Recommend me something!

Product Discussion

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Okay, so I have a lot of third party pdfs in my downloads. I'm sure it's clear into the 200s one Paizo and due to bundles, a decent amount on DriveThruRPG. I've read through or used way more than I have reviewed so far. I feel like I can represent pretty much any genre or feel with what I have access to.

But past reviews I feel the need to address some things on an individual basis. Some things are redundant and I would recommend on different circumstance making it hard to make very general recommendations even for really good stuff.

So in this thread I want to invite you to ask me for a recommendation. Describe what kind of game you want to run, what kind of class you want to play, what kind of problem you want to solve, or any hole in your game that needs to be filled and I'll recommend a product that will fill the void. And I won't just recommend something, I'll describe why and pitfalls and house rules you may need to consider and try to detail some pros and cons so that you can make a more informed purchase.

For the purposes of this, specific is better than general. For example; the subject of buffing martials is a tricky subject because there are several things that will do the trick and you don't need to get all of them. Some people will want to identify specific classes to help and need a series of pdfs that helps only those classes. Some people will want just general things that help in a specific realm like BAB or feats. Some people will want to replace useless martials altogether. It also helps if you mentioned cost or page count being a factor as it steers my recommendation towards singular books rather than a series of books if that's the case.

If you're looking for an exact replica of a 3.0/3.5 era class, the best I can do is a close approximation in most cases although a lot of things have better versions sitting around. Mechanical niches are fine but its much easier on me to just describe what you want out of a class because I have a lot of products that don't rely on artifacts of the system to deal out it's theme. Same goes for settings like Ebberon or Spelljammer where there is no real replica and you're better off asking for Dungeonpunk or Spacefantasy and giving me a tone that you attribute to the genre and what it should include. Also some older edition terms or settings I'm just not familiar with.

If you are looking to bring your game into a specific era of time, trope, or genre it helps if you give me pop culture references, no matter how old the trope is.

Things I cannot recommend:

Mythic. I don't play much mythic so I haven't seen much mythic support. Legendary Games has a series of compilations on my wishlist which I'll get to eventually, mostly because I tend to prefer collected hardcovers rather than the parade of smaller PDFs.

Ultimate Charisma. I can comment on the component pieces which naturally make Ultimate Charisma an instant must-have but I have not gotten that particular product yet and I suspect that the additions to that book may turn a lot of aspects of my games around.

Specific Campaign Settings and adventures. I just don't buy many adventures. I have a few third party adventures but not enough to say that I can recommend one above the many out there. That and some I've barely read let alone played. (Seriously, Slumbering Tsar is super long.) With specific Campaign Settings I only have passing knowledge of some so I can't pull up enough details to really tell you what you need to know. There are a few that I will throw out there but I'm more likely to recommend something that facilitates a setting you want than recommend a specific setting.

Grand Lodge

I'll take the first bite.

1. With regards to the 100 monk variants out there, besides going to the Paizo material, what do you feel is the best feel for the monk/wuxia martial artist that best covers the basic principals of the original Shoalin concept?

2. What of a samurai and/or Youxia?

Bonus: what of a ninja?

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GarnathFrostmantle wrote:

I'll take the first bite.

1. With regards to the 100 monk variants out there, besides going to the Paizo material, what do you feel is the best feel for the monk/wuxia martial artist that best covers the basic principals of the original Shoalin concept?

2. What of a samurai and/or Youxia?

Bonus: what of a ninja?

1. I got me a ton of monk rewrites. Monk Unfettered, Monk Reborn, Talented Monk, some pseudomonks from various products. Out of everything there are two means I've gone about it barring the Unchained Monk.(In fact I don't like Unchained Monk because it bars me from a lot of options.)

