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Liberty's Edge

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Tacticslion wrote:


I... I... I have to go stat something now... >.>

.... Go on....

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*whistles innocently*


Siegechucks, Yo!
Various-sized Exotic Siege Engine Weapon

  • Cannon Chucks [Cost 40,000 g plus four times the cost of NPC gear for the level of the Chuck Norrises; Damage: 6d6/6d6 (see Powerful, below); Critical: 19-20/x4; Range 100 ft. or melee, Misfire 1 (20 ft.), Capacity 4 Chuck Norrises [2 per canon]; Aim: 1; Load: 3; Speed: 20 ft. plus Monk Speed; Weight: 9,500 lbs.; Type: B and P or B; Hardness 10 and 70 hit points; Ammunition: cannon balls [30g, 25 lbs. per]; Army Ant Haul, Canon Cannon, Crude Crewed, Crushing Power, Disarm, Earth-shattering Kaboom, Endanger Everyone, Gunchuck Versatility, Infathomably Bad Idea*, Monk, No, Nope*, Performance, Unpossible Wielding, Wat]

Army Ant Haul: You absolutely cannot "wield" a weapon this heavy without massive magical assistance (with phenomenally few exceptions). Ant Haul, Lighten Object, and some sort of strength-enhancement are (almost certainly) absolutely necessary to come close to the strength required to lift this, much less wield it! With no alterations, you'd need a strength of 45 to lift it overhead or 51 to treat it as within your light load. With lighten object can get it down to a STR 38 to lift it overhead or 46 as part of a light load. With ant haul you can get it down to STR 36 to lift it overhead and 43 to lift as part of a light load. With both, you can lift it overhead with STR 30, or lift it as part of a light load with STR 38. Either way, it's a weapon "sized" for colossal creatures (although the size of the object itself is Large). Look at carrying capacity for more information.

Crude Crewed: In order to work properly, a siege engine requires a crew. What better siege crew than Chuck Norris (see below)? None! These Chuck Norrises have maximum ranks in Knowledge (engineering) and Craft (cannon) skills, and the Siege Engineer, Master Siege Engineer, and Siege Commander feats, as well as masterwork tools for repairing the cannon. Further, the Norrises, being monks, can always move their maximum speed together in order to move the cannon elsewhere. All of these benefits, except the skill ranks, only exist while the Norrises are 'associated' with their cannon-chuck, while that cannon-chuck is assembled, and only towards that cannon-chuck. Unfortunately, these Norrises are too busy to use their Flurry ability, so this weapon doesn't have the Flurry of Norris ability. On the other hand, thanks to the sovereign glue and sheer gumption, unless the cannon-chuck is completely destroyed, the Norrises cannot and will not part with it. They work on making cannonballs with their Craft (cannon) skill whenever possible, generally generating funds from that skill, then using the funds to purchase supplies to make the cannonballs. You cannot get that money from them, however. Remember what happens to those who take things from a Chuck Norris.

Crushing Power: The canon actually does the same damage as a melee weapon as it does ranged weapons. As a melee weapon, it deals exclusively Crushing damage - this is like Bludgeoning damage, save it ignores the first 5 points of hardness and damage reduction.

Earth-shattering Kaboom: Whether the cannon hit or miss or misfire, they destroy the area around the destruction zone. Treat the area near the target as a splash damage. This otherwise functions similarly to the obsidian flow and spike stones spells in the affected area.

Endanger Everyone: As Danger to Society and Self-Endangerment, except it also targets any enemy, non-associated bystander, or other entity present; the DC is increased by 4 (24 instead of 20), and you in addition to a Called Shot, it automatically threatens a critical hit against everyone that is threatened by it.


EDIT: For the curious: it appears to me that a typical PF cannon that shoots 25lb. cannonballs, are 3,800 lbs (based off of some historical figures of similar weight-shot, see "Pedrero" in that link; these are the numbers I'm using, at least); as they cost 6,000 gold in-game (2,000 g to make), we could, hypothetically, figure out how much "gold" is worth, relative to the 16th century wealth... but alas, my Google-fu has failed me in this regard. I fudged the price a bit, but that's because the small dangling parts at the end didn't really do anything, cost-wise.

...now do "Norris Chucks", a pair of Chuck Norri (the official plural for more than one Norris), attached by a pair of adamantine masterwork manacles at the wrist, that a storm giant monk wields to swing around and double-roundhouse-kick folks in the face.

