Strengh dump Mage: Damn, how do I carry all my stuff?


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My anorexia nervosa wizard is so far from having any strength that he has even a big problem carrying his stuff from the bottom of a pub to his room (ground floor). So he has no idea how he should bring all this into the dungeon tomorrow. Damn it!

Good thing: The pub is full of weak arcane spellcasters so he goes down to ask them how they do the trick!

A mount is your friend (e.g. pack mule).
So is hiring a porter (think of Nodwick).
Once you've got a level or three, you can take the Craft Wondrous Item feat and make things like portable holes, handy haversacks, muleback cords, and bags of holding. None of those are all that expensive really.

In the immortal words of Elias from Platoon. "You're packing too much stuff troop."

Until you can afford a bag of holding you need to travel super light. Just the essentials for the day - or get a mule/donkey that can accompany you underground.

Wizards Kit wrote:

Price 21 gp; Weight 21 lbs.

This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. The kit does not contain a spellbook because a wizard begins play with a spellbook and does not need to purchase one.

If you really need to dump the torches (1lb each) and use light cantrip, dump the iron-pot (4lbs). Add back in a sling w/bullets (5lbs) and dagger (1lb).

You should be able to pack that and have room for a wand, scroll, or a couple potions. Right?

Sovereign Court

Muleback Cords?

Dark Archive

Muleback Cords plus Masterwork backpack equals +10 to STR for carrying capacity. Or, you know, let the barbarian carry all your heavy junk.

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Floating Disc is one option that has not been mentioned yet.

I'd suggest a wheelbarrow, but Pathfinder doesn't have any rules for them.

Sovereign Court

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After a few levels, one casting of Ant Haul every morning will keep you going. It triples carrying capacity for 2h/level. If low level, while traveling to the dungeon, you can dump your extra stuff onto a mule (8gp) and use a scroll of Ant Haul before entering and grab your stuff.

I have a lot of options now. Perfect. Thanks a lot!

Mule or donkey is also only 8gp.

Shadow Lodge

If in pfs, scrolls of communal ant haul are nice (5 uses for 2pp iirc). Why communal? Higher caster minimum caster level. Just don't divide it to anyone else.

ohokwy wrote:
Muleback Cords plus Masterwork backpack equals +10 to STR for carrying capacity. Or, you know, let the barbarian carry all your heavy junk.

And think of what happens when you tell Barbie the barbarian that you'll give her some neat stuff for being your pack mule? Going from 7 to 17 Strength goes from 26 to 86 pounds of light encumbrance, 60 pound gain. How about 18 to 28? 100 to 400 pounds. At that point YOU are light encumbrance for her!

Strength 7 Wizard: How to LIFT

Step 1: Buy a masterwork backpack. Your Str is now 9 for carrying capacity (30 light load)
Step 2: Buy (or make) a set of Muleback Cords. Your Str is now 17 for carrying capacity (86 light load)
Step 3: Put on a Heavyload Belt. This triples your carrying capacity (258 light load)

For the low-low price of 3000gp and change, you can now life twice your body weight as a light load! Drag 3900 lbs! You are the strongest weakling the world has ever seen!

thistledown wrote:
If in pfs, scrolls of communal ant haul are nice (5 uses for 2pp iirc). Why communal? Higher caster minimum caster level. Just don't divide it to anyone else.

I don't play PFS but can't you just take Ant Haul at a higher caster level? It would cost less that way.

Give it all to your fighter.

Liberty's Edge

thistledown wrote:
If in pfs, scrolls of communal ant haul are nice (5 uses for 2pp iirc). Why communal? Higher caster minimum caster level. Just don't divide it to anyone else.

You could also get a wand of Aunt Haul for the same amount of prestige. It'll get you 100 hours of aunt haul, as opposed to the 30 from a scroll of aunt hail, communal.

@Meanmutton - Unless you have a chronicle sheet that lists a scroll at a higher caster level, you can only purchase scrolls at the lowest caster level available. Though you are right about the higher spell level not being worth it. Actually a scroll of Aunt Haul at CL 3 isn't really worth it either, considering you can buy 3 scrolls at CL 1, then if you find you don't need all 6 hours, you can save a scroll or two.

Goat Familiar, Str of 12.

Oterisk wrote:
Goat Familiar, Str of 12.

Fighter Friend, Str of 14-20 (results may vary).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

GM 1990 wrote:
If you really need to dump the torches (1lb each) and use light cantrip, dump the iron-pot (4lbs). Add back in a sling w/bullets (5lbs) and dagger (1lb).

Just dump all of that, really; this is what cantrips are for. Don't carry torchers, just cast Light. Don't carry a sling but cast Acid Splash. Don't carry cooking gear, instead cast Presto.

Mairn wrote:
For the low-low price of 3000gp and change, you can now life twice your body weight as a light load! Drag 3900 lbs! You are the strongest weakling the world has ever seen!

Or, you know, spend 2000 gp on a Handy Haversack and you're all set.

