Official Critique My Item Thread

RPG Superstar™ General Discussion

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For a lot of the items in this thread, my critique would be something along the lines of, "It's an okay item. Not bad, not superstar, but okay." Since that's not particuarly useful on my part, I'm just going to focus on items which provoked more of a response from me.

Betrayer's Blade - One of my personal Top 48. I thought this item made really clever use of the speed property.

Blowgun of the Accursed Serpent - One of my personal Top 48. The curse ability should probably say that it functions the first time (or two times) the target makes a save against the dart's poison, not anytime the target makes a save. That would make the curse's effect closer in power to an ill omen spell instead of strictly better than an ill omen spell.

Catapult Ring - This item really needed a save or some other defense for unwilling targets.

Chrysalis Carapace - I'm not sure how the spell-absorbing power of this item ties into its theme.

Cryohydra's Coil - One of my personal Top 48. The blanket +4 bonus to disarm and trip attempts was a bit too much, but I liked the imagery enough to overlook that.

Deadeye's Shepherd - Using a bow to summon something just seemed strange to me. Also, I don't know where the animal appears when summoned. Maybe if you said you had to fire an arrow and the animal appeared where the arrow landed, or the animal has to appear adjacent to the wielder because the horns used to make the bow become the summoned animal's horns, I could have gotten behind this item, but without a visual of the summoning in action, I had a hard time bridging the gap between "bow" and "summoned animal."

Dynamic Staff - One of my personal top 48. Its ability to regain charges so quickly would need to be scaled back or cut, though. As is, high-level spellcasters could use these things as bargain-basement, 9th-level pseudo pearls of power.

Enlightened Jian - This would have gotten more upvotes from me if monks were proficient with longswords (or even just magically proficient with this longsword in particular).

Eremite Rod - This one was thematically sound, but would have benefited from having fewer fiddly bits. When using this item against your opponents, someone has to track bleed damage and pain penalties that modify multiple stats and possibly modifiers due to ability damage. Also, the wielder's spell DCs may change based upon their subtype. Lots of moving parts that modify things on the fly in the middle of combat, with the potential to slow things down at the table.

Housebreaker Bow - I really dislike how the third power of this item is referred to by a wordless sound instead of having an actual, speakable name.

Mail of Ash-Woven Ramparts - One of my personal Top 16. A bit overpowered/underpriced, but I suspect it would make tactical combat very interesting. Also, to me, the visuals inherent in this item suggested a designer who would be able to make a very awesome map.

Monastic Staff - This item was almost exactly the same as the first draft of my own item, right down to the name. I would explain at length why I changed my item from doing exactly what your item does to doing something slightly different, but the judges seem to like your approach better, so my commentary would be largely irrelevant.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Norgorber's Lens - The reality warping effect was a really roundabout and confusing way of granting concealment and a few numerical bonuses. Also, there are no rules for facing in Pathfinder, so how do we know which way the area of effect is directed at any given time?

Phantom Guardian's Ring - A large chunk of this item seemed to be just repeating text from the spiritual ally spell, so it felt to me like the item could be summarized as "spiritual ally three time per day, with a few adjustments." I suspect I would appreciate the adjustments better if I were more than passingly familiar with spiritual ally, but it's not a spell I see used often, so I wouldn't recognize clever variations upon its theme if I saw them.

Raven Leather - One of my personal Top 48. While I agree with some of the judges critiques about this armor not being very protective for the price and feeling a bit like a wondrous item, I think both of those problems could have easily been fixed with some minor tweaks. I think the mojo of the item more than warranted a minute or two of effort tweaking it to seem more armor-like.

Rod of Gravimetric Attraction - I didn't keep the full text of this item, but it is one of my personal Top 48. I disagreed strongly with the objection some posters raised that the pull special attack would work better than a drag maneuver. Characters can take feats to get better with the drag maneuver, but no parallel exists for pull. By using drag, this item can serve as a reward for characters who choose to devote feats to combat maneuvers.

Rod of Illusory Casting - One of my personal Top 48. I figured this rod would be popular with voters because I keep seeing people requesting some way to do the things this item does. I don't necessarily agree with just packing all of those abilities into a single, convenient package for spellcasters, but I appreciated your attempt to address a popular-but-underserved design space.

Rod of Resonance - One of my personal top 16. Probably underpriced, and more utilitarian than flashy, but I liked how it was sort of the opposite of a silence spell: silence negates all sonic effects in a radius, this item enhances all sonic effects in a radius. And, lest it be argued that this item's benefits are too good, silence still trumps it completely.

Serpentine Stave - "Stave" is not the singular of "staves," nor is it a synonym for "staff."

Skywalker's Cloth - "Skywalker" will always make me think of Luke Skywalker and family. Always.

Staff of the Auraboros - I suspect that you intentionally mispelled "ouroboros," but I can't know that for sure. Also, I am not sure what an "aura effect" is.

Tempest Bow - One of my personal top 48. I thought this was a nice, clean implementation of a flavorful idea.

Windpath Razor - One of my personal Top 48. I thought the wording was elegant and the effect was interesting.

Wing Smasher's Hammer - Any weapon meant to ground flying creatures should really be a ranged weapon; otherwise, how are non-flying creatures supposed to use it against flying creatures.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
varathiel wrote:


I felt good about it going in and I did see some people mentioning items that did ranged drags and how they should use Pull instead. My argument to that is that the Pull universal monster ability is not mutable like a combat maneuver. It is always a set distance ...

Don't forget, the whole point of magical items is that they bend or break rules in small ways. So you could have used Pull instead of drag and it would have been looked at as a variance brought about by the magical effect of the item.

That's part of the trick of Superstar, doing something small and unexpected.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8 aka Jrcmarine

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

These were just my thoughts during voting:

Sarenrae’s Desert Caller - This was on my keep list until it was DQed. I really liked this one! Didn't like the unlimited mini sandstorms. Price/cost incorrect.

Thanks, Thomas. I was wondering if I got DQ'd for some reason, although I still am confused as to why I was DQ'd. The item wasn't a monster. It added a template to your summoned monsters, so call me ignorant, but I don't understand the problem. I knewit was a risk, but I didn't think the risk would be DQ.

The pricing is only a little bit off. You have tousesome discretion because the powers are situational. Never-ending sandstorms? Only if you only cast conjuration spells all the time and only during the casting of the spell. Admittedly, most summon spells have a full round casting time, but cure spells do not.

I posted a revised version removing the template in Phloid's thread.

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Anthony - It isn't clear because I was unable to post the item's final version, but I did use the item to magically bend the rules of the Drag maneuver. I was simply arguing against the idea that Pull was the perfect ability for my item. It took less words and offered more interactivity with existing feats and abilites to alter how Drag normally works compared to Pull.

Eric - Thanks for the kind words. As I said I was confident before I saw a few keep lists and my item was absent. It is nice to know it made it on someones keep list.

metid wrote:
Riftcarver Bow

Good: Has a consistent thematic; ground, rock, stone spikes, breaking things (the giant hair bowstring seems to break the theme a bit, even if the description claims these bows were made by dwarven druids). The ground breaker power is a neat back-up ability.