To me the best one is the Talented Monk and More Monk Talents. By breaking things into talents a lot of things can actually go in, my favorite being Legendary Game's Way of Ki. This goes more in line with the idea of Monks as mystical martial artists in the vein of Fung Wan but is flexible enough to go more martial artsy than Street Fighter and since you control just how many of your abilities need ki you aren't starved for ki. Also a lot of the ki feats feel mundane before getting out of hand and DBZ-ish. Another way to go about pimping out your talented Monk in a more subdued way is to sprinkle in Meditation feats. It does have the downside of not having access to class features from archetypes that came after it's release.

2. With Samurai, once again Way of Ki with it's variant rules on giving samurai access for class features. That and possibly the Talented Cavalier for good measure.

In both cases I recommend granting a free ki point for every ki feat.

I hope that answers the question adequately. My point of reference for wuxia is mostly Fung Wan or Duel to the Death being my favorite wuxia titles and the results go in between.

But as a side note, if you want to turn your whole game wuxia instead of just making Monk/Samurai wuxia then you're better off getting your hands on Dragon Tiger Ox It fudges with core game rules too much for me to use outside of full on crazy martial arts heavy campaigns but it gets the job done.

Sovereign Court

Do you know of any good Ranger-centric products?

Lorathorn wrote:
Do you know of any good Ranger-centric products?

In my Ranger subfolder I have Knacks of Nature form Super/Rogue Genius Games. It introduces a mechanic similar to Qinggong Monks in that it allows you to replace class features with new abilities. It’s not a large file but it has some really interesting options. It also comes with some ranger exclusive spells and some extreme archetypes that revision it as a d8 3/4 BAB class. There is also The Talented Ranger which gives the same modular treatment for Rangers as the rest of the Talented series but it's up to you to decide if they really needed more modularity because it does add quite a bit of power due to the flexibility and the ability to ignore weak class features, also the follow up pdf adds way more. Like other Talented products this does cut you off from archetypes that come after its creation but there are means to cut out specific class features for talents if you trust yourself to make the correct replacements but it’s tricky in some places. .

Class Acts Rangers from Abandoned Arts adds some interesting Combat Styles. I had gotten that product from Class Acts Compendium, a book that gave me a lot of things to play with, but if you’re just looking for Ranger stuff the archetypes in Class Acts Ranger Archetypes were pretty ‘meh’ for me and haven’t seen play while Class Acts Rangers add a lot more everyone was willing to take.

What I’ve seen get the most attention is actually Rangers that aren’t Rangers, specifically Kobold Press’ Spell-Less Ranger and Elven Archer. Both can be found on There is a ton of Ranger support left but nothing notable that is Ranger specific. Knacks of Nature and Class Acts Rangers are the products I’ve seen with the most impact. Talented Ranger adds some power due to it’s modularity so. While the things I mentioned above do add some power creep Talented classes get a significant push in overall utility and thus power.

As a side note, if you ask for general class specific support, the answer has a 60% chance of being Super/Rogue Genius Games products. They have a lot of class support and their class support books are far reaching, most featuring some kind of archetype or alternate class that drastically changes assumptions about the class and playstyles associated with that class.

Sovereign Court

Neat. Thank you for the comprehensive answer.

For a player who wants to play a golem as a PC, which of the various race books on playing artificial (created) races would you recommend?

limsk wrote:

For a player who wants to play a golem as a PC, which of the various race books on playing artificial (created) races would you recommend?

Hands down Ironborn.

The issue is that a lot of people have a lot of ideas of what an artifice race would function. With Ironborn the answer is "how they were made". There is a bit of power in that its one of those races that is as flexible as a human in terms of being able to benefit from any class. As far as I can tell they are the only construct race that isn't pigeonholed into a corner and defined by their original intent rather than an arbitrary design they're all based on. Kobold Press's Gearforge fall into this category as well but Ironborn feels more concise.

What have you seen with a good Occult flavor? I have Radiance pact magic, all the Purple Duck covenant series, the spirit incantations from Zombie Sky, and a very flavorful new race pdf about Hauntlings.

What have I missed that good?

Aqua-Thor wrote:

What have you seen with a good Occult flavor? I have Radiance pact magic, all the Purple Duck covenant series, the spirit incantations from Zombie Sky, and a very flavorful new race pdf about Hauntlings.

