Deep Space FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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I'm a Cylon.

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There's gotta be something more futuristic then space nudity...

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Ensign Yesterday #3 wrote:
I'm a Cylon.

Do you hear that? It sounds like music!

Infinity Server wrote:
There's gotta be something more futuristic then space nudity...

If scifi and 80s/90s fantasy have taught us anything, it's that nudity is the wave of the (magical) space future.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Yes! She pulled a Lyndon Johnson vs Goldwater move! Classic!

The younger person here may need this to be explained.

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Aranna wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Yes! She pulled a Lyndon Johnson vs Goldwater move! Classic!

The younger person here may need this to be explained.

Lyndon Johnson put out ads about how you couldn't trust Goldwater with his finger on the button because he was so angry or cray cray or whatever. Hillary yesterday, destroyed the other candidate (i will not say his name) yesterday in much the same fashion.

It was awesome!

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{panics} They ain't a'skeered of flaming Cyclones anymore, Boss!!! I guess we have to threaten to go Full Harpoon.

I don't mean to pick on you, Yesterday. Believe me, I'd [b]love[b/] to talk about (cheer!) Clinton destroying the paper Trumper in that speech.

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Good! Our first catch of the day!

Begins firing at Alderran.

Sorry! Force of habit!

switches targets, begins firing on Captain Yesterday

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captain yesterday wrote:
Yes! She pulled a Lyndon Johnson vs Goldwater move! Classic!

hey! What happened to rule number one!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Aranna wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Yes! She pulled a Lyndon Johnson vs Goldwater move! Classic!

The younger person here may need this to be explained.

Lyndon Johnson put out ads about how you couldn't trust Goldwater with his finger on the button because he was so angry or cray cray or whatever. Hillary yesterday, destroyed the other candidate (i will not say his name) yesterday in much the same fashion.

It was awesome!

puts on normal suit, gets into HLV, leaves earth orbit, flies to FAWTL STATION, gets chummy with SPACEFAWTLS, signs up for military, accidentally steals experimental space-type bike cannon, opens fire upon captain yesterday for violating no politics rule

Dammit man, you've turned me into Zeon! Look what you've done! No politics!

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You don't understand! Sometimes, through the course of human events, I don't have the General here to tell such things and a five year old is too smart to talk about such things, and I just need to let it out.

Still, I'm sorry, and I try to limit it. Buut, since I already started might as well make it a twofer.

As a lifelong Sonics fan, it was especially gratifying to see the Zombie Sonics lose to the Warriors the way they did.

Go splash brothers!

lights up a smoke, stands against the wall

Fire when ready Fritzy.

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[Spongebob voice] With relish! [/Spongebob voice]

Begins firing

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Don't you know not to shoot those on space stations!? You'll crack a seal and asphyxiate us all!

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I cracked a seal, once.

But then he kept coming back for more. It just wasn't worth it.

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*humming eye noises*

Cylon Centurion 3578 wrote:
*humming eye noises*

This is so much cooler. ;p

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And with one mighty SPRING! I enter the thread.

And promptly leave again. Time is short, and those brass bikinis aren't going to polish themselves. Hold still, Dejah.

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*looks at the sorry state of the screened people once hailing is responded to*

*hardens her face*

I am Space Sissyl, Supreme Grand Megapoobah of the Eleventh Space Empire! You are trespassing on my territory. PERISH OR DIE!!!

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Limey Of Barsoom wrote:

And with one mighty SPRING! I enter the thread.

And promptly leave again. Time is short, and those brass bikinis aren't going to polish themselves. Hold still, Dejah.

Take me with you!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday, Boob Brained wrote:
Limey Of Barsoom wrote:

And with one mighty SPRING! I enter the thread.

And promptly leave again. Time is short, and those brass bikinis aren't going to polish themselves. Hold still, Dejah.

Take me with you!!

Are you a Mauve Martian, Ecru Martian, Summer Dreams Martian, Peach Blossom Martian or Off-Grey Slate Martian?

Actually, never mind. Here - have a chammy and a dollop of Brasso. You take the left one and we'll be done in no time, solar winds and whims of the Space Empress Sissyl permitting.

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<From his robes pulls forth a very round gun-contraption labeled 'Plasma Cannon'. Fires it up>


Stand Down kids! Or my friend the Space Exomorph, the one that looks like a walking pile of P00 with eyeballs, will devour you. Strictly to see what you taste like of course. Nothing personal.

