![]() Cool so either leave it in your hand or display it and lose the reveal power. We'll try it both ways and see how it feels, thanks for the feedback. Jenceslav, while I appreciate the effort, I don't think we want to reference a sheet for each armor we get. Hence why I was trying to come up with rule that could be applied mostly unilaterally. ![]()
![]() The main complaint my roommate and I have with pre-2.0 armor is that it stays in your hand and effectively reduces your hand size. 2.0 armor largely addresses this by making them cards you display. So we came up with a house-rule idea for pre-2.0 armor: Add the following text to the beginning of any armor that does not already have a Display power: "You may recharge a card to display this armor." and any "reveal to" effect on those cards changes to: "While displayed draw this card, or reveal, to" What this looks like in practice is a pretty huge boost to existing armor. There is a small cost of recharging one card in order to display old armors, but overall a lot more flexibility. It's a small nerf for reveal powers, in that you have to draw it into your hand to use it, and then (optionally) recharge another card to display it again, or you can just leave it in your hand and use the reveal powers. Yes, it's a big boost, but armors have always been the black sheep of loot in our games. I've never seen anyone take an armor card feat, and people have passed on characters that have a lot of armor with small hand sizes because it just gets stuck in your hand, and doesn't feel fun to draw when you know you're probably just going to recharge it when you reset your hand. I love the 2.0 armors, but I don't want to just throw out all of the cool armors from the past versions. This turns armor into something you look forward to, something you can display for future flexibility. Any thoughts on this rule? Any game-breaking issues we haven't thought of? Thoughts on how to balance it better? ![]()
![]() Hawkmoon269 wrote: Indeed it should be. I took a long break from playing this game and now I'm back at it with a vengeance so I decided to come check out the forums. This was the first thread I saw and I have to say it warms my little kobold heart that Hawkmoon is still haunting these hallowed halls. ![]()
![]() I was thinking "No" as well, but I don't see anything in this rule that explicitly disallows including the base as a random location for the purpose of displaying barriers in front of, or examining. Curse of the Crimson Storybook wrote: The Base cannot be closed while it has cards in it, and it does not count as a location when counting locations, shuffling cards into locations, or determining if villains can escape to it. If all other locations are closed, or the Base has neither cards in it nor characters at it, the Base closes automatically. (A simplified version of these rules appears on the Base as a reminder; these are the complete rules.) "Examine the top 1d4 cards of a random location" and "Display this barrier in front of a random location" are not covered by those bolded items. ![]()
![]() Hey all, I love the new box, but one problem is that the cards tend to fall over and slide down to the bottom, which makes them nearly impossible to pick up. Additionally when you remove all of the cards from a section, it's hard to tell which divider is which since they're stuck together. Has anyone come up with a solution for this? I was thinking of adding some sort of spacer between the dividers so they don't become stuck together, but I'm not sure what to use, and I'm also not sure how to prevent the card slippage. Any ideas? ![]()
![]() Many allies and blessings allow you to do something and then explore. Can you do "something" on another players turn, but skip the explore part of that power (since you cannot explore on others turns)? Ambusher ally wrote: Discard this card to examine the top 3 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order. If any have the Animal or Planet trait, you may explore. Can you discard to examine and re-order on another players turn? The Lady of Mysteries blessing wrote: Discard to draw 3 cards, then recharge 3 cards, then you may explore. Can you draw/recharge on another players turn? The Theater blessing wrote: Discard to examine your location, then you may explore. Can you examine on another players turn? Detect Magic wrote: Banish to examine the top card of your location. If it is a Magic card, you may encounter it. ... Can you encounter it on another players turn? I am assuming yes to all 3 scenarios, but I wanted to double check. I thought Detect Magic used to specify something about on your turn only. ![]()
![]() There are often times when a card instructs you to do something with a random location, or random open location. Do you include the base in these? For things like shuffling in monsters, I assume no, since the base cannot ever contain any card except supporters. What about barriers that get displayed in front of a random location? Or, for example, CotCT 3a, which tells you to examine the top 1d4 cards of a random location? ![]()
![]() We played assuming that they were not closing henchmen, as they are not listed as closing henchmen. This added an interesting challenge to the scenario, and we spent a lot of time looking for the villain. We found the villain and let that location alone so we could take advantage of closing all the other locations with wererats before cornering the villain, making the scenario much quicker than if we had non-closing blood veil henchmen. ![]()
