Episode 1 of the Drift podcast is up!

General Discussion

Sovereign Court Senior Developer, Starfinder Team

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Check out the first episode of the Drift podcast, a new Starfinder-themed podcast, where I talk about the Starfinder RPG and the first Starfinder Adventure Path, Dead Suns!

Thanks to Nerds on Earth for interviewing me!

That music at the beginning is pretty cool. What song is it?

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Text transcript please.

I hate listening. Reading is far superior.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you for this!

I agree about the music and had the same question. Reminds me of Stranger Things. Suppose it's a question for the folks at Nerds tho.

Thanks. Just subscribed.

I enjoyed the podcast. I think you said during the show, but how often are you posting these.
Thanks for helping my short term memory.

Nerds on Earth wrote:
The music is custom by Andrew Danielson, our sound producer.

Fun stuff and making me even more eager for August. Too long from now! Arggh...

Thanks for sharing, tho!

Really good podcast. I can't wait till they have more content to talk about rather than vague speculation, but that'll get better when we get more to talk about from Paizo.

I think the monthly mini adventures in October sound interesting. First we've heard of those?

TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
I think the monthly mini adventures in October sound interesting. First we've heard of those?

Yeah. Do we know if they'll be free or do we have to pay for those?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So if you do another one was wondering if you could ask a few questions. First thanks for doing this. So here it goes

1) The full attack action seems different than Pathfinder. What are the differences.

2) Is the bonuses to hit different than pathfinder. For example has the bonus from the class been reduced so instead of topping out of lets say
+15 from the class, now it is less and you get bonus from the weapon if proficient with it.

3) I noticed in star ship combat there are a number of maneuvers and stunts that can be done by role. There is blog previewing this. Will there be maneuvers/stunts that can be done in personnel combat?

4) There is the break down of stamina, hit points, and resolve. When you take hit point damage are there any effects related to this, like -2 to rolls, or an effect like staggered or stunned.

5) will resolve boost feats and or class abilities like we saw in the starship combat when resolve increased movement.

Thanks Dave2

Paizo Employee Developer

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TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
I think the monthly mini adventures in October sound interesting. First we've heard of those?

We announced Starfinder Society Organized Play a while back. I believe it's the monthly scenarios that Rob was referring to in the podcast.

Hi all. I'm with Nerds on Earth. Please do give us your suggestions for future episodes of the podcast. We're going to hustle to try and put out good content, but we'd love some feedback. Would you like more interviews? Specific topics you'd like covered? Let us know!

And thank you, Rob! It was so great of you to do the interview!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Those 5 questions above would answer allot of my questions. I posted the ones I could think of.

Thanks. Dave 2

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clavejones wrote:

Hi all. I'm with Nerds on Earth. Please do give us your suggestions for future episodes of the podcast. We're going to hustle to try and put out good content, but we'd love some feedback. Would you like more interviews? Specific topics you'd like covered? Let us know!

And thank you, Rob! It was so great of you to do the interview!

A break down on the setting of Starfinder and its Lore, especially of the new races and classes, I'm particularly interest in the Solarian.

Hope to hear a lot more episodes as new info comes out

To level 3 in the first module AP, and no idea how long it might take to finish the module at this time from the writer.

Maybe next time ask about the GM role as it seems like it might be a bit different in this setting?

And from a Pathfinder GM to a Starfinder one as well, any tips besides reading the core rule book as much as possible (LOL), more of what is the best mind set to have compared to a High Fantasy one most of us would be coming from?

Good PC and keep em coming


TRDG wrote:

a High Fantasy one most of us would be coming from?

Good PC and keep em coming


Speak for yourself. I've always prefered Space Opera.

I'm close to sure TRDG wasn't talking about what he prefers, but the fact that most Starfinder players and GMs are going to be Pathfinder players and GMs. That's why he said "High Fantasy one", as Pathfinder is a probably more compatible with high(?) fantasy than Space Opera concepts. ;)

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clavejones wrote:

Hi all. I'm with Nerds on Earth. Please do give us your suggestions for future episodes of the podcast. We're going to hustle to try and put out good content, but we'd love some feedback. Would you like more interviews? Specific topics you'd like covered? Let us know!

And thank you, Rob! It was so great of you to do the interview!

