tim doyle 268's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


Cap. Darling wrote:
tim doyle 268 wrote:
Cap. Darling wrote:
tim doyle 268 wrote:
My group will break down all of the classes down into the 4 basic groups. Put them on index cards with a number next to the classes. Randomly pull the cards for your roll in the party. Then roll whatever die you need to roll to figure out what class out of your "job" group your playing. It covers all of your group's needs but no one will be playing the same thing every time.

Is this for Real? Do you have the cards on computer? I am very curious about this system. I cannot even imagine any of the guys i play with submitting to somthing like that. Or guess how the Classes are groupd.

Sorry if this sounds sarcastic that is not the intention. One of the big draws for me here is to see how others play the game.
No unfortunately we never got around to scanning them. It came into play a few years ago after we had a player who was just playing the same thing every campaign. We were kind getting bored with it, so one of the guys thought why not have everyone randomly roll for classes. The down side was 4 tanks and nothing else. So we ended up splitting up the classes with a divine, "fighter", skill monkey, and caster. Sure some of the classes are on two cards but you build for the job you draw. Like rangers fall into the "fighter" and skill monkey groups but you can build either way depending on the feats you take.
shame. And thanks for getting back.

Not a problem.

What most players miss about clerics is that at lower levels channeling is a great way to keep the party going but at higher levels you should be using it to channel smight. Also go with a neutral god so you can take versatile channel. Gorum might be up your alley. Then you can hit like a train and heal. You know like a paladin that's not a lawful good ass.

Cap. Darling wrote:
tim doyle 268 wrote:
My group will break down all of the classes down into the 4 basic groups. Put them on index cards with a number next to the classes. Randomly pull the cards for your roll in the party. Then roll whatever die you need to roll to figure out what class out of your "job" group your playing. It covers all of your group's needs but no one will be playing the same thing every time.

Is this for Real? Do you have the cards on computer? I am very curious about this system. I cannot even imagine any of the guys i play with submitting to somthing like that. Or guess how the Classes are groupd.

Sorry if this sounds sarcastic that is not the intention. One of the big draws for me here is to see how others play the game.

No unfortunately we never got around to scanning them. It came into play a few years ago after we had a player who was just playing the same thing every campaign. We were kind getting bored with it, so one of the guys thought why not have everyone randomly roll for classes. The down side was 4 tanks and nothing else. So we ended up splitting up the classes with a divine, "fighter", skill monkey, and caster. Sure some of the classes are on two cards but you build for the job you draw. Like rangers fall into the "fighter" and skill monkey groups but you can build either way depending on the feats you take.

Also i would go human with the eye for talent alternative race ability and boost that little guys str up as high as you can. Also give him the mauler feat for his level 1 feat.

Have you looked at the familiar folio with you being a eldritch guardian fighter and your pet being a mauler. Also take the improved familiar feat and the mythic version making both of you tanks that flank. I'd go that way with a celestial template for the improved familiar and the base animal being a compsognathus dinosaur. Don't forget to pimp it out with gear. Look at animal archive for what it can have.

Just throwing it out there my group just finished up Wrath of the Righteous and hands down the fighter was the most powerful character in the group. Two handed fighter build with champion path was hitting for 900 a swing by the last part of the game. Things like the path ability always a chance and build ability devastating blow and him having something like a +40 to hit. I can say casting spells is only great if you need to wipe out a lot of smaller things.

It makes the cleric as far as I'm concerned the best class in the game with feats like channel smight, guided hand, and elemental or ailment channeling.

Myself and one of my group mates swap out every campaign. I've been gaming with the same group for about8 years.

My group will break down all of the classes down into the 4 basic groups. Put them on index cards with a number next to the classes. Randomly pull the cards for your roll in the party. Then roll whatever die you need to roll to figure out what class out of your "job" group your playing. It covers all of your group's needs but no one will be playing the same thing every time.

As a player and a dm I would a down for it. Also I am wondering what your other 2 feats would be for the build you have. But it looks fun.

I'm just looking into this myself and my group came up with the thought of you using a fire forged metal torch that you would use an oil fueled fire with. Using the stats of a light mace for a goblin (1d4)+1 for fire and then add on the 1d4 for the fire forged metal and the 1d4 from burn×3. Or if you really want to go out on a limb you can take the feat from Inner Sea Gods called torch bearer. But our thoughts about it is that if you are an Alchemists you should know how to make and keep a non magical fire burning on a weapon that does more than a d2. I mean the Alchemists is the intelligent party member and for all intents and purposes an inventor.