![]() Hmm I feel like some of the stuff on Demiplane doesn't list the number of actions. I don't think I noticed how many actions any of the Focus spells cost. Then I just got to the 10th level feat Quickened Casting for the Necromancer and it doesn't list any actions it takes. Though if that takes actual actions it wouldn't be any good. Looking around and it seems some other classes have a feat with the same name, that is a Free Action, but those also have a frequency of once a day while the Necromancer one does not list that. ![]()
![]() TheTownsend wrote:
So from what I understand there are 3 Ikons which mention unarmed. The splash unarmed specific one, Gleaming Blade which mentions slashing, and possibly piercing?, unarmed weapons as an option, and Titan Breaker which mentions bludgeoning unarmed weapons as an option. The thing is most of the other Ikons don't mention unarmed, but might say something like slashing or piercing weapons. The question is can you choose an unarmed attack that does that type of damage for the Ikon. And the followup is if you can't say pick Barrow's Edge for a piercing bite attack then would a feats you can select as you level that require certain ikon types work with ANY unarmed attacks at all if they don't specifically call out unarmed. In the images I have seen none of the feats specify unarmed attacks as an option. So I worry that we got a few unarmed options but then we might not actually be able to use them well. ![]()
![]() So for someone who has the book are there any feats in Exemplar that specifically call out working with an Unarmed Ikon? I was watching a video and commented on how it would be cool if a Kholo could use Barrow's Edge on their teeth and it was brought up that that Ikon doesn't mention an unarmed weapon. And that got me thinking that I don't remember any of the feats that were shown as having text about unarmed weapons. So would an Unarmed Ikon work for anything that asks for a melee weapon, possibly dealing a specific type of damage, or would it not work unless the feat specifically calls out working with an unarmed ikon. ![]()
![]() Not sure what the first suggested option with the 2 traits is supposed to be, damage wise. Assuming the third option with the 60ft Thrown has an auto returning kind of thing that would be the option I would probably take most of the time because of how versatile and switch hitting it would be, not sure if you were suggesting a lower damage die for that or not. Kind of wish it worked kind of like Weapon Infusion, but perhaps without such a large range option. A 60ft range increment as the largest range increment option seems fine to me. These kind of options would mean you wouldn't have a ranged Solar Flare and a melee Solar Weapon at the same time. Binaric Assault would have to change for that kind of thing, though it could just let you create "two" weapons where one is ranged and one is melee to use both. ![]()
![]() Exocist wrote:
So spending the actions does increase the damage by more than 1. Photon also adds 1 fire per weapon, including the first weapon. While Graviton instead adds an additional +2 damage per weapon, including the first one. The extra damage per additional weapon increases by +2 every 3 levels. So on the strictest reading that is +12 damage at 18th level plus the initial +2 from using the two actions to add weapons. +6 more if you are in Graviton mode, or +3 fire if in Photon. For full weapon damage plus 20. Now depending on wording it might actually be higher than that. Speaking of Constellation Vortex I feel like if you make your Solar Weapon a reach weapon I feel like Constellation Vortex should extend ten feet from you instead of just adjacent. Not that the wording supports that, I just feel like if your Solar Weapon is that long it should effect a larger area when spinning around you. ![]()
![]() So one the one hand I do believe Solarians need a way to have flight eventually, not necessarily at 1st level but eventually. Perhaps at levels similar to where other Ancestries can pick it up or when Flightpacks and such become available. I don't like the Flight or Speed bonuses being tied to a specific subclass and attunement. Would rather they were both folded into the base class, possibly requiring a feat but preferably just baked in. Just require being attuned at all to have them active. Maybe Photon would make the Flight faster and Graviton would provide some other benefit like Floating and not needing to use actions to stay afloat. Kind of feel like a Solarian should become Cosmic and have the Cosmic Flight stuff that Prismeni can eventually grab, including the double flight speed in the Drift. Speaking of issues with the Solarian I feel like Solar Shot should have a larger range, and preferably range increments as well, and a way to benefit from the solarian crystals you swallow for