tim doyle 268 |
Cap. Darling wrote:
tim doyle 268 wrote:shame. And thanks for getting back.Cap. Darling wrote:No unfortunately we never got around to scanning them. It came into play a few years ago after we had a player who was just playing the same thing every campaign. We were kind getting bored with it, so one of the guys thought why not have everyone randomly roll for classes. The down side was 4 tanks and nothing else. So we ended up splitting up the classes with a divine, "fighter", skill monkey, and caster. Sure some of the classes are on two cards but you build for the job you draw. Like rangers fall into the "fighter" and skill monkey groups but you can build either way depending on the feats you take.tim doyle 268 wrote:My group will break down all of the classes down into the 4 basic groups. Put them on index cards with a number next to the classes. Randomly pull the cards for your roll in the party. Then roll whatever die you need to roll to figure out what class out of your "job" group your playing. It covers all of your group's needs but no one will be playing the same thing every time.Is this for Real? Do you have the cards on computer? I am very curious about this system. I cannot even imagine any of the guys i play with submitting to somthing like that. Or guess how the Classes are groupd.
Sorry if this sounds sarcastic that is not the intention. One of the big draws for me here is to see how others play the game.
Not a problem.