What have I missed that good?

You're going to have to be more specific. A lot of people have a lot of ideas of what they consider 'Occult' and I'm quite shaky on the definition myself.

By your examples I can only guess more spooky/ghosty/secret magic than just pulling some spells out your butt.

Legendary Games put out The Gothic Campaign Compendium which is certainly spookier especially since studying it can be psychically dangerous. While the Gothic Compendium can certainly be handed to your players for options and spells I find it better to use the mechanics inside to make them available in books liable to make you insane. Afterwards I do this with most third party spells, particularly heavily themed ones or broken ones. (rather than just multiply caster options for them to cherry pick.) There's one alchemist extract that I used to make an NPC informant The Question. Basically an alchemist that knows too many secrets and is hiding by removing his face and his identity.

Of course there's Radiance House' Pact Magic, where you perform a ritual to gain the power of spirits, at a risk. The class itself is called an Occultist. I won't link to that because a product that's a combination and expansion of what's been released before is coming out.

But again I need some criteria if I'm to go any deeper than that.

Scarab Sages

How about material on fey or half-fey, as a character race for players?

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davrion wrote:
How about material on fey or half-fey, as a character race for players?

The obvious one is In The Company of Fey from Rite Publishing. They're basically medium sized fey folk. Nothing special but it gets the job done and plays well. The paragon class kind of makes the race. Without it they come across as 'different elves'. (although to be fair, elves come off as 'different fae' sometimes.)

Jon Brazer has Half-Faerie-Dragons if you want to get weirder. They are mechanically more hilarious being small sized people with butterfly wings and have a lot more extra mechanics to work with but nothing as far reaching as Rite's paragon class. I like to file off the serial numbers and just call them fae.

I'd need to know what you're looking for exactly to point out which one you would want but the way I see it, those two are the best products I've seen for fair fae folk with interesting options. One is more of a standard race with a great paragon class. The other is a weirder race with more out there and possibly disruptive abilities with a greater range of alternate racial abilities. In the end its a matter of taste of what you want your fae PCs to be. Goofy small weird people or more normal sized fae.

Magic weapon and armor special abilities. I akready have tv 101s from Rite.

Craig Bonham 141 wrote:
Magic weapon and armor special abilities. I akready have tv 101s from Rite.

A roundabout way of getting some magic on your weapons and armor is to basically give them materia slots with Gem Magic. Make some sockets in your weapons and slap a gem in it and you have a changeable weapon property.

One Bling to Rule Them All takes a similar route but a bit more complex.

Other than that, barring Bloodforged playtest, most good weapon properties I know are scattered throughout various other materials. 101 magic weapon/armor properties is where I generally stopped until I started adding sockets and gems. for added spice. The rest is just pieced from various other material.

Malwing wrote:
davrion wrote:
How about material on fey or half-fey, as a character race for players?
The obvious one is In The Company of Fey from Rite Publishing. They're basically medium sized fey folk. Nothing special but it gets the job done and plays well. The paragon class kind of makes the race. Without it they come across as 'different elves'. (although to be fair, elves come off as 'different fae' sometimes.)

I'm going to pop in with my own addendum to this suggestion:

If you find yourself looking for several "In the Company Of" supplements, and are okay with PDFs, it may be worth getting a bundle of the whole series for about 1/3 the price of buying them individually. If you just want one, then just getting that one is better, but if you are already planning on getting four or more, the whole series is a better deal.
The same goes for the other major Rite Publishing series (the 30 series, the Secrets Of series, and especially the 101 series.
If you aren't careful, it's possible to get several 101s individually before realizing you could have spent the same amount for the whole series. *CoughLikeIDidForThe30SeriesCough*.

Craig Bonham 141 wrote:
Magic weapon and armor special abilities. I akready have tv 101s from Rite.

