Is Deadeye Bowman OP?


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For one trait you get Improved Precise Shot.

How could I not get it as an archer? I don't understand.

I get to ignore the most soft cover, could someone explain how this is not broken?

No. You still take penalties for shooting someone hiding in a fog cloud or behind two or more people. I would actually say that its a bad trait for dedicated archers, because you're still going to want improved precise shot and once you get it... well its pretty much a wasted trait.

A trait what works for 11 levels is wasted? And we're not even talking about 3/4 BAB.

I can't find a way to avoid the -4 except having smart team mates and not being in the middle

For one trait you get Improved Precise Shot.

Imp Precise shot lets you ignore all cover and concealment. Deadeye Bowman lets you ignore cover only if it's generated by another person and only if there's only one person generating it. It's less than half the value of Improved Precise Shot and traits are valued at half a feat.

Yeah it's definitely fine. If there's anything to complain about, it's that it's a longbow specific trait when longbows are already the best ranged weapon in the game.

For a dedicated longbow user it's by far the best trait in the game and therefore I'd consider it over powered.

swoosh wrote:
For one trait you get Improved Precise Shot.
Yeah it's definitely fine. If there's anything to complain about, it's that it's a longbow specific trait when longbows are already the best ranged weapon in the game.

It's a trait specifically for Worshipers of Erastil IIRC, so making it Longbow Specific makes a whole heap of sense.

Hubaris wrote:

It's a trait specifically for Worshipers of Erastil IIRC, so making it Longbow Specific makes a whole heap of sense.

Yeah, I understand the fluff behind it and it makes sense.

But mechanically it's still Paizo providing more benefits to the best combat style in the game, which is still stupid, so I'm going to point that out regardless.

And frankly not mentioning longbows in the benefit section wouldn't have cost them anything anyways, so I'm not even sure if it's a good excuse there.

Depending on your class, you can get Improved Precise Shot as early as atleast 6th, and Id say before 11th for some other classes, so it seems kind of a waste


And frankly not mentioning longbows in the benefit section wouldn't have cost them anything anyways,

Except it would cost them the flavour of the trait, that its specifically for using Old Deadeye's favored weapon.

In terms of combat styles, if you aren't playing a class who can cheese out IPBS early (ie: Zen Archer, the greatest offender), you're really not that far ahead on the curve truthfully.

Ranger can take IPS at 6th as well, same a Slayer, so there's 3classes that can have Improved Precise Shot by 6th, so your Deadeye trait is good for 5 levels

Sovereign Court

It's kind of ahead of the curve for traits; other traits that give circumstantial bonuses to hit tend to be +1 on for example AoOs, while this one negates a very common +4 bonus to enemy AC.

That said, it does have its limits. Two creatures providing cover (say, your ally, the NPC mook, both in front of the NPC wizard). And walls, doesn't help against those.

So it's not quite equal to a BAB+11 feat either. It's sort of at the power level of a feat with no prerequisites (other than religion).

I think the current most-elegant implementation is inquisitors with friendly fire tactics. That's a decent compromise between a feat to not be bothered by ally-caused cover, but not entirely remove the concept of cover from the game.

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It's good. But it's not overpowered.

It does make what is already the best martial combat style even better, but it's still no spell casting.

its way too much as a trait. i would take full feat for that effect.
cover is THE problam of all archers, what make full bab better than non, and what make monk or ranger 6 supreme.

Scarab Sages

eh, doesn't cure all your ranged attack ailments. it's good but not OP.

I think it's pretty much a good example of how you make an archery-related trait attractive but also not a problem. Specifically because it doesn't make the archer any better on the high end (i.e. once you have IPS). You want to throw some trait support to archery, since it's a popular combat style and you want to print stuff people will actually want to use, but you also don't want to pile bonus after bonus so it's even more better than everything else.

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I guess so. I'm mostly asking because I'm divided between Warpriest and Inquisitor and in all honestly the trait makes a huge difference when you're getting IPS at level 16

Warpriest can take it at 11, they're level counts as BAB for feats.