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Truly one of the best movies ever made!

Make this man Commander of... something... whatever he wants.

Starship Captain Yesterday wrote:

Truly one of the best movies ever made!

Make this man Commander of... something... whatever he wants.

No, no. Not Commander. That's just asking for trouble.

No, you're looking for Sergeant.

That's just enough leeway to make him happy, but not so much that he can (more) easily get the entire company in trouble.

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Sergeant Schlock for the win! :)


Ragadolf wrote:

Sergeant Schlock for the win! :)


Based on this description, I'm pretty the "Abiarazi" race is a reference (if notably different from) the amorphs of Schlock Mercenary fame.

Similarly, I've noticed that the "Chlorvian" of Legendary Planet seems to be a clear reference to Zhaan, stat-wise, though they look different (middle bottom image); while the ghoran appear to be a reference in color or clothing, if not exactly stat-wise (though "delicious" and "past life knowledge" along with their CON/CHA increase could be taken to be similar).


Ragadolf wrote:

Sergeant Schlock for the win! :)


I read this as "Sargeant Schlong", which would be a great porn name.

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I'm pretty excited for Aethera when it comes out to the general public. :-)

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Pretty wore out from trip downtown, fell asleep for a couple hours even. Still, the Iron Gods, they beckon us forward.

Nice thing about weekends, is there's more then one day. :-)

They've started an alien animal sanctuary. So far they have a breeding pair of Pilo, and a Cerebric Fungus they're trying to ween off of blood.

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I love technology treasure.

Who needs a Cloak of Protection +1 when you can have a... wait for it... Fire Extinguisher! Which are actually surprisingly awesome, especially against fiery monsters. :-)

If you don't have the Technology Guide already, I highly recommend getting it, one of the best pathfinder books ever.

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Is this the final frontier?

If it's the penultimate frontier, I will be disappointed.

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The penultimate frontier is the unity of purpose gained from Assimilation.

You need not fear disappointment.

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Fun with Primordial Wormholes.

I figured that this was a good place for this.

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F@~$ing awesome!

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Isaac Arthur's youtube page should also give a GM some ideas.

Sharoth wrote:
Isaac Arthur's youtube page should also give a GM some ideas.

He does!

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The Shkadov Thrusters one is perhaps my favorite. Moving a freaking STAR with tech that is just above what we have. How awesome is that?

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Orion's Arm website should also be a big help to any space based game.

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I'm gonna throw you out the airlock!

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I'm gonna throw you out the airlock!

~screams~ No! No! Please don't!!! I am sorry about eating the oatmeal cookie dough! It will not happen again! NO!!!!

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I'm gonna throw you out the airlock!
Sharoth wrote:
~screams~ No! No! Please don't!!! I am sorry about eating the oatmeal cookie dough! It will not happen again! NO!!!!

Sharoth, you're literally a space-dragon from space. You'll be fine, dude.

Tacticslion wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I'm gonna throw you out the airlock!
Sharoth wrote:
~screams~ No! No! Please don't!!! I am sorry about eating the oatmeal cookie dough! It will not happen again! NO!!!!
Sharoth, you're literally a space-dragon from space. You'll be fine, dude.

~holds my breath and then writes on a sign~ Are you sure?

Sharoth wrote:
~holds my breath and then writes on a sign~ Are you sure?


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Tacticsalien wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~holds my breath and then writes on a sign~ Are you sure?

~floats in outer space while thinking on what Tacticsalien just said, occasionally munching on some of Rosita's oatmeal cookie dough~

The "No Breath" ability is especially important, here.

I wanna plllaaaaayyyyy...

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I want to leap, leap, fight, leap and SIIIING!!

After which I will rescue a Princess from space badgers and/or man eating petunias, should anyone have one handy.

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Sorry. Nobody rescues the Princess. She is a security risk, and you shouldn't even know about her. I see the space badgers need a new task...

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You could let the princess rescue you.

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Dammit. Another one. Well, petunias, you have your target. Oh, and don't worry, they are equal-opportunity-eating.

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Aranna wrote:
You could let the princess rescue you.

That would suck for her to rescue you, only for you to find out you're actually in another castle. {pours another shot of Old Janx Spirit from klein bottle}

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