Merchants Guild - Replacement Player Recruitment


I am looking for fill several vacant spots from a long running PbP game on these forums.

Original Recruitment Thread and game details.

Once you've read that, a couple of updates to the overall state of the game:

Only two factions remain active, the merchant's group and the mages group. While the game initially had some PvP, it is unlikely to occur between these two groups, so think of it more as playing a normal game where sometimes things happen in the world because of what the other group is doing.

Starting level is now level 8, with appropriate starting wealth.

The group could use a good face character. I'm looking for 2 players (maybe 3).

Post a back story as outlined in the original recruitment thread - I won't be looking at stats yet (though if that helps you envision your characters back story, feel free).

Good morning, GM,

I recall watching this recruitment when it went up the first time, though I was concerned there would be meta-conflict between the various groups. The longevity of the campaign indicates a resilience of the remaining players. Was the dispersing of the rebellion and thieves' guild something expected?

In any event, the setting and face gap has enticed me to consider creating a Watersinger from the Isles of Ioso. Given the dangerous nature of the sea and slower-breeding cycle of their people, this undine is accustomed to making cutthroat deals, using leverage of scarcity and information to give his "customers" little choice. Unlike much of the tribes of the waters around the islands though, he believes one's reach must be expanded into different markets in perhaps distant areas. Though Ondian control of the empire may extend to the Ioson shores, in actuality, (I'm assuming) the rule is rather decentralized with a good deal of local realities. Playing his unique personhood with the geographic strain of the situation, the watersinger (I take a bit of time to craft names) secured his role in protecting shipments ... while being in the know of all the inner workings among them, of course.

This marine merchant manager would be weathered in realities of a harsh world, yet be rather benign in motive personally; CG would be the alignment best-fit.

As a bard, watersingers come perfectly-equipped to be faces. I do request you give a read to some of their rather singular abilities though. They are not truly powerful as much as they are strange and unexpected; there is a lot of gray area in the control of water which I could well describe, though you may feel some is/not appropriate. As these are core features of the archetype though - and baked into the character of an undine - it would be good to know where you stood on them.

If this concept sounds fruitful to you, I can flesh it out tomorrow. Many thanks for your time!

Color me interested. I will get a character background posted tonight.

So Below you can see my Orc brawler that I can use, or I could play your good face. I have always had an unusual love for paladins.

Out of curiosity, could we form a brute group? I have a level 8 orc brawler worked up already, and I might be able to pull that over.

Dang the delete button went away. I've had an epiphany, and a mindless orc brawler will not fit very well into this campaign.

A rather quick peek and it seems you have these current characters.
Cindy Lu, Half-Orc Mystic, Con based full caster with hexes.
Aerin Starsong, Elven Magus, Dex based fighter/Int caster.
Issa Al'Sadri, Human Cleric, high Wis/Cha, Sun/Animal Domains, full caster with a large focus on Channeling.
Cormick Egerton, Human Bard, high Cha, many/strong skills especially social skills. (Just Dropped)
Just so I can understand the current party a bit and not step on too many toes, I can see why you were hoping for a face character and I see that you are caster heavy.

I will have to think a bit on what I would want to create :)
One idea is a bard, another is a greedy dwarf... I dunno.

Alchemist on the way. Merchant in the bomb business. Never, ever, EVER, a good sign.

Grew up learning to master bombs. But to master bombs, one had to have bombs. And to have bombs, one needs a lot of resources. Which is where his mercantile backstory comes in. Even when a young boy, he was trading - buying and selling - goods so he could get his bombs.


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Johton Vistane at your service! I am a member of the merchant's guild in good standing. My business is getting your goods from point a to b. We here at Vistane's Voyages specialize in transporting goods and people in as timely and comfortable a manner as possible. I give you my personal guarantee* that we will insure the safety of your supplies, finished goods, and workers using our state of the art A.P.S., or Adventurer Protection System, to get your goods delivered safely.

Remember, if distance is your enemy, let us fight your battles for you!

