Your "Real" Alignment

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So I had an idea the other day for a thread - What's your "real" alignment? What do you think you are...and does it match up to others' perspective of you?

So here's my idea:
"Your real alignment" -

Poster starts "IRL I think my alignment is X, because (give a reason or two)...but based on my posts on these forums, you think my alignment is:"

Next Poster - "Y, because (Cite an example or two from the previous poster's history)...IRL I think my alignment is..." and it repeats through as many posters as we can get.

I'll start - In real life, I think my alignment is Chaotic Good, because despite being generally curmudgeonly, I try to let my actions be upstanding and helpful to others, when I can at least, but I have a strong distrust of organized groups, even ones who's missions and goals are in line with my beliefs, and I have a penchant for randomness and an inability to organize that is maddening to my thoroughly Lawful-Good-with-a-capital-L wife.

...but based on my posts on this forum, you think my alignment is...

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CG is fairly spot on for you, green tea. That's exactly what I'd guess you'd be. You're generally kind and humorous, but can be quite the stubborn fellow here and there with a strong "my way" vibe. The first time your posts came to my attention, I though, "wow, this guy is kind of a dick." But I quickly came to realize how wrong I was; you weren't be a dick, you were being sarcastic, funny, and insightful all at the same time and I simply misread you. Yeah, CG is a good peg.

For myself, I've painted myself as NG ever since I read about the neutral good plane in Planescape (second edition), and immediately connected with what was written. I'm kind, helpful, good with rules and laws that make sense but have no problem bucking rules that don't make sense or actively harm.

I can follow an order given immediately and will question later if I have to, and I have no qualms with standing up to a superior when they give an order that is illegal or immoral. I fee my posting history here exemplifies this extraordinarily.

I remember one thing I read in that old planescape book that I'm honesty not sure if I've always been this way or if I adopted it because I wanted to identify with it: I'm very helpful to others right up until the point where I believe you're taking advantage of me. And when that's the case, I'll let you fall and fall hard, and I honestly don't care that you're going to suffer the consequences of your own actions. If you learn from your mistakes, then I'll be happy to help you again; if you don't learn - well, good luck with your life. Quite a few people have learned this about me the hard way. Some learn, some don't.

Edited to expand my thoughts.

I've always felt that I was pretty much squarely in the Neutral Good territory. I can be pretty curmudgeonly, too, but genuinely try to be a nice guy whenever possible. Laws and rules are there for a reason, but they need to be flexible enough to even be broken sometimes.

I never really thought about what your alignment might be. The impressions I always get from Green Tea Gamer's posts are that he's a pretty thoughtful and intelligent person, probably leaning toward a more neutral with good tendencies.

I'm afraid I'm not that familiar with Bookrat's posts to make a guess.

I have no idea what people think of me. I rarely contribute much to a conversation aside from a silly comment, though I do try to make sense when I need to.

Not sure who you're responding to, Cal, but the goal is to guess the person above you, not the first poster. Unless Green Tea makes a lot of posts about me... :)

Taking up the spirit of the thread (and because I can no longer edit my previous post), I'm adding in the line GTG instructed us to put in:

Based on my posts on this forum, you (the next poster) think my (bookrat's) alignment is...

I edited mine, hopefully making it clearer. I'm in a pretty frazzled state of mind at the moment; not much is making sense.. lol

Bookrat! After a (not-very) random lookthrough of parts of your posting history, I would say you have a pretty good sense of yourself. NG is a decent choice... However, it is important to remember that a good alignment at some level is about chasing an ideal. And fail, and fail, and fail, but not give up. The sad truth is, most of us are going to weigh in as Neutral. But, I respect your ideal.

For myself, I imagine I could be a contentious figure to many here. I have been here for a very long time, and I have been in my share of fights, particularly about principles like a true LN. I like to think I have mellowed somewhat, allowing other facets more space. Like Bookrat, I would like to recall Planescape, specifically the Bleakers. Caretakers of the poor of the vile metropolis that is Sigil, they see no meaning or deeper truth... But if there is none, there is nothing to stop them from helping and comforting the weak. They can at least try to do good in a gloomy world. They are subject to fits of melancholia. Much as I would like to describe myself as a Sensate, a Xypher, or a Free leaguer, I have always been best described as a Bleaker.

I try to communicate, and help people understand things. I actively work on my sense of tolerance every day. I help those who come to me, but certainly with an eye to the level needed. I find freedom vital, and senseless mass surveillance enrages me, while I can well appreciate the power of predictability, routine and law. I want to be NG, but I suspect I remain Neutral.

