arcanine |

Dose any one know any strong builds that have a companion but dont necessarily, HAVE to HAVE them to function. I made a build that heavily relied on the companions. We just so happened to enter a big fight. with no companion I was worthless. I like balanced builds that rely on team work. but still be able to function on my own. the companion must stay on par with my character. but i do think that it was because of inexperience at the time. These guys are experience and have been playing over like 12 years or something like when they were little kids. they are laid back with a character dying. this GM has absolutely no qualm sending a pack of MONK GHOULS. you had to make 3 saves for one hit thank gawd i never dump con. they got a surprise round, killed the alchemist, 2 rounds later killed the wizard, im just flying on my bird like "yo I would help but the way my life set up." so I made my bird grab the cleric and dive bomb the undead with channel positive energy. while I shot my Bow. oh guess what CATCH ARROW! while the fighter tried to hold his ground eventually i got to the caster in the back. these guys had people who jumped up in the air and came down with charging damage. one guy only players undead, he was a wizard with a gun that shot spells from it. the other guy was a archetype from a old book TWF. I was shot in the neck by a slayer and died. I had to re roll and he dose not fudge rolls and rolls out in the open. they like high level play with big stats.
what you working with:
Level 4 normal
Stats: 18,16,16,14,12,9
animal companion with 3 int can take any feat it can physically/mentally use. i.e. gorilla with a great sword is plausible.
must have animal companion
variant multi classing is available
martial stamina system
all pathfinder books if its in a book he will accept it.
No 3rd party anything.
ALL RACES!!! but you will have to take the level adjustment for the appropriate race.
or you can take the advanced templet.
he is old school D&D player
loves creativity and will reward it handsomely.
the game is rise of the rune lords or some thing like that
oh and he said im special? TF?
multi classing available too
i would prefer to start with human because of the feat but wisdom will not be pushed aside.
can ya get me 2 companions :) BECAUSE I'M GREEDY. with out giving up to much to do so.
i want one to be a intimidation expert and the other to be strong while im wise/charismatic. with those stats im not really weak. so int as lowest stat if at all possible.
is the summoner variant multi class worth it?
I really want the shadow blood line teleporting ability to hop in and out. And replace my beat up body with a fresh elephant or T-rex on the front lines or both :).
or/and the arcane bond ability for my armor or shield?

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It is debateable at high levels which is more powerful, the standard action summon or the eidolon.
This is assuming you can swap a high stat into CHA.
If no summoner, there is Hunter.
If pet dies, you get a constant focus until you replace. Go vermin hunter to have the Worm Focus (Fast Healing) and you may never actually want the pet back.
Oh, and you will not want 2 pets. It is a large drain on gold, and a lot of book keeping.
I do not know the VMC for summoner, but I HIGHLY doubt it is very good, considering the same book gutted, reanimated and then urinated on the summoner (this is my oppinion, and not directly related to the OP's questions, as such, lets avoid de railing the thread into Summoner is Bad)
You might be wanting too much on the shadow bloodline AND arcane bond. That said, you can get the arcane bond with 2 feats. Skill Focus and Eldritch Heritage.

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It is debateable at high levels which is more powerful, the standard action summon or the eidolon.
With use of the Summon Eidolon spell, you can have both. In fact summoned that way, the Eidolon is more powerful if you have the Augment Summoning feat.

arcanine |

i was thinking of an oracle/ druid build with maybe 4 levels of cav for the pet. is that too much?
i was thinking of getting a legendary item as a shield and arcane bond my weapon. and have a full leveled companion or 2. but the cost you are very correct. i thought with the cheaper items it would at least help balance that out a little bit.
the bloodlines are up in the air if someone has a better idea shoot.

avr |

Multiclassing like that is hardly the route to ultimate power in PF. Outside of a few builds like the songbird of doom or an all-terrain horizon walker you probably don't want to multiclass at all, rather you want to take one class and make it rock.
Specifically, it sounds like you want to take a class which has one pet like maybe a Lunar Oracle, and if you think it's worth the feats spend 2-3 to get another, maybe a familiar. You could go with Skill Focus (knowledge) & Eldritch Heritage (arcane) or with this one and it's prereqs to get a familiar. You will also want the divine protection feat at 5th level, and to cast inflict spells so that you can get the full benefit of the Touch of the Moon revelation.
If the likes of ghoul monks are a particular problem make sure you're able to fly one way or another (if you're small, you might get a mauler familiar which can carry you; if not, maybe get the Form of the Beast revelation) as which it's not always useful, it gets you away from a lot of things.
Note that there are definitely other ways to go about this. The better ones (sylvan sorcerer, druids, etc.) won't need to multiclass.