your Solar Weapon. Of course I would also like it if the Solar Weapon scaled naturally to some degree like the Solar Shot. Also not happy with the physical damage types of it. I feel like it should be more solar manifestation "lightsaber" maybe dealing Plasma fire/lightning damage in Photon mode and maybe Cold or something in Graviton. Also with a name like Solar Nimbus I feel like it should have some kind of aura thing. Photon maybe doing Fire or Plasma damage in a scaling emanation from you. Graviton perhaps having a pull against enemies in your, probably double sized, aura so all those ranged enemies just start getting pulled in closer to you, and perhaps making it Difficult Terrain to try and move away from you, the closer they are to you the more movement it costs to try and move away from you? Speaking of damage near you how does Constellation Vortex actually work? Is it a 1 to 3 action activity to create that many weapons around you, or 1 action and at any point while you have it up you can spend another to add another weapon? If you have 3 weapons up is that 1d8+2 or 1d8+33? Does it add your Str? Does it add extra dice as you gain Solarian Striker Weapon Crystals? What about Orbital Solarian Crystals that add damage to the Solar Weapon? ![]()
![]() Yeah I am real tempted on Prismeni for a number of characters, if you can spare the actions in combat it gives you some rounds of free firing, eventually when your spell rank is high enough, or fully charge your batter out of combat. But also on an aesthetic style. The iridescent coloring is one of my favorite color schemes. ![]()
![]() So I feel like I saw this mentioned before, but didn't see any consensus on if it works or not. The Swarm Exile heritage for Shirren have a Bio-Cannon built in, there is a level 9 Heritage feat to upgrade this Bio-Cannon to 40ft range, and also give it the option of an area line as a free action. So I am wondering if this would count as an Area Weapon for the Soldier? And if so would it take 2 actions or 1 to fire the line? ![]()
![]() Wondering how the feat at the same level as Quantum Aura would interact with it, or the high level ability that makes your quantum field 100 feet. Would be nice if you can spend the actions to make your aura up to 60 feet, or at a high enough level have your aura go out to 100 feet and use the other feet to increase it up to 150 feet eventually. Though we also need to know a bit more about how well you can choose who is and is not effected by your field. ![]()
![]() Why do you have a dead turn when reloading? Most of the weapons seem to have one action to reload. At higher levels batteries have more Charge but the weapons don't have higher Expend, so for battery powered weapons you can go longer before needing to replace the battery. If you have a weapon that takes two actions to reload there is a feat to make that one action if your last action was one that consumed ammo. So unless something had a reload of more than two actions you pretty much can reload for one action, and still get a two action attack off. You wouldn't be able to move around at the same time unless you had a feat that lets you fire for one action. ![]()
![]() Oh I somehow missed Living Typhoon not ignoring Unwieldy. When I first read it I was like why would you take this when you could take Fanning the Hammer at level 14. Then I was like oh Fanning the Hammer doesn't allow Primary Target and this does. But if it doesn't ignore Unwieldly it seems worse than Fanning the Hammer. I guess you could take both to get two area attacks and a Primary Target, perhaps with the feat that lets you make a follow up to your Primary Target. But Living Typhoon specifies you can't make more than two area attacks a round, a limitation I don't think Fanning the Hammer has. I like the idea of a Prismeni Soldier for charging batteries out of combat instead of having to buy new batteries all the time. ![]()
![]() Yeah Fury is sad. I don't remember which resistances they get off hand but I would give them all three physical resistances. Then make Scars of Steel a passive increase to their Raging Resistance equal to their Str mod or something, or if you want to focus on protecting against crits maybe double their Raging Resistance against damage from a Crit, not once a day just every time they are crit. Fury just doesn't excite me and the moment, and not really feeling Superstitious either. Really interested in a Giant Barbarian with a bunch of reach and whirlwind. Or grabbing the Thrash stuff to hit someone with someone else. Really interested in an Animal Barbarian, especially with Ankylosaurus as an option since a little while back. Going all in on Animal Skin and being somewhat tanky for a Barbarian, maybe even go Awakened Animal. Dragon Barbarian still seems cool and feels like they made the Dragon Form better, possibly really good or thematic with the new Dragonblood Heritage. Also really like the idea of going for as fast of a speed as possible and being able to x8 Stride or do some great rundown stuff, maybe as a Centaur with a 35 base speed, not sure if any other Ancestries or Heritages can get better. I do wish Giant Barbarian's large then huge feats could work somehow with Ancestries that are already large. ![]()
