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Oh Starry and Daring Mistress,

What do you think of Starfinder?

My only big problem is the Level equipment....and the high credit need for characters.

Silver Crusade

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Feros wrote:
Rysky wrote:
The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

I'm having a really bad day Rysky. :(

Do you have any morale boosts?



Does draining someone's energy boost their morale or yours?



John Kretzer wrote:

Oh Starry and Daring Mistress,

What do you think of Starfinder?

My only big problem is the Level equipment....and the high credit need for characters.

I'm liking what I see so far, I'm wary of the bestiary/monster building rules and if alignment even means anything but so far it has my interest.

The leveled equipment doesn't bother me that much (I love the Borderlands games) and from the first AP the Credit/WBL doesn't look like a problem either. But that's still up in the air without going in any deeper of course.

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Thank you Rysky.

Wish i could hand you a slice of cake, but i can't.

Silver Crusade

The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Thank you Rysky.

Wish i could hand you a slice of cake, but i can't.

Is okay.

What kind of cake?

Soft chocolate cake with a thin layer of scraped coconut.

Silver Crusade

The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Soft chocolate cake with a thin layer of scraped coconut.


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Rysky wrote:
The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Soft chocolate cake with a thin layer of scraped coconut.


Just so long as no one leaves the cake out in the rain...

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Oh Starry and Daring Mistress,

What do you think of Starfinder?

My only big problem is the Level equipment....and the high credit need for characters.

I'm liking what I see so far, I'm wary of the bestiary/monster building rules and if alignment even means anything but so far it has my interest.

The leveled equipment doesn't bother me that much (I love the Borderlands games) and from the first AP the Credit/WBL doesn't look like a problem either. But that's still up in the air without going in any deeper of course.

My problem with the Weapon and Armor Level thing is a couple of different things...

1) There is not enough options...and there are not even...As example I want to create a whip melee build. There is only one in the game...and it is tenth level. So It will be not till 8th level before I get it...and since there is no other higher version...the character will start sucking at around 13th or 14th level.

2) It creates expectation in players that might not be intended.

3) It is very video gamey...

4) It is probably impossible not to wear armor as a character.

5) Players will be looking for every credit they can squeeze...to upgrade armor and weapons...to recharge batteries. They should probably have called it CreditFinder.

I do not know...it might not be a problem when I actually start running and playing the game.

Otherwise while there is little things...I am actually surprise by how much I like things it is.

Though I am tired of Elves being portrayed as isolationist jerkfaces...I mean it took James how long to remove that misconception about Elves in Golarion...and now it is back in force in StarFinder sigh...

I've always been amused at that too. I like to play my elves way to friendly and amused by the shorter lived races. When it get really bad i make pizzas and samurai cat things.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So Rysky, hypothetical scenario:

You have two doors, one leads to an encounter with a thessalhydra and the other to an archon chat group about how to be nice and proper and never do anything untoward.

And they don't serve tea.

Which do you choose and why?

John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Oh Starry and Daring Mistress,

What do you think of Starfinder?

My only big problem is the Level equipment....and the high credit need for characters.

I'm liking what I see so far, I'm wary of the bestiary/monster building rules and if alignment even means anything but so far it has my interest.

The leveled equipment doesn't bother me that much (I love the Borderlands games) and from the first AP the Credit/WBL doesn't look like a problem either. But that's still up in the air without going in any deeper of course.

My problem with the Weapon and Armor Level thing is a couple of different things...

1) There is not enough options...and there are not even...As example I want to create a whip melee build. There is only one in the game...and it is tenth level. So It will be not till 8th level before I get it...and since there is no other higher version...the character will start sucking at around 13th or 14th level.

2) It creates expectation in players that might not be intended.

3) It is very video gamey...

4) It is probably impossible not to wear armor as a character.

5) Players will be looking for every credit they can squeeze...to upgrade armor and weapons...to recharge batteries. They should probably have called it CreditFinder.

I do not know...it might not be a problem when I actually start running and playing the game.

Otherwise while there is little things...I am actually surprise by how much I like things it is.