While Malwing already recommended Interjection Games' One Bling to Rule them All series (in particular, OBtRtA: Scaling Magic Items is my favorite), you might also want something on the simpler side. I'm fond of Annals of the Drunken Wizard: +0 Weapon Modifiers, which provides magic weapon properties that you can add on to weapons without changing their price. There's also Annals of the Drunken Wizard: Critical Hit-Exchanging Weapon Special Abilities, although in my opinion it's not as impressive as the +0 weapon modifiers (as you can see from my reviews).

And while it is not actually out yet, DSP's Steelforge playtest as some weapon and armor enhancements.

Interesting thread. I have ran Pathfinder in the past, have the core books and many of the additional books. However, I have not kept up with all of the various 3pp products that are available, especially those in PDF format. Recently my wife asked me if I could start running Pathfinder again, she indicated she liked all of the character options and tweaks that are available. She usually plays human or elf bards, but says for this game she wants to play something different. So far she has narrowed her choices down to a Tengu, of a rogue or assassin type class. Any suggestions on what 3pp stuff might be helpful to her in working up her character?

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You may want to check out:

-Assassins of Porphyra by Purple Duck Games (Imho best assassin base-class)
-Rogue Glory by Drop Dead Studios (Rogue-upgrade-pdf)
-Advanced Races: Ravenfolk by Kobold Press (Tengu with different fluff and options)
-The Edgewalker by Interjection Games (Light/Darkness/Shadow ninja-ish class)
-The Vauntguard by Drop Dead Studios (Secret Agent-class)

All of these are well-liked among my players and have seen some extensive testing in my group.

I've written reviews for all of them. If you require more in-depth assistance, feel free to contact me via's contact-tab and I'll see whether I can help out. (Excuse my shameless plug for my 3pp-review-site...)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

THANKS Endzeitgeist!
That is really helpful and just what I was looking for!

Endzeitgeist wrote:


You may want to check out:

-Assassins of Porphyra by Purple Duck Games (Imho best assassin base-class)
-Rogue Glory by Drop Dead Studios (Rogue-upgrade-pdf)
-Advanced Races: Ravenfolk by Kobold Press (Tengu with different fluff and options)
-The Edgewalker by Interjection Games (Light/Darkness/Shadow ninja-ish class)
-The Vauntguard by Drop Dead Studios (Secret Agent-class)

All of these are well-liked among my players and have seen some extensive testing in my group.

I've written reviews for all of them. If you require more in-depth assistance, feel free to contact me via's contact-tab and I'll see whether I can help out. (Excuse my shameless plug for my 3pp-review-site...)


Awww, Ninja'd.

Damn, I forgot:

In the Company of Tengu by Rite Publishing - if you want to go for classic, Japanese Tengu, that one is just awesome.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Malwing wrote:
Jon Brazer has Half-Faerie-Dragons if you want to get weirder.

Thank you for the recommendation. We love them.

Anything that expounds upon the interaction between the different Planes, particularly the Astral Plane and creatures from that Plane? The Gamemastery Guide has some good stuff but I want to turn it up to eleven.

Anything else that pertains to the following?

- Elves as a race/civilization
- Artifacts/magic superweapons
- Court intrigue (Ultimate Intrigue type stuff)
- Alternative forms of magical transportation
- Expounded divine magic

It's quite a number of things I know, but answer as much or as little as you like. I am looking forward to it!


For the things that I can adequately answer;

There was an elf book kickstarted recently that looked like the best bet for what you may want.

Aside from the Shadow plane my collection doesn't have any specific planar books although Kobold Press put out Dark Roads and Golden Hells, which I haven't gone through all the way, but gets deep into Midgard's planes, while Suzerain gets into being planar roleplaying like Magic: The Gathering Planeswalkers.

The rest is relatively general. The kind of things that in collection are scattered into more general books. Artifacts and superweapons are all over the place, typically in mythic or mythic-ish item books. expanded divine magic (a very broad subject) is all over the place often in general spell or magic book so for that you'd have to get more specific. Same goes for magical transportation, wich can range between spells, teleporting artifacts, stargates, planeswalking jewels, or magical vehicles.