![]() So watching Wisdom Check's video on the Alchemist and they found some interesting interactions between the Alchemist's archetype and some of their feats, assuming they work as he thinks. The two he brings up that I remember are the one that lets you once a day gather materials for 3 vials if you are below your max number of versatile vials, and the one that lets your daily consumables increase to 6+Int which is normally an increase of 2 per day for an Alchemist but would be an increase of 2+Int for an archetype Alchemist. ![]()
![]() Yeah the heal or harm idea also made me think of xianxia Cultivators. kind of like the Kineticist, which I agree could be a good base for the idea, they tend to cultivate internal styles based off the elements or other concepts. Some have Life or Death ki. One series I am currently reading starts out with the 5 elements, and what element you cultivate has an effect on you. Water or Wood cultivators tended to heal faster, and could touch someone and pass their internal energy/ki/chakra onto another that way to help that person heal faster. Earth makes the body hardier, metal is the king of straight up damage and fire for general offense. No actual bending kind of stuff for the most part. Some other series have things like cultivating fire forges the body while cultivating ice hardens them internally and makes their skin smooth closing all their pores. Of course cultivator stories go in all kinds of ways. But making a Cultivator class that maybe has Kineticist like options. Instead of Gates maybe Element/Concept Styles they Cultivate. Instead of Impulses maybe Techniques, active or passive things they gain from their cultivation that may let them use their internal energy/chakra/ki to heal or harm those they touch, gain fast healing, naturally harden their body like armor, learn lightness techniques that let them move faster, run on water, up walls or even from leaf to leaf. ![]()
![]() It is cool that your experience with Swarmkeeper was so nice, I am not sure how, but that is good for you. I am not sure I would ever use the Swarm attack three times in one round, as that would end the swarm and there would be no way to get it back in the same encounter. Also that also means your very small area attack cannot be moved at all that round. I definitely like the concept of the archetype but it seems to be too hard to really use, especially with how action heavy it is. ![]()
![]() This talk about Archetypes vs Class reminds me of Swarmkeeper, and that leads to the Swarm that Walks Mythic Path from Wrath of the Righteous, and the hope for a similar Mythic path/Destiny in the upcoming Mythic rules. So one thing I would like is a class that turns you into a Swarm ala the Swarm that Walks. In Wrath I have wished a Kineticist Swarm that Walks could convert their blasts into their swarms. So maybe a class that becomes a Swarm, possibly taking on a humanoid form of compressed swarm if they want/need, with possibly Kineticist like attacks abilities that use their swarm in place of the elemental energy/matter of a Kineticist. Also in addition to a Shifter like class, martial with at will shifting, maybe variants or subclasses, or just similar classes for things like Oozemorph and things like becoming a Golem like being. ![]()
![]() So as far as a Teleporter goes both 3.x and 4e D&D had options. Pathfinder 1e might have as well but I am not sure off hand. In 3.x there was a class, or prestige class, that could teleport before making a full attack. Might have been the Shadowdancer, though I could be getting multiple prestige classes mixed up it has been awhile. Looking it up Shadowdancer did get a teleport through shadows, I believe there might have been other options for the teleport and attack style but it has been awhile. In 4e there was a Knight subclass that had a stance they could take that let them teleport before making their opportunity attack against someone inside their aura that tried to attack one of their allies. This was situational but at will. For those unfamiliar with 4e the Knight was an Essentials, late 4e, variant class of the Fighter who had a Defender Aura instead of the Fighter's Mark class feature. There were also Paragon Paths that could teleport at will in certain situations. And at least one Epic Destiny that got a teleport speed. There were other ways in 4e to get an at will teleport, though many were not very far. Then again there were magic items one could get that increased the distance of these teleports. I believe some of the Swordmage options also teleported to either block an enemy's attack or attack an enemy violating their mark. During the 5e Playtest, called Next back then, the Monk got a teleport speed at 12th level. In the final version of 5e a 6th level Monk could teleport 60 ft as a bonus action. So it isn't impossible for a Class, Archetype or subclass option for Rogue, Monk, Fighter, Guardian or Champion to possibly get at will teleport. Perhaps fairly limited in scope at early levels with further distances or more broad uses as they level. ![]()
