What's your party for Mummy's Mask?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

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Scarab Sages

To give us all a bit of a break from rules minutiae, I thought I'd ask: what party are you forming to go through Mummy's Mask? Are you using only characters from the box, or are you also using class deck characters, or characters from another box set?

I usually play solo with three characters until I get a chance to get a group to catch up (one group has been on Skull & Shackles for a good 2+ years). I considered two sets: either Ezren (or Mavaro), Yoon, and Drelm, or a combo of Channa Ti, Simoun, and Amhotep. I went with the latter and haven't regretted it - loads of skills covered (Craft, Divine, Survival, Disable, Ranged, Perception, Melee, Arcane, and Diplomacy), and the fact that none of them are iconics is a big plus.

Estra seemed only situationally useful. Zadim looked OK but Amhotep won out because I needed some INT. Various versions of Ezren, Alahazra, and Damiel have been discussed to death on these boards and so I wasn't eager to play them. Drelm and Mavaro both look really interesting, but I figured I'd save one or the other for when I'm in a group - Mavaro especially seems like he requires enough attention to play that he perhaps wouldn't be best for me in a solo game with multiple characters.

So who are your heroes?

Calthaer wrote:

To give us all a bit of a break from rules minutiae, I thought I'd ask: what party are you forming to go through Mummy's Mask? Are you using only characters from the box, or are you also using class deck characters, or characters from another box set?

I usually play solo with three characters until I get a chance to get a group to catch up (one group has been on Skull & Shackles for a good 2+ years). I considered two sets: either Ezren (or Mavaro), Yoon, and Drelm, or a combo of Channa Ti, Simoun, and Amhotep. I went with the latter and haven't regretted it - loads of skills covered (Craft, Divine, Survival, Disable, Ranged, Perception, Melee, Arcane, and Diplomacy), and the fact that none of them are iconics is a big plus.

Estra seemed only situationally useful. Zadim looked OK but Amhotep won out because I needed some INT. Various versions of Ezren, Alahazra, and Damiel have been discussed to death on these boards and so I wasn't eager to play them. Drelm and Mavaro both look really interesting, but I figured I'd save one or the other for when I'm in a group - Mavaro especially seems like he requires enough attention to play that he perhaps wouldn't be best for me in a solo game with multiple characters.

So who are your heroes?

Our four players chose Amhotep, Zadim, Simoun, and Estra.

I don't have the set yet, so i don't have the actual cards to make an informed decision, but I will choose 3 characters for solo play.

No matter what they end up, I won't take any of the repeated iconics, and so far, simoun doesn't appeal to me either. I'll probably take amothep, estra and yoon, but that might change once I see the cards and role cards. Zadim is next in line right now.

I don't have my set yet (curse you, international deliveries!), but this is what we do. We'll divide the characters in two groups of 6: the first group should be the characters we find most interesting and the ones that we'll first play with through MM; the second one are the 'benchwarmers' - heroes that we've played in previous sets, promos, and whoever of the new guys draws the short stick.
Before all, our choices are also driven by having as perfect split as possible re: skills and preferred card types, so as to have the least overlap and the greatest degree of different boon assimilation.
So, with that in mind, and whit all we know (and mostly - guess) about the heroes thus far, here's what he have theorized currently:

A-TEAM: -------------- EXPECTED ROLE: ----------------- BENCHWARMERS:
Simoun -------- Ranged, Dexterity,anti-barrier -------- Damiel
Ahmotep ------- Arcane, Intelligence ----------------- Ezren
Channa Ti -------- Survival+ /Divine/ +scouting ------- Alahazra
Zadim --------- scouting+ /Strength, Melee/ +Divine ---- Drelm
Estra ---- cool ally/Acro & Stealth, elemental punchbag --- Yoon
Mavaro ---- unprecedented awesomeness / general awfulness --- Tup

I just want to make note of this power on Alahazra's character card:

Alahazra wrote:
You may recharge a blessing to examine the top 2 ([] or 3) cards of any location deck ([] and put them back in any order).