*:Guarantee does not include powerful supernatural events and attackers, including all variety of dragons, demons, devils, or derro. No Refunds!

Galoria Ginodesa wrote:

Good morning, GM,

I recall watching this recruitment when it went up the first time, though I was concerned there would be meta-conflict between the various groups. The longevity of the campaign indicates a resilience of the remaining players. Was the dispersing of the rebellion and thieves' guild something expected?

The rebellion group never really got off the ground. It lasted several months, then eventually fizzled, mostly I blame myself for not having a strong enough story line for them to get started with.

The thieve's guild lasted for a little over two years of play time, but PvP eventually wore down player enjoyment for them. They were a great group to play with though.

The mages and merchants have both had some player churn, but both groups are going pretty strong.

I am intrigued by your watersinger concept, I'm excited to see your completed back story for the character.

Joseph Bonkers wrote:

A rather quick peek and it seems you have these current characters.

Cindy Lu, Half-Orc Mystic, Con based full caster with hexes.
Aerin Starsong, Elven Magus, Dex based fighter/Int caster.
Issa Al'Sadri, Human Cleric, high Wis/Cha, Sun/Animal Domains, full caster with a large focus on Channeling.
Cormick Egerton, Human Bard, high Cha, many/strong skills especially social skills. (Just Dropped)
Just so I can understand the current party a bit and not step on too many toes, I can see why you were hoping for a face character and I see that you are caster heavy.

I will have to think a bit on what I would want to create :)
One idea is a bard, another is a greedy dwarf... I dunno.

That is correct. I'm waiting to hear back from the character Hezrog (a Slayer) as well, but I suspect he is dropped.

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:

Johton Vistane at your service! I am a member of the merchant's guild in good standing. My business is getting your goods from point a to b. We here at Vistane's Voyages specialize in transporting goods and people in as timely and comfortable a manner as possible. I give you my personal guarantee* that we will insure the safety of your supplies, finished goods, and workers using our state of the art A.P.S., or Adventurer Protection System, to get your goods delivered safely.

Remember, if distance is your enemy, let us fight your battles for you!

*:Guarantee does not include powerful supernatural events and attackers, including all variety of dragons, demons, devils, or derro. No Refunds!

Very amusing. I look forward to seeing a character story from you.

JustAnotherSwordsman wrote:

Alchemist on the way. Merchant in the bomb business. Never, ever, EVER, a good sign.

Grew up learning to master bombs. But to master bombs, one had to have bombs. And to have bombs, one needs a lot of resources. Which is where his mercantile backstory comes in. Even when a young boy, he was trading - buying and selling - goods so he could get his bombs.

Its been a long time since I've seen an alchemist in a game. Let's see what you can put together.

How open are you to unusual races? I'm eyeballing Ratfolk and Tiefling. Though chances are I'll roll up Elf, as it fits this setup the very best.

I'll flesh out the backstory some soon, but if I join I'm looking at making a character that's bookishly studied warfare - a nerd of warfare, really - and was going to join the military but got laughed off. Despite that, they're surprisingly useful in a fight, somehow emphasizing 'brains over brawn' successfully, and have a great grasp of numbers and just about every subject you can think of.

Mechanically, this would be a Fighter (Lore Warden) with Variant Multiclass Magus and levels in the PRC Student of War. They'd have the Clever Wordplay trait, and would use Intelligence for... everything. Attack, damage, AC bonus, Bluff (which in your game covers basically all the social skills)... I really want to try this out.

I'll crunch some numbers and then post a backstory (and can keep the numbers to myself unless chosen if you prefer).

Are traits and background skills being used?

Also, I'd like to request permission to create the following custom magic item, as you want a party face:

Magnificent Torc - Grants a +3 Competence Bonus to Bluff.

4500g - pricing it the same as a Circlet of Persuasion and grants the same bonus, but in this way it can apply to Bluff (which acts as 3 different skills in your game), but is still able to affect Bluff despite Bluff being an Intelligence skill for me (where the Circlet would be unable to). Takes a neck slot, leaving the head slot open for a headband of intellect. In normal custom item rules it'd cost either 900g (because it affects one skill) or 2700g (if you counted it affecting three skills in your game because Bluff kind of does).