Kurald Galain wrote:
GM 1990 wrote:
If you really need to dump the torches (1lb each) and use light cantrip, dump the iron-pot (4lbs). Add back in a sling w/bullets (5lbs) and dagger (1lb).

Just dump all of that, really; this is what cantrips are for. Don't carry torchers, just cast Light. Don't carry a sling but cast Acid Splash. Don't carry cooking gear, instead cast Presto.

Mairn wrote:
For the low-low price of 3000gp and change, you can now life twice your body weight as a light load! Drag 3900 lbs! You are the strongest weakling the world has ever seen!
Or, you know, spend 2000 gp on a Handy Haversack and you're all set.

You can buy a minor bag of holding for 1000gp.

EDIT: On a secondary note, just what is it that the wizard has to carry? Past a spellbook and a spell component pouch what's needed?

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Go extreme. There is no real need for clothes at low levels as long as you are in temperate conditions. Starvation only becomes a problem after enough time, and hey, you can reflavor plant matter with prestidigitation if you need it. Get your toad a pack harness. Sneak your stuff into the barbarian's pack.

Scarab Sages

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*suddenly imagines Ancient Mesopotamian-inspired campaign setting where all the Wizards need Samson-like Strength simply to carry their stone-tablet spellbooks around*

Could be worse. With architectural spellbooks.

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It should be noted that there is little issue with being in your medium load as a caster aside from some speed loss. So in many cases it just doesn't or won't matter, and dropping something is a free action if you need to suddenly sprint to safety or something.

Scarab Sages

Sissyl wrote:
Could be worse. With architectural spellbooks.

Shrink item! :D

Or have a little portable model of the bigger thing, a la the pocketwatches of Dinotopia.

Problem is easily solved, though. A few thousand slaves can carry your spellbooks easily. Even better if they use logs to roll them.

Scarab Sages

Green Ronin's wonderful "Biblical Near East Adventures" setting Testament had a cool idea for Babylonians called the Magus of the Starry Host (this being the PC class of the "3 Wise Men"), but the problem was they way they learned their spells would only work in a game that took care to make it possible, since they had to make time-consuming on-foot pilgrimages to watch celestial events (and the book encourages DMs to grant experience for doing this). You can see how this might not jive well with, for example, Pathfinder Society (although the whole "fluid time between adventures" angle might open the door to making it workable), or most any D&D computer game to date. It was a nifty idea and image, though.

At low levels, my investigator would ask the VC "How big is this ruin?" to decide how many extracts of ant haul to prep.

Liberty's Edge

Uh...why is everyone saying Masterwork Backpacks add +2 Str?

Looking it up it only adds +1.

I3igAl wrote:

Floating Disc is one option that has not been mentioned yet.

Pretty much this. Mages are the ultimate mid-00's hipsters. "There's an app .... erm ... spell for that!

Shadow Lodge

If you are trying to stay at a light load, masterwork backpack probably isn't going to help you. It weighs 4 lbs itself. Unless your strength is 10 or above, that's more than the light-load benefit of it. It will raise your medium and heavy-load limits down to 7 str (maybe lower?) though.

A handy haversack weighs 5 lbs. A minor bag of holding is good at 3 lbs, but only holds 50. The bag of holding I weighs 15 lbs!

You can get pathfinder pouches for 1 lb, but they only hold 10 lb of stuff.

The lightest clothing is Pirate / Peasant clothing, at 2 lbs. My preference though, is the Shinobi Shozoku (Ninja suit). It's a masterwork tool (stealth) that also weighs 2 lbs. Just wear that as your clothes.

Spell component pouch weighs 2 lbs.
Regular spell book weighs 3 lbs. Traveling spell book weighs only 1 lb but doesn't hold as many spells. If you're an elf you can get a Compact Spellbook that's 1 lb but holds a bit more.

Muleback cords is nice, but uses the shoulders slot, so no cloak of resistance.

Heavyload belt is nice, but uses the belt slot. No con belt.

If you polymorph into a hooved animal, you can get the Horseshoes of Great Burden to double you carrying capacity... I don't see this one helping, really.

Maybe its heretical crazy talk - but a logical, reasonable, and less problematic solution would also be to "binge" for 9 or 10 in STR.

The wizard could still have an 17 INT with 15 point buy before applying racial mods.

I'd not want to really have to jump through these kind of hoops or actually worry about how much -the bag or backpack- weighs empty due to excessively dumped STR.

Shadow Lodge

I started tracking that for dex-based fighters, actually, but the numbers are the same. And I play mostly PFS, where a GM may or may not care, but I keep things ready in case they do.

As for a wizard's int mod - depends on if the spells they cast have saves or not. If I'm giving out buffs or shooting rays, I don't need the crazy high int. But if I'm throwing save-or-die spells around, I need my DC as high as possible, so the int needs to be higher.

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Muscle of the Society trait
Gives +2 str for carrying capacity.

I'm not sure whether you care about this or no, but I did the following:

Move with backpack at medium load. As soon as combat starts, drop backpack, now you're light load.