She starts with 5 blessings, and can carry 7. As well as Cures.

I know we have triggers, but wow. For scenarios where you want certain people encountering certain things, this is exceptional.


Calthaer wrote:
...a combo of Channa Ti, Simoun, and Amhotep...

I just picked up my second box (and character add-on deck), since it seems we'll have two different groups running through this. I used to try to run 2 groups out of 1 box for Wrath of the Righteous, but I was doing so much bookkeeping that I just bought a second box early in Deck 3, and I didn't regret it. So I'm starting out that way here.

I quote your above party because our first group is already started with Channa Ti, Simoun (me), and Estra.

For the other group, I want to play Amhotep, or maybe Drelm. I'll let you know what that party is once we start (either this coming Monday, or two weeks from then).

To answer the initial questions more fully, we're adding no character deck characters or cards, or any cards from any other set, and only the Mummy's Mask-labelled promos.

Longshot11 wrote:
I don't have my set yet (curse you, international deliveries!)

This wait makes me so sad, every AP. Especially the time where the 'this parcel is trapped at customs' message went AWOL

Still, subscribing is the easiest way, and I am, to my core, deeply deeply lazy

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Every single one of you has made the most mistakey of mistakes by not having Mavaro in all of your parties. He's the best of the best.

Edit: Longshot had it right, missed that lol

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

We're trying Amhotep, Mavaro, Drelm & Alahazra.

Grand Lodge

My fiancee and I started with Simoun and Alahazra. We only did 2 scenarios before we started again with my roommate. We did Estra, Drelm, and Yoon. We ripped through ADs B and 1, and started over with Alahazra, Ahmotep, and Mavaro.

Silver Crusade

I picked my copy and the add on pack up. I play with a couple other people and we each run 2 characters so our line up will be

Friend 1

Friend 2

We have set up the character decks and sleeved all the cards for the base but we won't be actually starting Mummy's Mask til after we go through Wrath of the Righteous. It gives time for all the adventure decks to be released so when we do finish Wrath we can jump right in and not have to wait. We typically do 2 scenarios on a Saturday so we figure it will take 6 months. Not to bad.

Kaizer71 wrote:
We have set up the character decks and sleeved all the cards for the base but we won't be actually starting Mummy's Mask til after we go through Wrath of the Righteous. It gives time for all the adventure decks to be released so when we do finish Wrath we can jump right in and not have to wait. We typically do 2 scenarios on a Saturday so we figure it will take 6 months. Not to bad.

Those are some serious Will saves you got there.

We're dragging both a WotR and S&S campaigns, but I'm not kidding myself - the moment MM arrives, we're gonna tear right through. We've never before been so enthusiastic about a PACG set!

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I think my solo group is going to be Zadim and Alahazra/Mavaro. Definitely Zadim. Just need to figure out who to pair him with, not unlike a fine wine. Except where the wine can sneak up on your and obliterate you.

I've been wanting to play Salim ever since I knew he was going to be a real character, but haven't started a new party since then.
I'm also keen to give Yoon a go - I guess we'll round out the party based on whichever skills those two are missing.

Grand Lodge

Yoon was pretty badass. My fiancee played her, and she was pretty impressive.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
cartmanbeck wrote:
Every single one of you has made the most mistakey of mistakes by not having Mavaro in all of your parties. He's the best of the best.

He's cool, no doubt, but I figure that - since Paizo previewed Mavaro and he's all anyone talks about, there will be plenty of people playing him. I wanted to check out a few other characters and see what their strengths and weaknesses are. Have to have a balanced party.

I am enjoying my trio pretty well so far. There is a distinct lack of blessings going around - Channa Ti starts with 2, which for a divine caster is odd. She also doesn't have enough item slots to make full use of her elemental-reduction power. Banish-to-use potions aren't that great (unless you have a power to mitigate that), and the items in MM that make potions not banish-to-use themselves take up an item slot.

Simoun's barrier-busting power is pretty useful so far, as is her electricity-reduction power. I think I am going to go Lightning Thief with her and try to get her those blessings with the Electricity trait - hope there are a bunch of other cool electricity items in there. I can't recall; did they have that electric javelin in the set?