Someone hasn't read my 'chuck post...


1 person marked this as a favorite.


Why don't you ask me any questions on my thread?

John Kretzer wrote:
Why don't you ask me any questions on my thread?

Are you my Mother?

Little Lost Bird wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Why don't you ask me any questions on my thread?
Are you my Mother?

Sorry it would be off topic for me to answer you here on this thread...you can ask me on my thread though.

John Kretzer wrote:
Why don't you ask me any questions on my thread?

I didn't know you had one.

Also, I was working on writing this down.

Little Lost Bird wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Why don't you ask me any questions on my thread?
Are you my Mother?


John Kretzer wrote:
Little Lost Bird wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Why don't you ask me any questions on my thread?
Are you my Mother?
Sorry it would be off topic for me to answer you here on this thread...you can ask me on my thread though.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Strategytiger wrote:
...now do "Norris Chucks", a pair of Chuck Norri (the official plural for more than one Norris), attached by a pair of adamantine masterwork manacles at the wrist, that a storm giant monk wields to swing around and double-roundhouse-kick folks in the face.

Preposterous! Norri.... a pair of Norris thats thats...there can be only one.

Assuming that more than one existed on the same plane of existance would cause natural disasters everywhere. It would probably pull the moon from orbit even!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rogar Stonebow wrote:
Strategytiger wrote:
...now do "Norris Chucks", a pair of Chuck Norri (the official plural for more than one Norris), attached by a pair of adamantine masterwork manacles at the wrist, that a storm giant monk wields to swing around and double-roundhouse-kick folks in the face.

Preposterous! Norri.... a pair of Norris thats thats...there can be only one.

Assuming that more than one existed on the same plane of existance would cause natural disasters everywhere. It would probably pull the moon from orbit even!

Well, technically, the true Norris cannot even be wielded, due to his CMD being a nigh-infinite number. I didn't have time to type it all out before, but the reality behind the situation is this - Chuck Norris has Simulacrum as an at-will power, and occasionally splits off Norri simulacri to do silly things he personally would not lower himself to. While a shadow of the original chuck, these Norri are still enough to be in the "Obscene Power" range, roughly equivalent to one Mr.T in the 80's.

Okay, so, I figure you guys aren't going to go back to page this post and click the link "CHUCKS" and read the entire section I'd written on Chuck Norris.



So, anyway, I'll post the slightly edited version here.


I cast Fist, aka Chuck Norris:

Before we begin, allow me to say that this is built on a combination of the internet meme/running joke about Chuck Norris combined with the ludicrous silliness that is developed here in this thread. I am not intending, by word or deed, to, in any way, impugn his honor, intelligence, or dignity, but rather to build on the cultural/silly humor that has grown/revolved around the various characters he's played in his acting career and the style of "manliness" they represent. Also, I enjoyed the heck out of most of his films. Except for that one, but I don't think it was a bad idea, so much as it just wasn't as awesome as I hoped it would be, which isn't really his fault. Peace and God bless you, Mr. Norris, and I do hope that you can enjoy this, too, should you happen across this thread in the impossible realms of the internet. :D

Also, it's very likely that this will be expounded upon later. This is all that I have for now, however.

Way of the Chuck
There is a Way. A True Way. That Way is the way of the Way-Awesome. It is the Way - that is to say - the Way - the Way of the Chuck.

In every field of study or refinement, in every skill, in every education, there are various students, disciplines, styles, and ideal forms or concepts that vary from culture to culture and from master to master. Martial Arts is no exception.

There exists a few select, a small but ever-growing cadre, loyal to an art form generally considered entirely impossible by most who study martial arts, and absolutely ludicrously stupid by all who study martial arts - all, that is, except those few who dare to be different, dare to dream, dare to face that which is unknown, and dare to be stupid. In short, those who follow the Way of the Chuck.

Many consider the followers of the Way of the Chuck mind-numbingly insane, inane, ignorant, or some combination thereof (or just really dumb). However, the followers and disciples of the Way of the Chuck know that all those who consider it impossible are themselves the ignorant ones; they along with their faces and their mammas and their mamma's faces, the last of which are all so fat, yo: the weapons 'chuck are not impossible, they are unpossible. Duh.