Bad: How does the ranged trip work, precisely? Like these optional mechanics or a regular CM check? It doesn't specify. Also, I'm not fond of RPGSS bows with the 'adaptive' property, anymore than I like seeing RPGSS weapons with the 'impact' property. I don't think they need to be that optimized, and there's usually something more thematic you can do with that +1 bonus.
Overall: I like this a lot. Could use some rules clarification, but otherwise I think it's pretty solid.

Star Voter Season 8

In the desire to maintain my sanity, I'm not going to critique every item posted in detail, but I will try to at least give some commentary.

In the desire to maintain the sanity of my fellow forum users, I'll make extensive use of the spoiler function when I feel the need to be verbose on a topic.

And without further adieu; Page 1!

WINDPATH RAZOR: Cool thematic, but could use more weapon abilities.

* The activate-on-draw is neat, and ties in well with it being a weapon.
* Only 2,000gp of 20,000gp (10%) of the magical enhancement is actually applicable when using it as a weapon. To me, this is then something you carry around to use its daily abilities, and then go back to your nine-to-five sword for the actual heavy lifting.
* The secondary ability feels unnecessary and has a few issues (e.g. terrain over 1ft in height), and should have referenced the air step spell it is clearly based on.

ROD OF VERSATILE CHANNELING: Sometimes useful, but overall too simple in purpose, and too complicated in application.

* It lets the wielder channel the other energy type 3/day, but poorly if their not a member of a limited list. Not really worth 11,000gp IMO
* Choosing your alignment/channel type is a choice the player made, and I don't personally like items that give workarounds to let people have their cake and eat it too. Just IMO.
* Caster level 17th makes this VERY hard to make.
* In short: It needs to do more, and be less complicated.

ALCHEMIST'S RETORT: Pricing incorrect, but otherwise a cool, low-price shield that provides defense while staying true to the alchemist thematic.

* Price and cost should include the cost of a masterwork light steel shield: 159 gp
* Should mention which alchemist abilities apply to the explosion, and which don't. E.g. Apply Int to damage? What about discoveries?
* Wording is a bit messy: The shield explodes and reforms, but still has unused items in it (and they're intact?).
* Could mention the limit of how many items it can hold a bit earlier, but that's just a quibble.

ENLIGHTENED JIAN: Honestly, I think it tries to do too much, and for too low a cost.

* Disclaimer: I'm not a guru on the Monk class, given neither I nor my players tend to use them.
* While there are feats around that allows you to use Wisdom to attack, or gain Wisdom to damage, they are very limited.
* In a History of Ashes (from 3.5), there was the guided weapon +1 bonus property that allowed you to use your Wisdom to attack and damage... but that's not really part of Pathfinder, and I'd be dubious of the pricing.
* Assuming the above, that leaves 9,320gp to cover making it a monk weapon as well as the spend-ki-for-air-walk.
* I think it's just a bit too much of a one-stop-shop for certain character builds for me to really be on board with it.

MAIL OF ASH WOVEN RAMPARTS: Good concept, messy implementation :(

* Given that 15,000gp of this armor is essentially a form of SiaC, it makes it an interesting idea, but not so desirable given the limited actual defense you get for your coin.
* A lot of the description could be simplified by just referring to the spell, ash storm as applying to the affecting squares.
* How wide is the curtain? 5ft? You should probably specify.
* What happens to things only partially in the effect?
* How long does it last? Is it one move action per use? If so that is very expensive for what it does...

GRAVE-NETTLE: Pricing is off. Wording could use some work too. In short: It's a villains weapon. I could see using something like this as a plot item... but that's about it. By the time a PC could afford it, its abilities would be largely redundant. But kudos on me thinking of a short campaign arc while reading your item :)

STAFF OF THE VINEYARD: Solid druid theme, but a little too down-to-earth (terrible pun, I know).

* Cost: 400 x 1st level x CL8 + 300 x 1st level x CL8 + 200 x 1st level x CL8 + 200 x 2nd level x 1/2 CL8 = 8,100 for the stave, so a price of 16,200, as listed. It really should have a bit extra added for extra abilities.
* This item really needs the "can function as a +1/- quarterstaff" rule added (with appropriate cost), to make proper use of the shillelagh
* I'm not normally a staff fan, but this is one I could see in the hands of a druid as a good, day-to-day item. The issue is that I think the RPGSS needs something a bit more glamorous.

Star Voter Season 8

ANGAHAZAN'S BLOODTHIRSTY SPEAR: Price/cost is off. Also, given that a keen +1 longspear is already 8,305gp, paying only 1000gp for the rest of the abilities is a little excessive, especially as it gives extra attacks on crits.

CHRYSALIS CARAPACE: Pricing WAY off (sorry, but it is). Price/Cost off too.

* +8 Fullplate is already 65,650gp. Then it gives free proficiency to a limited number of people (call this a limited use of a feat, so ~5000gp), 3/day CL10 fly... like a double-length winged boots, so probably around 32,000gp (twice its cost). And then once a day it can eat a spell and gain another 4000gp property.
* Also; If the armor is intended to be able to be used by druids, it is worth expressly stating that it can be.
* Otherwise, it's got a theme going, but feels a bit cluttered to me, and the corrected price tag would be a big turn off for most players I know, as they usually want more protection from their armor.

DIRK OF TREACHERY: On one hand, the betrayal function is entertaining. On the other hand, it's a keen miniature sword of subtlety, with extra stabbing akin to a situational double-ambush. Allowing for the mini-subtlety ability being a +1, it should probably have some extra price associated with the betrayal dice.

MONASTIC STAFF: I'm always leery about items that mess with core mechanics or class features, which includes a staff that runs off monk levels & ki, and rather potent ones at that. Most of the price tag is in the form of the spells and weapon abilities, leaving little remaining for the unique property of granting monks access to bard spells from their ki.

SKEWER SHIELD: It's a +1 light steel shield that can mount a weapon in it for shield-bashing, or shoot it at an enemy, to which it applies either returning (+1) or anchoring (+2). Overall it feels messy and overspecialized in something that people generally don't do much of, or can probably do as well by simply throwing a throwing weapon with their other hand, or using a spiked shield. The pricing is also weird.

CATAPULT RING: This item needs to either allow a save (like telekinesis) or use the combat maneuver mechanics, as a melee touch is almost guaranteed to succeed, and used in the right location (and players are amazing at finding and setting up the 'right location') it can easily turn into an insta-win item.

LIVING COPPERTHREAD NET: Submitting a net is a gutsy move, as they're an exotic weapon that few people truck with. This one is interesting, and takes a lot of the problems of nets away by it being animated… but it's a lot of cash for what it does, and to me falls into the millionaire's menagerie category of magic items. In short: A cheaper item with a similar theme may have worked, where this one didn't for me.

SHIELD OF COMPASSIONATE RADIANCE: Poorly worded, but good shield for paladins.