Amhotep is pretty great, too. It's OK to carry support spells on her, since the staves can use them for their power. Elemental Treaty is especially decent because you have to be really careful about poison damage in the base adventure, and there's that one location that deals it when you close it (besides that alchemist villain).

What I like about this so far is that there are lots of choices in how to deal with the situations the game throws at you - far more choices than any other set so far. Now that I've used the merchants, Drelm looks even more appealing - getting that one extra draw could get you the coveted card you really want.

So far this is shaping up to be a far, far better set than the last one, the name of which I feel certain will from this point out rarely pass my lips or even be a thought in my mind.

Grand Lodge

Our group is Amhotep, Mavaro, Alahazra, Zadim, and Simoun.

Amhotep, Drelm, Alahazra, Estra + 1 to be chosen.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I started solo with Mavaro, Amhotep, Simoun and Estra last night, got through the first scenario. As expected, I gained a LOT of upgrades, partially thanks to the traders. Can't wait to keep going!

A friend and I are playing a 6 character game.

He is Damiel, Alahazra and Mavaro, and I'm playing Drelm, Yoon, and Zadim.

So far surprisingly, Drelm is the hero on my team. That guy destroys obstacles right out of the gate, and once I get my hands on some Blessings of Abadar he should get even better. Yoon seems strong except I can't roll to save her life and I think once I get some better cards on Zadim, he's going to be quite good. My friend has loved Damiel since S&S so I don't think any complaints there, Alahazra's ability to +/-2 to every roll looks really amazing and Mavaro... is just crazy. I suspect there will be some really nice combos for his ability once we see some more cards, and just as a side note, (and comfirmed in another thread by Hawkmoon) Mavaro can basically auto-recharge any cards he doesn't immediately need at the end of his turn by using his power on them.

Myself and my GF are doing our usual first group of 6 characters, 3 each, planning to probably run a smaller group after that. Our first group is her playing Zadim, Estra, and Damiel; I'm on Drelm, Ahmotep, and Alahazra. (We always choose characters, but reflavor them as our own characters. Damiel and Alahazra became best buddies in S&S, so they're reuniting here. We've justified them returning to low power level due to not being able to handle the desert). I think Mavaro just missed the cut for both of us, but I actually think it works out since he's such a complex character, so it'll be good to have some familiarity with the AP before pulling him out.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Brainwave wrote:

A friend and I are playing a 6 character game.

He is Damiel, Alahazra and Mavaro, and I'm playing Drelm, Yoon, and Zadim.

So far surprisingly, Drelm is the hero on my team. That guy destroys obstacles right out of the gate, and once I get my hands on some Blessings of Abadar he should get even better. Yoon seems strong except I can't roll to save her life and I think once I get some better cards on Zadim, he's going to be quite good. My friend has loved Damiel since S&S so I don't think any complaints there, Alahazra's ability to +/-2 to every roll looks really amazing and Mavaro... is just crazy. I suspect there will be some really nice combos for his ability once we see some more cards, and just as a side note, (and comfirmed in another thread by Hawkmoon) Mavaro can basically auto-recharge any cards he doesn't immediately need at the end of his turn by using his power on them.

I think I might need to start a Mavaro Strategies thread just because there are SO MANY ways you can play him.

EDIT: And I did.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My first party is Alahazra + Simoun. So far, there hasn't been a version of Alahazra that I haven't liked, and Simoun seemed like a good pairing to cover her weaknesses. I'll probably be sending a second party through once I have these two through Adventure Deck 1, which is looking like Marvaro plus someone else. I'll be playing all-Divine Marvaro most likely, so probably someone else besides the divine casters. I'm looking at Yoon at the present, but could go a couple ways.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Brainwave wrote:

A friend and I are playing a 6 character game.

He is Damiel, Alahazra and Mavaro, and I'm playing Drelm, Yoon, and Zadim.

