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Organized Play Member. 403 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.
Hey yall, I'm trying to figure out if I can still get a bird and a dog from the class and not just one.
The horse master feat allows my mount to level with me. But dose it now allow my dog(s) and/or bird(s)? If I took the feat would it only work for one companion then must use the rest of the levels for the other? One would always be -1 level .
Hi guys,
If I have tiger pounce, rhino charge, and I successfully bulrush someone.
Can I then
1. Standard action charge opponent
2. Hit the opponent with a attack bulrush them
This is where I'm confused
3. I charge then can I still move? I still have a move action.
4. If I bulrushed last round can I charge as a standard action, move to a different opponent,then tiger pounce back to my previous target? Effectively moving 3 times in one round?
If I charge with rhino charge how much can I move with my move action?
Kazaan wrote: arcanine wrote: If I go black jack fighter archetype for 2 levels and then at level 6 I go furious Guardian for 2 levels or eldritch knight?
I can take the formal training at level 8 and select a team work feat ;as if I am a blackjack fighter.
If I am a eldritch fighter can I use my bonus feat to select a teamwork feat as if I am a blackjack fighter? Meaning I do not need to meet the prerequisite for it? Or do I need to meet the prerequisites?
I think you're severely misunderstanding a few rules here.
First, Blackjack doesn't get the ability to take bonus feats without prereqs. They just can choose Teamwork feats or (Improved) Iron Will in addition to the normal option of taking a Combat feat, but just as a vanilla Fighter, they still need to meet prereqs of whatever feat they take.
Second, the Bonus Feats ability for Fighter, modified by the Blackjack archetype, is an entirely separate and distinct class feature compared to the Bonus Feats ability for Eldritch Knight. Even though they are named the same, they are two completely separate abilities and the modifications made to the Fighter version by the Blackjack archetype can't be carried over to the EK version.
Third, I'll presume you're talking about EK's Diverse Training ability, but this doesn't treat your Fighter level higher for accessing Fighter class abilities; only for satisfying feat prereqs. And even if it did allow you access to the Blackjack Tactics ability, that only lets a group of Blackjacks temporarily share a Teamwork feat that one of them possesses among the group. The people being granted use of the feat don't need to meet the prereq, but it relies on someone having the Teamwork feat already, presumably having met the prereqs unless some other rules element says they have it sans prereqs.
That having been said, some Teamwork feats are also Combat feats so EK would be able to access any Teamwork feats that happen to be Combat feats via the EK version of Bonus Feats, and then use that feat with... So the blackjack could not select any team work feat? I thought it used the same language as the sohei monk. I think the can get any mounted feat and don't need to meet the prerequisite for them. They could take things like trick riding with out meeting the prerequisite. At level 2.
dragonhunterq wrote: This fighter archetype?
I'm not seeing where you can ignore pre-requisites for teamwork feats.
Also, the diverse training of Eldritch Knight just allows you to add your EK levels to your Fighter levels for feat qualification - so if you were fighter 1/wizard 5/EK3 you could qualify for weapon specialisation (requiring fighter 4). It does not allow you to meet the pre-requisites for any feat you would have been able to select, nor does it allow you to treat your EK levels as fighter levels for any other purpose.
Ok that makes sense.
Yes, I was thinking it followed the same rules of the sohei monk. As they can select any mounted feat with out needing to meet the prerequisite.
avr wrote: Invisibility works, sure. By my understanding tornadoes are pretty noisy though. An attack includes any spell which targets a foe or whose area of effect includes a foe so the non-greater invisibility probably breaks when you try to pick them up, and certainly when it succeeds. If enemies are inside you they should notice you IMO, but you'll still get the usual defensive bonuses aside from their knowing which square to target.
Yes, you should be able to line them up. Note that you're in the area of effect too and while you have some electricity and sonic resistance it's not immunity.
Check under polymorph effects in the magic chapter - effects which change size don't stack with polymorph effects. Enlarge person's stat changes come from the size change.
It doesn't say you can't carry things and you can obviously carry people trapped within you. I think you could choose to throw something out or just drop them - the action required would be a free action for the former and at least a standard action for the former. To throw a creature and do damage from that directly you'd need some ability to do so, ki throw would do.
Where do you get the bit about their being denied their dex bonus? A -4 penalty isn't the same thing at all.