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Dose any one know any strong builds that have a companion but dont necessarily, HAVE to HAVE them to function. I made a build that heavily relied on the companions. We just so happened to enter a big fight. with no companion I was worthless. I like balanced builds that rely on team work. but still be able to function on my own. the companion must stay on par with my character.
Level 4 normal
Stats: 18,16,16,14,12,9
You have the option of the animal companion. Being on par with the character or function on your own. There is no build that will get you both due to feet and class requirements.
From the sound of it you want a combat character. That can function with or with out the animal companion. You want to be human and self sufficient. Ranger or Caviler are the best options. Ranger wins out on being able to use cure wands. Why the Caviler dose a better job of working with a team. The other option is Hunter possibly Druid if you want a strong animal companion.
My suggestion: This as close to what your looking for as I can think of. I recommend only using one animal companion. As more weakens the animal companion to much or takes many more feet's then worth the investment. If you expect to function with out them.
Caviler: Huntmaster Level 4
Str 18 +2 Human +1 Level = 21
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 9
Hit Point Bonus per level +4
Skill Ranks Per level 8
Animal Companion: Dog
Str 20 Dex 16 Con 18 Int 2 Wis 12 Cha 6
Feet's: 1: Armor Proficiency Light 2: Power Attack 5: Armor Proficiency Medium (Mithral Breast Plate is the goal.)
Bite: 7 1D6+10
Human Race Trait: Eye for Talent
1: Fast Leaner (Human race feet)
3: Huntmaster (Human race feet)
5: Power Attack
7: Toughness

arcanine |

The stats are in no particular order. You can swap them around as needed. So oracle is a good suggestion. Is their a oracle summoner build I know they both use cha to cast and use abilities. Seems like a nice combo and a so moaner synths is variant oracle might be nice.
You are right on the eldritch heritage thing. I will pass on a familiar and get either a weapon or a ring or something.

avr |

Oracles aren't the worst summoners, but they're far from the best. The lack of a way to summon as a standard action makes them worse than the summoner class, wizards, clerics, arcanists (occultist archetype) or druids (animal shaman archetypes). If you want to make summoning a focus of your character then we need to look at one of those, but if you just want to do it sometimes then there are options.
In particular a nature oracle can take Friend to the Animals to add Cha to all animal saves, including any summoned or their bonded mount (which last is an OK animal companion, if not quite as good in combat as the lunar oracle's).

Tsutsuku |
Oracles aren't the worst summoners, but they're far from the best. The lack of a way to summon as a standard action makes them worse than the summoner class, wizards, clerics, arcanists (occultist archetype) or druids (animal shaman archetypes).
You left out Preservationist Alchemists, who can get a tumor mauler familiar to fly on and then dump vials down onto the battlefield all day. I would say they're arguably the best choice since without their familiar friend they can still do pretty much everything.
1. Mutagenic murdering
2. Bomb's away (preferably from bird)
3. Standard action summon (either list!)
4. Pass out buff infusions (the enemy is ghouls? give your fighter an extract of Undead Anatomy and now he's a ghoul too!*)
*At level 7+
Obviously it'll take a few more feats and discoveries than you currently have to get all 4 of these up and running, but you can grow into it. For small alchemist-friendly races that can ride their familiars, I'd suggest Ratfolk or Wayang.

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I rather like a Monk/Druid build. Wisdom to AC even when you are wildshaped is pretty strong. There are feats to boost your wildshape and Animal companion to match your level and I think there is a feat to allow you to use your unarmed when wildshaped.
Take Master of Many Styles and you can take some good style feats with your 2 levels of Monk. Crane is great for not getting hit; Snake Style is also good for not getting hit. Monkey is great if you are prone to being prone … Also you have some great saves and abilities.
As for Druid the Saurian Shaman is usually considered to be the better of the Archetypes; being able to summon as a standard action when summoning Lizards is cool.
There is a guild you can join from the Inner Sea Magic guide which will improve your Caster Level so this will offset the Monk Levels. It’s not really set up for Druids but it can work if you choose the right one.
Anyway, I have put together some test builds and they are effective; they take some feats to master but they are fun to play.
Enjoy yourself

Renegadeshepherd |
Will your GM allow you to have super pet from lunar oracle? If you get that you won't want two pets. As I understand it you can have a mythic ability that adds four levels to the pet and you with elven or similar favored class bonuses add 50% to your base level. Meaning that you could have a level 34 pet if you went all the way to level 20.