So far surprisingly, Drelm is the hero on my team. That guy destroys obstacles right out of the gate, and once I get my hands on some Blessings of Abadar he should get even better. Yoon seems strong except I can't roll to save her life and I think once I get some better cards on Zadim, he's going to be quite good. My friend has loved Damiel since S&S so I don't think any complaints there, Alahazra's ability to +/-2 to every roll looks really amazing and Mavaro... is just crazy. I suspect there will be some really nice combos for his ability once we see some more cards, and just as a side note, (and comfirmed in another thread by Hawkmoon) Mavaro can basically auto-recharge any cards he doesn't immediately need at the end of his turn by using his power on them.

I think I might need to start a Mavaro Strategies thread just because there are SO MANY ways you can play him.

If you do, may I suggest a "Top 10 Mavaro Cards by AD#" section? You know, with the cards with checks to acquire that give the most bang for you buck...:)

No, I didn't copy my homework from other students in school, why do you ask?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Longshot11 wrote:
cartmanbeck wrote:
Brainwave wrote:

A friend and I are playing a 6 character game.

He is Damiel, Alahazra and Mavaro, and I'm playing Drelm, Yoon, and Zadim.

So far surprisingly, Drelm is the hero on my team. That guy destroys obstacles right out of the gate, and once I get my hands on some Blessings of Abadar he should get even better. Yoon seems strong except I can't roll to save her life and I think once I get some better cards on Zadim, he's going to be quite good. My friend has loved Damiel since S&S so I don't think any complaints there, Alahazra's ability to +/-2 to every roll looks really amazing and Mavaro... is just crazy. I suspect there will be some really nice combos for his ability once we see some more cards, and just as a side note, (and comfirmed in another thread by Hawkmoon) Mavaro can basically auto-recharge any cards he doesn't immediately need at the end of his turn by using his power on them.

I think I might need to start a Mavaro Strategies thread just because there are SO MANY ways you can play him.

If you do, may I suggest a "Top 10 Mavaro Cards by AD#" section? You know, with the cards with checks to acquire that give the most bang for you buck...:)

No, I didn't copy my homework from other students in school, why do you ask?

Ha, great suggestion! I made the thread, but I won't be able to add that section until I get home and have the cards in front of me. If you can do so, though, please add such a post to the thread, as it would definitely be helpful to people!


cartmanbeck wrote:

I made the thread, but I won't be able to add that section until I get home and have the cards in front of me. If you can do so, though, please add such a post to the thread, as it would definitely be helpful to people!


If I could I'd probably be playing right now, instead of being on the forums :) I'm still waiting on delivery...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

My wife and I are doing Yoon and Drelm. So far we are through the first two B scenarios.

We just finished a Wrath playthrough last week so we are having a bit of number shock going back to starting non-mythic characters. :)

Scarab Sages

I'm a little surprised that no one's tapped any class deck characters to run through the game with. Granted, the characters in the box are all very cool - but I know in Wrath (the first set where class decks were available from the get-go) I tapped Tarlin as my go-to for any party - he was the ideal cleric for that set (if indeed anything about that said could be called "ideal").

Which class deck characters are you thinking of taking through this set, if any? Some of the ones that look good to me:

  • Koren (Paladin CD): His ability to reduce any damage type with a recharged armor can really cut down on some of the elemental madness going on. Same thing with Arabundi from the Ranger CD.
  • Zarlova (Cleric CD): With Blessing of Nethys in the base set rather than way further in the adventure decks, this could be her moment to shine.
  • Vika (Fighter CD): Craft and Disable on a fighter, as well as the Pulverizer role, could help her with those traps. Class Deck Amiri is also in this boat.
  • Meliski (Bard CD): Reroll ability might be used to help people get a lower result in the case of bounded accuracy, and we have cards with the Gambling trait.

I realize I'm actually considering going through this set a second time - it's growing on me a lot. Hope this stays true through the rest of the adventure decks.

Calthaer wrote:

I'm a little surprised that no one's tapped any class deck characters to run through the game with. Granted, the characters in the box are all very cool - but I know in Wrath (the first set where class decks were available from the get-go) I tapped Tarlin as my go-to for any party - he was the ideal cleric for that set (if indeed anything about that said could be called "ideal").