Though I am tired of Elves being portrayed as isolationist jerkfaces...I mean it took James how long to remove that misconception about Elves in Golarion...and now it is back in force in StarFinder sigh...

1) there's only so much (and there's still a lot) they could put in the Core Book, we're going to get loads of weapons going on.

As for the whip build, yeah, specializing in one specific weapon is kinda discouraged with the way weapon groups are set up.

2) ??

3) yes, sorry you are not a fan of it though.

4) pretty much, this was intentional as even the Casters get armor profiencies.

5) players already did that in Pathfinder. Regarding loot and WBL in Starfinder, that's not a big as concern as people are making it out to be, looking over Dead Suns you'll be getting loot just fine.

6) yeah I hated that about the Elves >_<

Silver Crusade

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Feros wrote:

So Rysky, hypothetical scenario:

You have two doors, one leads to an encounter with a thessalhydra and the other to an archon chat group about how to be nice and proper and never do anything untoward.

And they don't serve tea.

Which do you choose and why?

What kind of tea are they not serving?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rysky wrote:
Feros wrote:

So Rysky, hypothetical scenario:

You have two doors, one leads to an encounter with a thessalhydra and the other to an archon chat group about how to be nice and proper and never do anything untoward.

And they don't serve tea.

Which do you choose and why?

What kind of tea are they not serving?

They are deliberately NOT serving Luzianne sweet tea. Because they are jerks.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Feros wrote:

So Rysky, hypothetical scenario:

You have two doors, one leads to an encounter with a thessalhydra and the other to an archon chat group about how to be nice and proper and never do anything untoward.

And they don't serve tea.

Which do you choose and why?

What kind of tea are they not serving?
They are deliberately NOT serving Luzianne sweet tea. Because they are jerks.


Swine, I'll go with the Thesselhydra then.

does it drink its tea with the pinky claw out or in?

Silver Crusade

Good question.

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Clearly they are not from TN.

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Thessalhydras—in spite of their fearsome appearance and noted ferocity—are quite congenial creatures for a beast with animal level intelligence. They have quite a fondness for sweet tea and can be calmed by a large cup of well-brewed tea.

They drink it using their exceptionally agile pincer-tail, so no pinky claw involved.

I highly recommend to all adventuring companies using a barrel sized tea-cup to appease a thessalhydra when needed and reap the inevitable results.

Would I lie?


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It's true. Many a murderhobo has diplomatically finagled his/her/their way past a thessalhydra with a sufficient offering of quality tea. Throwing fantastic tea parties, celebrating unbirthdays, and trying to figure out how many tengus you can squish into a writing desk... these are a few of their favorite things.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
Though I am tired of Elves being portrayed as isolationist jerkfaces...I mean it took James how long to remove that misconception about Elves in Golarion...and now it is back in force in StarFinder sigh...

In fairness, success at the former has hardly been unmixed... and the latter has some in-setting direct living memory justification for that stance...

Mind you, I'm largely indifferent to elves. Too stringy, and they can't take a proper pickle glaze without a lot of marinating...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wilkins, Goblin Scholar wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Though I am tired of Elves being portrayed as isolationist jerkfaces...I mean it took James how long to remove that misconception about Elves in Golarion...and now it is back in force in StarFinder sigh...

In fairness, success at the former has hardly been unmixed... and the latter has some in-setting direct living memory justification for that stance...

Mind you, I'm largely indifferent to elves. Too stringy, and they can't take a proper pickle glaze without a lot of marinating...

An awakened thessalhydra of my acquaintance has a recipe for elf involving a slow bake in an acid and green tea marinade with a sprig of mint that she says is delicious.

Master Pugwampi wrote:
An awakened thessalhydra of my acquaintance has a recipe for elf involving a slow bake in an acid and green tea marinade with a sprig of mint that she says is delicious.

I suppose I can just use the pickles as a garnish...

Wilkins, Goblin Scholar wrote:
Master Pugwampi wrote:
An awakened thessalhydra of my acquaintance has a recipe for elf involving a slow bake in an acid and green tea marinade with a sprig of mint that she says is delicious.
I suppose I can just use the pickles as a garnish...

