Kurzak's page
RPG Superstar 9 Season Marathon Voter. Organized Play Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.
Kigvan wrote: Done sooner than I expected, Also thank goodness for preview, I caught a bunch of spoiler tag problems.
Page 2 Critiques:
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Armor of crows - Thanks Kigvan. I had the italics on the official entry, messed it up on the post. I went back and forth on the destroy feature and kept it in the end as a long time GM I like setting up potential loss other than character permanent death. I thought it also added to the rarity as a character can't kill and enemy and take it. Some pros and cons there as well I know. For the crows stats, I was worried about too many words as it was and didn't want to put more in it, so thought I'd leave it to the GM's. Reading your review I could of just put use swarm traits. During my players review the wizard asked, can I hit them with spells as they fly away? Good question. Thanks for the feedback.

Jeff Harris 982 wrote: Armor of the Crow
Aura moderate transmutation and conjuration; CL 9th
Slot armor; Price 46,300 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
This black +2 studded leather armor is entirely embossed with small crow feathers. When the armor is first created there are ten additional, larger crow feathers embossed on the chest, five just above each breast. When the wearer takes damage reducing her hit points to zero or below, but not dead, the armor instantaneously heals the wearer to 1d4 hit points above zero and transforms the wearer (including all of her equipment) into a murder of ten crows for three rounds. During these three rounds the wearer is not in control of the crows and is effectively unconscious. The crows use the three rounds to fly as fast and as far as possible (base fly speed of 40 ft.) to the safest location they can find (based on crow senses – GM’s discretion). At the end of three rounds they land on the ground and the wearer is transformed back to her original form. Each time the armor functions in this manner one of the ten larger crow feathers disappears from the armor. Once all of the larger feathers are gone the armor becomes normal +2 studded leather armor. If the wearer loses enough hit points from one source to become dead, the armor alone transforms into a murder of crows then dissipates into a black vapor, destroyed forever, leaving the body behind.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure serious wounds, beast shape II or Polymorph; Cost 23,325 gp
Armor of the Crow
The Good: As always, I am a child of the 90's, crows have a special place for me, and this item touches on that.
The Bad: Not being in control of your own actions for 3 rounds is not ideal, I get the escape mechanic, but that should still be in the players control. Also armor is not a slot, though there is confusion as older Paizo published books denote it as such, but as per the current template, it...
Thank you for the feedback. I struggled with pricing and added the destroy as a means to keep cost down. I still really do not have a handle on how I would of priced this if I had made it a once per week item and lost the destroy portion. Again thanks.

Mine was on page two and i think it got lost it all the posts. This was my first year, made top 100, but would really like some feedback. Thank you.
Armor of the Crow
Aura moderate transmutation and conjuration; CL 9th
Slot armor; Price 46,300 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
This black +2 studded leather armor is entirely embossed with small crow feathers. When the armor is first created there are ten additional, larger crow feathers embossed on the chest, five just above each breast. When the wearer takes damage reducing her hit points to zero or below, but not dead, the armor instantaneously heals the wearer to 1d4 hit points above zero and transforms the wearer (including all of her equipment) into a murder of ten crows for three rounds. During these three rounds the wearer is not in control of the crows and is effectively unconscious. The crows use the three rounds to fly as fast and as far as possible (base fly speed of 40 ft.) to the safest location they can find (based on crow senses – GM’s discretion). At the end of three rounds they land on the ground and the wearer is transformed back to her original form. Each time the armor functions in this manner one of the ten larger crow feathers disappears from the armor. Once all of the larger feathers are gone the armor becomes normal +2 studded leather armor. If the wearer loses enough hit points from one source to become dead, the armor alone transforms into a murder of crows then dissipates into a black vapor, destroyed forever, leaving the body behind.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure serious wounds, beast shape II or Polymorph; Cost 23,325 gp