And the next poster believes my alignment is...

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This might be helpful.

Lawful Nerdy probably is the one most accurate that I came across. LOL

Sovereign Court

Chaotic good definitely.

I agree with hama. Chaotic good for Hama for sure..

Deep down I aspire to neutral good when I'm able, but society drives me down to where I wind up chaotic neutral at best on paper. In palladium systems I'm 'unprincipled' because I'm honest, loyal, good overall, but mistrustful of authority. I aspire to be the kind of person who's objectively good, treating people well deserving or not, but I can never quite achieve it. My goodness *very* quickly becomes subjective... I find it hard not to treat people the way they are asking to be treated, though I wish I weren't this way.

In Pres Man's contribution I probably come off as chaotic smug, and when I get egged on I come off as lawful ranting perhaps without the lawful.

Shadow Lodge

Chaotic Neutral, with occasional forays into Neutral Evil.

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I am TN with NG tendencies because I go out of my way to help people, but I won't risk my life to save people.

On the forums I would say LN or NG.

Yeah I know I just broke a rule. Sometimes the chaos takes over.

Kthulhu maybe I have not read enough of your post but you seem to be LN on the boards. <----I don't know if that is breaking a rule or not.

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IRL I think my alignment is neutral, because my intelligence is below 3 and I post on alignment & paladin threads. Based on my posts on these forums, you think my alignment is chaotic stupid.

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DM under the bridge's forum history suggests true neutral.

I think my alignment is NG. I like to do as much as I can to help both in real life and on the forums. Nothing is more satisfying than helping a person in need. That doesn't mean I don't know how to have fun, just safe fun that everyone can enjoy. Though my posts on this forum would lead someone to believe my alignment is...

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I consider myself LG, leaning NG. Mainly because I value tradition and law as things in themselves and not purely because they happen to benefit me or my goals (they usually do, though).

Then again, I can't say I've had terribly many experiences that really "test" my alignment.

Shadow Lodge

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My answer was MY alignment. I can't be bothered with the rules of the thread.

I can't say I have a fixed alignment, so I'll have to go somewhere between Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral while occasionally dipping into Evil.

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I would have to agree^

Personally I see myself as Neutral Good, as I think that the law, rules, and regulations are made to better society for all people ^_^ and yet some people... might have to blow the whistle on the government every now and then, even if it means breaking the law. Of course, People IRL might see me as Lawful Evil, especially because I tend to agree with what some might call... questionable (putting it nicely here) actions taken by the police (and would react in a similar fashion if put in their shoes), even if I take centrist views in everything else.

On these boards, I am DEFINITELY Lawful Evil. Semantics, alignment posts, nefarious tactics to keep people away from the real issues at hand. Hah! It's a wonder people haven't seen right through me yet.
I mean uh... Sarenrae has cookies over here for you. Turn to the light so that you may be redeemed. *hides away his Asmodean pentagram*

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I think I am lawful neutral, leaning towards lawful evil, but the kind of lawful evil that wants what is best for everyone and believes it would be best achieved if everyone would just do what I say.

As for Kthulhu, I think I would go with neutral to chaotic neutral.

LN sounds pretty good for you Claxon.

I'd say Neutral good. I try to find a middle ground and please most people.

Pretty sure chaotic stupid applies to me as my Message Board Troll persona.

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Silver Crusade

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DM Under The Bridge wrote:
IRL I think my alignment is neutral, because my intelligence is below 3 and I post on alignment & paladin threads. Based on my posts on these forums, you think my alignment is chaotic stupid.

Posting on Paladin and alignment threads just pegs you as low wisdom. Not low intelligence. Believe me, I know. :p

I'd probably peg myself at LN. I don't think I'm a good enough person for LG.

So uh... Do I have to guess at the last poster? Cuzz I really want to know what you guys think of me. And I suck at pegging alignments ever since I proved several important philosophical things to me and my GM that makes everyone look true neutral.

But Spook205 looks somewhere between neutral and lawful neutral. So ehh.

Goddity wrote:

So uh... Do I have to guess at the last poster? Cuzz I really want to know what you guys think of me. And I suck at pegging alignments ever since I proved several important philosophical things to me and my GM that makes everyone look true neutral.

But Spook205 looks somewhere between neutral and lawful neutral. So ehh.

That's the preferred format. Also, you're supposed to guess yourself, too, because it's about seeing if your alignment matches up.

