grandpoobah wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: Here's a new bingo sheet, containing more aspects I couldn't fit on the last one! How do I check of the "cecil the lion" square? Or have I just not seen that item yet.... There are a lot of lion items. You'll find one eventually.
pH unbalanced wrote: Lots of people want to fight without having anyone die. I think I saw that item as well! Could be useful on the rare occasion but I don't see people buying it otherwise.
On the bright side its opposition hurt my brain so my decision was easy.
pH unbalanced wrote: Lots of people want to fight without having anyone die. Its funny how fickle people are about death
Oh, good, a "roleplay" item that in reality would be the ultimate torture device.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Omnitricks wrote: pH unbalanced wrote: Lots of people want to fight without having anyone die. I think I saw that item as well! Could be useful on the rare occasion but I don't see people buying it otherwise.
On the bright side its opposition hurt my brain so my decision was easy. There are multiple such items.
Keep shooting like that son and your likely to kill someone!
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kobold Cleaver wrote: grandpoobah wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: Here's a new bingo sheet, containing more aspects I couldn't fit on the last one! How do I check of the "cecil the lion" square? Or have I just not seen that item yet.... There are a lot of lion items. You'll find one eventually. What happens when you fill every square? ;)
I applaud your desire not to assume that the user is male, but seriously, use a gender neutral pro-nouns rather than "his or her"
I'm sure thon was doing thon's best.
Anyone uses that type of weapon?!
Kobold Cleaver wrote: I'm sure thon was doing thon's best. Or even just, you know, they and its close relatives.
Feros wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: grandpoobah wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: Here's a new bingo sheet, containing more aspects I couldn't fit on the last one! How do I check of the "cecil the lion" square? Or have I just not seen that item yet.... There are a lot of lion items. You'll find one eventually. What happens when you fill every square? ;) You summon the Cull of course
Gah! Clicked the wrong item!
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Give it just one name! lol
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
My first swashbuckler in a can!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I saw an item I thought was going to be so fantastic and full of flavour but then just granted a bunch of minor boosts instead of fulfilling the promising introduction. :-(
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I do somewhat regret not being able to complete a few things in D3 before the season ended, but I'm sucked in now! 8')
Zombieneighbours wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: I'm sure thon was doing thon's best. Or even just, you know, they and its close relatives. *shrugs* A lot of PF SRD text explicitly assumes a gender, and it tends to be random. Read the class descriptions. Barbarian and Paladin use female pronouns, Ranger and Rogue use male. I actually like it this way, rather than using "they." To each their own.
That is not an abbreviation of an attribute. I may have to take the night off from voting. Brain pain.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Item with too much math you just made me vote for an implement of summer torment.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Cthulhu_DMs wrote: Feros wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: grandpoobah wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: Here's a new bingo sheet, containing more aspects I couldn't fit on the last one! How do I check of the "cecil the lion" square? Or have I just not seen that item yet.... There are a lot of lion items. You'll find one eventually. What happens when you fill every square? ;) You summon the Cull of course BINGO!!!!
Only took an hour, and maybe 10 votes worth.
Very productive day at work.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I'm pretty sure Rogue uses female. It's based off the iconics.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kurzak wrote: That is not an abbreviation of an attribute. I may have to take the night off from voting. Brain pain. I saw one like that a bit back, kinda torqued my jaws, too...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
dmatos wrote: Zombieneighbours wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: I'm sure thon was doing thon's best. Or even just, you know, they and its close relatives. *shrugs* A lot of PF SRD text explicitly assumes a gender, and it tends to be random. Read the class descriptions. Barbarian and Paladin use female pronouns, Ranger and Rogue use male. I actually like it this way, rather than using "they." To each their own. The class pronouns are actually based off the gender of the corresponding iconic character.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yo dawg. I heard you liked rolling dice, so here's some dice that you can roll while you're rolling dice.
Hey, man. Wanna buy some dice? I got all kinds of dice. Dice that'll really _do_ things, ya' know?
battle of exactly 291 word each
Cecil vs rumored, two for!
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Who you gonna cull? ghost(touch) busters?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
You get my vote, only because I love anything "Rat" themed and only because.
I don't know how you guys can keep up with the non-stop snark. I tip my hat to you.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Belabras wrote: I don't know how you guys can keep up with the non-stop snark. I tip my hat to you. We have no lives...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Is it a scary mask?
Oh, look. A -----, favored by clerics of -----. Another surprise.
Seriously, I was overjoyed when I saw three items this year that were tied to gods that weren't ------, ------, ------, or ------. One of them I actually had to look up, because I wasn't familiar with it. Kudos to those authors that went outside the norm and gave us something new.
Christopher Dudley wrote: This thread is really filling me with a fear of voting this year.
ETA: by the way, did anyone else start their first pairing with at least one item that must have been from last year?
It's a "feature" of the voting page. When you stop voting, the page keeps the pairing that you "abandoned" and reloads it the next time you come back to it, even if it's a new season with new rules.
Two items that stop your GM from screwing you over. Which to pick?
The better-formatted, of course.
No, I will not upvote the metagaming item that makes the game itself "easier." While you're at it, why not just ask the GM to skip all the fighting and healing and identifying of items and just hand you the treasure and XP?
So for 100x the gold I can have TWO masterwork weapons!!!
michael patrick wrote: GM_Solspiral wrote: Jeff Harris 982 wrote: For the last time, beer is not capitalized, I am not talking to Mr. Beer so... Depends on the beer Mr. Beer is my father's name. Except in filk circles, where it is spelled Bheer (thanks to the "Sacred H Rule")...
Belabras wrote: I don't know how you guys can keep up with the non-stop snark. I tip my hat to you. Thats not a hat thats a boot!
It's nice to have had a cull so that I can now snark about items almost exclusively about their content rather than their lack of format.
And I'm seeing more new items, which is refreshing.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeff Lee wrote: Oh, look. A -----, favored by clerics of -----. Another surprise.
Seriously, I was overjoyed when I saw three items this year that were tied to gods that weren't ------, ------, ------, or ------. One of them I actually had to look up, because I wasn't familiar with it. Kudos to those authors that went outside the norm and gave us something new.
I think I saw the item with the obscure deity: he/she/it is one of my favorites gods in PF, so it brought a tear to my eye. Really hope it just got upvoted into the stratosphere and that's why I still haven't seen it again. *.*
On other news: you want me to put what in my what?
Is it just me or there are a lot of items that melds with the user in rather gory ways this time around? I think I've seen more than a dozen, and some of them are actually pretty cool aside from the squick factor.
Mask vs. Mask... I'll vote for the Mask.
Jeff Lee wrote: It's nice to have had a cull so that I can now snark about items almost exclusively about their content rather than their lack of format.
And I'm seeing more new items, which is refreshing.
What we had a cull!!!???
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
For the price of a +1 weapon you can overcome any DR!
Aaron Miller 335 wrote: Jeff Lee wrote: It's nice to have had a cull so that I can now snark about items almost exclusively about their content rather than their lack of format.
And I'm seeing more new items, which is refreshing. What we had a cull!!!??? Si. Cull.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Miller 335 wrote: Belabras wrote: I don't know how you guys can keep up with the non-stop snark. I tip my hat to you. Thats not a hat thats a boot! FOR THE LAST TIME, IT'S NOT AN ACTUAL BOOT