Is this okay? I'm basically trying to stack a little extra Bluff.

Should have Elandra Nightbomber done tonight. How do you feel about myth-weavers character sheets?

So how are you going to place all these new recruits?

Just got a much better look at the thread and the current characters - and while my idea isn't exactly the same as the magus's, it's too close for comfort. I'll withdraw my concept. It's an interesting game, but the character idea I got intrigued by is too similar to another.

Johton has been called many things in his life: trader, thief, coward, husband (3 times and counting). What he is to his customers is reliable. He hires down on their luck adventurers as carqvan guards and pays them well, then charges the customers outrageous sums for the privilege.

Johton was one of a dozen children born to his mother, the prostitute for his village. He quickly learned that the best way to get fed was to be useful. He began managing his mother and doubled the money she was bringing in. The arrangement lasted for several years until one of her customers decided to kill her. Not knowing what to do, he took his knowledge and leveraged it into an apprenticeship with a bookkeeper, where he learned how to read and write and do calculations. He also got his first taste for skimming from the old man, who had him doing the books for his business. Whem the old man died of old age, Johton took all them money and bookkeeping supplies he had and flad to a large town.

It took him several years, but he established himself as a reliable accountant. It took several more before he joined the merchant's guild, with a specialty of running caravans. At this point in his life, Johton's business pretty much runs itself and so now he is bored. He started travelling with his caravans (ostensibly to keep an eye on things, but mostly to alleviate his boredom.)

Mechanically Johton is a phantom thief rogue.

Her parents died when she was young. The local bomb making old guy with the really long beard (BMOGWTRLB) took her in as an apprentice. She mastered the art of making bombs quite quickly. Something about the way they went kaboom seemed to interest her.

She very quickly learned that bombs were a very messy business. First, they didn't last long. She had to make her bombs and then use them quickly.

Second, they used materials that were sometimes hard to come by. When that happened, she had to get her materials in ways that were... less than good.

And third, the bombs blew up. They blew up people, they blew up monsters, they blew up everything.

And she loved that.

Around the age of 17, she started maturing. She decided that she would join the merchants guild, as a means of getting he bombs in a way that was... slightly... less evil (Being evil under a good name with other people, as opposed to being evil solo and under the name Nightbomb).

Physical Description: She is tall, with extremely white skin. Her black hair she lets grow down to her neck. Her black eyes are said to have more chaos than the bombs she throws. She usually wears her black armored coat, as it is both more stylish than a chain shirt (the next best option), and it is good for holding all the alchemisty substances she has to carry around.

She is motivated by hatred. The way she sees it, her parents ditched her. She hates people who betray her. The way she sees it, the merchant who raised her used her simply as a way to get chemicals to sell to other alchemists. She hates people who use her. And most of all, she hates people who try to throw a bomb at her.

She is afraid of orcs. They are big, they are strong, they like to get up in your face and kill you. Not only do they have the nerve to fight with a different style than her, they like to use HUGE weapons to do it (cough cough greataxe users)

So there you have her backstory :D

JustAnotherSwordsman wrote:

Should have Elandra Nightbomber done tonight. How do you feel about myth-weavers character sheets?

So how are you going to place all these new recruits?

A link in your profile to a myth-weaver sheet is fine.

Don't know yet how the new characters will be introduced into the storyline.

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:

Johton has been called many things in his life: trader, thief, coward, husband (3 times and counting). What he is to his customers is reliable. He hires down on their luck adventurers as carqvan guards and pays them well, then charges the customers outrageous sums for the privilege.

Johton was one of a dozen children born to his mother, the prostitute for his village. He quickly learned that the best way to get fed was to be useful. He began managing his mother and doubled the money she was bringing in. The arrangement lasted for several years until one of her customers decided to kill her. Not knowing what to do, he took his knowledge and leveraged it into an apprenticeship with a bookkeeper, where he learned how to read and write and do calculations. He also got his first taste for skimming from the old man, who had him doing the books for his business. Whem the old man died of old age, Johton took all them money and bookkeeping supplies he had and flad to a large town.