* Items crafted with the Craft Reliquary Arms & Armor feat don't have a magical property associated with them, so holy reliquary should not be in italics, as it will confuse many a casual reader into thinking the shield has the holy weapon property.
* The light radius should be specified in the item description, given that torches create two light levels around them. Does the effect have a 20ft radius, or 40ft?
* Otherwise, it's a neat holy-themed shield with good defense and some perks that help a paladin really show their stuff.

JAILBIRD'S SWEETHEART: It's a +1 (2000gp) adamantine (3000gp) dagger (2gp) that, once per day, you can summon to you via a keyhole (the remaining 2000gp). And otherwise use as an adamantine dagger. Personally, I feel it's too simple. I'm also a bit ambivalent about the summon function, as frankly it strikes me more as something a GM would use to troll his players, than anything else.

WEAPON TRAP SHIELD: Messy. And a time-trap.

* It's a reactive disarm, usable whenever someone misses you by 5 or less, which is priced as a +1 property.
* In theory, not so bad. In practice I would be loath to let this go anywhere near my table, as any GM (including me) has enough to worry about without having to track by how much they missed that one PC, and then pause while disarm attempts occur.
* If instead it was an immediate action to use when an enemy hit you for the shield to try to grab their weapon, and you lost your shield bonus to AC while it carried the weapon… then that might be more usable.

RAGATHIEL'S REGALIA: I'm reminded of the Tyrael armor mods for Skyrim.

*Could use more explanation as to what happens if you make armor out of two special materials simultaneously (not normally possible). It appears to simply have both of their effects? I'd suggest this as being a misstep in the design.
* Pricing wise… Adamantine = 15,000gp, Mithral = 9,000gp, Fullplate = 1,500gp, +3 = 9,000, wings of flying = 54,000gp, and then effectively constant daylight, which you've priced at 35,500. So it's in the right ballpark at least. Cost is correct, if using this.
* Honestly? It's a bit too much of a mash of items for my tastes, with the majority of the cost being something that is essentially a themed wondrous item.

PERPETUAL VORTEX STAFF: Kudos for creativity. Unfortunately, there are a number of problems with this item.

* Can anyone use it? What happens with caster level?
* What effective spell level are these spells? This is important for a number of different effects, such as globe of invulnerability, as well as the pricing.
* If we assume the same spell level as what creates it; 3rd, 3rd and 4th (arcane), we get: 4th x 1/3 x CL9 x 400 + 3rd x 1 x CL9 x 300 + 3rd x 1/2 x CL9 x 200 = 15,600gp cost, and 31,200gp price.
* Honestly, this should have been a rod with a use/day or use/week activation limit on the powers. As a staff… it just doesn't work so well.

Star Voter Season 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

RAVEN LEATHER: I hate to say it, but this would be much better as a cloak, and thus a wondrous item. Armor that costs 69,875gp, put spends only 4,175gp on actual armor properties and defense is… not ideal. Also, the focus on shapeshifting basically means you overwrite the characters abilities with the armor, which is a huge negative to me.

COURTIER'S SOLITAIRE: A +4 competence bonus usually sets you back about 1,600gp, so four of them would be over half the cost of this item. It then gives a +4 to saves vs illusions (which is fairly powerful), and something that basically amounts to 120ft blindsense, and the ability to always act in the surprise round. I'm not sure what the author intended, but as written this item is very powerful, and vastly underpriced. On a personal note; I tend to downvote auto-win items.

THE WING SMASHER'S HAMMER: Cumbersome name for an interesting, if flawed item.

* While an interesting concept, the implementation is problematic, not the least of which is trying to hit a flying creature while not being able to magically fly yourself.
* Next, the cost puts it in the range of 7th to 10th level characters, for whose opponents the DC15 Fort save will be largely trivial to beat.
* I'm not sure the price is truly worth the effect, and would recommend something like a throwing hammer be more fitting than a warhammer for practicality.

STAFF OF THE HIDDEN BLADE: I both love and hate this item.

* What I love: Great visual appeal, unified and tight theme, has some complications (sword must be sheathed to cast spells) and a lot of cool factor.
* What I hate: The ki spellcasting. I appreciate that I-cast-spells-with-ki is a popular thing, but personally I am leery of such items, especially when they include some of the most useful low level (and thus cheap) spells going. I'd personally prefer it to be a more conventional staff, where rogues can operate it with UMD if so desired. But that's just me.

STAFF OF ENTWINED ELEMENTS: I'm afraid, Golux, you're right about me with this one at least; The visuals on the staff are interesting, but the abilities just came across as being a bit too utilitarian and dry. Sorry :(

HONEYCOMB CUIRASS: I like it. I also have a brother who's a professional beekeeper, and it makes me think of him, so I might not be entirely unbiased :P.

* While the cost of 12,600 for the special abilities is pretty high, it's not so great as to push it too high into the levels for the DC19 Str check to become moot, so still worthwhile.
* The "stick" ability is simple, elegant and easy to use at the table. Great work.
* The hilarity that can be had with this item is something that is worthy of special mention. Especially if your campaign setting has bears. Or ants ("What is this, armor for ANTS?!"). Or children.

DEADEYE'S SHEPHERD: Very tight design, and with great interplay with the Ring of the Ram, bringing new life to the old. I could nitpick about bow design and composite vs. compound and recurve vs. longbow… but that would seriously be nitpicking. All told, very neat.

ROD OF GHOST TEETH: Very strong on the corpse theme; firing teeth at enemies (why am I reminded of Shadows of the Damned?), and drawing on the knowledge of the dead to understand languages. Sadly… it comes across as more of a fire-and-forget (for the day) item, rather than something a character would be consistently using, which to me is a bit of a downer.

GRANDMASTER'S PLATE: This item could really use something more than the once per day reshuffle ability to strengthen the theme and make it more than a SiaC. Also… did it have to be all checkerplate? Really? Couldn't the thematic have been displayed with more subtlety, like say… a white king on one pauldron, and a black on the other? Did it have to be so mind-numbingly garish? (Sorry… but really, it is kinda horrifying…)

SIGHTSTEALER RAPIER: Strong theme, but fell a bit on the execution, I think. One of the issues is that the thing that makes it more than a +2 rapier is a once-per-day ability, which has a DC13 Will save to resist, and given the price tag; unless used on hapless commoners, it will generally fail. With different mechanics, it could be quite the signature weapon.

THIEVING BUCKLER: Price/cost is off, and while it has a good thematic, it also has a few issues.

* Firstly, as a matter of thematics, I would have thought a bonus to the Steal combat maneuver would have been more appropriate than Disarm.
* The "miss by X" mechanic is not something that really needs introducing to the table, in my opinion.
* The chance of not only disarming, but disarming and hiding their weapon in an extradimensional space, while requiring no actions on the part of the wielder…. That is an ability I would expect to carry a significant cost, in addition to the cost of the buckler +1 and handy haversack ability.
* Cost = 1/2 magical enhancement cost + full cost of the mundane item.

DIMENSIONAL SKEWER: Interesting idea, but needs some clarification in the description. Can you create a new vortex while attacking through an existing one, and thus 'chain' the effect? It's rather important to set the rules down in stone with regards to how items like this are intended to function.