Rerednaw |
Will your GM allow you to have super pet from lunar oracle? If you get that you won't want two pets. As I understand it you can have a mythic ability that adds four levels to the pet and you with elven or similar favored class bonuses add 50% to your base level. Meaning that you could have a level 34 pet if you went all the way to level 20.
Thought 20 was the cap...did they errata the rules for pets >. 20?

arcanine |

arcanine wrote:Dose any one know any strong builds that have a companion but dont necessarily, HAVE to HAVE them to function. I made a build that heavily relied on the companions. We just so happened to enter a big fight. with no companion I was worthless. I like balanced builds that rely on team work. but still be able to function on my own. the companion must stay on par with my character.
Level 4 normal
Stats: 18,16,16,14,12,9
You have the option of the animal companion. Being on par with the character or function on your own. There is no build that will get you both due to feet and class requirements.
From the sound of it you want a combat character. That can function with or with out the animal companion. You want to be human and self sufficient. Ranger or Caviler are the best options. Ranger wins out on being able to use cure wands. Why the Caviler dose a better job of working with a team. The other option is Hunter possibly Druid if you want a strong animal companion.
My suggestion: This as close to what your looking for as I can think of. I recommend only using one animal companion. As more weakens the animal companion to much or takes many more feet's then worth the investment. If you expect to function with out them.
Caviler: Huntmaster Level 4
Str 18 +2 Human +1 Level = 21
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 9
Hit Point Bonus per level +4
Skill Ranks Per level 8
Animal Companion: Dog
Str 20 Dex 16 Con 18 Int 2 Wis 12 Cha 6
Feet's: 1: Armor Proficiency Light 2: Power Attack 5: Armor Proficiency Medium (Mithral Breast Plate is the goal.)
Bite: 7 1D6+10
Human Race Trait: Eye for Talent
1: Fast Leaner (Human race feet)
3: Huntmaster (Human race feet)
5: Power Attack
7: Toughness
this campaign will go to level 20 these guys are well know for their EPIC campaigns. and the dog or bird will die fast.

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Level 20 Dog is not as fragile as you think. You need to equip animal companions to make them effective.
with a +6 Str, & Con belt plus toughness will have 200 HP.
Base Hit Dice 4.5 Con 24 Mod +7 Toughness +1 (12.5 X 16)
With mithral Breast Plate Armor +5: AC 40
Mithral Breast Plate +5 (11) Dex 22 Mod +5(limited by armor) Natural Armor Bonus 14
Amulet of Mighty Fist +5 : Bite +24/19 to hit +32 Damage
Str 32 Mod +11 BAB 12 Amulet +5 Power Attack -4
Str 32 Mod +11(+16 Damage) Amulet +5 Power Attack +12

tim doyle 268 |
Have you looked at the familiar folio with you being a eldritch guardian fighter and your pet being a mauler. Also take the improved familiar feat and the mythic version making both of you tanks that flank. I'd go that way with a celestial template for the improved familiar and the base animal being a compsognathus dinosaur. Don't forget to pimp it out with gear. Look at animal archive for what it can have.

arcanine |

Will your GM allow you to have super pet from lunar oracle? If you get that you won't want two pets. As I understand it you can have a mythic ability that adds four levels to the pet and you with elven or similar favored class bonuses add 50% to your base level. Meaning that you could have a level 34 pet if you went all the way to level 20.
Go on. If this ability worked in old D&D then it will work with this GM.