I have no idea how a burrow speed could relate to carrying people.
First let me say thanks for answering all of my questions.
Would my strength go up from becoming huge sized in storm shape?
Can a oracle be a master of storms? I think it was only ment for rangers and druids.
It would seem as thought a intimidating build would be best for this prestige class; would you agree?
If I had a burrow speed could I take people with me in storm shape?
If I pick up 3 creatures in my storm shape and use the stormborn thunder bolt would I hit all 3 creatures? Because they are in my storm shape being stacked one on top of the other?
Dose enlarge person work while I am in storm shape? Would I get the size increase or just the stat changes?
Could I carry items? When I eject something is it a throwing object ? Can I throw a creature into another and damage them? Or would I need ki throw feat line? a lake of water in my form?
If I had sneak attack would it just auto hit the people in my whirlwind form? Because the wouldn't have a Dex bonus flying in my storm form.
If I am in storm shape and use greater invisibility on my self; Am I an invisible tornado?
If I have no attacks then even the spell invisibility would persist until the duration expired?
What would be the negatives?
If I stand still in a room and have a 40ft (huge sized) storm shape and use invisibility can I just stand still and get a +40 on my stealth check I Until everyone dies in the room?
avr wrote: Sorry, missed this earlier.
Beast rider doesn't remove any options, it just adds them. I don't advise this, but you could split your animal companion levels between a rhino, dog, pteranodon and a bird if you wanted. Any and all of them would benefit from the huntmasters challenge etc.
Whirlwind form gives you a special ability which is not an attack, but which does the same damage as your unarmed strike.
Storm Shape wrote: dealing lethal damage equal to her unarmed strike damage to each one that fails a Reflex save It isn't an unarmed strike though. You don't get unarmed attacks:
Whirlwind wrote: A creature in whirlwind form cannot make its normal attacks and does not threaten the area around it. Which rules out charging, unarmed attacks and so unarmed feats.
So I can't charge?
Would I need natural spell to cast?
If I am arcane when I change do I still keep the arcane failure chance?
What happens to my armor? What is my AC?
Can I just move in and out of an opponents square to make them repeatedly make saves or be tripped; and deal my unarmed strike damage( every time I enter there square)?
dragonhunterq wrote: You would need to meet the pre-requisites.
Classes are all written as if they will be your only class. So classes and class abilities only apply to the class granting them unless specifically stated otherwise.
This means that the blackjack fighter ability to ignore feat pre-reqs only applies to feats granted by the black jack fighter class.
It also says I meet the prerequisite for any feat I would have been able to select from any fighter levels I mave gained previously.
If I go black jack fighter archetype for 2 levels and then at level 6 I go furious Guardian for 2 levels or eldritch knight?
I can take the formal training at level 8 and select a team work feat ;as if I am a blackjack fighter.
If I am a eldritch fighter can I use my bonus feat to select a teamwork feat as if I am a blackjack fighter? Meaning I do not need to meet the prerequisite for it? Or do I need to meet the prerequisites?
Make the encounter in a massive treehouse? Like a city sized tree house all wood.
If I have the tiger pounce style feat, pushing assault, power attack, and a two handed weapon in hand. Would this allow me to apply the penalty from PA to my AC with the weapon in hand?
I use my full BAB on ALL attacks and take a penalty to AC after I use power attack, because the penalty last until your next turn.
If I also have the pushing assault Feat and a two handed weapon. When I attack after the attack roll but before damage is dealt I can choose to push them 5ft back. If I crit I can push them 10 ft back. And still deal all of my weapon damage with the attack. Is this correct?
The regional trait snow stride. Would I be able to now trip and bulrush huge sized creatures? Would this work with pushing assault or because of the language in the feat "my size or smaller" still apply.
If I bulrush someone into a wall what happens?
If I also have greater bulrush would it provoke an AOO? From who? Can I hit them again?
Once I hit someone and bulrush can I use the swift action (tiger pounce) to move 1/2 my move speed back to someone I bull rushed last round? What if I already moved up to my movement speed that round? Can I still move?
Side question
Step up and strike if I use this feat is my immediate action/swift action still spent? It says " using this action dose not count toward the number of actions you can usually take each round."
Am I still able to use my still able to use my swift action?
CBDunkerson wrote: You need the Unhindering Shield feat.