PHANTOM GUARDIAN'S RING: This one comes across as a bit of a SiaC with modifiers, and really could use a passive ability that encourages the owner to continue wearing it after its daily uses are done.

MUMMER'S SLAPSTICK: It's a 24K gold +1 club with a 1/day DC13, 1 round duration, hideous laughter which can be extended by beating on people. Aside from the jester thematic… most players I know would sell it, buy a wand and pocket the hefty difference.

Marathon Voter Season 8

Kudzu Wrap
Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 13th
Slot Armor; Price 44,100 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

This suit of +3 Scale Mail looks and feels like a mass of writhing metal vines and leaves. The armor has a 10% arcane spell failure, maximum Dexterity bonus of +5, and an armor check penalty of -1 due to the constantly shifting vines that move out of the way to give better mobility but serve as a distraction to arcane casters, and counts as Light Armor. When not being worn, the Kudzu Wrap appears to be a single wooden leaf, though it is much heavier than a normal leaf.

Donning the armor is done as a move action, and requires being able to put the leaf up to the wearer's chest, and the armor will grow around the wearer. The wearer can remove the armor by touching the leaf and thinking of a wooden leaf, or can say a command word which will cause the vines to explode outward. This explosion is enough to automatically break any nonmagical bonds around the armor or to break a grapple of any creature up to one size larger than the wearer. For any creature 2 size categories or more larger than the wearer, the Kudzu Wrap gives a +10 bonus to the grapple check. After speaking the command word, the armor is no longer worn, though the leaf stays attached to the wearer's chest until removed.

Druids may wear the Kudzu Wrap without penalty.

Requirements Craft Magical Arms and Armor, plant growth, transmute metal to wood, ironwood; Cost 27,050 gp

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Would like some feedback as well on my item.

Ring of Remembrance
Aura moderate transmutation and faint enchantment; CL 7th
Slot ring; Price 11,120 gp; Weight -

The simple silver band that is a Ring of Remembrance often escapes casual notice as if it wants to be forgotten. It is useful only to casters that prepare spells.
Once per day as a full round action, the ring allows the caster to retain any spell of 3rd level or lower that he had cast up to the previous round. However, the caster's memory of the spell is incomplete, causing the retained spell to fade if not cast within 1 hour.
Also, once per day, the ring can be used to directly influence the wearer's memory, allowing him to forget one of his prepared spells, opening the spell slot as if he had never prepared it.

Requirements Forge Ring, Memory Lapse, Mnemonic Enhancer; Cost 5560 gp

Shadow Lodge Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka ugly child

Clangoring Chime
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th
Slot: none Price 11,912 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
This +1 thundering earthbreaker’s head is an ornately runed iron bell. Mounted on a stout wooden haft, the bell rings constantly in its owner's grip. In addition to the usual effects of a thundering weapon, when the wielder critically hits an enemy with the chime, a loud tone reverberates. This tone can be heard as a note created by the spell horn of pursuit.

Once per day as a swift action, the clangoring chime can be charged with sound and vibrates in the wielder's hands. The next time the wielder hits a creature it emits a knell of force. The creature struck is targeted by a bull rush as a large creature with a CMB of +12. In addition a creature hit must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 minute. If the wielder does not hit with a melee attack that round the charge dissipates. This is a sonic and force effect.

Any attempt to use the stealth skill while wielding a clangoring chime receives a -10 penalty. The chime may be stowed and muffled while not being used in combat. The chime may be used as a musical instrument with the Perform (Percussion) skill. The wielder cannot use the chimes activated power in an area of magical silence.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blindness/deafness, shout; Cost 5,956 gp

Sovereign Court Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Raynulf wrote:
LIVING COPPERTHREAD NET: Submitting a net is a gutsy move, as they're an exotic weapon that few people truck with. This one is interesting, and takes a lot of the problems of nets away by it being animated… but it's a lot of cash for what it does, and to me falls into the millionaire's menagerie category of magic items. In short: A cheaper item with a similar theme may have worked, where this one didn't for me.

Emphases mine.

1. The "Gutsy" move is what I was going for. Part of me wanted people to read the item and be like, "A net!? Wow, someone went there!" or, "Dude, I would totally take the exotic weapon proficiency to use this.

2. A lot of cash, you say? I knew some would see it that way. When I did the original calculation using the table in chapter 15 of the Core Rulebook, the formula spit out high-70-something-thousand (Because 3 per day vengeful outrage) I saw that and said, "Let's scale that back."

Then, I got to considering the scope of what this net actually DID. First, nets strike vs. touch AC--usually a pretty easy strike. Then, the target is covered by this net that is repeatedly striking them at a great advantage (twice, no less) because of the entangled and grappled conditions now afflicting the target. Then, if escaped, the net acts on its own with no additional attention required by the net's thrower, so the character can focus his or her attention elsewhere in the battle. All of this came out to be absolutely bananas in low-level play. So I needed a price that a level 7ish-8ish-9ish character could afford.

3. After submitting the net, I reread it a few more times. After a while I knew this net "Wouldn't quite do it" for some. Maybe I should have gone with "twice a day", so I'd feel inclined to scale the price back some more. There were a few more possibilities. But with time running low, and many messages on the forums encouraging us not to wait until the last minute, I submitted it before I went too drastic with changes.

Thank you very much! ^.^

mechaPoet wrote:
Honeycomb Cuirass

Good: One of the more imaginative entries. Aside from being a +1 breastplate of deliciousness, this armor has a nice, simple mechanic to do with being sticky. All pretty cool.

Bad: I'm not entirely sure if I could use this in a serious campaign. A lighthearted, comical campaign, sure. It just doesn't scream "I'm an adventurer/warrior/rogue!" so much as "I am a madman with a sweet tooth!"
Overall: I do love this. I have to admit though, there would be some nasty drawbacks to being constantly coated in honey. Also, I'm really glad the durations are there and are sensible, because otherwise I could see players attempting to tap that cuirass like a maple tree.

Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

"Brigg"...[b wrote:
Living Copperthread Net[/b]...

@ Brigg This isn't a full review with critiques (just compliments). I wanted to say I really liked the Living Copperthread Net and upvoted for it often during voting. For me, the description, writing style, and mechanics were all well done and interesting, and it was one of my personal top 32 picks :)

Star Voter Season 8

Brigg wrote:
Thank you very much! ^.^

No worries :)

I figured people put their items up for comment, so I'd at least try to give as much feedback as I can.

That said, there is a slight disadvantage to doing so for hours on end:

Raynulf wrote:
STAFF OF THE VINEYARD: Cost: 400 x 1st level x CL8 + 300 x 1st level x CL8 + 200 x 1st level x CL8 + 200 x 2nd level x 1/2 CL8 = 8,100 for the stave, so a price of 16,200, as listed. It really should have a bit extra added for extra abilities.

Yeah, my math there is wrong. It adds up to 8,800 cost, and thus 17,600gp price. Aaaand technically you start with the highest level spell, though in this case the numbers work out the same.


Scarab Sages Star Voter Season 8

Counter Shield
Aura Moderate abjuration; CL 8th
Slot Shield; Price 8170 gp; Weight 15 lbs.

