Starfinder product request


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Would like to see the pegasus and the Drake among the official wizkids minis coming out later. I think those will see a lot of use in society play. Maybe the gorgon, too.

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In regards to space exploration and combat I would like to see the following situations and some rules for handeling them:

-Hazards: Asteroids: I am thinking of your PC's space ship is being chased by several fighters and a large battle ship. You have to escape the battle ship by going into the asteroid field and out manuevering the fightershipes or get caught or destroyed. Rules for chasing in asteroid fields.

-Cosmic gas that reduces sensor range, so it becomes very difficult to locate ships, making it a good place for your foes to escape or for you to escape into. Cosmic gas that make it so that your shields do not recharge and there can also be random strikes of space lighting that can mess up your ship.

-Dangerous space with harsh conditions such as Micro meteorites that could make several small holes in your ship causing all sorts of mechanical problems, maybe even creating a survival encounter with a malfunctioning drift drive.

-Black Holes: Your research vessel has flown to close to a black hole and is now stuck using its thrusters to push away from the black hole but without enough power to move away. Time slows down. Impending doom is slowly eating away at your ship. How can you sci-fi-magic your way out of this one? Get the mechanic to divert power from other parts of the ship, canabilize weapons for required parts, making them unusable later on- or sacrificing a vital ship function in order to live.

-Long travels make it so that the party/crew will get cabin fever if they dont have a a recreational suit. Space travel is not for everyone, especially for long journeys. Some people will even go crazy and vent out the pilot through the airlock or turn off vital ships systems. So maybe some rules for people going space crazy?

-Spaceworms the size of a large dog that will literally try to eat your ship! Shouldnt have landed in that weird asteroid cave looking for minerals! Now you are in space, the ship is having compartmentalised decompression issues because of the space worms eating holes accross the hull. Your ship weapons are not designed to shoot things on the ships surface, so you have to put on your mag-boots, climb on outside your ship and remove the problem on your own.

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Well we've already got the Space worms actually but more enviromental hazards in space would be nice

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I think a starship travel and/or combat deck would be neat, similar to the crit decks. Roll a nat20 in starship combat?

Engineering - double the bonus you applied or shields you restored
Pilot - extra movement, facing turn, something
Gunner - weird crit effects!

or just some other random events. Drift encounters? stellar phenomena that can instantly change battle? (solar winds knock out all targeting systems, sudden comet dust storm reduces shields, etc.)

Alledisil wrote:

I think a starship travel and/or combat deck would be neat, similar to the crit decks. Roll a nat20 in starship combat?

Engineering - double the bonus you applied or shields you restored
Pilot - extra movement, facing turn, something
Gunner - weird crit effects!

or just some other random events. Drift encounters? stellar phenomena that can instantly change battle? (solar winds knock out all targeting systems, sudden comet dust storm reduces shields, etc.)

I’m ok with the crit conditions as they are- in regards to space combat.

There are already drift travel random encounters. CRB 291.

Solar winds and other space hazards sound like an interesting conditions to add.

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I want to put my shot up fighter on a collision course towards the enemy ship. I’m I’m going down, it’ll be in a blaze of glory! Collision rules please!

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Nimor Starseeker wrote:

I want to put my shot up fighter on a collision course towards the enemy ship. I’m I’m going down, it’ll be in a blaze of glory! Collision rules please!

Nuts to that, I want to put my party in a boarding torpedo and slaughter the enemy crew!

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Dracomicron wrote:

Nuts to that, I want to put my party in a boarding torpedo and slaughter the enemy crew!

I remember saying almost exactly the same thing after looking at the Starship rules..

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I'd like to see more official lore on the playable races OTHER than the ones in the core rulebook, especially lore on their culture. What does vlaka music sound like? How is ikeshti cuisine -- if they even technically have one given their life cycle? Do brenneri like horror vids? (We know skittermanders don't.)

And what kinds of names do members of races like these generally have? Other than the seven core races and skittermanders -- the latter courtesy of Skitter Shot -- no playable races currently have ANY information on naming conventions. My first PC, a vlaka envoy named Tukkuttok, had to get his name from an Internet page listing common Inuit names (I went ahead and assumed that vlaka culture was roughly Inuit, given that they come from a freezing planet and highly value cooperation).