Also Dragons are a BROAD subject a lot of books doing something or another with it. I'd need a bit more specifics.

Sovereign Court


Just seen this thread. please recommend me pirate resources (or nautical, or undersea); I already have quite a few, but everything welcome.

Hmm, to mind come:

-All Cerulean Seas books by Alluria Publishing
-Razor Coast by FGG
-Fire as She Bears (imho best naval combat system)
-Kobold Press' Journeys to the West and its Bosun's book and expansions
-Rogue Genius Games's A Brace of Pistols
-Rite Publishing's 101 Pirate Traits
-Raging Swan Press' So what's the Ship like, anyways? + Villainous Pirates, The Sunken Pyramid
-AAW Games' A12: When the Ship Goes Down
TPK Games' Ship of Fools
-Legendary Games' Skull & Shackles plug-in-series

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Stereofm wrote:


Just seen this thread. please recommend me pirate resources (or nautical, or undersea); I already have quite a few, but everything welcome.

I have to get home and check on my pdfs and give a better reply. (This may take a bit. I raise chickens and I'm feed shopping today.)

But off the top of my head; Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting is kind of the go-to for anything underwater with it's underwater rules. I think there is a separate pdf of just the underwater rules.

Legendary Games has an entire pirate line of products.

Then there's always Freeport. I was playing in a Freeport game only for a few levels but it was crazy good. I would think to get the linked pdf or the full setting linked in that link because Freeport products are a bit confusing to navigate with two one product being, I think, a new version of one from five years prior.

[edit] Ninja'd again.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Asking more for fun than anything else:

How would you build a (high-level) martial character that doesn't use magical items, but is able to remain effective and useful during both combat and non-combat (e.g. exploration and social) situations via his personal powers and abilities?

(And while I'm asking, can I have a pony for my birthday?)

Alzrius wrote:

Asking more for fun than anything else:

How would you build a (high-level) martial character that doesn't use magical items, but is able to remain effective and useful during both combat and non-combat (e.g. explorations and social) situations due to his personal powers and abilities?

(And while I'm asking, can I have a pony for my birthday?)

The first and obvious answer is Path of War but your mileage may vary. Some of the abilities might as well be magic and some are turned off from the prospect of vancian-ish per encounter slots. In practice it works pretty well but there are some immersion dissonance that comes with encounter oriented abilities.

I'm also a fan of Necromancer's of the Northwest's Book of Martial Action. It takes tweaking but I was able to get some good use out of it. Not for those that aren't willing to do a bit of tweaking. Tweaking it is worth it though. I had made a Fighter BBEG that used it in conjunction with called shot feats that was a beast in combat.

I really like the Battle Lord from Liber Influxus Communis. It gets an extra layer of interesting in combination with Bravery Feats probably on purpose. It is one of those things that kind works better with a group of martials and gets hard to deal with when there's a battle lord and a group of Fighters.

Speaking of Bravery Feats, Those go a long way but require's bravery which most Fighter Archetypes get rid of. There's a backdoor to it but Its a bit conservatively costed. I like to use them along with The Talented Fighter. A good point about it is that many of the bravery feats are useful out of combat.

Also From Liber Influxus is the Survivor. It's more of a Ranger without a natural magic theme. Its like if the Brawny paper towel mascot became an adventurer.

There are other specific class support and new martial classes out there that I've seen that held up to be about on par with an Inquisitor. But too many to list unless you're looking for something specific.

Seconding Malwing: Battle Lord + Bravery-Feats = AWESOME. (And since they're both from Michael Sayre, it's no surprise they gel well...) Legendary Games' general is also awesome, but more of a pet-class for kingdom-building games. I'm currently analyzing Fighter Nuances, which fell into the virtual cracks of my review pile.

Talented is cool, but needs more oversight and foresight. :)

Endzeitgeist wrote:

I'm currently analyzing Fighter Nuances, which fell into the virtual cracks of my review pile.