As far as the trait, meh, soft cover is rarely a problem that a 5' step can't fix. There is also a feat Low Profile that provides +1 AC vs Ranged attacks and you don't provide cover to enemies. Deadeye is half of that so...

Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor can get IPS at level 9; warpriest at 12.

nicholas storm wrote:
Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor can get IPS at level 9; warpriest at 12.

How do you get it at level 9? Extra Slayer Talent doesn't work because you don't have Slayer Talents, you have Talented Slayer, so you don't meet prerequisites.

I believe you can take extra slayer talent.

In any case, I would always take the trait since it works at level 1.

Personal preference, I guess, but I prefer traits to be less situational, and to not be obsoleted by such an essential feat.

On the other hand, I would rarely play an archer anyway, and like religion traits.

qaplawjw wrote:

Personal preference, I guess, but I prefer traits to be less situational, and to not be obsoleted by such an essential feat.

On the other hand, I would rarely play an archer anyway, and like religion traits.

I don't like the trait because of the religion aspect, but getting a benefit of a level 11 feat for just 1 trait is awesome.

The next best choice is a TW feat at level 3 that only works with Solo Tactics, and most of the time it's just 1 guy standing in the middle of your LOS, so the trait is basically a full feat that gives +4 to attack.
If you consider that only 3 classes can get IPS shot at level 6, fighters at level 11 and most 3/4 at 15 it's a great investment for something that comes from free.

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qaplawjw wrote:
Personal preference, I guess, but I prefer traits to be less situational, and to not be obsoleted by such an essential feat.

Take the feat additional traits to pick up deadeye bowman and another trait. Then you can retrain the feat to either pick up IPS or to pick another trait when you qualify for IPS. That way you don't have to worry about the trait becoming obsolete.

graystone wrote:
qaplawjw wrote:
Personal preference, I guess, but I prefer traits to be less situational, and to not be obsoleted by such an essential feat.
Take the feat additional traits to pick up deadeye bowman and another trait. Then you can retrain the feat to either pick up IPS or to pick another trait when you qualify for IPS. That way you don't have to worry about the trait becoming obsolete.

Well gosh darn... that's a pretty good idea.

Letric wrote:
but getting a benefit of a level 11 feat for just 1 trait is awesome.

But it's not though? It's essentially half of IPS' benefit but only in certain scenarios.

And in the majority of cases that DEB applies you could simply five-foot step to negate the cover penalty either. It's useful in more cramped areas, but more cramped areas are also more likely to have other sources of cover that would end up negating DEB entirely.

It sounds really great on paper but in practice it doesn't activate all that often and most of the time it does activate you could get around it even without the trait.

Well I think it also depends on the size of the encounters the more players and monsters that are on means more chance for soft cover.

swoosh wrote:
Letric wrote:
but getting a benefit of a level 11 feat for just 1 trait is awesome.

But it's not though? It's essentially half of IPS' benefit but only in certain scenarios.

And in the majority of cases that DEB applies you could simply five-foot step to negate the cover penalty either. It's useful in more cramped areas, but more cramped areas are also more likely to have other sources of cover that would end up negating DEB entirely.

It sounds really great on paper but in practice it doesn't activate all that often and most of the time it does activate you could get around it even without the trait.

I think it depends on the type of party you play with. I typically play in parties where only 1 or 2 people are meleeing - everyone is in the back. For my type of party the trait would work around 95% of the time.

Grand Lodge

I'd say its fine considering the baseline for balancing traits is to be about half as powerful as a feat.

It gives you about half the benefits of Improved Precise Shot, and is restricted to only worshipers of Erastil.

its a lot more than half .... the feat is min level 15 or 11 to most characters. this is level 1.

