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EDIT: I do predict some folks will be gobsmacked by the AP. Others will be delighted. Others will be disappointed. Others will be sad. Hopefully most folks will be intrigued and excited about this AP, which, I would say, would indeed fall into the category of (REDACTED) so there's that.
If it falls into the category of (REDACTED), that suggests a Norgorboer-focused AP....

Zaister |
Once the new AP comes around, six other APs and three years will have passed since that product line last visited Varisia. I am absolutely OK with returning there (unless that means a Kaer Maga AP).

roysier |

OK new guess, since distant shores is out. Also, James has hinted that it will not be everyone's cup of Tea so I will eliminate a Kingdom building AP, since that's what lots of people want.
Also, Paizo likes to link AP's loosely together so I'll go with that.
So how about a campaign that starts in Minkai after a new leader deposes the Jade Regent.

Odraude |

Once the new AP comes around, six other APs and three years will have passed since that product line last visited Varisia. I am absolutely OK with returning there (unless that means a Kaer Maga AP).
I'd honestly prefer APs to visit areas we haven't explored too much in each iteration. There are so many nations in the Inner Sea alone, let alone the rest of Golarion (and its Solar System), and we only get two APs a year. So I feel disappointed when we go back to a nation that we've already adventured in. I'd love to see more adventures in Andoran, Arcadia, Garund... see more unique nations and cultures you don't usually adventure in. So far I've enjoyed the last couple of APs, though Giantslayer hasn't quite captured my imagination yet. I just have this nagging feeling that Varisia is going to take the limelight again.

Turin the Mad |

OK new guess, since distant shores is out. Also, James has hinted that it will not be everyone's cup of Tea so I will eliminate a Kingdom building AP, since that's what lots of people want.
Also, Paizo likes to link AP's loosely together so I'll go with that.
So how about a campaign that starts in Minkai after a new leader deposes the Jade Regent.
I doubt they'd go that route. Not with an entire high level adventuring party likely standing guard about the equally high level Empress. ;)

Ckorik |

Kalindlara wrote:Please be prepared to revisit this thread in a few weeks. AKA: Have patience. ;-)Axial wrote:I remember when Wrath of the Righteous was coming out there was a deluge of demon-related content. There doesn't seem to be whole lot of devil-related supplements coming out besides Hell Unleashed.They're definitely biased in demons' favor, and I've never quite gotten why. Each race has a major supporter (James Jacobs and F. Wesley Schneider, respectively), but devils and their realm always seem like they're neglected. sigh
I'm just disappointed that we don't seem to be getting a Cheliax book. The Player's Companion wasn't enough. Cheliax is one of the central and most influential nations of the Inner Sea, and we know virtually nothing about it compared to others. Osirion got a book. Irrisen got a book. Andoran is getting a book. I don't get it...
Based on this I'm calling an AP that focuses on devils, and possibly makes a trip to hell.

ladydragona |

The use of the word Redacted implies that the AP will be in multiple or many areas. The definition of the word means editing many things together. So my guess is this will be a traveling AP.
As A side note I think that the next foray into Varisia will be for the 10th anniversary but that is 2 years away.

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An underwater themed AP (at least partially underwater) would be an interesting way to explore existing rules/themes in a new way while bringing in some new rules/monsters/magic at the same time. Sunken ships, explore sunken Aztlani ruins, aboleth/hidden masters. There's also some great 3rd party stuff (like Cerulean Seas) they could tap, the way they've tapped other publishers monster books in the past. Underwater would also be cool because it would mix well with a lot of the existing pirate themed stuff.

Cthulhudrew |

I think a Kyton Shadow Plane themed AP would be awesome. Probably set (at least start) in Nidal, and you could have all kinds of Hellraiser-esque nightmarish stuff going on.
Maybe even some Dream Dimension crossover. And Leng.
We haven't had a strictly horror-themed AP since Carrion Crown, and that was mostly "classic" style horror, as opposed to more modern psychological horror (and splatter gore, though I'd prefer the former be more prominent).

Ckorik |

Well, the devil related stuff is probably because of Hell's Rebels AP coming out
This quote was pulled from the 'fall 2015 product schedule' thread. They already have the Hell's Rebels AP parts 1-3 listed. The Hell's Rebels AP which has been said to:
* have devils in it but not be focused on them
* Also not be about bringing down Cheliax but instead be about starting a rebellion in a remote holding.
So Based on the fact that the AP was already in the publishing calendar - and that JJ has said here we need to wait '2 weeks' for the next AP name to come out - and in the quote I listed " in a few weeks." I'm not convinced that it's(the answer being about the rebels ap) the same thing. Remember we are looking for clues about the next AP - which are for sure only going to be in statements where they can say things that have a double meaning. Just my 2 cents.
*edit* - and also note that 'a few weeks' isn't going to reveal much new info about "hell's rebels" - the giantslayer AP runs through summer so it's too far away for the *start* of the rebels AP - and we already have a bunch of info about the rebels AP - so it seems odd if JJ was alluding to that with his answer - this was a very recent quote

ladydragona |

Remember that the New AP is not the only product they are likely to announce at Paizocon they are probably going to announce a few product meant to go with Hell's rebel's which could include a cheliax gazetteer or a devil book in fact they will probably announce their whole fall line-up while saving spring for Gencon. Although devils could certainly play a part in any AP they are popular enough.