Anything that fits with an ancient Aztec/Mayan theme? I'm looking for some settings/classes/anything inspired by that mythology

sepik121 wrote:
Anything that fits with an ancient Aztec/Mayan theme? I'm looking for some settings/classes/anything inspired by that mythology

Unfortunately that's something I haven't seen in 3pp for Pathfinder yet.

Scarab Sages

Malwing wrote:
davrion wrote:
How about material on fey or half-fey, as a character race for players?
I'd need to know what you're looking for exactly to point out which one you would want but the way I see it, those two are the best products I've seen for fair fae folk with interesting options. One is more of a standard race with a great paragon class. The other is a weirder race with more out there and possibly disruptive abilities with a greater range of alternate racial abilities. In the end its a matter of taste of what you want your fae PCs to be. Goofy small weird people or more normal sized fae.

I'm more thinking of fey-based races, specifically for humans with traces of fey in their ancestry (analogous to half-elves, I guess), with different options based on fey creatures - redcaps, sidhe, brownies, dryads, etc. So a custom race, with possible supporting material like traits, feats, spells, etc.

Something like this?
Legendary Games' Faerie Passions.

Dreamscrred Press' Bloodforge also has some fey-ish races.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Malwing wrote:
sepik121 wrote:
Anything that fits with an ancient Aztec/Mayan theme? I'm looking for some settings/classes/anything inspired by that mythology
Unfortunately that's something I haven't seen in 3pp for Pathfinder yet.

Mesoamerica is coming...

Jason Nelson wrote:
Malwing wrote:
sepik121 wrote:
Anything that fits with an ancient Aztec/Mayan theme? I'm looking for some settings/classes/anything inspired by that mythology
Unfortunately that's something I haven't seen in 3pp for Pathfinder yet.
Mesoamerica is coming...

Please, do tell more. I'd love more mesoamerica stuff

Sovereign Court

Ok... so I am a fan of Phantasy Star games, both the old Genesis (and Master System) games as well as the newer slew of MMO-esque games...

What 3pp products would you recommend that mirror the kind of science-fantasy exploits that lead to laser swords, magic, technology and fantastic monsters? Legendary Planet seems to approximate this, as does Aetheria and most of the Paizo Numeria stuff, but I wonder if anyone else has had any entries into this so far.

Heck, this doesn't even have to be Pathfinder compatible.

And I realize that campaigns are not your area of expertise, but even just player options and such might be a good place to start.

I'm not familiar with the Phantasy Star series so understanding what you mean is rather limited, but I'm very invested in Sci-fantasy. I would take a look at my blog posts here and here for an overview on science fiction in Pathfinder.

In terms of adventures, the closest thing that I've seen but haven't gotten my hands on is Probably NeoExodus stuff and Legendary Games's Metal Gods stuff. (as opposed to Legendary Planet.) I'm currently writing and running an adventure using a number of things from the blog posts above.

As far as player options go, psionics and Anachronistic Adventures is, to me the best place to start. If you need technomancers, Legendary Games' Cyborg and LPJ Games' Machinesmith cover your bases nicely, although the Technician from Age of Electrotech covers much more I find the existance of the gadgets clash with the items of the Technology Guide so I don't deal with them and allow the Technician to use his battery points for technological items and let it repair and craft technological items without a lab. I started using Spheres of Power as ESPer powers as opposed to magic. I experimented with having them be mutant abilities but it doesn't exactly make sense that way without heavy use of traditions to the point where it feels restrictive. Playtest is pending for my final thoughts on that one.

In terms of races, I use races from all over the place. Paizo has a number of races that are basically aliens but I also add races from It Came from the Stars, and Veil of Truth.

In terms of equipment I use the Technology Guide, Treasury of the Machine and Fantastic Technology. I also use space ships, mecha, and hard suits from Star Tramps with some tweaking to add consistency with batteries and energy points from the Technology Guide.

Space Potato Games, Amethyst and Neurospasta has a lot of setting fluff I've been lifting to homebrew a setting. I've also been lifting a few rules where there are holes left over.