But, hey, I'm chaotic, follow the rules only if it makes sense. I thought it would be a fun format when I set it up, but if there's a better way of going about, enjoy it.

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In real life, I believe I am Chaotic Nerdy (a little known variant of Chaotic Neutral). I don't really care about real life-I would rather read books/watch Doctor Who/attempt the write too much to really immerse myself in the strange plane you folks call reality. I'm rather flighty, prone to following all of my whimsies (no matter how fanciful they may be) and speaking exactly what's on my mind-be it profound, funny, or insulting.

...but based on my posts in this forum, you think my alignment is...

Yes, I'm following the format :P

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Lawful good. Not a paladin, but definitely lawful good.

I follow laws, except patently bad ones. I'd rather work from within the system than from without it, so long as I perceive the system to be something worth preserving.

I place the good of others above the good of self as often as I can.

Is it weird to consider yourself fluctuating between lawful and chaotic good? I suppose you could say neutral good. Call it lawful with strong libertarian tendencies, perhaps?

No it isn't, I fluctuate, but that is exactly what a neutral would say.

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As DM Under The Bridge was the last to actually post, I'd guess "True Neutral" with respect to the boards.

RDM42 was the last to mention his own alignment, sooooooooo... uh, some shade of lawful? Probably lawful with good tendencies, but I disagree with him a lot, sooooooooo...







... still probably lawful with good tendencies.

The last person to actually follow the format was The Doomkitten, but, unfortunately, I don't know enough about her posting history to comment. Even glancing through it briefly doesn't really tell me enough to guess, accurately. As she's the only one within the last to 14 posts to use the official format, I'd peg her as "lawful" from our limited interaction.

For me, I'd guess there's a difference between my online persona and my real life in-person alignment.

Tacticslion as 'Tacticslion'
In this online persona, I'd guess I'd tend toward lawful neutral, what with my "this is the thing is definitely says; this is the thing it definitely means; this is the thing I do (but it's different and worth noting); and follow the rules" tendencies, though it seems that people keep trying to tell me otherwise. Maybe lawful good, then? I don't know. "Good" enough to get several people to tell me I'm a good person, anyway, which is always gratifying, if sometimes a little worrisome (I always fear that I'm going to do something that really hurts someone's view of me, and then they'll be frustrated and jaded and... I hate the idea that I don't live up to being a "good person").

Tacticslion as Enthusiastic Nerd
Probably lawful nerdy. Almost certainly lawful nerdy. If anyone disagrees, you're wrong. Period. And I'll fine you for it. (The cost is one extremely inexpensive PDF. :P)

In real life, my ideal is lawful good (and many say that I'm a lawful good bard), buuuuuuuuuu~t... if I'm being honest, I'd peg myself substantially more as true neutral.

Ethics: Being a strong Conservative lends itself toward Traditional values and I'm a stickler for upholding the local laws, especially road-laws... except the speed limit (which I always seem to go a liiiiiiitle faster than, despite my attempts at curbing myself), doing "turns" across parking zones in 'lots, and similar; as well as, by being an Independent Baptist, having a deeply-ingrained suspicious of Organized Religion, and Traditional religion (despite being a Traditional group), instead focusing on the literal interpretations and concepts as explained within the text. I am quite strict with my own expression and work on excercising self-control in front of others, but at home I have a tendency to relax in rather unconventional and definitively unsocial ways (it's not that they're bad, cruel, or mean just... not social). I am a pretty strict father and father-figure, though I've enough goofiness and silliness and looseness in me that I can't say that I'm definitively lawful (I am definitively lawful in some things, and definitively chaotic in others). Despite being very strongly literal in the Old Testament view, I also have a nuanced opinion in that I'm pretty sure that everyone is wrong, and it doesn't quite say or mean what we think it does (see: Arrogance, below). I have juuuuuuuuust enough eccentricities to recognize that I'm not always lawful, so I kind of have to accept being ethically neutral, despite my desires (though lawful neutral is just the worst; see: my Alignment, above).