This +2 heavy steel shield bears the embossed image of a turtle. Three times a day, when an enemy's melee attack hits you, the shields power can be activated as a free action. Instead of hitting you, the attack is redirected to any target of your choosing, but within the attackers reach. The attack automatically hits and deals damage to that target instead.
The enemy attacking you can not be the target of this redirected attack.

Requirements Craft Armor Magic Arms and Armor, repel metal or stone; Cost 4170 gp

Scarab Sages

Wow, 300+ posts already.

Here's my item, which made it through both culls (Thank you to whoever voted for it), despite having a mistake in cost/price being transposed. My mistake, and I take full ownership of it, for not giving myself enough time to have it proofread by others before submission.

Vestment of the Twin Soul

Aura faint abjuration, conjuration (healing), divination and transmutation; CL7th
Slot armor; Price 22170 gp; Weight 18 lbs.

This +2 hide shirt is adorned with numerous tassels, pockets and pouches, to hold mementos of a creature at various stages in its life; locks of hair, moulted scales, baby teeth; and items it feels comfortable with, such as earth from its home, favourite food treats, trophies of its hunts, or well-loved toys.
These keepsakes strengthen the bond between a master and any kind of bonded partner, such as animal companion, familiar, or eidolon, allowing it to roam further afield, without fearing for its safety or pining for home.

The effective distance of any empathic bond or shared senses is doubled, as is the range of any communication spell such as message.
The master is always aware of the distance and bearing to the bonded creature, as long as they are currently sharing senses within empathic range.

An eidolon may venture twice the usual distance before suffering reductions to its hit points (see the Life Link ability), and the daily duration of the master's Bond Senses ability is doubled.

All bonded creatures and their masters may use the strengthened bond to protect each other. As long as they are within 100 feet of each other, either may spend a swift action to transfer 1d6 hit points of damage from their partner to themselves. This damage is not reduced in any way by damage reduction or energy resistances.

Construction Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, life conduit , unfetter, locate creature, crafter must possess an empathic bond with another creature, such as a hunter's animal companion, summoner's eidolon, or witch's familiar; Cost 44170 gp

Sovereign Court Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Acre wrote:
Brigg wrote:
Living Copperthread Net...
@ Brigg This isn't a full review with critiques (just compliments). I wanted to say I really liked the Living Copperthread Net and upvoted for it often during voting. For me, the description, writing style, and mechanics were all well done and interesting, and it was one of my personal top 32 picks :)

Thanks so much! Someone told me it's like the Magic Carpet from Aladdin! It made me happy. ^.^

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I learned that it was a mistake to make an expensive/end game item (I felt there wasn't many exciting late game items). I am looking for critiques beyond cost/level availability, etc. as I am hoping to improve my design skills (and not my poor "choosing of an area within the game to work" skills). I would like to thank everyone again last year that critiqued my "Taxonomist's Codex". I would also like to thank anyone that voted (up or down) or that looks my item over once more.

O-yoroi of the Eternal Flame
Aura strong evocation; CL 15th
Slot armor; Price 244,900 gp; Weight 45 lbs.

This continuously flaming +2 o-yoroi sheds light like a torch, and is warm to the touch. The armor takes no damage from fire and provides the wearer with 20 points of resistance to fire.

As a swift action, the wearer can shroud himself in flames for one minute. The flames take the form of protective wings of fire that do not grant flight. While the flames are active, any creature attacking the wearer with natural or non-reach melee weapons takes 1d6 points of fire damage with each successful hit. Any creature within 10 feet of the wearer must make a DC 24 Reflex save each round to avoid taking 4d6 points of fire damage at the start of its turn.

Once per day as a full-round action, the wearer may benefit from a heal or greater restoration spell as cast by a 15th level cleric. Once this ability has been used, the armor loses the ability to shroud the wearer in flames for 24 hours.

Once per year, should the wearer be killed (by damage or a death effect) and the armor is not destroyed, the wearer’s remains immediately erupt in a fiery explosion resembling the form of a phoenix and deal 15d6 points of fire damage to all creatures in a 30 foot radius (Reflex DC 24 for half). The wearer is returned to life fully healed as if brought back to life via resurrection 1d4 rounds later. Once brought back to life in this manner, the wearer cannot activate any of the armor’s other abilities for 24 hours.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, continual flame, fire storm, greater restoration, heal, resurrection; Cost 131,825 gp

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 8

I really don't know where I went wrong here. I know the Cost is off because I forgot how to cost magical armor; I know I survived the cull so I'm not a complete idiot, but seem to have made nobody's keep lists. Too obscure a rules component, maybe?

Freebooter's Longcoat
Aura faint transmutation and enchantment; CL 4th
Slot armor; Price 9050 gp; Weight 10 lbs.

Using a mithral chain underlay as opposed to the metal plates of most armored coats, this +1 mithral armored coat was designed to appease marauding ship captains and their eagerness to pillage other ships. This armor is treated, in all ways, like light armor, including when determining proficiency. When boarding an enemy ship, the wearer of this armor is not considered flat-footed, and may make a single charge attack against a target of her choice as part of the boarding action.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bladed dash, tactical acumen; Cost 4525 gp

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy

Dagger of Dretch Dominion
Aura moderate conjuration [evil] and evocation; CL 6th
Slot none; Price 12,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Crafted entirely from cold iron, this dagger features several small, sharp barbs along its slightly curved blade. Tiny but foul, Abyssal writing, etched into the iron, circles around the hilt, providing traction and insight into the dagger’s purpose. Lastly, a faint smell of acrid sweat exudes from the weapon.

The dagger functions as a +2 cold iron dagger, but shows its true power when demons, especially dretches, are called to service. Wielding the dagger gives you a +4 bonus on all Charisma checks when dealing with dretches, this bonus is reduced to +2 while interacting with other demons. Unruly dretches can easily be dispatched, as the dagger always deals full damage to them.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster III (dretch); Cost 6,250 gp

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Mark Seifter wrote:
*It seems like one could load a pair of these with colossal falcatas and go to town for 6d6 damage 17-20/x3 crit and whatever other extras you put on the falcatas. Even with medium falcatas, it's still a way to TWF essentially two one-handed weapons while getting shield bonuses and taking no penalties for TWFing (Shield Master).

I had to puzzle this one out for a bit, but then I realized: this looks like my efforts at tightening word count just wound up confusing things. At least, I think that what happened here is "damage type and critical values" (two things) read as "damage, type, and critical values" (three things).

I was concerned that just saying "type" would wind up confusing folks on its own, and I didn't want someone thinking that inserting a longsword, for example, actually turned the shield into a sword, when it really just made attacks count as slashing.

Looking closer at the PRD, while the phrase "damage type" does occur in the rules for type ("In a situation where the damage type is significant..."), almost every other occurance in that entry uses "type of damage," instead.