Sovereign Court

Awesome. That sounds like a good place to start. I knew you'd be able to help.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

sepik121 wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
Malwing wrote:
sepik121 wrote:
Anything that fits with an ancient Aztec/Mayan theme? I'm looking for some settings/classes/anything inspired by that mythology
Unfortunately that's something I haven't seen in 3pp for Pathfinder yet.
Mesoamerica is coming...
Please, do tell more. I'd love more mesoamerica stuff

Our Mythic Monsters line from Legendary Games has started delving into real-world myths and legends. Check out this thread for a quick run-down. Norse mythology is up first, and next month we'll be bringing you mythic monsters of Egypt. After that... the Americas? Africa? China? India? Australia? We'll see which ones people are requesting and which ones our authors are most excited about, and Mesoamerica is definitely on the list!

Aside from the Iron Knight presented in the Kaiju Codex, do you know of any kaiju hunter type classes and/or archetypes or just a pdf that would enhance a kaiju encounter session?

Two questions from me:

1) Can you recommend good resources for the Shadow Plane, including inhabitants, travel from there to the Material plane and back?

2) Are there any well-balanced and comprehensive books for Tinkerers? I'd love to see something with a massive list of 'abilities' for constructs that you buy with points. Even better would be a range of classes / archetypes that allow different ways to build and use things that you build. Bonus points if the things work off steam and clockwork instead of magic. (I'd love to see a big hardcover book just devoted to this).


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I'm also seconding Malwing on the sci-fi stuff. As someone who is currently running a Phantasy Star campaign in Pathfinder (to be specific, they're going through Phantasy Star 4's plot), those items he listed are clutch.

Also to not be totally off-topic, did you ever play the old Final Fantasy games Malwing? I'm looking for a Dragoon style class based on those old games (Kain from final fantasy 4 is a perfect example): A martial character, specialized in using spears/lances/polearms. Their iconic ability though is to be able to jump incredibly high into the sky and come crashing down on their enemy for large amounts of damage.

Here's a pretty good example of what i'm looking for:

I'm just nervous about it because I've yet to see any real discussion about Final Fantasy d20 PF here, and I'm wondering if there's a 3PP who made something similar to it.

Thanks a ton!

@Coffee Demon - check out Interjection Games aptly named... Tinker Base class.

@sepik121. I'm pretty sure ARMR Studios did a hack on that Dragoon class called the Zephyrus - the lo-fi cover art even looks like a fan rip-off of the original. I wasn't completel taken with the mechanics of the class, but last I remembered it was FREE...yep still is.

If I were you I would go down to the Homebrew subforum and do a search for Dragoon - you'll find no small number of versions...

Coffee Demon wrote:

Two questions from me:

1) Can you recommend good resources for the Shadow Plane, including inhabitants, travel from there to the Material plane and back?

2) Are there any well-balanced and comprehensive books for Tinkerers? I'd love to see something with a massive list of 'abilities' for constructs that you buy with points. Even better would be a range of classes / archetypes that allow different ways to build and use things that you build. Bonus points if the things work off steam and clockwork instead of magic. (I'd love to see a big hardcover book just devoted to this).


Hey there, Coffee Demon! OceanShieldWolf referred me to this post, and I was floored at how well your desire translates to what I've already done and am currently working on making better.

Rather than go on and on about my tinker, I'm just going to drop a link to Endzeitgeist's reviews. This system is slated to go to Kickstarter for hardcoverization within the next year, so it's probably not worth your while to go whole hog given how much the hog will be growing in the near future. If it IS what you're looking for, the base class, the free expansion, Happy Little Automatons, and Tinkering 201 give you all sorts of awesome options that run the gamut from helicopters to Bob Ross, and advanced players will get a kick out of Super Mega Ultra Mecha Fighting for You, Me, and All of Our Friends (SMUMFFYMAAOOF) and the Grafter given the ridiculous new strategies they make available.

I've also got two beta tinker expansions (expansions to Happy Little Automatons) available to Patreon backers.