It took him several years, but he established himself as a reliable accountant. It took several more before he joined the merchant's guild, with a specialty of running caravans. At this point in his life, Johton's business pretty much runs itself and so now he is bored. He started travelling with his caravans (ostensibly to keep an eye on things, but mostly to alleviate his boredom.)

Mechanically Johton is a phantom thief rogue.

At this point none of the group "own" their own merchant businesses. That is certainly a possibility in the future though. Recommend a change to the back story that business was lost - either due to a hostile take over by another merchant, a deal that went south, or some other catastrophe.

Please also include an individual you have a close relationship with, and respond to these two items from the back story guide lines.

"All players are from this region of the world and should select one of the areas from the geography section as a birth place."

"I'd like to know what motivates your character and what your character is afraid of. Anything that I can hook some side plots into will make for a much more interesting play experience."

Elandra Nightbomber wrote:

Her parents died when she was young. The local bomb making old guy with the really long beard (BMOGWTRLB) took her in as an apprentice. She mastered the art of making bombs quite quickly. Something about the way they went kaboom seemed to interest her.

She very quickly learned that bombs were a very messy business. First, they didn't last long. She had to make her bombs and then use them quickly.

Second, they used materials that were sometimes hard to come by. When that happened, she had to get her materials in ways that were... less than good.

And third, the bombs blew up. They blew up people, they blew up monsters, they blew up everything.

And she loved that.

Around the age of 17, she started maturing. She decided that she would join the merchants guild, as a means of getting he bombs in a way that was... slightly... less evil (Being evil under a good name with other people, as opposed to being evil solo and under the name Nightbomb).

Physical Description: She is tall, with extremely white skin. Her black hair she lets grow down to her neck. Her black eyes are said to have more chaos than the bombs she throws. She usually wears her black armored coat, as it is both more stylish than a chain shirt (the next best option), and it is good for holding all the alchemisty substances she has to carry around.

She is motivated by hatred. The way she sees it, her parents ditched her. She hates people who betray her. The way she sees it, the merchant who raised her used her simply as a way to get chemicals to sell to other alchemists. She hates people who use her. And most of all, she hates people who try to throw a bomb at her.

She is afraid of orcs. They are big, they are strong, they like to get up in your face and kill you. Not only do they have the nerve to fight with a different style than her, they like to use HUGE weapons to do it (cough cough greataxe users)

So there you have her backstory :D

How did Elandra become involved with the merchant's guild as a result of her experiences? Was she running as a caravan guard? Continues to work for one of the merchants? Other?

Also please add to your background where you hail from and a person you are close to.

Elandra is in the merchants guild because merchants have goods, most notably chemicals. She can use these chemicals for bombs/extracts/mutagens.

She hails from Diobol, a settlement outside of Absalom. She was raised by Hugo Stallton, an old man who smuggled potions into and out of Absalom. She was extremely fond of him, although she felt he was too trustworthy in his potions (she prefered bombs).

Sadly, Hugo Stallton didn't trust her. He feared her bombs. So he made her leave. She joined the merchant's guild after realizing that she could no longer attain the materials for her bombs without Hugo providing her some. So, using the merchant's guild, she was able to get money to buy the materials she needed. And she loved the thrill of adventures that the merchants went on.

But, she could never forget Hugo. He was the only parent she ever knew. At first, she would sometimes return to his shop and spy him working. She never had the nerve to confront him, however. She feared too much that he might respond in a bad way.

And she felt anger that she had to feel that way.

Would a mesmerist fit? They're very face-like, possibly the most face-like out of any class. In any case, I won't get into character mechanics but I'd like to know whoch classes are allowed, if it isn't too much trouble.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm considering putting together my Iron Caster concept for this one, with the idea that he could be hired into the Merchants' Guild as a melee enforcer, but can quickly show the group his use as a combat caster as well. It's been tough to find a game I could join in that is already at least 5th level to let the concept shine. :)

EDIT: Nevermind, you don't allow several sourcebooks I would need. Enjoy, guys!