Which is all to say thank you, because it's exactly these little kinds of style elements and specific phrase preferences that I'm trying to pin down. :)

The expanded crit via an exotic keen weapon and the TWF reduction options were by design, since I was really looking for a way that shield-sympathetic folks might be more effective. The "make your light shield into two-fisted monstrous damage" was definitely not. :)

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Skewer Shield - Just didn't like this one. Allows wielder to insert any magic weapon they would not be proficient in and still get the bonuses from it. Hey buddy, lets load that huge two-handed sword in your shield and fire it! Levitate missing from requirements. Price/cost incorrect. +1 light steel shield.

While I'm kind of excited that more than one person thought my item was overpowered when I worried about the opposite, the description explicitly limits loaded weapons to "a single light or one-handed melee weapon with which she is proficient." It does, by design, make those items throw-able even if they normally aren't, but I believe as written, you either couldn't load or couldn't gain the benefit from loading anything with which your character wasn't already proficient (and you could never load a two-handed weapon).

Gah. This sounds like I'm arguing, which isn't my intent. I think your read is a great indicator to me of the kind of thing I need to be better at highlighting. It sounds like the restrictions got lost in the rest of the entry, and I should have done a better job of pointing the reader to them before rushing into the rest of the elements.

Question: why levitate?

Raynulf wrote:

SKEWER SHIELD: It's a +1 light steel shield that can mount a weapon in it for shield-bashing, or shoot it at an enemy, to which it applies either returning (+1) or anchoring (+2). Overall it feels messy and overspecialized in something that people generally don't do much of, or can probably do as well by simply throwing a throwing weapon with their other hand, or using a spiked shield. The pricing is also weird.

Okay, this is closer to what I thought / worried people might have to say. I was, probably unsurprisingly, inspired by the Shield Champion Brawler. Heck, the first draft of this only gave the spike benefits on thrown shield attacks.

The launching aspect was in part an attempt at expanding it out of its niche, but it sounds like any mild expansion of usability came at the cost of a less cohesive theme.

And yes, pricing gave me fits, but the pricing charts just felt completely wrong. Stacking its effects wound up making this exceedingly cost-prohibitive for what I think it does. I tried to bring it closer in line with a +1 Merging shield, since I thought it was a slightly better version of that ability with a few other bells and whistles.

As with all the other commenters, thank you!

And thanks to anyone else who wants to chime in. I really do appreciate all of it. :)

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Corpse Thicket Javelin

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 4th

Slot none; Price 5000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.


While some battlefields may be dotted with rust and decay, druids mark their victories with new growth. This +1 wooden javelin is made of still living wood. Upon wounding creature, the javelin begins to take root and will begin to deal 1d6 damage per round for 2d4 rounds. While this occurs, the javelin begins to root into their flesh and grow around their body, causing the creature to gain the entangled condition. A creature may make a Strength check (DC 16) to free themselves from being entangled, but the javelin is still rooted in them unless it is pulled out, which deals 1d4 damage for each round it grew. The javelin will only grow if it enters the flesh of a corporeal creature. After growing, the javelin becomes a young tree, 3 feet tall. A creature, Large or smaller, that has let the javelin complete its growth gains the exhausted condition and now is carrying an additional 10 lbs.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, entangle; Cost 2500 gp

Sovereign Court Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Acre wrote:

Ready for review. I'm all ears :)


Mail of Ash Woven Ramparts

Acre, I went back to see if you posted your item, and I was so so SOOO happy to have seen that you submitted this.

This armor was on my keeper list. It is a visually artistic and compelling item, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

My only grievance with this item is the fact it says it does not restrict movement, then immediately says an Overrrun maneuver is required to move through it.

Overall, big thumbs up here!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Petty Alchemy

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Donald Robinson wrote:
O-yoroi of the Eternal Flame

I'm skipping to this one because I also had a concept for phoenix armor. I'd avoid Eastern armors unless there was a specific reason to go with them. I'd also expect stronger on the armor side than +2 for a 244k item. I'd ultimately suggest downgrading this to more of a mid-tier item and cutting/downgrading some of the abilities.

Sovereign Court Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeremy Corff wrote:

I'd love some feedback if anyone has the chance:


Jeremy, I absolutely applaud you! Your item was #2 on my personal list just underneath the Rod of Ghost Teeth. I liked it so much, that if I had actually managed to win this contest, I was going to ask if I could incorporate the Springheart into a surprisingly relevant facet of the module I'm designing. But that will have to wait. ^.~*

The imagery created by your item's description is unmatched in comparison to other items available at that low of price. The single temporary hit point is a wonderful thing to have when you are level 1 or 2 and don't have a whole lot of gold. And the message sending power is very sweet.

The first time I read the on-death trigger, I got choked up as I could visualize it. I literally said aloud to nobody, "I love this item!"

Like any item, however, it's not perfect. There are a few template flaws such as the non-italicized spells that don't need to be capitalized. And the sentence that states the on-death trigger is awkwardly worded. As just a bit of constructive criticism, I'd edit the sentence to read:

If a creature wearing a Springheart dies, the message sending ability triggers on its own; taking the sad tidings to the former wearer's dearest loved one.

This is my suggestion because if the person is still wearing the ring, we already know that the sending ability has not been used.

Once again, I totally applaud this item. You took a chance and stole my heart with it!

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer , Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Morton wrote:

Skywalker's Cloth - "Skywalker" will always make me think of Luke Skywalker and family. Always.

I honestly didn't think of that at all (and I really should have! How did I not notice?!? Haha.) I was originally going to call it Skysearcher's Cloth, but that was too close to the dwarves Search for Sky, and it certainly wasn't meant in the same context.

Gah, I can't believe I didn't notice! (Better luck next time).

Dark Archive

Ghastly Plate
Aura Moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot Armor; Price 25930 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
This +1 ghost touch breastplate (agile) is constantly giving off faint eerie light. It is crafted by enchanting an armor taken from a corpse of a slain enemy.
The wearer of the armor can 3 times per day imbue his held weapons as though they had ghost touch ability for 8 rounds.
Additionally as long as the armor is worn the user appears as a ghostly image of himself similar to the spell ghostly disguise but without a Will save to disbelieve, only the armor appears normally.
Requirements Craft magic Arms and Armor, Ghostbane dirge Cost 13240gp

rip it apart as you please

Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Rod of Eldritch Horror

Aura strong conjuration ; CL 18th
Slot none; Price 84,000 gp; Weight 6 lbs.


These warped and jagged rods are fashioned from long splinters of blackened coral and are usually encrusted with fragments of broken shellfish. A rod of eldritch horror functions as a +1 seaborne light mace, and is often carried by the darkest nightmares and the deepest denizens of the sea.

When the wielder of a rod of eldritch horror conjures a single creature with any summon monster or summon nature's ally spell, he may choose to imbue the summoned creature with the hideous power of an ancient and terrifying sunken city.

A creature summoned in this way gains a +4 profane bonus to strength and constitution and changes its alignment to chaotic evil. The creature grows 1d3+1 slime covered appendages, each of which can make a tentacle attack as a primary attack. The creature gains spell resistance equal to 10 + the level of summoning spell used to summon the creature + the creature's modified constitution bonus.