armytroy wrote: Into the fray I throw the Rogueblade. I realize now that the pricing is wrong (masterwork is not doubled) but I would like honest opinions regarding the rest of it. Thanks all and Go Top 32!!
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 9,560 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
It is difficult to see the swirling smoke pattern etched into this blackened +2 short sword however once its special powers are revealed it is obvious that this is a weapon designed to appeal to those with a roguish bent. When the pommel ring is unscrewed and the wielder peers inside they see the inky blackness and seemingly endless depths of a bag of holding . Smaller than the smallest of known magical bags, , this shadowy blade’s extradimensional space can hold 50 lbs. and measures at only 10 cubic ft. in volume. If the item can fit into the one and a half inch opening where the pommel ring normally resides then it can be placed in the sword. Common items include lock picks, potions, pitons, silken rope and other tools of thievery. Items placed in the rogueblade can be retrieved as a full round action, rather than the standard action normally attributed to bags of holding. The pommel ring is designed to have rope tied to it and in a pinch the peculiar curve of the swords crosspiece allows the rogueblade to be used as a grappling hook. The weapon will not reflect light due to the tempering process used on the blade which creates its blackened luster.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest; Cost 4,780 gp
I really liked this item. Only critique is the listing of common item examples. Perhaps referring to a typical rogue's cache of necessities would of sounded better. Also, describing a matte black finish as a luster is contradictory. These are minor though. I saw the item quite a few times and do not think I ever had to down vote it. Good Job.
Honored to be here as well, especially as a first attempt. Looking forward to CMI on my armor.

Terminalmancer wrote: I'll have more feedback for everyone this weekend. In the meantime... time to feed the sharks! Rip this apart, please.
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Chemist's Retort
Aura faint conjuration; CL 6th
Slot none; Price 12,700 gp; Weight 12 lbs.
The bolt case of this +2 heavy repeating crossbow may, instead of five bolts, be filled with a single flask or vial. Chemist's retort will fire the flask or vial loaded in this fashion as if it were thrown, but the range increment is 50 feet and the weapon's enhancement bonus only applies to your attack roll. Once the bolt case is loaded into the crossbow, this weapon duplicates any flask or vial loaded in this manner with a value of 50 gp or less, and may fire up to five total of any such item before running out and needing to be reloaded. It may fire a similar item of a higher value, but its magic is unable to duplicate such items.
Any time the bolt case is removed from the crossbow, it is empty. Alchemist's bombs (and any concoction that must be used within a round after it is created) are too volatile and become inert once loaded.
Three times per day as a free action, the wielder of chemist's retort may elect to double all damage done by an alchemical item it fires. This choice must be made before the attack is rolled.
Requirements Craft Magical Arms and Armor, abundant ammunition; Cost 6,700 gp.
Terminalmancer, I liked the idea of this item but was left confused. Was it bolts imbued with the power of the flask coming out or actual flasks. If flasks I had a hard time seeing them survive the launch. I also thought the 3X day power was an unneeded add-on. My two cents for what it's worth.

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This was my first attempt at the contest as well. I'm an old school (started in 1982) AD&D player and DM as I see some others have stated in their item post. I got back into it, and into Pathfinder, about four years ago to pass on the fun to my kids, and then the neighbor kids, and then some parents. I had started jotting down notes for the contest I thought would be coming at the end of the year. I went to the site to look something up and saw this special season 9 with four days left to submit something. I know I added and "s" on the entry name (next to word count) and my spells aren't alphabetical. I really struggled with the price/cost. Went back on forth on weekly power or the ten uses..Let me know what you all think. I feel good it made it to the end and I am looking forward to the next contest.
Armor of the Crow
Aura moderate transmutation and conjuration; CL 9th
Slot armor; Price 46,300 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
This black +2 studded leather armor is entirely embossed with small crow feathers. When the armor is first created there are ten additional, larger crow feathers embossed on the chest, five just above each breast. When the wearer takes damage reducing her hit points to zero or below, but not dead, the armor instantaneously heals the wearer to 1d4 hit points above zero and transforms the wearer (including all of her equipment) into a murder of ten crows for three rounds. During these three rounds the wearer is not in control of the crows and is effectively unconscious. The crows use the three rounds to fly as fast and as far as possible (base fly speed of 40 ft.) to the safest location they can find (based on crow senses – GM’s discretion). At the end of three rounds they land on the ground and the wearer is transformed back to her original form. Each time the armor functions in this manner one of the ten larger crow feathers disappears from the armor. Once all of the larger feathers are gone the armor becomes normal +2 studded leather armor. If the wearer loses enough hit points from one source to become dead, the armor alone transforms into a murder of crows then dissipates into a black vapor, destroyed forever, leaving the body behind.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure serious wounds, beast shape II or Polymorph; Cost 23,325 gp