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Renegadeshepherd wrote:Will your GM allow you to have super pet from lunar oracle? If you get that you won't want two pets. As I understand it you can have a mythic ability that adds four levels to the pet and you with elven or similar favored class bonuses add 50% to your base level. Meaning that you could have a level 34 pet if you went all the way to level 20.Go on. If this ability worked in old D&D then it will work with this GM.
There's a few ways to boost an Animal Companion to higher level than normal, although the official Paizo rule is that no matter what the animal companion HD cannot exceed your "character HD +1". So it doesn't do a lot for you in the first few levels, since companions are at/above your HD anyway, but around level 6 it starts to change.
1. If you use a Bird, Dog, Horse or small cat, you can be human or half-elf/orc or Aasimar (scion of humanity) and take the huntmaster feat. That boosts your AC by 1 level and is allowed to exceed your character level (unlike boon companion).
2. If an Oracle, and you play Elf, Half-elf or Aasimar (or if not PFS, then Human with Racial Heritage (Elf)), you can choose the "add +1/2 effective level to a revelation" alternate Favored Class Bonus when you level up instead of HP or Skill Point. The Nature Oracle and the Lunar Oracle both get access to short lists of companions. The Nature Oracle companions are more like Paladin mounts... which means you may be able to get the Monstrous Mount feat qualified for a Griffon. Lunar oracle companions are animals. The strategy here is you keep taking the alternate favored class bonus and get your companion to effective level 16 when you are only 12th (so it will be a 13 HD animal which is still legal with current Paizo rulings), etc.
3. Wildblooded sorcerers Fey: Sylvan get an animal companion at lvl -3. But they can also wear the Robes of Arcane Heritage for +4 levels to bloodline.... which makes that AC at your level +1. Then you take the Additional Traits feat for the Ascendant Recollection trait, for another +1, now you're at +2. If you are using a Bird, Horse, Small Cat or Dog, you can also pull the stunt from #1 above to get a +3 effective level. If you are good at rules lawyering arguments, you can probably also finagle the use of Dtang Ma Bloodline trait when you take that Additional Traits feat mentioned above, for yet another +1 totaling +4.
4. This last trick is probably going to get FAQ'd out of existence, but involves taking levels in a class with no companion for 4 levels (like fighter or zen archer or whatever) and Nature Soul feat at 1st level, then Ultimate Campaign retrain whatever nonsense feat you took at level 3 to be Animal Ally granting you an animal companion. At level 5 take Hunter or whatever and keep leveling your AC up from there. The key here is the wording on Animal Ally: Rules as Written, those levels -stack- with any class levels that give you an animal companion... but the Feat itself uses your entire _character_ level... so your animal companion granting classes now count their levels twice. Almost certainly not how it was intended to be. But for now it's Raw.
If Ultimate Campaign retraining is not allowed, you have to wait 1 more level to do this, and take Animal Ally at 5th instead.

Devilkiller |

If you really want to go nuts with animal companions you could take 4 levels of Cavalier with the Horse Master feat to get a full power mount and then take some levels as a Sylvan Sorcerer but select a different sort of animal. If you don't want the mount to be a horse then take a level of Mammoth Rider and turn it into a Huge animal from their list of companions.

arcanine |

arcanine wrote:Renegadeshepherd wrote:Will your GM allow you to have super pet from lunar oracle? If you get that you won't want two pets. As I understand it you can have a mythic ability that adds four levels to the pet and you with elven or similar favored class bonuses add 50% to your base level. Meaning that you could have a level 34 pet if you went all the way to level 20.Go on. If this ability worked in old D&D then it will work with this GM.There's a few ways to boost an Animal Companion to higher level than normal, although the official Paizo rule is that no matter what the animal companion HD cannot exceed your "character HD +1". So it doesn't do a lot for you in the first few levels, since companions are at/above your HD anyway, but around level 6 it starts to change.
1. If you use a Bird, Dog, Horse or small cat, you can be human or half-elf/orc or Aasimar (scion of humanity) and take the huntmaster feat. That boosts your AC by 1 level and is allowed to exceed your character level (unlike boon companion).
2. If an Oracle, and you play Elf, Half-elf or Aasimar (or if not PFS, then Human with Racial Heritage (Elf)), you can choose the "add +1/2 effective level to a revelation" alternate Favored Class Bonus when you level up instead of HP or Skill Point. The Nature Oracle and the Lunar Oracle both get access to short lists of companions. The Nature Oracle companions are more like Paladin mounts... which means you may be able to get the Monstrous Mount feat qualified for a Griffon. Lunar oracle companions are animals. The strategy here is you keep taking the alternate favored class bonus and get your companion to effective level 16 when you are only 12th (so it will be a 13 HD animal which is still legal with current Paizo rulings), etc.
3. Wildblooded sorcerers Fey: Sylvan get an animal companion at lvl -3. But they can also wear the Robes of Arcane Heritage for +4 levels to bloodline.... which makes that AC at your level +1. Then you take the...
You sir are amazing. I thought I knew everything about animal companions. But good Goh. The oracle rout seems the absolute best route.
I was going to go inquisitor ( sacred hunts master) with 4 levels of cavalier and horse master feat. I made a build a while back but everyone hated on it. But that 13 hit die AC would be insanely powerful.
Would it also gain feats as it gained hit die? I would still go 4 levels cavalier? that is an epic loop in the matrix with oracles. I have a build already look up
Ape with ranged weapon or click on my portfolio and type in APE.

arcanine |

If you really want to go nuts with animal companions you could take 4 levels of Cavalier with the Horse Master feat to get a full power mount and then take some levels as a Sylvan Sorcerer but select a different sort of animal. If you don't want the mount to be a horse then take a level of Mammoth Rider and turn it into a Huge animal from their list of companions.
Will do