The followers of the Way of the Chuck (they often refer to it as "the Way'") are, in fact, a very peculiar lot. Drawn from every mortal race (and a few immortal ones) there is no one particular type that follows the Way', though those races without facial hair often find they lack the sheer manliness of awesome required.

To even be considered, a hopeful must first have demonstrated that they have participated in two different full-length action plays over the course of two years. Once they have shown proof of this (usually by reciting some lines and doing some kicks) they are considered for the potential to undergo a trial period - if they are allowed to undergo the trial period, they are branded with "WAY '72" - a brand that is crossed with another brand akin to a circle and a line, if they fail their trial.

Upon completing the grueling three-year trial period in which the hopeful trainee is given the rudimentary basics of acting, those who are accepted are branded with the arcane sigil "MGM 74-77" - an arcane set of sigils that none know the true meaning of -, have at least maximimum ranks in Perform (act), and they officially begin their training as a follower of the Way of the Chuck: if they succeed, they become a Chuck Norris, their old name erased (never to be recalled) as they accept their new one.

Their next period of training takes another year, after which they receive the brand "WRECK '69" with a deeply mysterious and unknown meaning, and ascend to the status of the Chuck Norris.

In becoming a Chuck Norris, a follower is trained to have maximum ranks in Intimidate and Perform (act) - replacing any ranks of other skills they may have -, and grow a beard (that hides only another fist instead of a chin); all of his current levels are replaced by levels of Monk with the Kata Master, Martial Artist, and Sohei archetypes (where one archetype relies on a feature the other would lose, the Chuck Norris instead keeps that feature). The new Chuck Norris also gain the feats Dazzling Display (Roundhouse Kick), Skill Focus (intimidate), Skill Focus (perform [act]), and Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike [Roundhouse Kick]). All Chuck Norrises have these feats, regardless of his level, although they are not (necessarily) bonus feats, and use up feat slots as they become available. A Chuck Norris also undergoes a severe shift in mental and physical health, gaining ability scores as if with a 30 point-buy, +4 racial ability scores to all abilities (regardless of race), +6 inherent bonuses to all scores, and the Advanced simple template (using the rebuild rules). Further, a Chuck Norris gains Regeneration (Ex) special ability (this ability has no particular value and cannot be shut off; Chuck Norris simply cannot die and will always get better). Finally, a Chuck Norris gains the mastery that most all Chuck Norrises crave: the mastery of 'chucks. A Chuck Norris can choose a number of 'chuck types equal to 1 + (1/2 his level): that Chuck Norris not only gains proficiency, but also treats the weapons as if they were monk weapons. A Chuck Norris gains no other special bonus with these weapons - they must seek wisdom and reduction of the danger of self-harm individually. They are also not issued any sort of a 'chuck weapon - they must find it themselves.

A Chuck Norris otherwise has treasure equal to an NPC of his level.

None can take Chuck Norris' stuff. Any attempt may temporarily succeed, but he will get the thief, round-house kick him into submission, take his stuff back (probably taking the thief's stuff too, but, of course, giving it away to charity), and then leave, possibly blowing the thief away with a bazooka, depending on how badly the thief ticked the Chuck Norris off. It doesn't matter if the thief thinks he's dead: he's not. It doesn't matter if bazookas don't exist: he can get one.

In any group, there are a few who are elite. So, too, is this, even in the august ranks of the Chuck Norris.

A few dedicate themselves to particular style of 'chuck - the most famous and common of which is the Chainsaw Chuck - and to teamwork to an extreme degree. So devoted are these Chuck Norrises that they voluntarily take a vow and bind themselves through sovereign glue to a chain, themselves becoming a 'chuck weapon. Each generally wields the non-chuck version of the 'chuck weapon they chose (again, usually a chainsaw), instead becoming that end of the 'chuck weapon for whoever, in turn, wields them. This is considered one of the highest honors and arts of the Chuck Norris - it is also considered one of the greatest sacrifices for the sake of the 'chuck and its Way'.

When part of a Body Bludgeon (or similar effect) due to being part of 'chuck Norris, each Chuck Norris exclusively attacks with their weapon (usually the Chainsaw; see Flurry of Norris, in the Chainsaw Chuck description), which they are always equipped with (via sovereign glue), disappointing as that may be to those seeking to see him Round-house kick anyone. A Chuck Norris that is freed immediately leaves all cool- and awesome-like to embark on a career as an actor and internet meme; no, it doesn't matter that there is no internet - Chuck Norris always finds a way.