Which class deck characters are you thinking of taking through this set, if any? Some of the ones that look good to me:

  • Koren (Paladin CD): His ability to reduce any damage type with a recharged armor can really cut down on some of the elemental madness going on. Same thing with Arabundi from the Ranger CD.
  • Zarlova (Cleric CD): With Blessing of Nethys in the base set rather than way further in the adventure decks, this could be her moment to shine.
  • Vika (Fighter CD): Craft and Disable on a fighter, as well as the Pulverizer role, could help her with those traps. Class Deck Amiri is also in this boat.
  • Meliski (Bard CD): Reroll ability might be used to help people get a lower result in the case of bounded accuracy, and we have cards with the Gambling trait.

I realize I'm actually considering going through this set a second time - it's growing on me a lot. Hope this stays true through the rest of the adventure decks.

Since the corresponding season will come out soon, a lot of people probably prefer to take the class deck characters there.

Regarding the characters:

Zarlova is especially awesome in wrath, since you can max both intelligence and wisdom and have access to more feats. I think her time to shine is there, and my experience so far (AD4) confirmed that.

Meliski can only reroll if you fail the save, so while you can try to undershoot the roll, it is still too swingy to help you much.

Personally, I'd like to try out Darago in this set, with the hope that the number of undead stays high throughout all AD. At least, I'd expect a set with mummy in its name to feature more undead than RotR, which was mostly only an undead spike in AD2.
On the other hand, the blog post about the season mentioned that they call it 'season of plundered tombs' instead of 'season of the mummy' since there won't be many mummies, which makes me a little unsure about the density of undead.

Silver Crusade

Brainwave wrote:
So far surprisingly, Drelm is the hero on my team. That guy destroys obstacles right out of the gate, and once I get my hands on some Blessings of Abadar he should get even better.

This is my experience with the few scenarios I've played with Drelm. One wisdom power feat, and he doesn't need to roll to disable barriers. I'm gonna play him in OP.


We have two groups so far, but one of the most effective early-game combos we found is Yoon+card with the fire trait (torch until you can get Ra) in the same location as Tup. Yoon reveals to not take fire damage from Tup and Tup can recharge to give her +4 on all important rolls.

The_Napier wrote:
Longshot11 wrote:
I don't have my set yet (curse you, international deliveries!)

This wait makes me so sad, every AP. Especially the time where the 'this parcel is trapped at customs' message went AWOL

Still, subscribing is the easiest way, and I am, to my core, deeply deeply lazy

'this parcel is trapped at customs' message received! MM en route!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Mark Seifter wrote:
We have two groups so far, but one of the most effective early-game combos we found is Yoon+card with the fire trait (torch until you can get Ra) in the same location as Tup. Yoon reveals to not take fire damage from Tup and Tup can recharge to give her +4 on all important rolls.

That is an EXCELLENT combination!

As the original poster said I usually play solo. This is mainly because its hard to get everyone together. I am also going to go with Channa Ti, Simoun, and Amhotep to start. With all this talk of Mavaro I am going to have to try him out at some point. Estra seems interesting as well.

Anyways, my base game showed up yesterday but still waiting on the character add-on deck! If it does not come in the next day or two I will have to change up my party. In that case I would probably go Zadim, Alahazra and Simoun to start. I don't have any character class decks yet.

Yoon + Mavaro + Alahazra. I'll report more after I've gotten a few more scenarios under our belt.

Obsidian Entertainment

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Work Lunch Crew: The old lady, the little girl, MacGyver, and the orcish priest of merchants. (Estra, Yoon, Mavaro, Drelm).

Home Solitaire: The bureaucrat, the half-djinni, and the fish waaay out of water (Ahmotep, Simoun, and Channa-Ti).

Solo game with Simoun, Yoon and and Damiel.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nathan Davis wrote:
Work Lunch Crew: The old lady, the little girl, MacGyver, and the orcish priest of merchants. (Estra, Yoon, Mavaro, Drelm).