Brigg wrote: chaoseffect wrote: Brigg wrote: Swarm-B-Gone
Aura moderate ZZSchool; CL 10th
Slot belly button; Price 9,000,001 gp Weight 10 lbs.
This +5 adamantine swarmbane bastard sword looks ordinary and has nicks and scrapes from being used in eleventy-billion battles. Its true power is revealed when within 300 feet of a swarm, as it begins to glow with blood-red runic arcane filigree. This gives the weapon the effects of bane against swarms.
As a swift action, the wielder of Swarm-B-Gone can heave it over his head. The flat edge of the blade expands to cover a 30-foot by 15-foot area as it slams into the ground. Any swarm caught completely under the blade must succeed a DC 60 fort save or die as they become a horrible bloody smear underneath the blade’s mighty, bulging girth.
This weapon also deals 1d6 lightning, wind, acid, air, water, fire, and sonic damage on a successful critical hit.
This sword was first crafted by some guy who went into a certain museum and has his whole team wiped out by a swarm and he was still butthurt about it.
Requirements Diehard; Cost 4,500,000 gp, 5 sp
But how do I attune it to myself and get charges??? Fixed in Paragraph 3 of the original post ^.^ So well done...this was rattling around my brain while voting. My new favorite.
5 Culls and I just had to upvote something I have seen many times and always down-voted because it was up against something I hadn't seen since the first round and I thought it was gone. Glad it's game day and my players will be here in a few as they work their way through Jorgenfist.
First time I've seen you, got excited, then I see you're one of the "appears to be", "valued by", "true powers revealed" type. So sad, down vote and please don't be one that I see every 3rd pairing.
Useless and not even a clever idea. I am not roleplaying a workday. Why are you getting votes?
Getting same items over and over again. This has been happening at this rate just prior to a cull. Others seeing the same?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Last two pairings had an item that had not been seen since yesterday. List updated.
Saw my item for 3rd time. 1st attempt for me. A little nauseous.
Why, why, are some of you still here after all the culling?
We are voting for the bottom at this point. Can't remember the last time I saw an item I'd want.
That is a lot of those. How much do they weigh?
Thunderfrog wrote: Site was just out for a bit. Anyone else suspect anything? Maybe the start of the daily cull.
For the flip map, if one is going to hand draw it, is it best to print the grid they provide at the full scale of 24" X 30", and then scan it back in?
Lots and lots of things for the price of one thing. Neat-O.
That is not an abbreviation of an attribute. I may have to take the night off from voting. Brain pain.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Hey, Kurzak, I think you got your threads mixed up.
Whoops. And I had such a good "never post on this thread" record going. :(
Whoops. Correct. Deleting.
insects with bizarre power or way to powerfull, cheap, and steampunkish...Uhhhggg bugs it is. Time for a serious cull.
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GM to player using this. "It does what now? Okay how's that work? No DC, Okay...Uhhhmmmm roll D20. Darn that's too bad, the item breaks. Forever."
The pain of seeing so many items i just do not want as a player or would allow as a GM. ready for a cull to see some of the really neat items I saw early on or ones I never got a chance to see.
Its for combat and diplomacy.
Well worded description of an item that at the end I do not know what it does.
if I only had a modern combat video game item in a Pathfinder adventure...it would be like playing a video game in Pathfinder.
I saw this in a comic book and it was soooo cool.
No worries. Just being snarky.
Nope. Totally made up. Just referring to the manner of oh, this is cool and impossible, and cheap.
Many of my favorites are listed already. I have been contemplating converting the AD&D 2nd Dragonlance modules. I ran them back in the day and the group loved them.