Sometimes if it was a 1 day dungeon I just left the Backpack at home city.

It might not be the best possible solution, but it's a workaround

thistledown wrote:

If you are trying to stay at a light load, masterwork backpack probably isn't going to help you. It weighs 4 lbs itself. Unless your strength is 10 or above, that's more than the light-load benefit of it. It will raise your medium and heavy-load limits down to 7 str (maybe lower?) though.

A handy haversack weighs 5 lbs. A minor bag of holding is good at 3 lbs, but only holds 50. The bag of holding I weighs 15 lbs!

You can get pathfinder pouches for 1 lb, but they only hold 10 lb of stuff.

The lightest clothing is Pirate / Peasant clothing, at 2 lbs. My preference though, is the Shinobi Shozoku (Ninja suit). It's a masterwork tool (stealth) that also weighs 2 lbs. Just wear that as your clothes.

Spell component pouch weighs 2 lbs.
Regular spell book weighs 3 lbs. Traveling spell book weighs only 1 lb but doesn't hold as many spells. If you're an elf you can get a Compact Spellbook that's 1 lb but holds a bit more.

Muleback cords is nice, but uses the shoulders slot, so no cloak of resistance.

Heavyload belt is nice, but uses the belt slot. No con belt.

If you polymorph into a hooved animal, you can get the Horseshoes of Great Burden to double you carrying capacity... I don't see this one helping, really.

A monk's outfit is also 2lbs. Also doubles as a way to not look like a wizard. 'Armour impeded my art' is a true statement, after all. (One of these days I'll roll up a paladin and stick her in that.)

And I'm also imagining the things someone might try to get around spellcasting as a horse. 'Hey, I see them do it all the time on that one show!' Then again, it's another way to disguise your wizard if you're in a magic hostile area. Until the paladin climbs aboard, anyway.

Grand Lodge

My Gnome Sorcerer only has 5 Str... he carries around the bare essentials- using a heavy blanket as his bedroll, a light crossbow when he runs out of spells, a cestus for flanking, and a handy haversack to hold his potions and scrolls.

Make sure you have a GTFO option when the Shadows show up. I can't count how many people have died in my campaigns due to gimping STR. I only run APs so it's not like I'm purposely throwing Shadows (and even worse, Greater Shadows) at parties. YMMV, but STR 9 gives you that slightest bit of buffer that can save a TPK.

Treasure Stitch, of course you'll have to go through 5 levels of being a naked and starving murder hobo to get that far.

Dark Archive

Letric wrote:

I'm not sure whether you care about this or no, but I did the following:

Move with backpack at medium load. As soon as combat starts, drop backpack, now you're light load.

Sometimes if it was a 1 day dungeon I just left the Backpack at home city.

It might not be the best possible solution, but it's a workaround

That is essentially how it is done in real life. Has a heavy as heck bag and travels with it, as soon as combat starts pull the release cord and the bag drops to the ground, after fight retrieve your gear.

Cart -> 15GP

OX -> 24GP

39GP well spent. If you want to go nuts buy a wagon for 50GP and carry 1000lbs of material.

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hiiamtom wrote:

Cart -> 15GP

OX -> 24GP

39GP well spent. If you want to go nuts buy a wagon for 50GP and carry 1000lbs of material.

Buy a yak instead, same cost. cr4 str27 beast of burden.

Liberty's Edge

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scadgrad wrote:
Make sure you have a GTFO option when the Shadows show up. I can't count how many people have died in my campaigns due to gimping STR. I only run APs so it's not like I'm purposely throwing Shadows (and even worse, Greater Shadows) at parties. YMMV, but STR 9 gives you that slightest bit of buffer that can save a TPK.

Really? Because, between mage armor and shield, and say a dex of 14, a wizard should have an AC of 20 against a shadow's touch attacks. Statistically it should take 8 attacks to kill the str 18, dex 14 fighter, and 10 attacks to kill the str 7 wizard.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Deighton Thrane wrote:
Really? Because, between mage armor and shield, and say a dex of 14, a wizard should have an AC of 20 against a shadow's touch attacks. Statistically it should take 8 attacks to kill the str 18, dex 14 fighter, and 10 attacks to kill the str 7 wizard.

Indeed. The wizard (as well as several other caster classes) is better served by dumping his strength and putting those points into dexterity or constitution, since either of those protects against a lot more than that "slightest bit" of strength buffer does.

Sovereign Court

Selvaxri wrote:
My Gnome Sorcerer only has 5 Str... he carries around the bare essentials- using a heavy blanket as his bedroll, a light crossbow when he runs out of spells, a cestus for flanking, and a handy haversack to hold his potions and scrolls.

I'd switch out the cestus for a mithril light shield. (that's what my STR 5 gnome sorcerer has for flanking & AC) Though - I don't bother with a crossbow - just stick with Acid Splash. Though - since he's focused on illusion - especially image spells - I don't really run out of spells since they last multiple rounds of concentration.

Silver Crusade

since mules are poor choices for a dungeon, I'd go with a riding dog to lug your stuff.

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