666bender wrote:
its a lot more than half .... the feat is min level 15 or 11 to most characters.

or 6th...

graystone wrote:
666bender wrote:
its a lot more than half .... the feat is min level 15 or 11 to most characters.
or 6th...

the ones that gets it a 6 (3 classes only) are the special - not the general.

this trait, on a cleric is AMAZING

That's probably a good thing. It's hard for a cleric to be a half-decent archer, even if their deity's favored weapon is a bow.

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swoosh wrote:

And in the majority of cases that DEB applies you could simply five-foot step to negate the cover penalty either. It's useful in more cramped areas, but more cramped areas are also more likely to have other sources of cover that would end up negating DEB entirely.

This really isn't true. Ranged cover will apply if a line you draw from the corner of your square to each corner of your target passes through a blocking object or creature. If you have an ally directly between you and the target a 5' step will not get you to a point where you have a clear shot, assuming both are medium.

Letric wrote:
nicholas storm wrote:
Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor can get IPS at level 9; warpriest at 12.
How do you get it at level 9? Extra Slayer Talent doesn't work because you don't have Slayer Talents, you have Talented Slayer, so you don't meet prerequisites.

His level was off. The Sanctified Slayer can take it at lvl 8.

The Talented Slayer feature allows you to take a Slayer Talent at level 8 of Sanctified Slayer. You opt for the Ranger Combat Style Talent, allowing a pick of one of the 1st or 6th level bonus style feats, ignoring the pre-requisites.

Its no better and no worse then some other traits.

It's no where as OP as the traits that reduce spells meta magic levels.

For 3/4 BAB archers, this trait is essentially a must-pick. I have two characters with it and I can say with certainty that it doesn't address some of the typical use cases for IPS. One of the characters I have it on is built on mobility, typically running around with 90' movement speed, so it's not as good in open layouts to have the trait, but it comes up enough for the character that it's still a must-have.

Personally, I would still think that it would be good if it was a feat instead of a trait, but it would be a harder choice then. As a trait, it's too easy to pick up and not worry about the consequences.

The Exchange

Not to mention if you're a 3/4 BAB class, campaign might be over by the time you actually get the level for it. Many campaigns do not go past 10.

Saldiven wrote:
Letric wrote:
nicholas storm wrote:
Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor can get IPS at level 9; warpriest at 12.
How do you get it at level 9? Extra Slayer Talent doesn't work because you don't have Slayer Talents, you have Talented Slayer, so you don't meet prerequisites.

His level was off. The Sanctified Slayer can take it at lvl 8.

The Talented Slayer feature allows you to take a Slayer Talent at level 8 of Sanctified Slayer. You opt for the Ranger Combat Style Talent, allowing a pick of one of the 1st or 6th level bonus style feats, ignoring the pre-requisites.

No, the lv6 options only become available the second time you take the talent.

The Exchange

I've made 2 Zen Archers, and have leveled both from 1-6+. The First took Deadeye Bowman because I didn't want to fight with cover for 5 levels. The Second I would use surprise rounds to reposition myself when I couldn't full attack anyway, and would occasionally have to delay a couple points of initiative to let brainless party members 5' step to clear my firing lane. But I really didn't have to take many more shots with cover than the first character did.

With basic tactics and intelligent play this trait really doesn't offer much unless you're trying to target the baddie in the back and other baddies are in the way. Playing with people who can't do anything but double move adjacent so the baddie gets a free full round attack on them, this is a must have. But even as a must Have I don't feel it's exceptionally over powered to simply treat one creature as if it weren't there.

Sovereign Court

It's actually a terrible trait.

Why? Because it locks you into longbow. IE, it does not apply to Composite Longbow.

Composite Longbow is a completely different weapon. It has its own entry in the weapons table, Different range increment, allows you to add some strength to damage, can have the adaptable enchant.

Only for the purposes of "weapon proficiency and similar feats" is it considered a longbow. Deadeye Bowman is not a feat.

But if you are Str 10 and don't plan on getting an enhancement bonus to Str... Sure it's still less then half IPS.

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I've never heard that interpretation of the trait, Firebug.