A few exceptionally devoted (and, some say, crazed or sacred or both) actually each wield a 'chuck version, of their weapon, in addition to being a 'chuck weapon. This is considered the highest of the high, the most sacred, and the most dangerous of all Chuck Norrises. Such self-sacrificial Chuck Norrises are honored forever (or at least as long as they remain part of a 'chuck and/or wield a 'chuck).

A Chuck Norris that has become a 'chuck no longer needs to eat, breath, or sleep - they recover as if they had a full night's rest once each 24 hours on command. They never suffer damage unless Sundered or Wielded (see Body Bludgeon). They are truly the ascended.

Chainsaw Chuck Norrises, Yo!
Two-Handed Exotic Weapon

  • Chainsaw Chuck Norrises [Cost 4,170 g plus twice the cost of NPC gear for the level of the Chuck Norrises (this is actually used for the two Chuck Norrises, see below); Damage: Special (see below); Critical: Special (see below); Weight: 350 lbs. (on average); Type: Special (see below); Disarm, Flurry of Norris, Monk, Performance, Rage (Body Bludgeon), Self-Endangerment, Unpossible Wielding]

Flurry of Norris: Each of the Chuck Norrises are, themselves, wielding a Chainsaw. Although not normally a Monk weapon, these Chuck Norrises are specially trained in the art of wielding Chainsaws, and can thus use them as Monk weapons when the Flurry. In addition to your normal attacks with the Body Bludgeon effect (see below), the Chuck Norrises utilize their flurry of blows special ability to attack with their Chainsaws every round against a single opponent that you designate and have attacked. One flurry occurs before your Body Bludgeon attack, the other after. You can designate each of the Norris' flurry attacks with a Chainsaw against a different creature in a given round, so long as you attack more than one creature - they do not both have to attack the same creature. If the target dies before you can utilize your Body Bludgeon, you do not have to take that action, although any flurry utilized to kill the creature is still used up, as normal.

Rage (Body Bludgeon): The Chainsaw Chuck Norrises are only able to be wielded by a creature currently under the Rage Power Body Bludgeon, or with a similar ability or effect. Without access to this power or similar effect, it is impossible to become proficient in Chainsaw Chuck Norrises. Also, they would totally round-house you, and, really, nobody wants that. The Chainsaw Chuck Norrises are usually medium creatures, and thus have the stats presented below when used as a weapon, though the damage dice decreases to 1d8 if they are small and increases to 1d10 if they are lager; other sizes may be available, but they're exceedingly rare cases, and likely the result of memetic mutation. Additionally, see Flurry of Norris above. This special ability allows you to wield the Chainsaw Chuck Norrises regardless of your size.

    Two-Handed Improvised Weapon
  • Chuck Norrischucks [Cost included above; Damage: 1d10; Critical: x2; Weight: See Above; Type: B; Chuck Norris]
  • Chuck Norris: A Chuck Norris is a Monk with the Martial Artist archetype, a beard (that hides only another fist instead of a chin), and the Dazzling Display (Roundhouse Kick), Skill Focus (intimidate), Skill Focus (perform [act]), and Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike [Roundhouse Kick]) feats; each Chuck Norris has these feats, regardless of level, although they are not (necessarily) bonus feats, and use up feat slots as they become available. A given Chuck Norris' level is 1d20, with a 30 point buy for stats, +4 racial ability scores to all abilities (regardless of race), the Advanced template (using the rebuild rules), maximum ranks in Intimidate and Perform (Act) (among its other skills), and Regeneration (Ex) special ability (this ability has no value and cannot be shut off; Chuck Norris simply cannot die and will always get better). A Chuck Norris otherwise has treasure equal to an NPC of its level. No, you cannot take Chuck Norris' stuff. Any attempt may temporarily succeed, but he will get you, round-house kick you into submission, take his stuff back (probably taking your stuff too, but, of course, giving it away to charity), and then leave, possibly blowing you away with a bazooka, depending on how badly you ticked him off. It doesn't matter if you think he's dead: he's not. It doesn't matter if bazookas don't exist: he can get one. Anyway, when part of a Body Bludgeon (or similar effect) due to being part of Chainsaw Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris exclusively attacks with the Chainsaw (See Flurry of Norris, above), which they are always equipped with (via sovereign glue), disappointing as that may be to those seeking to see him Round-house kick anyone. A Chuck Norris that is freed immediately leaves all cool and awesome like to embark on a career as an actor and internet meme; no, it doesn't matter that there is no internet - Chuck Norris always finds a way.