![]() Does Cloud Puff (and similar cancellation of BYA/AYA cards) effect location-wide effects? E.g. you come across a monster that says Before you act everyone at this location suffers 1 fire damage. If you play Cloud Puff does it cancel that effect for everyone or just yourself? Does that change if it was someone else who encountered the monster? ![]()
![]() I've been playing Mother Myrtle in DD and now just starting in CotCT. I've been playing per skizzerz interpretation above. However, I've come across a new card that I have a question on. Additionally in the time since this last post the conversion guide has been released and Mother Myrtle has the following updated powers:
conversion guide Mother Myrtle wrote:
and she gains the following proficiencies: Alchemical, Arcane, Divine, and Liquid. The card in question is the Potion of Focus. Potion of Focus, alchemist CD wrote: Banish this card to allow a character at your location to add her Intelligence or Craft skill to her non-combat check. As far as I can tell this card never goes into recovery, so her (and all Alchemists) updated power cannot trigger, and thus she HAS to banish this card. The "Compatibility with Older Sets" section in the rulebook has this to say: core rulebook wrote: If a card you banish to play has a check that can allow you to do something other than banish it, put it in a recovery pile and attempt that check at the end of the turn. The card itself does not have a check, so it doesn't go into recovery. Unless I'm missing something, this is a pretty big nerf to Alchemists, as there are many classic and CD cards that are "banish" with no check to recover. Maybe I'm interpreting wrong? ![]()
![]() So that would also apply to any other character powers that allow them to discard the top card of their deck to do a thing? For example: Seelah wrote: You may discard the top card of your deck to add 1d6 (☐+1) to your check If Seelah recharges Voidglass to recharge that top card instead, it wasn't discarded, therefore no 1d6. ![]()
![]() I just bought the Oracle class deck and I was immediately excited to play Grazzle. In looking over his role cards I was trying to decide which of the two I liked better (his armor power on Bone Diviner was especially intriguing) so I looked ahead in the Core Set boons and came across Voidglass Armor. Voidglass Armor, level 3 armor wrote:
Hmmm, discard cards from my deck, where else have I see- AH! Grazzle wrote: At the start of your turn, you may discard any number of cards from the top of your deck. Each other character may shuffle random cards from his discard pile into his deck; the total number of cards shuffled must not exceed ([] 1 plus) twice the number of cards you discarded. And that's without his role card. So I imagine the scenario going like this: * Assume at some point Grazzle draws and displays his Voidglass armor.
This is extremely overpowered, and seems pretty cut and dry legal from a rules perspective. Not sure how to fix it, maybe change the Voidglass power to say "When you would be forced to discard cards from your deck..."? Or maybe add a limit to the number of recharged cards. ![]()
![]() skizzerz wrote: You make Mother Myrtle's check at the time you play the card. If you're currently making a check, Mother Myrtle's check gets resolved after the current check is finished but before you move on with anything else. I don't think this is true. Core Rule Book, "Compatibility with older sets", pg 26 wrote: wrote: If a card you banish to play has a check that can allow you to do something other than banish it, put it in a recovery pile and attempt that check at the end of the turn. So regardless, it's going into the recovery pile. You've got two options for recovery. And since they both happen at the same time, you get to choose which to go first. Therefore you could try the card option for recovery, and if you fail it's banished, which is when MMs power kicks in. Granted, at that point you could argue you're not banishing it for its power, you're banishing it because you failed a check. ![]()
![]() Bump for Ultimate Wilderness questions with Mother Myrtle. She seems perfectly made for this deck, but a situation often comes up with the some plant cards where she appears to be able to attempt to recharge twice. Mother Myrtle wrote: When you would banish a boon that has the Alchemical, Arcade, Divine, or Liquid trait for its power, you may instead attempt a Knowledge check with a difficulty of 7 plus the card's adventure deck number. If you succeed, recharge it; if you fail, discard it Wintervine, plant, alchemical item wrote: On a character at your location's Perception or Survival check, bury or banish this card to add 1 die. After the check, you may succeed at a Craft 6 or Survival 5 check to recharge this card instead. If I'm reading this correctly, she can use Wintervine by banishing it to add 1 die, then attempt a Craft 6 or Survival 5 check to recharge. If she somehow fails that check, it would be banished, which is when her class power would kick in and she could attempt a Knowledge check to recharge/discard it. Is that accurate? ![]()