In addition, once per day, a creature summoned by a rod of eldritch horror gains the Horrific Appearance ability of an Augnagar Qlippoth. (PFRPG Bestiary 2)

Whenever a creature is summoned using this rod, there is a 5% cumulative chance that instead of the selected creature, a Gibbering Mouther is summoned adjacent to the wielder. The Gibbering Mouther cannot be dispelled, acts immediately and attacks its summoner until it is destroyed or the summoning duration expires. This chance is reduced by 5% for each 24 hour period the rod is not used to augment summoned creatures.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, contact other plane, freedom of movement, plane shift, touch of the sea; Cost 42,000 gp


Things I would do different.

1. Lower word count by removing a few superfluous descriptions.
2. Remove the reference to the Qlippoth. People don't like looking up abilities.

Please rip it apart!

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dreaming Star
Aura strong illusion (shadow); CL 17th
Slot ring; Price 50,000 gp; Weight
Coalesced from purest ether, shining with a flickering multi-hued corona of palest starlight, a dreaming star resembling a constantly transforming gemstone, rests in a delicate and intricate ring setting reminiscent of the night sky, which channels its unfettered power.

The wearer of a dreaming star may once per day, upon command, evoke from herself or a willing or unconscious subject, whom she can touch, a dream or fantasy which she forces into reality.

For a number of minutes equal to the wearer’s charisma score the evoked fantasy manifests as if created via shades used to emulate create demiplane. Individuals, details, and items within the dream are as if created with persistent image, with the exceptions of adding tactile sensory feedback and operating as they would in the dream rather than to a script.

The wearer of a dreaming star may as a full round action choose to destroy the star while it is manifesting a dream so as to allow her to select one item or person from that fantasy and grant them a permanent form. Items created by this use of a dreaming star may not have a sale value greater than that of the star. Individuals created thus are as created by Simulacrum using the bearer’s level as caster level, with the exception that they maintain their own free will and are only as loyal to the bearer of the star as they were in the dream that created them.

This use of the dreaming star immediately ends any dream or fantasy currently manifested by the star.
Requirements Forge Ring, persistent image, shades, simulacrum; Cost 25,000 gp

Any critique or commentary is welcome.

Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Mark, Thank You for the feedback on my Thundering Shield. I see that my "Price/Cost don't match", in an effort to improve my craft I've recalculated using a formula that I saw in this thread. Is this the correct way to calculate cost/price on armor, or can you point to where I've made a mistake? Many thanks for your time.

+1 living steel heavy shield with an ability based on sound burst one time a day

Item price - masterwork armor = 2(item cost - masterwork armor)

? - 1,270 = 2(command word: 3x2x1,800, once/day divide by 5, - 1,270)
? - 1,270 = 2((10,800/5) - 1,270)
? - 1,270 = 2(2,160 - 1,270)
? - 1,270 = 2(890)
? - 1,270 = 1,780
? = 3,050
Price = 3,050
Cost = 1,780

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka mechaPoet

Aaron Miller 335 wrote:
mechaPoet wrote:
Did you just link to d20pfsrd and not adhesive on

Yes. I--well, honestly the PRD doesn't have hyperlink text on that armor ability, so I didn't really know how to link it. d20pfsrd is just something I'm more familiar with and it was easier to link. :P

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Azouth wrote:

Just checked my notes.

This is how I got the price
Full plate 1,500
Adamantine 15,000
Mithral 9,000

Because both Mithral and Adamantine are masterwork don't need the 150.

price of magic 98,500

Okay your math checks out, but then you should have added the adamantine and mithral to the +3 full plate to annotate it as such and italicized. But there is no precedent for mixing materials. +3 adamantine-mithril full plate?

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Raynulf wrote:

Price = 25,025gp

Cost = 50% Enhancement + mundane item = 12,250 + 525 = 12,775gp

Looks like I mathed badly! Apologies.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

These were just my thoughts during voting:

Hammer of Besting - Needed a new name. Duration is to long and ST bonus too high. Formatting issues. +2 warhammer. Price/cost incorrect.

Ephemeral Staff - Very close to making my keep list. Good solid item, just didn't seem Superstar in my eyes.

Staff of the Auraboros - The sex toy staff. Bad activation method and didn't like description. Neat idea.

Staff of the Twinned Path - Spell list wasn't cohesive. Didn't like how hand was considered free for spellcasting, it's a two-handed weapon.

Cuirass of Distortion - Auto-hit = down vote. Free AoO is also bad form. Should have used blur. Underpriced.

Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Okay your math checks out, but then you should have added the adamantine and mithral to the +3 full plate to annotate it as such and italicized. But there is no precedent for mixing materials. +3 adamantine-mithril full plate?

I was debating if I should have just spelled it out that it was:

Armor bonus +9
Max Dex +3
armor check penalty -3
Spell failure 25%
DR 3/—
treated as medium armor purposes of movement and other limitations

Looks like I should have.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Thunderfrog wrote:
Rod of Eldritch Horror

This was one of my favorites. I saw it very early in the voting and was my first "keep".

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

These were just my thoughts during voting:

Energizing Breastplate - Bad, bad Template Fu! You listed most of the faults. Should be uses/day not encounter. Inadequete mechanics. Add simulacrum to requirements. Underpriced.

Rod of Gravimetric Attraction - Boring when compared to the other gravity items. Bad mechanics.

Pg 6 Complete

Kudzu Wrap - Didn't like grapple mechanics. Don/remove mechanics didn't sync. +3 scale mail. Price/cost incorrect.

Ring of Remembrance - When refering to item in text, don't capitalize unless a proper name is involved. "Useful only to" down-check. Not a Superstar idea, but solid item.

Clangoring Chime - Solid item, but not Superstar. +1 thundering earthbreaker. Minor formatting issues. Price/cost incorrect.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Covent wrote:

Dreaming Star

Any critique or commentary is welcome.

Covent, this was one of my top-20 items. It was very interesting. It went places that are completely foreign to my groups play-style, but I loved it just the same.

Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Lash of Wild Roses
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 19,201 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
The Lash of Wild Roses was created with the intent to capture or dissuade aggressors to the woodland realms and glows when wielded. The handle is carved from the living root of a rose bush, with thorny vines woven together forming the length of the whip. It functions as a +1 whip.
With a successful attack, the Sylvan word for “bind” causes one of the vines to separate and entangle the target as if they were in the area of effect of the Entangle spell. A successful DC15 Reflex save allows half movement, as normal, but the only way to escape the vine is with a DC15 Strength or Escape Artist check. Note that the vine is covered in thorns, doing 1 point of damage for each time either save is failed. The target can choose to decline the saves and avoid the thorn damage.
Once per day, the wielder can say “take root” in Sylvan and take a standard action to strike the ground within the whip’s range to cause a large rose bush to grow instantly, as per the spell Wall of Thorns, though it creates only a single living rose bush that fills a 10’ cube. This power will not work if used on stone or other nigh impenetrable surface, and those with Woodland Stride are unaffected as normal. Provided it receives nourishment, the bush is permanent.
The whip handle must be placed in water for ten minutes at least once a week, or it hardens and dies.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Entangle, Wall of Thorns; Cost 9,751 gp, and one living rose bush.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

These were just my thoughts during voting:

Energizing Breastplate - Bad, bad Template Fu! You listed most of the faults. Should be uses/day not encounter. Inadequete mechanics. Add simulacrum to requirements. Underpriced.