That specifically allows a Monk to use a buckler while retaining their class abilities.
you magical little man you. You just saved my build and made me grossly OP. Thanks.
So I loose the monk AC bonuses if I use the style got it.
How would feint and bash work if the shield (gauntlets) dose not threaten?
Can I increase the size of the bukler like titanic/Impact enchantment to make it a light shield? So I can bulrush with them?
Can I take shield specialization with the gauntlets?
Can I get shield master? If so if I am wielding two long swords ( while using Gauntlet master style) do I negate the penalty from Two weapon fighting?
If a monk is level 8 and he has the shielded style line, two weapon fighting, and shield slam.
I am fully aware that monks get flurry, I don't have it on this one.
Dose he still get the AC bonus from his wisdom And from the class ability while implying gauntlet style master?
If he also has two weapon fighting and is holding a long sword in one hand.
Dose he still get the bonus from monk wisdom?
Dose he still get the bonus to AC from his class ability?
Dose he still get the bonus from Gauntlet style master?
If he is holding a long sword in each hand.
Dose he still get the bonus from monk wisdom?
Dose he still get the bonus from his class ability?
Dose he still get the bonus from Gauntlet style master?
Can I still attack with the Gauntlet while I am holding a weapon in each hand?
If he has the feat shield slam and I hit with the gauntlet while using Gauntlet Style master.
Can I use the gauntlet for shield slam?
Once I hit do I get a free bull rush?
Can I take shield focus and have it apply to my gauntlets AC?
Can I add the weapon enchantment Impact to my gauntlets?
Can I take feint and bash trick weapon trick with the Gauntlet master style?
Saethori wrote: Extra Feature wrote: When you change shape to your bestial form, you may choose one additional feature from those listed in your shapechange ability and gain that benefit while in bestial form. While it is true that you can argue a lycanthropic form is bestial, their Change Shape ability does not list any features. As such, it is impossible for you to choose one. Once you get bat shape and dire bat form would that count then?
The 15 level two handed fighter ability greater power attack. I am trying to see how it works with my Titan mauler barbarian 3 lvls two weapon fighting. Do I still get the +2 and up it to +3. Or dose the ability just not work?
I know backswing is a no go on double strength. With double great swords. But I can still wield them one handed.
Dose jabbing dancer or brute assault work with whirlwind form? Can you make an attack of opportunity with vicious stomp in whirlwind form?
Can I charge in whirlwind form? Can I carry items in this form?
I know about the move in and out of the opponents square to have them make about 6 saves vs being tripped but can I use unarmed feats while in whirlwind form?
avr wrote: arcanine wrote: So once I enter whirlwind form I then use thunder staff ability. Would I then get the electricity on my attacks. Because they take unarmed damage if I touch them.
So if I had rhino charge and reverse feint. I could charge as a standard action pounce (if I had it. And then for my move action ready an attack.
You ready a reverse feint with the move action. If the target doesn't attack you, you don't get to attack them with the reverse feint. Otherwise yes. What dose beast rider do exactly with hunts master. Would my Rhino still benefit from my class abilities. I would assume the rhino replaces the dog and the pteranodon replaces the bird? Ir a triceratops cuz ya know epic.
avr wrote: IMO though not being spells they're not tagged, both those two effects are polymorphs. Which means only the latest applies.
No, if you apply thunderstaff to one attack form it doesn't apply to a different one.
On reverse feint, yes (assuming you gave them the +4 attack & you spend an immediate action) and yes.
If you're using a shield, yes. If you're getting a shield bonus from some TWF feat, no - if you use a double weapon in one hand you only get to use one end of it IIRC. It should work for a magus though.
Beast rider should work with animal ally or with huntmaster cavaliers. They should be treated the same as any other animal companions gained by those means.
I don't see why not, if it has the carrying capacity.
So once I enter whirlwind form I then use thunder staff ability. Would I then get the electricity on my attacks. Because they take unarmed damage if I touch them.
So if I had rhino charge and reverse feint. I could charge as a standard action pounce (if I had it. And then for my move action ready an attack.