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Firebug wrote:

It's actually a terrible trait.

Why? Because it locks you into longbow. IE, it does not apply to Composite Longbow.

Composite Longbow is a completely different weapon. It has its own entry in the weapons table, Different range increment, allows you to add some strength to damage, can have the adaptable enchant.

Only for the purposes of "weapon proficiency and similar feats" is it considered a longbow. Deadeye Bowman is not a feat.

But if you are Str 10 and don't plan on getting an enhancement bonus to Str... Sure it's still less then half IPS.

I am not sure that is anywhere near rules as intended as the pfs pregen hunter uses this trait with a composite longbow.

doctor_wu wrote:
I am not sure that is anywhere near rules as intended as the pfs pregen hunter uses this trait with a composite longbow.

The pregen's aren't really what you should look to for rules clarifications. If I recall correctly, Hayato has greater weapon focus before he can legally get it.

The Exchange

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derpdidruid wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
I am not sure that is anywhere near rules as intended as the pfs pregen hunter uses this trait with a composite longbow.
The pregen's aren't really what you should look to for rules clarifications. If I recall correctly, Hayato has greater weapon focus before he can legally get it.

Maybe not, but looking at the stuff that's plain as day in the CRB/PRD is a good place to start.

Price 75 gp
Type martial
At almost 5 feet in height, a longbow is made up of one solid piece of carefully curved wood. You need two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. A longbow can't be used while mounted. If you have a penalty for low Strength, apply it to damage rolls when you use a longbow. You can apply your Strength modifier to damage rolls when you use a composite longbow, but not a regular longbow. A longbow fires arrows.

Clearly a Composite Longbow is a Type of Longbow. This is one of those overlapping circles you learned about as a child... Not all Longbows are Composite Longbows, but all Composite Longbows are Longbows.

I think I'm just gonna go Inquisitor with Friendly Fire Maneuvers and avoid Soft Cover from allies.

I'm also thinking on going Sanctified Slayer because I get permanent Studied Target, unlike Judgment that works only 1 time a day.
Plus at level 9 I can take Extra Slayer Talent and grab IPS.

Sovereign Court

In the description of Composite Longbow (which I pulled from my copy of Ultimate Equipment, maybe there is FAQ or errata out there) it says:

Ultimate Equipment Page 25 wrote:
For the purposes of Weapon Proficiency and similar feats, a composite longbow is treated as if it were a longbow.

Doubled checked, the official PRD of the core rulebook had the exact same language.

Which is why I included it in my previous post. You are welcome to rule otherwise for your games, but the rules say it only counts as a "Longbow" for Proficiency and Feats.

The language about composite longbow inside the Longbow description is not "clearly" the same thing. It's saying "...when you use a composite longbow, but not a regular longbow." IE, referring to it as a separate weapon, with no mention of how is the same weapon. By the same logic, then a greatclub is only a larger club that takes 2 hands... Not a completely different weapon that is martial instead of simple. "This larger, bulkier version of the common club is heavy enough that you can’t wield it with one hand." I am positive there are other weapons that reference other weapons, but that one comes to mind because of the shillelagh threads.

You do realize traits didn't exist when the core rulebook was printed. Most people just assume that traits would be added to that statement if it was relevent at the time it was written.

Sovereign Court

You do realize that Ultimate Equipment and the Core Rulebook have been updated with Errata (and the composite longbow wasn't changed) since traits existed right? And that the PRD can be changed at any time?

So if they had meant that section of wording to apply to traits as well, they would have updated it.

Like I said earlier, until they clarify that it applies to game features other then Proficient and Feats...

Firebug wrote:
You are welcome to rule otherwise for your games, but the rules say it only counts as a "Longbow" for Proficiency and Feats.

Its a great houserule, and I bet most people would get behind it as a "good change". But that's not what the rules say.

This is like saying that Sanctified Slayer can't take Extra Slayer Talent because the name of the Class Feature is called Talented Slayer

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