I could eat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wilkins, Goblin Scholar wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Though I am tired of Elves being portrayed as isolationist jerkfaces...I mean it took James how long to remove that misconception about Elves in Golarion...and now it is back in force in StarFinder sigh...
In fairness, success at the former has hardly been unmixed... and the latter has some in-setting direct living memory justification for that stance...

Master Kretzer, have you ever watched Babylon 5? In the beginning of the show, the Minbari were portrayed (from the human PoV) as arrogant, isolationist, jerkfaces... who were also supreme badasses in spaceship battles. As the show progressed, the humans on the spacestation (and the viewers) discovered a much more nuanced picture, with the deeply honorbound Minbari having very good and understandable reasons for their behavior. As the political intrigue and machinations from other parties begins to escalate, you the viewer start actively rooting for the Minbari (and humans). The whole show sets up several stereotypes of races and individuals, only to reveal hidden depths of both good and evil, and several twist reveals. If I was playing (or writing for) Starfinder, I'd steal liberally from the Minbari.

The first season is a bit of a slog, the dialogue could often use a bit of work, and some of the acting can be a bit flat. But season 1 lays out all the major pieces and players, and seasons 2 through 4 are a well-plotted epic storyline of political machinations, complex alien cultures, and all out galactic warfare with major repercussions.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pillbug... In... SPACE!!! wrote:

Master Kretzer, have you ever watched Babylon 5? ...

The first season is a bit of a slog, the dialogue could often use a bit of work, and some of the acting can be a bit flat. But season 1 lays out all the major pieces and players, and seasons 2 through 4 are a well-plotted epic storyline of political machinations, complex alien cultures, and all out galactic warfare with major repercussions.

...and season 5 is an entire season of Denouement. Just a heads-up warning.

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Follow that advice. See season 2 to 4. Then see season 1 and 5 if you want to. Oh, and you should see the series finale of 5.22.

That was technically the Season 4 finale. The one we got is actually credited as 5.01 in the end credits.

Right from the start, B5 had money issues. It was very much season by season, with little certainty. During S4, they got the death notice, no renewal. So JMS adapted it to finishing up the main storyline, including a farewell episode. But then they got renewed, S4 was filmed, so they really had to scramble to set up for a fifth season. And they made another 4.22. Which was all sorts of awesome, btw.

I've been meaning to re-watch myself. But, I've got so many movies to get to, a bunch of Netflix in my queue, and I recently restarted Firefly.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

{looks around at gathering of 'wampis, goblins, and other assorted critter folk} Hmmm, it's practically a Khalasar in here. Oooo!

{clears throat:} Ahem... Ryskerys Lustborn of the House Nocticula, the First of Her Name,
Queen of the Gnolls and the First 'Wampis,
Khaleesi of the Great Luzianne Tea,
Enrober in Caramel,
and Mother of Linnorms

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

{looks around at gathering of 'wampis, goblins, and other assorted critter folk} Hmmm, it's practically a Khalasar in here. Oooo!

{clears throat:} Ahem... Ryskerys Lustborn of the House Nocticula, the First of Her Name,
Queen of the Gnolls and the First 'Wampis,
Khaleesi of the Great Luzianne Tea,
Enrober in Caramel,
and Mother of Linnorms


*bows head in respect then slinks to the side out of glomp range*

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

{looks around at gathering of 'wampis, goblins, and other assorted critter folk} Hmmm, it's practically a Khalasar in here. Oooo!

{clears throat:} Ahem... Ryskerys Lustborn of the House Nocticula, the First of Her Name,
Queen of the Gnolls and the First 'Wampis,
Khaleesi of the Great Luzianne Tea,
Enrober in Caramel,
and Mother of Linnorms

I would bend the knee....actually both of them...;)

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

{looks around at gathering of 'wampis, goblins, and other assorted critter folk} Hmmm, it's practically a Khalasar in here. Oooo!

{clears throat:} Ahem... Ryskerys Lustborn of the House Nocticula, the First of Her Name,
Queen of the Gnolls and the First 'Wampis,
Khaleesi of the Great Luzianne Tea,
Enrober in Caramel,
and Mother of Linnorms

*Looks around in mild confusion*

Huh?! Something I'm supposed to burn?