Morals: I want people to have good lives, and full lives, and I'm willing to pitch in and help sometimes, even when it's inconvenient, but at the same time, I'm lazy. I often shut myself into my house, and have a deep-seated suspicion of anyone who asks for a monetary hand-out (rather than an automatic, "how can I help?" attitude). In many instances, I'm pretty sure that I allow my own vices and desires to get in the way of being a good person, and, despite my best efforts, I can be tempted to things that I'd rather not do. I oscillate between rage at foolishness (and the foolish) secretly waiting for what they've gotten themselves into and despair and sorrow and empathy at the inevitable results their actions will garner for themselves. I do hate evil, when I perceive it, but often hold the person engaging in such behavior with equal revulsion (until I hang out with them for a while, dang it!). Which actually brings me to a positive - it's really hard for me to hate someone for long - generally, I like people... a lot... even those that drive me up the wall. I'm glad to say that sometimes I even emotionally put the well-being of people I'm really irritated with before my own! ... but definitively not always, sooooo... back down in alignment we go. While I've enjoyed volunteering in the past, I don't much any more (partially due to parenthood, partially due to laziness, partially due to exhaustion), and even when I did so, there was always a sense of reluctance and irritation that came along with it ("But I wanna play mah vidja-gaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmeeeeeeesssss~!*"). I know that, despite my best intents, I'm arrogant enough to blame others for my problems in spite of direct evidence (something I've often had to repent for), and juuuuuuuussssst intelligent enough to be pretty stupid (so, probably a lower wisdom score) and gain the arrogance with none of the pay-off in "real life" skills. Despite hating this part of me, I can be exceedingly petty in some regards (not exactly holding grudges, but being irritated with someone for a long time over what is a very minor issue). I sometimes get really weird, bizarre, or entirely (and demonstrably) incorrect thoughts that I have to battle with and ignore, and, though I'm extremely emotional in some regards, I'm also relatively distant in others, and I'm not entirely sure I respond in the appropriate ways to such things (sufficient public embarrassment makes me cry like a little girl while being irritated and flustered at my own lack of control, the tragic loss of a friend or loved one leaves me just kind of... walking around for an afternoon, before going back to playing games or reading a book) - enough so that I wonder if I don't have some more serious mental or emotional issue that's been successfully mitigated by being raised the way I was.

(Incidentally, parenting doesn't allow for much of this anymore, either, much to my (usually internal) whiny-ness. Oh, Skyward Sword, The Last Story, Tenchu: Shadow of the Assassin, and Paper Mario, one day - yes, one day - I will get to play you through to completion. And you, too, Dragon Age: Origins. And you, too.)

Other than that, I've got a looooooooooot of conflicting elements within me. I believe Science is the most accurate measure to tell ourselves about the universe, but "secretly" want (entirely non-scientific) super-powers and (not-so-secretly) definitively believe in the Supernatural and entirely un-"scientific" principals and phenomena. I love reading and writing, but no matter how much I work at it, it never amounts to anything. I don't care about money (I find it annoying, at best), but want to be rich. I'd rather adventure in real-life, but, when given the chance, consistently retire to home with family, instead. I believe in the inherent sinfulness of everyone... and I like them. Dying (especially in violence) doesn't frighten me in the slightest, but dying in an embarrassing way, or leaving my kids without their father or wife without her husband terrifies the crap out of me (as does falling, for some reason).

Also, I talk waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much about myself (and in general). Definitely a self-important windbag. (I'm also not a tactical lion, despite my name. Add "liar" to my list of "issues" one supposes.)

Anyway, with all of these conflicts, I'd probably peg myself as true neutral as a result.

...but based on my posts in this forum, you think my alignment is...

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....Lawful Good
Who am i to argue with that Wall o' Words:-)

I guess personally i try to go down a more Chaotic Good road, i believe very strongly in doing the right thing, even if its against the rules (in fact nothing pisses me off more then rules that screw people over!) i'm also a firm believer in Karma.

I guess it feels like i'm bragging about myself trying to justify my ideal real life Alignment ("man you wouldn't believe how many baby birds i regurgitated for this week")

but i guess the forum will judge me..... annoying?......" Why won't he just go away" maybe?....

edit: also sometimes i fear i'm too flippant or go too far for a joke, and maybe irritate people too much, i also tend to not think my posts through all the way and tend to choke on my foot occasionally as a result:-) i'm also a big fan of smiley faces, maybe even to a fault:-)

Captain: CG-NG

I probably come out to a very organized chaotic neutral, who believes strongly in doing things scientifically.

But based on my posts in this forum..
(Yeah.... Someones gonna say I'm CE)

Shadow Lodge

So I'm the only person who is willing to admit to evil?

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EDIT: I heart you, Captain Yesterday. Def. CG. :D

Kthulhu wrote:
So I'm the only person who is willing to admit to evil?

I don't actually think you're evil. (Based on your posting history.)

Chaotic? A smidgen, perhaps. But evil? Nah.

I think I'm lawful neutral or lawful good on the forums.