Having looked through the characters last night for the first time, this is the exact shortlist for who I thought I might play. Although I suppose I should give some consideration to the other four players are picking...

The party I'm rolling with is currently Ahmotep (seems real fun, also the +/- power seems real good), Mavarro (real interesting to play, fills in any discrepancies in the team. Also the backup cleric), Drelm (healer/ barrier remover. Also helps with traders), and Summoner class deck Balazar (monster-remover/buffer/ Charisma person. I'm not sure how good he is in this adventure path, but I do like that I can use attack spell as last resorts)

I'm really liking the new Ezren, and Estra. I might put them in a future party.

Silver Crusade

I played a one-shot of the B adventures yesterday where I was Alahazra and she was Ahmotep. Ahmotep IS super cool. Adding or subtracting (mostly adding) 2 to/from checks came in handy, and she was great at combat. My friend kept getting distracted by new cards and taking the staves out of her deck, though. I started her with 4, and she ended up down to 2, then got frustrated when her starting hands were not legal.

For Lem in RotR, calling Weapon, I would just search his deck for his one weapon, then draw the rest of his hand. Not strictly by the rules, but more expedient, and the end result is the same.

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
I played a one-shot of the B adventures yesterday where I was Alahazra and she was Ahmotep. Ahmotep IS super cool. Adding or subtracting (mostly adding) 2 to/from checks came in handy, and she was great at combat. My friend kept getting distracted by new cards and taking the staves out of her deck, though. I started her with 4, and she ended up down to 2, then got frustrated when her starting hands were not legal.

I agree Amhotep is super cool! My party consists of Channa Ti, Simoun, and Amhotep. Amhotep is becoming my favorite of the three. She has been great in the scenarios I have played so far. Really enjoying how her powers work.

Me and my husband (!!!!) are going through with Channa Ti and Simoun. I love recharging animals to explore (especially helpful in the scenario where you can't do anything for your first exploration).

Our family started Mummy's Mask on Monday and ended up with Channa Ti, Amhotep, Drelm, and Yoon.

My daughter was upset that there was no Seelah, but went with Channa Ti since she had played Lini in S&S. Son #1 loved Selytiel as a Magus so immediately went with Amhotep. Son #2 wanted the cleric so he chose Drelm. I wanted a weapons person but didn't really like Zadim and Yoon really called to me.

Party 1 (only MM characters, playing fully through the campaign) Estra, Simoun, Drelm, Amhotep

Party 2 (we want to play but the next deck isn't out yet so let's use whoever) Darago, CD Lem, Arushalae, CD Seelah

Running with Simoun, zadim, ezren and ahmotep - so far we haven't died due to lack of healing, which is nice :P

Silver Crusade

In Rebel's and my game, we've decided to play custom characters. I'm a little sad to be missing out on the awesome box characters, but I've decided to play Drelm and MM Alahazra in iterations of OP, so it'll be okay. We've got an investigator (who needs to be nerfed because she works too well with the acid flask), a slayer (who loves swords), and a trademarked tomb raider who shall not be named. ;-)

My party consists of Mavaro (me), Drelm, Simoun, and Damiel. We played the first two base scenarios last night. I think we have a pretty good combo, the only problem being that Simoun and Damiel are a bit too similar. But my friend who's playing Damiel loved him in S&S and wanted to play him again, so I can't blame her for that. And Simoun is just really cool with her ability to use and absorb electricity. Drelm is just about as badass as I expected, and I totally would have chosen to play him if not for Mavaro. I absolutely love playing Mavaro and can't wait to keep discovering what cool combos he can play with, and I'm already looking forward to maxing out his Intelligence :)

I think our party is so far so good. We didn't have too much of a problem getting through our first scenarios. They are all great characters individually, but will have to wait and see how well we combo together throughout the adventure.

My wife and I are playing Estra and Zadim (my wife) and Ahmotep and Mavaro (me). Our first run through any base set is always limited to characters from that base set, including the character add-on deck.

I'm disappointed to see little Damiel Play... :(

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