Josh-o-Lantern wrote: As to the first question, both change your form, so if you're a tornado and you trigger and ability that turns you into a lightning bolt, you stop being a tornado. I'm unsure as to the form you return to at the end of your lightning rush but I'd probably say back to orc.
arcanine wrote: If I got 2 lvls Titan mauler can I hold a Orc double axe in one hand and get the shield bonus? If Titan mauler treats a two handed weapon as a one handed weapon for all intensive purposes. Dose that mean it would be a one handed weapon for a magus too? I'm not bringing this up to be an jerk but the phrase is "For all INTENTS AND purposes"
lol I knew someone was ganna say it. I was trying to go back but 'twas too late.
If I turn into a whirlwind via master of storms. And then use my 15th level bloodline ability to turn myself in to pure energy. Do I turn into a thunderbolt and just use the bloodline ability doing my level in d6. or dose my whirlwind form become a thunder whirlwind and I deal the damage in a AOE?
Also if I use thunder staff the first bloodline ability On my unarmed strikes before going into whirlwind form dose it still do the extra electricity damage on hit?
Side questions.
Dose Reverse feint allow me to just attack anyone that attacks me? Can I trip them on the attack?
If I got 2 lvls Titan mauler can I hold a Orc double axe in one hand and get the shield bonus? If Titan mauler treats a two handed weapon as a one handed weapon for all intents purposes. Dose that mean it would be a one handed weapon for a magus too?
Beat rider allows me to "ADD" a select few companions to any list I may have access too. Dose this alter the animal ally feat? Or the cavalier( huntsmaster- archetype) with the dogs and birds. Dose the feat in anyway alter those class abilities to work with the new companions?
And the most important question is can I put a ballista or cannon on the back of my turtle? You know exactly where I'm trying to go with this turtle.
I may ask to many questions.
JonathonWilder wrote: I am considering combining the following Druid archetypes.
This archetypes replacing Wild Shape with a growing list of spell-like abilities and uses per day, the ability to cast Domain spells spontaneously instead of Summon Nature's Ally spells, requirement to pick a particular Domains or Subdomains instead of an Animal Companion, decreased penalties in strong wind conditions instead of Woodland Stride, ability to have voice heard over howling winds and peals of thunder instead of Trackless Step, and more... up to the 20th level ability to be unaffected by natural and magical wind effects in addition to immune to deafness and bonus against sonic attacks.
Check them out here, and here.
Any ideas how to optimize this idea and build the character where they are helpful and useful to the party? The role of the character will understandably change, more of a caster with blasting ability and battle field control with other utility from spell list.
Oracle is a good start. And you can go deaf curse and lizard duels curse for free silent spell and move action.
Kazaan wrote: arcanine wrote: I'm a little confused so it would take 3 levels of barbarian? I don't want over sized weapons. I was 2 regular sized greate swords. Not large sized; 2d6 In each hand. They are each two handed weapons.
After my first attack all others deal double strength because they are greate swords ( two handed weapons), because I swing wide with them "because they are great swords".
I think the issue is the strength mod.
It dose say "it is treated like a one handed weapon for PA and str..."
So it makes it so you can hold 1 great swords in each hand so 2 Great swords 2d6 each.
Great swords are two handed weapons.
Back swing say "when I attack with a "TWO HANDED WEAPON" I add double my strength, after my fist hit."
If I have to go 3 levels barbarian I guess I could? But then I would just go master of many styles to really pump this build up. Get tiger style line or dragon. Brute stomp looking real sexy on this build. As I said, it isn't important what kind of weapon it is. Greatswords are two-handed weapons; that only means that, by default, they are wielded as two-handed weapons. If a rules element changes its effective effort category (light/1-h/2-h), you can't also say, "but it's default effort category is still 2-h weapon so I can still gain the benefits of that too." You either use the default category or the modified category. I gave examples of rules elements that can change effort category and Oversized Weapons was one of those examples; it changes the effort category of a "1 size too big Greatsword" from "unwieldable" to "2-h". The bottom line is that there is no functional way to TWF with a pair of Greatswords and have them still count as 2-h weapons for rules elements that require you to use 2-h weapons. The absolute best you could do is TWF with a 2-h weapon and one of a very limited selection of light weapons that explicitly state they can be used for off-hand attacks even while wielding a 2-h weapon. To my knowledge, the only such weapons currently... Ok thanks.
Chris Lambertz wrote: Removed a handful of posts. If an old thread is resurrected in this way, let's try to focus on answering the more recently asked question, rather than furthering past debates. This was a different question I just didn't want to open a new thread.
