Tabletop Giant - New PFS Character Creator

Pathfinder Society

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Michael Hallet wrote:
My vote is for sorcerers next as I'd stated before.

You did! You got it. Bards, then sorcerers.

Definitely open for suggestions of classes post sorcerers. Otherwise I'll start ticking through alphabetical order.


Done so far: Paladins, Monks, Wizards, and Rogues
Up next: Bards and then Sorcerers
Classes after that: ???


Note: as a general notice of intent, I think when all of these archetypes are up (and there are a lot left - something like 25 classes, each with a 12-30 archetypes each), and we manage to smooth out the major bumps and do just a few more improvements, we will then soon open this up for everyone. No codes, no restrictions, no advertisements, no anything - just pathfinder goodness for people to enjoy. At that point it should be particularly useful for new players to learn how to make their first characters, and also for experienced players to experiment with initial (level 1) builds.

I hope that there come a day when a new player logs into Paizo or other game forums and asks 'How do I make a character?', people can just say 'Go to Tabletop Giant'.

I would guesstimate this to be a few months away, though if I can find a way to crunch I will be doing that. It's all a matter of getting time to work on it. I have a good deal of passion for this site and it's about all I want to do is work on it.

After that will be the push for level 20 stuff, which will definitely be a fun time. Post level 20, we have some very cool ideas for facilitating game play and game planning in general that I think everyone here will enjoy.

Lastly, those of you who have been been kind enough to create accounts, play with the site, and provide feedback will be getting some sort of badges to forever show your effort. Further, if I can - in time - make these badges mean something through special perks or access, then I will. I can't express enough how thankful I am for all the support that Tabletop has gotten from this thread.

Thank you all :)


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For upcoming archetypes, Druid, Barbarian, Alchemist?

One long-term idea (the practicality of which I won't vouch for) would be an offline mode that lets someone work on a local copy when they don't have a solid internet connection (for example, while traveling to a convention).

(Yes, I did just suggest turning this into a long-term herolab competitor, why do you ask? ;))

Grand Lodge 2/5

Tabletop Giant wrote:
claudekennilol wrote:
I'm still throwing my vote in for monks.

Monks are up my friend! They were done before Wizards.

Archetypes complete so far: Paladins, Monks, Wizards, and Rogues.

Good times - and I'll see if I can figure out something for that coffee, as caffeine is a great motivator.

Thanks everyone :)

That's what I thought. But I saw a post from you a couple days ago and I thought you said only Paladins and Wizards were done. I must've misread what you posted.


claudekennilol wrote:
That's what I thought. But I saw a post from you a couple days ago and I thought you said only Paladins and Wizards were done. I must've misread what you posted.

I also might have typo'd. I do that sometimes.

Creating an offline version of Tabletop would definitely be interesting and is something to consider, but that cart is still way ahead of our horse. When we get there though - yes, we can talk about that ;)

The Concordance 4/5 ** RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Was creating a gnome gunfighter :) was planning on making his obsessive trait apply to Craft (firearm). Unfortunately i saw that there were no crafts on the obsessive tab. :( FYI...

The Concordance 4/5 ** RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

One firearm bullet is free! But 30 of them cost 30 gp. What a bargain!


catdragon wrote:
One firearm bullet is free! But 30 of them cost 30 gp. What a bargain!

Lol - fixed. They also now weigh something, too. No more massless bullets!

catdragon wrote:
Was creating a gnome gunfighter :) was planning on making his obsessive trait apply to Craft (firearm). Unfortunately i saw that there were no crafts on the obsessive tab. :( FYI...

This is a good one and you are right. I'll add a ticket internally and we'll get this one fixed.


catdragon wrote:
Was creating a gnome gunfighter :) was planning on making his obsessive trait apply to Craft (firearm). Unfortunately i saw that there were no crafts on the obsessive tab. :( FYI...

All better - go try again. You can now choose any Profession or Craft (as in, create your own if you like). I made a gnome that was obsessed with Craft (Burrito).

Dark Archive

May I please have a code if they're still available? Please and thanks!

I am interested in a code if available please

I'd like to check it out.

Sovereign Court 2/5 **

Do you still have any access codes available?