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MysticTurtle47 wrote:

I'd like to see more official lore on the playable races OTHER than the ones in the core rulebook, especially lore on their culture. What does vlaka music sound like? How is ikeshti cuisine -- if they even technically have one given their life cycle? Do brenneri like horror vids? (We know skittermanders don't.)

And what kinds of names do members of races like these generally have? Other than the seven core races and skittermanders -- the latter courtesy of Skitter Shot -- no playable races currently have ANY information on naming conventions. My first PC, a vlaka envoy named Tukkuttok, had to get his name from an Internet page listing common Inuit names (I went ahead and assumed that vlaka culture was roughly Inuit, given that they come from a freezing planet and highly value cooperation).

As a general principle, I wish it were common practise in every RPG to provide a few example names whenever a playable race is introduced.

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Here are a couple ideas of mine for future Starfinder products:

Advanced Race Manual: a guidebook similar in vein to the Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide, featuring new character options for the core and uncommon races as well as rules for creating new alien races for use in the Starfinder setting.

Advanced Exploration Guide: a guidebook similar in vein to the Pathfinder Ultimate Wilderness accessory, featuring new exploration-themed character options as well as rules for creating new unexplored planets and star systems.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

So this is completely and utterly a luxury, but I would love to have a Starfinder insignia.
A total extravagance, I know, but I would like one... and yes, I know that I could just 3D print one, but I would rather not have one that looks like my cat threw it up! (honestly my 3d modelling capabilities are that bad!)


3D files of iconic spaceships to print out at your own 3D printer or a "spaceship miniature box".

Better spaceship rules (looking to you Starship Operations Manual), not just additional uninspired rules, but a revamp/alternative rule setting which make it work and also includes some hazards for space combat (playing in a blank arena is really boring).


Akiton Adventure path: Let's get really wild west/mad max with it!

Underwater Adventure Path: We've got submarines and battle suits, let's hunt some sea monsters

Kingmaker in Space: No brainer

Pet Character Class: Alien monster pets baby!

thecursor (with edits by dominusexmachina) wrote:


An Akiton-based adventure path: Let's get really Wild West/Mad Max with it!

Maybe if done right: it might just be me, but I think the whole "Mad Max/Fallout" post-apocalypitc action genre has been done to death (possibly even undeath...).

thecursor (with edits by dominusexmachina) wrote:
An underwater-based Adventure Path: We've got submarines and battle suits, let's hunt some sea monsters!

I could go with that: maybe use that as an inroad for introducing aquatic PC races from Pathfinder, such as cecaelias, gillmen, merfolk, and tritons, into the Starfinder setting (one possibility being having gillmen be genetically-engineered creations of the Azlanti Star Empire).

thecursor (with edits by dominusexmachina) wrote:
Kingmaker in space: No brainer

You do you...but if done right, I could see the possibility of a Starfinder MMORPG...

thecursor (with edits by dominusexmachina) wrote:
Pet character class: Alien monster pets, baby!

Not sure what you mean by that: Alien Archive III introduces us to rules for animal companions already...

Personally, though, I'd REALLY like to see, perhaps as a companion to the Galaxy Exploration Manual debuting next year, rules for creating new alien PC races (perhaps involving a contest with the winning entry being featured in a future Starfinder product, be it as an Alien Archive entry or as part of a new adventure path).

Starfinder spell cards would be amazing. I love how the new Pathfinder cards look!

I bought Deck of many Wolrds a few months ago and i want to ask if its possible get template cards to create my own worlds cards?

I don't know if Paizo can make these as online tools, but a web-based alien generator would be appreciated.

For instance, you select an alien, apply a graft and the tool writes you a stat block. Given the vast amount of planets and eco-systems, a quick generator would speed things up.

When the mech rules will be added, believe me, you will need a LOT of Huge-sized aliens :P

This is not exactly a product request, but a recurring NPC request:

I would like to see Gevalarsk Nor again, perhaps sending you on some shady mission with you not knowing all the pieces.
My PCs and I had such a good time with their encounters with him. They knew something was up, but he kept looking at them with that stone cold bony face of his.