CBDunkerson wrote: From the blog linked earlier;
"There are a number of feats that convey an understanding and the proper use of weapons and armor. Generally speaking, these feats are off-limits to animals, but when their intelligence reaches 3, the rules state that they can use any feat that they are physically capable of using. Some people take this to mean that they can equip their animal companion in chainmail and arm him with a greatsword given the correct feats. While you could interpret the rules in this way, the "capable of use" clause is very important. Most weapons require thumbs to use properly, and even then, few animals would choose to use an artificial weapon in place of the natural weapons that have served them all their life. It's what they were born with, after all, and virtually no amount of training will change that. In the end, the GM should feel free to restrict such choices if he feels that they take away from the feel of his campaign. The rules themselves are left a little vague to give the GM the latitude to make the call that's right for his campaign."
As apes DO have opposable thumbs (and often opposable big toes) they would be physically capable of using many tools. However, the preference for natural weaponry would still apply.
Ultimately, the only valid answer is, 'Ask your GM'.
Ok thanks.
Kazaan wrote: The thing you need to keep in mind is that a weapon's qualities as an item are different from their qualities when wielded. For instance, when you wield a two-handed weapon as a one-handed weapon, it still has the HP of a 2-h weapon. It takes on a virtual handedness category of 1-h for the purpose of how you wield it. So, even though the weapon itself is a 2-h weapon, you're wielding it as if it were a one-handed weapon. That overrides its quality as a 2-h weapon so you can't use it with feats/abilities that require you to wield a 2-h weapon (eg. Two-handed Fighter's abilities, Pushing Assault, Shield of Swings, etc.) but, in exchange, it does interact with feats/abilities that require you to wield a 1-h weapon (eg. Spell Combat).
So a Titan Mauler 2/Two-handed Fighter 7 wouldn't be able to use abilities like Overhand Chop or Back Swing with a weapon wielded one-handed via Jotungrip, let alone with a pair of such weapons. But at Titan Mauler 3, he would be able to use those abilities with an oversized 2-h weapon wielded via Massive Weapons. Likewise, he could use those abilities with a one-handed weapon that's one size too big for him because such a weapon is treated as 2-h, or with a light weapon that's two sizes too big. For example, a Medium character (eg. Human) wields a Large Longsword as if it were a 2-h weapon so it now qualifies for 2-h dependent abilities; same for a Huge Dagger.
On the other hand, there are some rules elements that use slightly (but importantly) different terms. When you wield a Lance while mounted or a polearm via the Choke Up weapon trick, they state you wield them "in one hand", rather than as a one-handed weapon. In these cases, they still count as 2-h weapons for all purposes save for the number of physical grasping appendages required to wield them. You'd be able to wield these weapons using one hand and free the other hand for handling a shield or mount reins or whatnot, but you wouldn't free up your attack economy to make an off-hand...
I'm a little confused so it would take 3 levels of barbarian? I don't want over sized weapons. I was 2 regular sized greate swords. Not large sized; 2d6 In each hand. They are each two handed weapons.
After my first attack all others deal double strength because they are greate swords ( two handed weapons), because I swing wide with them "because they are great swords".
I think the issue is the strength mod.
It dose say "it is treated like a one handed weapon for PA and str..."
So it makes it so you can hold 1 great swords in each hand so 2 Great swords 2d6 each.
Great swords are two handed weapons.
Back swing say "when I attack with a "TWO HANDED WEAPON" I add double my strength, after my fist hit."
If I have to go 3 levels barbarian I guess I could? But then I would just go master of many styles to really pump this build up. Get tiger style line or dragon. Brute stomp looking real sexy on this build.
Yorien wrote: arcanine wrote: how would 2 levels Titan mauler barbarian for the ability to wield two handed weapons in one hand. And then 7 levels fighter two handed fighter ( back swing) ability for double strength on all attacks after first ( while wielding two handed weapons)?
Would it work?
All going two weapon fighting.
Well... I see some issues depending on RAW vs RAI and poor wording.
Quote: At 2nd level, a titan mauler may choose to wield a two-handed melee weapon in one hand with a –2 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. The weapon must be appropriately sized for her, and it is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like. 1-. Jotungrip allows you to dual-wield two two-handed, that's no issue... but since you're now wielding those weapons with one hand, it states those weapons are now treated as one-handed weapons for determining changes to STR... "and the like".