![]() Crouza wrote: Im not going to say the name of a PF 1e class I want, but more the concept I want. I want a character who channels primal magic into themselves in order to empower themselves in combat. Barbarian doesn't quite hit this and summoner is a different vibe. Basically I want more a Champion with like the heaviest or hardest Druid dedication to them, but as a bespoke class with primal magic baked right in. Kind of sounds like the 4e D&D Warden which was a Primal Defender and had the highest Hit Point total in the game. Like a 4e Fighter it defended its allies and made it harder for their enemies to attack their allies. Like a Druid they were Primal and had a Polymorph like effect. Their dailies were mostly about transforming themselves in a way to better help their defending for an encounter, like a tree form that gave them reach and may have allowed them to slide their enemies around when they hit, forms that made the area round them difficult terrain for their enemies, forms that may have added a knockdown effect to their hits, or forms that made them more resistant to their enemy's attacks. For those not familiar with 4e Primal was a Power Source and Primal classes tended to have the highest HP for their Role. Defender was a Role based around defending their allies or punishing their enemies who attacked their allies. Using the Marking mechanic. A Fighter might be equivalent to a Defender because of the Reactive Strike, both Champion and Guardian would definitely fall under Defenders. Squiggit wrote:
The Inventor thing kind of reminds me of the first version of the 5e Artificer Unearthed Arcana before they changed it, also the homebrew Artificer than one person made before the final version of Artificer came out. The Wild Druid shapeshifter thing kind of sounds like what people expected for the 1e Shifter, but hopefully much better than what we got in 1e. Definitely one of the concepts I have really been looking forward to since 3.0 D&D, the closest I have seen was probably the 4e D&D Druid who went on a Wild Shape focus, though the 3.x Shapeshift Druid variant was interesting but gave up too much, while still technically being just as much of a caster as a normal Druid, while also not having the Shapeshift be anywhere near as good as just Wild Shape with the only real benefit being that it was at will. The 1e Shifter kind of felt like it was going this way, but was so underpowered and still wasn't at will shifting. Primal Magus-like kind of sounds a bit like how the 4e Druid, who did not focus on Wild Shape, kind of worked. It was a controller so its abilities were mostly focused on controlling enemies, and some of their dailies were auras. A class focused on Auras is also a concept that I have really wanted. The closest right now is Kineticist probably, and sadly you can't grab a bunch of Aura Stances, I would love to be able to combine a number of them but stances are mutually exclusive except for a very high level Monk. ![]()
![]() What I have seen on Youtube is you can use Beastkin unarmed attacks in Were Hybrid Form, and that you lose the Silver Vulnerability, though no mention of that removing the restriction on the Fast Healing feat of being turned off for a round when taking Silver damage. There might have been more but I don't remember anything else from what I saw. ![]()
![]() I missed Clang. Which is technically not a reaction, which is weird. It does require the enemy to critically miss you, not sure how often that would ever happen. Not sure it would come up much, but even if it did I don't think it changes my opinion. I didn't include the level 7 thing because that for the most part just lets them use one of their reactions before their turn and is a once per combat thing. ![]()