The per encounter was one I didn't pull out because I found these in the PRD! (bolding is mine)

Parting Shot (combat)
“Benefit: Once per encounter, when using the withdraw action”

Mythic Adventures Glossary…
“A mythic character might be rewarded with a boon several times in a single session, but no more than once per encounter

Grin, so that one was from a precedent - evil grin.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.

These were just my thoughts during voting:

Counter Shield - Auto-hit = down vote. Boring item. Underpriced.

Vestment of the Twin Soul - Solid item, but not Superstar. +2 hide. Price/cost incorrect (lol!).

O-yoroi of the Eternal Flame - Poorly done mechanics. +2 flaming o-yoroi. Price/cost incorrect. Note: phoenix items are overdone.

Freebooter's Longcoat - Didn't like description. Too niche. Price/cost incorrect.

Dagger of Dretch Dominion - So niche it hurts. Good description, but boring mechanics. +2 cold iron dagger. Price/cost incorrect.

The Exchange

Thanks for the comments on the Betrayer's Blade, I'll keep them in mind as I go forward. This was actually the first item I've designed for Pathfinder, but I'm working on a couple of 3PP projects that will have items in them, so it was good practice.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Anthony Adam wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

These were just my thoughts during voting:

Energizing Breastplate - Bad, bad Template Fu! You listed most of the faults. Should be uses/day not encounter. Inadequete mechanics. Add simulacrum to requirements. Underpriced.

The per encounter was one I didn't pull out because I found these in the PRD! (bolding is mine)

Parting Shot (combat)
“Benefit: Once per encounter, when using the withdraw action”

Mythic Adventures Glossary…
“A mythic character might be rewarded with a boon several times in a single session, but no more than once per encounter

Grin, so that one was from a precedent - evil grin.

But did you notice those are not magic items? An encounter could be an RP scene, trap, haunt, or etc. Thus a limit usage is needed.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

These were just my thoughts during voting:

Corpse Thicket Javelin - This was on my DVF list. Evil GM: Last night i turned the party into walking shrubberies. Yeah, I made sure they couldn't remove the corpse thicket javelins quickly. Now if they take them out they die. They spent about an hour arguing about how to trim themselves. +1 wooden javelin. Price/cost incorrect.

Ghastly Plate - Solid item, but not Superstar. +1 ghost touch agile breastplate. Add etherealness and ghostly disguise and remove ghostbane dirge in requirements. Formatting issues.

Rod of Eldritch Horror - On my keep list. Needs a limit on uses/day. Didn't like the gibbering mouther bit. Formatting issues. +1 seaborne light mace.

Dreaming Star - Good description, but spells in a can.

Lash of Wild Roses - Issues with wording and boring abilities. Never list the command words. Should have been made from greenwood. Don't need to add rose bush to requirements. +1 whip.

Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Lash of Wild Roses - Issues with wording and boring abilities. Never list the command words. Should have been made from greenwood. Don't need to add rose bush to requirements. +1 whip.

Fair enough. Greenwood! of course. Command words, never again.

I'd considered avoiding the second part about the rose bush and adding something where roses would sprout from the entangling vine and indicate alignment with color, but it would be tricky to describe that coherently within the word count.

I'd appreciate more detail on the issue with wording, but no worries.


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Re "once per combat": If it's bad design, then it made its way into the APG's cavalier class. I think that opens things up for potential superstar use and shouldn't be discounted just for using it. That said, the items that use it probably have to pack some major mojo. But I guess that is a given for any item.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
But did you notice those are not magic items? An encounter could be an RP scene, trap, haunt, or etc. Thus a limit usage is needed.

Re "once per encounter": Parting Shot is clearly meant for a combat. For Anthony's item I would say it's probably meant for combat as well, but if a trap drops some fire on you then why not let them half the damage and split off into a simulacrum?

Anyway, it's interesting to see what's a taboo mechanics usage despite published precedent. Definitely an interesting difficulty curve in this competition.

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Well I thought my entry wasn't half bad for something I typed up on my iphone during a curry with my gaming group. Would very much appreciate a less biased opinion than my own on the subject. Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to review my entry.

Foe Stitcher
Aura Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th [Price 15,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

According to legend this weapon once belonged to a cruel fey queen.
This oversized needle counts as a +2 silver rapier. Whenever Foe Stitcher deals piercing damage to an enemy, it creates a silver thread that connects the weapon to its victim. This thread counts as invisible except to the wielder of Foe Stitcher or those under the effect of See Invisibility or an equivalent and possesses a maximum length of 200ft. The thread possesses hardness 5 and 12 hp, it can be cut through by the usual means or with a dc 25 strength check.

Any enemy inflicted with a silver thread can be subject to a Drag maneuver at range as a Standard action. This can be modified with feats as per the Drag maneuver.
Whenever a second enemy is damaged with Foe Stitcher, the first enemy damaged becomes subject to a ranged drag attempt as a free action. Treat the second enemy as the one initiating the drag maneuver for moving the first enemy. Enemies affected by this ability cannot move farther away from each other than the distance they were apart when the ability was used, without first breaking the thread connecting them. Subsequent drag attempts by the wielder continue to target the first enemy struck. Only two enemies can be effected by this ability at once. If enemies would be dragged into adjacent squares as a result of this ability they are sewn together, which causes them to count as entangled in addition to the restricted movement.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Animate Rope, Chain of Perdition
Cost 7,500gp

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 9

XPathfinder wrote:

Disruption Disc
Aura faint abjuration and conjuration; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 2,709 gp; Weight 4 lbs.

This plate-sized metal discus functions as a +1 throwing shield when thrown, but without any special weapon qualities.

A disruption disc will attach to an arcane spellcaster if the attack roll equals or exceeds the spellcaster’s touch AC. (It deals damage if the attack roll also equals or exceeds the target’s standard applicable AC.) Up to five discs may be attached to a single target--each disc adds a cumulative 10% spell failure chance to the target’s arcane spell casting. In addition, the target gains a +1 bonus to AC for every two attached discs. This bonus is treated as an armor bonus that stacks with existing armor bonuses, including those from other discs.

A disruption disc clings to its target for 1d4 hours. The most recent wielder of an attached disc can remove it by hand; no other physical means will remove it. Dispel magic will remove attached discs; treat all discs attached to a creature as one magic item. (Unattended discs, or discs merely carried by a creature, are treated individually.) The DC for the dispel check is 11 + the highest caster level of an attached disc + 1 for every attached disc beyond the first. A successful check suppresses the magical properties of all attached discs for 1d4 rounds as normal. Discs that are suppressed cannot attach to targets, and will fall off if already attached. They do not re-attach automatically when the dispel effect ends, though they may be used again.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel magic, glue seal; Cost 1,459 gp

Thanks for the comments. I've got to really drill down on the price/cost (etc.) next time.

Anyone: is the formatting issue that I italicized "discs"? Any other formatting issues?

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