I would love to help test this out.

Scarab Sages

May I please have a code to test? Thanks.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Are you still giving out Codes?
I have a ton of chars to create and some players who are scared to do it the normal way^^

Grand Lodge 1/5

Wasn't aware this existed! I would also like a code if possible. Might help my new players make characters without scaring them away!

Grand Lodge 2/5

I'm going through and making a new character again. So I'll leave more feedback as it comes to me.

One suggestion I have is to label feats/abilities/stuff that need a racial boon just like you have done for races that need a boon. For example, most of the stuff in the Blood of the Moon book is illegal unless you've got the skinwalker boon assigned to that character.

Another is that for racial traits, I'd like it if my currently applied traits were "stickied" to the top of the list or somehow visually separate from all of the available choices.
If they could somehow be sorted by the "parent racial trait" (i.e. the one they replace) that would be immensely helpful. Take a look at Archives of Nethys and look at any race (dwarf example and scroll down to the alternate racial traits header). They've got a category "replaces greed" or "replaces hatred" etc. But this can be done via the filter pretty easily so isn't as important (important as defined by my specific use case) as stickying the currently active traits.

Also where is the backend (as in the database) being provided from? There doesn't appear to be Fey Magic available as an alternate racial trait. It's from heroes of the wild player companion released a couple of months ago. I can't remember any of the regular traits by name to see if they're there or not.

Grand Lodge 2/5

When filtering spirit animals (and probably familiars, though I didn't check), I'd like the filter to take into account the Benefit field so I can search for "init" to see which familiars give an initiative mod or "stealth" and so on.

Racial ability mods should be a bit more prominent--I'd like to see them on the race selection page. Personally none of the text that's there influences how I make a character. I understand that that may be useful for some, but to me that page may as well be blank because none of it is mechanical information.

Likewise, if I switch a race, the ability score distribution I've picked shouldn't reset--the mods should just change based on the chosen race.


I'm happy to say - Bard Archetypes are now up! Go give them a shot and break new things. Please do let me know if (when) you encounter any snags or have other feedback.

New codes were released for those who requested them in this thread and through PMs. Everyone who asked should now have one; if I missed anyone, please accept my apologies and feel free to PM me - I will get you one right away.

From here on out we'll probably release new codes every couple of weeks until we get through these archetypes (and some other things) and release the doors wide for everyone.

Hey! We also have a FAQ now, and this introduces the site and addresses some common questions. If anyone has suggestions on things to include in the FAQ, please do feel free to make them.

Claudekennilol: you have some great suggestions and I've added them to an internal list of UI stuff we would like to visit. I particularly like your suggestions regarding racial traits. We are planning to revisit some UI issues after archetypes and before the push to level 20, and some/all of these can be worked on then. However if we find any UI suggestions are fairly easy to fit in early, we will do just that.

Sorcerers are next! The good thing about them as they do not appear to have many archetypes - I think seven if I recall. The rub is, they tend to be 'special' and will likely require UI changes which seems to be the slowest part of integrating archetypes.

Thank you to everyone!


claudekennilol wrote:
Also where is the backend (as in the database) being provided from? There doesn't appear to be Fey Magic available as an alternate racial trait.

We made the DB - it was hard :) Pathfinder has a lot of stuff in it.

The data effort was concluded roughly six months ago and so integration of newer material has been sporadic. We plan to revisit the missing content after archetypes and before the level 20 push, to make sure we have all that PFS contains. I know for certain that Heroes of the Wild is only partially ingested, and so Fey Magic may have to wait for post-archetypes, unfortunately.

Dark Archive 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just wanted to say that when your Patreon goes live, you will be the sole reason I sign up there for a donor account.


That comment made my night - thank you! I really look forward to us getting there.

And we will, too.

This looks amazing.

As someone who often struggles with the multitude of restrictions when making a PFS legal character, this is a godsend!

Next batch of codes you release, I'd love to partake!


If I could get included in the next batch of invites, that's be cool. This sounds interesting.