Originally crafted by taking two martial artist monks stuck together via a chain and sovereign glue who are, themselves, glued to one Chainsaw each, this is truly the weapon of a mad genius, but only one usable by those who, themselves, are in a carefully controlled state of madness - a rage - with very specific training, or having a similar ability. It also looks ridiculously goofy... and yet somehow, ridiculously cool.

Chainsawchuck Norrises, Yo!

Two-Handed Exotic Weapon

  • Chainsaw Chuck Norrises [Cost 4,170 g plus twice the cost of NPC gear for the level of the Chuck Norrises (this is actually used for the two Chuck Norrises, see below); Damage: Special (see below); Critical: Special (see below); Weight: 350 lbs. (on average); Type: Special (see below); Disarm, Unpossible Flurry of Norris, Monk, Performance, Rage (Body Bludgeon), Self-Endangerment, Unpossible Wielding]

    Ludicrously Unpossible Flurry of Norris: Each of the Chuck Norrises are, themselves, wielding a Chainsaw Chucks; unlike normal Chuck Norrises, these Chuck Norrises are proficient with Chainsaw Chucks, and have both weapon focus and weapon focus (greater) for Chainsaw Chucks. Their Chainsaws, while wielded by them, Fathom the Wicked Cool and Fueled By Awesome special qualities, lacking the Activated, Fuel-Powered or Intricate Device qualities and the misfire chance. Although not normally a Monk weapon, these Chuck Norrises are specially trained in the art of wielding Chainsaw Chucks, and can thus use them as Monk weapons when the Flurry. In addition to your normal attacks with the Body Bludgeon effect (see above). This otherwise functions similarly to the Flurry of Norris ability. Wow that is an insane amount of attacks in a round. And yes, the Chuck Norrises can stack Two-Weapon Fighting and flurry of blows.


And now you have Chuck Norris 'chucks.

1. You can't stat Chuck Norris, just like you can't stat Iomedae or Norgorber or Calistria. It's just against Pathfinder's rules.

2. That doesn't negate the awesomeness of my Norris Chucks idea.

Strategytiger wrote:

1. You can't stat Chuck Norris, just like you can't stat Iomedae or Norgorber or Calistria. It's just against Pathfinder's rules.

2. That doesn't negate the awesomeness of my Norris Chucks idea.

1) Already way ahead of you. You can't stat the Chuck Norris. These are not the Chuck Norris. These are "a" Chuck Norris(es). Hence.

2) Never said it did. But I already laid all the groundwork for this suggestion in my post that you missed (hence mentioning it the first time), and the second suggestion fails in the face of the inability to make simulacra of Chuck Norris, as he has no stats, and thus can't be created at "half stats".

Rogar: That would explain much about the persecution those who follow the way of the 'chuck receive, wouldn't it?

Chuck Norris is the most overrated twit in action movies, never understood why everyone loves him, I wouldn't even let my dog drink his urine, and he's got the biggest pee fetish:-)

Just saying

Besides Liam Neeson would leave his entrails strung across Europe if he wanted to :-)

captain yesterday wrote:
Besides Liam Neeson would leave his entrails strung across Europe if he wanted to :-)

Yeah, but then Chuck'd get better and hit him with a rocket launcher.

(It stems from his various films. It's all about how his characters "win".)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Strategytiger wrote:

1. You can't stat Chuck Norris, just like you can't stat Iomedae or Norgorber or Calistria. It's just against Pathfinder's rules.

2. That doesn't negate the awesomeness of my Norris Chucks idea.

1) Already way ahead of you. You can't stat the Chuck Norris. These are not the Chuck Norris. These are "a" Chuck Norris(es). Hence.

2) Never said it did. But I already laid all the groundwork for this suggestion in my post that you missed (hence mentioning it the first time), and the second suggestion fails in the face of the inability to make simulacra of Chuck Norris, as he has no stats, and thus can't be created at "half stats".

Rogar: That would explain much about the persecution those who follow the way of the 'chuck receive, wouldn't it?