Hi there Clavejones!

It would be really cool to know MORE about the planets, the races and the classes that were already revealed. I would also like to known which other races, organizations and faiths are going to be present in Starfinder that are from Pathfinder.

Are there going to be Chelaxians? are there going to be Triaxians? Are there going to be Red Mantis? That's what I suppose would be interesting to known, as we can't get lots of spoilers/information right now.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

How about an episode focused on answering questions about the new gods and how religions fit into the setting? We don't know much of anything about them, except that we are keeping 7 of the old ones in the new core 20 and that we are getting an AI god as one of the others. But, who are the other 12 and can we hear more about the AI god? What about the Xenowardens/space druids and more about what they are like? For that matter, we have heard that their will be hellknights and paladins of Iomedae in the setting - what about their organizations, allies, enemies, and how they fit into the politics of the Pact Worlds? What about other religions from the new alien races? Who do they worship and are there any new religions that maybe don't follow the core 20 or maybe go about their worship in a very different way?

At this point, I think we know less about the differences in the lore and setting of Starfinder than we do the rules it is bringing. I mean, we know the names of all the races and classes and have learned a little about each, but have we heard anything about the new gods? We know things like how shirren love choices and have seen a playtest with a mechanic, technomancer, and solarian, but we don't know who the gods of war, love, or other things are, except for the 7 held over from Pathfinder.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I will actually praise Paizo a bit. That sounds strange coming from the person who has been railing against them for there lack of previews and how they have managed the previews they did have. Praise for the Paizo staff who posted link to his interview above. Praise for the Starship combat blog preview, I am leaf in Wind. Learned interesting things about the roles and the things they can do like stunts/maneuvers. If we could get a blog like I am leaf in the wind for personnel combat I would be good.


The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I'm close to sure TRDG wasn't talking about what he prefers, but the fact that most Starfinder players and GMs are going to be Pathfinder players and GMs. That's why he said "High Fantasy one", as Pathfinder is a probably more compatible with high(?) fantasy than Space Opera concepts. ;)

Reading these forums, I would say many of the posters seem to have played Traveller and/or other SF rpgs.

I'd actually be super interested in learning more about themes. I know in a previous interview someone non-Paizo compared them to 5e backgrounds, and the Paizo employee wasn't familiar enough with 5e to comment. But they seem pretty similar, except I think themes are more expanded upon and probably fewer of them? I dunno how to phrase what I'm asking at this moment, but I guess I just would like to know more about themes.

Fardragon wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I'm close to sure TRDG wasn't talking about what he prefers, but the fact that most Starfinder players and GMs are going to be Pathfinder players and GMs. That's why he said "High Fantasy one", as Pathfinder is a probably more compatible with high(?) fantasy than Space Opera concepts. ;)
Reading these forums, I would say many of the posters seem to have played Traveller and/or other SF rpgs.

I suspect the pre-release forum is likely to have a greater share of people already interested in SFrpgs, who are likely already to play/have played the existing ones.

Bluenose wrote:
Fardragon wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I'm close to sure TRDG wasn't talking about what he prefers, but the fact that most Starfinder players and GMs are going to be Pathfinder players and GMs. That's why he said "High Fantasy one", as Pathfinder is a probably more compatible with high(?) fantasy than Space Opera concepts. ;)
Reading these forums, I would say many of the posters seem to have played Traveller and/or other SF rpgs.
I suspect the pre-release forum is likely to have a greater share of people already interested in SFrpgs, who are likely already to play/have played the existing ones.

True, but what I really object to is people who pretend to speak for "everyone". Why not just say "I would like..."?

Silver Crusade

Enjoyed the episodes! Can't wait for more. I'd love to find out more about how characters will be made. It was touched on in the interview that the point buy system will be different in StarFinder. If you could get any of the Paizo folks to go in depth on that I'd love that!

I think in one episode it would be cool to touch on any 3rd party companies making content for StarFinder, too

Fardragon wrote:
TRDG wrote:

a High Fantasy one most of us would be coming from?

Good PC and keep em coming


Speak for yourself. I've always prefered Space Opera.

Note the ? in the first post you quoted me on........

So relax and hopefuly we can enjoy another episode of this

when it comes out


Will there be an episode 2 coming in the near future?