IRL, I think I'm true neutral (with lawful good "target space").

It's worth noting that I'm not "putting on" a persona, here, it's just that enough people tell me that I seem <X>, and I look at myself and see <Y> that I think my real-life and online... aspects?... presentation?... persona?... are different.

EDIT: BOOM, baby! ▼ That right there? Perfect lawful-neutral arrogant behavior. Follow the rules, and still make the conversation all 'bout me, me, ME~! ... *ahem* Right. Moving on...

...but based on my posts in this forum, you think my alignment is...

Am I really so bad that no one will tell me what I seem to be?

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Goddity, you are just so sweet. I wanna hug you when I read your posts. Pure Neutral Good light and rainbows!

...but based on my posts on these boards, the next poster thinks my alignment is...?

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.... I would say Neutral Good, you tend to go more good then lawful:-)

are these the most bad ass trousers* or what!.....

*yes i know its a diving suit but Trouser is such a fun word:-p

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For Captain Yesterday, Chaotic Trousers, definitely.

For Sissyl, I'd say CG with neutral tendencies - strong believer in individual freedom and not giving a **** what anyone else thinks of who you are and what you're doing.

I am probably LN/LG in real life, because I believe in Order and Discipline and get vaguely excited by forms, lists and charts and have an inconveniently active conscience which stops me (just) from awakening the bloody-handed tyrant that lurks inside us all. I'd be a crap despot, so perhaps it's just as well.

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Kthulhu wrote:
So I'm the only person who is willing to admit to evil?

Well the problem there is when you don't have detect alignment spells in real life you get this: Evil people would not at all admit to being evil unless they are insane. Everyone from morally bankrupt politicians (Lawful Evil) to mass murderers (most likely Chaotic Evil) will claim good intentions... They may know that the things they do are evil, but very few who aren't insane would say it aloud.

That being said, I am not evil... after all, everything I've ever done in my life is for the greater good. :)

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Zova Lex wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
So I'm the only person who is willing to admit to evil?

Well the problem there is when you don't have detect alignment spells in real life you get this: Evil people would not at all admit to being evil unless they are insane. Everyone from morally bankrupt politicians (Lawful Evil) to mass murderers (most likely Chaotic Evil) will claim good intentions... They may know that the things they do are evil, but very few who aren't insane would say it aloud.

That being said, I am not evil... after all, everything I've ever done in my life is for the greater good. :)

Not when anonymity is a factor. You'd be suprised the things people will admit when guaranteed anonymity. Anonymous surveys find out pretty nasty things about the population thethat when I read blow my mind and make me wonder who would admit that kind of stuff, but it happens. Psychology and sociology would be a lot more skewed if people didn't admit the crazy things they do as much as they already do.

So I'm not suprised Kthulhu will call himself evil here. It's not like any of us know him or anything.

But I think intent goes a long way, and means on which to act are impprtant factors, which is why so many people can truly be good, even if they don't actively do a lot of good. If you're only capable of so much, and you do that which is within your meager power to help others, you're a lot better than a billionaire who gives a thousand bucks to charity, or an expert martial artist who watches a mugging and walks by.

Or, you know, the old widow parable, if you wanna get ancient-school on this.

Sovereign Court

Or, just it is that evil people don't think they're evil.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Tacticslion as Enthusiastic Nerd

Probably lawful nerdy. Almost certainly lawful nerdy. If anyone disagrees, you're wrong. Period.

I disagree. I've always had you pegged as Lawful Wordy.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
<snip>....Not when anonymity is a factor. You'd be surpised the things people will admit when guaranteed anonymity. Anonymous surveys find out pretty nasty things about the population that when I read blow my mind and make me wonder who would admit that kind of stuff, but it happens. Psychology and sociology would be a lot more skewed if people didn't admit the crazy things they do as much as they already do....<snip>

Having a discussion among my friends this last week about how crazy Hollywood is. I made the helpful claim that by far not everyone there was crazy.

Him: "Like who?"
Me: "Like Jennifer Lawrence".
a few moments pass
Him: [holding his cell phone to my face with hacked picture of JLaw]
Me: "WTF!" And thinking,
1) Who does something like that?
2) Who takes pictures of themselves doing something like that?
3) Who keeps pictures of themselves doing something like that?
4) Who keeps said pictures in an unsecured location?

That's like four levels of stupid/crazy. sigh

So I stand corrected. Hollywood is absolutely chocked full of crazy people.

Hama wrote:
Or, just it is that evil people don't think they're evil.