Hi Interjection Games,

Definitely looks interesting! I'd way rather have a hardcover than a bunch of PDFs. Is it too early for you to give a rough summary of how many pages the hardcover will be, and what it will contain?

Do you have a mailing list that you send out news to? I'd love to sign up for it.

Please playtest, do clear layout and get lots of editing help to reduce errors! That goes a long way towards making a product usable!

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Brother Fen wrote:
Aside from the Iron Knight presented in the Kaiju Codex, do you know of any kaiju hunter type classes and/or archetypes or just a pdf that would enhance a kaiju encounter session?

In terms of growing and going Ultraman, Spheres of Power will handle some growing but won't be Kaiju big until later levels.

Interjection Games' Tinker class has a supplement that makes giant robots.

Other than that I typically just use the large constructs from the bestiaries using some construct mods from Ultimate Magic and Rogue Genius Games' Construct Companion, or I use the d20 Mecha Compendium.

That's all I can think of aside from building a mecha from the Mecha Construction Guide the most simple Pathfinder giant robot supplement I've seen so far.

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Coffee Demon wrote:

Two questions from me:

1) Can you recommend good resources for the Shadow Plane, including inhabitants, travel from there to the Material plane and back?

2) Are there any well-balanced and comprehensive books for Tinkerers? I'd love to see something with a massive list of 'abilities' for constructs that you buy with points. Even better would be a range of classes / archetypes that allow different ways to build and use things that you build. Bonus points if the things work off steam and clockwork instead of magic. (I'd love to see a big hardcover book just devoted to this).


1) Shadowsfall. Haven't gotten my hands on it but its my first purchase when I do have a heavy shadow plan campaign due to great reviews.

2) There is a long list. Thunderscape: World of Aden has the Mechamage. Interjection Games has the Tinker class, Rogue Genius Games has something that just came out that I'm eyeballing. And that's not including the ones with more of a scifi slant. Tinker is probably your est bet as it's the most comprehensive with several prestige classes and supplements that add to what it can do. I don't know where they are on the Ultimate Tinkering book so I can't tell you whether or not you should hold out for that.

sepik121 wrote:

I'm also seconding Malwing on the sci-fi stuff. As someone who is currently running a Phantasy Star campaign in Pathfinder (to be specific, they're going through Phantasy Star 4's plot), those items he listed are clutch.

Also to not be totally off-topic, did you ever play the old Final Fantasy games Malwing? I'm looking for a Dragoon style class based on those old games (Kain from final fantasy 4 is a perfect example): A martial character, specialized in using spears/lances/polearms. Their iconic ability though is to be able to jump incredibly high into the sky and come crashing down on their enemy for large amounts of damage.

Here's a pretty good example of what i'm looking for:

I'm just nervous about it because I've yet to see any real discussion about Final Fantasy d20 PF here, and I'm wondering if there's a 3PP who made something similar to it.

Thanks a ton!

I've played Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, although the early ones are fuzzy in the memory because it's been so long.

I'll keep an eye on that site and talk about it later, but in terms of things that I've seen that resemble the Dragoon class; I'm eyeballing the The Zephyrus but I haven't had a good chance to play with it even in playtest runs so I have no idea how it actually plays and I've barely looked at the product itself. Other than that I don't remember too much that lets you weaponize huge leaps although I've had interesting reach results with Path of War and surprisingly Akashtic Mysteries.

Endzeitgeist wrote:

Hmm, to mind come:

-All Cerulean Seas books by Alluria Publishing
-Razor Coast by FGG
-Fire as She Bears (imho best naval combat system)
-Kobold Press' Journeys to the West and its Bosun's book and expansions
-Rogue Genius Games's A Brace of Pistols
-Rite Publishing's 101 Pirate Traits
-Raging Swan Press' So what's the Ship like, anyways? + Villainous Pirates, The Sunken Pyramid
-AAW Games' A12: When the Ship Goes Down
TPK Games' Ship of Fools
-Legendary Games' Skull & Shackles plug-in-series

more pirate stuff

and here too

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