2-. Your weapons are considered as ONE handed (not LIGHT) for two-weapon-fighting puprposes (namely, you'd wield a non-light offhand). This (again) points you that you're using 1H weapons.
3-. Your Backswing might not apply depending on ruling (here's the RAW/RAI collision).
Basically, per Jotungrip, your weapon is used (and should be then treated) as 1H, specifically mentioning STR-based effects. This would prevent Backswing to kick in since it requires a to use 2H weapon.
But.... your weapon "type" is still Two-Handed, even if you're wielding it with one hand. And Backswing states "when you perform attacks with two-handed weapons".
I'd say, per RAI, Backswing is intended for 2H's used with both hands (in fact, it comes from an archetype meant for that), increasing default STR bonus using weapons that way from x1.5 to x2. "Forcing RAW" to change TWF from x1/x0.5 STR to x2/x2 is a little broken, but your GM might rule Backswing applies as long as the weapon itself "fits" the "two-handed" type, no matter how you use it. Thanks for the breake down. And fast reply. I was thinking the same as well. The back swing ability changes the str mod to double "ONLY" with two handed weapons. I've always wanted to play this guy but didn't know if the rules would allow. Brings a tear to my eye.
Troodos wrote: I mean, RAW I don't think there's a rule against it, if he has the right feats. But I think that's where the GM is supposed to come in and point out "that doesnt make sense". So would a bow make sense?
Or a great axe?
A gun, Ballista, Tower shield, Snake style, Monkey style, Throw anything, Two weapon fighting, performance feats, Two handed thrower, Quick draw, Tiger style, and if I find a way for him to get sneak attack I can get additional sneak attack feat.
Wu Nakitu wrote: arcanine wrote: Troodos wrote: I mean, RAW I don't think there's a rule against it, if he has the right feats. But I think that's where the GM is supposed to come in and point out "that doesnt make sense". I raise you " planet of the apes (Caesar)overwatch ( Winston) and kurjack (Tarzan). I'm just saying you can't say you haven't seen it before. The first two are genetically engineered and Kerchak never really does anything more intelligent than the average gorilla, at least as far as I can remember from the novels or Disney. Obviously things are different once you've boosted Int, but the average 2Int animal, regardless of species, isn't going to routinely use equipment. My monkey was givin to me by my GOD cleric. I'm just saying MY GOD could send me a shield monkey. Lol. I get your point though.
I'm just trying to have a thematic animal companions. The usual ones are getting real played out. Especially with the new books coming out.
Sheild Ape is what I wanted and one with a great sword/great club. They are attack and defense I cast buffs and shoot a bow maybe.
Troodos wrote: I mean, RAW I don't think there's a rule against it, if he has the right feats. But I think that's where the GM is supposed to come in and point out "that doesnt make sense". I raise you " planet of the apes (Caesar)overwatch ( Winston) and kurjack (Tarzan). I'm just saying you can't say you haven't seen it before.
Saldiven wrote: arcanine wrote: Saldiven wrote: Apes are animals and have animal intelligence. They are limited to a specific set of skills and feats they can take until their intelligence is raised above the animal range.
For specifics, Apes are Int 2 and have the Animal type. From the Animal creature type, these creatures are only proficient with their natural weapons and no armor or shields.
The rules for skills/feats for animals are more fully fleshed out in the Animal Companion rules set. Therein, there is a section entitled Animal Skills and another entitled Animal Feats. This section is where it is stated that ranks in other skills or other feats cannot be taken until the companion has an Int of 3+. While these rules pertain specifically to animal companions, non-AC animals don't have the capacity to progress in skills and feats since they never level up.
Now, I guess a permissive GM would allow someone to use Handle Animal to train an Ape to use a shield, but it would still not count as proficient since it doesn't have the relevant feat. This would result in all the normal non-proficiency penalties.
What if he took all shield feats? And I got the ( eye for an eye: human trait ) and bumped int to 4 at level one?
As explained in the rules for Animal Companions, that is ultimately up to GM approval, but speaking as a GM, I would not have a problem with it if the character invested that many resources into having his ape use a shield.