![]() Personally I would remove the limit on how often it could be done, and bake it into the level 1 class features, make it so it isn't poachable from Multiclass Dedication. Maybe put a once a round limit on it if necessary, but I feel like it needs to scale to more often as one levels. And since you normally can only do Intercept Strike once per round early on anyway, only able to do it more often from feats as you level, that basically takes care of the scaling anyway. Also not sure where people are getting 5 reactions per turn? A guardian can get a 2nd reaction, per round, at 8th level with a feat. This can only be used on Intercept Strike, but Intercept Strike is what triggers Armored Counterattack. At 14th level with another feat the guardian can get another reaction per round, for three total now, but this can only be used on Intercept Foe. This cannot trigger Armored Counterattack as the rules are currently written. And at 20th level they could use their one level 20 feat on Boundless Reprisals which increases the number of reactions they have per round by the number of enemy turns. Now at this point I can see how someone might want a restriction of once per Turn on Armored Counterattack since there would potentially be a number of enemy turns where they would have two Intercept Strike reactions to trigger it. ![]()
![]() Yeah not sure how well the Ankylosaurus could be portrayed by the Awakened Animal, I assume just choose to be large and maybe have the option to pick a tail attack or something. But a slow moving armored form would probably better fit it. Would also help if they could pick a tail attack like what the Ankylosaurus instinct Animal Barbarian apparently gets. ![]()
![]() Can we get any more info on the Ankylosaurus Animal instinct for Barbarians? Does it seem possible/plausible for an Awakened Animal to be a Dinosaur? Can Werecreatures cast spells or use impulses? Or does it have the usual Battle Form restrictions? Any dinosaur options for Werecreatures? I just remember trying to build a character, possibly with Lizardfolk or possibly with Beastkin heritage to try and create an Ankylosaurus person and it sounds like there might be new options that could better replicate that now. ![]()
![]() Secret Wizard wrote:
Kind of reminds me of the level 12 feat Armored Counterattack but fixes my issues with that feat. I feel like Armored Counterattack should not come in at level 12, should not be limited to once per minute, and shouldn't even be a feat but instead baked into the base Intercept Strike/Foe. And that is another thing, I feel Taunt shouldn't have a save and shouldn't lower the Guardian's AC. Instead it should make it harder for the enemy to harm the Guardian's AC and if the enemy still dares to attack the Guardian's ally then the Guardian gets the stride in and free action counterattack. And at the same time the Guardian should get resist all/hardness equal to what the current Intercept Strike provides when they Taunt an enemy, or perhaps even all the time to just be beefy no matter what. This provides a real Catch-22 to the enemy, they can try and hit the now harder to hit ally and take a retaliatory strike in the process or try and go for the high defenses Guardian and even if they hit deal less damage than they would like. ![]()
![]() As I read it it will never come into play unless the enemy you Taunted makes a hostile action against someone, without including you in that action, on your turn after you Taunted them but before you are out of actions. It would make more sense if it said Until the End of Your Next Turn. Though that still falls into the problem that they are no longer Taunted at the Start of Your Next Turn. Mitigate Harm also seems pretty bad, the only thing that might make it merely mediocre is if Chain Specialization is actually not Resistance and stacks with it. But that would still not be nearly enough damage reduction on a Critical Hit to really seem good. Also as far as I can tell neither damage reduction comes into effect when you Critical Fail a save, which seems fairly likely if you Taunt someone and they use a Save feature/spell against you. ![]()
![]() Would definitely like Swarm, though perhaps with more options for what kind of Swarm you are than what Owlcat's version had. Things like Aeon, Dragon, Elemental, maybe Golem, would be nice. Trickster would probably be good. It would make sense for some kind of Demon/Devil option and some kind of Angel/Azata style option. Not sure if Eternal Legend is going to go more towards the Legend path of Owlcat's Wrath of the Righteous or not but the name reminds me of one of the Epic Destinies from 4e. I think it was actually called Eternal Legend and made the character 25% taller and 50% heavier, or something like that, gave them reach and some other stuff. ![]()
![]() Maybe I missed something about Cloud Storage. It doesn't seem like you can ever do more than 1 Bulk at a time, but it talks about costing points from the Vitality Network equal to the Bulk removed with a minimum of 1. That makes it sound like you could have bigger Bulk eventually but I don't see any way to increase it. Unless it is future proofing for possible future feats? ![]()
![]() Sanityfaerie wrote:
I like the Con DC Save area thing for the big guns, with the Soldier being the best at it. But I will admit I do really like the idea of of area Melee weapons as well, and especially Power Fists. ![]()
