David Gomez 419 |
Hey I am pretty new to Pathfinder, and I am trying to make a good dexterity based fighter. I only have access to the Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player's Guide. Any and all advice is appreciated, and I am specifically looking for a swashbuckler type from the Princess Bride movie, like the Man in Black or Montoya.
Also this is the first time I have posted here, so I apologize: f this is the wrong area.

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |
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For rapier-style fighting, you'll definitely want the ACG and probably Advanced Class Origins for the Fencing Grace feat as well. But you can play a pretty good Dex-based fighter with mostly Core if you go with an Elven Curved Blade
My wife is running one, and even with only 14 Strength and Power Attack, because it's a two-handed weapon, she hits hard for a Dex-based build. At 6th level, she's hitting at +12 for 1d10+13, with a 15-20 crit threat range. The only non-core element she uses so far is the Lore Warden archetype which boosts her skills and Combat Maneuvers, at the expense of armor and shield proficiencies she's not using anyway.

David Gomez 419 |
For rapier-style fighting, you'll definitely want the ACG and probably Advanced Class Origins for the Fencing Grace feat as well. But you can play a pretty good Dex-based fighter with mostly Core if you go with an Elven Curved Blade
My wife is running one, and even with only 14 Strength and Power Attack, because it's a two-handed weapon, she hits hard for a Dex-based build. At 6th level, she's hitting at +12 for 1d10+13, with a 15-20 crit threat range. The only non-core element she uses so far is the Lore Warden archetype which boosts her skills and Combat Maneuvers, at the expense of armor and shield proficiencies she's not using anyway.
Using a 20pt buy for this kind of build, what would you suggest?

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

For an elf, my wife started with stats of 14 Str, 17 Dex, 12 Con, 14 Int, 13 Wis, 8 Cha. If you aren't using the Lore Warden archetype, you may not see the need for that much Int. So maybe something like 14/18/12/12/12/8.
For a human, probably keep the same array, but without the Con penalty or Int bonus, so 14/17/14/12/13/8. For either one, you could dump Charisma all the way to 7 for a couple more points to work with.
Is this for Pathfinder Society Organized Play? If so, you'll probably want to invest in some Knowledge or other scholarly skills.

David Gomez 419 |
For an elf, my wife started with stats of 14 Str, 17 Dex, 12 Con, 14 Int, 13 Wis, 8 Cha. If you aren't using the Lore Warden archetype, you may not see the need for that much Int. So maybe something like 14/18/12/12/12/8.
For a human, probably keep the same array, but without the Con penalty or Int bonus, so 14/17/14/12/13/8. For either one, you could dump Charisma all the way to 7 for a couple more points to work with.
Is this for Pathfinder Society Organized Play? If so, you'll probably want to invest in some Knowledge or other scholarly skills.
No it is not for Pathfinder Society, just my brothers and I. We finished the beginner box scenario and are about to start a longer campaign.
Thank you for the build advice, btw.

Snickersnack |

If you decide to be an elf, you can use the 2h weapon Elven Curve Blade and finesse the weapon to use your dex for attack rolls instead of strength. If you get Agile on it you can use dex for damage instead of strength.
Elven Curve Blade is 1d10 18-20/2x
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/curve -blade-elven
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abil ities/agile

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I recommend the use of an Ustalavic Duelist (Learned Duelist in d20) instead of a Weapon Master for rapier fighting, if only for the flavor.
It's a really good fighter archetype, but it's still a fighter, and it's not on the PRD so that may be a limiter.
It's in Inner Sea Combat by the way if you want to get the book.

LoneKnave |
Paladin going for ranged/TWF? You get a lot of static damage modifiers from smite, which make up for your lack of damage otherwise. All range and TWF feats you need are core as well. Cavalier also works for this reason.
If it HAS to be fighter... maybe a crit-fisher debuff build? Can't remember the APG feats off hand tho.
EDIT: I made the mistake of starting to look through the APG feats. Had to stop when I got to cockatrice strike. I need to lie down and listen to soothing music.

BigP4nda |
When u say all u have access to is the core rulebook and the apg do u mean those are the only books u have or thats what ur gm is allowing? Cuz if its the former. U may want to try the pfsrd it contains info from every published product both paizo and 3rd-party (perhaps not all 3rdparty idk)
As for ur character. Hes who u make him. If u wanna just throw out a fighter with a longsword whos got great ac and good reflex saves thats great. If ur looking to power game and get the full effect and damage but want to stay within the line of a fighter, as stated before u can go the finesse route or the dervish archetype route. Both are viable.
I actually am playing an elf with the elven curve blade and weapon finesse w/ 20 dex. @ lvl 4 he has a +14 init and 20 ac (24 vs AoO from movement)