Silver Crusade

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

{looks around at gathering of 'wampis, goblins, and other assorted critter folk} Hmmm, it's practically a Khalasar in here. Oooo!

{clears throat:} Ahem... Ryskerys Lustborn of the House Nocticula, the First of Her Name,
Queen of the Gnolls and the First 'Wampis,
Khaleesi of the Great Luzianne Tea,
Enrober in Caramel,
and Mother of Linnorms

Hunt, you're getting a raise.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain Killjoy wrote:
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

{looks around at gathering of 'wampis, goblins, and other assorted critter folk} Hmmm, it's practically a Khalasar in here. Oooo!

{clears throat:} Ahem... Ryskerys Lustborn of the House Nocticula, the First of Her Name,
Queen of the Gnolls and the First 'Wampis,
Khaleesi of the Great Luzianne Tea,
Enrober in Caramel,
and Mother of Linnorms

*Looks around in mild confusion*

Huh?! Something I'm supposed to burn?

Yes, those boxes marked "Lipton" waaaaaaay over there.

Just remember Rysky if you post on it it just makes it keep coming back again and again.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just remember Rysky if you post on it it just makes it keep coming back again and again.

I iz aware.

I don't have my book yet I remember you were worried about spells not having alignments right? what is the verdict?

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't have my book yet I remember you were worried about spells not having alignments right? what is the verdict?

Except for when planar binding is used to summon an outsider with a specific subtype no spells have alignment descriptors.

Which is a bit better than a bunch of them having alignment but not being aligned acts. I'd just wish they'd explain already why Undead and creating Undead in Starfinder isn't Evil. The in-universe reason that is.

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't have my book yet I remember you were worried about spells not having alignments right? what is the verdict?

Except for when planar binding is used to summon an outsider with a specific subtype no spells have alignment descriptors.

Which is a bit better than a bunch of them having alignment but not being aligned acts. I'd just wish they'd explain already why Undead and creating Undead in Starfinder isn't Evil. The in-universe reason that is.

Maybe the Gods got together after the Gap and decided to give a big F*U to Pharasma?

Feros the Light Solarian wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't have my book yet I remember you were worried about spells not having alignments right? what is the verdict?

Except for when planar binding is used to summon an outsider with a specific subtype no spells have alignment descriptors.

Which is a bit better than a bunch of them having alignment but not being aligned acts. I'd just wish they'd explain already why Undead and creating Undead in Starfinder isn't Evil. The in-universe reason that is.

Maybe the Gods got together after the Gap and decided to give a big F*U to Pharasma?

Thats not going to come back to bite them in their divine ass at all...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Good morning, Khaleesi,

What are your impressions of Starfinder so far? Have you been able to play it yet, or do you plan to do so soon?

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Hehe, good morning little bad luck dragon :3

I'm liking most of what I see, and although I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet I really want to.

Top 3 things you like and dislike?


Weapons (I love Borderlands)


Magic is all the same, no difference between arcane/divine/psychic
Alignment meant more in Eberron of all things
Solarion's being CHA based instead of WIS

Although I'm extremely wary of how they're handling monsters the rules for monster creation are not in the Core book so I'll have to wait for Alien Archive.

Hmm I guess you could make an archetype or special rule for the solarion to use wisdom but I see what your saying wisdom would kind of fit better for the jedi thing. Makes more sense to me. plus I like the idea of them having great perception checks. (seems very jedi)

Alignment doesn't bother me It doesn't play a huge factor in my games.

Yeah the magic thing was one of the first thing I heard that made me go hmmmm I don't know.

I get my copy today so Ill get to look over the classes and weapons. From what i've seen of the art it looks great!

Also I'm with you on the monster thing to kind of a wait and see.

Yus, the art is gorgeous!

Yeah I'm not just saying that because I like Wisdom (PERCEPTION and Will saves), but the whole writeup of the class poses them as meditative monks and the main practitioners of Solarions, the Kasatha, have a racial bonus to Wisdom.

Hope you enjoy it!

Rysky....why can't people of local government look at a bigger picture?

It's cost me a chance at a new job. :/

Silver Crusade


*offers hugs*

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