I believe that it would.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Would jealosy be motive to kill Bruce Lee, "The Dragon"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:


1) Already way ahead of you. You can't stat the Chuck Norris. These are not the Chuck Norris. These are "a" Chuck Norris(es). Hence.

Might these be, say, talking eggs, or unicorns, with the Chuck Norris template applied?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh it's all good, I was mostly teasing :-)

I have an uncle and cousin that are die hard Norris fans, I tried watching one of his movies and fell asleep half way through, super boring :-)

But yes I forgot about Willis, D'oh!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I could whoop chuckie with a paperclip and a hershey's kiss.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
McGyver wrote:
I could whoop chuckie with a paperclip and a hershey's kiss.

Are you my Mother?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So you on;y ask one question on my thread...that hurts...:(


2 people marked this as a favorite.
McGyver wrote:
I could whoop chuckie with a paperclip and a hershey's kiss.

I see you're trying to defeat Chuck Norris. Would you like help with that?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Little Lost Bird wrote:
McGyver wrote:
I could whoop chuckie with a paperclip and a hershey's kiss.
Are you my Mother?

Yes...yes I am. I remember the day I made you. It was right after I stopped that pesky reactor from meltdown. With the help of my good buddy paperclip.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Leeroyjenkinsbat, you've been summoned elsewhere!

John, TL favorites so much, he owes no man anything! If anything, you owe a bump per twenty favorites granted!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is this viscera starting to smell?

I'm also beginning to regret being an extra for the sand storm scene in the new Mad Max: F*%$ing A right!....

Rogar Stonebow wrote:
Would jealosy be motive to kill Bruce Lee, "The Dragon"

Yes. But that's bad, so don't do it.

Limeylongears wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:


1) Already way ahead of you. You can't stat the Chuck Norris. These are not the Chuck Norris. These are "a" Chuck Norris(es). Hence.

Might these be, say, talking eggs, or unicorns, with the Chuck Norris template applied?

Sure, why not, if you want. Just remember, no matter what they were before, after their training, they become a Chuck Norris!


captain yesterday wrote:

Oh it's all good, I was mostly teasing :-)

I have an uncle and cousin that are die hard Norris fans, I tried watching one of his movies and fell asleep half way through, super boring :-)

But yes I forgot about Willis, D'oh!


McGyver wrote:
I could whoop chuckie with a paperclip and a hershey's kiss.

Sure. He'd just get better later and kill you. That's how Chuck Norris movies roll.

Unless, of course, it's your show. Then you'd realize that Chuck had been tricked into opposing your lawful actions, at which point you'd use the chewing gum to break the mind-control, and he'd round-house kick your enemies into submission.

Little Lost Bird wrote:
McGyver wrote:
I could whoop chuckie with a paperclip and a hershey's kiss.
Are you my Mother?


John Kretzer wrote:

So you on;y ask one question on my thread...that hurts...:(


I'm still trying to read it!

That Damn Paper Clip wrote:
McGyver wrote:
I could whoop chuckie with a paperclip and a hershey's kiss.
I see you're trying to defeat Chuck Norris. Would you like help with that?

Hey! There are kids on this thread!

Also, just bear in mind the advice above. Also think on why there are no shows about Paperclips. Beeeewwwwwaaaaarrrrreee~! o.o

McGyver wrote:
Little Lost Bird wrote:
McGyver wrote:
I could whoop chuckie with a paperclip and a hershey's kiss.
Are you my Mother?
Yes...yes I am. I remember the day I made you. It was right after I stopped that pesky reactor from meltdown. With the help of my good buddy paperclip.

Huh. Well, that's one mystery solved.

Captain Yesterday's Skeleton wrote:

Is this viscera starting to smell?

I'm also beginning to regret being an extra for the sand storm scene in the new Mad Max: F*$*ing A right!....

Let's say "yes" and "Get a witch to make the viscera go away so you'll be a nice, clean skeleton. It's, like, 25 gold. Do it. Esspessawwy mbecawz I'b welatibly subseptible d'o strog sbells." *holds nose*

Strategytiger wrote:

Leeroyjenkinsbat, you've been summoned elsewhere!

John, TL favorites so much, he owes no man anything! If anything, you owe a bump per twenty favorites granted!


