RainyDayNinja wrote:
For an elf, my wife started with stats of 14 Str, 17 Dex, 12 Con, 14 Int, 13 Wis, 8 Cha. If you aren't using the Lore Warden archetype, you may not see the need for that much Int. So maybe something like 14/18/12/12/12/8.
For a human, probably keep the same array, but without the Con penalty or Int bonus, so 14/17/14/12/13/8. For either one, you could dump Charisma all the way to 7 for a couple more points to work with.
Is this for Pathfinder Society Organized Play? If so, you'll probably want to invest in some Knowledge or other scholarly skills.
No it is not for Pathfinder Society, just my brothers and I. We finished the beginner box scenario and are about to start a longer campaign.
Thank you for the build advice, btw.