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Personally, I doubt it will involve Hell or underwater environments, as Hell's Rebels is set to involve elements of both.
I asked Mr. Jacobs about a Tian Xia-centered Path a couple months ago, and he said "no plans". He's not normally one for bald-faced lies or ultra-tight technicalities, so that means no full Tian Xia Path.
I'm not going to make any predictions... but of those mentioned, I would most like a kyton-themed Path, with First World a close second. ^_^

Neongelion |

I think the next big sci-fi AP (cough Dominion of the Black) is gonna be sometime in 2017, ie when the countdown clocks in Osirion are supposed to expire. So as much as it saddens me I will limit my conjecture of the next AP on Golarion.
I'm guessing either a full-fledged Tian Xia Adventure Path, or an entire adventure path set in and around Absalom.

shadram |
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shadram wrote:I'm totally expecting the "Anniversary Edition" to be Curse of the Crimson Throne. Based on the forum response, and JJ saying that he'd want to do Second Darkness, but that it's not his decision.You say that as though they can only do one more. ;)
Yeah, I probably should have said "the NEXT Anniversary Edition".

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OK, I've got a weird dark-horse theory about a future AP. (Probably not the next one, since it has to be a James Jacobs one set in Varisia. ^_^)
I've been getting the Pathfinder Battles products since they came out, just like DDM before it. In the most recent set, I was puzzled by the inclusion of a certain character.
The deities of Pathfinder are beyond statblocks - even the strongest PC is as nothing before them, unless the circumstances are right (which has happened just about once - Serpent's Skull). So why did we get a mini for Lamashtu, Mother of Monsters?
There have been hints dropped about something going on in Varisia - something related to the rivalry between Pazuzu (who also got a mini) and Lamashtu. The Sandpoint Devil. The Red Bishop. Uvaglor (from Demons Revisited), most of all. There are references to this throughout Pathfinder Adventure Path #49: The Brinewall Legacy as well.
What if an upcoming Path will give the chance to fight Lamashtu? It's just spitballing at this point, but perhaps this great plot will bring Lamashtu down to the level of a mere demon lord again. Especially since there's another power or two in play...
Nocticula, demon lord of assassination and slayer of many demon lords, is rumored to be approaching her own ascension to divinity. In addition, she is courting the favor of certain powers of good. She has a rather infamous worshiper in the Lost Coast region...
Ayavah, heretic priestess of Nocticula, believes that the demon lord of shadow and lust seeks divinity - but not as a demon. Rather, it is her belief that Nocticula seeks to become a non-evil deity of artists, outcasts, and the glories of midnight. James Jacobs has hinted that Nocticula's story isn't over with Wrath, and that he plans to follow up - presumably with the demon lord's redemption storyline.
In the course of Wrath of the Righteous, it is likely that Nocticula aids Arueshalae, which in turn brings Desna into play. Desna has long held a grudge against Lamashtu for the death of Curchanus, and unlike most deities, Desna is more than willing to get involved directly.
Even if the spoilered text is a red herring or a separate plotline, the earlier hints are still more than enough to suspect something of this nature is afoot.
Thoughts? ^_^

Dragon78 |

It's not just Varisia that I am tired of, I also do not like demons/devils or any of there lords or gods. I wish they made Pazuzu a deity(CN or N) and not a demon lord. I really wish they made Dagon an old one instead of a demon lord as well. I am much, much, much, more interested in the Distant Worlds, Arcadia, Tian Xia, Garund, Sarusan, Vudra, and Azlant. I am really interested in Hermea and wouldn't mind seeing APs for Kyonin, Five Kings Mountains, Jalmeray, Absalom, Nex, Mana Waste, Land of the Linnorm Kings, Realm of the Mammoth Lords, or the Sodden Lands. Even though it is in/around Varisia, I am curious about Peridot Isle.

UnArcaneElection |

{. . .} I really wish they made Dagon an old one instead of a demon lord as well. {. . .}
Keep in mind that Dagon (like a few other Demon Lords) is actually a Demonized Qlippoth Lord, so not so far off from being an Old One (yes, I know they're not the same, but they same related or convergently evolved).