![]() Martialmasters wrote:
Why would Class DC use Charisma? The Key Ability/Attribute is Str or Dex. Cha is used for Domain stuff if you grab them with feats, but that is not the same thing as Class DC. ![]()
![]() Actually thinking about it I am not sure Additional Ikon can even be used with Mated Birds in Paired Flight, since you can only have your Spark in one Ikon at a time, the only exception is Twin Stars which has both halves of the weapon invested with the Spark. It would seem like both weapons would need to have the Spark for the Immanence for Mated Birds in Paired Flight, let alone the Transcendence, and unless the whole bonded thing listed before the Immanence somehow lets different weapon Ikons share the Spark or something, but that could cause some weird stuff with different kinds of Ikon Weapons, it would seem like two different Weapon Ikons could not be used at the same time. ![]()
![]() I would hope it would be RAI, but yeah needs clarification. Now trying to figure out what would be the best/most thematic weapon for it. Watching a video of some people going over the playtest and they suggested a Starknife for the Fated Shot Ikon and that made me wonder how things like Ikons and feats that specify a Ranged Weapon work with Thrown Weapons that are technically a Melee Weapon. Yes you can make ranged attacks with thrown weapons, but not sure if they count as a Ranged Weapon for Ikons and Feats like Through the Needle's Eye. Now of course Starknife can already be used by Mated Birds in Paired Flight. Also like the idea of going Dwarf and making your Ikon Weapon a Dwarven Thrower, grab Twin Stars, maybe Titan's Breaker for Ikon if it can work with a thrown hammer, maybe Whose Cry is Thunder, Hurl at the Horizon, Mated Bird's in Paired Flight assuming it works with Twin Stars, Infinite Blades Celestial Arrow, maybe Seven-Colored Cosmic Bridge or Eternity-Incinerating Blaze just for more effects as you throw all your crazy hammers. Dwarf Thoring it up. Though Infinite Blades Celestial Arrow almost sounds more like a Loki kind of thing with duplicate weapons raining down. Though I do have to wonder how any Throwing Weapon Ikon attacks work before you manage to get Returning on your weapon. ![]()
![]() You have two Focus Spells at first level though? Admittedly it does require either Refocusing or using Apparition's Whirl to switch your current Primary Apparition to use the second Apparition's Vessel Spell Focus Cantrip. You would then gain a third Focus Point once you get your third Apparition at 4th level, and of course since 3 is the max number of Focus Points you don't get a 4th when you get your 4th Apparition at 12th level. ![]()
![]() Another, highly unlikely, way of reading the is that it goes from +2 damage per weapon die to +4+1dy per weapon die, basically doubling the damage dice, or even more at later levels. This obviously seems unlikely to be the intent, but is technically a way to read the ability and definitely needs clarification on just how the feature works. Also speaking of Titan's Breaker in general does spirit damage from other sources, such as Spirit Strike, also ignore Hardness and Construct/Object immunity to spirit damage. What happens when you change the damage type of your Spirit damage to something like Electricity or Bludgeoning from one of the Dominion Ephithets. ![]()
![]() I do wish there was a way to sustain it as a free action, as is you have fewer actions to move or strike than a Wild Shape Druid. There is the Sustaining Dance, but that isn't as much movement as a normal Stride, usually, and isn't helpful if you don't need to move and would be trying multiple strikes or maneuvers. ![]()
![]() KingTreyIII wrote:
I'm not sure it is a better wild shape, it doesn't seem to get anything better than Elemental forms, it only lasts 1 minute except with a specific combo for Animal Forms, and it is Sustain so it takes an Action every round to keep it going. That said being able to shift forms as part of the Sustain Action is nice. ![]()
![]() Mythic Heroes aren't supposed to be equivalent or equal to non mythic heroes. Mythic rules, at least as in PF1e, is not a thing that one or two characters have, but rather something all the player characters have and also at least some of the enemies you face, but not all enemies so that you can feel like a mythic hero mowing down the chaff. ![]()
![]() Calliope5431 wrote:
That is a thing I have been hoping for for awhile now, a PF2e equivalent to Wrath of the Righteous, and I was assuming it would work off of Archetypes as well, so making a special archetype like field for it fits my thoughts, and I would love to become Angel, Demon, Swarm, Dragon, Aeon, etc. kind of thing. Though a playtest, maybe in a few months, would be helpful.