No. I'm sorry. That animal cannot "blink." It does not have eyelids. It is still a close call with the item it is paired with.
if I only had a modern combat video game item in a Pathfinder would be like playing a video game in Pathfinder.
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Nickolas Floyd wrote: No. I'm sorry. That animal cannot "blink." It does not have eyelids. It is still a close call with the item it is paired with. Two things I always keep in mind when I write: 1) Write what you know. 2) Never assume you know what you know, or rather that what you know is correct. Cursory research as a refresher is never wrong, even about basic things.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Item A, you could have been fully described in two sentences. Instead, your designer decided to spend three paragraphs describing in eye-gouging details the functioning of mechanics I already know. If your item causes the panicked condition (random example), you do not need to tell me that people affected by the item flee in terror and cower if cornered and drop everything they are carrying. That is what the panicked condition does.
Item B... You almost exactly duplicate an item that already exists... you are an extremely obvious item that does exactly the things anyone designing that item would make it do... and you are a SAK.
Meh, item B has better formatting.
I just got a...very generic feat requirement. I can't say more than that.
Well worded description of an item that at the end I do not know what it does.
Its for combat and diplomacy.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Haha! An ale mug item that does not reference Cayden Cailean, dwarves, OR frat parties! And in fact has very different imagery and mechanics that any ale mug item I've seen before. You get an automatic upvote just for that.
Of course, your opponent has no price, cost, aura, slot, weight, requirements, formatting, or paragraph breaks...
Kurzak wrote: Its for combat and diplomacy.
If it's the same one I saw then I also have to add A+ for the non-standard use of a totally overused name.
cool core idea if we were playing a WW I game... has that vibe, upvote for now but not everyone is going to appreciate it
Someone needed to pay attention more in classic monsters and their weaknesses 101.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Item A is an already existent item moved to a different slot.
Item B would be really cool... except for an obvious flaw in its design that would let anyone who has even the slightest idea how it works instantly defeat it.
Well, at least B is original.
Worst camping item, ever.
The pain of seeing so many items i just do not want as a player or would allow as a GM. ready for a cull to see some of the really neat items I saw early on or ones I never got a chance to see.
7 people marked this as a favorite.
Jeff Lee wrote: Worst camping item, ever. As opposed to the best camping item: A 1/day mage's magnificent mansion effect that is filled with infinite hookers, and blackjack, and blow, and maybe just forget the whole adventuring thing because we have this item.
If it's a choice between underexplained and overexplained, then I'll take the latter.
Was thinking, they have done a good job this time lots of OK stuff, the the unformated one started coming up. THEY TELL YOU HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR ITEM!!!
Oh and don't do camping items!!!
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If I have befriended a powerful enough caster to make this item, I am too powerful myself to find it useful.
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Ack, nested parentheses! Naturally, missing the final closing parenthesis too. The programmer in me refuses to let that slide!
Goblin item beats rival race themed item
How many warnings against spell in a can do people need?
Ghost armor versus ghost wondrous...
This item's purpose is so incomprehensible I upvoted a vanilla spell-in-a-can.
Oh I see what you did, you toke a winner from a few years ago and went crazy with it.
Ah, I heard about this item, but hadn't seen it until now. It did exactly what I expected, plus a little more. However, I knew from the name that this was going to be a joke item, and the more I read, the less funny it got.
Luckily for the creator of this item, it was paired against one of my "We hates it forever" items, and so, for now, it gets my vote.
Your thing is really neat, but it's a brand new type that doesn't exist, so I voted for the other thing.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Man I hope this was an intentional joke. 300-word long random dice SIAC item...
As cool as this things name is, it blew it in the last two lines of description.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
...Has it occurred to you that crafting this time-saving item would take longer than the amount of time it is supposed to save...? Not a great feature for a one-use item...
Luckily, your opponent wishes this were WoW, not Pathfinder.
White winged item showdown!
Insect Item vs Insect Item! Buzz buzz!
Item that makes dead things undead vs Item that makes things undead!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Creating a really obvious item that's been done dozens of times before... and then adding one boring completely unrelated ability to it... does not a superstar make.
Luckily, the other item is pretty cool, if hampered by have a really low save DC. But I guess magic items are supposed to have crappy DCs anyway, so WAD...
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Yet another theme: improving the utility of scrolls.
libations themed item DRINK!
Last year: Earthbreakers that broke the earth and blades that cut space/time.
This year: Insects, Zombies, Temporary Hit Points and Booze.
Obvious IP Violation, without even any attempt at lampshading: Check.
Thunderfrog wrote:
Last year: Earthbreakers that broke the earth and blades that cut space/time.
This year: Insects, Zombies, Temporary Hit Points and Booze.
I wrote an insect item I didn't submit and 2 water items I think at least part of it is what's in the collective contentiousness in the summer.
Why...did you use that word? I'm fairly certain that's not a word normally associated with mammals, let alone those mammals.
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Great. Now I'm picturing a weapon that also cuts hair.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
No but seriously folks, please stop putting drawbacks in your items. The drawback of your item is gold cost and opportunity cost if it's slotted. You don't need to add, backlash, damage, and conditions for using, dropping or not using the item.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: No but seriously folks, please stop putting drawbacks in your items. The drawback of your item is gold cost and opportunity cost if it's slotted. You don't need to add, backlash, damage, and conditions for using, dropping or not using the item. At least one person needs to do it, otherwise I can't black out my bingo card.
No, no it is not Mr. Jeff Lee, at least in no way that is good for said mammal.
.....huhhh. Complex, but interesting... but complex... maybe too much so for at the table... but interesting...
Your opponent is blah, so have a vote, Item.
random effect you get my vote, not for the sure chaos it makes that's good, but the other item doesn't actually do anything!
I've seen way too many straight-up weapons so far... some of which don't even have any interesting features to back them up.
Flavor text doesn't make it a magic item, no matter how special a knife's purpose in your home campaign.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: No but seriously folks, please stop putting drawbacks in your items. The drawback of your item is gold cost and opportunity cost if it's slotted. You don't need to add, backlash, damage, and conditions for using, dropping or not using the item. The biggest reason for a drawback I've seen is the "Why wouldn't they just always use it?" item. Drawbacks can be used to limit versatility from "use it literally whenever" to just "usually" or even "sometimes". That isn't always a bad idea.
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I'm wondering where people get the idea that listing material components or weird necessities in the construction requirements is necessary or even worthwhile. Class and level requirements, sure, but some of these get awfully specific.
Someone has a serious Marvel fetish!