![]() When you play a card that has a "during recovery" power on another player's turn, when do you attempt recovery for that card? Immediately? At the end of that player's turn? Or wait until the end of your turn? I'm leaning towards "At the end of that player's turn" but wanted to see if anyone else had a different interpretation. Relevant quotes from the rulebook. Emphasis mine:
Core Set rulebook, Your Turn wrote: End Your Turn: [...] Then, if you have any cards in a recovery pile, do whatever they say to do during recovery. [...] Core Set rulebook, Playing Cards wrote: Banish: [...] However, if you would banish a card you played that has a during recovery power, instead set it aside in a recovery pile. At the end of the turn, you can attempt to recover some of these cards (see End Your Turn on page 6). I looked through the example turns and didn't see anything about recovery on another player's turn. ![]()
![]() In previous iterations of the game the rules have stated to only add boons and banes that are the level of the current adventure to the vault. And even in the new rulebook it specifies Core Set rulebook wrote: Use the divider labeled Future Adventures for cards not in the vault whose level is higher than #"However in Adventure 1 of Dragon's Demand, under build the vault, it states Dragon's Demand storybook wrote: At the start of the adventure path, the vault should contain all Core Set cards except for banes whose level is higher than 1. If you are playing with a character from a Class Deck or Adventure Path box, add all of the level 0 and 1 cards from that box. Unless I somehow got my CotCT and DD cards mixed up, I believe that "all of the Core Set cards except for banes whose level is higher than 1" would also contain level 2 and level 3 boon cards. That seems like a pretty big change from past iterations, and also creates the (imo frustrating) situation where you come across a sweet boon, acquire it, and then have to throw it out after the scenario since you're not on a high enough level adventure yet. Should I mix in all of the level 2 and 3 DD boons into my vault even though I'm on Adventure 1? ![]()
![]() I'm just starting Mummy's Mask with a fairly balanced party of 4 right now. I'm playing CD Balazar and Nok-Nok. My roommate is playing WotR Seelah and Estra. I know you can use WotR Padrig or CD Padrig with Balazar and I'm having a hard time choosing. WotR Padrig wrote: Display this card. While displayed, when you attempt a Strength check and do not play a weapon, you may put a card on top of your deck to add your Arcade skill plus the scenario's adventure deck number to that check. You may banish any number of monsters; for each monster banished, add 1d4 to the check, or 1d6 if you have a role card. If you are encountering a monster, add another 1d6 for each monster banished that shares a trait other than Basic or Elite with the monster you are encountering. CD Padrig wrote:
CD Balazar also has an inherent ability that overlaps with WotR Padrig: CD Balazar wrote: You may banish a monster from your hand to add 1d4 plus the monster's adventure deck number to a combat check by a character at your location. So right from the start: W-Padrig does 1d4 (str) + 1d12+2 (arcane), averaging 11 damageCD-Padrig does 2d10, averaging 11 damage W-Padrig pros:
CD-Padrig pros:
Any advice? Any power synergies or later game strategies I'm missing? I guess I can always change my mind and swap out later too. ![]()
![]() Currently in AD1 I'm running a mix: 3 armors, 2 weapons, 1 item, and the rest are divine spells. I'm finding that I'm incredibly versatile on my own turn, but not very helpful on others' turns. I originally had even less spells, but then I took cure and find traps so I could at least be passably helpful to others beyond blessing of the elements (which I normally want to save for my own turn). 3 armor may seem like overkill but filter hood is always kept in hand, and I normally don't want to let go of Burglar's Buckler either for that free +1 disable die. Crocodile Madu(?) is the last armor for the melee check to acquire and recharge power. Unfortunately 3 armor leads to a stagnant hand if I don't see much combat, so I should probably drop something. I'm starting to think I should specialize in all spells as I'm not feeling a lot of synergy with my current item load, but I'm currently running zero attack spells. Once I get my role card I'll likely pick channeler and go whole hog, but until then I'm stuck in a weird place. ![]()
![]() I was looking through class decks boons the other night pondering if I wanted to add them to our newly started WotR campaign (I have a WotR game, MM game, and playing the RotR app right now). I initially decided against it since some of the cards I thought might be too overpowering if used with characters outside of their class decks, but then I did a little research and found that many of those boons are naturally occurring in earlier base sets anyway. Some examples: Unearthly Aim wrote:
Now combine that with Damiel from the Alchemist Class deck: Damiel wrote: When you would banish a card that has the Alchemical trait or a spell for its power, you may recharge it instead. So for Ranged Combat checks (Damiel's speciality, he has a d12 Dex), he can recharge Unearthly Aim to add 10 + the adventure deck number, trivializing almost any combat check. As CD Damiel cannot play spells that have the Attack trait, this could spell could be errata'd by giving it the Attack trait, but that might have unintended consequences. Zetha from the Summoner Class deck has even more fun combos with older cards. With her shadow-self cohort Ahtez she can use her Stealth skill for combat checks (if you don't play a weapon/spell), and she can banish a monster from her hand to use Stealth in the place of any skill. Which means cards like these... Hat of Glamour wrote:
Cloak of Elvenkind wrote:
Dwarf Caiman wrote:
...are a little overpowered. Not to mention Boots of Elvenkind, Snake, Burglar, Amulet of Fiery Fists .etc At first blush she can recharge the Cloak / Boots of Elvenkind to succeed at her combat checks. Now, I seem to recall there being some rule where you can never auto-succeed at a combat check, but I can't find the reference right now. If I'm remembering correctly and she can't auto-succeed at combat, those cards are still very powerful for the reveals and her ability to use Stealth in the place of any other skill. What do you all think? Game breaking, or just very useful? What are some other combinations of Class Deck characters with cards from a base set that you've found to be overpowered? ![]()
![]() I use 1 sided sleeves for character decks and any game card that gets used often (ships in S&S, cohorts and servitor demons in WotR, curses and traders in MM) and fully transparent sleeves for locations. Everything else I leave unsleeved. It works out pretty well and really reduces the wear and tear on decks. Granted, you'll have to be honest when it comes to healing "random" cards from your discard pile because you can easily tell which ones haven't been sleeved yet and thus aren't in your normal deck. Or you could just sleeve them as soon as you get them but that gets tedious. For locations, basically I just try and ignore the different shading on the back of cards and not let it affect my judgement. ![]()
![]() So, you have an adventure card that lists 7 adventure paths:
You start with just the base set (hence, B) with no other cards added. If you are playing with any Class Deck characters, you would add the "B" boons from that Class Deck to your set. If you are playing with any characters from the Character Add-On deck, you would add the "C" boons to your set (and, if playing with 5 or 6 people, add the banes as well). Once you finish the B adventure path (5 scenarios, I believe) you will add any "1" cards to your set. You don't remove any cards from your set. Once you finish adventure path 1 you will add any "2" cards to your set. So on and so forth. Your adventure card should list special rules for removing cards from the game that will take effect at the starting Adventure Path 3 and 5. With very few exceptions, that's the only time you remove cards from the set entirely. ![]()
![]() I thought it was a unique challenge but the "party morale" was quite low for that one, especially because we had recently failed the previous scenario. But, we also completely forgot about the second half of the "During this scenario" text so we played without the free healing. Party: Yoon, Alahazra, Mavaro. Yoon and Mavaro are being played by PACG veterans but Alahazra is being played by a newbie. We're 4 scenarios in and all of the Trigger cards are causing serious buyers remorse with Alahazra, she straight up just refuses to use her powers to peak at cards anymore after some particularly nasty Gnolls and Barriers with the Trigger trait. ![]()
![]() Quote: Can I play spells like Speed during a check? Yes Quote: Can I play it during a check that doesn't involve dexterity? No, but you can play it after the encounter. Quote: Can I play Cure during a check (mostly to use blessing of pharasma or to avoid losing it to combat damage)? No There are plenty of opportunities to play spells like Cure and Speed when you're not in an encounter, but once you're in an encounter you are only allowed to play cards and use powers that affect that encounter. Hawkmoon made a post a while back that went into detail on the steps of a turn, if you want to check it out ![]()
![]() I additionally found this FAQ errata to the S&S rulebook to be quite helpful. Quote:
![]() Oh, derp, yeah that makes more sense. I'm also considering using my next card feat to take a weapon on her. She has a decent dex stat (that I will continue to augment with skill feats) and it'd be nice to have a weapon with a quality discard/recharge power to use on those cases where I don't have a blessing or spell to augment her attack with. But maybe I'd be better off going all in on blessings/spells. ![]()
![]() Frencois wrote: Note however that Athez has a pretty good combat level : d10 + 1to4 + 3 + ADlvl is nothing to be ashamed of vs a fighter with d10 + 1to4 + 2 + weapon. And spells to help. I don't think she gets a d4 by default. She's not adding her stealth skill to her normal strength roll, she's using it instead of. So by default she rolls 1d10+3. Arcaneumkiller wrote:
It's true she's not as strong at combat as, say, a normal caster who can use attack spells for divine + 2d4, but keep in mind you're losing 2d4 but gaining the ability to reroll one die for a measely recharge. I just got Stalking Armor (granted I took an armor slot for my card feat) which is a reveal to increase stealth checks by 2, so she rolls 1d10+5 by default, and my first skill feat will be to increase her dex so it will be 1d10+6. That's still not a ton, but keep in mind she can recharge a card to reroll any one die. And if you use a blessing, or use allies who help with combat checks, or add spells that add to non-attack-spell combat checks (see: enchanted fang, frog rain .etc), that power becomes even more useful. ![]()