4/5 *

I would be interested in this, when you send out the next round of codes. :-)

Grand Lodge 2/5 *


This looks super cool. I wanna try! :D

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd like to help out of I can.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorcerer archetypes are up - go break 'em! There were not many but they were a bit tricky, and so I will be surprised if they are bug free.

I also have some very good news. Earlier in the thread I was asked where we had gotten our database. My answer is still true - we built it - but I didn't get into how we acquired the data to do that. A portion of the data was entered manually, and some of it was scavenged from an assortment of sources, but a good block of it was obtained from the Archives of Nethys, a site of which most of you are likely familiar.

I thought about this and realized I wanted to thank the creator of the site for making all of that data so easily available - it was the right thing to do - and so I did just that. The owner of the site is Blake Davis, and so I reached out to him and expressed gratitude for all of the work that he's done. Blake is a sincerely nice guy, and he was kind enough to offer his data on archetypes as a direct export so that Tabletop Giant can easily ingest the data rather than doing it 'the hard way'.

This is a great boon for progress, and it should really help in knocking out the remainder of archetypes. The data ingestion portion of the task is pretty tedious and time consuming, and Blake's contribution allows us to mostly automate that ingestion in significantly less time than it previously took.

So again, and publicly this time, I say a big 'thank you!' to the Archives of Nethys and Blake Davis for his contribution. Blake is also running a Patreon which he hopes to use to better his own server, and that can be found here.

Fighters will be next - as I just wanted a friendly martial class to try out with this new method of bringing in data. Please do try out the sorcerer archetypes and let me know if anyone finds any issues.

Also, - codes have been sent to those who requested them. Check your PMs. If I missed anyone, throw a wad of paper at me and I'll correct the issue.


Scarab Sages 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks so much for the shout out John, I'm looking forward to contributing more to the project in the future! Can't wait to see the great things that Tabletop Giant will develop into. :)

Dark Archive

May I please have a code. This is a great idea, I love it when fans come together to add to what they love.

This is a great idea, may I have a code?

Silver Crusade

Awesome !
I'd be very interested.

May I have a code ?

please may I have a code, I'd like to have a bit of a tinker

Very interested if there are codes still going out

Grand Lodge 3/5

I'd like a code as well if possible!

Dark Archive

I very humbly request a code; this is a thing that I have been needing very much. :)

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5

Would absolutely love a code!!!

I have great interest in this here production.

Scarab Sages 1/5

I'm really interested in testing this out as well! Hope you'll hand out more codes!

May I have a code as well.

Best wishes on the project!


Color me interested by now too.
Also have some folks who might be very interested!

I'd love to grab a code, this is exactly what I've been needing.


I'm interested please!!

Dark Archive

Could you pass me a code please?

When the site is fully functional and ready for release for everyone will we have the ability to create PC's of different levels (perhaps all the way to 11th level maybe)?

I'm also interested in a code. Thanks!

It pleases me to know about the existance of this project. Therefore, I am requesting an access code. In the immortal words by Ron Swanson, "Please and thank you."


Fighter archetypes are up! Go break 'em.

I think druids next would be just fine.

Also, codes have been sent to all who asked - check your PMs! If I missed anyone, ping me and I'll correct the error.

Pennydude and Cerxi - your PMs appear disabled. If you can get your private messages enabled, then I'll be happy to send you a code ASAP. Just send me a PM when its done and I'll reply as soon as I get the message.

We also have a fancy new logo! Well, maybe not that fancy. Logo development is not my strong suit. I'm hoping its not too terrible.

Berselius wrote:
When the site is fully functional and ready for release for everyone will we have the ability to create PC's of different levels (perhaps all the way to 11th level maybe)?

How about all the way to 20, instead? :) This is a big big goal that we definitely want to reach. Stopping at a level 1 generator would be a shame.

We are going to go public when the site can build level 1 characters in a (mostly) reliable fashion. The reasoning is that being able to build level 1 characters should be very useful for new Pathfinder players joining the community, plus it can be handy for experienced players who just want to experiment with initial level 1 builds as well. I've heard some players using it to craft NPCs for their games, which is also really cool.

The upgrade to level 20 will take awhile - so some patience will be needed. Trust me that I want it as much or more than anyone and we will get there when we can.

Thanks everyone :)

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