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No one has mentioned this yet (I'm kinda surprised actually) but how about Pocket Editions of some of the Hard bounds other than the Core Rules. Don't get me wrong, I love the Hard-bound books, and use them in my home games (Special Edition printings too, when they are available), but the Pocket Editions just travel better. At this point I'd like All of the Alien Archives in Pocket Editions, Armory, Pact Worlds, Near Space, basically anything that gets a hardbound, gets a pocket edition a year or two later.

Leo_Negri wrote:
No one has mentioned this yet (I'm kinda surprised actually) but how about Pocket Editions of some of the Hard bounds other than the Core Rules. Don't get me wrong, I love the Hard-bound books, and use them in my home games (Special Edition printings too, when they are available), but the Pocket Editions just travel better. At this point I'd like All of the Alien Archives in Pocket Editions, Armory, Pact Worlds, Near Space, basically anything that gets a hardbound, gets a pocket edition a year or two later.

Do... people prefer PDF versions instead of pocket versions these days?

I mean, your smartphone or tablet is the pocket version of every book now :P

JiCi wrote:
Leo_Negri wrote:
No one has mentioned this yet (I'm kinda surprised actually) but how about Pocket Editions of some of the Hard bounds other than the Core Rules. Don't get me wrong, I love the Hard-bound books, and use them in my home games (Special Edition printings too, when they are available), but the Pocket Editions just travel better. At this point I'd like All of the Alien Archives in Pocket Editions, Armory, Pact Worlds, Near Space, basically anything that gets a hardbound, gets a pocket edition a year or two later.

Do... people prefer PDF versions instead of pocket versions these days?

I mean, your smartphone or tablet is the pocket version of every book now :P

First, you don't have to charge a pocket edition. Second, PDF's are fine on a larger screen, but on a smaller one either you can't get the whole page on the screen or the resolution renders it unreadable. Third, PDF's eat a lot of space on the device itself, and if you cloud them, you are at the whim of the local wifi reception (which sucks up here in the mountains).

Print will continue to remain superior to electronic (No matter what Star Trek tries to say).

Leo_Negri wrote:

First, you don't have to charge a pocket edition. Second, PDF's are fine on a larger screen, but on a smaller one either you can't get the whole page on the screen or the resolution renders it unreadable. Third, PDF's eat a lot of space on the device itself, and if you cloud them, you are at the whim of the local wifi reception (which sucks up here in the mountains).

Print will continue to remain superior to electronic (No matter what Star Trek tries to say).

I agree, all of my players prefer books as well.

I definitely would be onboard with pocket editions of at least the Alien Archive books. Been waiting and hoping for an announcement of at least the first one.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd like to see a National Geographic type in-universe Starfinder Chronicle, for a setting-heavy book. A tour guide for major locations in the Pact Worlds and Near Space, with info about local traditions, fashion, cuisine and popular cantinas, markets, arts & entertainment, and annual holidays. Interviews with local personalities, to get a feel for some of the community planetside. Subsystem rules for sports sensations like Starlance and Brutaris. A questing board with adventure hooks typical for each planet. And a peek at some of the more prominent infosphere sites accessible on most Pact worlds (Aucturn-based Creepypasta infosite a must), along with subsystems they might interact with, such as reputation, research, and virtual reality. And maybe some stuff about spacer culture, to add some jazz to those long starfaring days, soaring through the speckled vast without a lifeform in detection range.

In short, I'd like to see more of what space culture looks like on those days between all the dangerous adventuring and saving the universe.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

A working Wayfinder compass? That's got to be do-able!


Alison-Cybe wrote:
A working Wayfinder compass? That's got to be do-able!

/added to my "Have to model an print it"-List - do we have any good pictures of how a wayfinder looks?


A Buff/Debuff Card Deck - I got mine for PF1e a few years ago and we use ist every time we play.
It's a nice and quick way to track buffs/debuffs.

How about a real-life version of that weird Dragonball-esque fighting game that the iconic Vanguard was playing :P ?

That, or have a mech-vs-kaiju fighting game XD

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