![]() Hawkmoon to the rescue So for 3), does it then follow that all traits on that check are checks of that type? From the FAQ you referenced
Quote: ...for example, revealing the weapon Dragon Pistol for your combat check adds the Firearm, Ranged, Piercing, and Elite traits to the check. (This isn’t the same as giving you a skill; for example, playing the spell Fireblade adds the Divine trait to your check, but it does not give you the Divine skill.)... Would it be correct, in that example, to say it was a Ranged Firearm Piercing Elite Combat check? ![]()
![]() I apologize if some of these are obvious / clearly stated in the rulebook, I'm just returning from a long break from the game and I seem to have forgotten some things. Invoking traits
2) I also see cards that say "if the check invokes X trait". This one seems a little more complex. Does the check invoke traits that are on both sides of the equation? E.g. you're going up against a monster with the Outsider trait by playing a weapon that has the Cold trait, does the check invoke Outsider and Cold traits? Adding skills
Pard wrote:
3) Assume you played a Basic Strength Melee weapon to initially determine the skill used in Combat, and you don't have the Melee skill. The check is still a Strength Melee Basic Combat check because all the traits on the card played to determine the skill are now the "types" of that check. You play Pard on this check. Given that your Charisma is d10+1, I'm assuming you add 1d10+1 to your Combat check. But does that check now invoke the Charisma and Animal traits? And is it now a Strength Melee Basic Animal Charisma Combat check, so could you play a card that affected "Charisma checks"? Triggers, Examines, and Explorations
Aunty wrote:
4) Ok, so you discard Aunty to examine the top 3 cards of your location. Now let’s say the first 2 of those 3 cards have triggers that say “When you examine this card, encounter it”. You encounter them in the order they were in the deck. Let’s say you handily acquire/defeat them, do you still get to use your exploration from playing Aunty? 5) What if one of those cards say something along the lines of “if defeated/acquired you may immediately explore your location” or you have some other character power that lets you explore after defeating/acquiring something? Do you get to use that even though you encountered the card via a trigger? Does Aunty's additional exploration still happen after your free explore? ![]()
![]() So I think I found a weapon that might be very useful for Mavaro but I wanted to make sure I'm interpreting the rules correctly. Icy Longspear +1 wrote:
Mavaro reveals this weapon for 1d6 (Strength) + 1d8 + 1. He then displays the weapon to upgrade his Strength to match his Intelligence, so he's now rolling 1d10 + 1d8 + 1. If he fails the check, can he discard his displayed Icy Longspear +1 to reroll? Also, if a card lists two sets of skills to acquire, e.g. Wisdom Survival 7 OR Charisma Diplomacy 10, he gets all 4 skills when he displays that card, correct? ![]()
![]() Frencois wrote:
This sounds intriguing, I think I'll try this out next campaign. ![]()
![]() I'm curious how promo cards work that mention gameplay features specific to other Base Sets, though. For example if you're playing MM and a promo card mentions "that adventure's servitor demon", or "stashing plunder", should I take those cards out? Should I house rule "stashing plunder" as "We'll add those to the common card pool post-scenario"? .etc I'm probably going to err on the side of caution and just not include those promos but I do genuinely enjoy stuffing my sets as full of promo cards as I can. P.S. I skipped all of Wrath but now that I have a group of friends to play Mummy's Mask with and we've gotten a few scenarios under our belt IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK! :D :D :D ![]()
![]() Played this at PAX a few times and it was a ton of fun. The people manning the demo repeatedly said "Fall" and "Android and iOS" so I'm pretty hopeful. Some notes:
You get a preview of the villain and the henchmen cards at the beginning of the scenario so you know what you're in for. The cutscenes have some pretty great banter between villains/heros and other notable NPCs. The banter seems to be dependent upon what character you're playing. For example the villain made a quip about expecting someone taller (it was Lem who encountered him and triggered the cutscene) and Lem came back with (paraphrasing) "and I expected someone with more wit, I guess we'll both be drinking deep from the well of disappointment tonight". The game auto-calculates a lot of stuff for you which can be jarring at first (where did that d4 come from? why is my bonus +4? wait, what skill am I using?) but it speeds up the gameplay a lot. The demo had a few bugs in it, especially with cards that either let you add dice or auto-defeat a barrier/boon. The animations and art was beautiful and I felt a lot more of the world come through than when playing the game, but it wasn't always obvious if I needed to tap, double tab, or swipe something in order to proceed. Fire Bud has not participated in any online campaigns. |