Okay, I'll get his backstory modified tonight.

How open would you be to a dwarven inquisitor of Adabar? A quick talking dwarf, always mindful of making the next deal. His ancestors were miners turned smugglers, who used their knowledge of the tunnels to bring illicit goods in and out of their hold. What started as a criminal enterprise led to enough wealth for them to 'go-legit' and become actual merchants. Though they still have a streak of 'entrepreneurship', in that they will take jobs as they come. They have branched out into a number of businesses, including guarding caravans.

Crunch wise, I plan to run him as an infiltrator inquisitor, with the 'stoic negotiator' alternate racial. Throw on clever wordplay, and he'll have great bluff (which here counts as diplomacy and intimidate). For domain, planning on taking the Trade Domain. This will give him 30ft movement and Silver-Tongued Haggler, so he is even better at negotiating. And of course, as a Wis based warrior/caster, he'll have great profession-merchant.

Johton has been called many things in his life: trader, thief, coward, husband (3 times and counting). What he is to his customers is reliable.

He hires down on their luck adventurers as carqvan guards and pays them well, then charges the customers outrageous sums for the privilege.

Johton was one of a dozen children born to his mother, the prostitute for his village. He quickly learned that the best way to get fed was to be useful. He began managing his mother and doubled the money she was bringing in. The arrangement lasted for several years until one of her customers decided to kill her.

Not knowing what to do, he took his knowledge and leveraged it into an apprenticeship with a bookkeeper, where he learned how to read and write and do calculations. He also got his first taste for skimming from the old man, who had him doing the books for his business. Whem the old man died of old age, Johton took all them money and bookkeeping supplies he had and fled to a large town.

It took him several years, but he established himself as a reliable accountant. It took several more before he joined the merchant's guild, with a specialty of running caravans. At this point in his life, Johton's business pretty much runs itself and so now he is bored. He started travelling with his caravans (ostensibly to keep an eye on things, but mostly to alleviate his boredom.)

So this went for several years, until a rival named Gaspar Enre' took advantage while he was away to purchase his company from his second wife, a pretty but foolish young woman, for pennies on the dollar. When he returned home and discovered what she had done, he promptly divorced her and decided to work towards creating another company. For now, he does jobs for the Merchant's guild, but soon he will create his company anew.

Johton is has a healthy respect for spiders. I'm not saying he's afraid of them but he does his best to stay away from them.

Johton is from one of the small settlements named Calen located a day west of Issust Hold. Now he lives in the Capitol.

I have an applicant for the Merchants, excellent face, great swashbuckler.

Swashbuckler lvl 8 human, Noble fencer archetype if allowed ..

Noble Fencer

Appearance, Background and Personality are in the Alias

Simeon wrote:
Would a mesmerist fit? They're very face-like, possibly the most face-like out of any class. In any case, I won't get into character mechanics but I'd like to know whoch classes are allowed, if it isn't too much trouble.

No class restrictions, so mesmerist would be fine.

Grumbaki wrote:

How open would you be to a dwarven inquisitor of Adabar? A quick talking dwarf, always mindful of making the next deal. His ancestors were miners turned smugglers, who used their knowledge of the tunnels to bring illicit goods in and out of their hold. What started as a criminal enterprise led to enough wealth for them to 'go-legit' and become actual merchants. Though they still have a streak of 'entrepreneurship', in that they will take jobs as they come. They have branched out into a number of businesses, including guarding caravans.

Crunch wise, I plan to run him as an infiltrator inquisitor, with the 'stoic negotiator' alternate racial. Throw on clever wordplay, and he'll have great bluff (which here counts as diplomacy and intimidate). For domain, planning on taking the Trade Domain. This will give him 30ft movement and Silver-Tongued Haggler, so he is even better at negotiating. And of course, as a Wis based warrior/caster, he'll have great profession-merchant.