The section on AC feats state that an AC with an Int of 3+ can take any feat it is "physically capable" of using. I think it would be a simple argument that an Ape would be physically capable of using a shield, assuming it's intelligence were raised to a sufficient level that it could understand how and why to use it.
(I'm assuming we're talking about an Animal Companion, as opposed to just buying an Ape from a store.) Yes a animal companion. I have seen a lot of post about people saying it can't use the item. But people use magic and have dragons as pets. I don't see any where it say that he can't use it.
In fact the FAQ is "if they are physically capable " the ape can actually do a lot more than a human can.
Thanks for the reply
mardaddy wrote: A "standard RAW" ape in possession of any of those would probably throw them at his target before or while charging and using his natural attacks.
So... Does an ape have "Throw Anything?" Nope. So they are improvised ranged weapons with all the penalties assigned.
So.. YES, an ape can use them, just not as they were designed for use.
Different rules apply if it is not a "standard RAW" ape.
So I can go a throw anything build with him? Throw two handed weapons?
Saldiven wrote: Apes are animals and have animal intelligence. They are limited to a specific set of skills and feats they can take until their intelligence is raised above the animal range.
For specifics, Apes are Int 2 and have the Animal type. From the Animal creature type, these creatures are only proficient with their natural weapons and no armor or shields.
The rules for skills/feats for animals are more fully fleshed out in the Animal Companion rules set. Therein, there is a section entitled Animal Skills and another entitled Animal Feats. This section is where it is stated that ranks in other skills or other feats cannot be taken until the companion has an Int of 3+. While these rules pertain specifically to animal companions, non-AC animals don't have the capacity to progress in skills and feats since they never level up.
Now, I guess a permissive GM would allow someone to use Handle Animal to train an Ape to use a shield, but it would still not count as proficient since it doesn't have the relevant feat. This would result in all the normal non-proficiency penalties.
What if he took all shield feats? And I got the ( eye for an eye: human trait ) and bumped int to 4 at level one?
Just as it says. I'm pretty sure their is some rulling on it some where but I can't find it.
Can a ape use a great sword and other weapons?
Can it shoot a bow?
Can it take a proformance feat?
Can it wear heavy armor?
arcanine wrote: how would 2 levels Titan mauler barbarian for the ability to wield two handed weapons in one hand. And then 7 levels fighter two handed fighter ( back swing) ability for double strength on all attacks after first ( while wielding two handed weapons)?
Would it work?
All going two weapon fighting.
it calls out a two handed weapon so a great sword in each hand. Would get double strength bonus. Because it is a two handed weapon.
how would 2 levels Titan mauler barbarian for the ability to wield two handed weapons in one hand. And then 7 levels fighter two handed fighter ( back swing) ability for double strength on all attacks after first ( while wielding two handed weapons)?
Would it work?
All going two weapon fighting.
Are there any other "Orc" weapons out there that are available now?
she better get use to it real quick.
OK. so can i just throw regular lances for regular throwing damage and then continue with my charge to deal triple damage on the charge still?
I would really like to try an online game. If you are willing to teach; How it all works online. Im a 3 year player. Who always brings an animal companion or 2. For melee flanking and scouting. My pride will stand up for the challenge!
Startoss style line sems to work? And i am not sure if the book is 100%legit. I van use 3rd party stuff.
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I thought that's what pathfinder was all about.
Two handed thrower and quick draw
Throwing weapon enchantment.
Dot.i didn't know you could make maneuvers at range.
Well it it in the rules is the question. Or can i just throw weapons for the extra damage.
I have been wanting to play a character for a while but im not sure if the rule allow. With the new ruling on only the first attack during a charge getting the multiplier due to "pull back method". I started to think what if i threw the lances instead? Or throw one and grab another and stab with the momentum still behind me. I have been looking at a few threads on this and no one has giving a clear definition on yes or no.
Could I do the following.
Feats: two handed thrower, charging hurler, quick draw, spirited charge,point blank shot, two weapon fighting, mounted skimisher. And a 6/1 bab
Say I start my charge and chose to throw a lance what would I be adding up? 16 str to start with.
After I throw my first lance. I draw another; while still charging and throw another lance. What is my damage now?
At this point I think I have one more attack left for high bab. I now charge into melee what is my damage now with a lance? This is my first melee attack.