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Episode 2 came out a week ago but for some reason it isn't linked in The Drift section of their site. Here is a link.

Oh sweet! Thanks!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

They are up to episode 4 now. The latest episode has some observations from an attendee at Paiocon who didn't get to play but did get to leaf through a draft of the rules, chat with Owen KC Stephens, and watch him run a Starfinder session.

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David knott 242 wrote:

They are up to episode 4 now. The latest episode has some observations from an attendee at Paiocon who didn't get to play but did get to leaf through a draft of the rules, chat with Owen KC Stephens, and watch him run a Starfinder session.

Here's a recollection of main points from the podcast:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h86ipWieorgr8d5YDzmV0zt8sZ1j-zdyS8EuD32 GWTs/edit
It baffles me that now, apparently, melee weapons have limited daily charges and you have to rest 8 hours to recharge your lightsaber after it runs out before you can use it again.

Sounds more like advanced weapons take batteries that you need to recharge. He said the words "long rest" but that sounds like a rough comparison and not an equality. You have to charge the batteries on the ship, but he didn't say you can't take more batteries with you.

Mashallah wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

They are up to episode 4 now. The latest episode has some observations from an attendee at Paiocon who didn't get to play but did get to leaf through a draft of the rules, chat with Owen KC Stephens, and watch him run a Starfinder session.

Here's a recollection of main points from the podcast:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h86ipWieorgr8d5YDzmV0zt8sZ1j-zdyS8EuD32 GWTs/edit
It baffles me that now, apparently, melee weapons have limited daily charges and you have to rest 8 hours to recharge your lightsaber after it runs out before you can use it again.

What's baffling? Energy weapons take energy. You can either slap in a fresh battery pack after the your minutes/hours are up, or you can wait for the old ones to recharge.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Wow, so the dude in the newest episode of the Drift was the same dude hovering behind me when we played Emerald Star Spire with Owen...? I was in that very same game Saturday morning with Owen K.C. Stephens and I played the Technomancer. BTW, we weren't lost; we all showed up at the room number on the tickets we had, but none of us noticed the change on the marquee outside and were waiting for Owen to show up - He was the only one who noticed the marquee. Also, the "space" term he was trying to remember in the podcast for equipment encumbrance is "bulk".

Also, interesting story from that game: I sat directly across from Owen in that game. If you see Owen's new photo that materialized after PaizoCon on Facebook and elsewhere online - that was the photo I took and posted to Facebook right after the game. Someone else online then took that photo while we were all still at the con and photoshopped it with the cool scifi imagery around him. Now, Owen uses that for his profile image and it even got used for the flyer advertising the upcoming online Starfinder Premiere Reveal on Twitch this Tuesday with Owen and other guests.

Anyway, the game was a blast and Owen was a great GM. Props to our Soldier player who actually made Owen laugh out loud so much that he felt the need to record this on a business card and autograph it for the player (Unfortunately, I am bad with names and do not recall anyone's but Owen's.) A few things I would like to point out:

- we were all 5th level and we had a soldier with jet boots (which was very cool), an envoy, two mechanics (one had a drone and the other had the cybernetic cortex AI who also had the icon theme), a mystic, and my technomancer.

- There are some things that happened in that game that Owen said might show up in writing later because he was feeling so inspired by them. I wouldn't want to steal any thunder, so I'll let Owen address that, if he so wishes. But, I will say that these ideas were very cool and fun and involved the mechanic with the icon theme, what they did on Eox previous to our adventure session, and made grounds for much of the fun banter we had at the table by extrapolating on those concepts in different directions.

- Instead of a 5 foot step, we could take what was called a "Guarded Step" as a move action that would not provoke.

- Stabilization is still in the game, but as you can imagine, it does work differently since there is no more negative hit points after reaching 0. Instead, you need to get stabilized after you reach 0 HP and 0 SP and each round you lose resolve points until you are either stabilized or dead. There is more to it, but I don't recall more than that since I think we got healed by the mystic before that became an issue.

- Like Pathfinder, Starfinder has Swift actions, too.

- The ysoki mechanic (the one with the drone, I think) could go prone and later get up from prone as a Swift action. Also, cheek pouches are cool, if messy.