This concept could fit in well with the story. Likely the character would hail from Issust Hold. Write up a back story if you would please.

Solian Rook wrote:

I have an applicant for the Merchants, excellent face, great swashbuckler.

Swashbuckler lvl 8 human, Noble fencer archetype if allowed ..

Noble Fencer

Appearance, Background and Personality are in the Alias

Good back story and write up.

I'll be making a decision on Wednesday evening. It would have been sooner but I ended up travelling to Calgary this Sunday and won't be back till Wednesday.

Did you want me to actually go ahead and build my character now?

Just want to pose interest as the dwarven daughter of a merchant king.

Born to the wealthy family of Stone, a well regarde dwarven merchant clan, she was raised under close watch and eye by her protective father. Eventually, she grew restless, being barred from hammering on iron to forge armor, forbidden to weild weapons until she was grown, her father looked at her daughter like a fragile clam. But the daughter had her own plans for a future. Free from her father's grasp, when she came of age, she made an agreement with her father: She would leave his service, and build a business on her own. He would not aid her. He would not interfeer with her. Should she break this vow, he will suffer the effect of the geas laid upon him.

So now, here is an artisan coming forward, looking for a party to aid in combat to gether the cash to build her own empire.

Mechanically, I didn't say anything against 3rd party materials, but thematically the character makes sense: May I request the Artisan class, by the folks who made Spheres of Power. Basically a rogue, with rogue talents and sneak attack replaced by item creation.

I don't have a sheet ready (And it might take a while), but I can have a sheet built minus items in two days, should I be accepted.

Dot. Dot. Dot! Fighter with flair as some diplomatic skills.

Vasco is a local, born of poverty and raised in the streets of Coran. He was a perfectly ordinary boy, fighting to survive, until a rich merchant found him and took him under his wing. At first, he ran errands and informed on other merchants in the city. He proved himself to be tough, clever, and, more importantly, trustworthy; and soon he was called upon to act as a messenger, discreetly delivering important and private messages. Eventually, he accompanied caravans, negotiated contracts, enforced payments, and became an essential part of the organisation.

He became one of the merchant’s most trusted assets, travelling far and wide as his emissary. He learned languages, and acquired a way with words.

And then, the old merchant died. And Vasco, who was disliked and distrusted by the merchant’s heir, found himself without a job…

GM Ascension: I just PMed you. I am thinking about making an Urban druid or Rakshasa (bloodline) Sorcerer. I will start working on a backstory now.

I am pleased to introduce Mordani Valentino CN Human Sorcerer Rakshasa Bloodline for consideration:

Mordani does not know anything about the circumstances of his birth. As a matter of fact, his earliest memories involve shoveling animal dung for Hannibal’s Amazing and Stupendous Circus. He also has no idea how he became the property of Persius Gregorius Hannibal. All he knows is that his childhood and adolescent years were spent as the corrupt circus owner’s “employee”.

Mordani was a talented child. His natural charm and charisma were obvious to all. It did not take long for word of his giftings to reach the ear of Hannibal. The very same day Mordani began his mentorship in the art of magic and crime. He would shovel dung and feed the animals during the day and pick Circus goers pockets at night. All in all, he made a great little employee. His training progressed and he began working with the magicians in his early teens. By fourteen, he was one of the stars of the show. People would come from near and far to see young Mordani the Magnificent perform illusions and escape from death defying traps. With the progression of his skill in magic, also came a progression of his skill in reading minds. Riley would be able to read the minds of the wealthy circus visitors and provide Hannibal valuable information. They made it part of the show. A wealthy circus participant would be singled out and Mordani would read his mind. He would only mention fun things during the performance, but later would provide Hannibal juicy information that he could use to blackmail the person (ie. a secret criminal involvement or an affair)...or maybe just figure out a combination to a safe. All in all the young man grew into a powerful sorcerer.

