect his ability to see or act at all.
Senses of the Bat: While shapeshifted the Shapeshifter gains Blindsight 30ft, or improves his Blindsight by 30ft, this Blindsight by 30ft at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
Venomous Bite: While shapeshifted any bite or stinger natural attacks the form grants, or that it has formed with Morphic Weapons, gain a minor poison. This poison deals 1d3 Strength damage, with a save (DC 10+1/2 HD +Con mod) to negate.
Water’s Flow: The Shapeshifter may take in the power of a water elemental infusing all of his Shapeshift forms with the water’s ability to flow. While shapeshifted into any form the shapeshifter’s movement is a flowing rush of water. He may move at his base land speed while in this form but does not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving.
Wild Growth: The Shapeshifter’s body becomes even hardier, with a 50% increase in healing rate from any fast healing and/or regeneration provided by Morphic Healing or other sources.
Wings of the Hurricane: The Shapeshifter may take in the power of an air elemental improving his flight capabilities. While shapeshifted into a form with Flight the form’s base fly speed improves by 30ft if faster than 80ft, or to 80 ft if slower. Maneuverability becomes perfect.
1000 Faces: At fifth level the Shapeshifter can so easily change forms that even their base form is easily malleable. This ability is at will and uses the same type of action as Shapeshift, and anything that affects Shapeshift also affects this ability.. It begins at 5th level by providing a +5 bonus to disguise while in use, otherwise working as the Disguise Self spell. At 10th level it improves to function as Alter Self with the disguise bonus improving to +10. At 15th level the bonus to disguise improves to +15, and again at 20th to +20.
Chimeric Form: At 9th level the shapeshifter can combine two Shapeshift or 1000 Faces forms into one hybrid form melding the features and abilities of both forms, as usual Size bonuses don’t stack. You gain abilities from both forms, taking the best speeds for each movement mode available to either form, and you gain the Size bonuses from each form, taking the best Size bonus for each stat. This can be used to combine a form from Shapeshift and a form from 1000 Faces to create something like a wolfman or dragon man if you wish. Or allow you to be an elemental bear, or an “owl”bear. At 14th level this ability improves into Greater Chimeric Form allowing you to combine 3 forms instead of 2. And at 20th level it become True Chimeric Form allowing you to combine 5 forms instead of 2 or 3.
Morphic Body: At 9th level the Shapeshifter’s skill at altering their form allows them to improve the strength and endurance of any form they take. Whenever he uses his Shapeshift or 1000 Faces ability to take on a form other than his own the shapeshifter gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution that stacks with any Size bonuses those forms might provide.
Morphic Reach: At 11th level the Shapeshifter's body is so fluid that his limbs are longer than they appear. His reach with all natural attacks increases by five feet. Unlike usual increases in reach this extra reach is not immediately visible, only becoming apparent when he makes use of it. As such a foe may be surprised by just how far the shapeshifter can reach.

Hey all! I gave a go at my take on a "fixed shifter". I have posted this up a few times already so I apologize if you saw it somewhere else. I am pretty sure I took some ideas from this post, and I directly took some ideas and a few names from another post on here.

Anyway, I am most worried about the Evolution Points, if they should be there at all, and if they should be completely mutable or should be assigned at the beginning of the day.

Give me lots of feedback, please!

Fixed Shifter Doc

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:

Hey everyone! You might want to check out the Skin-Changer in the New Paths Compendium, which releases in the next week or so.

I think the Skin-Changer might be a lot closer to what many folks were hoping for in a full BAB shifting class...

You can check out a preview of the Skin-Changer and New Paths Compendium here!:


Quick follow up - the book is now available!

Expanded and Updated New Paths Compendium Hardcover

Shadow Lodge

So, I finished my 1st pass at a Shifter update and I'm looking for input. If anyone is interested and wants to throw in some editing or critique advice feel free! Comments should be enabled and I will also be checking in here if you are interested.

Changes are highlighted in orange and some of my own editing notes should be visible on the right if you're interested in trying to crack some of my own problems.

Updated Shifter 1st Pass

1 person marked this as a favorite.
doc the grey wrote:

So, I finished my 1st pass at a Shifter update and I'm looking for input. If anyone is interested and wants to throw in some editing or critique advice feel free! Comments should be enabled and I will also be checking in here if you are interested.

Changes are highlighted in orange and some of my own editing notes should be visible on the right if you're interested in trying to crack some of my own problems.

Updated Shifter 1st Pass

Simple, but good! The big and absolutely necessary (at minimum) change is making the wild shape last 2 hours per level. It is ridiculous that the Shifter gets less variety than a druid, no spells, and can only shape the same amount of time. Honestly, it should just be at will once you hit fourth level. Maybe even sooner. But this seems like a very easy compromise that most GM's would be cool with.

The Shifter from Spheres of Power is pretty much perfect imo - just take out the CL and grant access to various Base Forms and Traits as they level up, then increase their BAB. Their Alteration sphere is one of the best takes on shapeshifting abilities, having you pick base forms and adding traits to that form limited by your level. It's not even tied to specific animals so you're free to flavor it as whatever you want! I have a player who wanted to transform into a dragon, and they can do that at Level 1 just fine (nowhere near as strong as the real thing... yet).

Shadow Lodge

nerdamus wrote:
doc the grey wrote:

So, I finished my 1st pass at a Shifter update and I'm looking for input. If anyone is interested and wants to throw in some editing or critique advice feel free! Comments should be enabled and I will also be checking in here if you are interested.

Changes are highlighted in orange and some of my own editing notes should be visible on the right if you're interested in trying to crack some of my own problems.

Updated Shifter 1st Pass

Simple, but good! The big and absolutely necessary (at minimum) change is making the wild shape last 2 hours per level. It is ridiculous that the Shifter gets less variety than a druid, no spells, and can only shape the same amount of time. Honestly, it should just be at will once you hit fourth level. Maybe even sooner. But this seems like a very easy compromise that most GM's would be cool with.

Thank you! Any thoughts on the changes to the Snake and Mouse aspects? What about thoughts on any of the notes thrown in there?

Sorry that this is a Necro (I think?) but I really like your updates Doc, the Mouse and Snake additions are awesome! Really wondered why they didn't give us the option of being a constrictor in the first place, and the mouse is an even better scout form with this.

Definitely gonna see if I can't get these changes added alongside the Official Fixes in our home games....

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