- Apparently, there is a feat called "Pull the Pin" that, when combined with another feat (Mobility maybe?) will allow someone to run up to an enemy, pull the pins from their grenades, then allow them to finish moving past them, before said grenades go off. I cannot remember if it was said if any of that provokes AoO for leaving the threatened space or if that other feat would allow them to do so unprovoked. We didn't get to see that in action, but Owen told us about it after someone mentioned putting grenades in the Ysoki's cheek pouches.

- The envoy had a class ability called, "Get'im", I think it is called, that allowed him to point at an enemy he could see, tell the rest of us to "get him" and then shoot that enemy with a bonus his ability granted - all on his turn - and then if the rest of us attacked that enemy on that turn, we got the bonus, too. I think it even stacked with any existing bonuses we had.

- I have a photo of my character sheet (Raia as a 5th level Technomancer with the Xenoseeker theme), but I don't think it would be ethical of me to post it without Paizo's permission first. I will say, though, that I had a lot of traditional Pathfinder spells in addition to newer spells, such as Invisibility, Spider Climb, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, etc. AS for the new spells, I will just say that the soldier and I made a great team with the spell, Supercharge Weapon, a new favorite of mine. Also, Jolting Hand seemed to work a lot like Shocking Grasp.

- In addition to spells, my technomancer was using a dueling sword, a pistol, and a grenade.

- My highest stats were INT, CHA, and DEX; in that order.

- I was also able to flip through the rulebook at the table and those of us who played spellcasters got to use a separate printout of the spell section that I would read up on while playing at the table. Resolve points matter for both some spellcaster class features as well as just another way to boost a spell's power in the spell's description, independent of any feat or class feature beyond being able to cast the spell. But, I would say that most spells do not do this, just certain ones where we can read it in the spell description.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Oh, I forgot to mention, that Owen stated that Pulling the Pin will not work on a grenade in a Ysoki's cheek pouch... just to clarify for those who might have wondered.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ashanderai wrote:
- I have a photo of my character sheet (Raia as a 5th level Technomancer with the Xenoseeker theme), but I don't think it would be ethical of me to post it without Paizo's permission first. I will say, though, that I had a lot of traditional Pathfinder spells in addition to newer spells, such as Invisibility, Spider Climb, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, etc. AS for the new spells, I will just say that the soldier and I made a great team with the spell, Supercharge Weapon, a new favorite of mine. Also, Jolting Hand seemed to work a lot like Shocking Grasp.

Out of curiosity, how similar are the traditional Pathfinder spells to the versions from Pathfinder? Are they literally the same thing, or have the mechanics been reworked for Starfinder?

Mashallah wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

They are up to episode 4 now. The latest episode has some observations from an attendee at Paiocon who didn't get to play but did get to leaf through a draft of the rules, chat with Owen KC Stephens, and watch him run a Starfinder session.

Here's a recollection of main points from the podcast:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h86ipWieorgr8d5YDzmV0zt8sZ1j-zdyS8EuD32 GWTs/edit
It baffles me that now, apparently, melee weapons have limited daily charges and you have to rest 8 hours to recharge your lightsaber after it runs out before you can use it again.

Now in bonified, linkified form. :)

Also good to see some free driftin' stuff, in both printed and audio forms, out there. ;)

rooneg wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
- I have a photo of my character sheet (Raia as a 5th level Technomancer with the Xenoseeker theme), but I don't think it would be ethical of me to post it without Paizo's permission first. I will say, though, that I had a lot of traditional Pathfinder spells in addition to newer spells, such as Invisibility, Spider Climb, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, etc. AS for the new spells, I will just say that the soldier and I made a great team with the spell, Supercharge Weapon, a new favorite of mine. Also, Jolting Hand seemed to work a lot like Shocking Grasp.
Out of curiosity, how similar are the traditional Pathfinder spells to the versions from Pathfinder? Are they literally the same thing, or have the mechanics been reworked for Starfinder?