Life in the circus was bitter sweet. Mordani enjoyed the cheers and fame that came with his performances, but abhorred the life of crime he was forced to lead for the profit of others. Poor returns on his criminal activities would earn him severe beatings from their boss and his right hand man, a large Hobgoblin named Tiny.

Everything changed though when a young human girl was added to the acrobats. Mordani loved Lily from the moment their eyes met. Spending several months as her mentor only made it worse. The two became close and soon fell in love. Lily was the first “good” person that Mordani had ever known. She made him want to be a better man. He worked hard to please her as they gracefully entertained the masses with their illusions and mind tricks. Once again though, the relationship was bitter sweet. While Mordani would go out late to help rob local businesses and jewelry stores, Lily would be prostituted to the city’s noblemen by Hannibal. It was a painful way of life for them both, but a life they did not know how to escape.

It was Lily’s idea to run away while they were in Issut Hold. The two planned it out. They would wait until early morning and then meet outside the city gates. Mordani, wearied from his performance and a long night of crime, made it to the spot on time. He waited for over an hour for Lily, but she never arrived. He returned to the circus to find her lying naked on the floor of her tent with her throat slit from ear to ear. Mordani collapsed and held his love. It was too late. Lily had been dead for over an hour.

City officials, who had been tipped off by Persius, showed up to question the young magician. Fearful for his life, the young man escaped through the city, but not before ripping Lily’s necklace and locket from her neck. He quickly stowed away on a trade vessel and traveled to Coran.

His next few years were spent in revelry and hedonism. Everything he had lived for was gone. He attempted to kill himself through drinking and gambling. It was at the height of his self-destructive behavior that he had a chance encounter with a merchant named, Lauirreux Montpierre. Mordani had been caught using his mind reading to cheat at cards and was beaten nearly to death. The merchant took him back to his home and nursed Mordani to health. For some reason Lauirreux took pity on the man. Over the next several weeks, Mordani was groomed to market the merchant's goods. He was an immediate success.

Within a year, Mordani had become a valuable asset to the merchant. For the first time in his life, he had his own flat and earned enough wealth to rub elbows with the city's elite. He developed his natural given powers and soon became even more valuable to the guild. This time in espionage. His art of illusion and disguise allowed him to infiltrate rival merchant houses. He had become a decent spy for the guild-all the while earning some local fame as a performance magician.

The past few years have been good to Mordani. His desire to grow in the guild is only surpassed by his thirst for power in the arcane. Tonight he attends a meeting with those in the Merchant's guild who have the power to catapult his career to even higher degrees of prestige and power...

People Mordani holds dear: Lauirreux Montpierre (Merchant who helped him) & Priscilla (Little sister of Lily - He found her in Coran years after he arrived there and was able to return her sister's locket. He helps support her financially since she had been living a life of orphaned poverty. She is now in bad health. She had not been kidnapped like her sister and had been fending for herself on the rough streets of Coran the past decade).

Appearance: Mordani dresses in fine clothes with ruffles under a long, fancy overcoat. He has dark brown hair and a long handlebar mustache. His ice blue eyes are a stark contrast to his tanned complexion and dark hair. He carries a shiny, ebony colored cane that houses his favorite wand.

Personality: Mordani is handsome and charismatic. He is a born entertainer. He hides a painful childhood behind a quick wit and a silver tongue. In all appearances, he is a fun loving entertainer. To those who know him well though, he is much different. Those in the guild describe him as a professional who takes his craft very seriously. He is thirsty for power and position. He is loyal to those who are loyal to him and to those who hold the same goals in life and career. This loyalty does not mean that he does not have an air of mystery though. He is often feared by those who know his true powers of mind reading, illusion, and enchantment.


Fears: Mordani has two fears (weakness and incarceration). He was unable to protect the only woman he loved because he was not strong enough at the time. This thought haunts him. He also cannot stomach the thought of being controlled. He spent his childhood in fear of disobeying his "boss". He will never let anyone control him again. Incarceration is the ultimate form of control.

Mardoni Valentino and Solian Rook, please join us in the discussion thread, and complete a character sheet.

Everyone else, thank you for your interest.

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