Well, none of them do in Eberron, that's for sure. :p

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Based on forum posts, Quark Blast seems chaotic, since he ignores forum topics and posts in every thread about how much he hates Eberron.

I don't know what his good/evil alignment is. Maybe evil, since hate is more evil than good, but probably neutral since I'm not sure.

I think I'm probably true neutral in real life. Or possibly Square Unchaotic Pancake.

137ben wrote:

Based on forum posts, Quark Blast seems chaotic, since he ignores forum topics and posts in every thread about how much he hates Eberron.

I don't know what his good/evil alignment is. Maybe evil, since hate is more evil than good, but probably neutral since I'm not sure.

I think I'm probably true neutral in real life. Or possibly Square Unchaotic Pancake.

Hey, I've at least read all the Eberron novels (most of them = GAK!), so I'm speaking from hard earned experience there. Not mere bigotry/hate.

137ben is CN, or personally invested in the Eberron setting, or both. :p

I'm sure that alignments have no basis IRL but for the sake of the thread. Since I've never been questioned by law enforcement, and I'm too cynical to believe anyone is good, that makes me TN = human.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Tacticslion as Enthusiastic Nerd

Probably lawful nerdy. Almost certainly lawful nerdy. If anyone disagrees, you're wrong. Period.
I disagree. I've always had you pegged as Lawful Wordy.


Tacticslion wrote:

Tacticslion as Enthusiastic Nerd

Probably lawful nerdy. Almost certainly lawful nerdy. If anyone disagrees, <snip> I'll fine you for it. ([b]The cost is one extremely inexpensive PDF. :P)

*Waits expectantly... despite any accuracy the preceding poster may have going for him*


EDIT: DANG it, I was missing rules... uh, quick *glances up*

I think Quark is... is... uh... chaotic... something! Yeah!

Also, I still think I'm lawful neutral or lawful good on the forums.

IRL, I think I'm true neutral (with lawful good "target space").

...but based on my posts in this forum, you think my alignment is...

OH-YEAH! Made it back to "in the rules" baby! XD

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Tacticslion wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
I disagree. I've always had you pegged as Lawful Wordy.


Tacticslion wrote:

Tacticslion as Enthusiastic Nerd

Probably lawful nerdy. Almost certainly lawful nerdy. If anyone disagrees, <snip> I'll fine you for it. ([b]The cost is one extremely inexpensive PDF. :P)
*Waits expectantly... despite any accuracy the preceding poster may have going for him*

Oh yeah, good point. I'm definitely chaotic (probably neutral with good tendencies). So that fine thing you mentioned...?

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Kthulhu wrote:
So I'm the only person who is willing to admit to evil?

In my experience as a homicide detective, I have had the opportunity to deal with some truly evil people - but not one of them thought they were evil. The human ability to justify one's own actions is unbelievable. Most of them understand social norms and cast themselves as neutral when given the opportunity, or rewrite their actions as somehow less morally culpable.

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Kthulhu wrote:
So I'm the only person who is willing to admit to evil?

I've dabbled and had good times, but selfishness seems lame and short-sighted, tyranny is disgusting and commonplace and extreme violence and thuggery perpetrated upon the public is for hooligans and idiots trying to prove they are alphas by bullying everyday people trying to get by.

I don't see you as evil Kthulhu, eager to provoke and argue but that isn't close to being evil to me. Maybe I see it that way because we have agreed upon multiple points and come from similar places, and I am therefore biased.

Sovereign Court

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DM Barcas wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
So I'm the only person who is willing to admit to evil?
In my experience as a homicide detective, I have had the opportunity to deal with some truly evil people - but not one of them thought they were evil. The human ability to justify one's own actions is unbelievable. Most of them understand social norms and cast themselves as neutral when given the opportunity, or rewrite their actions as somehow less morally culpable.

You have a difficult job. Thank you for doing it.

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~ponders posting here... and curiosity wins~

NG(with L tendencies) is my alignment. Get this clear I want to be lawful good. I just don't think I live up to it. I do respect tradition and those in authority... that said sometimes I get a bit snarky or deliberately provoke someone who has a wrong headed idea in an effort to show the right way even if I look bad doing so. I love helping others and I think that shows clearly in my life and in my posting not just with helpful online advice or championing good causes but also volunteering my time to help others IRL.

Not sure who I should be commenting on above... Hama (directly above as I type this)? Most of his posts are one liners designed to quickly and efficiently express his opinion. Um... Neutral seems right. He doesn't leave much to go on.

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