We already know that Magic Missile gives the option to cast as a full-round action for an extra missile, so things won't be entirely the same.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
rooneg wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
- I have a photo of my character sheet (Raia as a 5th level Technomancer with the Xenoseeker theme), but I don't think it would be ethical of me to post it without Paizo's permission first. I will say, though, that I had a lot of traditional Pathfinder spells in addition to newer spells, such as Invisibility, Spider Climb, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, etc. AS for the new spells, I will just say that the soldier and I made a great team with the spell, Supercharge Weapon, a new favorite of mine. Also, Jolting Hand seemed to work a lot like Shocking Grasp.
Out of curiosity, how similar are the traditional Pathfinder spells to the versions from Pathfinder? Are they literally the same thing, or have the mechanics been reworked for Starfinder?

I would not say they are literally the same thing; they are not copy and pasted. These descriptions are newly written material. Also, even if they are pretty much the same thing in the case of certain spells, there are sometimes some differences that make them work out differently when used, like the magic missile spell someone already pointed out. Many of the spells had to be different for starfinder, even if they are the same thing as the spell in pathfinder simply because the system has some different assumptions and mathematical damage progression across the spell levels. Also, some spells appear to be renamed versions of pathfinder spells, such as psychokinetic hand (mage hand) and jolting surge (shocking grasp), but I have not had the opportunity to do text by text comparisons between the books to see how similar or different they are for those spells or even the ones that retain the same names (invisibility, spider climb, etc.). After all, I was only sitting with that handout during a single game session that I had more interest in playing than in reading the spell descriptions for. I do remember feeling that, in general, the descriptions were more... streamlined(?)... in the starfinder descriptions.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ashanderai wrote:
rooneg wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
- I have a photo of my character sheet (Raia as a 5th level Technomancer with the Xenoseeker theme), but I don't think it would be ethical of me to post it without Paizo's permission first. I will say, though, that I had a lot of traditional Pathfinder spells in addition to newer spells, such as Invisibility, Spider Climb, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, etc. AS for the new spells, I will just say that the soldier and I made a great team with the spell, Supercharge Weapon, a new favorite of mine. Also, Jolting Hand seemed to work a lot like Shocking Grasp.
Out of curiosity, how similar are the traditional Pathfinder spells to the versions from Pathfinder? Are they literally the same thing, or have the mechanics been reworked for Starfinder?
I would not say they are literally the same thing; they are not copy and pasted. These descriptions are newly written material. Also, even if they are pretty much the same thing in the case of certain spells, there are sometimes some differences that make them work out differently when used, like the magic missile spell someone already pointed out. Many of the spells had to be different for starfinder, even if they are the same thing as the spell in pathfinder simply because the system has some different assumptions and mathematical damage progression across the spell levels. Also, some spells appear to be renamed versions of pathfinder spells, such as psychokinetic hand (mage hand) and jolting surge (shocking grasp), but I have not had the opportunity to do text by text comparisons between the books to see how similar or different they are for those spells or even the ones that retain the same names (invisibility, spider climb, etc.). After all, I was only sitting with that handout during a single game session that I had more interest in playing than in reading the spell descriptions for. I do remember feeling that, in general, the descriptions were more... streamlined(?)... in the starfinder descriptions.

Interesting. I wonder how the difference between Pathfinder spells and Starfinder spells compares to the difference between Pathfinder spells and 5e spells.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
rooneg wrote:
Interesting. I wonder how the difference between Pathfinder spells and Starfinder spells compares to the difference between Pathfinder spells and 5e spells.

I'm afraid I wouldn't know that as I have not even read any of the 5e books.

Ashanderai wrote:
rooneg wrote:
Interesting. I wonder how the difference between Pathfinder spells and Starfinder spells compares to the difference between Pathfinder spells and 5e spells.
I'm afraid I wouldn't know that as I have not even read any of the 5e books.

I would say that the main difference is that 5th edition spells don't scale with level. You have to cast it at a higher level if you want it more powerful. To compensate for this the spells tend to be stronger out of the box.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Fardragon wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
rooneg wrote:
Interesting. I wonder how the difference between Pathfinder spells and Starfinder spells compares to the difference between Pathfinder spells and 5e spells.
I'm afraid I wouldn't know that as I have not even read any of the 5e books.
I would say that the main difference is that 5th edition spells don't scale with level. You have to cast it at a higher level if you want it more powerful. To compensate for this the spells tend to be stronger out of the box.

Yeah, it's sort of like undercasting Psychic spells in Pathfinder, but in reverse.

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