Does anyone else get the little lost bird shtick :-)

... yes. Seemed clear to me!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Strategytiger wrote:

John, TL favorites so much, he owes no man anything! If anything, you owe a bump per twenty favorites granted!

Yeah I guess you are right Tacticslion is like the bounty of the Earth no mans owns him, he gives to all men equally.

(It took me a while to come up with a clean version of what I was going to post above...)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The real question is this: who has the most Tacticslion favorites of all?

Less lazy individuals than myself need to find out: For Science!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Does anyone else get the little lost bird shtick :-)


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Tacticslion is one of the voices* of reason and reasonableness one this board. He helps keep it on track.

TL- don't favorite this post.

* but I am surprised he isn't hoarse. ;-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DrDeth wrote:

Tacticslion is one of the voices* of reason and reasonableness one this board. He helps keep it on track.

TL- don't favorite this post.

* but I am surprised he isn't hoarse. ;-)

...And that's what a Vice President is for: So I can favorite it, and he can favorite this thread where I pointed out that I already favorited that thread, especially considering it has that thread in this thread's quote.

Booya! Teamwork!

...and if you tell me not to, Gambitbear will be on it, or Lady Firedove, maybe even Leeroyjenkinsbat. The man has an entourage now!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Perhaps there is a grand plan brewing...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Stratagem wrote:
Perhaps there is a grand plan brewing...

Uh... yes. Yes, there is definitely a plan. Um. Somewhere. A mysterious, sinister plan. Of liking things. Or something...?


Scarab Sages

Dear Tacticslion,

I wouldn't normally ask this, but would you mind UNfavoriting one of my posts? It doesn't look as good outside its context thread.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DrDeth wrote:
Tacticslion is one of the voices* of reason and reasonableness one this board. He helps keep it on track.

Wow! Thanks! I-

DrDeth wrote:
TL- don't favorite this post.

Gack! Ack! Aaaarrrrg~! eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuggggghhhhh~!

*pant, wheeze, strain*

*cough, cough*

So cruel~!

DrDeth wrote:
* but I am surprised he isn't hoarse. ;-)


Strategytiger wrote:
DrDeth wrote:

Tacticslion is one of the voices* of reason and reasonableness one this board. He helps keep it on track.

TL- don't favorite this post.

* but I am surprised he isn't hoarse. ;-)

...And that's what a Vice President is for: So I can favorite it, and he can favorite this thread where I pointed out that I already favorited that thread, especially considering it has that thread in this thread's quote.

Booya! Teamwork!

...and if you tell me not to, Gambitbear will be on it, or Lady Firedove, maybe even Leeroyjenkinsbat. The man has an entourage now!


* I regret everything and apologize to every English teacher I've ever had and my Mother. O.O

EDIT: for spelling. :I

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Dear Tacticslion,

I wouldn't normally ask this, but would you mind UNfavoriting one of my posts? It doesn't look as good outside its context thread.

But... but... but... it's hilarious in context!

... *sniff* okaaaayyyy... :(

Scarab Sages

There, there. We'll always have Paris.

But... the Allies took it back!

1 person marked this as a favorite.




I'm gonna remain Switzerland on this one.

Strategytiger wrote:




I'm gonna remain Switzerland on this one.

Well, their Finnish merc army was the most terrifying, so...

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In Soviet Russia, Paris will always have YOU!

And there may be more truth to that than we realize - I've been to Paris, and one of their subway stations is named "Stalingrad."

Two-shay, sir. Too~schey.

Strategytiger wrote:
DrDeth wrote:

Tacticslion is one of the voices* of reason and reasonableness one this board. He helps keep it on track.

TL- don't favorite this post.

* but I am surprised he isn't hoarse. ;-)

...And that's what a Vice President is for: So I can favorite it, and he can favorite this thread where I pointed out that I already favorited that thread, especially considering it has that thread in this thread's quote.

But, but... you didn't. ;-(

DrDeth wrote:
Strategytiger wrote:
DrDeth wrote:

Tacticslion is one of the voices* of reason and reasonableness one this board. He helps keep it on track.

TL- don't favorite this post.

* but I am surprised he isn't hoarse. ;-)

...And that's what a Vice President is for: So I can favorite it, and he can favorite this thread where I pointed out that I already favorited that thread, especially considering it has that thread in this thread's quote.

But, but... you didn't. ;-(

Psssssst...don't tell anyone, but...

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